THE SCRANTON TltlBUJSE- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1899. (A A CARBONDALE. ACCIDENTS. Alexander lloyle. it Delaware anl Hudson fireman, had the . first two tinkers of his loft hand caught between n lnt-go lump of conl ntid tin- lire-box nt 5 o'clock last evening, while per forming his duties near C.reen nidge. The digits were badly lacerated. Hr. U L. Hallcy, of this city, dressed the wounds. Frank Mnnnloti, of Pllto strpot. nearly severed the thumb of his left hand while using an axe nt the central school bulldlng,yesterday. Dr. OlIHs attend ed to the Injury. .lay Murphy fell on South Main street yesterday and suffered a deep gash on the side of his face. DEATH OF JOHN LARKIN. John Larkln, of AVoodlawn nvenue, died yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Ho was born In Ireland) seventy-three years ago. Much of his life had been spent In travel through the west. He served five years In the United States army. For several years he lived aldne In this city nnd when death came his relatives were far from him. He Is sur vived by two brothers, Patrick, of Houston, Texas, nnd Owen, of St. Louis. A sister, Kllen Lurkln, of Gal veston, Texas, also survives him. The funeral will take place from his late residence on Woodlawn avenue. Thurs day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment In St. Hose cemetery. OBSEQUIES. The funeral of Thomas Walker was lioltl yesterday morning. The cortege left the house at 'J o'clock and pro ceeded to St. Hose church, whore a mass of requiem was celebrated. Hev. T J Grlflln celebrates the mass and at the conclusion delivered an eloquent sermon, taking for his text the Gospel of St. Luke, lS:31-4.-. The pall-beurers were Alexander McDonald, Michael Parrell. John McCann, Edward Doudl can, John McDonald and Joseph Gal lagher. Interment wni made In St. Hose cemetery. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. employes of the Traction company were paid yesterday. Misses Isabelle Maxwell and May Vlmer participated In a Jermyn en tertainment last evening. Two children of Thomas Jordan, of Seventh avenue, are 111 with diphtheria. Mayor Kllpatrlek has appointed A. L. Gurney special policeman. Mrs. II. G. Reynolds Is convalescent. The Mitchell Hose company's car riage is getting a fresh coat of paint and varnish for the Scranton parade. The funeral of Mrs. Henry Sahm to day will be a very quiet one. The re mains will bo taken to Scranton on the train leaving hpro at 9 a. m. Services will be held In that city and Interment made there. AVlllis Moon and Edward Knapp ar on a tour which will embrace Saratoga, Albany and New York. Thomas Hunter is visiting Blngham ton friends. Hon. S. S. Jones and wife are enjov Ing a rural drive. They will return Thursday. Mrs. Phincas Stark has returned from Kltnlrn. X. Y where she spent a month. Miss I.egina JlcCabe has returned to Huston to resume her vocal studies. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Hlrmlngham and children, of Oundaft' street, are visit ing in New York. Mattii Hughes Urown, of New York, Is visiting her parents In this city. PECKVILLE. Mrs. W. J. Broad and son Winfleld spent yesterday at Scranton. There is a great deal of red fire being buined by the taxpayers of the bor ough on nccount of the heavy increaso in tnxtk. The Rev. Mr. S. C. Simpklns, pastor of the MethocKst Episcopal church, was most agreeably surprised by a great number of his congregation on Monday i veiling last, the event being the result of the reverend gentleman's natal day. A pleasing programme had been pre pared, on conclusion of which Mr. C. J, Ganzemuller with a short address pre sented Mr. Slmpkins. on behalf of the members of his congregation, with a beautiful rocking chair. The recipient replied In his usual masterly way and lad particular stress on the many pleasant reminiscences of his work with this congregation. A bounteous repast was served during the evening by the lady members to all present. The Archbald Water company have completed their extensions to White's addition and Prospect hill and In eon sequence the people on those two tracts nre now being supplied with water. 'Squire S. W. Arnold visited the Elec tric City yesterday and called on many of his old friends. Mr. Morton Harloe Is home from Winchester, Va. Mr. Itielinni Uradley made a business trip to Wnymart yesterday. The water supply of the Olyphant Water company has become exhausted. The Olyphant company have entered Into a contract with the Archbald com pany to supply the necessary water nnd ai" now busily engaged In making con nections with the Archbnld company at the Ontario and Western depot. Mrs. William Heck nnd Mrs. Louise Otll, of Archbald, have been the guests of Mrs. Mason Pickering the past week. Mr. J. D. Peck was a Scranton caller yestprday. Mr. Fred Wright left yesterday to spend a few days with relatives at Af ton, N. Y. ARCHBALD. One of the prettiest weddings that ever took place In Archbald was per formed In St. Thomns church ycMtr--day, when Margaret McDonnell and P.anels Feeney, nnd Catharine Mc Donnell and John Htirke were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The brides were both attired alike In gowns f whit silk with Inco trimmings. They both carried white pra'yr book3 while their brldesmaldAvoro whlto or gandie over whlto taffeta silk und enr rled a beautiful bouquet of carna tions. Uoth parties will make their residence Irt Archbald and a host of friends wish them success and happl ncrs. .Mis. A. Cawley and daughter. Miss Frances, were visitors In Scranton yes terday. Mrs. Charlea Swift and ilster. MlbH Prlwlesi Information In a sealed envelope. Murulous treatment, remedies nnd up pllancr, furnished on trial im.v iMmnijimiii.iiiii.iiiii 14 LN HucreM, return them at out "'"' M expense, nnd 1'ny Nothing. wu trust you. viijor rcitorod, losses checked. No CO. I)., nor other deception. