The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Attended by Several Hunched Peo
ple Last Evening Mjs. W. E. Al
len Injurod Young Man Died from
Accidental Shooting In the Klon
dike Funeiftla of Mrs. Crawford
and Alfred J. Rcld Marriage of
John Thomas and 1 ulu Ewnrts.
Other Notes and Peisonals.
The iiiipulailty of the cook book teas
served b the ladkH of the Waschbuin
Street I'uhIij tc i Ian church was fully
attested Ian cvciiIiib, when the parlors
of the edlllce wue thioiigoil fiom fi to
8 o'clock with p.Utons of the supper.
The excellent menu provided was thoi
oughly enjojed hv all. The ladles hi
rhaice of the tables wcie attired In
pink and white and vvcio divided Into
Btoups as follows.
Table No 1 Mis. A. A Llndabuiy,
Jin. l.'uKem rellov Mrs llavden
Ashlej In charge Ac"lstant, Misses
Delia IVnwarekii Maiill.i Mott, Lou
Table Xo J Ml V. V I.lii " Ml".
( II bhrci, In oliatRP Assistant0.
Missen I'lorenee lllllis Cdith ltlc h
nds, Mnipuet lMuiuds-. Anna 1M-
iirds Chilstlne Fellows
Table No 'J Ml" C V. Slovene
Mis W'lllniil tanning In chaise A
istimty Jll"i" Kate Chase IMni
Movent. Anna Poole
Table No 4 Mic William I-uee, Ml
Anna Mtilison In lingo Assistants,
Misses lMllh llutton Mottle Phillips
Table No I- Mis- P I Mllippbe.
"Mis Thomas Hie hards, Mrs II A
' Mittenilen In ill use Assist inln
Mliscs Mm lMwaids IMnti Willi uns,
Mabel l'lopmaii Margin ct filbbs
Tabic n rt Mis P.obeit Wilk",
li Mm TbivM J DnK Mts fJeoirje
I lteynoM" In c lunge ssstnn
V qV(n Jennie Jenkins, Anna Thnniiin.
V ttle Davis, Hnlen Jones Lois l?e
Tiblo No T Mi Oeoi ce Keene Mn
T i Heltiiauei Mrs rieotse rliopr,
M's J H nnttenbTK lll-ehaige As
t tailtn Mls ril'i'ietb '-t 111 IMI'M
- iimleifi Mabel Mildiv
Mis n I! Pailset bad p-i al cn
i vl-len nvoi the -ifi ilr an 1 Mi'i llnb-
1 1 J Wlllljinp acted as e is'ii
The IrdUs who assisted li. th pi.
t M.ltlon r' t' P s upper w re lis f il i'is
v T J u,tf. m,u c vv j, !t,
T f Lou Stephens Mis L I' fitter
M s florev Mrs rid P il.Jiv Ml-s
"nrlrttu Snnvr Mrs Vlp unl Mm
n"pe Mis irah IIov nobis ju Tlios
Pileli Mis William Pr n n Mis
T ank Met Mr Piiithii m Mrs
P W WilUei s Mis m -Iiism
ird otbei
Mrs Inln M ,fi ,t in 1 Mi , riliar
n n sobl ii iik 'o k" T'm pi n-
Good cough remedy, take l)u
fours French Tir I:or Sale at
;i:ukgi: v. .ip.nkins'
ioi S. .Main Aveiu:
This great sale continues for three
days only. If you want these things
for about -
u ', otaMnYI SSS tj jm
or less, in some instances, you will
not let this bargain chance go.
Lndics' lln ml kerchiefs at I cent each.
Indies' Handkerchiefs at 2 for 5 cents.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs at 4 cents each.
Ladies' Lace Trimmed Handkorchiefs 1 for 2.5c.
Ladies' Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs 10c each.
Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c.
Ladies Embroidered Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c.
Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs 25c cadi.
Extra Price Limited Handkerchiefs at 25c.
