The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 30, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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On all our Pianos
and Organs
Aud Others,
Perry Brothers
205 WjomliiR Atc.i
Ice Cream.
C nnt.f
VU1 r
Telephone Ordors Promptly I)o.l versd
;'g-J'7 Adams Avenue
cclalt!ts Surgery, Elseasjj of Women
CfflceHoiir 1113 12a m
2 to I p. m
At Iirnidcnco 7 to Hp tu
Ofllco 'Jill Conno'l Iltilldliu Itoildanco
'Jiu South Mntn.VviUuu
Scranton Transfer Co.,
HUail J. KI3ENAN. Manager.
C Leriu HnjRdRO direct from roil laao to
nuy part of the United Statei
Onice 10'J Lnckn. Ave. mono 525
IMS in frozen m
120 Spruce Street,
Maionlc Temple
The Only Dentist
In the Cltj Who Is ii Gr.iduato In
Eye, Ear. Nose aud Throat
Ofllco Hours 0 a m. to 12 SO p. m ; 2 to 4.
Williams Building, Opp. Postofilco.
ANNIVERSARY Si:itVIl'i: -The nil
lilvoisuiv service of Warren A IJerij will
be celebrated huturdiiv cv tilling ut S
clock, in tliu Mission hall, No 111
1 ltiuklln avenue.
Stevens wum ui rented List even
ing mid lodgtd In the iVntio ftrtet Bia
tlnn on a charge of defrauding Ills boaid-
lug houe keiptr out of fJu&n
1 idles ol Hip Pcnn incline ihuich nro
planning for n Harvest Homo dinner tho
lut wick ot Octobei n tho opening of
n ocrlei. of oct anion dining tho
u Intel.
inquest into the death ol I'ntrlcU Mullen
nnd James Pnirj, tho two men killed in
the recent l.nekiwiiniia wreck, will bo
held on Munduj evening at 7 o'clock, In
tho urbltiatlon loom at tho coutt houbc
Oeorgo i: Lashor.of 001 Court street,
who was Injured in i collision on the
Lackawanna neiu the Water Clap on
Thurnday evening, parcel away at the
Mobos Taj lor hospltnl josterdav morn
Ing. His icniniiiH wcie removed to his
late home.
keepers and ofllro men of tho city met on
Thurxdny i-venlng nnd orgunlzed the
Hoiikkeepun' club Tho following olllcers
wore elected. S W. Wugnci, president;
V. E. Steven, ico ircldciit, Samuel
MeCrackeii, hecretury; S J. Salrc, treas
urer Tho next meeting will bo held on
Thursday evening In tho Builders' Ex
change rooms nnd nil bookkcepeis aro In
tled to attend.
Bhi.kespinrenn recital to bo given by Mni
shail Darrach at St Lukes Palish hall
rtaRThursdny night, will bo tho society
rvesrrot tho week The names of many
Hoolal leaders of tho city oppcar cm the
lift of patronesses and as the affair is
for tho benefit of the Hihnomann lion
pltal, a local charity verv popular, tho
nltcndunco will bo largo Theno recitals
hno delighted dlstliiRUlshed nudlcnces in
tho most select circles of piomlnent cities
nnd are a revelation In Shakespearean
Rev. James Gllogelly and Rev. Fran
cis Canavan Assigned.
Rev. James Glloegelly and Rev. Fran
cis Canavan, now temporarily stationed
nt tho cathedral, havo been given per
manent assignments by Bishop Hoban.
Rev. Father Glloegelly goes to Sayre
as assistant to Rev. J. L. Shanley, Rev.
Father Canavan is to bo assistant to
Rev. J. J. Healey at Pleasant Mount.
Journeymen Plumbers,
street, telephone 1593.
610 Sprue
Smoke the Popular Punch Cigar, 10c.
Reminiscences of tho "Good Old
Days" of Tiro Fighting with a
Summitry of the Events Lending
Up to tho Formation of tho De
partment "Lady Washington En
glno Company" Wa3 the Flrist to
Do Permanently Organized and
Equipped Department Has Had
Nino Chief Engineers.
