-- -wt- inifVi h1i i,( " " TILE SCJKAJNTON TIIIBUJSJMOjSTDAY', OCTOBER !), 18JJU. Publtihed Dally. Exrt Sunday, by ' Tho Tribune Publishing Company, at nrty Cents a Month. New York Ofllcc: 150 Nnosnu St.. s s vheeland, Bole Agent for Foreign Advertl'lnif. Entered nt tho Postoiriro nt Scrnnton. Pa., as Scccnd-Clnss MirtJ Mnttor When rpaco will permit, Tho Tribune Is nlwnys Bind to print abort letters fnim Its friends lirnrlnfr on current topic but ltd rule Is that thrpo mint bo ulgncil, for publication, by tho writer's real name TEN PAGES. SCIIANTON, OCTOHIltl 9. 1S90. KEPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. State. Justice of tho Supremo Court J. HAY imOWN, of l.nnciistcr. 3U(!bo of tho SupiTlor t'oiirt-JOSIAII K. ADAMS, of Plrllnilrlphln. Btato Triuurer-MEUTi:NANT COL- onei, ja.mi:s e. iiAKNurr, of Washington. County, commissioner'"-john rotminn Mon- IMS (if Scinnton; JOHN PENMAN, of Oh pliant Audltnrfl-WII.t.TAM E. JOHNS nnd ASA i: Kinrint, imth ot strantoii. Election tiny, Nov. 7. Thf rolo of martvr ! nlwnys as sumed by tho editor of n pallidal sheet Wrrn punishment Is threatened Brought to a Focus. Tin m n behind tho Runs In Manila to. dn (it In fmnt nf the m lioolhorrve. of law mid ordei nnd will bo followed by the men with th" wt ImoK and the llllilc. brlim-lng tin aits nf IMIIr itlon, risptct for 1 it . i II c I nrdi I and the w, Hiiro of lounti) Si i tnr Knot, at QuIiim III. H n:i: in a scntenci:. we have picsentcd the whole nre for expansion Tho now perietal y of war, In hi- flrt publli dellveiaiiee since hi In came one or the pus dent's olllcln' t. un til t'is-ely formulates the lsuo in a manner detilng contradiction or ova Morr His aiit sentence nt once fits the faets of the past the tempi r of the present and the IrrosKtlble l"clc of tho future t'pnn what fiontlcr ms the American lille cracked that It did not herald the HWlft approach of the church nnd school'' "Win re has th flag gone tint cIom- In its wake has not followed the ruble and the let book, with their spei di trirle reMilts of liw, ordci and v oil-rounded devil ipmoiU? Upon what rate, upon what soil, Ins Anerl can soietelgnty ever laid the harsh hand of tyranny ot oppression? When In its history has Its widened Jurisdic tion failed to bless, materially nnd spir itually, eieiy worthy soul over whom its aegis has been extended or neglect ed to oiien new doois to pletv, thrift nnd ambition0 From whom has It ever substiated a hair's weight of genuine and wholesome freedom" The rebellious Tagalogs of far-off Luzon nny not Know American hls torj it Is new to them. They mas sif tor four centuries of SpinlMi mis-rule not piibiss tho quick discernment to differentiate immediately between the hand that lobs and tho hind that aids Time must oieueome their .suspicion", epiiiuico must te.uh tin m the truth nbout merlcan Intentions and insti tutioiis Hut It seems to us tint the pxnulhe ofllcials of this government, lnborlng ns they are under a burden of great responsibility, liavo u right to expect of educated and Intelligent Ami lie .in citizens a hettei comprehen sion of and a finer faith in the ehar netei nnd Intent of Amei lean nile, whether exorcised upon tho mnln land or upon tho dependent islands of the. sea than prevail omong tho l diets of Spanish oppression; and tint libel" and culls from theso citizens both should ceise When Lieutenant Colonel Harnett tomes to Seranton he will find a united paitj determined to ghe to Agulrr aldo s allies In Lickuwanna us sound a trouncing ns the Fighting Tenth gave to Aguinaldo's followers in Lu zon Cuban Criminal Law. O.METIIING like the spirit of the abused wife hlih piompts her to take tho part of the abusive hus'nr.l the moment a humane stranger undertakes to teach him a lesson In benv i i ap pi u is to prevail among the legal fin- ti i nits in Cuba with n spcit to tho Amiiiiau proposition to reform nnd to Impmse tin antiquated Latln Ameilean svstem ot eilmlnul Jurispru dence In voguo In that Island. Not on'v do the native lussyeis