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO, TJ.Y. TOALL Ollboy spent the day with friends In Scranton yesterday. The Ladles' Aid society ofthe Pres byterian church will meet nt the hom of Mrs. Dr. Monle todny. All metnbors arc; Invited to ntlond. J. A. I,oiinii, of Olyphant, was a caller In town yesterday. MOOSIC. Mlis Huttlo Hollenbeck spent Sun day In town. Mr. nnd Mis. 1''. r Herlen are spond JiiK the week In the country. The rontrnet for building th Metho dist Episcopal parsonage, has been let to David D. Dials, and the work of erection wllf be pushed forward rap Idly. Joppph Seheonover Is spending a few days at Centremoreland. Mrs. I'lper nnd daughter, ''thel, of Hyde Park, r.ppnt Sunday at Horace T-'renohs. Mr. nnd Mm F.nunPt Hrond' end left yesterday inoiiilng for a week's viflt to their son In ihe wci-torn part of the state. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Closing of the Exhibition Marriage of Frank Feeney Injured In the Edgerton Colliery Ciever Work of Machinist Russell Personal Gos sip. The Loan exhibition was brought to a successful close hist evening. Not withstanding the down-pouring rain, which- continued all the eveplng. the large attendance was surprising, the room being filled to the door. The pastor of the church, Hev. J. U. Cook, was chairman of the evening and the entertainment was given by the Floio llrothers, of Curbondulc, Miss Mary .Maxwell, the violinist, and Miss May Ultner. also of the Pioneer City. Ev ery number was enjoyably listened to and several encores were demanded and responded to. The exhibition has been successful beyond expectation and the promoters have reason to congrat ulate themselves on the social and tlnnuelnl success of the pleasrtnt and Instructive exhibition, which will Ion:; be remembered as one of the best things gotten up for many years. Frank Feeney, a well known young resident, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney. of North Main street, and Miss MacDonald, an estimable young lady of Archbald. were united In marriage at St. Thomas church, Archbald, yes terday. A large number of relatives and friends from this borough wit nessed the pretty ceremony. George Consello was accldently shot by a premature blast yesterday while at work In the Edgerton colliery, re volving a fracture of the thigh and oth er minor injuries. He was Attended by a local physician and taken to the Carbondale Emergency hospital. The Ladles' Aid of the First Baptist church will serve their New England tea In the church this evening. George Dunn and Samuel Waters were calling cm Forest City friends on Monday. Speaking of the difficulty experienced by the Hillside officials last Friday because of the failure to open the Wells Fargo safe, which contained the pay of the employes of three collieries, the Leader says: "It was thought first to blow open the safe with dyna mite, but this was not done because the explosion would probably damage the money. At the Instance of Super intendent Walker the safe was placed In a dray and taken to Mayfleld. Mr. Walker declared he would have It open fifteen minutes nfter operations were begun on It. Machinist Nick" Rus sell then turned It upside down, took out some rivets from the bottom and opened It In fourteen and a half min utes. The contents, $03,000, wore then taken out and the men paid. The put ting In of new rivets did not cost more than ij cents." Mrs. Frank Raker, of Century street, Is visiting Wllkes-Darre relatives. , Anautumn supper under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid of St. James church will be served nt the home of Mrs. Arthur Day, of Cemetery street, to morrow evening. It promises to bo a very enjoyable affair and the public are cordially Invited to attend and partake of supper. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Gebhardt, of the Powder Mill, Is quite sick. Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify that I have hp,' chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. I got so weak I could hardly walk or do anything. One bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me sound nnd well. J. R. Glbbs, Flncastlo, Vn. I had chronic diarrhoea for twelve years. Three bottles of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured mo. S. L. Shaver, Flncastle, Va. Hoth Mr. Glbbs nnd Mr. Shaver nro prominent farmers and reside near Flncastle, Va. They procured the rem edy from Mr. W. E. Cusper, a druggist of that place, who is well acquainted with them and will vouch for the truth of their statements. For sale by all druggists. Matthews Pros., wholesale and retail agents. THOMPSON. J. S. Mulvey, of Port Jervls, was doing business In town nnd shaking hands with his many friends Monday. Pert Halstead shot a red fox on the Clark farm. Just east of the borough. Monday. Fred Murphy was called to Susque hanna a few days ago because of tho serious Illness of his father. Tuesday his family were called there to attend the old gentleman's funeral. Dr. Levi Hlrd, of Scranton. Is billed for a speech from tho porch of the corner store Wednesday evening. Rev. A. D. David goes to Como, Wed nesday evening, to speak at the Wo men's Christian Temperance union convention In session there. Mrs. Ada TIrrell wns In Windsor the llrst of the week. Hev. II. F. Larrabee preached In Jnekfon hist Sabbath. James Hums will offer for sale next Satuiduy articles too numerous to men tion. Miss Estelln Howard, who came home from Wyoming seminary last week sick, was riding out Tuesday. A Sabbath school convention for the First district of Susquehanna will ba held at Melrose next Friday. , Hev. W. W. Wllber. who 1ms been pastor of the Baptist church ut Jack son for four years, preaches his faro well sermon there next Sabbath. OLD FORQE. .Mr. and Mrs. U. Host, of Hornells vllle, N. Y.. nr.e tho guests of Mr. Lewi Hdmll. The Ladles' Homo Missionary soci ety of tin Hrlck church will held u I will pmrantie that my Klieumatlam Cure will relieve lum bago, sciatica and nil rhpunintlc pains In two or three hours, nnd cure in a fevr days. MUNYO.V. At all druggists, 2,c. a vlnl. Guide to Health and medi cal advice free. 1503 Arch st.. Phlln. meriting at t''o home of Mrs. Fdwaitl 1 Unities on Thursdnv Mr and Mrs. Lewis Nlper spent Sunday with relatives In Harding. The Old Forge Sunday sehool will hold Its picnic on Wednesday. Mr. and Jin. Eastwood, of Ashley, Hpent Sunday at the home i.f Mr. Jacob Prevniire. Mr Robert Johnon has been en gaged to sing In the choir of St. Luke's Episcopal chinch of Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. William Tlnklepnugh spent Sunday nt the home of Mr. SI men Howe, of Ilnrdlng. The Ladles' Aid sorfoty ef the Brick rliurch will meet at the home of .Mrs. J. B. Miller, today. Mr. Samuel Broadhead, sr.. Is visit ing his sons at Montrose nnd Elk Luke. Cards are out announcing th" mar riage of Mr. Fred Mnrklnder to Miss Estella Owens, on the '-voning of Sept. "!'. The ceremony will bo performed In the Old Forge Methodist Episcopal church at 7 o'clock. Hev. R. M. Pnscoe, of ocn, occu ulcd the pulpit of the Brick church on Sunday evening, nnd Rev. G. F. Ace occupied the pulpit of the Avoca Meth odist Episcopal church. TAYLOR NEWS. Miss Sara- Price nnd William H. Thomas United in Marriage A Rural Party. An exceedingly pretty wedding oc curred nt the home of Mrs. Marth.i Price, on Pond street, yesterday morn ing, when her accomplished daughter, Miss Sarah, wns united In marriage to Mr. William H. Thomas, also of this place. The ceremony was per formed at 9 o'clock. Rev. Dr. II. II. Harris tied the knot. The bride looked very attractive in a net gowi of brown silk. The wedding was a quiet affair, only relatjves and Imme diate friends being present. The bride was a teacher in our borough schools until recently. Mr. Thomas Is a tal ented musician. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party received the hearty congratulations of their ninny friends, after which a wedding breakfast was served. The young couple left on the !U." Delaware, Lack awanna and Western train on a wed ding tour to New York nnd Niagara Falls. They will begin housekeeping on their return In a neatly furnished home on Pond street. The family of tho late Mi's. Thomas II. Jenkins desire to return their sin cere thanks to all who sympathized with them during their late bereave ment. Mrs. John T. Watklns, of Hyde Park, visited -tclutlves hero on Monday. Mrs. A. J. Baker, of Rendham. spent the Sabbath visiting relatives in Jer myn. Miss Gertrude Watklns commenced her new position as teacher In the Peckville borough schools on Monday. A rural reception was given nt the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Owens, of North Taylor, on Sunday. The guests were escorted about Mr. Owens' beautiful lawn, after which they partook of a sumptuous repast. Tho guests were Mr. and Mrs. Speck, of Dunmore; Misses Laura Nelboll, Myrtle Perry, and Messrs. George De Wllde, William Reynolds and William Jameson, of Scranton, and Misses Susie and Gertrude Morris, of this place. Mrs. Harry Jones, of Prlcoburg. has returned home nfter visiting relatives In this place. Mrs. Richard' Roberts and children of Taylor street, are visiting relatives In Jermyn for the past few days. Miss Bertha Nyhart has returned from a visit to Fleetvllle. Mrs. Jenkln Harris, of Scranton, at tended the funeral of the late Mrs Thomas H. Jenkins on Monday. Mr. William E. Johns, tho Republi can candidate for auditor, was a caller hero recently. Mr. Johns