The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1899, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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W&m v -n
7S'W " nrV
& yys 5rt--
Ou all our Pianos
and Organs
And Others.
Perry Brothers
203 Wyoming Ave,
120 Spruce Street,
Masonic Temple.
The Only Dentist
In the City Who Is a Graduate In
Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat
Omrc IL.irs-9 a. m. to 12.30 p. m.j 2 to 4.
Williams Building, Opp. Postofllce.
- .
Cumpbcll, of this city, obtained a valu
able patent for Improvements In Ink
stands. ANNTAI, UKITXION. The annual re
union of the Fifty-second regiment. Penn
sylvania volunteers, will bo held this
year at Poekvlllo on September -7.
ANOTIIKi: PKTITION.-Tho petition
of Kdw'ln G. Wcsiekcr to bo discharged
from his debts as a bankrupt wan sub
mitted to It. 'force C A. Van W'onnor
MKlerilny. Ho owes $i;,OS4.7l und has no
it -HI tS.
l'ltor.KAMMi: DISCl'SSKn-The Cath
nll Historical society and Newman Miik
ninc club held Its first post-vac.itlon meet
Ink last evening In Ciucrnsey hall. The
programme for the romlnc winter was
nrc Invited to he present at a meeting
tn be held next .Monday cvenlnK, Beptcm
1m r 2.". at S o'clock, ,".l Lackawanna ave
nue for the pnrposo- of organizing a
"t'ookkcepers' club."
mpriiAitoKS IN hajckupptcy.-iii
the I'idted States circuit court In ses
sion at Pittsburg the following persons
wire dlscharB'd In bankrupts : Simon
Knlamansk, Lackawnin a county; Sam
uel and John Klmbursky, Luzerne coun
ty; James N. McLuuyhlln, l.acknwnmm
of the Grand Army of the Itepuhlic Me
morial Hull association are requested
to meet at th county commissioners' of
fice at 10 o'clock this morning to examine
dislgns of the soldiers' monument, which
It is proposed to erect on court house
bctt, u member of Companv C, Pennsyl
vania volunteer Infantry, who rc-cnllstcd
with I.lcutennnt Murphy In the Forty
rcventh regiment, failed to pass the ex
amination at Camp Meade. Mr. Corbet t
suffered from an attack of typhoid fever
while in camp In the south.
Court Houso Repairs Main Topic of
The Men's Union of Green Ridge hold
their first meeting last evening after
the close of tho usual summer Inter
mission. Tho meeting was one of
especial Importance being on "Poll
tics." Tlie meeting was called to order at
8 o'clock by the president. Attorney
George H, Davidson, after which a
short talk on tho past, present and fu
ture of Cuba was. e,tv.;n by M. D. Har
retto. a former resident of that place
Tho music of the evening was under tho
direction of Prof. ij. 1'' Whitlenime.
After a few remarks by the president
on the theme which would follow, he
Introduced A." F. Ktefer, one of the
county auditors- who read the report of
the auditors on the repair? of the Lack
uwanan county court house. After rend
ing the report Mr. Kiefcr explained 1ho
Items. T' work to date he said cost
JS1.54C.06 for extrap which we can
not find any contracts for, nnd tho tn
ii I amount of hills paid to date aro
U!i..15.40 and the pointing up of the
valN which is still undone would cost
.'.nr.O. The cost of decorations on In
terior was TU,S3n.l3, wnlch w And by
tonsultlug experts could be done for
much less.
After Mr. Klofer finished Mr. Giles:
Roberts called on Architect I.acev to
Tplnln some of the bills for -xtras
which he did nnd which resulted in a
light tilt between Mr. Kltfer and Mr.
Lacey over the meanw employed In
auditing tho accounts. Mr. I.icey say
ing that tho bids not accepted were re
turned with the certified checks at
tached and Mr. TCIefer sa'd whn he
called op. the bidders they had received
their checks hack but not the bids.
Attorney Hannah, who was r-sint
questioned the right of the county
commissioners to go to the expense they
did and quoted several acts of assem
bly which cill for tho authorisation by
one grand Jury nnd one quarter nwion
court of such work where no meney Is
borrowed but where money Is bor
rowed, two approvals of successive
irrand Juries and two quarter sessions
All three of the county commissioners
were present liy Invltntlon and when
called upon to answer any question did
fio unhesltatlnRly. They stated that thoy
would havo an answer to the auditors'
criticisms nnd that when It uiih pre
sented It would convince any fntr
mlndcd man tho criticisms nro un
just. After a few remarks by Prof. Loomls
of the Hlrth School, who will add res j
tho next meeting nn Oct bor 1!. on ths
"Schools of this CItv," tho liiecllnii ad
It Wns Chrncteristlcally Elegant nnd
Very Delightful.