alllrm that they do not want a change but thv have the hnidlhood to assert that the srub Stiurtlon of tho Anglo-Saxon fcjstem juld be a chango tor the ivori'. II me is a specimen opinion, Feeured by u Washington Star representative In Havana from air eminent Jurist who has practiced law not only Irr Cuba and South Amei lea but also In the United Mates. "A great ado has been mndo In tho I'nlted States and by mlslnfoimi'd per sons heie bpcnuse the proceedings rf the first stage of a prisoners tilal with us ate held in secret The answer to this Is that the practice has been sanctioned by custom, which Is strong er than any law, and that it has al wavs been found to work well. Be sides the second stage of tho trial is public, and all tho pioceedlngs of tho llrst are then made known. There must he some secrecy nbout the pnesj of ascertaining tho guilt or innocence of the accused, ns Is home out by tho manner of conducting affairs In your own grand Jury si Btom. I have studied tiro Anglo-Saxon criminal laws, and I have no hesitation whatever In euylnii that ours nre In eveiy way superior to them In accomplishing tho ends of Justice. To my mind tho ripest fruit of your system Is tho court preside 1 over by Judge Lvnch. No suth revolt ing crimes committed In tho name of Justice have ever been perpetrated In any country ruled by Roman luw as the lynchlngs which occur so frequent ly In your highly civilized Uu ted States, Again, It Is a matter of com mon knowledge that muidorers caugh' red handed, who have escaped coavln tlon through some technicality, or be- s cntno of some eloquent advocate' np pent to the feelings of tho Jury, nrc common nil over your country. It Is not ho with us." Trial by Juty, It should bo unuV luVr nn u it In stood, Is unknown In Cuba. A man nn filed, thrown Into prison, kep solitary confinement during i longer or shorter period, Is secretly examined by a Judge, whoso solo duty seems to be to convict, nnd Is not cen allowed, the prMlcKe of counsel until his publls trial, which taken place nt the pleasure of the Judge. Such n thing ns permit ting a prisoner to he rolensed on ball is at course unkown, nnd tho habeas corpus net has no place In tho code. All of this naturally urate1? harshly upon the Amei leans sensibilities nnd Impress upon him na most disrepu table. Hut, like the Cuban lawyer's reference to the Ametlcnn system, It Is possible thnt our people exaggerate the exceptional Instances of Injustice nnJ underestimate tho percentage of In stances In which tho Latin method permits Justice to be administered. In other woids, tho trouble li? less with the system than with tho condi tion of public education and morality sui rounding and Inlluenclng Its opcui tlon. A Just Judge, ocn under the Cuban system, ould administer lustlec probably ns easily us crooked Judges or Jutots tinder tho American ojst'm could nullify it. Our first concern In Cuba should be the education and the moi.il Improvement of the peoji'e, es pecially tho oung riom thl3 as n foiintnln souice nil good .hlngs will How. "Agulnaldo represents only about 40, 000 out of S.000,000 people In tho 1'hll Ippluc Islands. W'u could not Justify tinning over our authority in the Is lands to u dlctntor iepies,ontlng such a small poitlon of the population" Admiral Pewoy. For President In 1901. A NOVEL- VIEW ot the Dovvev presldcntlalquestlon is taken by the Democratic Philadel phia, Itecord, which sas: The hero of each of oui great vsars has been rewarded vslth this highest gift of the Amcilcau piople, unci It would be eh lined u re punch to the tountrj should Admiral Dessei alone fail of attaining si eh well nurlted holier. Ho has lamed all the people ian give him, ami If ho shnll Use the lessnrd which lie deserves sslll not be denied Hut Admiral Dosses toilu stunilj as our national hero, sslthniit the slightest slain or tarnish to iiliFcme that glory of which wo all Dem ocrats ami Jte public ins ullKc, aro so proud, nnd nothing cuiild compensate us, or him, for lessmlng in the slightest