THE SCJiANTOX TIUIHWU-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1899. 7 NORTON'S Illustrated Sotivenirs of the , Electric City." Beautiful Booklets, 25c nnd 50c ench, showing the Important buildings nnd vnilous industries, Mines, Mills, etc., of Scianton. Also Souvenir Postal Caids. j.nper Covejed Books nt greatly lcduced prices. 25 cent books tor 10 nnd 15c. 50c books for 25c. 25 cent cloth cover books, largo variety of titles, for 10c. 50 cent cloth covered books. excellent in every way, for S'ic. All the standard books. All the desltnble now books. School Books and Stationery. M. NORTON, 3Z2 I.ncknwnnnn Avenue. We are cltMmng tip ocUis and ends in mouldings, if you have pictures to fiamc this is vour opportunity to eet it done at I Y almost your own price. THE GRIFFIN ART CO., soq Wjuinlng Avenu.'. w DEWEY CELEBBhTIOl nil tins niul uct week at NETTLTOr!'3. , hitigtrin Avenue, Commonwealth Hiiililini BOOTS, SHOES - RUBBERS Wholesale and Retail. 1 all btvlcs now on. Special prices on Rubbers to the Tr.t'le hsfore Nov. rst. Rub ers tulvanco after that ti.ite 0988 ill , belli ,'ie lull fl mi Willi ll CV civ il o N ill) 11 l' 111 llli most nitlMlc M Dili iiinuiuiiliinn h.if. proven .1 Hill fl.'ll.l r In tlo Hi M Oni linple n in-- if vviit in nle of tin vei luti si I l in Wi mi cupihli' of Ill.lklllK i i i'l!lg il unnh fur llu unclean uinl .iiln.itntlnli of skll1 111 COU.AIUNC. 1 M I'lTI'INT, Willi mil Viio SI'KAM nl l.H lIUiNni: is Hhnplv dilvliiK thi iii.. In .li, 1 1 l.ttluii i arc ic,ui ' wIMliu I. make vim Laundry Hippy. I ACKAWANIS3A fi "THE" 1 O unary ba -" 'en vtiti H WAiniAN PERSONAL ips V II Allen nt Mile- licet, n - n ii, ill Mi M (' KhIhiIh uf Lake Ami, .-"In in v it iil.n in tiiwii li II II Will. Ik 111 I'llilltcleliilila. lie v hi ii tm ii this I'vonimj II. H .Millie! Cnf millet uf Oil. II 111. li I nk enteiiulmil bv In li lend Mm "A. Cl I'llHSfllll, III I'lipiltlSC IIV.'llUl Mis M II t'lisev. of WiiMlitiiMeiu uve ii u is vWltlng IiIimiiIh In Ni w Voik, ami will wltlle-s the I).Wc ivlclil.itlntl m .1 V 'unliilKe iiiix Kime to l'lilm i; Iphlu tn ntli 1 il tin Slnti llnliieDiuitlilc VI illi'iil Hucli iv iiieeilng, vvluii lie will 1 .id II pnpel helm, tin tilllcim ol Ull f IV The Big Event of Today. This nfternoon nt tun o'clock Pio r -iir P.auer and his mchestia will ii'innllv open lh" big Millineiv J-ii --i'lnr at tho Joii'is's Sons' stoie, ii d t miieh ni tlclpited ,unl long wait- I fi i ovtiu will b open to the gaze ni ' votyono The millinery opening f the Uljr Stcio vllliiall.v n't the ditj i f tlv Autumnal teiiim as no woman it 'nk" of buylnr a hat until sl.e hn n tho poncoptloiis which till? linn nw Todaj's cipeulug Is on nn oven in re lavish scale than anv of tun for n hi oiks, nnd the lllg Store Is a .light 1 .uitlflll tn ihold. ' Fall Displny in High Art Millineiy. S C. Wind's, lis Washington nvcnui, Thuibd.iy unci rililn) Are Gone ,inrt prosperllv 1- leiiiruhiK vnIicii )Ou h. Itangei. selling ut sin 11 prices as we n celling this week People weio never u, much ellnpusi'il to buy as tho) ale '.st now, and wo give them the Incentive selling at prices that gives them no iHiison to di'Pilvo tliemsilv'i'S of n Riiiiko in Heater be ciniHc of the prii Theeieilv purchawr Is iht out who ttets the iliiilte THE LACKAWANNA HARDWARE Zl fi21 Iiackawanua Avenue. SSSV )) ... H 4ttt FIRST CONVENTION OF RETURN JUDGES OFFICIAL COMPILATION OF THE RETURN OF PRIMARIES. Piopositlon to Repeal the Crawford County Rulies Is Defeated by a Close Vote Tho Official Vote Does Not Alter the IHesults Alrendy An nounced Moiris nnd Penman for Commlsstonois nnd Johni and Klefer for Auditors Computing Returns Under New System nn Aiduous Task. FOR COMMISSIONERS. John Courier Morris 3,28 John Penmnn 3,030 Giles Roberts l.bDO W. J. Thomas 1,304 S. V. Roberts 048 William Tianz 800 FOR AUDITORS. William E. Johns 2.323 Asa E. Klefer .2.427 F. L. Wntd 2.3UG Thomas R. Hughes 2,200 W D. Spencer 1,300 Lackawanna Hepuhllrans hold their 111 st convention uni'er tho Crawford county mles yesterday In t lit main mint rfiom. It was u loin: diawn out Fcim lnptliu; frimi 2 o'cloel. until after fi o'cloel,, and was fllle-d with vit'mis elola h and