The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 04, 1899, Morning, Page 10, Image 10

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What is
Cream of Tartar?
Sloan and Hampton Mines Are Being
Fitted Up Preparatory to Resum
ing Operations The Lackawanna
Shops and Yards Are Very Busy
Just Now Lehigh Valley Is Mak
ing a Survey of a New Line Along
the Mountain Bradford Central's
New President.
The electric haul.ipre system, which
haii proven fcucet-Fsful in many of the
Delaware, l.ackawnnna and Western
company's mines, will be Introduced in
the Oayujfa in a short time. The ma
chinery for the svstem lias been or
Jered for several weeks, but the manu
facturers have been delayed owlnfr to
n press of orders In completing the
necessary apparatus. The machinery
is expected soon and will then be placed
in opetation,.
The system Is a labor-savins device,
end does away with mules and drivers
aloriK thq njain(KanprwayK in the mines.
Tim cars' ore operated by means of a
trolley line, and nr run to the foot of
the shaft, where they are hoisted up
the planes by means of a pulley tope.
The system has been in operation in
the Mt. Pleasant colliery for a loni;
time and has proven entirely satisfac
tory. John J. Shea Appointed,
f-elett Councilman John J. Shea of
the Twelfth ward yesterday became a
member of the s-laf of chl"f deteetio
mid special claim neent K O'lCeefe of
the Delawaie. I.ackawanan ,nnu West
ern railroad company.
The selection of Mr. Pltc-k by Mr.
O Keefe i n koocI one. He served on
the police for e of tills eitv under
Mayor Hippie and durlnr the adminis
tration cf I-cn. John 1'. Kelley as dls
Met attorney was cnuntv detective and
liter succeeded Chief of Vollrp Tlnbllnp
bi deptitv t'nlied states marshal for
this district, which position Clarke
T.owrv nou holds. Mr. Shea was yen
lerday teceli Iiir the congratulatl'ma
cf his ftlendp.
Improvements at Mines.
Operations at the Sloan and Hamp
ton mines of tho Delaware, Iickawan
na and Western Company have not yet
been resumed. Carpenters have been
busllj engaged for several weeks In
making necessary repairs, uuch asf re
tlmberlng the shafts, putting in new
machinery, etc.
Work will be resumed as soon ns pos
sible, and the mines will be operated
according to the demands for c,oal.
Employes Must Move.
Owing to the changes made in vari
ous runs on the Lackawanna road,
majiy of the engineers, llremen, con
ductors nnd brakemen will of neftes-
Ity be compelled to change their
places of resldoncc, and it behoove
them to do so ns soon as possible
It lb understood that an order will
Boon be Issued cutting off the trip
passes now Issued to employes, and
unless they arrange to live within a
convenient distance from their work,
they will have to pny for their mileage
over the road.
This will undoubtedly affect several
hundred families along the line, but In
the long run will prove more conveni
ent for tho workmen.
Around the Shops and Yard.
X visit to the Lackawanna car shops
nd yard will convince the casual on.
server that this Is one of the busiest
departments In operation by the Dela
rare, Lackawanna and Western corn
puny. On every hand groups of work
men are enraged repairing and build
ing new cars and engines, and many
cars and cabooses from the different
divisions are being overhauled.
"A feature of the cabooses on the Utlea
HivUlon will be the painting of them
When the juice which is pressed from
grapes for wine-making ferments, the acid of
the fruit is crystallized and precipitated. This
is collected, refined to absolute purity, and
ground to a powder. This is cream of tartar.
Fruit acids are among the most whole
some and important constituents of the food
of man. They are absolutely requisite . to
maintain health. In grape cream of tartar
there are combined the most useful of leaven
ing agencies and a most healthful food article.
This highly refined acid of the grape, or
cream of tartar, is the material from which
Royal Baking Powder is made. It is many
times more expensive than ingredients used in
many baking powders, but being healthful in
itself, it adds healthfulness to the food instead
of degrading it.