de gn e the reverence with which lie is re garded. He his earned his high pl ico In the nation's regud In tho posi tion h'sIkiuiI him bv Picsidint Mclvln lis, who liis given him constant support nnd the highest appreciation This being so, Admiral Pcwcv could not be true to hlmclf If ho should change his politics ns a. me ins of person il ndsaneement nnd al low himself to be used ns a means of supplanting the administration through whoso ngencv ho obtained the oiinortu- nltv he so well used of miking his name Immortal ya wtu wo had IJcwey free from ol ligations, KafP an, sound In the Demoi ratio ranks, but ns tb it cannot be It is our hope that In pull ing down his admirals pennant nnd tak ing his pl ico In the bodj of our cltlren hhlp ho will not find nni lessi v level In the vsholo eountrs s grateful regard. These eminently sane and sensible observntlons on tho part of our es teemed contemporary are followed by tho suggestion tint if. In 1901 the Re publicans shall not nominate Dewey, the Democrats will, taking him on his own record and merits, without a plat form. The Record's faith In its parts 's ability to select so wisely five years hence is beautiful, considered In tho light of the Democrac's present cn mi'di merit for a veiy Inferior favorite, AVIlllam JenningD Hrvan That party must free Itseir from its old love before it ean contract an honorable alliance with a nos Hut we aio content, ns no doubt Ad miral Dewey also Is, to remit this deli cate question to that distant future. If in 1901 Admiral Dewey shall bo alive, is ell, and anxious to Karn a noss- trade it is exceedingly unlikely that he will base to apprentice himself to such a sorry master ns the Rrvanlzed Democ r acy. The more probable supposition Is that then, as now, he will stick with rare good sense to his familiar profes sion, nnd cast his vote and voice for his frierrd and benefactor, McKinlcv's logical successor, Theodore Roosevelt. The Filipinos have done nothing to Jus. tlfy tho I'nlted Strtes In m il.ing- war upon an Inufteiislve peoplo on tho other side of the globe Times - jirurrenmo-7 was it right for Agulnnldo to pie-uriango an attack on our lines when, neither In word nor in deed, had our nuthoiltles been other wise than kind to him and to his peo ple' Having staited In to assassinate out soldiers, ought he to bo given his own wa ? Ashore and Afloat. HAT AMERICAN is there who can contemplate without slnme the state J ments of fart made be foio tho IndustUnl commission on Fri day last bj Mr. Frank Nenl, represen tative of a largo shipbuilding llrm in Philadelphia? "Of the 2s,000 000 tons capacity as. Figned to International oceanic trnde," said Mr. Neal, les than 300.000 tons nre of Amei lean registry. In other words, allowing 3.00J tons to the vessel, there are only 100 American vessels en- Kugeu in transoceanic oarrvlng." jjr, Xcnl said that there was not a single Aineilcan line with nil American ves sels transporting freight across either the Atlantic or the Pacific. The Amer ican Lino is the nearest approach, al though several of Its steame-ra have boon constructed nbroad. AVo ate selling to the woild at large more than a billion dollars' worth of produce annunlly (soon It v ill be a bil lion and a half) yet out of our profits on this giowing export trado we aro diverting Into tho poeketR of our com mercial rivals rrearly $200,000 000 or 20 pet cent of our entire gross receipts from exports. Wo nre doing this by hiring them to ship our goods for us. We are hiring them to ship our goods for us because we have not ships of our own In which to carry this great volume of commerce. Tho Republican pnrty proposes to correct nil this. It proposes to fnnct law giving moderate subsidies to Amer ican vossols, so as to cnuble them to w compete successfully with the cheaper ships nnd chenper crows of other na tions which now have tho run of tho world's ocean carrying trade. This policy will encourugo American capital ists to build ships nnd sail them under tho Amoilcnn ling. It will