"ippa "7W "'CTr RH ,,Wrr"".'! Tf5"R T vi. J41PW P (,pp!' , l Ml i, "(jf " vptv v t s 'V 11 ItLJf 'i , - K ' ff " J THE SClt ANTON TltlJJUiNE-FRIDAY, SEITUMiJUU 29, 1899. UVE NEWS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD RUMOR OF SALE OF DICKSON CO.'S MAOniNE SHOPS. $ Negotiations Are Said to Bo on for a Transfer of tho Property to the Mldvale Iron and Steel Company. Individual Operators' Road to New York Is Again Among tho Possi bilitiesAnnual Moeting of tho Ontario and Western Railroad Company Industrial Notes. Humor hai it that ncgotlttlonb are under way for tho sale of the Dlrk son Manufacturing company's machlm works In this city and "Wilkes-Banc to tho Mldvale Iron and Steel oopi.nny, 'which has works near Philadelphia. The purchasers, so tho story rocs, hecure the plant In consideration of their nssumlnff the Dickson compan's bonded and floating indebtedness. The locomotive shops, known as tho Cliff works, are to be retained by the stockholders The deal will be con summated, it is said, when the Dick eon company's statement of Indebted ness Is verified by the accountants of the purchasing company. These experts, so It is said, wore nt work for seveial weeks, go lng oer the eompam's accounts nnd making Inventory of its propel ty, and last week went back to New York, whence they came, nnd ato likely, now, fanning a rtpoit for the piospectie purchaseis. Tho company's bonded Indebtedness In round numbers Is $1000 000, and It? floating debt Is about half as much again. This Just about repiesents what the property Is intrlrslcallv worth. The capitalization Is $SOO,000,and It is flguied tint the Cliff works Is wotth all of this nnd piobably more At all events tho deil would. In the opinion of tho Intel -eted p.ntks, make the now practically valueless stock woith Its full face value. The Dickson company's heavj debt Is accounted lni b the fact that far many yeais the conipan persisted In paying its Ksulai ten pen cent dividend when it could not affoid it This left It with such a meagre working capital that when extensive Impiovements were found necessai to keep abreast of tho times bonds had to be issued Some reveies at one period accounts for a poitlon of the debt. That Opposition Road. Announcement was made yesterday that the meeting of the Anthracite Operatois' association scheduled to take place Oct 11 has been postponed to Oct 2" This Is the meeting at which definite action Is to be taken on the proposition to proceed with the constiuctlon of the contemplated load from Scranton to Xevv Yoik A local member of the association and prime movei in the piojected in dependent road said j estei day to a Ti I bune reportei vvlici asked as to the cause of the postponement' "The postponement means much, but at piesent I am not at liberty to dis cuss the matter. I can say this much, though1 That meeting will develop something that will give jou a stall ling bit of news Tiom anothei soutce a direct inti mation was received that the load Is veij llkel to be built There was a well-founded stoiy afloat during the summer that the new road had secured English backing The fact that i number of Its stockholders spent tV summer abroad gave the stoty coloi nt the time, and latei developments of vailous kinds strongly confirm the story. The binves of the road as far as the Delawaie livei have been completed Flooding the Dodson. The woik of Hooding the Dodsnn mine at Plymouth Is piogiesing fnv-o-ably ami if not! Ing infoieq0en turn, up the mine win i,n flitl v m, water within the net ten dnvs and the fire that has be -n rigmsr in It Mi, to th destination of the breaker will be ma teied The nine laige pumps at tho rK-er lie tin owing 1" Of'0,000 gallon') of witei Into the trlnL ip twenty foui hours a:,cl tlv mine Use If makes one million gallons In the same time Mine roieninn Dmld K Davisi Ftntes that lh- w itei Is at piesent fif.y-Mx feet up the shaft and It Isi riplcl v filling the I'nnett. Cooper and Tivt -foot vein" When the mine Is (111 d tl.e watei will be illowed to stnnd s-oire time and ther the tusk of pump ing It out will bng n Lehigh Valley Changes. More changes in the organization of the Lelilcrli 'alloj H.iihoad company nio to take place C P Coleman who nl one time was the geneial stotekeepcr of the companv but who lor some time past lias