nn end of confu sinii RrnwliiK cuit of the arduous and ininrllcaled 'ok of ten Ivlns. taluilnt- tK and computlnK tho vote of eleven different men In Ml different districts, I b nn unwieldy and naturally disor detlj assemblage of workers-.. An nttompt was made 1o lopenl tho Crawford ml 's and return to thr old nstom of primal ips and conventions but it was defeatpd by a small innigln, ( i n-l lei able turbulent v attended the I discussion and balloting on the lepeal ' . .. . ..... . .i r i..i i ... . proposition and a number of Incidents uncommon lu Republican convention in cut rod, notably the hissing of a spcikei with the Intention of piovont l.ur !ilm fiotn oxpusslng himself There was a small attendance at tho opening of the xesclnu but bufoie It vns v erv long uiidei way tho cnurL loom was well tlllnl Many pi emin ent Democrats weio pi event and ap pealed tn foil a home nflet things be i;an to want! up a little. I'D.NVII.VTIOX IN DKTA li lt was just 2 i. in when Hon. i:. X. Wlllaul, ch, ill in. in of the couuiy mm mlttee, i.ippoil for oidei. Aft. claiming the atttiitlon of the clelogatcs he annoiinced that the houi of 2 o'clock having ai lived tho convention would nt once pine eid to the business befof" It I It Infoi mod the lelilin judges that theli names would be called bv illstibts and It would then be then diil to lopoit, that tho sot i y mlglir the loll of the convention "If a l etui n judgi Is lepie.sonted by a sub siltllti tile substitute will anilnunce that f.ui when his district Is reached," said the ohali man In conclusion. Mi Wlllaul toad the list of distlleis and the letuin Judge from each, and J I- Watklns, societal v of the count v cominltleo, who .sat bosldi hlni, 10 cnrcled the names of the leturu Judges and substitute!, who lepottod theli pn .sence. After the i ol) was complete tho chair man aiinouueed that live dlstilets of the coiintj weio unieptosented. l'lie-e dlsttlcts weio niinnitii o, Third waul, Thlid dlstilef l-.u knw.inn.i tcnvnshi'i. Southwest dlstilct. Sci. niton. Plrst waul. Third dlstilef I-lghth wnid. Sot ontl dlstilct, and Ninth ward, dlstrltl. Sovcial of thes, lit-liiti'i! i turn judges repotted befote the vo. was letoided ("halinian Wlllaul said the next busi ness befoio the conventllnn was tho selection of a tompnrnt chalimaii and cnlletl for noinlnatliins for that posi tion. P. P I'rlie named Attorney M W. I.owiy and it was seconded by Dr. V. A. C'aiiwell Mi. I.ovvry was eli i led bv aceliiin.itlon nnd was 'it once osooiteil to tho pint f mm, wheio he accepted tho olllee and mado a shoit adtlipss which was icoolved with much "iithuslasni bj the .iiidleuce. Ho paid: mii Ltuviivs si'r-r.rn. ileiult'liien of the Conveiitlou and fVllovv Uepublloans- I am not Insen sible tn the distinguished hunor which you have seen 'lit to c onler, in thus clioiihing me tiom this able and Intelli gent boil), to pio-lde over out de llboi.itlnns, and I beg to state that only with )oui eainost co-opeiatlon shall 1 be ible to adequately dlsch.iigo tho duties which )ou have so senoi oiisly called mo to jiei fot in. Wo meet today as lopn scntatlves of tho Republican paiiy In the gioat In dustrial oountv of Lackawanna, and as lopiosentntivos. too of the gieatost pait) that has ovet) .shaped a policy or derlaieil a platfnim In any tniintiy, foi as men aio icgnideil by their n hlovementH, so with political panics. "II) theli wotks shall )o know tliini," unci I congtatiilate )ou today because of the ice end your patty has Indelibly stamped on the pages of Antcilinn lils tor). and for the glowing promise of a yet blighter fiituio, which I believe Is tho logical hoiltage of the Ameilcan roptibllc. If we depart not from the tenets or our paily raltn place of power she had repealed the salutniy tariff measure enacted by Re publican legislation, and replaced upon nur statute books ennptmontR so nien nrlng to public eiedlt and confidence-, and so pernicious, that In addltlun to tho hundicds ()f millions which a de pleted treasury compelled them to bor row In times of peace, distress, want, discontent and business stagnation were everywhere found, while C'oxey armies plodded their vvuv along mnnv a dusty road to the