The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 30, 1899, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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0e cranfon ri6ime
Published Dully, fixctpt 8nnday, by Tho
Trlbuno Publishing Company, at Ilfty
Cents a Month.
New York Office; ICO Nnssnu St.,
b. s. vm:ni,AND.
Bole ARcnt for I'orelsn Advertising.
Entered nt tho Postofflce nt Scrantoa.
Pa., as Beccnd-Clnss Mali Mutter.
When space will prtmlt, Tho Trlbuno
Is always Rlad to print elimt letters fiom
Its frier (Is bcnrlnK on current topics
but ltn rule l that those must bo olRiied,
for publication, by tho writer's real name.
BCItANTON, Sni'TUMIlini 30, IS'jD
Jllstlco of the Supreme Court J. HAY
11HOWN, of l.anciiBler.
Judgo of tho Superior Court JOSIA1I IX.
ADAMS, of Philadelphia.
State Ticusurcr-LIKUTnNANT COL-
oxi:l jamus i:. uaiinett, or
ConiinHsloners-JOHX Commit MOU
IUS, of Scrnnton; JOHN PENMAN,
of Oljplinnt.
Alldltorn-Wl 1,1,1AM E. JOHNS and ASA
E, KIEPEIl, both of Scranton.
Election day, Nov. 7
Oovcrnor llontevelt certainly dls
jdnved wanton cruelty In clnsplnp tho
hand of Admlial Dewey liofotp the
o:ntiilttoo of nrinjiRonieiHs had oppor
tunity to olllr i.illv extflid tho Tam
many Unci's claw.
America's Naval Hero.
Alirr.If'AX history doos not
furnish an example of vvai
rior or states-man who ha-i
been tho object of fo larRO
a popular npprovnl as that to whUh
Admiral Dovvey returned, rind It lias
happened but very few times In tho
hhtoiy of the -world that sj laige a
number of people have aqicfd in nc
ceptlnK1 any one man as the typical
representative of their nation iVlillu
Gencinl Grant undoubtedly was the
hero of tho Rebellion nnd jjulncd n hold
upon the hearts of the people that
made him the object of interest
thioughout the closing sc cnei of his
areer at Alt. MficGii'Bor, he was
never accorded a Kieotlnff of the iinR
nltudo of thai Riven the man who
Btood on the bildpe of the 01mpU
jesteid.iy ns the tilni war ship heidrd
the Kieatest naval parade ever vlt
neRcd in Ameilcan uatpi.
During til" tilnir "cenrs at Manila
Admlial George Dewey demon-trnted
qualities as n warrior and diplomat
that entitle him to the unpaialleled
lecoRiiltlon Rien yestoidav by a Rrato
ful nation. All honor to the lepresen
tatlve Ameilean whose cqulllbiluin has
been unditiiibed by gieptlntw uiwn.
passed In hUtnij '
Antl-expainionsts aie not cl.imoilmr
for Dewey as a pi evidential candidate.
The State Campaign.
T IS ANNOUNCED that at the
pioper time Colonel Harnett, the
itepubllcan candidate foi tstate
tieassiner, who has been icRaln
'inR hoaltli nnd strength sinie his letum
from the Philippines, will ro before the
people of Pennsylvania, toRether with
other oratois. and discuss oveiy issue
enterliiR Into the state campalRii. Mate
nnd national. The attempt of the
Demociats to eieate the Impi ess-Ion
that the Republicans deslie to avoid
Mate Issues will be punctuied by a
ftank and feailess acceptance of any
lino of discussion which they may
call up.
This Is pood politics and manly Judg
ment. The Republican paity In Penn
sylvania has nothing to conceal In Its
management of state affairs. The
lecoid made by it, althoiiRli dlfetoited
and falsified in tlio course of faction. il
contioveisy, compares favorably with
the recoid of any majoilty patty In
any state. The claims of superior vli
tuio put foiuaid by the Demoeiatie
opiositlon aie overtlirown by the fact
that In the legislative abuses eoneoin
inR which ciltleisin is Here est the Dem
uciutlc membcis have Invailably been
Rut theie nre mote than state Issues
at stake this year. On tho eve of u
presidential election which will dete--inlne
the whole future of American ad
ministrative policy In the now teriltory
which lias come under our coutiol In
eonseemenco of the Spanish-Ameiknn
war, the suppoiteis of the piesldent of
the United States look to I'ennsjlvn
nlii, us they do to Ohio and other stutes
ueie- mi) ui-iiioc'incy nas curled op
position into piaeticnl shape, to return
11 veidict which will sttengthen Mr.