been the purchasing agent ot the I ethlehem 'ion companj, has been offeied the position of puichasitn; agent of the Lehigh Vallev llailioad company, which he has accepted. Ho will absume the duties of that ofllce on October 15 Many of the ofTieeis of the Lehigh Valley Itnllroad company nre located now In New York, and It Is Intimated that It will not be manv jeais befoio nil the offlcei s, except the secretaiy and trasurcr, v. Ill be in that city. As ti or. as all the airangements can be made the puichaslng agent depntment, which is located now In this citv Is to bo moved to New Yoik, but owing to the lack of room at the present time in tho building In which tin unices In tyl.JWP.;W6SWSWfl ) j. Laugfiing $ Babies w Good nature In children is rare, unless tbey are healthy. Those g raised on the S CONDENSED MILK are comparatively free from sick- $ ness. This milk is so easily pre- pared that improper feeding is x inexcusable, 1 SWD FOR BOOE ON BABIES." J BMUITS CONDENSED MUX CO., N. T. MftlkMtattMfcHttfefctftfcMfctttii I Gail Bo I Eagle B rand mmm $ iwuAUiK CURES CATARRH Colds, Coughs, Hny Fever, Bron chitis, Asthma and all Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs. Clooit of MMIcttrrl Vfipor are Inhaled through th mouth and rmltted from thi nos trlla, clanlni: ami Tipnrlilnf all the lnflmul and dlni-Ofd pari which 1'lnnot be reached lij medicine taken Into the stomach. Tl rccthet Ihr rnrc notiH hcaU thf raw placrItpoestatUcentottUteateIt ncM m abalm and tonic to the tihntc auitemllPOat druggists or sent bimail. U0$ Arch St., JPMla. New York are located, it Is thought thnt it will be several months befoio all this clonal tment Is located here. V C Aldcrson, who has been ap pointed treasurer of the company, in placo of J. Andrews Harris, jr., who re signed, will assume the duties of his new position on the first of next month, but owing to the Inability of Mr role man to retire from his mesent noslUon until that time, ho will have charge of the pui chasing agent's department ns well Tho Lehigh Valley llallroad company at the present time is iiractlcally a New Yoik corporation, as its lines run directly to Jersey City, and Its business Is secured almost wholly fiom thnt city. Several years ago the company made an attempt to leach, this cltj but owing to tho high price demanded for tho ground and other obstacles, tho idea was abandoned, nnd wh n Mr. WlU bur retiied fiom the presidency of the company tho new management began to cater to the wants of Its natrons In New York, and It was not long befoio most of the high fllcials wcio located In that cltv Exetnsive Trolley System. For some time past Columbia county capitalists have been agitating tho building of n tiolley line to tun fiom Ilerwlck to Bloomsbuig and to co-opei-ate with Montoui county mnejed men to extend the road to Danville and tl once on to Sunbury. The right of way has been secured and tho prospect now looks favorable Attorney Chniles Miller, of Ulooms burg, Is one of the ptomoters of tho new enterpilsenndlt ib expected that by next spring the sstem will be In opeia tion at least from Beivvlck to Blooms burg. It is also claimed that Philadel phia paitlcs are in the deal and will take a greater part of the stock When tho line Is In running order, an attemut will be made to connect with tho Wyoming Vnllev Ti action company road at Nantlcoke and should this deal be consummated It will bo only a year or two until there will be a line from Wllkes-Uarro to Sunbury Wllkes Uarre Record O. & W. Annual Meeting. At the annual meeting of the sto-lc holders of the Now York. Ontulo and Western the following dlrectois wero elected' O. P Ashlev, C. Ledjvid Hlalr, Heniy W Cannon, Chaunce M. Depew, Thomas p Fowler, Uerald L. Itot. John P. TCe- Grant B Schley, Albeit S. Poe, of :;e-v York, Francis P. CullKit, of New burg H. Pearot' and Joseph Pi ice of Lmdon Thomas P Tow lei, vvna re-elected pieslilcnt Joseph Pi lee, vlce-pi evi dent, John TJ. Kerr, second vice -president and gereral counsel, Rlohird D Itlckard, secretary ind troasuier Jas K. CliiliJs was io appointed genei.il managei and Chrs S. Wluelan, chilr man of the oec utle committee This and That. The Lickivvanna Is hlpplnc 25 001 tons of coal dally and expects to lr cnase the amount matcrlallj. Buffalo Bill has entered the Industrial