wftjPR'i Tw. n w m ,j " THE SCRANTON TlUBraU-SATClfjAY, OCTOBER 7, 1899. dm& ,c r .e kt I Bimnni.nriiii!!!1"" m fix W w v V tUM,,,, g It will be welcome news to a very laipe number of boolety people In this and other titles to 1 irn that the H.irh dors' bull li UBiiln to be the urwiuiit social feature of the season us It ha been foi nine jeurs past. So many Ulcouiiineinents have attended the prep nations for this notnble event at vmloiii times more that' omi' tb" nbonduninent of the piojert hi" been BCiioiuly consldciod. Hut the splendid faucet-is of Inst yeat's ball was smli os to kIvc substantial reason for the most btillant outlook iniiieiriltnj this season'H o nt. The committee hail reasons to fed illsheaiteiied pi ev ions to th" act ual dav of the ball last Heccniber. An unwonted depression because of fam ily ulllletlons .11 the lli-t clieles. Bloomy flnanelal conditions and many other obstacles seemed to slund In the way of the uual pucces of the pto ject, but nc"-ei In the s"" lal history of Scranton was smh an unqualified Mie cess chronh U d. Surpassing lu beauty, perfection of .urnimoinvr.ti am', smoothness of detail eery previous ef fort the Hieheloi's ball of "Ji still Is Quoted as havliijr achieved a triumpu i ----- - . . , 1 . hitherto unexampled The committee on that occasion 1 011 slsted of Ibs-is. .1. 11. Brooks. I'. U. llelln, V C. rullei, Woithliiffton Scianton and A. i: It int. ji Tiny Ubord to an lnuedlble deeu'e to se cure thr best ieMilt r.rd rueceeded in sutipi-iMiiK ei"i tlu if most (-anguine fl lends T'li" beauty of decorations, th'J Irivpi oathable uppeV anans?ements, and moie than all the upeib Hoot will long 1l iiik mbeicel Mole than all thej aeennipllshcil the unnainlleled feat of i oinine out with a balance to theli 1 1 edit An lominlttee pie"ellt or future, must dipl n onsMornblo ngllttj of action and feitlllty of Imag ination to more than equal that 111 iB nlticent affali This jeai the con mlttee Is composed or J II Hiooits. cli.iliman, V ' duller sectetaiv WnitMnuum Scianton, treasurei 51 1! Tidier and 1' 11. He Un Tlie-i jouni: men leel that this year tlu piorpnts aiv alluilm; to a maivhus ibKiee k 1 empaled with labt season. In the llnt place the t.'Ot) ..,.,. ,.,., v,in,l ,.xti.v on the lloor ..'..1 ..'. ...1 .. n.iu nnc.isl.m Then the indications mullet .1 cmmhi of e- ..oinnii 1 111 ieiv nocliil c-lure nnd the piospeds extend to 8-Vt.inton There oie .1 heady inomlh-s of mine boilM'pauies than weie i-vei elite t tained in this region luloie and society fol; aie laying plans foi their ernimlng and p ipulai fi lends, from othei cities as guebt3. Visltois from and ncai hae heretotoie tt ploited the brllll nice of thete annual cents and this year the list will in cludi mum moie ut of town guei.ts of distinction. The eommittee' !' l''m a,e as ft"" lows Itefrcs-hments-I'. H llelln, M. B. Fuller Deco-atlon' noi tliington Sei anion, F C ruller. Musle-J II. liiuofS, P. '. Fuller, invitations ': !!. lielin, J. H. Brooks Theatu 1. H llelln "H orLhlngtou Scianton Tlu date of the lull will be Filiay, December -!'. and the Lvceum theatie is aluody engaged lor that date. Last ear the number of gueMs weie about :i-0 this season the list will piobably leaOi ino The committee -,f last year n ntimi -s to leeelse encomiums for or- ol ideas dlrplaved in decoia tlons in the iiruingvment of eloak loom d. tails the elegance of all ae-ces-oilcs, particularly ihe bn scheme about the stagi It is piopoed tills year to make still gieatei elaboiatlon of effect In all the-e, ind to oiUiniite nn tain iilans whUb will be a suiprlso nnd a delight to tin fortunate guests. The committee held a meeting' h'-st night at the Countiy Club and in.inped out plans of woik, whiih will give tb nihantage of an eaily stait In amnge ments. Th" vuiplus of last seaon was el. voted ill piellmuiaty