THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1809. NORTON'S Illustrated Souvenirs of tho 'Electric City." Beautiful Booklets, 20c and 50c each, showing the Important buildings and various industries, 'Mines, Mills, etc., of Scranton. Also Souvenir Postal CardB. i'nper Covered Books nt greatly reduced prices. 25 cent books for 10 and 15c. 50a books for 20c. 25 cent cloth cover bookB, largo variety of titles, for 10c. 50 cent cloth covered books, excellent in every way, for 35c. All the standard books. All the desirable now books. School Books and Stationery. M. 322 NORTON, Lackawanna Avenue. We arc cleaning up odds and ends in mouldings, if you have pictures to frame this is your opportunity to get it done at almost your own price. THE GRIFFIN ART 7 200 Wyoming Avenue. if- Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. 2 pas per Oc Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO Telephone Orders Promptly Delivered 315-37 Adams Avenue. DR. A. A, LINDABURY, Si cciahles Surgery, Diseases of Vomen Cfllcellouri At Itrmdenco . jnko 'Jin Council JIO south II to It! a. m M to I p. m 7 to 8 p. m ItulldlDs; Ueildonca .Main Avenue. Scranton Transfer Co., HUOII J. KUGNAN, Mnnmer. Checks Itnggnco direct from residence to nny pail of tlia United Hiatal. Olllcc 109 Lucka. Ave. Phone 525 If Does Not Shoot We hold the fort from which corj thlng Is eluni up in the most aitlstlc fctvle Our ammunition bus proven a great cleaner In the field Our imple ments of warfare are of the ery latest patterns Ae are capable of making most diligent eoarch for the unckan, and our adaptation of skill In COI.I.AKINO AND CI rriNO with our WOO STEAM I'OIXAH IIION'KK Is simply driving the iniltateiin to desperation. Wo are ready ond willing to mnke llu Laundry Happy. 9 ACKAWANNA L "THE" aundry joS I'enn Avenue A. I). WARMAN. PERSONAL Miss M i: Cornelia Oalpin 1" the Rice.t of Mis (5 Puisons Nichols, of Ulnpinim ton N "V Dr Flojrt 1'redirlcl, of Wjoming ave nue will spend tin pro cut week in I'hll ndelphla nnd Atlantic t'ltv. Mrs Charlotte O'Malloy and brother, Patrick O Miillty. of this cltv, onl MUs Ilaltle, of J'itfituii, liavo gone to Cali fornia Mi and Mrs. Hecve Jones .eull for Now York en the Ainerl'an liner Niw York on Sept 23, and cjipect to arrive in Sjiantou on Sept 30 Miss l'aullnc C Hull, teacher of elocu tion at the Scianton College of Musl. nrrived In town elenla. alter a two months' vacation spent In New Vork state Mr nnd Mrs. William r Hallstcad i pel Colonel nnd Mis. George M. Hall'itoad wint to Spring lako jesterdav to atfnd the formal opening of Mr Martin Molo ney's magnificent villa The evert was held last night, Introducing Miss Moloney. Tho new lesldtnce, which is built is near. lj ns posslhlo after the modi? of tho whlto boiiho nt Washington, Is ald to bo nno of tho finest at a seaside r sort In America Window Glass Placed on Short Notice. The Lackawanna Hardware Go, 225 LncKnwaiiiiu AVClillC. 1 J" Hi CO., ffi U DEATH CLAIMED HER IN THE THEATER SAD OCCURRENCE IN THE ACAD- EMY OF MUSIC. Whllo Attending the Performance There Last Night Miss Mame Sheeran, of 2005 Frlce Street, Waa Stricken by Heait Disease and Died Within Fifteen Minutes Mrs. Sheeran Greatly Affected by tho News of Her Daughter's Sudden Death Coroner Will Hold an In quest. Mlg( Manic Sheeran, daughter of Mr. anil Mis. Patrick Sheeran, ot 2003 Prlc street, was stilcken by heart fnlluio while witnessing 11 peiformanre In the Academy of Music lopt night nnil died within fifteen minutes In an ante-room of the theatie. Kor several weeks MIms Sheeran liad complained of dizziness and pains In tlie legion of the lieait and on the way to the t hea tic lust night with her sis ter, Mlsis Cella Sheeran, and a neigli boi, Miss Nellie Tiglie, she said she did not feel well During the first act or the play she told Miss Tlghc that she thought she would go home, as she had seen llje play befote A few moments latei hei In ad fell back and she began to bieatlie heavily. The people sitting aiound hei thought slie hod meiely fulnted, and utter she whs tarried out inost of them dismissed the Incident fiom their minds Xeaily all of those In the audience went hom" without