Below Is given n synopsis of tho cry
lntei"stlng hlrtoiy of the Scmnton
flic department which appears In the
ofllclal souvenir of tho stalo cmivoii
Hon, and which will bo Issued Mon
day. History of the cntlj daj.f of Scrauti'ii
beforo Its Incorporation, und when It was
known as a vllhigo under the illftt-rcnt ap
pellations of "itnzorvllle," "Deep Hol
low," "Slocum Hollow," "Sctniilonlii, '
etc., tl'o tiro upparatUM wus u ciudo uf
fnlr with no water works to amount to
anything except that which natmo pro
vided In fact at that period of tlmo the
villages und towns throughout tho state,
save nomo few exceptions, and tho larger
cities, were slmllurly situated or equipped.
There was no such thing as rubber hose
then known Indeed, tho rubber Indus
tries nt that tlmo were In theli infancy,
nnd manufactures from that now uidur
iiallj known product were few and fur
between, nnd tho wonderful dlNcrtlllcutlon
to which thej huo binco attained was
undreamed of. Leather hose of the slm
pleht description was used to convey thu
water from well or stream to tho 111 p.
In fact, tho hand engines of that time
wtro ot very Inferior ciiullty, nnd no
wnter Wus to be had ccept from wooden-handled
pumps nnd tho Roaring brook.
Owners of dwellings kept a llro bucket
for evry fireplace in the house, nud tho
firemen and bojs, while running to tho
fire, cried out "Throw out jour buckets!"
nnd theso wero picked up by the !lrt
men who camo nlons These bin kets
were usually of leather Two lines vnro
formed from the flro to tho nearest pump,
and when tho water In the well gave out,
the lines wero carried to tho nearest
ilrenni tl.o Roaring Brook
Onu line passed down tho empty buck
ets, and the other h uidcd up tho full
onen It was seldom that unjono at
tempted to break these lines. If ho did,
he was roughlv handled Hvery good citi
zen was expected to turn out and yive
old to tho firemen As tho plan did not
work erv satlsfctcilly, an improvement
wus effected, by which each flre-houfo
was furnished with two poles of sufficient
length to carry twelve buckets each
The poles wero earned on tho shoulder3
of tho firemen whin going to tho fire,
and often vcrved ns weapons ot defense
and offciso In the battles which fre
quently oceuired between rival compan
ies inti:ri:st increased.
As time lolls on, tho inteiest In tho
old department ot Scranton scemb to in-erca-'e.
Apait from the dry record of
fires t tended b the old llre-laddles, tho
details it theli doings would make a
chronicle piobablj u lrteie sting as any
romance. To tho student of the manners
and customs of bj-gone tlmus nnd to tho
Keneral public, these storleft nro full of
Interest which never weirj with tho re
telling. The lights, the songs, tho biava
deeds and tho hoc! il life ol tho old lire
men, aro full of pathetic nnd heroic in
terest. They represertcd tho best class
of oui people, such as t-tatesmen Judjes,
lawjers, politicians, doctors, business
men, etc.
Shortly prior to tho incoiporatlon of
Sctanton ns a i Itj proper, which was
effected in ISMj, the Hist steam fire en
gine, pulled by hand, wus introduced
It was called the "l.ady Washington,"
and was pun based bj tho members of
the companv, sUllr.g themselves "l.ady
Washington Engine company No 2, ' who
individually and collectively raised tho
money to pa for tho same About till"
time, through like efforts on pint of
their members tho Nn Aug and Trank
llu Engine companies were s-lmilarl
equipped with engines, propelled by hand
or man rower Tho latter companv, the
rranklln, was organized, however, ns
early as July 3d, IS'il, when It used tho
old-tlmo hand engine. The Neptune Ellis
company was also In eIstcnco about the
tlmo of tho breaking out of our Inter
state war, and possessed n hand-power
machlno of i rudo construction, but of
effective working foice But ns a largo
number of Its inembeis enlisted In the
army at that time, Its organization, llko
many other companies throughout tho
state, was temporarily abandoned
In fact, tho war proved disastrous to
many llro companies, tho members of
which wero among the first to respond to
tho call to arms and rui-h forth to do
fend the countrs's flag as eagerly ns thej
had frequently beforo rushed forth to
protect tho piopcrty nnd lives ot tho
peoplo of tho old borough, and ns a con
sequence, theie wero so few members left
at home that thev wero not supported,
and some of tho companies lapldb
chopped out of existence But when thc
wnr ended, tho biavo fellows who sur