ptej .nations and an cntliuslasth beginning was made Next week Mr M H FulL-r. the mwll elected member will give mii dinner to the unnniittee when a fu'i the' announce men' ol details may be epected Todaj theV1e.1t event at the Coun tiy plub will be the men's handli-ap for the beautiful cup offered by Mr. V. L Fuller The tioph N a costal and sll M,r loving cup and Is in the window of FIoicj le lit ooks, wheie it atliaets much attention, as It is decidedly un like any thing heietoloie ofieied at the ilul It Is expected that theie will be a laige number of entiles Vet pJttuduv will be plajed the te turn mateh with Wllkes-liane at the links of the W.vomlng Valley Countiy e lub It is not certain jet as to how mnn men will foim the teams, as a Might misundei standing seems to exist legaiding the original agreement on this point If six ate decided upon, the Ki'Oie of .Mi LaMotte may be tlnown out of last weeks lecotd, which will alter the result most emphatically, as Mr LaMotte had 1-' up of the 111 which the Scianton team scored It is ex pectenl that many menibeis of the WJ WWiViYWiVAViViVWiYrtiVWWWiViVW i 4 s 'v dm ? fir N vi iS ALL STYLES. EJ23 r ; 5 1 LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES, TELEPHONE 2402. 114-110 WYOMINQ AVENUE. L MmwfmfmiwwmMfmfmtmMwn.'Mmm.wmnmKwnfs w &$Jjcrma:l Scianton club will go down to witness the match. It Is hoped that on Tuesday or "Wed nesday of next week our team may be taken down to play over the "Wilkes Marie links and become familiar with the coin se. On the day of the match with Wilkes- Harie, theio will be a Junior handicap for a ilnc cup to be offered by .Mr. llemy llelln, jt when all the youiiK stets of the r'otintiy club may be con tcstauts. Last nlKhfs Wilkes-Huire Times sajs. "A veiy InterestlnK and success ful whist tournament was held last evening lit the residence of Miss Loltiso Murphy, on South Franklin street. The contests were the (lrst of a seiles and some Rood names weie played duilug the evening. The contest was for pairs and the Howell method of scorlnB w-as used. The Raines lesulted in the fol lowing plus scon s: Scranton Mr. 1'ilton unci Jit. lleelj, 4's plii. I'otlsvllle Mis. U.liid Snjder and Mrs. J D Chinch, I! plus, m, VIllllLlli tl I'llHi WllkesUiirre-l'iut k Dotiu'l.n and Mr Flunk U0HKI113 -'- 1 lus llazltton Mi. II (. lluceis and Miss Viustind, T11 plus. Wllkes-ltnitL Law lento H Joins and Cat lton Joms, 1 jii. The follovlia? weio lircFcnt: Scranton: Mesrs John W. iJiionbury; Lorenzo 1..1 l'.u, IJ.iiM'x C Walloie, rrtdtrlek A. Illnteriiielsli r. llarc S Itiiblnson, Jo seph II. Du'eiiimi, Ml. I'elton and Mr. lloelj I'ottsvllle-Mrs. Ilalril Snjdir and Jlis. J U Chuich l.i7letou -Mrs Ilaitlio'oniHW, 3Irs. Uautl, Mis. II. n. Hoaeis, JIIss Jhiy I'mstead. Wllkes-Hm.-Mi. dimI Mi-, h'n 11k, MNs Loilixe C. Muiph, Charles JC LoeIr.i'd, J.awtence Jones and Clint! ton Jones. The piomoteis of the touinament hope to make "Wllkes-Uaue a v.iilst center and theie will be n number of Kiiineb plajed beie 1I111I111; tlie fall and w Intel months. Next week Will b' a hieat week fo' altiaetions -it the Lyceum Tuink JJimeis, in ins new opeia, 'ine .liiira will bo lues-nted Monday 11I14I1: and fu tlilu l.itor omvWtil m nt1orl trio of ictor Ileibeil's Is oviivwhoie aw lit ed wllb int'-iet, no doubt It v. Ill ni twit t a houseful of the bei p'-oplo ot this eltj. Satuid.iy afttinoon and "V-iimg iln famous Anna Held will be sun in lh new puiduction, "Papa'b Wife" As this it, her initial appeal ane h"io she vsill b" Fleeted bv a laige- boi.s "Tlie cheiiy Plikiu-," N nnoiher notable ell, una which will be s-en in the neit fulutf on tie Lyeeum htage Lewis Moivison's Frederiek Tl.o Gieat," ih such a n.agnitlceut spictucle tjat the theitn. tonight will probably be unable to contain the". 