McKlnley's hands dmiiiR the oonilng
lesslon of congress nnd seive notice on
enemies at home and ubroad that the
Ameilcan people do not Intend to take
a baekwuid step.
Manila despatches indicate that Geu
iral Wlieeler does not piopnso to b so
lis title of PlBlitlng Joo" In his now
lehl of operation.
Attempting Too Aluch.
THERE IS some vaiiation in
published icports ns to tho
exact ianRiiaRo used by Ad
miral Dewey in speaking .if
leneral Otis; and this variation ptob
,bly rellects tho conscious or uncoil
clous bias of the Interviewer. But
hero Is substantial agreement amon
11 the men who have talked with the
dmlral, Including thoso who possess
Is fullest confidence nnd who would
ot under any consideration make pub
ic an Inaccurate leport of his opln
ons to the effect that General Otis
las attempted to do too much; that
,ae has, with wholly conscientious and
libnorable motives, taken upon hlm
olf burdens and responsibilities and
labors so numerous and difficult that
the Job commands tho man, Instead ot
tho man commanding the Job. Exam
ples of this mistaken conception ot duty
are numerous In nil walks of life, and
they Illustrate tho difference between
executive genius and tho devoted spit It
of willingness to woik which lacks the
Intultlvo power of knowing Jus- how
to do work to tho best practical ad
vantage. If the president ot a railrou 1 com
pany or general manager of any other
larte enterprise covering a multitude
of details should try to conduct In per
son nil the transactions of tho com
pany,, down to selling tickets or per
forming other clerical vvor':, wo woul T
conclude, and not unnaturally, that
n mind so busied with small cares could
not bring to the consideration of largo
problems the freshness of Intellect and
virility of Judgment necessary to tho
accomplishment of the best results.
There must bo division nnd sub-division
of authority and Jurisdiction and
the lest ot greatness In nu oxeculivo
position Is not how much routine work
n superintendent can do, but how well
he can dlstilbuto this among his subor
dinates so ns to Insure faithful per
formance of duty along wise lines of
policy which it is his piovluoe to de
velop, With tho best of Intentions, i
small gunged man In a large-guaged
place may piove costly and lnefllclent
In dlioct pioportlon to his anxiety to
do It nil.
We may Bay with the utmost respect
for Geneial Otis that, with the inform
ation nt hand, tho opinion of hltn nc
ciedlted to Admltal Dewey Is verv
largely shared by olheis. For this
reason there Is ft widespread expecta
tion that Gcneinl Otis will soon be re
lieved of some of his pressing enres nnd
n sjstem of dlicctloti instituted which
will bo more satisfactory in results.
The title of Admlial is not to b
coveted by the nrw of (pilot dispell
tlon. The custom of letting the big
cinnon bang seventeen times whenever
one wishes to say "good morning"
must be rntlv r trying to the tympanic
Vindicated by Results.
WHEN a see tlon of the
country Is busily em
ployed In manufactur
ing it means that it is
upt to be piospoious, for great numbeis
ot lnborers aie being employed and
pnld wages. In the year ended July 1,
IsOO, the exports of manufacturers wero
neatly $50,000,000 greater than even In
the phenomenal year 1S9S, and more
than double those of tho year In which
Cleveland was elected. The following
table shows the great growth of tho ex
poitu of munufactutes from the United
in $ns,G7;.rv,
Ivhi 351,10.',.1TO
ivil JCb.627.iri
IStj j;s,510,M7
ist; iis.oii.iis
1S31 ls1,72S &J
jvi-i I3,:!I.,7I3
1W, 2.!571,17S
Js't; 2."7Js".t
jsas 2,
11 1 a;S.CG7,79t
It will bo recalled by thoso who are
again seeking to bring forwatel frec
tiado arguments! thnt duilng the dis
cussion eif the Dlngloy tariff bill Sena:
tor Vest and other Democrats claimed
that the enactment of piotectlve legis
lation would damage American tiado
abroad and icsult In n reduction of
puiehase.s by other countries. That
tills assertion was Just the.opposlte of
tho ti nth is pioven by tho fact that
our expoits have increased greatly
since tile enactment of the Dlngloy law.