vived returned home, and although manj
of them had suffeied by loss ot health or
limb, still the deilro to sato was strong
within them, and In a s-hort tlmo they
succeeded In reorganizing the companies
on n tlrm basis
When Captain Keeley was head of tho
flro department of Scranton lie purchaxed
in 18CS thiee hook ami ladder trucks for
$1,200 each In Now Yolk Also about this
tlmo the Good Will Hook and 1. idder
company was organized Tho trucks re
ferred to had lain In tho railroad ard
seveinl months, exposed to all kinds of
weather before anv thing was dono with
them Later on, however, one of tho
trucks was taken to Providence, when
tho City of Scrnnton was Incorporated A
companv was organized theio under Cap
tain Picrco, and culled tho "Mohawk
Hook and Ladder company." Tho other
truck was sent to the AVest Slele and put
In possession ot tho company known ns
tho "Hydo Paik Hook and Ladder coin
puny." Theso companies, heAvever, never made
a perfect or thorough organization, und
the tiucks nfterwnrds, again exposed to
the elements, without caro or nttcntlon
booh rotted Into uselcssness nnd forget
fulness The city for the maintenance of
theso compnnles did nothing. With the
exception ot the "Good Will compan
which was leorganlzed by n lot of colored
people, who called themsolvcs "t'nlon
Hook and Ladder Company No 1." but
owing to want of recognition and proper
support on part of tho councils, It aUo
soon disbanded.
Some of the eaily city fathers wero so
closo and penurious that they objected
to tho city paying for the greaso or oil
needed for lubricating tho running gcai
ot tha flro apparatus claiming ns the
"boB" run tho "machine," they ought to
buy their own oil. The ilro laddies in the
old days used to go to Fuller's drug store,
on Lackawanna nvenue, near tho Cono
house, nnd ask for castor oil for their
engines Many times they had no monuv
to pay for tho some, as councils In tho
niggardly policy pursued, would not ap
propriate a cent for the fire department
But one good nnd tried friend nover fulled
tho firemen In such dilemmas Mr Willlnm
P. Hallstead, when appealed to, would
say: "Glvo the boys all they want, I
will pay for It " Ho was iiluujs tho vol
unteer firemen's friend, and tho old boys
will never forcet him .
In orgunlzlng tho lire department In
IMS, the boroughs of Hydo Park and
Providence wero Included within tho Urn.
Its of Scranton, which paved tho way
for the present marvelous development of
the city. Cuptalu Keeley was chief uf
tho flro department nt that time, nnd
Inter, was succeeded by Mlllspaugh, a
druggist, who subsequently was elected
city treasurer, and who defaulted with
somo 175,000 of tho city's funds, rtnd slnco
hns never been lunrd of Then C. W.
Roesler wus put In ns chief of tho de
partment. About 186? tho Citizens' Eire
nesoclntlon was orgnnlzed nnd Issued
stock In shares vnrtlng from K to (10
and upward In amount, and contribu
tions from tho people wero also solicited
with which to purchnso a second-hand
steam engine for Nny Aug Hose company
No. 1 Even nt this Into dntc, leather
hoso was almost exclusively used,
Scrnnton from tho tlmo tho Union Hook
and Ladder compnny disbanded, forward
until 1W, did not hnvo a single hook and
ladder company in the city In tho Int
ter year. Sheriff ltoblnpon, Chief Kerber,
nnd somo others, saw the necessity ot
nignnlzlng n company of that kind, which
they effected through tho personal con
tributions of the most liberal minded of
our citizens. This compnny, however,
was not admitted to tho Scranton Flro
department until several years later, ami
then under protest.
Tho llrst tlmo the councils of the cltv
of Scranton ever bought a sleam or
other flro apparatus for the use of tho
city was In 1ST4, when they purchased
nn engine for tho Crjstnl IIoso company
No 4 Tho following j ear they made an
other appropriation to buy a steam flro
engine- for rranklln Engine company No
1. but tho committee which they ap
pointed to negotiate the purchase got into
n wranglo among themselves, and fio
result was they bought two engines In
stead of one.
They were lioiisfil In the Frnnklln En
gine companv 's house, and In 1S77 a reso
lution was offered in councils placing ono
of them tho Sllshy engine, in charge of
tho Franklin company, and tho other, a
Clupp fi Jono3 machine. In tho posses
sion of Neptuno companv No 2 In this
j ear the organization known ns the
"Board of District Engineers" was form
ed by electing II F Ferber president.