'Mrs William Conu'll epfrtuln'Ml pome of the mint prominent olticers ot the Misblonaiv convention this week, among them being tho ptesideid. Mis. Foss. the wife of HNhop Cjtus T). 1'os.s. or Plillalelphla. Mis. F.irlington, the associate ncretaiy Mis. Pilscilla Htnnett, of Wilket,-Uane, and Mm. AVIlt.on, the Hianeh tieasuvr, of Phil udelphia. Moie tan tlue'e hunui.'d guests attended the leception given In honor of the out of town visitors at Mrs Council's honi" on Thursday afternoon Mr and Mis. Connell .110 at Lake Henry today. Mis Connell will go to Iowa next week lor a fort night's x is-lt. Colonel and Mi. !! M I'.olei Mr Henry Helln, Ji . Miss lle'ln rnU iMs-s Holes have joined a pasty fiom St. Louis, which will spend the r.ext foit night touilng tlnoutrh New Mexico in a special car. Mrs. W. II. Jossup, Jr., und eliugh tet, Chilstlne, have letuinul fiom a visit in Now Yoik und vicinity Mr, Mr .Tcstur w 111 itinovo bis family from Montiose, where they spent tho bummer to Madison avenue this city, next week The Mis-e'h Alehbale! gave a lunch eon on Thuisday in honor of "Ml -s Jos eph Aiehbald. Among the gueit i' Mrs Fiunllin llenshaw. Mrs O P. GiitlHh, Mrs. ic 11. Jirmyn. Mrs P. L Watson, Mis W 1. Kirch, M'.s I). L. Taie, Mis, Twitehell, of Poitland, Me.: Mis. A. C Twitehell. Mir. F. H. Piatt, Mr c. S. Western, Mis. F II. Jeinivn, Mrs. II. w. Kingsburv Mrs Eeett AVaiK-n, Mis Sydney Williams, Mis. II. C. Chafer. Alrj G. II Smith. Mis N. G llobeitson. Miss Underwood, Mis . II Stous. Mis F J. Iintt Uetween the boms of 1 mid 0 ji. m , on TucMliy. Oct. 10th, a Hock of dial itably inclined voung women, heeded bv Mis Claienee n Shiyer, Mi P V Stiupplei and Mis. Ooiiipr Vibe, pio pos'e giving a tea at the club house of tlie Kleclrlc Cltv Wheelmen Jackson slieet between Main and Hyde Paik avenue to which the public Is cordially and anxiously inv Ited, lor the purpose of laislng money with which to lair ehase an nmbulaiue for the West Side hospital and foi tli" Inhignincant sum &&' QUALITY UNEXCELLED ... z Vir Sr ;ro? 0: ItRAOt " &"Att Easefelt shoes cost more than the ordinary shoes to make. i That difference in the cost : means the difference you 5 pay. It also means a big i; difference in quality, g style and fit. j ThU it one nl' our mIjIim ;: III l.u( or lint- : ton. Yonil tlml . In It -erj- tit lr- 3; libit) ft'iitine ot 3; a ulrltlly IiIl'Ii 2; grutlei buot. -: -: 3: " 3; V a MM: I tr jt 3- iTTVll " c of twenty-five cents will furnish to nld public arlous refreshments. Tho niercliaiits of the city lrive risen nobly to the call of clwilty und aiv furnish ing ailous things good to eat. Now Hyde Hark alwas comes to the front to assist nnj project which tho, central city ilelres to forwoid. It 1 only fair that the favor Is teclprccat cd. Everybody should :iitml this ten. next Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Thomas A. Hleh.irds of inat wetland street were agreeably Mil prised on Wednesday evening by tt largo number of their friends. The occasion being the tblrty-iUth anrlvtr sary of their wedding day, they were the recipients of unmet oils ultts. Those picsont weie- 51r. and Mis. Thos. A Hichuuls, Mr. nnd Mrs. D.ivlit A. Hlcluulo, Mr. nnd Mis. .lohn A Hlch ards, Mr. and Mi. Dald Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Hlcbard .1. Thomas, Mr. and Mis. Thomas Slug, Mr. and Mis. John T. Williams, Mr anil Mrs. Rich unl Xichols All. and Mis. i:iear i:11n, Mr. and Mis Phillip II. Wn--ien, Mr. und Mrs. 1M. llobathan, .Mrs. llrooks, Mrs. (Iriinth Jenkins, Mrs. U. H. Thomas, Miss Mnv Htchards, Miss IJthel HlehardE, Miss r.lirnbcth Howell, Mls Doiu Jones. Miss Cprtle Hughes, Mis. John Slug, Mr. "William LJke. Xuntli oke. Miss Dunn, who guo 11 pilate leW of beautiful water colots at the Jer niyn Tuesday evening, will ptobably gives a seiles of ait talks later for the benellt of the Young Women's Chiistlan Association