The Scranton Conservatory of Music
opened last night under tho most Mat
tering; uusplees In a public leceptlon
which was attended by representative
rople of tho city and character
'ited by the '.defiance always notable
In whatever Is attempted by Prof. Pen
ltlnptnu nnd the talented coterie by
which ho Is surrounded.
The studios w?ro tastefully decor
ated and the many pleasant rooms
were thronged with guests.
Prof, and Mrs. Pennington wcto as
sisted In receiving by Mrs. William
Council. Mrs. C. M. Girtln and Mlsa
Dean, ttev. and Mrs. J. W. Knndolph
received In what will probably nlwna
bo ' known by her devoted pupils as
"Miss Tlmberman's room." With them
wns .Miss Helene Randolph.
Mrs. P. P. Price was in the organ
room and played during tho evening,
thus affording much pleasure to the
guests, many of whom sat In the softly
shadr.l oratory near and listened.
Across the hall. Miss L. A. Hull, the
recently engaged teacher of water col
or, oils and n-.cidellng, waH agisted in
receiving by Mrs. L. A. Wntres and
Miss S. K. Hawley. This studio was
lined with beautiful specimens of Ml'is
Hull's work. Including n magnlllcent
portrait in nil of Hon. L. A. Wntres. a
striking likeness and an artistic pic
ture. A portrait bust of Mr. Wntres'
little son was another object attract
ing much attention. The exhibit in
cluded several Hloek Island water col
ors nnd a number of studies of nearby
scenes at Mooslc lake and near Peek
vllle. The spot which possibly attracted
tho greatest share of attention wns
where Miss MncXutt was assisted In
receiving by Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Cross
and Miss Norton. They were sur
rounded by the beautiful work of Miss
MacNutt's brush In tho many pieces
of china on exhibition. Miss Mac
N'utt has been studying this summer
with Mrs. Vance. Phillips, Marshall.
Fry and others among America's most
famous ceramic painters.
Kxqulslte specimens of her skill wore
to be seen, among them being a vase
in which the figure work was superb
In coloring and modeling.
Prof, and Mrs. I.amnzc, of the de
partment of languages, greeted friends
'In the adjoining room. Other ladles
about the rooms were: Mrs. T. il.
Dale, Mrs. M. W. I-owry, Mrs. W. H.
Pierce, Mrs. W. Schlager, Misses Dale,
Van Cleft. Hicks. Hone. Salmon. Fol
lansbce, Hronson, Thomas, Snover
Hutchinson Hrownlng. Harrownian.
Tho ushers were Messrs. 1 W. Kmer
lch, Kreig. Czajkowsky nnd Wllkins.
Delivered by H. J. F. Porter, of the
Bethlehem Iron Company.
H. J. V. Porter. M. F.. of the Beth
loherr Iron company, delivered an In
teresting lecture last evening In tho
nudltrrlum of the Pnard of Trade upon
"The Development of the Art of Forg
ing." The lecturo wa given under
the nuspicc3 of the SVranton Engineers'
club tind was attendfd by nn audlenc;
that completely filled the room.
Mr. Porter flrt traced the history of
steel from the earliest times up to the
present day, touching particularly up
on the excellence of the steel work done
In tlv middle ages. He then told of tho
development of the art of forging nnd
the Into substitution of steel for
wrought iron In the manufacture of so
many things.
Ho also gave a lengthy end Interest
In nccount of the present processes
of steel manufacture and forging.
The lecture was profusely Illustrated
with particularly distinct stereoptlcnn
views of the various stages in the steel
industry. While the lecture was large
ly technical It was listened to by all
present with marked attention.
The case of the Terra Cotta company
against J. A. Mears, and the Gray-Mc-Cormaek
ejectment suit, are both be
ing argued and will likely be In the
Juries' hands this afternoon.
By agreement, a verdict for the plain
tiff in the sum of $3S2.23 was entered
yesterday in the case of the Standard
Mfe Insurance company nnd others
against Arthur Hitchcock nnd others.
Major Everett Warren represented the
Plaintiffs, nnd John F. Scragg the de
fendants. Judge Gunster yesterday granted a
rule on the Rushhrook Coal company
and John S. Jenkins, president, to com
pel them to show cause why they do
not accredit on the company's bonks a
transfer of seventy shares of stock
made by E. A. Corny to Thomas Ford,
tho petitioner.