The following table shows tho total ex
poits fiom tho United Stntes In each
ear duilng the decade. It will bo seen
that under the two yens under the
Dlngloy net tho cxpoitutlons have been
about fiO per cent, greater than In tho
fli st two j ears under the Wilson net.
and even greater than ths phenom
enal export year, IS92:
ISisS $ rvj.9-il.507
lvvt 74.401,373
Jv,0 SJI.4SO.810
JS'd. 8SI.4iO.S10
1,0X278,1 IS
S'l.M 10 "2
ss2,eii. Ms
1,231, 4S2, "JO
lS'M 1,227,203,119
Here Is a little table which may be
us-eful to show to thoso who claim that
the Dingley tailff Is not beneficial to
the labor of the count! y. The
table shows mmked falling off In out
impoits. Although 1899 shows an in
crease over 1S9S of $71,000,000, this is
veiy satisfactory accounted for In the
fact that this amount Included the Im
poitatlon of materials for use In manu
lnc tilling. Mich as cannot bo obtained
in the United States, as crude rubber,
raw hllks, fllieis, etc., Indicating manu
facturing activity.
H'O $7S9.",10.4(I9
1S'U MUrwiM
1W S.7.402.1U
1S9J SW! 10o,'J.'J
ll94 C3I,9II(,2J
1S03 731.9CI.9J3
1KM 779,72l,r,74
IS97 7C1.730.412
1S9S C1G.09I.G3I
1S99 CS7.UCS31
Duilng tho discussion In congiess of
the Dlngloy blllf opponents of tho
measure in nnd out of that body were
very ceitnln that In case of tho enact
ment Into law of such n measure, for
eign countries would certainly retaliate,
nnd greatly damage our commerce, es
pecially thoso countiles which protest
ed against that measuie. The follow
ing table shows our exports to each of
tho protesting countiles duilng tho last
year under tho Wilson low-tariff act
and tho first two years under the Ding
ley protective law. These figures do
not seem to show that wo have suf
fered very greatly along this line:
Fiscal Fiscal Fl3cal
year j car e ar
197. 189S 1899.
U'd K'dom JIS3.270.395 $340,SCy,13J $'11,810,473
Gcimuny ... 12-,2IC,0SS 153,0 ,y.S72 1R3,77.',279
Franco 67.394,311 9-),432,d92 CO.390,893
11 N. Am'ca fifi.028.72J 81,911, 2b0 89,57.) C09
Netherl'ds . 51.015 011 04,274,022 79i3,99S
Helglum ... 33,071,533 -47.006,311 44,'.rt,239
Italy 21.30J.42J 23,270,838 23,0:1,910
Japan 13.2S5.47S 20,502.130 17.WI.CS3
Denmark .. 10,191,837 12.CU12I ' 15.C03.S2S
China 11.92I.1T.I 9,P9;,89I 14,131,140
Argentina .. C,3M 9S3 0,1:9,070 9.501,510
Aus'a-Hun . 4.023.011 C.C97.912 7.37S.933
Greece 110.70S 127.559 2n,W7
Bwltzerl'd . 70.871 253,970 07.732
Never has theio been a greater vin
dication of a contioveited public policy.
Act mints of family reunions that ap
pear In our suburban exchungos pre
sent life In tho most cheerful aspect.
Thero Is no season of the year wren
ft family reunion Is so e:ijnyabl as
that which marks the advent ot new
elder nnd pumpkin pie.