Miss Hunn has spent much time ubioad find has bad special pilvileges In the way of study. She Is a ehai mlng speaker. Mr. Ha C. Snder. of Caibondale, nnd Miss La. Venia Millet, of Green Held, weie united in tnarilage yester da afternoon by the llev. II. V. Y. Pleue, of the Penn Aenue Baptist church. Mr. Snyder is n piosperous business man of Caibondale and the bride Is one of tho most harming oung ladles of that pjit of the state. Yeteida's New Yoik Tilbime stvs: 'The mairlago of Miss Lama Olbson ,Tudd, daughter of Mis J. G. Judd. to j Iewls lletbeit Pnriv, of Mexico City MeIco, was solemuized at S ",0 o'clock last evening at the homo of the bible's mother, No. 13J 1'ast Nineteenth stieet. The Kev. I)i J How.ud Faliehlld otiic lated at the ceiemony. The biide, who was given away by her biothei -In-law Herbert Dean Lounsbuty, wote a gown of write ciepe e'e chine Her attend ants weie Miss Edith M Notion, of Scranton, Venn.' Mis Teiilah Gavlord and Miss Porothy Adcy The last two alco held llbbons forming the aisle thiougli which the bride passed Geo. Howell, of this city, was best man Mr. and Mis. Pairy will spend their honey moon In the Betkshlrt-s. Their luturo home will be In the Clly of Mexico" Ml'-u Judd was a former ieident of this cltv. Among the guests at the wi deling was Miss Simpson of Olive stieet. Iraiettts of Feopie Hi. J L Peck has 11 tinned from New Auik. Ml W. S Mulf.ird, or Montiose, is lu tlie eitv. Mrs 1. A .MUbacb was ill New York this week M.1J01 T P. Penman was in Washing ton this wick. Mr J A. Holiertt-on is vhltlng fliends at rjshklll N Y Miss Grate Norton, of Mulberry street, is In Philadelphia. MWms Cluulotto and Helen Hand have, teturned fiom New York. Mrs. Ktlvvln Geai Inn ins returned from 11 month's KIt in New Yoik. Mr W M Gaidner Is, ut Hlk Lake with a party of Honcsdalu Irlentls. Mi" A Hcndilck. who sjient the past two weeks lu New York, has icturned Mrs Ciaij, of Shickhhlnnj. was the L,utst of Mrs J. F Meg.irgel this week J M. Duffv, of liutte City, Jlon , has re tut lied to his home.- after 11 visit lu this town U 2 Ml-s Katl'ciiuo Kenncde will go to Col iimbiis, O, next week for a Jlslt with f 1 lends Mrs Getnge H. Kulp, of Wilkch-Harre, was tli mit t ot Mrs c. U Seott on Thin xtluy Miss Mable Derail of Wilkes-lluue Is the guest of Miss Tllea Hiiliawaj, of Vine street Ml-s JJe-slp Mellale, of Wilke-Harie, is visiting tlie Mls-es Cu-leU, of Lacka VN.iiina avenue. Mr. C W I'ulton and son leturned jcaterdaj fiom the Adirondack., vsbeie thej spent the sunimei. Jlr W. S route' and wife and uii, Wil lie", of Olive street, me (-pending a few dav- at Nlagaia Pull-. Mr. and Mis. G L. IJ11 kson and Mr. W M Dlckbon and famllv have returned fiom Morilstown and New York Hon W. II Stanton, who has betn In-ellspo-ed for the just four months, is able to attend to lilt, legal buslne-s again Mr. nnd Mis Wlllaul Lannlng. of North Main avciiie. t liteltalned Mr. Geoigo Itoblnson of Washington, D. C , the pist few llaVh Mrs of Silt Lake Cltv. who lias spent Hit pist je.n nbtotil, Ih tho guest of he 1 sister. Mr" T. H. Dale, em l.liitleu.strit t. Meshl's. A F. Coate-s, J L IMdy ami .1 11. Dlckon, of Ntw Yolk, who are lu te listed In the Scranton Coil company, weie In the cltv this wtek Ml-s Lva M. Hi own. of tho Collleiy Cn Rliuer, who has he en spending some time at New Yoik cltv and lliltlgppoil. Conn, returned homo ThurMlaj Mi and Mis I. Lewitli, of Wilker Harre, unoimee tin engagement of the.! d.iiighter Mildred, to Mr Han (5 Gump, of Baltimore, nt home Sunday. John W. Kelloirg. a lilehlv rrsnected citizen of YalpaialfcO, Ird.. who bos been visiting Mr. and Mis George Spencer and other relatives and ft lends In tho North Hnd and vicinit), has leturned home Miss Margaret Heller, of Seelev vllle, Wajno county, who 1ms been visiting Mr and Mrs. Clunles Webber, of