cnpltnl. praying for relief fiom the hardships of a Domoointle iidmlnlstration. tndei eo- ntlnns like these William McKlnle y . d n Republican congress boaided the ship of state. In an In credibly shoit time a tailff law was enacted, beneficial to Ameilca and Americans, national eiedlt was speedi ly restored, and millions of gold that had lied oui bIioios through loss of con fidence, returned and brought other gold with It to add to the geneinl pros peilty. Now wo dnd capital and labor pvor)wiiero employed nnd our rail loads nnd water lines, then almost binkrupt, are taxed to their fullest capacity, carrying tho products of the faun, the mill and the mine, nnd trans, porting our peo.ilo to and fiom tho busy marts of trade. An Important Incident In tho present administration, nnd I believe In the w oild's history, oven, was our war with Spain. In behalf of a people op pressed for HOO yeais, we took up tho enuse of humanity, and In the Interest :' J.'illio and mercy, and a Christian clvlllzatior the whole American poople atose aa a man, leady to smite the op- ,',n.1,I.deotos l;h:n,.outP,Wm, VZ obuo our WnfaUeViag faUl, in that po.Uy wns ,', "m lemiacy ,!,' i.-ln 'o "" " M, b'lv ""beti powei by the flection of William Mt- ,(.'" U," .!,,7t , Pr"',u,m" ""lt Umv "rt" Klnley as chief m.tglniatc, and In the r'v """. 'i..e . iumiuIiIIohi inrtv bilef hiiiii'O of two nnd one.lmlf vents "' coiif-raiiuaie ine i.ipiiiiui.iri pinv lite ngc"s hav" been wiouSlit II" n,,ll lho Amerlcnu people upon the wise pressor. AVe surld to tho Insolent Turk of Spain, "Thus for shall thou k and no faither. no more of the days of Pl zarro and Cortes', nn nioto of tho rack and liuiulsltlnn In free AniPilra." and very oon was Spain coin Inoed of the plMceilt of nui )lillantlitnpl' puipnse. Wo oonttrntulntod tho Democrat, In dividual, and his paitj, If you please, nnd felicitated ourselves nnd nur coun try hocauso a oinmon cause and a common noble sjinpathy had fot ever swept away the cherished animosities of tho South, and oindlratod all sec tional lines to tho Kreat Joy or a homo geneous people. Hut time has brought Its chanRes, Today a mighty political vvarfaio Is holng waned In Ohio, and tho Pernod ntlo shibboleth, tho hattlo civ to be carried into tho campaign of lino Is anti-trusts, anti-Imperialism, fiie silver and aiitl-opairsloii, these remnant phinsos constltulo their war p.iean They pretend to strike at tho Kreat trust combinations, and would persuade the Voter that our protective ineasurts aio nlono responsible for them when they know that all of the most gigantic ti lists of our land are In nn vv.iy affected bv any law Impos ing duties upon our Imports. Tint theie arc evils which must be eradicated wo admit, hut It 1 our polity to find a remodj for these pvlls, and our hope for the successful solu tion of thes new problems Is In tho wisdom of our statesmen nnd the true spit It of Uopubllonn Institutions, which Ins heen the only savory check upon prevailing evils, which the cupidity of mm and mot eenary greed have forced upon us While no temedy Is bv them piesentrd, thev hint that tho fioe and unlimited coinage, of silver Is tho uni versal untlrinto required to rectify, putlfy and purge the land from tho blighting effects of this monster. How It will do so the prophetlr vision of the Demnciatlo platform creator nnd per feiimoi fails oven to suggest, nnd tho only oxiuso for nbtiudlug that old, weather-beaten, shaky, rotten ami sunken plank Into future campaigns, must necessarily be on tho same the ni v that Cue woodman is said to have ice iimmendf d his dog for hunting conns, namely, "that he was good for nothing else," and that tho Ctontor had not made anything In vain Doinooine knows, too, that there are no Impel lallsts In this land of free Institution'1, and their cry against Im pel lallsm is only for one put pose, and to attune the par of their hparer to a false note, and while under the misguided spell seeuio his oto, "Antl-epanslon." n,,. (.i used bj tho Domociatlc taiupal haracter nalgner Is. uiidei oxisliiig conditions n misnomer. I In Its effects It would be moio piopeilv today the howl of the obstructionist T-oyally to our government and her