Tho next steDin flro engine was bought
bv Chief Fctber, who In connection with
Herman Notz, was ntpolrited the pur
chasing committee for tho snmo by tho
councils This was a "La Franco en
gine," mndo by the Ln Trance Manufac
turing company, ot Elmlrn, N Y It
wns given to the General Phlnney Engii.c
companj No I
About 1S7S-79 one of tho most terrible
catastrophes with which Scranton has
ever been visited took place. This was
the destruction by (ire of tho Orphan asy
lum, in which seventeen bnvs wero roast
ed nnd smothered to death Another
Kroat ilro. which occurred In 1S73 wns the
burning of the Cliff Locomollvo works,
owned by tho Dickson Manufacturing
compnny, which involved the los of prop
el ty valued at between $700,000 nnd $R0O,
000 Still nnother impoitant lire, away
back in tho bWtles, was the burning of
the Lackawanna Iron and Coal companj 's
mill on the South Side, when the firemen
had to tnko their hard engines into
Roaring Brook for suction, as there was
no flro plugs in that part of the city In
those daj s.
Tho convention cf tho Pennsv Ivnnla
State Firemen association was held In
Sirnnton In 1SS3 Chief Ferber, William O.
Robinson nnd D J Newman wero ap
pointed a committee to visit Brndford,
Pa , to arrango for its coming here. On
this occasion tho flro department of
Scranton gave their visiting brethren nn
eluborato reception. Theio wero no dis
sensions In the ranks then All was har
mony of feeling nnd unity of action. Mr
Ferber ln tho raco for chief, beat Mr.
S B. Stillnell, and then made tho latter
grind marshal of tho pirulo which took
place thereafter. Along about this time
tho introduction of tho Gamewell system
and Leggott's Creek gong were strongly
urged, but failed on account of tho ac
tion of tho councils. A year later, lSv5,
howevej, tho electric flro nlarm was
adopted nt a cost of about 110,000.
In Maj-, lSii, a law wi.s enacted by tho
legislature of the state allowing tho I'i
per centum tn collected from tho foreign
Insurance companies doing business In
tho state, to bo paid to tho disabled flte
men's fund The firemen of the state aro
Indebted for this mensuro of Justice to tho
representatives and senators of Lacka
wanna county.
Our flro department has hern extreme
ly fortunate ln tho selection of Its chiefs.
Thej' nil have been rateful and good men,
nnd havo lucd their utmost endcuvors
for tho welfare of tho companies Tho
department since its organisation In 1S6S
has had nine chief ei chieers ns follows:
C W Roesler. Enoch Page. Henry F
Ferber, S. B Stlllvvell. S V. Huntington,
Henry F Ferber, E Zlzlemnn, Henry T
Ferber, Enoch Pago II R. Madison,
Henry F Ferber, P J Hickej-, nnd John
H Walker, tho present incumbent of tho
The firo department as constituted nt
present, Is composed of flvo steamer com
panies, eight hoso companies, ono honk
nnd Indder companj', two chemical engine
ccmpanles, and two combination wagons
(chemical and hose).
Smoke the Pocono 5c Cigar.
When the children get their
feet wet and take cold give them
a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot
drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and put them to bed.
The chances are they will be
all right in the mr.rning. Con
tinue the Cherry Pectoial a few
days, until all cough has dis
appeared. Old coughs arc also cured;
we mean the coughs of bron
chitis, weak throats and irritable
lungs. Even the hard coughs
of consumption are always
made easy and frequently cured
by the continued use of
Every doctor knows that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy
known to medical science for
soothing and healing inflamed
throats and lungs.
Put ono of
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
over your Bungs
Tlta Boat Modloal
Atlvloo Freal
V now litve tome ot tha most fret,
nent phyilclant in tho VnHd Statu.
Unuiual uiportuUloi anil lonx expert,
enc emlne ntly 01 them for kWIuk jou
medic! advice Write freely all tho
parUculari tn your cue.
AddrtM, Dr.J O. AYFH, .
Lowell, Man. )
Body, Drain and Nerve Tonic.
To Overcome
all nnunniRTs. avoid suiwrttUTBi
Portraits and endorsements sent
MARfANI & CO , ,i XV ijth St. New York.