Kntherlne Robcr In n fit of exnsper.i
tlon nt the Academy of Mublc tho
other night administered a stinging re
buke to n number of hoodlums In tho
gnllery who laughed In a manner to
dlRturb tho performance of Romeo and
Juliet. The temnrks of the actress,
who Iniltid Idiots who could not com
prehend the plav to lenvo the house
nnd ullow sensible nudltoie mi opport
unity of hearing the dlnlogue, were
timely nnd wero nppreclnted. Jf this
system or recognition of tho lore could
bi npplled In miny other entertain
ineutsi In this city It would doubtless
do much towards miking theatrical
performance enjoynblo. Tho well
dressed bundle of conceit In tho or
chestra chnlto who disturbs people l'i
the Immediate vicinity by criticisms ot
the play and nctois or by Indulging
In other conversation Is ns gteat a nui
sance ns the gnllery tough who laughs
at love passages. Too many persons
who claim to bo Indies nnd gentlemen
Imagine thnt the puichnse ot a ticket
nt the box ollco entitles them to tho
privilege ot destroying the evening's
enjoyment of n score or more of unfor
tunate people silting near them In a
The first snow storm of the season
has already been reported from North
Dakota. No matter what tho condi
tions nre elsewhere Dakota's Septem
ber blizzard crop never failed.
If I ho Rrltlsh government carries out
th intention of sending 3,000 American
mules to tho Transvaal Uncle Paul
will certainly have n "kick coming."
Dewey poets have filled expectntlons
In regai d to numbers, but the Dovvoy
twoi-stcp and f-ong wilteis havo been
unusually shy, till things considered. -
De Gallitet's Ruse.
Geneial do Gnlllfct, tho French minis
ter of win, nnd tho most eminent living
French geneial, possesses presenco of
mind In a high degree. During tho War
of the Commune, Galllfet onto found him
bclf, at the Hergerles bridge, Paris, sur
rounded on tin co sides by tho Insurgent
national guatd. Ho was accompanied 1J
a lieutenant onl, Uemard d'Hai court by
l'ame, relates tho Souths Companion.
Lseapo was Impossible. Thiec thousand
national guaids had their guns aimed nt
the two oillters.
"Wo shall never get out ot this alive!"
raid the lieutenant.
"Well," said Galllfet, "perhaps not, but
I think w shall Follow me!
Galllfet rrocecded to rido nt a slow trot
directly toward tho Insurgents. Presently
tho Community commaneier, a man in a
white beard, evidently r.ot a soldier by
occupation, stepped out and called:
"What do ou want?'
Then Galllfet proceeded to make a in a homewhnt grandiloquent man
tier. He pietcndod that ho had cotno
from Picsiddit Thiers..
"Frenchnu'ii," he said, "listen! Shall it
be pence or war between Paris and Ver
sailles? Shall wo not have peace? Lay
dewn your arms and all will be well. II
vou persist, It Is war to tho death!
Frenihmen, chooe!"
A great clamor rose, umong the Insur
gents. Tho Communist commander spoko
"Go back to President Thiers," he
shouted, "ami tell him it Is war!"
"I go!" said Galllfet. He wanted noth
ing better, as his "mls-slon" was a puro
accident, and ho was as good ns a prls.
oner. Ho nnd tho lieutenant rode away.
The lieutenant's horso struck Into a gal
lop. "Hold on" called Galllfet. "Don't let
them think we aro In a hurry they'll
know what's up'"
So tho two officers walked their horses
out of range of the Insurgent rifles, and
rejoined their command. Two months
Inter tho gray-beat ded Communist com
mander fell Into the hands of Galllfet,
who gavo him his liberty In ngrccablo re
membrance of the Incident.
Increasing n Salary.
"I heard n quaint Uttlo story tho other
dav about Collls P. Huntington," said u
New Orleans railroad man, recently, to
tho Times-Democrat. "It may or may
not bo true, but anihow it's plcturcsquo
enough to bear letelling. A few jears
ngei, according to tho jam, his pilvuto
secretary, Mr. Miles, struck him gently
tor an increase of salary. 'Do you .need
any moro money?' asked Huntington,
thoughtfully. 'No, sir, I don't exactly
need it," leplied Mr. Miles, 'but still, I'd
bo glad to bo getting a llttlo more.' 'Ah,
hum-m-m,' mued his employer, 'can you
get along without tho advance for tho
present?' 'Oh, es,' answered tho secre
tin y, 'I guess so,' and tho matter was
"A couple of years later a new boy ap
peared at the Miles home, and tho sec
retary thought tho tlmo propitious to re
new tho application. 'Why, my dear sir.'
said Mr. Huntington, when ho heard him
through, 'I i.alsed jour salary when ou
usked me belcte' 'I never henid any
thing about it,' said tho secretary In
amacnivnt. 'Probably not,' returned Mr.