In imitation li.ikiiijj poudor.s polsunuu ; alum
is used instead of healthful cream of tartar.
Such powders seriously affect the health.
in a bright yellow, with the words
"Lackawanna Railroad" in black let
ters on either side.
Several of the big jumbo engine
have recently been turned out, and the
work of repairing and building freight
cars is being pushed rapidly. The de
mand for additional cars has made It
necessary to rush the work, and many
of them are now ready for use.
Evidences of prosperity are apparent
on all sides, and never before in this
history of the company was there such
a. rush of work around the shops.
Bradford Central's New President.
The directors of the Bradford Cen
tral Rnllroad company hold a meeting
in Towanda Saturday, at which it wn
decided to Increase tho number of di
rectors, and A. F. Chapman tendered
his resignation as president of the
company. The office of president was
filled by the election of George II.
Adams, cashier of the Seventh National
bank of New York, and William II.
Kimball, president of the same institu
tion, was mnde a director of the Brad
ford Central. Early developments
along the line to Canton may be ex
pected soon. Towanda Review.
A New Roadbed.
The Lehigh Valley railroad has been
maklne surveys for the past week or
two between Penn Haven and Gln
Onoko with a view of building a jiitv
road bed. From Penn Haven, coming
south, It is the intention of bunding i
new track on the enst side of the
Lehigh river Instead of crobsing the
bridge and the Central rnllro-id to the
present tracks on the west side of ,vie
river. Thu proposed changes r- ver"
extensive. They include tun
nels through spurs of mountains that
extend to the river the Ox Bow, lor
instance and will cost thousands of
dollars. But the expense will bo war
I anted for the reason that it will great
ly lessen the distance and will aviid
many dangerous curves. A t present
traffic from the main line Is otoa con
gested between Penn Haven and Glen
Onoko with traffic from the .Mahanoy
and Hazleton regions. All thit, wM
be avoided. Wllkes-Barre News.
Thls nnd That.
General Manager Russell.of the Dela
wnre, Lackawanna and Western com
pany. Is In New York.
J. M. Daly, superintendent of trans
portation, left yesterday afternon for
a business trip to Ruffnlo,
The Central Railroad of New Jersey
carried 45,000 people to New York last
week, the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western S.1.000. nnd tho Lehigh Valley
30 000.
The local car shops of the Delaware,
Lackawanna nnd Western railroad
companv have gone on an eight houn
n day shift, until next spring. The
approach of n-lnter necessltat d the
rutting off of two hours a day owing
tit curly darkness.
Mrs. N. Y. Leet nnd Guest Narrowly
Escape Injury.
Mrs. N. Y. Leet nnd her, Mis'
Nash, had a narrow escape Jrom In-
Jury while driving nloug Wjomlng
' "venue yesterday afternoon. Tho
! 'wm'.s became frightened at the dec-
orations In front of tho Leader and It
was with the meatt riJlllculty that
the coachman, John Kvans, managed
The team backed the carriage Into
another vehicle nnd tho pole was brok
en In the collision. The laldlea Jumpod
nnd luckily escaped Injury.
Sadie Wlsemnn Makes nn Antl-Mor-teni
New York, Oct. 3,Sadle Wiseman,
formerly an inmate of tho State In
dustrial School for Olrls at Trenton,
N. J., and now In St. Joseph's hospi
tal, Paterson, N. J made an ante
mortem statement today In which she
details the beatings and punishment
she received from Mtb. Eyler, who
until recently was matron of the In
dustrial school,
Sadie Wiseman Is about to undorgo
an operation from which surgeons say
ehe may not recover.
I Concluded from Tage 6 J
men ore quartered in their Pullman
sleeper, while the bandsmen took up
quarters at the Conway.