ninko It possible for these American ships to carry merlcan crews nt tho American rate of wages nnd still earn n profit In tho face of Kuropenn competition. It will cost somewlicro In tho neighbor hood of $10,000,000 a year when In full operation, but It will give us a respect able merchant matinc, enable us to keep at home a large part of the nearly $100,000,000 now anrually paid to for eigners for ocean freight, and provide us with n fleet of vessels capable of nuxlllaiy naval use In case ot war. Piotectlon Iiub made our Industries supremo on land: It will do likewise for our Industries nlloat. "While our armies are moving for ward In the remote parts of the world, the armies of our Industry, of our en terprise nnd of our progress are not less successful nt home. While our Hag Is carried forvvnid In triumph irr distant climes, the gieat work and progress of this people nt home BtnmH absolutely uninterrupted, and the American people were never ao happy, never so contented, never so prosper ous In all their homes as they aie to day under tho administration ot Pres ident McKlnley. Confidence has boon eveiy where established, enterprise ban been armed with new vigor, nnd our people nre moving forward with an encrgv, a confidence, a hope and a suceess which Is absolutely unprece dented, oven In our glo.ious career of success " Postmaster General Smith at Qulney, III. Dewey's good sense has trgaln been manifested In the frank manner In which ho has accepted the homo nro vided for him by the American peo ple. When offlclally informed of the gift tho admiral expressed his gratifi cation without hesitation and signified hl3 choice of location in a practical wny, arrd did not remark "this is so sudden1 Of the nearly $19,000,000 worth of ex ports going out of Havana in the first eight month3 of this year tho United States took nearly $13,500,000. or 71 per cent. Theso figures show where Cuba's natural maikot is and leave no doubt of Cuba's ultimate annexation. The logic of trade, which annexed Hawaii, is tenfold more powerful In the case of Cuba. When the United States prepared for war with Spain certain English critics commented on our slowness. Uncle Sam can nosv return the compliment. "Yacht racing, like politics, Is evi dently full of uncertainties. Why not decide the cup ownership this year by steam yachts? HUMAN NATURE STUDIES He Was TJnaimed. A good stury Is being told In Germany of tin. nntl-beuilte burgomaster ot Vienna, Dr I.ueger Three solders waited upon him tho other dny as n. deputation, und during the courfeo of the Interview ho akid tho llrht one: "What would ou do If tho impcror ordered ou to shoot the burgomaster of Menna?" "1 hhould Mioot him," was tho stolid rcpl "Oh," said the doctor, "svhat may be jour religion?" "I am a 1'rotostant " "In that caso I nm only slightly Bur priced ut run " Tho second soldier gavo tho samo kind of nn answer, i.ass tllo Washington Post, nnd In reply to nn imiulry as to his faith, declared that ho vsas n. Catholic. This rather startled tho burgomaster, who thcuiipon turned to tho third soldier. Tho latter replied: "I should not thoot tho burgomaster " "And whs not, my friend?" nsked the doctor. "What Is our religion?" "I nm a Ilcbress " "What1" said the burgomaster. "Don't j oil knoss' th it I am the greatest Ilebross hnter in nil Austria nnd Hungary? And jou would not shoot mu? ' "Oh," replied tho man; "it Is merely be cause I do not carry n gun. I am the drummer of my regiment." A Poker Story. This poker story Is told In tho Xcw York Sun on tho authority of u welt known colonel "I was coming home from Europe, ' sns he, "sshen tho game beran. Thero ssns 0ear Patten, a thea trical rnnnngei ; Jim McCormlck, a poli tician; lid Cobbett, an udsanco agent; 11111 JlcCliue, a nossspaper man, and my self McCluio dmlt Patten drosv ono card McCormlck took three, Cobbett tsso, mjself one. nnd McClure, who ssas dealing, stood pit We bet nnd bet nnd raised and ratted until nil of us had rl"Kcd far more than wo could afford to 