honor demands of evoi) eltlron of this Hopublle his unfaltoilng support of tloit pnllev which sent Dewov Into Ma nila Ray where lov f, of llbeitv and Ireedom from oppiessnn beckoned us, and when in obedience to that call, higher nnd more plaintive than human ni'indalo ho planted on tho ancient battlements of Cavlte tho emblem of freedom, so dear to every Amoilein lie.nt and so venerated by evei) lover of Ilboity Then the dfo was cast, the Rubicon cro-sed and I know not how any true Ameilcan i.m sav "null down that Hag" conspciatod to American honor when oni e planted upon a soil conse crated bv American blond That Is tho cry. gentlemen, that has nlioiVilv postponed the ponpo Jubilee of Manila ton long Pnele Sam did not lift this volte fiotn the peek of tho Filipino to bo gored bv the ov. and we shall Insist to the end of this unfortunate stilfo that due lecognitlon bo given to the humane splilt which moved us to In tel ene not onlv bv the Filipino, but bv the nation of the eai th. yea If It takes a inn two men In nuns and tho riches of all our mines The Republlran party today, as ever, stands foi natlcmnl prosperity at home and national honor abroad. Tho appointment of tin oo spcielnrlns was the next woik of the convention and Fiank Shedd. Thomas Reynolds unci Fnd Klefer weio selected unani mously Al this point ('halt man I.uvviy ap pointed his committee mi lesnlutloiis. The members of It woie Howell Hnrrls Scianton; Hi. D. A. I'upwoU, Scranton. Joseph Spelc lipr. Scianton. Homy Myeis. Aichbald. Thomas Hail stone, Mooslo: V.. O t'arpentoi. a veily: W. I-. F.vans, Parbondulo. At this Juni'tuie tho convention very gincofullv accorded to Judge WIll.uU by unanimous vote the pilvilego of tho convention with all the lights except that of voting. Judge 'Wlllard ac knowledged the honor with a simple but heaity "I thank you" and then o crclsed his proiogatlve by moving to make the tenipoiary oignuizatinti per niani ut. Tho motion pievallod The call of the roll of i etui n Judges and the tabulating of the vote was then begun. There was no end of pon fuslon and dila)s and In ronsociuonoo nvpi two bonis was requited to inilvo at tho losult. Tho lilies piovldo that tho letuin juilgcs s-linll lead the vot" In theli dlstilets fiom tho open 10 t in ns while the tleiks ninko oompail snns with the stated retuins. This was done away with by gorictal agree ment and tho eleiks did both tho an nouncing nnd compailng The vote in full Is found In the accompnn)Irg table While awaiting the compilation of the i etui us Howell Hants read th? 1 1 pott of the committee nn rpsolutlons, which was as follows: THi: Ri:SOI.lTTIONS We, the lni minis of tho Republican eon Million iih-i mhlcil In compute, the return nml eU-claic the nomination of tho S' v euil candidates named by the Republic. in electors of Lackawanna count), lnribv li'liew mil ulliulant't' to those principles und le-ncU wbleli have, we bellevo, tbioiigh the iigeney of Republican or. Kiiiilzntlun best conservi'd tile Intticsts lilnistlt lb. "man of the lioin lu the mo- Cup of good coffee to brace up on in the morning. Try "Courseu's Best." our own blend 35c per lb; 3 lbs $1.00. We also sell Rio and Java, 20c per lb, O. G. Java, 25c per lb, O. G. Java and Mocha, 28c per lb. E. Q. Coarsen FJcst Coffee and Ten Mouse in America. No presents that's why. i .-.i . nnivnli. null j-lilt rtiltitt nml .l.i. IllUKlHl 1 (M I Ol dill Illl I II III, III! Illl III J LIJ Uwanta inciitous events tliioilRh which wo have been passing Wo heartily endnrsu hlrt wise and patriotic policy und commend the Republican congress which has so faithful!) sustained lilm through tho vlclslliiiles that linvii characterized his uttmlnlsiriilloti, We upiuove of the attlluile of the AnicilPiiu peoilo ns repiesenleo by tho president towaid the Inhabitants of tlio Philippine Islands. Wo believe that this pnllev Is consistent with the higher de mands of civilization, nnd In Its piirsu rime wo nic but yielding to the logic of events nml tho guidance of a divine Providence. Wo congratulate tho Republican pirty nnd tho count!)