Grand Welcome to Admirnl Dewey.
New York, September 20th amr'soth.
The Central Railroad of New Jersey
will place on sale excursion tickets to
New York and tcturn at reduced fares
for this occasion.
" -
Smoke the Hotel Jermyn Cigar. 10c.
They've imitated
everything else, but
they 've never been
able to imitate the
quality of
1 S
Mrs. C. D. Simpson Retires from the
Presidency and Is Succeeded by
Mrs. M. W. Vaughn The Bever
idges nnd Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce En
tertain nnd Instruct Resolution
Passed Against Employing School
Teachers Who Use Tobacco List of
the Now Department Superinten
dents. The members of tho Women's Chris
tian Temperance union are not stlp
posid to mind the quantity of water
whirl, they lake, but the morning ses-
slon of tin- thirteenth annual conven-
entlon of the Lackawanna County un
ion was held yesteiday under very
dampening clrctimstancep, for the rain
verily descended In Hoods. However,
there was an excellent attendance and
no mora successlful convention bus
been recorded In the history of the
county organization.
The pretty lecture room of the pic
turesque Presbyterian church was at
tractive with (lowers, while a broad,
white ribbon was festooned across tho
rending desk. The only Incongruous
element was the drapery of plnky-palo
Sunday paper, which some Inadver
tent hand, unfamiliar with the pre
judices of temperance Indies had
placed around the fern pots on the
The programme wns one of unusual
Interest. Among the features was
the appearance of "Tho Reverldges."
They are Mr. and Mrs. ('. C. lleverldge,
singing evangelists, who go about In
the cause of temperance. They sing
bright little selections, something af
ter the fashion of a topical song, em
bodying pertinent thoughts relating to
reform, for Instance:
"Was there ever yet s-cen
Anything unite so mean
As you I'ncle Sain's business
The army crnteen?
Oh the utter nonsense
Not to hay false pretense
That he t'id It in the interest
Of temperance."
Mrs. C. D. Simpson, president of thn
county union, presided, with the charm
nnd grace which has done so much to
make county unions popular and which
has added such dignity to every ses
sion. The devotional exercises were
conducted bv Mr. George Field.
The appointment of committees was
as follows:
Credentials-Mrs. M. W. Vaughn, Mrs.
Sterns Mrs. Alice Arnold.
Resolutions Mrs Dunning, Mrs. Slck
ler. Mrs. Craig.
Courtesies Mrs. Clifford, Green Hidge:
Mrs. Rhodes, Elmhurst.
Mrs. Mavy F. Kays made the address
of welcome, which was graceful and
pleasing nnd fully expressed tho kindly
feeling of Green Ridge people. .Mrs. J.
1?. Santee, of Dalton, mado a pleasant
response.after which Mrs. J. M. Howell,
tho corresponding secretary, reported
thirteen unions in the county, ten of
which had reports.
Mrs. Arnold gave the treasurer's re
port, which showed n falling off In re
celpts. Tho entire returns, however,
are not In.
Mrs. Vaughn led the conference of
workers. Mrs. Field, of the railroad
work committee, read n teport prepared
by tho local superintendent, Mrs.
Bought. Mrs. Dejuie, of the Green
Itldge union, gave tho report of the
equal suffrage movement and recom
mended the work, "Legal Status of
Women," by Jessie D. Cassldy. and
"The Subjection of Women," by John
Stuart Mill. Mrs. Slckler spoke on
"Mothers' Work," and the credential
committee gave the following list of
Mrs. 'P. IJ. P.utler, Cnrbondale; Mrs,
Millard, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Rulse, Mos
cow; Miss Turner, Mndlsonvllle; Mrs.
Craig, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Heck, Peck
vllle; Mrs. Patterson, Fleetvllle; Mrs
B. Downing, Mrs. Amelia Smith, Mrs.
C. D. Simpson, Mrs. Whltmore, Scran
ton; Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Treverton, Mrs.
Mary F. Kays, Green Ridge; Mrs. J.
13. Santee, Mrs. Stoll, Mrs. Stone, Dal
ton. Tho election of oulcers resulted as
follows; Mrs. M. W. Vaughn, presi
dent; Mrs, J. M. Howell, corresponding
secretary; Mrs. Ellen Depue, recording
secretary; Mrs. Rhodes, treasurer.