Huntington, 'la fact I used that money
to buy a plcea of property for j'ou. I'd
Just let It htnnd for a whllo It I were
jou ' Mr Miles thanked him warmly and
retired, somewhat mj stifled.
"Recently Mi Huntington called hlra
Into his. prlvato ofllcc. 'By tho waj,
Miles,' ho said, 'I havo bold that real es
tate of jouis nt a pietty good advance.
Hero Is the check ' Tho amount was $30,-
0i)0 The property was part of a large
s-ictlon purchased by the railway king as
nn Investment for his wife, and ho Is
understood to havo cleared several mil
lion bv tho deal "
One of Judge Daly's Stories.
Tho lato Chief Justice Daly was very
fond of telling stories, says tho New
York Sun, which adds that ono ot his
favorites related to an experience ho
had In tho Academy of Music many j-ears
ago. He had gono thcro to attend n lec
ture on higher mathematics. There was
a lecture on Ireland being delivered In
Nilsson Hall, next door. Tho Judco
would rather havo been at tho Irish lec
ture, but ho wasn't fiee to follow Jils
Incllnitlons. His attention wavered and
settled on an elderly couple In front of
him. They wero evidently Irish as Irish
as a piece of tho old sod Itself. They
wero following the lecturo with painful
nttentlvtness. It was a very long lecturo.
After a whllo tho lecturer paused to
drink n glass of water.
"Mike," said tho old woman, "how do
you like It?"
"Like! Like!" snarled tho old man,
"I'vo listened to tho fool for nn hour and
tho dlvvlo a word hns ho spoko about
Ireland,! et."
A Joke on Benurepnire.
Another good Joko hus been successful
ly plaj-ed oft on M. Quesnay do llenure
pnlre. As a Joko It Is neater and more
compact than Its predecessois. Tho oth
er day tho ex-presldent of the civil sec
tion of tho Cour do Cassation received a
very pollto letter dated from tho Chateau
do l'refurgtor, near Neufchatel, In Swit
zerland, nnd signed "A. do Prcfargler,"
pialslng him for his efforts In tho Drc
fus enso and Inviting him to come and
stay at tho writer's, residence. M, do
Uenurepnlro replied, says St. Paul's Hud
get, "In his usual flowory stjle, sajlng
ho would continue the Btrugglo as long
ns ho had strength, nnd that ho would
remain at tho breach like the valiant sol
dier to set an example of duty to God
and tho fatherland, pvn should ho stand
alone. Ho did not positively elecllno too
Invitation, holding out hopes that somo
day he might lie freo to accept It. Tho
Chateau do Prefargler Is tho ltltmtlc asy
lum for Neufchatcl.
Poetry vs. Prose.
They wero sitting on tho front porch
after dinner, tnjovlng tho ovcnlng breeze.
Gazing at tho canopy of heaven, thickly
st milled with glittering stars, Mr. Pon
deling exclaimed:
"How utterly Incomprehensible Is the
voBtness of nature! Each glittering orb
wo now behold la a world ot greater
mngnltudo than cur own. How wonderful
are tho eternal laws which hold this uni
verse of worlds In their unchanging or
bits, and "
"Yes," Interrupted Mrs. Pandering, sud
denly giving volco to her train of thought,
"und tho man didn't leavo us half enough
Ico toda, and I'm sura tho beefsteak will
spoil beforo morning. Did you order
thoso mackerel nnd tho ton of coal to bo
sent tomorrow?" Chicago News.
A dramatization has been tnndo ot
James Lano Allen's novel, "Tho Choir
Invisible," which will bo seen In New
York somo timo in October by arrange
ment with Messrs. Klaw and Erlangcr.
James A. Heme has completed bis new
play "Sag Harbor ' which will bo pro
duced by Llebler & Co , In November.
In this effort Mr. Hcrno will introduce a
new tpo to the stage tho shore folk of
Long Island. All the scenes will be laid
in Sag Harbor, Long Island, once famous
ns one of tho threo great whaling cen
tres of tho countij New Bedford, Nan
tucket and Sag Harbor.