Philadelphia's fifty-two delegates
enme in a body at 3.30 over the Jersey
Central, headed by the veteran "Bill"
Harper, foreman of the William Penn
Hose company. The William Penns
will come themselves today, sixty-five
strong and headed by the Ringgold
band. The Active Firemen's associ
ation, the Taylor Hose company and
the Hnnd-ln-Hnnd Rngine company,
all of Philadelphia, will arrive today
In full numbers.
Events of Today.
TODAY'S programme includes two
business sessions of the conven
tion, an Illuminated run by the
central city companies and an nnnhnit
dance on the -100 block of Wyoming ave
nue, besides the reception of incoming
companies and short excursions to
points of Interest In and about the city.
The convention will elect officers nnd
choose a place for holding the next ses
sion, and besides other routine business
will listen to papers on appropriate
subjects by prominent firemen, ns fol
lows. "Fire Boats." Chief James r.
Bnxter, of Philadelphia; "Fires In Coal
Mines," ex-Chief P. J. Hickey.of Scran
ton; "New Apparatus," Herbert Hes
ton, of Philadelphia, fire marshal of the
Pennsylvania railroad; "Fire-Fighting
in Sky-Scrapers," Chief Miles Humph
reys, of Pittsburg; "A Model Flro
House." ex-President John B. Speais,
of Reading; "Borough Fire Depart
ments," Chief McNnlly. of Catasaqua;
"A Physician at a Fire," Dr. Bern
thelzer, of Columbia; "The Work of
Our Association," ex-Presldcnt Irwin
A. Hahne, of Lock Haven.
Tho illuminated run by the central
city companies promises to he an in
teresting spectacle. The Nay Aug,
Crystal, Phoenix and Hook and Ladder
companies, with their apparatus elab
Cheapest Shoe Store
in Scranton,
Call and examine our
trouble to show you goods and
The Cheapest Shoe Store, 307 Lacka. Ave.
N. B. Be Sure and flake No Histake in the Place.
orately Illuminated, will start at a sig
nal from different points and run lit
their boot clip to Wyoming avenuo and
thence :ast the grand stand at tho
nsphalt ball plaza, where the Judges
v' to awnid the prize w(U bo
'. and where thousands will be
ci ..b.iviicri to participate In or watch
the dancing. Tho company whoso ap
paratus Is tho most elaborately decor
ated will be u wauled tho prize.
When the run Is concluded the dance
will begin. Evergreen arches and a
string of arc lights have been ndded to
the embellishments of tho plaza. Tho
grand stand will bo erected today, the
pavement scrubbed nnd soapstoncd and
the final touches put to the decorations
and Illuminations. The ball will bo a
"let-ye-all-come-over" nffalr nnd will
doubtless be the largest, in addition to
being the most novel, ever held In tho
Prof. J. Frank Slegel will direct the
dancing, nnd the Lawrence band will
furnish music.
Will Arrive Today.
FOLLOWING Is a list of thirty
four companies scheduled to
arrive today, with tho time of
their expected arrival, the station they
will arrive at and the place at which
they are to be quartered:
S.15 a. m. D. & II., Morris Hose Co.,Nor
ristown, Westminster.
10.00 n. m., I). & II.. Alert Kite Co., St.
11. DO a. in. C. It. It., Allen File Co, At
lontowti, Columbia
1.10 p. m D. & II . Phoenix. No. 1. Cnt
asauqua, Grand Central (guests J'lioetilx).
1.10 p. m. D. &. H.. Douglus Hook and
Ladder Co , Sellngsvlllc.
2.00 p. in. C H. P... Hand In-Hand Fire
Co., Philadelphia.
2.00 p. m. C. It. R., Independent Flro
Co., Shnmokln.
2 13 p. in. D. & IS.. Humane Flro Co.,
Norrlstovn, St. Charles.
2.10 p. m. D. & H., Hancock Firo Assn.,
Norrlstown, Rudolnh.
2 20 p. m. D. & 1I Diamond Hook nrd
Ladder Co., Hazleton.
2.20 p. in. D. A: 11.. Hast End Hook and
Ladder Co., Hazleton.