Dun moie mill Jlr. and Mrs. William Young, of l!2fi Mon-ey avenue, 1 etui nod homo jespidny afternoon - , OLYPHANT. The following pi ogt amine will bo icudeied at the Dewey toclal to he held In the Congiogatlonal chuich next Monday evening: Opening selection, "Ameilia," phono graph selection: recitation, Gertie Hnnnlck: duet, Clara Klroy and Delus Davis, lecltatlon, Lucy Steed; selee. lion, phonogiaph: solo, Miss Lculs Hlockberger: lecltatlon, Mollle Han nick, solo, Dinuh Hvans. lecltatlon, Hattle Matthews: selection, phono Biaph, solo, (iaia Hboy; lecltatlon. Ma Cvans. solo, William HengougU; selection, jihonogiupli. solo, Mrs. o. Williams, iiuaitette, Dewey and part Refreshments will be set veil. Admls sleji 10 and 13 t tuts Constance, the youngest daughter of Mi and Mrs. W. J. Sweeney, fell from tho porch of her homo on Lackawanna stieet Thuisdny afternoon nnd dislo cated her arm Di J J. Pi Ice attend ed bei J J. Faddeii has opened a lnnn 100m In connection Willi tho bakery ot Lackawanna street wheie refreshments will be served at alf houis. "The Stowaway" was piesented nt the Father Matthew opeia house last evening before a large audience. Tho piece was pioduced by a stiong com- pany and gave excellent satisfaction. Manager Gibbons Intends to bring some first class shows to this place dining the season. Mis. D, Y. D.uis, of Lackawanna street, is unite III. llev. K, J. Hnughlon will reopen tho Hplscopal services lrt Hdwnrds' ball to mono w afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. llev. D. M. George, of Plttston, will occupy the pulpit in the Congregational church tcmonow morning and even ing. ! HER POINT OF VIEW We Inlatulois can scarcely become as etilliuslabtlc over tho jncht races as It ttu dally baw "tho stately shins go down to their haven under tho bill," or liouily heaid giave discussions lu ollng minute points legardlng "shlves," "balloon Jib," "water line" and ailous other most Important de tails connected with a ncht. In a ngue way we tnko a ceitaln nmount of Intel est In the Atnericun defendir, und wu know it is fashionable and pioper to talk with understanding about the races, but to watch from the shote or a distant tug tho silent, slow piogicss of the winged boats down the course Is scarcely as madly exciting to many of us as we would like to hao gelieinlly understood. To get leally wi ought up our the ilval merits of the yachts a lslt last Mon day morning to the water front where the Columbia was lying in diy dock and the Mhamffick dose by lu the basin, awaiting otllcinl measurement, would hae lumvei nl afl purposes. You can never fully realise the enormous length of our cup defender's mast untl ou statu! cloe at her dde and look up, up, uj). until ou nearly toimle over backwaids, ir lelieat violently in order to get that niodlglously tall, sti night, slender sh.ift in the finding lens of jour c.uueia for a miuu uhot. You can netr leallj see the Joielv, vvr K'c-en tint of the Shanuock un you see her sleeping like 11 folded winged katydid last at her moorings within touch of jour hand You can never actually feel almost a tin 111 of ownership In the wbole ueifoiniancu unless you stand theie among the leal yachtsmen, who me thinking little enough if fads and ntvles, but a deal about the leal lacing DoluU of the two beautiful Floors divided bv only a few yaids of caisson and unrtif lled water. Sir Thomas Linton isn't an ovei poweiing loidshlp bv anv means. He doesn't look "Hngllshj." Some bow he has a Connecticut flavor and at tlnievt his face lemlnds one of Gen eiul Gobln, although he is a vounger man. His face Is rather rudilv, as becomes a jacht-man's. his nioustaehe and Impel ial aie likewise waim In hue a is also Ills ball. The othei morn ing he was attired in lough tweeds and had his hands in his pockets in a ei.v careless fashion, and lie