i,n. .. tfriends In this town who are hard -it um in ma interest. FACTORYVILLE. Quite a number of our citizens will attend the Montrose fair today. Mrs. Jessie Ilnvtnn nt v. ... . ,. -onn., who has been spending a c.oup'c -i m-ctts wiin relative hero, returned .to her home last Sunday. Miss Gertrude Lott, daughter nnd only child of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lott, of East Lemon, died Fr'dav night of consumption. The funeral was con ducted Monday. Interment at Stark cemetery. At 2 o'clock Monday morning fire completely destroyed the hay barn be longing to the upper, or "Last Chance" Hotel, situated In the township and owned by C. Mnthowson. Tho barn and contents were complettly de stroyed. Tho lire. It Is thnnrrht ,. caused by an Intoxicated person or per- minu Bleeping in tho barn. The drought still continues nnd many people nre very much Inconvenienced for want of water. Many of the small streams, springs and wells are entirely dry. Pastures are completely destroyed nnd farmers and dairymen are exper iencing no little dlfllnnltv In r,ii.,. Nhelr stock. Pnulowna Itebekas lodge. No. 58. I. O. O. F. celebrated the annunl Rebekah day last evening with refreshments. A social and literary entertainment was enjoyed. Factoryvllle lodge. No. 341, F. nnd A. M. have Just received from M. C. Lilly & Co. a handsome new set of regalia. Rev. Dr. L. C. Floyd, of Blnghnmton, occupied the Methodist Episcopal pul pit last Subbath morning. TUNKHANNOCK NOTES. The hearing in the matter of the preliminary injunction against the school directors of Fnctoiyvllle bor ough to restrain them from Icvylnr; a "pedal building tax comes .n to ba heard before Judge Dunham on Thurs day. The basis of tho bill for tha In lunctlon is the Irregularities of u,9 methods taken by the school dlreetom In tlw nttemrt to levy the tax Mem bers of the piomlncnt taxpayers of tho district are Interested In the matter. Miss Eulalle Piatt has returned to Wellesley college, nnd F. D. Miller to Princeton. Jnnltor Young has Jut finished some needed Improvements In the prothono tnry's olllce nt the Court house In the way of a new case for the continuance and Judgment dockets, mnUIng them much more convenient for hnndllng. Hairy Lewis has returned to St. John's Military school at Manllus, N. V, where lie will complete his coin so this year. O. 11. Kenned v has received the ap pointment of District Deputy Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias for tho Wyoming county dlsttlct. HALLSTEAD. Thursday evening at tho home of Mr. Monroe, who lives near the Mr Kinney Mills school house, n social will be given. All are cordially invited to, attend. It will be In charge of the Hpworth league connected with the M. E. church. N. T. .Mitchell Is visiting friends In the vicinity of Carbondale. Milton Squires, of Oxford, Is visiting his parents In town. Miss Myrtle Swartz leaves today (Wednesday) for the Young Ladle' college nt Elmlrn, N. Y., where she has enrolled ns n student. Mrs. Ablgal Brown, of Dayton avi nue. has gone to Uladgott's Mills,' Cortland county, N. V., to spend the winter. Prof. B. W. Pease. Miss Grace Hard ing, Miss Ida Tuttle, Miss Lillian Church nnd Fred Moore were In Brook lyn Saturday to attend the meeting of the Susquehanna County Teachers' as sociation. The next meeting Is to bo held nt Lanesbnro some time in Janu ary. 1900. Mr. and Mrs. D. Arthur were In New Milford Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Carpenter re turned Friday evening from a vlrlt with friends at Foster. The Stockholm family met last Satur day at tho home of Mrs. E. K. King for their family reunion. The mtenc anco was quite large. A t?nt was pitched on the lawn and meals were served from this tent. The Red Men have leased Mitchell's hall for five years and will at It up for a lodge room. Charles Honey was called to Ru'fnlo Monday as a witness against several parties charged with using the United States malls for fraudulent purposes. The water company on Monday night started the river pump work'ng to fur nish the supply for the com pany. This was found ne-pssary on nccount of the low water In the reser voir and the long continuation of tho present draught. PITTSTON PARAGRAPHS. An Informal dance was hold In Key stone hall Inst evening In honor of the eollere students of this town, who are about to return to their studies. While riding on a car in the mines Tuesday, John Loftus. a laborer, a?Pd 21 years, of this city, was seriously Injured. His head came In contact with the roof and bis skull was frac tured. Dr. Barrett performed the operation of trephining. Although his condition Is critical, hopes are enter talncd for hl recovery. George Rl"e will leave hero next month for Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Rice at present Is the captain of Company M, Ninth regiment. National Guards of Pennsylvania, and his departure means a vacancy. . - -- VETERAN'S REMAINS FOUND. Disappearance Mystery Solved by Boys Hunting for Chestnuts. Mt. Carmel. Sept. 19. The remains of Daniel Strausser, who disappeared July 4 while gathering huckleberries, were discovered on