Colonel Henry M. Kidder has presented
to his daughter. Miss Kathrjn Kidder,
of tho James-Kldder-Ilanford combina
tion a number of pieces of Jewelry of
Gicclan design contemporaneous of tho
period of "The Winter's Tale," which
she will exhibit In tho dual characters of
Hermlone and Pcidlt.a In Wngenhals nnd
Kemper's big production of Shakespcnto's
comedj'. Tho Jewelry Is tho product ot
the Paris branch of tho Chicago houso
of Spauldlng & Co, and was especially
mado for Colonel Kidder from designs
by M. Codmer, tho well known archcolo
glst. In Wngenhals and Kemper's big pro
duction of "Tho Winters Tale," which
will bo seen hero during tho current sea
son Louis James will play "Antoljcus."
Charles U. Hanford will bo tho "King
Leontes" nnd Knthryn Kidder will essay
tho dual roles of Hermlono and Perdlto,
tho two characters hitherto Identified
with Marj- Anderson. Miss Anderson was
tho first to break in on a tradition nnd
"doublo" these characters In Shakes
peare's comedj- and. Kntlnjn Kiddei's as
sumption of two heiolnes will bo watched
with keen Interest.
Wngenhals nnd Kemper havo engaged
Professor Dare, tho well-known teicher
of dancing, to lehearso the eountrj- danco
in their big revival of "Iho Winter's
Tale" Professor Drao was especially
commended for the maiv clous and gracc
lul effects ho prcduced in the late Au
gustln Daly's nioductlon of "The For
i esters" and "Midsummer Night's
Dream " Some startling and wonderful
effects aro piomlstd bj- tho management.
Tho pastoral danco was a distinct fe.a
turo of Mnrj- Anderson's revival of "Tho
Winters Talc," at Palmer's theater eleven
years aso.
During tho month of October there will
bo produced fur thu llrst tlmo in tills ctty
a new colonial play entitled "Toll Gate
Inn," from tho pen of Langdon McCor
mlek. Tho action of tho piece takes placo
duilng tho tlmo of tho battle of Benning
ton, nnd whllo It Is not entirely a war
plaj tho author has woven revolutionary
scenes as n background, which serve to
offer tho greatest possibilities for a ro
manco Ingeniously tnld Tho lile'co will
bo historically coirect and sumptuously
produced under the stage dliectlon of
Hdwanl E. Rose. The eompanj, which
will bo n Urge and btllllaut one, under
the direction of William L. Mnllej-, in
cludes many prominent plavers, among
whom aro Victory Bateman, David M.
Muir.aj", Alexander Kearney, John II.
Weeks, Charles J. Fdmunds, J. K Mor
timer, W. J. McNces, Arthur L. McCot
mlck, Don Smith, Miss Frances White
house, Miss Dickie Dclare and others of
equal lenovvn.
Manager Daniel Frohman has an am
bitious und hustling j-oung netor in his
"At tho White Horse Tavern" company
His name is Douglas Jcffrejs Wood, and
ho mado qulto n hit last season ns tho
"Its-qulte-lmmaterlal" young biidcgroom
in the pla Ho spent tho summer a
the guest of Geneial Snow's son at tho
family homestead, ut Rockland, Me. Dur
ing his visit a performance was gotten
up for a local charltj-, nnd "A Scrap ot
Paper" was produced under tho direction
of tho young actor. In whlth ho also
plajed tho leading Juvonllo role. A sec
ond benefit and nn original comic opera
bv two Ynlo graduates was produced un
der Mr. Wood's direction. Iho joung
man Is only IS years old, nnd evidently
inherits his aptltudo for the stage, for he
Is n son ot Mrs. Ida. Jeffrovs-Goodfrlend.
Ho hns been on tho stage two jears. and,
as Is usually tho caso with tho children
ot professionals, ho had to begin nt tho
very beginning of a stngo career by going
on as n "super." His first appeaianco
was ns ono of tho soldiers In tho oilglnal
pioductlon of "Tho Conquerois," nt tho
Emplro theater, nnd subsequentlj' he was
ono of the "extras" In "Tho Moth ond
tho Flame." Through his own efforts en
tirely ho obtained a speaking part in
Richard Mansfield's production of "Cj
l.ano do" nt tho Garden theater.