- nt largo upon the tuip.ii nllelrel business revival that everywhere abound'. In this llooil-Mdo of prosperity the long contested principles of a protect ive tariff Und a triumphant vludlcntlnn. We cniov, loo, tho confusion nml con sternation which this ei a of Industrial expansion has brotiiiht upon the one mles of this great Republican dortilnt' of ptotecllon to Ameilcan Induxtilee. TUP- MONHY PLANK. Wo commend the faithfulness with wbli li the national administration has adhered to the sound financial principles eiiliiii laled b) the Republic un pirty In lis iiatlotial platfoim nt St, Louis, rec ognizing that iiiioii such principles alone nn business cnntlilento and national In tegrity be maintained We appreciate and endorse the fidelity ot our national state senators, Hon. Mntthew Stanley uiy nnd linn. Hoi s Pentose., for tilt Ir earnestness nml lovalty In serving the inlet ests of this great commonwealth Wo heal till' endorse the tietion of our representative In congress the Hon Wil liam Ciimih II. who bus faithfully and at tentively stood bv the post of riut) to which tho Jtenttlillcuiis of Lackawanna called him. Wo appiovo the wise nnd statesman like course of Hon. Willi mi A. Stone, for the manly slund taken bv him lu maintaining that the public expenditures bo kept within the limits warranted by the treasury receipts We appiovo of the faithful and nssldo ous labors of oui Senator, Hon J. l Vaughn nml of our members of tho state leglslnture for their e fforts In securing benlflcent and needed legislation for our charitable Institutions, nnd their zeal In nil legislative matters rtlatlng to tho welfare of the state at largo We hereby pledge ourselves, nnd call up on all Republicans of Lacknwanna coun ty to loyally support the candidates this day declared nominated by this conven tion. Howell ITnirls. Ti A. Cnpwell, Joseph Speleher. H. O Carpenter. William P I'vniis, Thomas Hailstone, Hour) Mveis. Committee em Re solutions. to urcspncT Tim itri.i:-.. The resolutions were ndopttd with enthusiasm and then Nathan P Davis ptosented tlJo resolution to repeal tho Craw foul county rules. Refore leading the- tcsolutlon he said: "If the work of this afternoon Is a fair sample eif the working of the ftnvvfonl county sy-itpin, I don't think a gioat ileal if It. I was opposed to It a vi'.-ir ago. nnd I haven't changed my mind since. I elo not think it I si the proper system for the government of the paity In a county Ilk" Lacka wanna "I have f,Pvoir.l reasons for thinking this. Mv Him Is pussilil) n selfish e no. AVlth tho Craw fold rules In existence tho count i y districts will not be rep ltsentedon a county ticket. In a ooun tv like Lackawanna you must consider the matter of locality nnd nationality in making up your ticket. With thu Ci aw foul county lystem this Is nn Imposslblllt). lt will boa hit and miss affali, and jou can't make a stroiiR ticket. "Another ten son and what T consider n voi j good re.iMiii. which I have for being opposed to the Crawford system is that din lug tho past few days In convoisatlon with my Demoe ratio friends, I Und they nre unanimously! In invnf of tho Cnwfonl county iuIok fot the Republican paity. .MR. DAVIS RRSOU'TION. Mr. Davis' lPRolutlons lead as fol lows. The political conditions In l.jtknvvnnn.i countv are such that lho s-tleetlnn of a strong tlcktt elope nds upon a piuptr con sideration, not oni) ol men or ubllltv but of nationality and totality as well, and since past eMitileniu has deinoiistiatce! that Ibese matttis are of vital lininit anc e to lho success of the part). We hold that these conditions can only be prop el ly treated ami jilluhlt'd bv a dellbti utive bod), vested by the party with the Ikivvi r of choice A continuance of the pn"-tnt s)stetu jilac os Republican nt h marked disadvantage ot which the op position lh fully nw.iie, nnd eager at all lime's to um' to their prollt. The prostrit s.Vhtem of nominating can did ites lends In fci iterate an expensive liielitnln iry coillest, anil to develop a spit II that will manifest Hm If to the' ibtrlnieiit ol the pari) in its cam ii iUn against the touimon enemy. It is the senilis ol Republican iiistltu- tlmis that the popular will (bids Its must mil highest expression by and tluouMi u repii'si'tiintlvt in-Minbly lu the e lioloci of