the mountain last evening by Lewis IeI?er andk Philip Paul, who were In Ecarch w)f chest nuts. Two hundred yards north of Potts's colliery Paul dlscovor"d a shoe. Farther on he found another shr,T, tind later a hat, tin can. and-n mass of bones cove-red with a blue army suit, by which identification was made. The only thing missing from tho clothes was the veteran's " pension voucher. Deputy Revenue Collector. Pottsvllle, Sept. 19. Major Clay W. Evans, of St. Clair, has boon appoint ed deputy Internal revenue collector for this district. Major Evans will suc ceed Harrison A. Kear, of Mlnersville, who recently resigned the office on ac count of ill health. The newly made appointment will go Into effect on tho first of October. Major Evans Is one of St. Clair's most widely known citi zens. He has Ferved terms f.n tho school board and borough council of that town. He wns an alternnte dele gate to the Republlcnn National con vention 111 1SRI. which nominated James G. Blaine for president. "YOU MAY BEND THE SAPLING, but not the tree." When disease has becomo chronic and deep seated It is often dlfllcult to euro It. That Is the reason why It Is best to take Hood's Sarsaparllla when disease first shows Itself. HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite fam lly cathartic. BASE BALL. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Percentage Table. W. i.. p.t Brooklyn ja 39 xt; 1'liHndelphla kj 40 .(,: Boston M 31 .ui Huttlmoro 70 (a .j8,j St. Louis ; 69 .u&j Cincinnati 73 ft) .,j Chicago us (it .1,13 Pittsburg C5 7u :J7I Loulsvlllo (tf 70 .400 New York 5a 70 .m Walislngton 49 m .377 Cleveland H) 119 .no At Boston U.H.K. I'lttbuurg 1000 0 2011 6 S 3 Boston 0 0 2 3 1 0 2 1 9 13 3 Batteries Lcever and Schrlver: Meekln nnd Sullivan. CmpIres-O'Duy nnd Mo- uoiiaiu. At New Vmk R.H.K. St. Louis 1 13 0 0 7 1 013 13 0 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 8 G Sudhoff und O'Connor; Seymour. Do hen nnd Warner. I'mplre Manassau. At Brooklyn- ' 11.11.B. Chicago 3 000001001 C 0 llrooKlyn 11000000 0-2 3 1 Calluhun and Donnhue; Hughes and Furrell. t'mplres Latham nnd Connolly. SPORTING NOTES. The member of the Comet' foot bul team aro requested to meet for signal pructlee Thursday night, September 21, 1&9S, at 7.9) o'clock bhurp. corner of CUb son street und Clay avenue. John Holmes, tuunaj;cr. The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tho Hsnent ot All W!u Have Houses to Kent, Real Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help Theio Smnll Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, Which An In sertcd Free. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTHD-YOt'NO MAN FOB DRIVKIt. Apply ut once. M7 l'rescott avenue. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. for general housework In small fam ily; must have reference. Apply .i'.'l Qulncy avenue. OinL WANTKD-K o It U K N K H A L housework. 1333 I'liin avenue. WANTKD - GOOD BKItVANT OIHL, family of two; references. 133(3 Wash ington avenue. WANTED TO'nKNT-TVO CUSAN rooms, furnished for hoiiM-kccplng. b man and wlfo In lespectable neighbor hood. Address "Houim," Tribune. FVIIXISHKD HOt'SE WANTKD-SIN-gle. JeffprMin. Madison, Monroe. Com egys, Dime Bank. FOR RENT $10-FIVE ROOMS WITH GAS. BATH and closet private. Inquire rear of 42S Webster avenue. No building In front of lot. I'OH HKNT.-MY PLANING MILL AND lumber yard, one of tho best and old it t locations In Scranton for tho lumber business.' Poor health tire cause for renting. Joseph Anslpy, 801 Scranton street. FOIt BENT-A Fl'ItNISHRD FBONT room with or without boatd. 418 North Seventh street FOR SALE ONE OB TWO SKATED CARRIAGES for sale. Comegys, Dime Bank. FOR SALE OR EXCHA VGH. WANTED-TO's73 for lumber one 1-roll slnglo cylinder Planer nnd matcher. Joseph Ansley, Scranton, Pa. JJzkJzBZZM CJBEEN RtDGB RESIDENCE FOR sulc for $8,600. Finest house and the choicest location In the city. Would be cheap at $10,000. For terms nnd full par ticulars nddrcfH W. T. UACKETT, Price Building. MONEY TO LOAN. FOHROCNONlHirmrEN and live per cent, money on approved security. M. II. HOLGATE, Common wealth building. FURNISHED ROOMS. tvo"fu1jnTshed rooms, ALL CON venleiucs, 407 Madison avenue. LOST. LOST - A POCKETIIOOK CONTAIN lug money while on Peckville car. Re ward for Its return. 311 Penn avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE, Es tablished and palng. A splendid chance for some one. For price, terms, etc.. see W. T. UACKETT "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE Sl'C cess" $100 Invested by my "Safe Method" In Grain or Stocks has puld $l.Xii) prollt In thirty days; icfercnees fur nished; write for paitieulars. Richard Oliver, Bnnker and Broker, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago, and G3-63 Wall street. Now York city. NOTICE THERE ARE STORIES BK Ing circulated that I have lived In the Ninth ward but n short time and that I received my appointment as tax collec tor from Mr. S. W. Roberts with the un derstanding that I was to divide the com missions with him. The stories are ma licious lies and are circulated for po litical purposes. I have lived in the Ninth