Special value in Homstitclied Handkerchiefs at
20 cents and 25 cents each.
sfilobe Warehouse
. , ii i j u y t ii ii ' i m I
! One bottle of I
j Sarsaparilla
will do the work of
three bottles of the
ordinary kind.
cceds of the supper will bi apnbed ti
the fund foi leduclng the raisjnai?e
d dit The l idles assumed J5U0 cf the
Asaleof housekeepeis supplies will be
conducted In the church by tbe ladles
some tlm In Nnvcmbir
While alighting fiom a sticet cai at
the toiner of South Main avenue and
Washhuin t-treet last evcnlnif, Mrs. W
I" lbn. wife of the well known
I pbvslelan, Injured herself in srnu un
til cnuntnulc mannei. The Irdv vns In
a paitv going to attend tbe eupptil
at tin asbbuin stret Prc-bv terltn
When the hureh vas leicbed Mrs.
Allen Minted and for seme time w is
In a plications condition Several VI -dies
aslted bei to a i ouch and a
i milage was called She w if removed
to In r borne on Notth Washington
ueniip and was lestlng asiiy ,u mid
bd. n P Morgan, of North rilmore
avenii". leeeived wotd last evening
tint the both rf bis son Philip who
at IdeiHallv ri'tot while toailrg In
the Klondike, will orihe heie on rrl
dav The vi.unir man's death ocelli1
nd !-evci il n.onths ego While walk
ing nlong tbe Chllkont Pa-s lie
stumbled ana fell, lcvolver in band,
and the weaton vas dlscharped, Inflict
ing ,ii Inluiy In the bead, which result
ed In death
Dei nscd wis 21 veais of age, and
was the oungest son In the family
Ho was a blight, estimable voung mai I
nnd his death Is a "end blow to the
patents The f uncial arrangtment
vill be nnouncod later.
oi:mjiai. ni:ws NOTL.S
A Japanese tea will be held In the
Jackuon stieet church this evening
Ml" David I! mis of Sloan patch,
was held in $Jno bill last evening by
Alderman Mose? for using obscene lan
guage Tile ClcttiK Oitj Wheelmen tend
eied a icceptlon to W S Mears and n
I , 4, SiiiO!. I' " IiHi
O, Peters last evonlntr, pi lor to their
departure for Joplln, Mo., next week
Columbia Hose company have Invited
the Allen I'nRlne tnmpany, of Allen
town, to be their guests next week
A new building and loan association
will be otganlzcit In Co-opeiatlve hall
this evening
St Leo's battalion will banquet this
evening In St. David a hall
John .1. Thomas, of this Hy, an 1
Mli Lulu M. Swarts, or Ualtou, were
married by Hev. Thomas de Utuchy at
11 o'tlock yesteulay morning
The lematns of the lato Alfied J.
Held wcie taken to Plttston yestciday
for Interment.
HcV. J U. Sweet conducted the
funeral of the late Mis Crawford jes
terday nfternoon.
W. A. Kvans, of Nantlcokc, was the
guest of Mr. and Mis. A. M. Dcrshlmei
Mis Charles II Capwell, of West
Nicholson, Is visiting relatives on South
Main avenue
Miss Ella S. Joidan Becomes Mrs. A.
J. Noone Michael Manley In
jurod Another Wedding.
The mariiage of Miss Ull.i S. Joidan,
of Plttston avenue, to Andrev. .1.
oone. of Uuffalo, N. Y. when cc
tuned ut St. John's church "-teida
ornlng, was one of the picttlast wtd
c.lngs of the. jrai.
Hp. i: J. Melley. pastor of St John's
longregation, performeJ Mio eeremo
and ollWIated as celebrant of tbe nup
tial mass which followed Miss Mazic
"iffeitj. if Buffalo, was bitdcsmald,
and Hart J Walsh of River street,
w is the gioom's attendant
The wedding partj enteicd tbe
church at 8 o'clock and were met b"
the bilde and Joseph Uueklej, win
jteceded them to the altar Mbs
Kate Real don was at the organ and
sweetlj lendeied Wagner's
inaich fiom Lohengrin
I The cuemonj- was attendel b an
, immense number of the filenls of the
i .ntraetlng paitles
' The bride was handsoni' ly mind
'n a fashionablj made go i of white
.igandle, trimmed with liber v silk.