luiy knowledge that deatli had laid its hand on one ot their number When Miss Sheeiar was can led lno the tintp-iooni, Munugpt Harvey hong helit for a doctor and a priest and Dr lowis Kiey and He John Lougluan lesponded almost Instuntl.v Uefore th priest had finished aiiuolutlng her the M'ting woman was deail The physi cian's best efforts weie of no aall In keeping life In the body. Coroner Huberts was notified and gae jjrmls.slon to have the body le inoveil to the home wheie he lewed tho lemalns ami empanneled the fol lowing juij V M. Storm. James Hui nett. William lhigllsli, Mlcliael Walsh, M J llanett and M. i: Hundley. I will hold on Inquoht toeluv. Miss Sheeran was a large, health -looking joung woman 2J cuis of age Slie was a talented musician and was eiy popular on tlie West Side. She was a member of the St Cecilia T. A 11 society and the Daughteis ot VaU. Mrs. Sheeran was prostiatcd when apprised of her daughters sudden death and for a time was In a seiious condition. MAYOR MAKES REPLY. Addresses a Communication to Boaid of Underwriters Dealing with the Board's Recommendations. Heplying to the communication of the board of underwiiters tiansmittlng lecominendatlons for tho iinpiovement of the fire depaitment, Jlnjoi Molr esteiday addressed to Chalima'n I). J. Cnmphell a lengthy statement showing what steps have been, or are proposed to be, taken to meet the Ideas of the Insurance men. The recommendation that a fully paid station force nnd partly-paid call force be substituted for the present make-up of the department was passed over by the mayor with tho statement that tho flnnnclal conditions would not permit of this being done. The piopo sltlon to locate another hook nnd lad der truck In the business pottlon of the city Is not approved by the maor. One Is sulllelent, ho thinks. He also dlsagiees with the underwriters le gardlng the need of larger engines In the central city and an additional en gine in the North nnd, tho cential city engines being perfectly satisfactory, and the noimnl hydiant pressure in the North Knd being higher than that of any steamer In the city He nigues that the city should own Its own fire-alarm system, if only for economic icasons, and that Inspections of buildings should be legulnrly con ducted that the firemen might become acquainted with their constiuction nnd olso that any defects might be rem edied. The ordinances passed or pending, providing for the hotterment of tho de partment, such as the tire inaishal or dinance, the repairs of apparatus ot dlnance and the nidlnances looking to the pui chase of more hose and horses, weie enclosed with the communication. It will be considered nt a meeting of the underwriter today. FIRE AT PECKVILLE. Narrow Escape of Hungarian Ten antsTwo Buildings Destroyed. The sounding of tho (lie alarm at 2 o'clock jesterday morning was caused by the burning of the Inrgo throe-story building owned by Mnx Schwartz and situated on the Kast Side. A dwelling owned by Joseph Tlllp was also ele strovtd Tho fire started In the store room and ejulckly spread through the structure. A Hungarian family living on tho third floor had a nairow escape from being burned to death. They weie awakened by tlje dense smoke and when they made their hurried exit from the building their bare feet weie binned by the floor having become so hot ftom the flames below them. They, as well as Mr. Schwartz, lost all theli possessions The family who occupied tho Tlllp resldenco succeeded In savin? their furniture. The entire loss is estimated at $3,000, with small Insurance, Excursion to Allentown Fair, S2.50. Central R. XI. , of New, Jersey, Sept. 21. $2 50. Leave Scranton at 7' 2.", Pitts ton. 7 44; "Wllkes-Uatre nt 8 00 a m. Faro fiom Scianton J2.M, Pulsion, $2 25 Wllkes-Raire, $2.00. Special train will leave Allentown leturnlng nt 7.00 p. m. Anlve Wilkes-Darro nt 9' 13 Pitts ton, lO'lO; Scinnton, 10-45 p. in. Tlck etc aie also good on all regular trains Sept. 21 and good to return until Sept. 22. Solid thiough trains. No waiting for connections. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley.23l Wyomlnc ave. Journeymen Plumbers, C40 stieet, telephone 1393. Spruce A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund tho money on a CO.cent bottle of areeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls to euro vour cough or cold, Wo also guuraiiteo a 2J-cent bottle to provo satin factory or money refunded. J. a. liono & Hon, Dunmore, Pa.; John P. Donahue;, Ucrunton, Pa. , BURGLARS AT BLAKELY. They Entered the Resldenco of n. L. Thompson. Hurglurs entered the house of II. Xi. Thompson In Ulakely about 10.S0 o'clock Sunday night The famltv had not retired and were In tho front part of the house. The Intrudeis made their way In thiough n window hi the rear of the building nnd enteral the eellir, had lunch and then procjn.Unl up stairs tii business. They tatisaiked the dKeivot looms and closets, leulng overjth'n In dis order, but took nothing. They vvtii evidently In search of nor.ey. Mr. Thompson went tip-Malts about 11 o'clock nnd, hearing n nolie, lit y ceeded In tho direction ot the sound and to his surprise snvv 11 man Jump ing out of the window He g,io rlms. but the Intruders mode th'ir esripn. HIS LEG BROKEN. Thomas Loftus, of Olypltnnt In- jured at North Sctautoii. Thomas W. Loftus, of Olypiiant, was seriously Injuied bv being stiuck by a locomotive at the Mnrlne 1 toeing at Noith Scianton last eve-iii. Mr l.ofttm was u pessenger on an Oivpliuut street cur leaving Scranton at 6. IB When at the crossing a train of coal cars was backing into Ihe Man In switch and a collision betwet" this car and locomotive seemed Inevitable Mr I.ofttis and a number of pass, n geis Jumped ft om the car. All escaped but Mr. Loftus, who was struck iiid injuied about tho head and oil" of his legs was broken. Ho was brought to Olyphant on n coal tiain an I taken to tho Million house, wheie medical aid was summoned HOWELL WILL STRIKE. If the Boaid of Control Does Not Pay He Will Refuse to Do Any Work for It. If tho boaid of control does not da something light away towaid palug the city controller for the work ho does In countersigning warrants and looking nfter the finances of the school district generally be pioposes to go em strike. Ho told the members of the board so lust night in unmistakable language. An opinion ftom 1). J. Kcedy, solici tor eif the boaid, was read, which set for that the law makes It Impossible foi the e ompensation of the controller to be Inn cased while ho Is In oil! The opinion was pilntcd In full In i'he Tiibune of last Tuesday. After It was lead and refeired to the finance committee the following letter from Mr. Howell was heard. To the Iloaid of Scl.ool Control Gentle nun. I enclose opinion of City Solicitor A A Vosbuig, touching tho matter eif compensation for scivice In pcrfeiimlng work lor tho schools 1 am llimlv ef the opinion that jour honorable bodv Is disposed to provide compensation In tlie" same manner as ou ele for the clt trcauier Such piovlslon, If made, I will divide pro rata among my clerks and I consider them Jutly entitled to it when the eil ume eif work tl c perform is considered. School Solleltoi D J Iteed, however, contends this Is an Increased emolu ment to the- ceintiollei. Let lis nssuino that this is so There Is no constitutional piohlbltlon against the noard of scheiol control lilrirg the controller as an Indiv idual nnd lining him for the servlco for the constitution prohibits onlj an in creMc li liw, i. e, by act of assemWv In nni event, tho controller Is not hound to porfoim the duties imposcel on him by our honorable hoard It jou have adopted the act of 1871, for sections 3D and II have been lereiled by the act of 1SV I.efore cenlli.i'irg my duties with rela tion to school affairs bejond Sept SO next I must know if It is jour Intention to p.iv for work performed by me for tho schools either ns compensation to mo oi to my dorks beginning with April 3 last Very rcspectfullj, i; Howell, city Controller It was accompanied by an opinion ftom City Solicitor osburg to tho ef fect that In his opinion the boaid can bite a clerk to assist Mr. Howell or can hhe him to do such work as It Is nccessaty for him to do for the boatd In connection with his office. All of the communications were re ferred to the finance committee. Going WestP Why not go via the