10ie l'lnallv thero vsas a call nil around. "McCluie laid down his pat flush Patten showed four clRhts, ho had hi Id llrrou ot tlum nnd caught tho other. Jit Cormlek felt good for a moment ns ho sliossed four nines he hnd caught tsso to Ills original pair, Cobbett laid down four tens, basing caught ono In his four card draw Hut I made 'em all look s-lck when I plajed a hand thnt I held but once In my life befoie It was u roal Hush nf hearts, gentlemen, and" 'Hold on, Colonel 11111," shouted tho Sun man, "jou said Cobbett held four ten How many tens ssero there In that pack?" "Young man," said tho colonel, after a silence that had been so dense that jou could cut chunks nut of It, your mind Is too analytical. 1 have nothing to say in my defence. I was cnnled away by my enthusiasm. Let's havo a drink." A New Critic. The Into Tranclsquo Sareoy was, sajs the Youth's Companion, for forty years a figure of great prominence In Trench literary life. As a critic of tho drama he was looked upon ns ono having authority, nnd'prnlse from htm meant success to tho struggling plujss right Ills criticisms were honest, fearless and Independent, und tt Is remembered of hlnr thnt ho refut-itl tho honor of belonging to tho Prench Academj, lest ho should como under obligation to favor tho plajs writ ten by other members. Hnrcey's good sense was often put to tho test. Ono day a friend came rushing Into his room, waving a paper. "What's tho matter?" Inquired the critic. "Hero's some one," cried the other, "svho has been calling jou 'nn Imbecile' In print! Aro you going to chnllengo him?" Sarcey smiled. "Certainly not." ho re piled "I owo him mv thanks. Tho pub lic will soon forget tho word 'Imbecile,' and will only remember having reud my name." Won on His Second Wind. "It was such a good Joko on mo," said tho girl In tho gray velvet tormo to tho gill In tho blue velvet shoulder-capo, us they stirred their hot chocolate, "that I must toll jou. "You know how John has been nronos. Ing to mo nt rcgulnr Intervals ever slnco ho was out of knickerbockers. Well, ho did it ngnln tho other night, nnd, with his itsunl fatality, choeo tin occntdon when I w ns v ei y cross "Ho did It a little, more awkwardly than usual, too, deliberately choosing tho old-fashioned method of ottering mo 'his hnnd and heart.' " Hero sho paused to drink somo choco late, nnd tho girl In bluo asked breath lessly what she snld "Oh'" remarked tho other, In tho tono of one relating nn event of no lmport nnce, "I told him that I believed I was nlrendy provided vslth tho full quota of bodily organs, and that 1 wouldn't deprive him'" "Atur what did he nay?" "Well, llclle, that's the funny thing. Ho seemed to brnco up. nnd snld politely thnt nt any rnto there was no doubt about my having mv full shnro of check! Arm I was so delighted to find a man capable of even that much reparteo on being re jected that I accepted him!" Collier's Weekly. Ho Wasn't Alnrmed. Tho old gcntlemnn who runs tho second- hand book storo near tho capltol Is ready of wit nnd quick of tongue, sass tho Washington Post. No ono knows this better than Thomas H Reed. Ono day last spring Mr Reed pass(.d tho book storo In a driving rnln. Tho eccentric ossner of tho plnco pat In the doorway calmly smoking his pipe, whllo tho vol umes ssero being snaked. "Don't ion know thnt lour books aro getting vsef" nsked tho speaker, vslth frlcndli Inteiest. "Oh they II bo dry enough when It comes to rendln' 'em," camo the philo sophic reply. She Frankly Criticized. Science meets occasionally with humor ous rebuffs. Professor Helen Campbell who until a lenr go occupied tho chair of Domestic Economics In tho Knnsns unlverslt, lectured ono evening beforo a literary society In nn out-of-the-way town. At the end of tho nddress ono of the committee, a tall, gaunt woman, said aloud "Well' I thought I was going to learn something, but It vsns Just n lot of ordi nary housekeplng mixed up with long words nobody could understand!" A Useless Presentation. At tho meeting of a board