Miss C'affertj vvoie white organdie
with ilbbons They bon tairied
piavei bouks
t tbe conclusion of the ceremony
the partv returned to the bilde's hom,
wheie the inembeis of both families
I and immediate friends partook of a
wedding breakfast,
i Mi and Mis Noone left on the noon
tiain for New York city to remain
J until Mondav, when thev will leturn
j to the eltj and latei leave for their
I home at Uuffalo
I Mis Noone Is one of the most pioinl-
m nt voung ladles of tills city. She
nas oeen engaged as an instructoi at
the International ronespondence
schools and was highly esteemed bv
bei associates
The gioom Is a peimancnt man of
the fire depaitment of Uuffalo and is
an admirable joung man
Michael Manlev of Beet h stieet, was
stiiouslv injuied wiiile at woik yester
dav at the Coiinell Coal lompanj's mine
and had a natiow escape fiom death
He was working in his chambei when
a tilp of cars that hid gained control of
Its i miner came dashing along Man
ley did not hear It and was standing
on the narrow tncks when the ftotit
car stiuck him and tlnew him dlrectlv
In front of It
Tho tialn shoved him along for some
distance and he, with late piesence of
mind and with gieat effoit caught hold
of tho car. climbed up and thiew him
self to the side.
In falling he landed on his head and
suffered a deep gash, which icndeiel
him unconscious A sboit time Liter
he was found and removed from the
mine and given medhal attendance
When ho regained consciousness be
was taken to his borne A fuither ex
amination showed that three libs vpj
bioken and his bodv was bully biulsed
Jacob Hartman, Ji , son of Jacob
Hattman, of the Ringgold house, on
Cedai avenue, ecu net of fiiich stieet,
sustained a painful Injuiy josterdiy.
He Is engaged at the cracker machine
nt tho Scheuer Bros." b.ikerj-. on Urook
stieet, and while pei forming his iou
tlne duties his light hand was di.iwn
into the tolls Befoie the machine was
halted, and oung Ilaitman's hand was
taken out, much lujuiv was done The
membei was crushed and laeeiated la
a lion Ible mannei
Dr, Manley was h istllv summonel
and came to the joung man's tempoi
niy lelief He was later lemoveel to
his home, whoie his Injuiles vveip at
tended to Di Manley, assisted by Di
Webb, Insetted tvent-one stitches to
clo-e the wounds Hattman suffeied
gieatlj last night, but will. It Is ex
pected fully tegaln tlin use of bis hand
nrnnns-rpsicK ntptialf
Mis Kate ("ii'dck, nf mlnonka nnd
Thorn is Hughes of fheirj stieet. this
side weie united n marriage yesterday
mm n nt? The oeiernonv was peiform 'd
In St. Joseph's chut eh nt Mlnookn bv
U"V. Waltii (loimaii at 11 o'clock V
l.HB number of the n lends of tbe
j. in s people were present at the
eremonj'. l
The wedding tec option was h , list
night at the bride's h ime. It was at
tended bv an Immcnee number of
f i lends and relatives of the newly
tn.o rled couple.
Mi. and Sirs. Hugh" nie pepuiait
voimf people pmiI have the best wishes
of their nnnv frlpnds In nt-sumlng th
clut le s of their new life. Todaj thev-
'vlll leave foi New York city to etijoj
the Devvev celebiatlor
KT'NHRM, or pvrr'ifK
Th- funeial ef tbe late Patrick
Walsh, who ..a killed bv a Dolawaie
and Hudson tialn near the step)
vorks station, S.iturdnv moinlng 1-st
was held from bis lite homo on Cedar
avenue, comet of Piouu stteet yester
diy mor ing.
Pea Coal Delivered, $1.25,
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park Address orders to C. P.
Sharkey, 1811 Cedar ave. 'Phone 66S3.
to tho coffco drinker Coffee drinking Is
a habit that is universally Indulged In
and almost as universally Injurious Hava
you tried dratn-O? It Is almost like cof.
fee but the effects are Just the opposite
Coffee upsots tho stomach, ruins the ill.
geetlon, affects tho heart and disturbs
tho -whole nervous sjstcm ciraln-O
tones up the stomach, aids digestion and
strengthens the nerves. There la noth
ing but nourishment In Qmtn-O, It can't
bo otherwise. IS and 23c. per package.