Nickel Plato load? Many Improvements have been made In the last few lears and Its service Is now second to none. Three fast through trains are run eveiy day in the vear between Uuffalo and Chi cago, while solid through trains of ele gant day coaches and vestibule buffet sleeping cats aie lun between New Vork and Chicago via the Lackawanna load. Remember, that rates via the Nickel Plato road are lower than via other lines For information call on any ticket ncent of the Lackawanna road, or ad dress F. J. Moore, general agent Nickel Plato Road, 291 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Scranton College of Music,' 320 Spiuce Street. Haydn Kvans dliector. Piano, or gan, Haydn Kvans; lee, harmony, counterpoint, D. J. J Mason, Mun. Doc: elocution. Miss Pauline C. Hull. An oigan for tho use of pipe organ pupils furnished at the college. The Keystone Republican Club Will hold a meeting at Hovvatd Place ball tonight to transact impoitant business Smoke tho Hotel Jermyn Cigar, 10c. Gentlemen Who appreciate a cigar made from the finest Vuelta Abaja tobacco should buy our ' Magnifica" Key West Cigar possessing all the character istics of the finest imported cigars. Price per box $3.25 or $65.00 per 1,000. Park & Til fords "Mi Favorita" at their list price, Price list supplied ou de mand. E. Q. Coursen 420 Lackawanna Avenue SCRANTON'S BANNER " INDUSTRIAL YEAR GRATIFYING REPORT FROM BOARD OF TRAD15. Very Deslrablo Additions Made to tho City's Industries and More Coming Project to Locate a Tin Plate Mill Here Is Submitted to tho Board and Referred to the Manu factures' Committee Full Text of Secretary Atherton's Interesting and Gratifying Repoit. The board of trade held Its first po.t vacation meeting last nltrlit and wns gratified with an Interesting report from Secietmy Athcrton, showing that this lias been the city's br.nner Indus trial year and that the board of trude Is mainly responsible for tho same. The proposition to establish 11 tin plate factory hero was also lecelved and dis closed. Following Is Seeieatnij Ath erton's jeport: To the I'lesldent tind Membets, Scran ton Hoaiel of Trade Gentlemen: Inasmuch as the Indus tilal growth of our cltv. dutlng the present vVor, has ben so nintked, it was thought that a hilef resume of what has been accomplished along that lino would not be amiss at this time. Tho Kellnr Piano rnetoiy, which, thiough our efforts, was induced to move fiom Urielgeport, Conn., to Scran ton, is working at Its fullest capacity, employing 5.! skilled mechanics and turning out twenty complete pianos per week. They manufacture their own cases, fiom the lumbei, "In the lough," to the finished mahogany, wul nut ot oak finish An enlargement of the plant is one of the piobahllltles In the near tuture. necessitated by tho steadily Ineieaslng demand for their product. Mr. Kellar speaks in tlie most enceiui aging teims foi thu futuiu out look for this business. The Scianton Holt nnd Nut coni panv's plunt Is now well advanced to waid completion. The wniehouse and fuctoiy are both under root and me lolling milt building will be enclosed in about ten days. Tills plant will begin operations about November 1st. so far as the llolling Mill Is concerned, and will be In full operation on or- be foie December 1st. employing at lenst 200 men. The plant Is being erecteel In a most substantial manner and when completed will be an up-to-date fac tory. uuiijDings or hhick The buildings aie of brick, excepting the Rolling Mill, In which the best yel low Pine Is used, being covered on the outside with coiiugated iron sheets The mill will be equipped with a 20 inch ' puddle train" and a 12-Inch fin ishing tiain, by which the mateilal for the finished pioducts of bolts and nuts will be mnnufnctuied The C-acre plot on Poplar street on which this plant Is being elected will admit of the works being lnci eased to twice Its piesent size. The capacity of the present plant will be 10,000 tons of finished product per annum, approximating In value $400, 000, of which theie will be disbursed for labor at least $100,000 per annum This Is without doubt one of the most valuable Industries that Scianton has ever secured, and Is destined