2.TA p. in. D. & H. Taylor I lose Co.,
Philadelphia, Grand Central.
2.IJ) p. m. D. & II., Firemen's ActU's
Afs'n Philadelphia, .lcrmyn.
2.H0 p. in. D. .- II ., Win. IVnn IIoe Co.,
Philadelphia. Hotel American.
2.::o p. in. C IC. It., Rescue Fire Knglne
Co., Sh.unuktu.
2.53 p. m. C. It. R.. Hope Fire Co., Man
helm. 3.W p. m. C. R. R., 'Vi ashlngton Hose
Co., Conshohockcn. Westminster (guests
Independent, Dmimore.)
4.CI p in. C. II. It., Lewlstnirg Fire Co.,
4.55 p. m. I)., L. & W.. Friendship Firo
Co., Illoomshurg. (Columbia Hoso Co.)
4.55 p m. C. It. R., Phoenix Hook and
Ladder Co., Pottsvlllo.
S DO p. m. D. & H., tTnlon S. T. B. Co.,
Lebanon, Pullman (Franklin. 1
3..10 p. m. D.. L. & W , Liberty Fire Co.,
Bethlehem, Arlington (Nay Aug )
5.30 p. m. D., L. & W,, Jersey Hoso Co.,
Phllllpsburg (Excelsior.)
6.00 p. m. D. & II., Columbia Flro Co.,
Columbia. Valley House.
C.C0 p. m. D. & II., Norrlstown Fire Co.,
Norrlstown, St. Charles.
7.00 p. m. Excelsior Hose Co.. Bellwood.
8.03 p. m. C. R. R . Citizens' Firo Co.,
b.05 p. m. C. R. R.. Reading Hose Co.,
Rending, Scranton House.
8.30 p. m.. Bast Bangor Hose Co.. East
Bangor (Gen'l. Flunney.)
S.4" p. m. D., L. & W., Rescue Hose Co.,
Bangor, Senate.
3.01 p. m. D. & II., Columbia Hose Co.,
!.05 p. m. D. & H.. Philadelphia S. F. R.
Co., Pottstowu
10.00 p. m. D. & H.. Pioneer Fire Co,,
10.07 p. m. C. R. R., Washington Fire
Co., Ashlnnd.
10.30 p. m. C. R. R.. Southwaid Hose
Co., Catasauqui.
Paper Mill Burned.
London, Oct. 3 The Gazette announces
this evening thai Hiram Maxim and John
C. Mclggs, of the United States, hnve
taken out certificates of naturalization
Mr. Maxim's certificate is dated Sept. 36,
nnd that of Mr. Meiggs, Aug. 30.
Rashes, and irritations Instantly relloved and
BpetMlily cured by hot baths with Cvticcra.
Soap, to cleanso the skin, gentle applications
of CunccnA Otntment, to heal tlio skin, and
mild doses of CuTicrm Resolvent, to cool
and cleansa tho blood.
Bold thrnothoitl Hie worll. Potti nruo inn Cnr.K.
Coir,, l'ni.., Ueitooi" Uo toCue skiu lliuaon,"frM
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
T WILL PAY YOU to see our line
rington's Men's Shoes at $2.oo, $3.00 and $4. They arc
made of the best ofleathers, in all styles and nearlv all widths.
Our line of Ladies' Shoes, made by Grey Bros, and John Kelley, at $2,
$3 and $4, are male of the best select French Kid and hand turned, all
styles and widths, A to EE.
48 pairs Moa's Kussct Patent Leather Fine Shoes, worth $3
GO pairs Men's Call' a solid soles oi' leather, $3 hand-sowed
shoes, at $1.08.
148 pairs of Men's Shoes at 9Sc, $1.29 and $1.49.
60 pair Ladics'ilne thru button kid tip shoes,worth $3,at $1.00
300 pairs odd lots of Fine Shoes at 79c, 9Sc, $1.29 and $1.40.