LCoiKlndcd from l'agu . )
thu good of tho p.uty when I plead
with j on to put clown this new ss
tern which endangeis tho supn mac
of the Republican partj. As one wb
voted with your fathom and as mir
letlilng t hall man, 1 believe I know
what ou want. In all candor and
earnestness I tell you that jou do not
want to desert tho old B.vslem tinder
which jou weic made supreme '
The tliecis which followed Judge
Wlllard's lemaiks moie than made up
foi the nnnojatuc of the Inteiruptlons
to which he was subjected, if, Indee 1,
It enn be said he allowed himself to
suffei any annojance from them
A Mi, Nicholson told the assemblage
that he had as much light to speak
as Judge Wlllard and slatted In to
tell Just how the thing stood, but vvdien
It was leatned that he was not a mem
ber of tho convention he was promptly
suppiessed by Chaiiman Lowrj V
motion to grant him tho privilege of
the floor i oi rived veiy meagre sup
port and was declined lost.
Major W. S Millar mrulo a longthv
speech In which ho declaied that he
was "perennnllj opposed to the f'raw-
foid county sjstcm, but could not favor
Its repeal Just HOW. He believed In
giving It another tiial He alo de
pi cea ted the factionalism which ma'
conlcnts aie Injecting Into the partv
with their confusing of bosslstn and
leadership Under capable leadership
tho Republicans wrested the county
fiom tho Democrats and now they ato
In a fall way to relinquish It by their
inteinecine strife.
I nomas Rejnolds advised against re
pealing the new rules and suggested
that it be left to the Individual votei
'The change is wanted by the dissatis
fied silk-stocking element of the Re
publican puts," quoth Mr. Rev noil-.
If they believe In fall pl.ij win don t
they give this sj-stem a fait tiiul' lo
calise we pi oved at the last municipal
election tint It was the onlv svstem
foi tbe people Thev sav it is Impei
feet I think It is the embodiment of
perfection as compared with the oil
sjstem Do not, at all events attempt
to change it now. Defer action on it
and let the Individual voters pass upon
it themselves. '
This c oncludod the speechmaking and
the I) illotlng on the adoption of the ip
se lading resolution was begun The roll
rail was taken nnd when the leturn
Judges piesent had all tecordrd) them
selves It was found that the motion
lacked the necessarj- two-thirds vote
The division was !8 foi lepeal and ri,
against A change of tluee votes would
have changed the icsult
Tho vote of each Judge Is iccorded in
the last column of the accompinj ing
table As will be seen bv a glance at
the returns, the county delegates who
weie loudest in demanding the abo
lition of the new rules did not stand
together, as was to be nituially e
pected The lepoit of the return eleiks c in
eluded the woik of the convention nnd
at 1.10 o'clock adjournment was made
The ofllcial vote makes no change In
the lesnlts as prev louslv announced.
More Testimony Taken Befoie the
Coioner Last Night.
The ineiucst into th death of the
Hon. T. "V. Loftus vas con'inued in
the couit house last evening befoie
foionei P.obeits. 1 nglneei t-mlth,
Fit email Uank and Conductor ecu go
Kellow of the fieUht tiain vhbli
btntck All Loftus as b was alight
ing from a tiolley cai ei vnin and
gave evidence
The engine ei tostllkd thaU In did
not see the rondm tor of the tiolley car
on tbe Hack befou tie- tai cnsed
The ilu man conoborated) hlni The
Jmv decideel to meet foi d libel atior.
on Trldav evenlne, nev when tin tjp--vviltten
evidence will bu leady for
their examination.