Mrs. A. F. Yost led In tho noontide
prayer. Afterward, reporting for th3
literature committee, she stated that
tlfty-threo columns of original mutter
had' been furnished to nnd printed In
the Scranton dally papers. Green
Ridge reported thirteen columns.
Rev. Mr. Rankin was Introduced nnd
made remarks, after which adjourn
ment wns made and a lunch was served
by the Green Ridge ladles.
An executive session occupied tho
first half hour of tho afternoon. Mrs.
J. S. Miller conducted the Bible r'-nd
Ing, after which Mrs. Harvey led tho
memorial service. Miss Grace Spencer
sang most delightfully "The Holy
City,'' to Mrs. AV. W. I.athmpe's ac
Mrs. Downing, president of lh local
union, gave nn excellent papc on
"Phases and Departures In the Temper
nnco Work." In the course of this
Fb attributed much of the hindrance
In advance to the Indifference of women
In renernl, the universal love of money
In business and every walk of life: the
protection of tho law, tho corruption of
courts the constabulary. She closed
In nr. Impassioned appeal t make un
compromising battle against the liquor
Mr Boverldgo mado a few remarks
after which be and his wife sunt; n -e-leetlin
In a r.trlklns manner. Fallow.
Ing tho song ho made a flno address
which contained strong logic and many
telling points.
lie spnlto (.f the seD'ntlon which
cpread over the country whin the com
mission to Cuba reported thf- 1'pi t thnt
'.'Oi'.OOO people in Cuba wire ptnrvlug,
suffering nnd dvlnp under spintsh
domination, but the liquor srllenV-klll
yenrlv not onlv drunkards lu.t women
and children yet not one? duos tho na
tion tdiuddcr. Other refotms are con
sidered important. Tho tarifi, the kind
of a dollar are grnvtdy discussed. The
standard of money -.nay mean much to
the young man. It mny mnhe htm poor
but he may be honest and respected In
the community nnd at Iuit mny go
lmme to heaven. Tho liquor traulo
robs him of his monev, talcos nuny hli
lob, makes him hate the church and
despise his country, but the people do
not ntop to think about It. They do
not care,
When tho vote for n prohibitory law
was taken lit Cnnnda last year fifty-six
per cent of the people did not care
enough to vote In eliher way, in Ros
ton tho license law was Mst because 3D,
or.o voters didn't can- enough to mark
their ballots It Is God's people, tho
church members who neglect this mut
ter. The others care enough to sup
port their rnuse. Perhaps we malto a
mistake when we devote so much time
to the slums and Instead should preach
to Chrlstlnns
The Anti-Saloon League and the Pro
hibitlon Union nro working alonv-thc
same lines In a non-partisan way to
rouso men to action. They will sup.
port any candidate who will declare
himself agn Inst the liquor trnlllc. Tho
movement has been marvelous In Roch
ester and Is spreading far and wide.
Mts. I. J. Lansing made n brief nnd
pleasing address In which sho spoke
of her own deep Interest In the work.
Sho said earnestly: "Women do care,
but perhaps the seeming apathy is
duo to despair In the result of methods
already attempted and that, like Ill
ness, It was too often considered as a
sort of necessary evil.
Mrs. Craig then read the following
Recocnlzlng our druendence on Al
mighty God and prating tho Holy Spirt
to guide and quicken tho Woman's Chtls
tlnu Temperance union of Lackawanna
county, usscmhlcd In thirteenth annual
Resolved, That wo endeavor to promote
thu lellglous observances of tho Lord's
Uny; that wo will In every way opposo
and illscountenanco Its desecration; that
wo will use our Influenco to protect thoso
who labor from being deprived of a ihi
of rest.
Resolved. That the injurious effects of
the use of tobacco upon the young lu
cigarettes or in any other form cannot
be cmnbattcd successfully except by ex
ample, ns well as precept, thcrcforo wo
urge that no certificate shall be granted
to teachers who use tobacco In any form.
Resolved, 'that we will comblno to
work for p.-ace because It builds up while
war destroys.
Rcndvcd, We have not words to ex
press regret that our president. Mrs.
Simpson, has thought best to decllno Hid
continuance of her name as president of
the union. Those nearest her In olllcial
iclntlons have learned to appreciate nnd
love her because they know her so well.
May her mantle rest on thoso who follow
Resolved, In the removal of Mrs. Fields
from among us we lose a member whoso
place It will be hard to Jill, but wo arc
sure the blessing of the Lord will accom
pany her mid that willing hearts and
hands will bo a blessing to any commun
ity whete she may dwell.