field He and Colonel D. Frank Powell, ot I,i Cross WK, have fanned a i ompanv for tho development of the copper propel ties In the Giand En campment teritorv In Colorado Tiieyi have a capital of T"000 and have seemed H H. Hak as geneial man ager ANOTHER ELECTRIC ROAD. It Is to Run fiom This City to Lake Winola. In all probability nest yeai will wit ness the constiuctlon of an electric rail way between Lake Winola and Scian- ton, bv waj of Mill City, Shultzvllle and Clark's Summit A movement In that dliection has already been started C. B. Fioar. promictoi of the Winola Hou'-c at Lake AVinola, Is nt the head of the scheme. He Is now engaged In securing slgna tiius to a paper gi anting a right of way far the pioposed line ovei the pub He hlghwnj through the country dls tilct adjacent to the lake The farm owners welcome the move and aie qult willing to gram the desired permission since It will add gieatly to the value of their piopertles and be very convenient. Mr Fiear sajs that If the light of waj is .si cured, he will have no ttouble whatevei In raising the canltil neces saiy to build the load It Is hoped that the new line can be got leady for ope--ntlon In time to accommodate next sea son's lake tialllc In the course of time, tho load will be extended fiom the lake to Tunkhannoek Pittsfan Gazette, PORMAL NOTICE GIVEN. Giraid Company Must Begin, Work or Move. Stioot Commlsslonei Roland D Thomas by older of council vesteidayi served notice on the Glinid Construc tion company that If It does not bn Bln woik on the paving ot North Main nvenuo within ten das It must ro move Its cuiblng and other material fiom that street Tho commissioner nUo addressed communications to the elect! !e light compinles directing them to move their poles inside the curb line on Eist Mar ket street and to tho Delaware, Lack awanna and Western company direct ing it to plank the alley that curses the Bloomsburg tracks between Rail road avenue nnd Meridian street. ASSESSMENT WILL BE DELAYED. Councils Have Not Yet Authorized Employment of Assistants. The city assessors say they are being seriously embarrassed by the fa Pure of councils to pass the resolut on au thorizing them to appoint asslsrnt as sessors. Work should have been begun 'oy the assistants in the different waids on Sept. 1. There has already been a delay of a month and the cltv as us sore say that of itself is enougn to In terfere greatly with the completion of the assessment on time. WiiVKtxA .JPil lAi)rJ W r DAY'S DOINGS IN DIMI0RE BOROUGH WALTER CARTER KILLED THE SPENCER MINE. IN Caught by the Conveyors Used to Hoist Culm His Neck Was Broken nnd His Body Badly Bruised Eliz abeth Wilson, a Threa-Year-Old Girl Badly Burned Narrow Escape of tho Little Daughter of Mr. O'Horo, of Fine Street. Walter Carter, a oung man 31 ycats of age, residing with his brother-in-law, Peter Lutz, of Drinker street, was Instantly killed at the Spencer breaker while engaged at his usual duties,! I yesterday tjfteinoou ajt half past two o'clock. The ung man was caught by the conveyeis used to hoist tho culm to the culm heap and thrown into the box through which tho conveyers piss. Although the machinery was at oncj stopped, death had been Instantanojur the man's neck being broken nnd his body badly biulsed. The joung man's father, who ruts the conveyers and operates the ma chinery In that section of the breaker, noticed a nut loose and stopped the ma chinery to tighten the same. It Is supposed that Mr. Carter while walking near the conveyers notice 1 some coal In them nnd l cached In while they were slowly revolving. He as struck on the head by the next con eyer and tin own Into tho pit. Deceased was born at C.nribilJge, nnglnnd, In lSfiS, nnd came to mcrloa In 1SSS He his been emplojed -it the Spencer breakei fni a number of eais and wus a tt listed emplo.v. Three brothers and three isters and the young man's patents, Mi. and 'lis. Henjamln Caiter, survlv The fun eral announcement will appear later. CHILD BADLY IlflNHD Elizabeth tin little 3-en old daugh ter of James L Wilson, of Spencer street, was vcrj painfull v buined about the bod and face j.