NORTH SCRANTON. evening J. U Shepherd gnve un
Interesting lectuio to a lingo audience
at tho l'rovldencc MothodNt KpWcopil
chuich. He commenced his discourse bv
a humoious and realistic account of hB
llrst dui at -c.i Ho then gave a glow
ing account of the Cape Verde islands
Oibialtar Malm, the Allnmlin Mor
occo, tho J'jramlds Java, tbe Holv Cllv,
Hong Kong and Manila and touched on
tbe various points of interest at tho
several pi ires rbe entertainment wis
cipened b an organ solo b MNs P.c He
in one and a vocal rolo In VIi John
Hiotullitiit 'Hit ushers wcie Mr "is
'Ihomis Norton and John Pldb i
Tin funeial nf the laie Mrs i: J Lord
was be Id vcterdiy afternoon from the
lionii of her daiighti r Mrs Nel&on Wnt
tirmin on Jones tctrict li was largi 1
attended b many iclatives ml aeciualnt
anceb that had known bet dm log In t
long and useful life, and thus .howid
their deep rcgird fur tier nn moi The
(.IV Ices were ccipililc te d 1J Rev W li
Wmp-nn, pastoi of the Asbuiv Melbodlst
Hplscoinl chureli, who in his lemarks
nfeired In llttlng terms to tbe bniitllul
ihrlstlm life of tbe deceased, and hi t
t bought f allien, and kliidlj leguul foi
ibeiso of her fellnw crcaliuis I'luu wcie
numerous testimonials In beauilful lb l il
emblems Horn those who loved the eb
eased 'i he lemnlns weu uikin m Dun
uiiitc ccnietcrj tor liuilil Tin pillneai
ii" were. O V I'.ilmei, II 11 Meli
Inn Plimk Almei I) mill Mae Lean,
i liarlrs i 'amine l and l.rnest Luvin
Tred Mavo has returned hnmo after
sptMtclliif, a week at Alliutown and Mum b
i bunk
The appointment of Ills fiiroHue uii
lie I Rill as a leachei In No il m hool ill
Manila) night's meeting of the board of
uiitlol gives eteat Mitlsfactlon tluo'iub
iiut nil PalU 1'lace
Mis otto P Mvets mid inolhri Mis
Vail, of fliuieh aviuiii ate on a week r
vihlt Willi iclatives in Kcolt
I AloMindi r Hill bus iinipt d i pnsitinn
. in the liivinc ii more nf O VV liVi
I Ml-s J. nnli Reading cf Willi imcp rt
I i tile glli st nf In r p neiif- the Hi v in I
I Mis S IJ Retnllni. nt'linrcli hiiihii
Ml and Mrs Antbonv Jemen all en
' Jojlng a tlip tliioiigb New urlt Hiate
The funeial ol John I Muirhiih tik
I lace jeslcidiiv ulliinoou al 2 o I '
Ilium his lite hum m Wajtn nenn
'I In- .leioamil was u iculdent if thl !
f iiiiinv vears He In mrvived liv hl
wife and two ihl'dien KlUnheth ind
Margaiet The palllieuiers vvi ! Mir
lunc i'llee, John llinrv Havld Jones
Joliii KvaiiK, Ldwiird Lewis and lib hud
I. uilw Rev .Mr. .lone wax Hi ollU'tui
III. tlirnjaian Inn uncut wu inuilc in
iisb i rn -a "i in un tei i
Tie di i-r i fil' mill. (mi uf 1'ievll n e
n d has nronsrd generil 1 Hignntlon In
this Kiitlen A i.roieiv waoa was ever
tiiinid veHteiibiv, groierles and vego.
ubloH being scattered In even direction
Captain Joseph Duggan bus leceiveel a
valuable Mimur ilfle. which was found
on tho battlefield after tho great fight ie
frro Hantltifjo
A number of well known icsldepts of
this section left last night for New York
to attend the Devvev celebration
Howell Davlei" of VVajno avenue, left
yesterday for New York
Alderman Tidier of the first ward Is
suffering fiom a severe told, hut Is still
able to attuid to his uillco duties,
Women who have leisure find it hard to
combat the ills to which all women are subject,'
but the shop-girl must suffer and suffer, and
keep on working.