cnndldatei. u dellbciatlve boelv will te tkit and ivpiiss tlio will of the ni.ijoi lt) In a muih more compltle miim than the hVHtem now in vogue A people ol parly who can be tl listed to elect callable and honest men to o.irr) out their will in all other olllcial func tions ol government, can nNo be trustcel to elect honest callable men to represent them In the nominating convention, this being the oni) practicable system bj which popular sell government Is feai III-; tlleli'foio hi it Resolve el, That this convention nbullsii the mles that til o now lu force', and th it the chairman of this convention appoint a committee cnu&lsting of live numbers to present n new nt of rubs for the gov ernment of tho Republican parly In Lack nwnmia county and icpntt forthwith Th'e choeis nnd hand clapping that fellow cd the presentation of lho nlml ilion losolutlon biought consternation to tho opponent of tho proposed chnng.i. So surprised weio they that they neglected to get up n counter demonstration. Howell Hauls moved to ndopt the resolution L, AV Iforoj moved to lay Mr. Harris' motion r.n the tnblo. On nil call tho motion to table was lost Tho vote ns announced by the tillers, Jlessts. Tlattei.borr, of Arch-, bald, nnd Illol, of Illmhurst, was 12 to JiO ROWDYISM RAMPANT r.x-.Iudgo Wlllard then took the floor nnd made an earnest plea for the teturn to tho old svstem of com ducting prirnatlos. Ho was shninefull) Interrupted wltb hisses and cat tnlli but wns not the man to bo suppressed bv such methods nnd continued his lo'iinrKs to the end. "I have stood here foi foity )oars," the vvneiablo e-Judgo went on to say, "lighting for the Republican party. I have studied the politics of this county thoroughly. I was opposed to tho change of s)stem by which wo mail many victorious tickets nnd I am still opposed to It. I am prompted only b IContltnied on I'ago 8.J Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Hus been used for over FIFTY YRARH bv MILLIONS of MOTHKIIH for tholr I'lllLDHKN Wllll.i: TKIITIIINO WITH I'KIU'KCT KtJCCKSH It SOOTHRS tho CHILI). SOI'TKNH tlio OI'MB. AI.I.AY8 all PAIN; CUHHH WIND COLIC, and In tho best remedy for DIARRIIOKA Sold by Druggists In every part of tiro world Ho sure and ask for ''Mrs Wins low's Soothing JMrup," and tako no other kind. Twenty-tho cents a bottle. PREPARING FOR BIG CONVENTION WORK OP ERECTING ARCHES HAS BEEN STARTED. Where They Will Be Located nnd What They Will Look Like BIr Reviewing Stand to Bo Built on Wyoming Avenue Opposite the In ternational Correspondence Schools, Individual Prizes Sleeting of Committees Last' Night More Commlttemen Added. Tho work of dccoiatlng for tho com ing firemen's convetrtlon was begun yesleidny when was commenced tho woik of placing tho Hist ot the three largo arches In position nt the corner of Washington avenue and Spruce strt'ul. There are to be throe of those aiche and they are to be located nt tho fol lowing corners. Washington avenue nnd Spruce street, dlngonnlly across from Meals' building to Clarke, the florist's; Lackawanna nnd Wyoming nvonuos, diagonally from Jonas Iong'.s Sons to Plrst National bank; Lacka vwmna and Franklin nvonuos, dlngon nlly from the Scranton House to ths Moore bulldlnc. The otches are to 'bo mado of wood and will be thirty-seven feet In height In tho center . There will be a tower at tho corner about twenty-five feet high. The wooden framework, will bo covered with white cloth nnd th's In turn handsomely decorated with Hags. Theie will bo about l.'O Incan descent lights In each arch. Tlmre will bo also bo a dozen nrchs at various points In the cential city made of four ladders each. Thpso will be trimmed with flags and evergreens nnd will bo Illuminated nt night with lanterns. As the decorators of the city are 'n Now York at the present time decorat ing for Dewey's reception and will not return before Friday, tho work of trim ming tho vatlous buildings cannot be gin Just yet. The Connell, Monro and a number of otln-r largo buildings will be dpcorntpd and It Is thought that as tine a genoial pffpot as was seen dur ing the letter carrleis' convention will bo produced. The entire four sides of tho oouit house In which the ses sions of tho convention are to bo hold, will also bo elaborately decorated. It has bpeti decldeel to eii'ct seats for the geneial public on Wyoming nvoiuii' directly opposite the Interna tional Coiiospondorrce schools. In front of which tho reviewing stand will be built. Tho seats will accommodate 2,fi00 bundled people. Tho price of tickets has not yet bpen fixed Tho following companies have sig nified their Intention of coming here for tho paiade. In addition to the long list pi Inted in Tho Tribune- Stleknev Tire Co., Nnutlcoko, 22 men und band. Lope. Hose Co, Nantlcciko. 