Ho was thin tngaged by Manager Danlsl
rrohman. nnd appeared In "Trelawney
of tho Wells" aid "At tho White Horso
Tavern " Last Mnj' ho had one of tho
Important ermedy lolcs In Manager
LItt's special production of "Tho Club's
Bab)-," at McVIcker's theater, Chicago.
There Is ono country In tho world, and
probably only one, which gets along with
a, single policeman; that Is Iceland
Tho opponents of vivisection havo ar
ranged for a special exhibit of Instru
ments of torture during tho Paris ex
position. In tho Michigan Central's depot garden
at Ypsllantl, Mich , a floral monument
formed of over 20,000 plrtnis Is now In full
Tho productive capacity of tho labor
saving machinery of the United States at
tho present tlmo Is equal to a huudwork
Ing population of 400 000.000.
No fewei than 112 families of Injurious
Insects feed upon cultivated plants and
crops, doing damage to and devouring
thousands of dollars worth ot vegotablo
produeo annually
In Stockholm tho fees for telephone
users nre from $7 &0 to $25 a jcar, jut tho
last report of tho telephone company
shows profits of 8 per cent, nbovo bonds
and other expenses.
In remote parts of Scotland tho old
Covenanters' love for long services on
tho baro hillsides still lingers. At Ding
wall a recent communion servlco In tho
open air lasted from 10 n. in. until 4 p. m.
Fiom 1375 to 1&I3 50,000 Hebrew women
wero married In Prussia; B.000 of these
that Is, 10 per cent took tor husbands
non-Hebrews. In Berlin such marriages
amount to 23 per cent, in tho last few
A vase cut from a slnglo emerald has
been preserved In a cathedral In acnoa,
Itniy, COO j ears. It Is tho largest gem
of tho kind In tho wot Id, Its dimensions
being, diameter 12'4 Inches; length, 5
Moro than J20.000.000 worth of Jewels are
lost every season at American summor
resorts. The greater part of tiieso dis
appear at tho seaside, und It Is believed
that n compaiatlvily smnll part nro ac
tually stolen.
Somo largo English llmbermen who
havo been making a tour through tho
lumber regions of tho United Stutes welo
struck with tho enormous waste of tim
ber duo to tho sliivo industry, wh'dt
slaughtered tho trees, takti g onl ho
best, without regard to other uses which
might bo subserved by a moro conserva
tive methoel of oncratlon.
It Is said that tho study of German
Is Increasing In France, whllo tho study
of English Is on the decline, tn tho Ecolo
des Science Polltlnues, In Paris, where
diplomats aro trained, many moro study
German than English.
Sen la nppears to take the palm for
longevity,. This country Is said to havo
tho greatest number of ccntcnnrlans.
There aro E73 of them In a population of
less than 1,."X0W. Iceland has fi7S; Spain,
401; England, Scotland and Wales, 192;
Germnny, 78; Norway, 23; Sweden, 20,
and Denmark, 2.
In Kenncs.
Threo or four generals Jumped to their
feet at once.
"Wo demand tho witness bo moro ex
pllcltl" they shouted. "His statements
nro so vnguo that doubtless wo havo let
escapo many times the opportunity to call
him a. llnrt"
Tho court was moved to tears Indiana
rolls Journal.
Caused by Cremation.
Giles Statistics show that fewer men
fill diunkards' graves than In former
Miles What's tho cause world growing
alios No; I guess cremation has some
thing to do with Chicago News.
Merely Disgusted.
"No, clr," said a passenger on a steam
ship to tho captain, "I nm not seasick,
but I am disgusted with tho motion of
tho vessel " Exchange.
An TJp-to-date Elopement.
"I am In mortnl terror!" exclaimed tho
agitated maiden who was preparing to
elopo. "If tho horses should whinny we
nre lost!"
"Horses'" said tho waiting lover, ten
derly reassuring her. "Darling, It Is nn
automobile!" Chlccgo Tribune.
Ornamental Floors, such as we
offer have been in use in Europe
for generations. They are no ex
periment, It is safe to consider that no out
lay will so furnish and enrich a
dwelling as these ornamental floors.