What a Writer ln tho Philadelphia
Inquirer Thinks of Him.
The Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday
contained a ennp shot picture ot Hon.
L. A. Watres nnd tho following sketch
of him:
"From tlte ranks of tho humble work
ers of tho coal mines of Lackawanna
county ho rose to bo lieutenant gover
nor of the commonwealth, and today
ho is one of the wealthiest and mjat
successful coal operators of the etat?,
a lawyer of marked ability nnd n pow
er in the financial interests of Nir'h
eastern Pennsylvania. Brleflv-, thit if
tho story of the honorable careir of
Colonel Louis Arthur Watres, t
Scranton. "Governor" Watres. as lie
is familiarly known throughout the
Btate, is a man ot marked individuality
and positive character. He was throwi
upon his own resources early and with
wonderful energy and determlnntloa
cducatdu himself and rapidly forgjd
to the front. He denied himself many
pleasures and studied law at night af
ter he was through with his regular
labors, nnd not long after he was ad
mitted to practice he was elected coun
ty solicitor of Lackawanna.
"Then he was sent to tho state sen
ate for two terms, and In 1800, although
the Republican candidate for governor
was defeated by 17,000, ho was elected
lieutenant governor By a plurality of
over 23,000 votes. Ho was tho Re
publican state chairman In the success
ful campaign of 1S91. For fifteen
years he has been actively Identified
with the national guard, was Inspector
of rifle practice under TJovernor Beav
er and was recently elected colonel of
the Thirteenth regiment, N. G. P. Few
men are more Intimately connected
with the electric light, traction, water
and financial corporations of Lacka
wanna than Is Governor Watres. He
is of a modest and retiring disposition
nnd Is devoted to an interesting family.
Including three children. He was 48
years old last April.
Rev. I. J. Lansing to Speak for tho
Ladles' Aid Society.
Rev. I. J. Lansing will given three
popular lectures ln October for the
benefit of the Ladles' Aid society of
the Green Ridge Presbyteiinn church.
The subjects will be "Physical Cul
ture or the Training of the Body for
the Uses of the Soul " Oct. 10, "Idea'3
and Foundation Principles," Oct. 17,
"Helps and Apparatus; Including Gym
nasiums and Accessories." Oct. 21.
"Right Movements and Reasons for
the Same."
Mr. Lansing has given this subject
many jears ot most careful and
thoughtful study, having examined
and made use of many of the best of
all known systems. The Jesuits of all
these experiments and observations ho
will summarize ln a few simple and
intelligible lectures, the value of which
can easily be verified by those who
are desirous of deriving strength and
health from Nature's method of build
ing up the human body. The lecturer
will illustrate the method which he
indorses and will teach plainly the
principles of self culture which any
one can follow out to his oWn advan
tage. A greater privilege than to hear
these lectuies would be difficult to set
before tho residents of Gteen Ridge.
Services Were Conducted by the Rev.
W. G. Simpson.
The funeral of the late Mrs. E. J
Lord was held yesterday afternoon
from the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Nelson "Waterman, on Jones street. It
was largely attended by many rela
tives and acquaintances that had
known her during her long and useful
life, and thus showed their deep te
gard for her memorj.
The services wete conducted bv' Rev
W. G. Simpson, pastor of the Asbury
Methodist Episcopal church, who. In
his remarks refcired PttlngljiHif the
deceased and her thoughtfulness and
kindly regard for those of her fellow
creatures. There were numeious testi
monials in beautiful floral emblems
from those who knew the deceased.
The remains were taken to Dunmore
cemetery for burial The pall-bearer3
were' O. v. Palmer, H. H. McKeehan,
Frank Lamberton, Charles Scammer,
Ernest Latham and Daniel McFnrland.
Orders the Removal of Big Signs and
Dr. Hand's Barricade.
Building Inspector Jackson has start
ed out to enforce the law against tho
display of canvas signs of moro than
two feet in width. Notice was yes
teiday served on the merchants who
aie violating the ordinance In this re
spect to remove the signs.
The Inspector has also ordeied tho
lemoval of the bairlcadc built at tne
rear of the Jewell founding on Spiuco
street by Dr. Hand to protect himself
from the alleged nuisance that wus
occasioned by tho stock of Fox's bird
and animal store. Tho Inspector holds
that the bairlcade comes within the
category of wooden structtues foi bid
den Inside the fire limits.