2.1 niPn. Thus ('. li.ulio Huso Co. Nantlcoke, 21 un n Phoenix Hook and Ladder Co. l'otts vlllo. 'to men and drum corps. Philadelphia S l R. Co.. l'ottstown. . mrn Hibeinl.i Tlio Co. Allentown. 2.1 men. I.chlgb Hook and Ladder Co, South Dethleliem, io men. Alert Tlio Co, St Clilr, 27 men Southward Hose Co., c.unsauaua, 4) men and drum corps Rocylei I lose Co, Ri'Uwnod, 21 men Councilman Fred rhilllp of tho Npptune.s and a member of tho executive- cnnimltico. -went to Wllkos-Rarre yt'Stetday to learn bow many compan ies were coming hero fiomth.U oily, but he was leceived lather haughtily. AVllkes-Haiio firemen informed him' that as Hie Scianton llivdop,rtment was not iepreonted nt tho convention held In Wilkt'.s-n.nre in 1897, roclpio cal action would be taken. Only twe comi anli'H will tome Leio nnd they ar coming or their own account. Theie will undwiihtedly bo more niu jdelauv in line- on Th'irsil.iv. t)rt. r., than weio ever seen in .1 pntade in this city b"foro. There will li neatly 1 00) of them und somp of the bert bands In the state will participate Th- name of Chler .Tohr II. Av'nlkr, assistant chiefs and visiting ehits, cshoiild have appealed In yesterday morning's account of tho founatlon of the parade alter the muinhil ami aids of the division Tho committed nlrfo desire to state- that a eniriaso will be rrovidoel for Mayor Molr, Cltv Controller Howell, Clt.v Treasurer Rob inson and City Solicitor A A. Vo'--buig Chief Walker will alse have flev cairiagos at his rtlspoMil foi the use of any of tho visiting chiefs who may desire to use- thorn. Tin executive and bcth reception committees met last evening In pity hall. TIip following nnrnes were nddd to the men's reception committee loiter Tloar, Jacob Oelgor, nenrgu Wirth J. AV. Hall. Xeno Derby, Walter Hnsleim, AW Dunn, Ji , Di. II N. Dunnell, Dr. H. Hill, Charlei Schnnk, J M. Corbett and Thomas Mlloui. t Not very manv of the e soevtlve com mittee were present last ovi'iiing and an effort will ho made to have a full membership on hand at the next und "Oregon" Box Calf... Mud 'if White Ilron & Cn 'a box culf .i fh ie with a reputation, mul known Lj the Mhno-vv curing nubile ns the famous I' S. IlnltWhlp Diegem is known the VMiilel over a stuunth shoe und a staunch ship Men's Hex Calf, Double gri QQ Ilo)8' IIox Calf. Doublo Suits Youths' Cox Calf, Dou ble Holes 2.00 1.75 Your sizo In stock and every pair witiinulcd to wturor a ntvv pair lu pluto of them. 410 Spruce Street. yKBflMSlBllft 4-4(--t--f-H4i!t probably last meeting to bo flield next Friday evcnlnr. All companies nre re quested to nppolnt one representative cneh to act on the reception af.'oin mlttcc. OPENING SOCIAL SESSION. South Scranton Council, Knights of Columbus Entertain. The formal opening of tho social sea son ot Scrarrton council, No. 2S0 Knights of Columbus, occurred last evening In tho rooms of the council In tho Economy building. Wyoming ave nue. Tho event was a mogressivo cuclm patty for members of the council and visiting knights. William Ourrell won first prize, a silver -mounted umbrella John H. Nollln won tho second prlZ", n valuable book. The council received an Invitatlo'i from San Salvador council, No. 171 ni New York city, to be Its guests duilm, the Dewey celebration. DE, PABRY'S CONCERT. Will Bo Given in the Lyceum Filday Evening. Tho conrert-goers of this oltv can look forw te.'el to a groat treat nt th Lvceniii Firdity evening, when Di. Pai ry's famous singers will appear. The artists, ate Madame Ashworth Hughes, soprano; Mnlelwyn Hum phreys tenor; Miss Hannah Jones, con tralto; Memig