They are cheaper than carpets.
Floors laid and finished in best
Fine line of patterns to select
Estimates furnished and all work
Hill & Gomel!
121 2J. "Washington. Ave.,
Scranton, Pa.
An offer this week that
you will appreciate.
We Will Make
A Fall Overcoat
Light or dark goods(
elegantly trimmed aud
tailored. Fit aud goods
FOR $20.00.
Wo Jo OcWflSo
113 Wyomiig Avenue,
Arcade Building
Office work precludes sufficient bodily exercise, and lack of such
exercise brings on indigestion, dyspepsia and stomach troubles gener
ally. The case of a Chicago bookkeeper demonstrates this fact clearly.
" Through close confinement in my calling," said he, "I became a
confirmed dyspeptic and you know what that means. I was miserable,
and made every one else so. In a state of extreme distress I went to
medicine for relief. The druggist recommended llipans Tabules.
Without any particular confidence in their effecting a cure, I took them,
and to-day must confess that I have not the feeling I once had for a
patent medicine. They certainly braced up my digestion wonderfully."'
A new ityl parkat containing tev nirAi.s tabi lcs In a rpf r rartgn (without &ltn) li nor for tale i aon)
drur tore-. oh mve cxnta TIji low prKed rt litnttitidrt for tut tHMirand il nimomUul. ontjtltufii
ef the nvrentiartonioaoubiilrt) ran Leh&d hy mall bv n1lnr fortT . ifht ffiit. tolhH ltlPAj?aCllElut.b
tultrjkV,h J. 19 byiuce Slrt, N.w Vuik-Of a llugv canon wu. liil.'JJ) Ul bv .cut lor llrv ciuta,
" m i J I ' C I nil II !
Yen Caiaot Ttoiik
No matter how hard you try of a
better place to buy your office sup
plies and stationeiy than at our es
tablishment. We carry our lines as
near complete as possible. We cater
for the up-to-date trade and if its a
good thinpr in office wants we have
it. Wc still put the planitary pencil
sharpener on trial in any offiice for
ten days free of charge, Our line of
Stationery and Engraved work is as
dainty as ever and wish you to in
spect our lines.
Reynolds Bros
Scranton P.i.
The Hwnit &
Coeeell Co0
Heating, Plumbing,
Gas Fitting, Electric
Light Wiring, Gas
an Electric Fixtures,
Builders Hardware.-
04 Lackawamra Aveitie
The Modern Habdwaiie Stohb
Econmical Gas Heaters.
"Owef-'o" Heatms consume a
pmnll amount of buf, but vill heat
a room qulrkb, ns thev havo
larso indlatlng biirf.icc. Wo havo
several ilzea
119 N. Washington Ave.
Lmither Keller
1 ard and Offlca
West Lackawanna Ave.,
Ji 1UM1L
LilEI Ml
This annual sale has been
somewhat delayed on account
of several of our "Finest
Numbers" in damask being
delivered later than we expected-
but now they're hero
ana are well worth waiting
for, as you will attest on an
inspection of our line. Never
Table Ltaeos
been handsomer than now,
and this importation contains
some ot the "Choicest De
signs" in "Fine Double Satin
Damasks," that have ever
been produced. We have
Napkins to match all of our
Finest Goods orenerallv in
5s and size. Special prices
wan prevail on all numbers of
' a a
A special feature of this
sale will be the finest exhibit
ot Hand Embr oidered
Squares, Tray Cloths, Pillow
Shams aud Bureau Covers
in pure linen that we have
ever handled.
510 and 512
A Twenty-Year
Gold-Filled Gase
Will a 15-JeweM
Walttfoam Movement.
The Best Watch in tba
Whole World for the Money.
130 Wyoming Avenue.
Oeuciul Ajeut for tuj Wyonilaj
Dlsli let r.).-
Alining, lUnsttnK.Hportlns, HmokeHH
uuU tba Ilerunno CiiomlcU
Coinpu'iy I
tiilety Kuap. Cnpi nnd Ktploloti.
Uooui 101 Council llmiaiu;.
TIICS. rORD. - - PlttMon,
JOHN I SMITH & SON, Plyinouil.
W. V. MULL1UAN, Wllkeb-Barto.
I . 'S