ward for seven years past and have al ways been an ardent worker for tho Re publican party. Respectfully yours. . W. IN COWPERTinVAITE.1 Collector for Ninth Ward Tuxes. Lackawanna County, ss. : Personally appeared before me, W. P. Cowperthwalte, who being sworn says that the above Is truo nnd correct. Sworn and subscribed beforo me 19th September, 1&99. O. B. WRIGHT, Notary Public. LEGAL. ESTATE OF HANNAH CARTER. LATE of the Borough of Jermyn, County of Lackawanna nnd State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above estate having been granted to the under signed, nil persons having claims against said estate will present them for pav ment nnd those indebted thereto will pieuse m.uce iniymi-nt to HANNAH TROTTER, Executor, Jermyn, Pa. AN ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK holders of Scranton Paint Co., will bo held at their oUlce room, L'fHi Connell build ing. Scranton. Pn.. on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1SC9. at 2.30 o'clock n. m.. for thn i,.nlnn of ofllcers and transaction of such other imsmesH ns may properly come beforo It F. H. Clemmons, Secretary. NOTICE. -THE ANNUAL MEETING OF tho members of the Lackawnnna Store Association, Limited, will he held at the otllce of the Association In the city of Scranton. Pa.., Wednesday, Oct. J. 183.1, nt 2 o'clock p. m.. for the election of mnnngers for the ensuing year nnd for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. II. S. Fnlrchlld. Secrotary. Scranton. I'n.. September 10. ISM. SITUATIONS WANTED washing. Ironing or cleaning. Miss L. i:.. 130 S. Ninth street, city. POSITION WANTED AS FIREMAN. 1422 Wyoming nvenve, Scranton, Pu. WANTED-POSITION AT ANY HON- est employment, grocery trnde. pre ferred. References. Address "Idle." care General Delivery. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EXPER lencrd bookkeeper; small salary; ref erences given. Address A. II., Postofflce. WANTED-A SITUATION AS WATCH mun or Janitor, can furnish best of reference. Address IN II., Scranton Post otllce. SITUATION WANTED-AS A HOUSE, keper. a good washer and Ironer. Ad dress, E. J.. Tribune. SITUATION WANTED - WILL DO washing und ironing nt my home or go out. Address 109 reur Gibson st. SITUATION WANTED-AS A HOUSE keeper, a good washer and Ironer Martin Mnlonoy, 617 River street. SITUATION WANTED-HY A. MAN 29 years of age, strong and willing well educated for commercial lfu. ivii uccept any kind of work Janitor, gar dener, norter or will asblst ut uiiythlnc where sobriety and hard work would ho appreciated. Small salary. Addreis "Betrac." caro of general delivery. Scranton. SITUATION WANTED-A MARRIED man. 33 years of nge, wishes employ ment of any kind, olllco work preferre'd Address J, T., caro Tribune, ritii PROFESSIONA L. ARCHITECTS EDWARD It. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Connoll building, Scranton. E. L, WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COO Washington nvenuc. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 35 Spruce St.. dor. Wash. n., Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT. Price building, 12 Washington avenue, Scrnnton. T. T. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. DENTISTS DR. I. O. LYMAN. SCRANTON TRI vate Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS. OPP. IN O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 Wyoming ave. WELCOME C. SNOVKR, Coal Exchango 2nd floor, Room D. Hours, 9 to 1, 2 to D. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEICJLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. &. W, passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAVjyERS RICHARD J. BOURKE. ATTORNKY at.Law. 500-2 Lackawanna avenue. Ocn- :iui law uuruii'BM, uuill'Ulluua liuu IWiiiin. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor.nt.Law. Rooms, 312-313 Mears' Building. M. J. DONAHOE. ATTORNEY-A'l-law. Offices, CI2-C13 Mears' Building. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law, Burr building, rooms 13 a"d 14 Washington avenue. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP. AT torneys nnd Re publican building, Washington avenue, ocranton, Pa. rEn!;1 . JESSUI. ATTORNEYS AND i,m 3fcllors nt Law, Commonwealth uuildlng. Rooms 1, 20 and 21. J'Ia"':S JV. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-At". Trnrt nl!1? 514' C15 ana 516 Board ot w '-'UllMl( no 1'H'E. ATTORNEY-LOANS nr?t'ntd n real estate security. hVnH bul'dlng. corner Washington avenuo and Spruce street. JAMES J. II. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY" Scranto'i S2 CommonweaIth building, EEiUR W- THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms 9Q3.9Qtt 9tn noor Mcars- building. Ha Ar, WA,T" KS. ATTOR N E YAT-LAW w. Board of Trade building, Scranton, C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEYAT-LAW! lommonwealth building. Scranton, Pn. PAJTHRSON & WILCOX.TRADERS National Bank building. C. COMEGYS, building. 9-13 REPUBLICAN A. W. BERTHOLF, Mears' building. ATTORNEY, PHYSICIANS AND SURQEONS MARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D.. HOME, opathlat, CIS Linden street. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASH, lngton nvenue. D- Hli 2AT,ES' KOOMS 207 AND Ibl Board of Trado Building. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 3 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. ReslI donee. 309 Madison avenue. DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fitting and Fat Rcduc. tlon. Offlce telephone 1363. Hours. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. 7 to 9. DR. S. W, L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 23) Washington nvenue. Residence, l.ll's Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genltyi-urlnary or gans a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m W. G. ROOK, VETERINARY SUR geon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital. 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2C72. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pn. Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or business. Opens Sept. 11th. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cann. LL. D principal and proprietor; W. E. Plumlcy, A. M head, master. SEEDS G. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen; store 111! Washington ave. nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave. nue; storo telephone, 782. WIRE SCREENS JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 6ULACKA. wanna avenue, Scrnnton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. MISCELLANEOUS BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberts" music store. MEOAROEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington avenue. Scrnnton, Pa. CITY SCAVENGER A.B. BR1GG8 CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. B. BRIGGS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Alain avenue, or Elcki's drug store, corner Adums and Mulberry. Telephone 9540. SCALP TREATMENT. MltSrLTKErXElTScTL ment, 60c; shampooing. 60c: fac'.ul massage, monlcurlng, 25c; chiropody. 701 Qulncy. BOARDING. BOARDING 623 PINE STREET. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROA1) Schedule In Effect June 10, 1800. Trains Leave Scranton: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, nnd for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m. week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, BaltimoreWnshlngton and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays 1,58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.87 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, .uarriBuurg, rnuaaeipma and Pittsburg. I f ivfimi n.i n... .... -J. b. HUTCHINSON, tlenenl Maniger. ' RAILROAD TIME TABLES. iv'Wii fvmtam Del.. Lttckn. nnd Western, Effect Monday, Juno C, 1899. Trains Icavo Scrnnton ns follows: Ex 1 ifi ,?r.Ncw vfl nnd all points east, MO. 3.P0, 6.10, s.00 and 10.03 a. m.; 12.65 and ,,!'l:?nrPi!' for Enston. Trenton, Phllodel , , Vr"-4 lh,9 """'h- MO, S.00 and 10.05 a. "ft. .24' "id 3 3.1 i), m. "; ir mi o.inuniia accommodation, fi.10 p. m m m1 ? f,"r "I'lghamton, Oswego. El Mnrl'i. ,rnlnB' 1,ath Dniisvllle. Mount 1 n,i"?l n,n"l 12.10. 2.D5. 9.00 a. m.; ti'nnoV,; v;wJ'' m- making. close connct loVTh.v' """"I', to till pobitB In tho west Wn V.11 .nml ""Uthwest. 111SH1 "K,lm nccommod.itlon, 3.10 p. m. "ingimm on nnd way station. 1.05 p. m. nctoryvlllo accommodation, 1.00 p. m. l.-i'JiU'"01-1 "fcomnioditlon, 'i.00 p. m. impress for Utlcn and Richfield Spring, "" m. nnd 1.5.-, p, m; Ithaca 2.3.',, p.w '. ,. nni, td5 . ln. iiin-r-ft,"berlond, Plttston. Vbke viiih' 'M'tnniitli, tdocmsburg nnd Dnn- ,m'il,lK"B close connections at North- -'., 'I", ,1, .11. , ,,H ,U,,I... . , 3 or , If ',!tp nn1 Intermodlnto stations, n Pitin. ,uo " m- Plymouth and Inter ?Chi " F,&'I"U. 3.53 nnd 8.60 p. m. For N5. 12-6.-. p. m. nil ii.?" I",rIrr and sleeping coaches on an express trains. ,.,,?' "''Inlled Information, pocket time trin nr,c" nPIllj' '" Jl- l'- Smith, DIs crict l nssenger Agent, depot ticket oRlce. Central Railroad of New Jcrjey Mr."",!!8 .'." Xcw York-Foot of Liberty street' ' "'1(1 Houth 1,,erry' Whitehall ,'A.,,Vlruc;!,e c,ml 1,,ipd exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SEPT. 12.111. Trains b-nve Scrnnton for New York. ii,.i,ir.' N'lz-ibetli. Philadelphia. Enston. iicthieboi,,, Allentown, Mauch Chunk and .X..lQ H'm' t !.30 a. m.; express, 1.20; .l?i"V,.'''0" '' '" Sundays. 2.13 p. m. 1 or Plttston und Wllkes-Barre, 8.S9, 1 -30 a. m., 1.21J, .oo, 7.I.- p. m. Sundays. 11.30 n. m.. 215, 7.15 p. in. n m M2"n,."ln Park,,8.:i0. 11.30 n. m., 120 l.'iV.: Hl!r:lnH' ""l) a- "1" 2-1 P- ni. ..1.1... "f,1,""re and Washington, and P'Uiits South and West via Bethlehem. i.-.. ti..:.-. .:. .. . , . 1 onsviiie, x.3 n. 111.. 1.20 p. m. a .rmlKl1, ,l(kets to all points East. Hiuth and West nt lowest rltto nt tho J. It. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. H. P. BALDWIN., Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. On May 14th, 1S99. trains will leav-s Scranton as follows: For Carbondale G.20. 7.33. 8.33 10.13 a. in.; 12 noon; 1.23. 2.20, 3.32, 5.23, G.23, 7.57. 9.13, p. m.; l.ifi a. in. ! or Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton t.v England points, etc. 0.20 a. m., 2.20 p. m. For Hone31l.1lc-C.20. 