GO pairs Misses' $1.50 School Shoes at 9Sc.
Children's Shoes at all prices.
goods before buying elsewhere. Remember, there is no
you will surely save money by it.
The Favored
Fall Dress Goods
Much interest centers nowadays at our Dress Goods De
partment. Shelves and counters are crowded with new stuffs.
Newcomers are daily arriving and they are all leaders of their
class, just as this store is a leader in their showing.
So the visitors at the dress goods display increase daily
and learn the latest decrees of fashion makers, and see the fab
rics in patterns to be seen nowhere else in Scranton. Among
the recent arrivals are some of the heavier fall stuffs.
Homespun Cheviots,
Clay Diagonals,
Camel's Hair Cheviots,
Bourette Homespun Cheviots,
TwoToned Diagonal Cheviots,
Camel's Hair Plaid Cheviots,
Mohair Boucle Cheviots,
127 and
Always appreclsto good bread
and butter about as much as
anything you can give them.
We would not encourage trampi
for nn. thing, but we sometimes
think if thty could bo fed for
awhile on pome of mother's
good bread made of
Flour they would becomo better
men nnd better citizens. Good
bread Is a great clvlllzcr. and
those nations are the most pro
grcssivc where they havo tho
best brend.
Snow White Is fold by alt gtocors.
"We only wholesaled."
Carbondale, Olypliant.
The Dickson Manufacturing Co.
t'cranton and VIII;ovI!,irre, Vi,
.Mnaufacurer-i of
Boilers. lloUtlnnand Pumping Machinery.
General Office, Scranton, Pa.
Gueapest Shoe Store
in Scranton.
of Hatawav, Sole and Har
129 Washington
Pall Carpets
Interior Decorators.
129 Wyoming Avenue,
Manufacturers or
43513 Mill SLSJltllrJ
Telephnn: Cull. JW,.
311 Sprues S.
Ttuipu Court UultJu;,
ScratMj, Pd.
All acute and cluonlc diseases of mm.
women mid children CliltON'IU, NEUV.
JJS A SriX'IALTY. All tltbettses of tin
Liver. Kidneys, Uladdcr. filtln, Hlood.
Nerves, Womb. Vye, Ear, Nose,,
and Lungs. Cancers. Tumoure. Plhi
Kupturo Ooltre, llheumutlsm, Asthma,
Catarrh, Vurlococcle. Lost Manhood,
NIchtlj' Kmlsslons, all Femnlo Diseases,
Li'ucorrhoca, etc Gonorrhea. Syphilis.
Hlood 1'olBon, Indiscretion and youthful
habits obliterated. Sursory, Fits, Epl
lensy Tape and Ktomneh Worms. CA
TAItRHOZONiS. Opoclflo for Catarrh.
Three months' treatment only 5.00. Trial
free In ofllce. Consultation and exami
nations free. Qfflc. hours dally nnd
Sunday. S u. m. td 0 p. m,
MI'S i
All in
Qualities, at
Prices from
75 Cents Yard
Up to $2,50
We offer batter inducements
to the carpet buyer this season
than ever before.
Paying less for your carpets
thau we ask is getting thread
bare soots and dissatisfaction
that you do not bargain for.
Everything in Wilton, Ax
minster, Velvet, Brussels,
Savonerrie, Ingrain.
5 A ,
5 A full line now in. a
H Coats, Legging?, Belts, g
5 Vests.Shot, Shells.Clean- s
I in? Rods, etc. A com- 5
S plete new line.
So "-
5 Prices Right. 1
5 s
2ii Wnshlnston Avcnuj. s
S Opposite Court llous:. 2
Rooms 1 nml2,Com'Uh BTd'g.
nining and Blasting
Mi do it Mooslc nnd llunti tnlo WorKt
ICl otrlo llattnriei. KleoirlnKtplodsr.
lor exploding bla-rti, dafcty l-'u.s n 1
Rapauio Chamiml Co's exr'Ans