Hereafter the building Inspector's of
fice hours will be f ram 8 a. m. to noon,
Instead of 8 to 10 and' 2 to 4.
This Will Bo the Last Day for the
This will be the last day for hearing
the testimony of the lespondonts ln
tho Langstaff election contest.
At yesterday's session a great deal of
documentary evidence was offered, in
cluding assessment books, naturaliza
tion dockets, etc. W. C. Burke, nn
ex-tax collector of Dunmore, nnd
Michael Godfrey and William Lavvler,
of Wlnton, were the witnesses exam
ined. Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F &M T TIovvlcy.231 Wyoming ave
Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup.
Hns been used for over FIFTY YEARS
bv MILLIONS of MOTHIUIS for their
t'lIII.UUKN Will 1.13 TDimiINO WITH
rr.rtFECT success it soothes th
In the best remedy for DlAItllllOEA,
Sold by Druggists In every part of the
world lie sur nnd nk for "Mrs, Wins,
low's Soothing Syrup," und take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Or N. Y., O. & W. R. R, CO.
Alleges That the Latter Company
Neglected to Supply Sufficient Cars
nnd to Do Other Things That Were
Required by tho Terms of Its Con
tractIt Is Also Allegod That tho
Contract Is In Violation of tho Pro
vision of tho Inter-State Commerce
An answer was yesterday filed by tho
Northwest Coal company to the hilt ln
equity filed against It somo tlmo ago
by tho New York, Ontario and West
ern Railway companj'.
Tho Northwest company In Its nn
svver asserts that when It entered Into
a contract with tho plaintiff company
It was understood that tho New York,
Ontario and Western company agreed
to be merely a common carrier and
that It would not open any colllerlei
of Its own tej. enter into comnot tlcn
with tho Northwest Coal company.
Furthermore tho plaintiff companv
agreed to take all the coal mlnel by
the Northwest Coal company that the
Erie company would not take. Not
withstanding this It Is avermd the
plaintiff company did not the
defendant company enough cats to car
ry tho coal. Messrs. Dickson and Kd
dy, it Is alleged, were mere nrcnts for
tho plaintiff company to avoid anv in
convenience that might ailse out ot
tho fact that the New York, Ontario
and Western company was a common
carrier and not a trading or mii.liip;
On account of the neglect to supply
cars as agreed and because of tl.t com
petition caused in tho trade bv the
plaintiff entering as a competitor In th
coal trade Instead of remaining a com
mon carrier as It Is chartered, and nE
It agreed with the defendant to do,
the defendant company complained to
the plaintiff, who responded. "If you
desire to abrogate the transpoi ration
contract, as threatened in your letter,
such course will bo enlrely sitlsfao
tory to this company." This shows,
the defendant asserts, that the plain
tiff recognized the right of which the
defendant company subsequently avail
ed itself.
In regard to tho organization ot the
Temple Iron company, the defendant
declares that the facts are not corre. t
ly stated ln tho plaintiff's bill. Fur
ther the defendant answers: "That the
contracts set up ln tho plaintiff"? bll'
are contrary to public policy and urc
void; that it Is an attempt of a for
eign railroad corporation to manage
and control the marketing of a prin
cipal product of the state of Pennsyl
vania shipped over Its lines; that it is
contrary' to public pollcj- because the
said contract if enforced will discrim
inate against tho public "
CONTRACT lLf.' ,f,
The contracts, tho defendant further
alleges, are ln violation ot tho net of
congress of Feb. 4, 1SS7, controlling In
terstate traillc. They gave "an un
due and unreasonable preference and
advantage to tho Northwest Coal companj-,
as they were not the schedule!
nnd open rates," which, by the said act.
"the plaintiff was bound to make ane1
observe, and were In violation of the
terms of said act of congiess" The
answer is signed by Thomas II. Wat
kins, treasurer, and A. F. Law, secre
tary of rha Northwest Coal company.
Tho defendant Is represented by Wll
larel, Warren & Knapp and George F.
McKeever's Field Suicide Is Not
Dennis Phillips.