-mterdu morning at 10 o'clock M" and Mis. Wilson weie house-cleanl n' and hid been burning some papeis duiing tho motnlng The little one wa- p'aylng In tho jnrd aftet the fire was eunsld eiably spent, nnd succeeded In kit king the partially burned pape s into a blaze In a moment th Inilamible dress of the little girl had caught f ta and before discovered had frightfully burned her body, hands and face. Medical aid was at once summoned nnd the child's sufferings somewhat re lieved. At the present sh ls testing much easier, under the cat 2 of ,i nuise CHILD'S NARROW ESCAPE. A little daughter of Mi. O'Horo, i f Pine street, had a narrow escape fiom burning Wednesday afternoon Some woikmen engaged In repairing the load near Mr. O'Horo's residence were startled by the cries of a child who came running tow aid them The men soon discovered that the little one's dress was on lire and quickly smoth eied the ilames Beyond burning the diess and hands of the child, no serious Injury was sus tained BUNCH Or BREVITIES The workmen-'xcavatIng for the new school house on the Thioop pioperty found so much lock beneath the sur face of the ground that the contract ors discontinued the work The pres ent contractois aie pushing the work along and the superstructuie will soon be completed. Miss McCrory, the new 1 -elected commercial teacher of the high school, this boiough, -v Islted the different de partments of the school yesterday. Rev. and Mis E. J Haughton, of South Blakel street, who have been away on their vacation, will return this evening The membeis of St Maik's church, of which Mr Haughton is pas tor, will tender him a leceptlon dui Ing the evening. The No. 5 collleiy of the Pennsjl vanla Coal company, was Idle yester day The evangelistic sei vices which were stat ted Tuesday in tho Horan building, on Smith and Mill streets, are being well attended. Rev. Van Cleft, of the Methodist Episcopal church, has had charge of the several meetings. Misses Bishop, of Dudley street, and Montgomer.v, of Church street, left yes teiday for New York city. Geoige E Ftltz of Bloom street, will enter upon his new duties as mana ger of Welehel's ehina store In Scran ton. Th" Neptune rile company In full unlfoim, led by the American band, will paiade the prineipnl stieets of the borough this evening advei Using their fair which will commence Oct. 2 The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Loveland Tuesday afternoon, Oct 3 NEXT WEEK'S CONVENTION. Ladles of Methodist Churches of the City Pieparing for It. The ladles of all Methodist churches of the city are very actively engaged these days In preparing far the big mis sionary convention which will be helj in Elm Fail: church next week The entertainment committee has had a gi eat amount of woik In securing places ot entertainment for delegates, is Just heforo letlrlng, If yonr liver Is sluRgish, out of tune and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose ol ? And you'll bo all right In Uio morning. Thn Rotl tD,l,n0,le,lrlrDi:eJ t!"eat )l)Ueueiiecici Prof.tl. l Tllfc.FI, iiu uuyitoDiunii tou luuer iron j fit Kit fu u.f u k norm biiid ei v i-uiiftjci S ftbta. 1a . civti OuutatrA la tier J eaio Kfi?-vi V rlooMli L bttiett.ro (tw cuitlrs). Lost Yl3' rXLAiJik H filth reitored Punt nltrred. Houn 1 9 3 J t K 6 riuo 0 U Houn fur lone itfcoJiQB ftod dingeron nddnsfTonr I llolOiWyt. ' ) afi a hit iu an t vi rrcn fast curoa to i Ittrailhr Sworn UUbiodU b4 boo HfrindM MADE ME A Mm AJAX TABLETS rOSITIVUliY CT At,T4Nvrvau lilataits FallluR IU trr,lmpotnc7, Bleopleuuevi.ctc. curt or Abuia ir nthsr Kicmim nn.f 1, sl crvUoai. Xhtu quichtu and $ia f rostcro JjMt Vitality in old or yimo j ota roan loriraaT. uu inniormnri takir'iatTino. Ibelruna .ioti la mfidtatj ln FrQTtut Iataait7 fcr Contuui ilui mm ind tltcti it HUE wbcro c ctlirr f.il r uinui ilia bbhtii n iiiii nnnrn rn nt lit a. having thi n ffonu no AlaT Taf ivt. 