of gunrfllans It was proposed thnt nn honorarium bo presented to tho clerk, who had been very energetic In tho Interest of tho board. A vsell-ine.inlng but somewhat unedu cated member aroso and startled his hearers bv remarking- "Gentlemen, our worthy clerK don't wnnt nothing of the sort If vse give him a honorarium bo ssouldn't have time to play it A sum of money would bo of much more service to him." Answers. A Successful Shower Bath. A Scotchman was orrco advised to tnko shosser baths. A friend explained to hlnr hosv to lit up ono by the tho tiso of a els tein and colander, mid Sandy nccordlngly set to work, and had tho thing dono at once, Subseqaentlj, he was met by the friend who hnd glsen him the ads Ice and usked hosv ho enjojed the bath. "Jinn," said he, "It vsns line 1 liked It rale we el, and kept msel qulto drj, too" Relng nsked how ho managed to tnko the shosser and jet remain qulto drj, he replied. "Gracious e dlnnn, surely, think I ssns sae daft ns stand nblosv tho water ssllhoot ,u uniDrclla'" Tlt-Rlts. OUR GROWING MAP. Attorney General Griggs at Qulney, 111. I wns Interested to see that vast con courso of school children who turned out this morning, all with flags in their hands, to welcome tho president of tho United States. It took me back In mem or j to tho dajs whin I vsas an American schoolboy, and I remember that In those dajs when I opened my geography I could find nil tho territnrj of the United States upon ono continent and on one page, but noss, when jour children open their books and uro told to point out tho possessions over which tho American flag lloats In sosciclgntj-, it tnkes tsso continents to disclose that terrltorj (Cheers ) o What do theso school children learn about theso Islands that havo como to lis They will be told by their teachers that within a j ear there has been added to our domain u. vnst archipelago In tho Pacific Ocean, peoples with eight or ten millions of souls who speak moro thnn a seoro of different languages, who com poso moro thnn tsso score different dis cordant nnd disconnected tribes They will bo told that for moro thnn MO jears these Islands, rich In n itural possessions, feitllo In soil, hnso been governed by Spanish authoiltj', and that down to tho end of this nineteenth century of civiliza tion nnd progress, thej- have attained not much moro Intelligence, not much more civilization, not much moro wealth, nnd no moro liberty than they had attained In those dnjn when the great Spanish gal leons carried home annually from theso Islands their wreath of gold nnd elisor to enrich tho treasury of King Philip. They will bo told tint todij the United Stntes of Amei lea possesses bj- solemn treatj, signed und rntltied by Spain, accepted nnd approved by tho senate and tho congress of the United States and Us president, tho onlj' lawful sosetelgn tj' and authorltv over these Islands, a sov ereignty and authorltj recognized and not disputed by any n itlon or peoplo on tho fuco of tho earth. Thej- will bo told that In ono of theso Islands, ono of theso nu merous tribes h is raised an nrmy of In surrection ngulnst tho American ting, that thej, whllo our soldiers ssoro in peaceful possession of Manll i attempted to rise and murder them and the Amerlc in re'p rescntatlses then , that they Hied on the iVmerican 11 ig, that they dillod Its uuth- orits, und thnt they have attempted bj murder, b' conflagration nnd by arms to drlse tho lawful authority of tho Uni ted Stntes from tho Island of Luzon Tlitv sslll bo told, theso children of Vim s, thnt theso men who have at tempted this cimiprlso not ono-tenth per ci ut of tho peoplo of theso Islands, nnd tho answer thnt Is to be mado to those who nsk what sso aio to do about It Is tho plain und simple nnssser that was given in IbGl "If nny man uttempts to haul dovstr tho American 11 jg, shoot him on the spot." (Cheers ) o And so, my friends, jour president, jour sccretaiy of ssnr, jour secretnrj of tho n-nsj", aje, nil lojnl peoplo of the United States, nro strlslng to