Is it any wonder they break down. under i
the strain? &
firs. Anthony Sutler, Crestline,'
Ohio, writes:
"It would bo hard to explain to
you my condition before using your
Vegetable Compound. I was a great
sufferer of kidney trouble and head
ache. On rising in the morning I
was always tired and sleepy, and
never felt like doing my work. Since
taking the Compound I feel like a
new woman. I sleep well at night,
and can work all day without that
tired fcelinsr. I have advised
borne of my friends to try it, and
we all feel thankful for tho
benefit we have derived from
its use. May God blebS you
for the good you aro
doing the poor, suffering
Mrs. Pinkham is
surely the working-girl's
and many thousands
of them have been
helped by her counsel.
Her address is Lynn,
Mass. Don't put off
writing until your
health is wrecked.
Ask for her help
at the first indi
cation of trouble.
Hiss Rose Helden, 126 W.
Cleveland Ave., Canton,
Ohio, writes:
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham
Four years ago I had almost
given up hope of ever being
well again. I was afflicted
with those dreadful headache
spells which would
sometimes last three
or four days. Also
had backache, bearing
down pains, leucor
rhcea, dizziness, and
terriblepatns at monthly
periods confining me to
my bed. After reading
so many testimonials
onials mz)
ine, I J
it. I ZZZ
for your medicin
concluded to try
began to pick up after
taking the first bottle, and
have continued to gain
rapidly, and now feel like a
different woman. I can
recommend Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Com
in highest terms to all
Miss C. D. Morris, 3 Louis
burg Square, Boston, Hass.,
writes :
" Dfar Mrs. Pinkham I have
Lydia K. Pinkham 's Vegetable
and it has helped me wonderfully. I was troubled
with headache, backache and that weak and tired
feeling. I cannot say enough
medicine for it has done me so much good I shall
recommend it to all my friends who suffer."
The lives of working-girls are im
portant lives. To continue at work
without proper treatment is heroic but
it is wrong and results in complete
loss of usefulness.. Mrs. Pinkham's help can
be had for the asking, and her advice will
tell you how to keep well and strong.
" Am So Glad That S Wrota (o You."
" Dh k Mrs, Pinkham I want to thank you foi what you
have done for me. When I wrote to you last June, I was
almost a total wreck from female weakness. I was troubled
with irregular and painful menstruation, leucoirhcea, bearing
down pains, soreness, and swelling of abdomen . pain at right
and left of womb; headache, backache, nervousness, and
could neither eat or sleep well. Since taking Lydia L". Pink
ham s Vegetable Compound, Liver Pills, and using your Sana
tive Wash, I do not feel like the same person. I am so glad
I wrote to you, for you have helped me very much."
Airs. Carrie Phillips, Anna, III.
Aore Than a Million Women Have Been
Helped by Mrs. PinSiham's Advice
and Medicine.
e tcu'.'iv luuiiiiiiK c 1 1 1,1 e iun,i i
omidoyi il nt tin Miniiiii'ii Dion fmut
anil ii'sldiiiK on (laillcld nvciiin uui
with a painful accident. S1iIIp oHIhr
hlsin.ii hlno IiIh hand Ikhu.iu' cntangli d
In the belting and the nii-nibc v.i
badi: c milled
TteMdHiitn llvlnir in lb vleinltv of
Adanifi nvcmio and Million wticet aic
I'linrdanlliiR- about ths condition of the
wall: nn tlmt coiner, which ondanfreib
life and limb.
Tonight the lcKillar mid week prajer
mcctiiiR will bo obgetved in all Ureen
1 ItldBo churches.
fc"u A (Ml
been using
in praise of your
it Si, ' it . !- fv'(-
' 1. h jit
Vl 17 Abtioouiler ficovsc aw
t.rriltulQ '(enjy, ori 1 ' . .
Iij Abtioouitor auc In.
s .rJi! crellom li m 'ivirhlu ami
creliom i'w ivirhlu ami
v.T ructcro fxit Vhalltr la old or jcr
vis.- i.t ii inoulorinuJr, bu luukjor irirt a
ikS?? i t o ut Ijtn'ty aa Cor ij.Hi inline Thclrni.o rliom ia "edr1"' ' ) t
mem mil electa a e UI.L Hhrreicll nui.r f-H li
jUt joo liavluu ll c?3iino A) i. ,' t
lm?rcurilll.o3anrnevnl willcuioyeti. Vv .p r p
.Ue'3rnia(imruitoo toci:M-n.iuio Cfill'. 1
tmrhecor refund I ho none- rrleuJ U 8 Oipt
rack&CA. or Bin ikrfl (full tr(i1tinnPtl for K&S.