Resolved, That we tender our sincere
thanks to the pastor nnd trustees of the
church, to the ladles who havo so gen
crously entertained us, nnd to nil who
have in any way contributed to the pleas
ure and success of this convention.
The executive committee reported
department superintendents as follows:
Prison nnd Jail. Mrs. J. M. Howell;
franchise. Mrs. Ella Depue; literature,
Mrs. Williams; purity, Mrs. Ella
Rhodes; parlor meetings, Mrs. Mnry
ay sale
An extraordi
Again for today some world-beating prices to make things
interesting for economical shoppers. These are goods you need
Shirting prints Rill standard shirting prints, 25
inches wide, regular price 5c. Friday 2iC
Cotton batts Six bales for today's sale, regular 6c
batts. l:or Friday 3C
Indigo prints Regular standard indigo prints of the ,
6c quality Friday 4C
Apron ginghams Standard brand of apron ging-. .
hams, in large and small checks, regularly 6c yd. Friday 4C
Unbleached muslin Yard wide unbleached muslin, ,
worth 6c. Friday 4C
Bleached muslin Yard wide Hill bleached muslin,
worth 7c, Friday OC
Eiderdown flannels For Friday special, our 45c
quality of eiderdown 2vC
ale of popular dress goods
Crepon effect dress goods Very good quality, an excel
lent wearing black figured fabric, worth 50c the yard.
Here on Friday at a special price 33C
Very stylish plaids Patterns equal in effect to those
usually found only in high-class goods. The real value .
is 60c made to sell for that price. Here Friday 43C
Crepons soo yards of our quality of black
crepons at a special Friday price 95C
ale of wool blankets
We offer for today some exceptional bargains in FINE
blankets. The real value as stated here may be relied upon.
S3 quality, 10-4 white, on Friday at $2.39
$3.50 quality, all wool sanitary gray 2.50
$4 quality, all wool, extra quality, Friday 2.98
$1 blankets nt 59c These are part wool and were
formerly sold at qSc. Here on Friday 5yC
Depue; mothers' work, Mrs. J, B. Sin
tee; sacramental wine, Mrs. Alice Hnr
vey. Tho session wns then adjourned,
tho visitors being entertained with
supper lu the church parlors.
Mrs. M. W. Vaughn presided over tho
evening meeting. Tho Green Rldgo
choir provided music and Mr. and Mrs.
lleverldge also sang. Rev. J. B. Sweet,
of tho Simpson Methodist church,
offered prayer, and Rev. R. F. Y.
Pierce, of Penn Avenue Baptist church,
gave the address of tho evening.
Mr. Pierce Illustrated his clear nnd
earnest remarks with drawings, using
a "white board" Instcnd of a black one.
Ills talent In this direction Is romnrk
nblo and his cleverness lu combining
a few colors In pretty effects, making
them give striking Illustrations of his
subject, was exhibited to tho great sat
isfaction of his audience. The llnul one,
of a fort which ho built up stone by
stone and surmounted by the cannon
of liquor traflle aimed at the homes,
the schools, the churches, the mills, was
exceedingly well designed.
Rev. W. J. Ford offered the closing
prayer and the session concluded with
the benediction by Mr. Pierce.
Fair Amount of Routine Business
Wns Transacted.
In addition to dealing with the police
committee report, select council at Its
regular mooting last night transacted
considerable routine business.
The resolution authorizing the em
ployment of assistant city assessors
was favorably reported from the Judi
ciary committee nnd adopted after As
sessor Jones made a statement of tho
necessity nnd expediency of hiring as
sistants. The ordinance creating the olllce of
park policeman nt a salary of $73 a
month was defeated on third rending
und a motion to reconsider It was
made by Mr. Finn and killed to pre
vent Its being cnlled up again.
Confirmation was given the appoint
ments of Harry May as additional per
manent man for the Hook and Lad
der company; O. B. Wright, as In
spector of the Clay avenue pave, nnd
George Neher ns additional Inspector
on the South Side sewer.
Approval was given the resolutions
awarding $300 damages to Mrs. D. M.
Jones; $100 to D. A. O'Connor, nnd tho
resolution allowing the claim of Thos.
P. Stevens.
Ordinances providing for a combina
tion chemical engine nnd hose wogan
for the William Connell Hose com
pany ami appropriating $1.1113.01 to pay
the claims for extras on the Cumber
land hose house passed third reading.