'i AonaAndaanJ wlllcmaynn ltlf o wrHtoa iRranto loelloct roro eil A1 ma Kndivuicai07oa. itdeivan; WlWo' echoc.or lefundtho looner. PrlnOUUIO. "X?4! ?r.tU fttn (lull treatment! tot JltO. t -U,lnplttinwrjur uin rocotptotrflco. I Irof AJAX REMUDY CO., 'W.Vl.'r;,f' Tor sale In Bcrantcn. Pa., bv Matthewi MIIL 1 Droj. and II. C. Banderron, druggists. tA- many vlnltois are expected. A num ber of officers and district secretaries will arrive on Tuesday for an execu tive session. Tho regular sessions will begin on Wednesday, continuing until Trlday. Among the features of tho week will be tho presence of several returned missionaries who will make addresses. The list Includes Miss M. L. Hamp ton, who has spent fifteen years In Japan, Miss Singer and Miss M. A. Spencer. Luncheon will bo served every day during the convention On Wednes day the 131m Paik church will have matters In charge, Hyde Pnrk, Thurs day; Green Ridge, Friday. The lunch cons will be fiec to delegates, Others thus entertained will pay 15 cents each. On Thursday afternoon Mrs William Connell will throw" open her handsomo home In a reception to delegates and tho missionary societies. CHINAMEN PASS THROUGH. They Are on Their Way to the Phil adelphln Exposition. A special train on the Lackawanna rond carrying 10. Chlnnmen pissed through this city vcstirdiv en route from San rrinclseo to Philadelphia. The Chinamen arc actors who will tike part In the expoltlon which is now being held In the Quaker Clly. This Is tho second batch of Chinese ac tors who passed thiough this city ic eentlv en route for Philadelphia. As was the case when tho other bitch passed through the windows of the pisseng' r coiches were all paint ed, tt seeniF tho Chinamen when they want a glimpse nf the paslnR landscape nre In the habit of lire ik ing a wlndj'v ny denvli'g them a view of pnsilng pmorama tho win dows aie preserved Low Rates to Chicago and Return. On the occasion of the Kail Festival and dedication of Government build ing, the Nickel Plato road will sell tickets from ll'iffalo to Chicago and le tuin at the veiy low rate of $12 00. Tickets are good going October 2nd to 10th Inclusive, and good returning un til October 14th Inclusive. The Nickel Plate road Is the shoit line between Buffalo and Chicago and the fast ex press trains which leave Buffalo morn ing, noon and midnight are made up of elegant day coaches and sleeping cars, and land passengers In the Van Bui en Street Union station, right In the heait of Chicago. The dining cats and meal stations are owned and operated by the company and serve the best of meals .it reasonable rates. For Information, call on your near est ticket agent, or write F. J. Moore, general agent, Nickel Plate road, 291 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Bussing Scaly Instantly Relieved by One Application of INSTAM RELItF AND HrESDT CtTRE TrtEAT- inr. A warm huh with CimcunA Soap, a single anointing with Crru tinA Ointment, and a full do of COTlcirrtA Hwom kvt will afford Instant rcllpf, permit rest ami sleep, point to a speedy, rernnnent.and ceo leal euro whin all eo falls. noui SoldTwe. Price, lai Six.tl Mi or. CuTicrm f01P,2K! OlNTUIlT, VIC I lUSOLTKVTChlltllMl.aOO. fortu l)uo in cam. Coir., Bolt rropj , lloitsn. SPECIAL SALE This Week of Now Is tho timo to got a bargain at thoso prices. You cannot ob tain thorn in the future. Call and seo them. Tine Diamond Rings at $3 00, worth $10 00. Solid Gold Band Rings at tl So, worth $3 50. Solid Gold $2 23. Band Rings at tl 00, worth Gold Tilled Cuff Buttons, 50c, worth $123. Cuff Buttons, previous prices $1 00, now 37c. Gent's Solid Silver Watch, Elgin move ment, $3 B0. I.adleb' Sterling Silver Watches, worth $3 DO, now $3.73. Gent's Nickel Watches, S W prico $,! 00, now $1.73 Rogers Bros Spoons, warranted, 00c Rogeri Bros" Butter Knives, Sugar Spoons, PlcMe Torks, 37c, previous prico 75c I,adles' Solid Gold Watch, Elgin move ment, $14 CO ladles' Gold .rilled Watches at $0 30, worth $15 00 Wo also have about three hundred La dies' Solid Silver Rings, worth 50c and 75c , will cloo them at 10c each Special sale now going on at Davldow Bros Attend as wo aro offering goods at one-fourth their original value Extra Heavy Solid Silver Thimbles ot 19c Davidow Bros 227 Lackawanna Ava. guiHiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiuiitiniiiimns t3 Ci B 1 THIRD NATIONAL BANK I OF SCRANTON, DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital SSOO.OOO surplus 4S5.O00 WM. CONNELL, Preildeot. HENRY BGLIN'Jr,, Vlce-Prei. WILLIAM II. Pi-CK. Caibler HuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiuuiuiiiiiiiiiS CoHHOllpandUl Fall Much interest centers nowadays at our Dress Goods De partment. Shelves and counters are crowded with new stuffs. Newcomers are daily arriving and they are all leaders of their class, just as this store is a leader in their showing. So the visitors at the