AJAX REftlEDY CO., !.'
Tor rale In Scrantcn, Pu., by Matthe.vj
Droi. and II. C, Eandertcn, drussists.
- BimaUNDHR & RUIS. Leueei.
11. It. LONO, Manaier.
One Night Only, ThurscUy, Sept, 18.
Tbe Particularly HnealAl nncHtementof thl
liUllEX OKMUtril,
1 tiit Time In Thin City of the Celebrated
favorite nnd lior .Merry Company
In Her New rnrloitaly
1 unny Comoely
Sister Mary
Prices 25c, 00c, 70c, $1, $1.80.
One Night Only, Saturday, Sept. 30.
Mr. Otis Harlan
la 0 New l'lay by Geoige U. Slmi,
Unlit for Laughlnc; Tarpose Only.
Prices 20c, 00c, 70c and $1.00.
II R. L.ON0, Moncer.
Kafherine Rober Co.
In Ucpcrtoiro of l'lns
TiicmIuv Matinee "Madame Sans Gen."
Tuosdiiv NIkIH "Kill.irnov "
WeilncMliiv Matinee 'Klllarncy "
WtMlnemlav N'lRbt "A KutmeR Match."
Tbiirel.ij Matinee "A Xulmtff Match."
iliursdnv nlRlit "Romeo nnd Juliet. '
Dime VJatlnees Dallj
KvenliiK Prlres 10, 20 "0 cents.
September 20-26-27.
Tom Mcintosh,
A Hot Old Time in Dixie
September 28-20-30.
Hoey & Norton's
20th Century Comedians
This Week of
Now is tho time to got a bargain
at these prices. You cannot ob
tain them in tho future. Call and
sec them.
Tine Diamond Klncs at $3 00, worth
$10 50
guild Gold Hand IUhl's at SI 25, worth.
Solid Gold Hand Rings at $100, worth
$2 23
Gold rilled Cuff Buttons, DOc, worth
Cuff Ruttons, previous prices Jl 00. now
Gent a Solid Silver Watch, Ulgln move
inent SIM
Ladles Sterling? Silver Watches, worth
$' ro now VI 75
Gents N'iekel Watches, S W. price
J' r.O now $1 T"
Rosers Rros Spoons, wat ranted, EOe
Rugers Rrns Rutler Knives, Sur'i'
Spoons Pld.Ie TorUs, 07e , previous prlco
Ladles' Solid Gold Watch, Klgln movfc
ment $1 1 "0
Ladles' Gold rilled Watches at JO M.
worth $13 0)
Ve also lnve about three hundred La
dlis Solid Silver Rings worth DOc and
T e will close them nt 10c each
Spetlcl vile now Rolnc on a' Davldow
Bros Attend ns we aro offcrlnc ffoods
at one-fourth their orlslnal value
Extra lleav Solid Silver Thimbles at
Davidow Bros
227 Lackawanna Ava,
Car load Just arrived. All style,
and prices the lowest. Workmanship
guaranteed evn on
Keep via In mind and you won't re
gret giving us your patronage you
will get goods as represented glvlnsr
you our easy terms of payment or very
lowest prices for cash. Immense etoclc
of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets.
Iron Ueds. etc. Flva large floors full
to the celling at
Tho? Kelly's Slom, rrini.?na
lninod 133
ii(&Uhiii. Pa . rtffi t. QnuftBti la era j
c.'l j ifl .
ACvf ( k. U1ih tMtortil Prtt CDltrcfvt UOQfl 1 1 1 L
JcriiGV .Sin B 11 Itariror IflBSltuai&xuaatncertMi
i ai.iT i mu 10 1 j'j r ri'n rnc :'" i
Mn tar Gero it-itlmonltU d1 Itolu All trkttdl tipOMO, F
The Best
Yashiiig Powdet
To PATENT Good Idea;
may tie eeenred by
our aid, Address,