11.13 a. m 2.20, 3 2t p. ill. ,i,r Wllkes-Barre C.45. 7.48. 8.43, 9.3, 1SI? ,a.'J"': -''03' J'23. 3-M, 4.27. 0.10, 7.48, 10.41 11,30 p. m. For New York Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley Ballroad 0.45 p. iii 12.f3 1-2S. 4.27 p. m.; with Black Diamond Ex press, 11.30 p, m. For Pennsylvania Rullroml points, C.13, 9.. 8 n. m.; 2. 18, 4 27 p. m. tor western points, via Lehigh Valloy Rallrond-7.18 a. m.; 12.03. 3.3:1. with Black Diamond Expiess, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrive in Scranton as fol lows: From Carbondale and the North f.40, i., 8.38, 9.34, 10.3S, 11.3S a. m.; 1.23. 2.13. 3.25. 4.23, 7.43, 10.38 11.27 p. m. 1-rom Wilkes-Barro and the South-6.15, ..4S, 8.4S, 10.38, 11.33 11. m.: 1.18. 2.14, 3.48. n.20, C.21, 7.53, 9.03, 10.03 p. in.; 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 9.03, 11.33 p. m.; 2.23, 3.52, 5.17. 9.53 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 9.38, 12.03 a. m.; 1.38, 3.28, u.43. 7.48 p. m. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Boi ton, New England points, etc., 2.23 p. in. Lowest rates to all points In United Stales and Canada. J. W. BURDICK, G. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS. D. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In effect May 14, 1599. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON- For Philadelphia and New York via D. & II. It. It., at 0.13 a. nt. and 12.0.1. 2.18. 1.27 (Black Diamond Express), and 11 30 p in. Sundays, D. It., 1.3S. 7.18 p. in. For White H.iven, Hazleton anil prin cipal points In tho coal regions via D. & H. B. It., 0.43, 2 18 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 6.43, 2.18 p. m. For Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Har risburg und principal Intermediate sta tions via D. & H. It. II.. fi.43 a. m., 12 03, 2.1S. 4.27 (Black Diamond Express), 11.30. Sundays. D, ,i II.. 158. 7 4b p. m. For Tunkliiiiinock,' Towandn. Elmlrn, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermedi ate stations, via U.. L. & W. It. R., S.08 a. m 12.55 and 3.35 p. in. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara Falls. Chicago at d all points west via D. & H. It. It., 12.03, 3.33 ( Black Dia mond Express), 7 48 and 11.30 p. m. Sun days, 1). .t 11., 12 03 a. m., 7.48 p m Pullman parlor anil sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor cars on all trains between Wllkcs-Bnrre and New York. 'Philadel phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Cell. Supt., South Bethlehem. Pa. CHAS. S. LEE. Gen Pass, Agt., 20 Cort- landt street. New York. A.W. NONNEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem, J'.i. ' 1 For tickets and Pullman -reservations npply 309 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. Eric and Wyoming Valley. Tlmo table. In effect Sept. 11th, 1899. Trains leave Scrnnton for- New York, Newburgh and Intermediate points 011 Erie railroad also for Hawley and local points at 7.03 a m nnd 2.2S p. 111. Returning, trains arrive lit Scranton at 10.21 11. li(. and 3.P and 9.10 p. in. SCK.V.VS'ON DIVISION. Ill Effect June 'Mill, 1890. North Bound. South Bound, Zu&i 203; 201 SO2lg04-pjM - & Cd Lh. aS r Stations sa 2& V. 'O a p M'Arrlvo Leave u 7 S3 N. Y Franklin rtt. 7 10 Wen 4'.'nd street 700 Weehawken 753 no A U p 11'Arrlvo Leare I "P Mf U 6 10, 2 et t si 810 a 111 4 31 28 2 22, 4 41 10 45 10 40 2)1 1 15 I'nilntln 18 1 00 07 Hancock 8tarll)tht I'roston park Wlnirooa I'oyatelle Orson ricarant Mt, I'nlond.ile Forest City carbondale White Brlrttfo ilayflcld Jermyn Aiclilbald Wlnton l'eckYlllo olrphaut ITIccburtt Throop rrovlrtence Park riace 1U 31 in i 6 10 19 S4 12 40 mj id nil 6 01 10 00 ISO 0 40 9a 9 261 I! 12 2i 41 12 II so 12 1 :v 2MIII 6 65 S 68 A v:i 7 01 s ra1 r, tn 7 OX Sill), 191 SOIlStfl PVII 19! 7 20 8 19 6 41 7 3tl St! 6 bl 9 10. 9 07 90 001131 f.7MIE0 737,13 38, 6 6d 1 Sii Sl'lll fS 481 ft nt HfiS IS II SM 41 II 18 40 11 13 7 44 8 63! 1 3 43 6 01 7 50 S Sll fll 8 Nl 8 46, 8 4.' H40 fiS-i 8 331 7 81 7(8 6 0S 8 54 ti 3 59 13 4 01 R ei SHU 11 3111 07 24.11 03 804 4 07 6 21 Si 11 01 sa'noo 806 816 4 iu, a it 41 63i (4 17 6 31 8 a-: igfin.i7 a iff 8 SO 14.10 M A 13 4 30 6 3j A UIP u'A U Leave Anlve 'a U'r u'r u t. tiunday only. t. slgnities that trains stop onalinal tor pi eengers, r Ti atns 20J and 206 Sunday only. Other trains dally except Sunday. hccure ratfs via Ontario e Weatern before liurcbaslDff tickets and save money ;i UtouisU Wajnerpuffet sleeper and tree re cllnmg chair car New York to cnlcifo without chance, l'natengrr Itnlv lleiluccil In Tvo Cent er fflllr. m ..,. .. J. C. Anderson, Oen. Pass Agt. T. Flltcrott. Dlr. Hv, AKt Poranton, Pa NEWSPAPERS THE yiLKES.HARREI RECORD CAN be had In Stanton at the news stands of ReUmhrt Bros.. 405 Bpruce and 1503 L1n. ?en.: M. Norton. 322 Lackawanna avenue: I. B. 8chutzer, 211 Spruce street. ..,,, v" ' iiiiumsori, nun mum k, v'li!11"rf'', Washington and tho u.uth. fim a "'""nborlniid and Intermediate sta- ;-- 1 "' J'r P- '" Huniiays, 2.1a p. m. ull n. m ,111,1 1 oa .. ,.,If"V,f,t'n(,l"l?.'Lrh,nnon and Harrisburg, i. . J ir1"""1' S'an " m- P- " Sun o" . J.l.l ti. m