Detective Molr received a letter yes
terday from N. B. Phillips, of Sugar
Notch, Franconla, N. II, ln nnswer
to a letter sent last week by Chief
Robllng ln regaid to the finding of the
bundle of letters and the statement
signed Dennis Phillips ln Lohmann's
In It Mr. Phillips states that the
handwriting In tho statement is his
brother's, but that the photogruph cf
the suicide found in McKeever's field
Is enthelj- unlike his brother. Tho
clerk at Lohmann's was evidently mis
taken w hen he said that the man vv ho
left the bundle was a tall, stout man,
llko the one who committed suicide.
The Identity of tho latter Is still a
mystery, as are also the wheieabouts
of Dennis Phillips, his brother stat-
V k H t fr, i t v. f, t t v. v. t V.
Scranton Store, 124-126 Wyoming Avenue.
Copyright books in
cloth published at $1.50
At the writing of our regular Saturday advertisement the
full list of titles had not yet been received. We append here
with a list often copyiight works in cloth that will go on sale
Lady of Quality
Soldiers of Fortune
Choir Invisible
Prisoner of Zenda
The Hanxman
The Forest Lovers
Caleb West
Honorable Peter Stirling
The Christian
The outiageous price of 59c has been charged by other
stores for these same books here on Saturday
JA c
Only three to n customer nud none to dealers.
k'U-'--U''A' '''''''''''' 4
Entirely New
Tho silk shade is a thing of tho pa3t. Globes hnve taken their fe
place. It is not necessary t o buy a now lamp to get the globo ns met
wo havo hundreds of odd globes at nil prices. Wo Just unpacked S
a beautiful collection of new Austrian and Fiench globeo with 5p
Poppy, Iris and other decorations; a inrgcr assortment to select 2
from than all other stores in tho city combined. 2?
i CxvaTVfeAX -
I Millar & Peck,
Dou't grumble at the cook when breakfast is late.
Perhaps it's not her fault. Very likely she don't know
about the Dockash. Dockash Ranges are noted for
their superior flue construction, insuring a quick fire
in a few minutes after drafts are opened. We will
S gladly tell you more about
Yes, we always keep
Hears Duilding,
Of All
Fo Lo Crane,
pM K&SldiOTe mW
jc y ( e. JFJ
0m Furrier, $$&
MtmSSm Is sl'owiug the newest ISfffl
?$&, rinflAnuriTOpfJF
vfi ; "ij vCa t 31 1 Gl ?'. 3 D fail B n I ' V'",J';'t&s. ftw
mm luliunllnlLHlO mm
vxyvyx hYJ.'cxzr&
Handsome Tailored Gowns, Ladies', Misses' aud Chil
dren's Jackets, Silk Waists, Golf Capes, etc. Largest
sortment ever brought to this city. Prices the lowest.
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Raw Furs Bought.
Ing that they have heard no word from
him since the spring ot 1S9S
It is vciy Improbable that he commit
ted fculclde, as his signed statement
would Indicate that he contemplated
doing, as Ills body would have been
New Hat Star".
When down town this evening stop
at the. New Hat store and see nil tho
latest fall stjles in hats. Pi Ices the
lowest. Remember the place, Sctan
ton One Price Hat companj', New
Masonic building, 422 Spruce St. "
rinest wines nnd
20 Spruce stieet
cigars at Lane's,
Smoke the Hotel Jermyn Cigar, 10c
v. M V. t t h , v. v, , . t fc t v, v.
13 WyomlnR Ave
"Walk In nnd look around."
them if you will ask us.
repairs in stock.
Washington Ave.
Headquarters for
Young's Hats,
Men's Underwear
Gloves and
Successor to flronsoi & Tollman,
412 Spruce Street.
Try our 10c Special Collars, bet
ter than any 15c Collar in town.
Just a
Did you ever notice how much
leal pleasure can be derived from
ono of the Edison Phonographs with
the new piocess Edison Records.
There nre none who will not ttp
precinto tho smooth, clear, full sound
of nn outfit made up of the above,
and ns an enteitainor it has no equal.
Catalogues for the asking at our
exhibition rooms.
Chas. Bo Scott
110 Franklin Avenue.
Elmwood Hall
Elmhurst, Pa.
(rormerly Hotel Clmliurst.)
Open All the Year.
Thli hotel huv beau rorao lolo 1 nnd refltta 1
throughout nnd will op-n it doori Juno 14,
I'orrates, eta, call on or udJruii
Dockash I
Ranges j