The resolution dealing with penalties
on tho dllntorv Alcntrnsc and Glrard
Paving companies were concurred In.
.Mr. Schroeder wanted to postpone te
resolution directing the removal of th
Glrard company's material from North
Main nvenue lu ea.e work is not com
menced within fifteen days, saying he
was reliably Informed that tho com
pany would start work next week.
Scranton Store, 124-126
nary Friday sale of women's
$1.00 gloves at 50c Very fine quality of kid
all colors and sizes two clasp or button NO Mous
quetaires, in fact, not a glove in the lot that is out-of-dale.
We shall offer these at a special price for a
short time only. The bulk of them are our regular
one dollar stock and are ONLY sacrificed in order to
clear the decks for new goods arriving daily. This is
a rare opportunity.
of domestics
KT .. r
i rue
Consists in buying only the best poods. Homer Laucjlilin
makes and lias made for years the Best Scmi-Vitrous China
made in this or any other country. American Beauty shape,
with steel blue underglass decorations, is pretty, ,j
but not expensive, ioo-plcce Dinner Set p 1 1
What's better. It is an open stock. Select such pieces
as you need. Replace broken pieces at any time.
I Millar & Peck,
Stoves ui Ranges
A nirlirnlnr funtnrn nf tlie nnclf5icli lin nf P-irlnr 'stmroe !e
the construction of the lire pot
inrougn upper mica uoor. iou win appreciate me tact u you
ever have to renew these parts.
Many persons object to nickel trimmings on a stove because
it's hard to blacken the stove without soiling the nickel. In the
Dockash the nickel parts can be removed without loosening a bolt
or screw. Makes it easier to polish the nickel, too.
Repairs Always in Stock.
Hears Building, 140-142 Washington Ave.
Council concluded that If this was so
the passage of the resolution could
work no harm, and all the membois.
Including Mr. Schroeder voted in it.
Mr. Schneider presented the first par
tial estimate on the South Side sewer
for the confirmation of councils, it was
In the sum of $3,407.40 nnd had the ap
proval of City Engineer Phillips and
the auditing committee. Councd also
approved It. This is a new system of
making partial payments, being In con
formity with the recently rendered op
inion of City Solicitor Vosburg.
Journeymen Plumbers, 510 Spruce
street, telephone 1593.
Wyoming: Avenue.
Friday sa
Getting busier every dav on our second floor. Large var
iety, and prices that are RIGHT have made this department a
much sought place.
75c Nottingham curtains, with pole, 43c
A very special quality of curtains at a very special price.
All these are full length and full width all of them a
are in new patterns and all of them are with pole y4B -c
and trimmings complete ready to hang 'b'GlJP
Half-price on all sash goods
In order to introduce our new stock of sash goods we shall
make tremendous sacrifices today:
1000 yards of double width scrims, worth 5c the
yard. Special on Friday 3C
Figured and plain silkolines, worth 12 J2C r
Fancy crettonnes new effects worth i2c Wc
Fish nets double width worth 1 ic J
S'riped Swisses double width worth 15c
Special sale of ribbons
Extraordinary Friday sacrifice at half customary prices.
Cofjn vjhiinn Width No. tNo. 7 No. 0 No. 12 No. 16
jaim iiuuuu Reg prce- gc t Qc - 1 2cj- ( c- i-6--
Warranted nil sl'k Our Price 5C 7c 8c loc 12c
No. 7 fancy all silk e Nos. 60 and 80 plain
satin ribbon, I2jc kind. OC all silk satin ribbon.. IOC
No. 1 baby ribbon- , Nos. ;o and 40 fancy
all colors, bolt of 10 yds. OC all silk ribbon 1 OC
Two bargains in umbrellas
Twenty-six inch Good quality gloria natural wood
handles strong frame an umbrella that was made to retail at
71c came to us much under the regular price. Special
on Friday only 35C
28 Inch
28 inch rib.
Friday only.
-S.ime style and make as the above, but with
Customary price, 89 cents, Here on .
Big stock of fine Umbrellas
endless variety.
. S?
13 Wyomlnn; Ave.
"Walk In and look around "
and grate, allowing their removal I
Elmwood Hall
EIrnhurst, Pa.
(Formerly Hotel,)
Open All the Year.
This hotel hns beun remodeled nnd rodtte I
throughout nnd will open !U door Juno 11,
l-'or r.-UiM, etc., call on oraddron
in wide range ol prices and
kid gl
le of curtains
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