malntnln merely tho lawful authorltj of the United States In theso Islands; to do their plain nnd slmplo dutj', to necompllsh th it svhlch under their solemn oath they have prom ised to do, for vshnt? To maintain not only tho full dignity nnd authorltj' of the American Hag, but to carry It on ac cording to a policy that jou belles o nnd I belles o Is a wlso purposo of providence, which, after 3W jeirs of despotism and Ignorance, has opened tho door of theso Islands to American Intclllgeiu e, to American civ lllatlcti. to American pro gress, to American prospcrltj Tho full tldo of prospcilty tlosss through this Inn I majestically and unrulllcd us this great rlosr llosvs by your cltv We want a river of progress and Intelligence, of Illicit j and civilization, to flow Into theso Philip pine Islnnds and over them nnd over all to float, now nnd forever, tho flag of tho American Union" (Tiemendous ap plause ) NUBS OI? KNOWLEDGE. Tho Street Hallway JournnI estimates tiro llto of iron rmhs for overhead ulrea ut tlitrty-threo uars, and of woodun poles at eleven jetrs. Tlio total valuo of tiro lumber annually manufactured In tlio nortliweHt. including Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, la H0O0O.OW. Traneo losest oery ear by Infection nnd cnntiiKlouH rtlaoaseH .110,000 llen or nearly double tho number of lives lout In tho rraiiLo-I'msKlan vnr of lb7o New Yorlt ranUs flint In nrunufai lu a, ropulatlon, printing and publishing, hops, liny, potatoes, buckwhent nnd milch cows; second In salt, Rllk goods, malt and distilled liquors, miles of rollssny nnd bar ley; third In ngrlculturnl Implements, Iron ore, iron and steel, oats nnd rje; fourth In wool. Tho cheapest' postnl sen Ico In tho world Is that of Jnpnn, vvhero for two sen about seven-tenths of u penny let ters nro conveyed nil over tho empire. Gns nnd electric lights enn bo auto matically extinguished nt a predetermined tlmo by ib new English dcslce having a disk resolved by clockwork with adjust ablo hands on tho face of tho disk, which nro set to coma In contact vslth tho key nt tho desired tlmo to cut off tho gas or electrlclt InenndeFCcnt gns mantles nre strength ened against breakages by a nesv French process, consisting of suspending tho mnntle beforo Incandescence In a tubular well filled with a liquid mixture of paper liber nnd water, a current being created to deposit a coating of fiber on tho mnntle. Tho hoiiHclmnt Is nlmost nn tinknosvn quantity In this eountrs, but In England It reigns on tho Thames. So much of English soclul llto In tho rummer has wa ter lor Its setting tl.nt owners of house bo its spend ns much euro on them as Americans do on their summer homes The surface of nfphalt pavements can bo repaired, when broken, bv the uso of a nosv machine, which has a heating ap paratus can ling both si cam nnd oU pipes, which Is used to soften tho pave ment nnd lit It for resurfacing with tho roller carried nt the rear of the machine In the hull of tho Olimpla thero nro 1.SI7.570 pounds of steel; of brass, 113 000 pounds; wrought Iron, lSO.eXX) pounds; cast Iron, 151,400 pounds and tho steel rivets weigh 313S0O pounds. There vsero ex pended on the hull 9II.S70 hours of labor. In the machinery thero nro 1 1SS.C1G pounds of steel, -in 472 pounds of brass, 313,510 pounds of ssrouglit nnd 379 IIS pounds of cast Iron, besides 31.&00 pounds of steel for nuts and rivets Tho lnbor In fabil cntlng tho machinery nmounted to 011. 