loeiked not at all like the shiu-shaue mariner xou bee In Oliver Iselln in his dark blue j'aehting costume and nristociatlo pose. Sir Thomas slouches a little in Ills gait and appaiently jiujs small heed to ap jieaiaiiees lu connection with an Im pending jMcht lace. Hut be can beam on j-oii genially and giasp j-our hand like a man and a biother when Intro duced. Somehow after seeing him von can suddenl.v leallze the possibility of this man with bis keen ej-es and 1 lever brain devising the "jilnk tea," that wonderful Yankee idea that was the foundation of his fortune, for xou le member that this man when a poor Iiish lad, a lunawaj- from an Ameri can lice field, going back to London, conceived the .scheme which rtallj made Sir Thomas Llpton He begged nnd boitowed fiom susnlclous lelatlves a hundied bounds. He bought two lut lgs, had them wa-hed and bhavrd until their pink hides glpamed through the sllveij- bilstles, adoined them with pink llbbons and had them dilven thlough London town bv two pink and white cind attendants, eaeii pig beating a banner stating "I am going to Lin ton's pink tea," The tea was at th" prettily decorated tea house, duplicates of which weie aftervvaul established about the great cltj Then lavish ad vet Using did the lest. Sir Thomas is today worth millions and millions and has given millions nvvny. Ma A very dlffeient individual in ap peal once is Loid Charles Heresford. the udmlial of tho Biltlsh nnv v. Hound and fat and chubby n a lotd u.njo , be lmpi esses you at once us some notable personage. Lord Heiesfoul acts like any other nice old comtortable gentleman with n good conscience und a docile liver. Mondaj' morning he wore a big black top-coat with a broad collar of as ttachan that was so fine as to be Persian lamb. His smooth shaven. Jolly face was set off by a cap of dlf feient mould from that ntfected bv Ametienn jachtsmen, and he had a pleasant, rolling sailor like walk which was noted on the pier as well as aftei ho spiung nimbly upon the deck of the Columbia. He ceitnlnly lcoked the sailor nnd while ho was thotoughly Hugllsli, he was In no sense snobbish, for ho chatted away glibly with every one in his viclnltj-, not confining his lemaiks to Sir John Mai ley and other titled gentlemen about him One nice old party bad on an exaggeiated golt cape, veiy loud as to plaid anil very capacious as to hood. It was oulv exceeded In staitling effect by a won dfiiful set of kuickei bookers adorning his veiy short legs. He wasn't a duko nor a loid, but he attracted the awed attention of moio white clad jaekles who were racing with ballast from the St. Michael's to the Columbia, than thu entire outfit of notables. You may have noticed the fact, but It Is a little surpilslng nevettholess, that so verj- many Amei leans expiess a deslie to see the Shainiock win. N W That coiner down nt Wjomlng and Spiuce stieet neai the HaiulJej block, is a teiror to horses. The asphalt slopes toward the sewer basin and It Is the most slipper' place Imagin able. The poor horses fall on an aver age of the an hour. Yesterday morn ing u lady at the Jeimyn saw eeven slip down In the couise of, forty min utes The head of 0110 crashed against the club neaily knocking his bialns out nnd severely cutting himself. The jioor things go down so heavily and of ten suffer such Injinies that they are almost liicajiacltiited for seiviec. In deed many have lien peimnnently dis abled at that paitlcuhu spot. Just what could bo done to pievent these accidents Is Impossible to sug gest, but It ceitalnly Is all wrong to have a street so giadcd us to be a menaco not only to these splendid, no ble filends of man, but also to the travollng public In general. safuy nnss. Lightning Rod Man Grows Piignaciods My dear Mr. Udltur: I depart this weak f u in my usual vain. 4 the imst fortnlt I hav .sufferd wa a inurtcr 1 the caws ov Sllents. Mr. William Gnwi, edltur (with the seiners pilnclpnlly) of the Klddersville Km earner, haz seen lit '2 roust me 2 the xtent ov 3 columns tho 1st weak, and, taking ourrldgo by my sl'euts, devotes a hole pago 2 the scorchln in libs last Isshu. 