James, baritone-. HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. The subscription list or the Home for the rrleiidlesH hiiH leci'ived the addition ot Ji from Mr I" H. Piatt A recent donation to the Home wns n load of lino vegeitoble-s from the Coiilt Street Methodist church Tho managers of the Homo for the Friendless will visit Mrs W. II. Perkins at hor country place lu D.ilton today Elm Park Chuicli Organ Conce On Thursday evening of this Prof. J. Alfred Pennington, organist of Elm Paik church, and elliectot of the Conservatory of Music, will give an organ concert In ElmWaik chinch assisted by Mr. T. Il Williams, tin solo tenor of Dr. Pearce's cluutii Wllkes-llano. Admission, silver of fering. Programme will appear latet Gerson's Millinery Opening, Today, totnoirow and Friday. N cards Issued. This Is a personal Invi tation to all our fi lends and pations tn bo present at our store on opening days. Big Production at the Academy. Katheiine Rober Company will pre sent "Klllarnoy" for matinee till this afternoon and 'A Nutmeg Match" foi tonight's poiformancc- at the Academy of Music P. 0. S. of A. A special meeting of Washington Camp. Nn. 17ii, will bo held Thursday evening, Sept. 2S. Noeessaty that every member bo present 15y order of It. li. Hnllstoad, president. Giand Welcome to Admit al Dewey. New York September 29th and BOth. The Central Railroad of New Jersey will place on sale excursion tickets to New York and return at l educed fares for this occasion. . e Latest Fall Styles In ifillllnery. Opening Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Dougherty & Thomas, Hotel Jermyn building. Dr. Joseph Pairy Iindon Conceit and Operatic troupe, Lvietim theatre Frlda). Sept. 29. See pohteis. Tickets, $1. 7.i, ri0 and 25 cents- rail Display in High Art Millinery. S. C. Ward's, UK Washington avenue Thursday and Friday. Two expel lenceel salesmen wanted Mears & Hagen. ' rinest wines nnd cigars at Lapp's, 320 Spruce street Tiy the "Joy Mnkei" cigar, 5c. When dizzy or drowsy, take neech am's Pills. Smoke the Popular Punch Cigar, 10c 1 m BORN. MORTON At Owego, N V , Sept -Ji. 1n to Mr. and Mrs ti W. Morton, ot son street a el.iiichlor OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO s THB POPULAR HOUSE'FUnNISH' INQ STORE. There is a Time When it's too warm to start the furnace and yet quite un comfortable without a little heart. Gas and Oil Heaters Were made to give comfort at this time with small expense. If you need one let us serve you. FOOTE & FULLER CO., Hears Building, g 140-142 Washington Ave. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mm oil ano MUG CO. Telephone t22. Ill to 149 Meridian street, SCHANT0X, PA. Lead, Varnish and Colors Purity (irinmutccrt. The quality of the oils used In mixing cnlois determines the dm ability of tho paints. Oils such ns we offer will mnke paint of great smoothness and durability A largo sur face can be cnvcicd nnd tho coating will not pei-l craek or vvrnr off until It has done lis full dutv These price h will show Hint good oils me not expensive MATTHEWS BROS., "".T1" jE!!l9l.ll.!Ill.milEliIJII!I!!, (illume C The Authorized Hat tor Younz Ale a JJ 4 " mxv y&yft ''ir il a 3&i NLii.,jj.' -a vox iS -JdXJUb. JV2TH' YORK I HAND & PAYNE, saw A (.UMTS. n :o,t VV inlilnjtm A-- ;; l3II.;illUM3t3.E!l331(:ii;nE!lE93BK For Sale. ',' ' The best nssoi tnieiit of rire Arms In Scianton. My pii, es are low. FELTON'S 119 PIJNN AVB. General Mercier Finds it hard to resist tho attacka of justice. We think you will find it hard to resist the extremely low ptlces we're quoting on our stock ot FALL NECKWEAR. CONRAD'S, no;. I.acku. Ave. Pierce's flarket UecoivhiK el.iHv Turkijf. I'owN, SprliKjers Inn ks nnd Hqimlis; also Itock .evv.iv. M uric. Illver and nine l'oint Oys ters, nvei Urine; the market affords in fruits and veKetnble-s Vour orders will he filled promptly wlHfi best Roods nt reisonnblo prices . . t MARKET 11 0.112. Ill IMIXN AVENUE. -f -f -f -f -f -r t - -f-f -f -f -f -f -- f f . Remember Your Credit is Good. An Unequalled Assortment of -r-4. 4- 4- ome urnismngs for FalJ 4- and Winter on Display X at i 4 4- ffir&. 221-223-225-227 Wyoming A79 It sSfW-f'rt. axV Plrvs J !S-7 s-rS t S j 4- 444-44-44-4-r-44-4'4t M