211 hours, so that, presuming sucn a thing to bo possible, sais a vsrlter In Collier's Weekly, H would base taken no less than 1,V)1,12() men, each vsorking ono hour, to hnvo built tho Olimpla Tho proportion botsscen tho cost of material nnd lnbor gives C2 per cent, to labor. and tetos. Ornnmental Floors, such as we offer have been in use in Europe for generations. Tlicy are no ex periment, It is safe to consider that no out lay will so furnish and enrich a dwelling as these ornamental floors. They are cheaper than carpets. Floors laid and finished in best manner. Fine line of patterns to select from. Estimates furnished and all work guaranteed. Hill & Coenieflfl 121 N. Washington Ave, Seranton, P.i. A11 offer this week tliat you will appreciate. We Will Make A Fall Overee! Light or dark goods, elegantly trimmed and tailored. Pit and goods guaranteed, FOR $20.00. Wo Jo DavSs, 213 Wyoming Arcade Building : .P IE MAKE I jfplfi Tv wok K$P " X f The advertisements of the Ripans Tabulcs arc made up mainly from actual experiences reported by those who have been benefited by their use. No two persons have exactly the same story to relate, and yet although the particulars vary with every case, each variation has its counterpart in some other person who will be interested in read ing the account and likely to be benefited in the same degree by using Ripans Tabules. To encourage the procuring and sending in of the particulars of remarkable cures and benefits worked by Ripans Tabules, the proprietors make a practice of presenting a small white and gold mantel clock, manufactured by the Seth Thomas Clock Company of Thomaston, Conn., delivered carriage paid to any person who reports an actual case with sufficient accuracy and detail, with name, age, occupa tion of patient. The name is not used in an advertisement without special permission, but is needed to make possible a verification of the facts as stated ami that they are given with entire good faith. All correspondence should be addressed to the Ripans Chemical Company, No. io Spruce Street, New York. Yom Cannot Think No matter how hard you try ol a better place to buy your office sup plies and stationery than at our es tablishment. We carry our lines as near complete as possible. We cater for the up-to-date trade and if its a good thing in office wants we havk ir. We still put the planitary pencil sharpener on trial in any offiice for ten days free of charge, Our line of Stationery and Engraved work is as dainty as ever and wish you to in spect our lines. Reynolds Bros STATIONERS and ENGRAVERS. Seranton Pa. - TirK MODKRN IlARDSVArilS BTOrtH Bimtclhiers9 Supplies Scales, Cleavers, Steels, Black Brushes, Boning Knives, Splitting Knives, Steak Knives. We -sell Nichols Bros.' Cutlery. Every piece warranted. FME & SHEAR CO. 119 N. Washington Ave. - The HMot & Cooeell Co, Heating, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Electric Light Wiring, Gas an Electric Fixtures, Builders Hardware. 434 Laetoana Avene LufltHier Keller L1HE, CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, Etc. J ard nnd Oillca West Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. - A - N'SJ TT IMLEY lauket a!. A few interesting facts for "Blanket Buyers." Blatikett never were cheaper than now but will be a great deal higher Blankets will be sold here "For One Week Only," cheaper than at any other time this season. Now is the time to buy Blankets and HERE is the place to buy them, All Wool Blankets, in White and Colors both 10-4 and 1 1-4 FOR THIS SAUJONLY $3050 a Pair Three Specials In Fine California Blankets at $4 $U, $11,50. We carry a choice line of Cradle and Crib Blankets Blankets for Single Beds ; also in extra large sizes. A full line. Special line of Fancy Blankets, for Smok ing Jackets and Bath Robes, for this sale only $1.25. Wonderfully handsome line of Silk Covered Down Quilts 530 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE FOR A Twenty-Year Gold-Filled Gase a iS-Jeweled Walthall Movement, Both Gmiaraeteed The Best Watch in the Whole World for the Money. MEIOTMAU & CONKELL 130 Wyoming Avenue. Heati og1 Stoves, Rainiges9 Funriniaces, Plumbing amid GUNSIR & FORSYTH, S!3-327 PENN AVENUE. HENRY BELIN, JR., oencuii Anent for tus Wyoralaj DUtrlotfj. & POIIEB. illulnc, HlBitlng.Rpartlne. HmalcsUll and the Unpiuno UridiulaAi LomiMiiy i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. tnlcly I'iikc, Cnpi nnd Kxploisci Uoom 401 IJonnoll llullJla;. Scr-itit.il. AUfclNCIitt fiios. romi. - - vituton. JOHN D 8M1TU & BON, - Plymouth. W.' V. JIULUQAN. - 'WilUes-Uarie. Sao POUT'S