2 be shure I haven't lost a grate eel ov sleep over It, becavvs the cliculatlon on sed sheet lz smal; 111 tel juu the leazon I no. Last summer Mr. Guwl went awnj "J spend a nipple ov wenks (between you nnd I, that waz awi he had 2 suend) and be nskt me 2 assume the edltorlel ch.itc dining biz absents. 1 verj kind ly offerd my services, I a konsldera slitin (witch, bv the way, lz still 4lb ciimmlng) and ueihaps joti kin, with consldrable effert, Imagine my shagiln, 1 daj", when the oflls-boy, englnenr, re porter, komjHizlter, ndveitlzing man, malelng cletk, devil, etc., etc., (awl ov witch Iz combined In Mrs. William Gawi) brawt 21 copies ov the paper In 2 the edltoiiel sanktum and laid them on niv desk. "What ate theze xtras 4?" I Interrl Siited ov her. "Them nlnt xtras," anerd she, with out mutch regatd 4 the Queen's Hng llsh. "And prey what are they?" I askt. "That's the hole edlshun," sez he, de nim el "Shurelj", madam, jou aie Jesting," I 1 Milled 'No. I alnt nether," sez sh", "that's 2 more copjs than we over got out be 4. You see I got 2 new advertizeisi last weak and we awlvvuvs send a paper 2 adv ertlers. mv husband sez Its polio. That makes 17 atlveitlzers awl 2 gether and we hav 1 exchanges." 4 sevral nds 1 waz berried in thawt. flnellv I cum 2 and In a shakj' vols, convulst with agltashun, lematkt 'Madam, kindly cloze the (lore? fium the outside: I desire 2 commune " My highest ldeels had rcseaved a Jolt witch coodnt be duplicated in a col Usluin on the Wabash! I waz bathed In a clammy uetslra Ehun' Myriads ov black spotz danct be 4 mi- cjeilte' My loftj-est aniblbhun viaz ciuniblcd 2 earth! Wbat more, b.inlng mv famlev, had 1 2 llv 4? Nuthlng! Nawt'! Absolutely Zeio!'! It Is neihaps .lust az well 2 xolaln lite now that up 2 that time I hud ltvd (Inuring mv famley agon) 4 the sole jiurpus ov evenshunlly becum mlng a edltili.. After p.irsha'i" redelivering fium the metaforlckal swit I sollli(;ulzvl a fol lozo1 When In the torse ov humen ev ents, it bocums nespsery " sekur aelvci" ti7era by sutch despecablo subterfuges, and vvhereaz ceiten edlturs print "Cir culation 2200 cojiIps net" on there front page nnd distribute but 21 papeis, and thoze ininciply 2 advertlzors' there 4 be it resolvd that the assershun Iz a mlSDrlnt and shood reed "Circulation 2J00 copies nit" or else the edltur iz a lllun ov the deepest die: and be It still further resolvd that I, A. Kidder, due bens 4th now and 4 ever reliukwish what ever dezlie I ever had 2 weeld on edltoiiel pen, nwiso that I am willing 2 take in- chnntcez ov going '.'. lievln a, an oekushunal kontilbuter, wither than nz jitlot ov a newspaper. (Signed) A. Kidder. Hut no more Ov my lost amblshuns, Mr. Helltur, Just print the following let ter 2 Mr. Oawl &, If my prognostlcash ability is ov eny value, I wot the sed Mi Gawl will sease the piittin ov 'jures tioolj" on the nan Mr. AVllliam Gawl. So you set yure self up on a pd!stol 2 cawl me clown, due x'ou"' Who aie jou, M'illlam Gawi" Who, xcept jure ciedlters, ever henl ov Mill? Mr. Gawl j-ou aie a festeilng pim )xl on the fuie face ov lnmianetv. You aie u hideous ulser on the otherwise biite eskutchen ov newsnarx'tduni. Y'oti aie s,o naiiow-mluded that the onley wav yuie brane cood be u-ed 2 advantldge Iz az a book-mark. You poze az tlie edltur ov n newspaper ypt you bavo the same steal pen you start ed In with 12 j'ears ago. Theie Iz no danger ov yuie ever having ien car allsls, During the 12 j-eers you hav worn out 2i pears ov sclzzera fllehln the idooz and brain- ov other tieeoll, j-et yuie pen Iz Intackt' Aie