dress goods 'display increase daily and learn the latest decrees of fashion makers, and see the fab rics in patterns to be seen nowhere else in Scranton. Among the recent arrivals are some of the heavier fall stuffs. Homespun Cheviots, Clay Diagonals, Camel's Hair Cheviots, Bourette Homespun Cheviots, TwoToned Diagonal Cheviots, Camel's Hair Plaid Cheviots, Mohair Boucle Cheviots, Connolly 127 and j Tramps Alvvajs appreciate good bread and butter about as much as anj thing jou tan give them We would not encouiage tramps for nm thing, hut vc sometimes think if the could bo feo" for awhile on some ot mothers good bread made of 6( now Plour they would become better men and better citizens Good bread is a great clvlllzer and thoso nations are tho mos-t pro gressive where thej have tho best bread Snow White Is sold by all grocera. "We only wholesaled " THE WESTON ILL CO. Scranton, Carbondale, Olyphant. Car load Just arrived. All styles, and prices the lowest. Workmanship guaranteed e i on THE CHEAPER GRDES. Keep us In mind and you won't re gret giving us your patronage you will get goods as represented giving you our easy terms of payment or very Ion est prices for cash. Immense stock of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets, Iron Beds, etc. Flva largo floors full to tho celling at Thos. Kelly's Stom, riir?.1.. IIlTPLEDnE At Retail. Coal of tho best quality for domestic use and of all sizes, Including Uuckwheat and UlrJecje. delivered In any part of the city, st tho lowest price Orders received at tho olflce, Conndl tiulldlng, rtoom SOO, telephone No 17C2, or nt tho mine, telephone No J72, will ha promptly attended to. Dealers supplied nt tho mine. T PLEASANT COAL CO The Dickson Miuiur.icturlnx Co. tcranton and Wllkevllarra, !'., .MuuuCuolurori of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY EN0INES Hollers, Moisting and Pumping Machinery, General Office, Scranton, Pa. "takc time or the forelock." brby wsmm (MOTS SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. The Favored Dre ss 129 Washington w Fall Carpets WILLIAMS Interior 8 Lager Beer Brewery Mnnuracturevs or OLD STOCK Willi SIJM1!)1.?1 Telephon: Call, 23.M. DR.DEHSTEN 311 Spruca S.. Ttmplo Court BuiiJaJ, Scraaloo, fc All acute and chronic dUeases of men, women and children UHIIONIU. NHHV. OUS. miAIN AND WAbTINU DlSliAS. ES A bl'lX'IAlVY. All diseases of till Liver, Kldtiejs, Wudder Hkln. Wood Nerves, Womb, Eje, Ear. Nose. Thro and Lungs, Cancers, Tumours. I' Iluptuie Uoltre, Rheumatism, Asth Catarrh, Vnrlococcle Lost Manh Nightly Emissions, all remain Diseii Leucorrhoea, etc Gonorrhea, bypl Mood I'olnon. Indiscretion and yout tmblta obliterated Buraery. Fits, lensy T.ine and Htomach Worms TAIinHOZONK. Speclfto for Cata Three months' treatment only J5 00 Tr free In otllce. Consultation and exan nations free. Otltco houu dally u bunday, 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. DR. DENSTEN lis PILSNER X1 St"!) y allac. Goods All in Various Qualities, at Prices from 75 Cents Yard Up to $2,50 allace Avenue. We offer better induce nients to the carpet buyer this season thau ever before. Paying less for your carpets than we ask is getting thread bare spots and dissatisfaction that you do not bargain for. Everything iu Wilton, Ax minster, Velvet, Brussels, Savonerrie, Ingrain. & M'ANULTY. Decorators. 129 Wyoming Avenue, uniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiu Something; I Besides mm mm S a leraerabrance of what you see K nt the Dewey Celebration. Pho S tograph what you seo from K your own point of view. Tako S the picture through your own S eyes, as it were. It will have S tenfold the interest of any "view" that you can purchase. S We have Kodaks and Cameras " of modern impiovements. 5 "You press the button" and S "we do tho test," "or you can do the rest." S! Cameias of all descriptions. S Eveiy thing Photographic. 1 FL0REY 5 BROOKS Kj 3ii Waihlncton Avenuj. 3 Opposite Court House SS BlIBUISICteiKUllESIIliailSlIIIIIHBIIIIlR THE IC POWOER CO. Kooms 1 amlCom'Mi UTd'g. SCRANTON, PA. Hining and Blasting POWDER Mede at Mooilo nnd UusU lala WorKi LArUN & KAND POWDUR CO 'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kl ctrlo llntterle IIleolrloKTpIoilar. lor eiplodlns til U, tintety r'ui ua 1 Rspauno Uhem'cal Go's nxi"onsivEs V HU