the sheeis nald 4'' Ask Mr. Perkins at the hardware slore! Confldeiishalft--. Mr. Gawl, did you ever see a icseut? if so. whiue vaz if The regret ov mv life Iz that I took yuie paper ate long jeers, iny onlv xcuse being that we needed lamp-liters and my wife sed yure paper waz the only 1 In the countv that fitted her pantry shelfs. You nJnt the man that list 2 give hlr. littel boy a penny so he wood go 2 bed with out eatln eny siiouei, aie vou' t you alnt the man that ust 2 sneek up stales and steel the penny aftei the poor, hungry child waz fast asleeo, are jou' & you didn't ut-t 2 lick the littel lellow the next doj' becavvs ho lost the penny, did you? ,fe when he wnz htatved 2 doth j-ou didn't sell biz bod ily 2 a medlckal colllduo 1 ate 8 an 33 cts. so jou woodnt hav 2 by a lot In the semltetrv, did you" That wasn't vou, waz if Yufe wife woodn't be usln the feame bonnlt she woio when she left her hnp py home. In the fawi ov '&. 2 take chantcez with you if It wnzn't 4 kind nnbers, wood she, poor woman'' I gess jmie meniry Iz so poor vou elon't lemember slttln in a littel eiulet game ov poker, 3 yeers ago the 21st ov last Januery, due you? You alnt tho man that sez 2 me, az tho nuthln both erd j-ou but 2 blld banks fust enuf 2 bold yure niunny. "Majer, line a doller 37 cts. shy In that pot; He bring It 2 jiiie house In the morning," are xou'' You must hav 4 got where I llvd, didn't jou" I stnld home awl day but T didn't see jou, & when I lookt hi . lo 4 jou, you must have evaporatld, I gess, didn't you'' It wuznt jou that dun env ov the abuv menshunetl things, waH it, Mr, Uawr.' No, it wnzn't jou, Billy Guwi. but it waz the finest faxslmllv ov a twin brutbor I ever see, .vi the icckords suj" j'ou are an onley child, dont tha ? Now I don't heek a kvvuil, but If vou Insist He make juu look like the dlff lents between 70 cts. and a biund new bllver dolhir. If It cuius 2 a show-down, Hilly Gawl, lie bet 4 bits agenst 11 nickel (If j-ou kln.borro 1) that I kin proove you are a cnnnlbbel ovrey time you eat iobster. Yuies, reddy 4 the fraj", A. Kidder. sjmsm RHEUMATISM THE NERVEb ARE v DISEASED, CAUSING EXHAUSTION AND DESPAIR. MUSCLE TISSUES ARE UNNOURISHED, INFLAMED, DISINTREGRATED. THE BLOOD IS FILLED WITH MORBID WASTE MATERIAL, A POISON TO THE SYSTEM. . , Celery Fame s J Compound Makes nerve fibre, nerve force; keeps the organs of the body in healthy action. The blood is made clean, rich and in full quantity. Muscle tissues are nourished, in vigorated, and the body is healthy. J. P. Applegate, Red Bank, N. J., writes: "For one yeaf I was unable to move, having inflammatory and muscular rheumatism of the severest kind. After trial of the great medicine, Paine's Celery Compound, I cheerfully recommend it for the exhausted nerve system, loss of appetite and indi gestion the three offspiings of lheumatism. My strength returned. 1 can now move and feel no pain. This medicine builds up the system." ifaititjt0'iij'tirtiex'.0XiiM, jriuHjjrjnuHvm'Hipxjm'jiijumjii 8 1 It's a Well X.0 8 Known A jZ. That the Fuemen were with us tins week. 5 JS You not only saw them but you heard them. 5 g It's Also a Well Known J5 J5 Fact That Our Clothing JS 5 Is the most attractive in the city. They're j not so loud that you can hear them, but when jj Q you see them you may know they are the q Boyle & riucklow Kind. jt THEY'RE! RICH. p THEY'RE NEAT. g g THEY'RE STYLISH g M There is a distinctiveness about them that ap- " K peals to the refined taste of the good dresser who ? -, f tka llirrll nl-!cac -1-t.l t ira.4 Kir Kir- fnilnv uujclizj iu ii ic his" pnv for the same class of goods. u Boyle.& Mucklow 416 Lackawanna Ave. )0jacttfti5(:5S5:s: ' 1 - o M.0 Fact - v - o v.iiaic-i.1 uy hid tauui 5 KM. i 0 A .' --.j...- ., ifcA'fa ....wi..... .. .. . .. , . lur st-V a4a 'wi ------ - .-- .... .---- . . -- tmam m