to become one of the largest. On the corner of Monsey avenue and Poplar stieet Is now being' constructed a latgo silk mill, which will be owned nnd opeiated by the Klots Throwing Co, people of Caibondale In 1S97 through our efforts the Klots companv opened a small mill in this city and have since that time contemplated the election of a more modern plant. The mill now being built will be of brick, ICOxlTO with an annev 26x118, three stories high on the front, balance two stories. Contract price $30,000, not In cluding machinery. They will emplo from 200 to 400 hands The piano factory, the bolt and nut works nnd tho Klotz silk mill are all within a stones throw of each other and when completed and in full operation will convert that section fiom a quiet suburban district to a verltib'e hive of industry It will pay those who hao not already done so to make a visit to that section of the city. PRINTING PLANT. The Colliery Knglneer Co. aro about to commence the construction of a largo printing establishment necessi tated by the lnige Increase In their business. At the present time they nic lu Ing this w ork done In New York city to the extent of $100,000 per year. They purpose concentrating all of this work at their new plant In this city, which will employ an additional force of one hundred and fifty hands. The building will cover nn entire block and will be a first-cluss up-to-date establishment, where all kinds of printing, engraving and lithographing, exclusively for their own business will be done. The importance of tho extensive busi ness of the Colliery Knglneei Co , to the city of Scranton, Is little understood by our people. The enormous amount of work done by tho army of hands em ployed, numbering nearly six hundred, tho vast territory covered, comprising practically the entire United States and beyond the sea; the 110,000 students. 00, 000 of whom are active, that are re ceiving Instruction In all tho technical branches, dliect from the homo office In this city, is certainly n wondeiful achievement It Is also surpuslns: that so few of our citizens especially the members of the hoard of trade, have visited this establishment, notwith standing that n general Invitation has been extended to the public and guides are at all times In readiness to show the visitors about. For the past two years the Board of Tiade has advocated some method whereby our paved streets could be le paiied and kept In lepalr for a deflnlto period Through the efforts of the members of this organization tho elty councils havo passed certain legislation which has resulted In putting our stieets In first-class condition, and will continue to keep them thus for tho next ten years, at a price less per square vard than Is enjoyed by nny other clt In the state, all of which Is very gratifying, and for that icason Is most lespectfully submitted. The report was received nnd itferred to the publication commltteo to bo placed before all tho members of the board nnd the public generally. THE MANNER YEAH. President Keller said he agreed with Sccretaiy Atheiton that this was the city's banner Industrial year nnd that th board wa& to ha congratulated, on th results. Colmel Hitchcock referred to tho school of mines featuro of the report and emphasized what tho secietaty hud Fald about the Immensity of the Instl tion. 'Tew Scrnntonlans," said Colon el Hitchcock, "icallze Its nluo to this city In tho way of ndei thing. It has students nil over the world and Its publications gei Into eveiy Ian J. It Is of untold benefit to the city In this re gard alone." As an lnstnnce of the Immense busl- ness done bv tho school, Secretary Atherlon told that It buys $4,000 worth of portage stamps at tho Scranton of fice every month. The pioposltlon of L. K. Torbet to establish a tln-plnte factory In Scran ton war) Hiibinltted by SecteUty Ather- ton nnd referred to the manufactur ers' committee. The members of the. board evinced a deep Interest In the project and piled Secretary Atheiton with questions re garding the details, all of which he answered with a readiness that be spoke a careful and painstaking study ot the question. Mr. Torbet's plnns call for a capital of $200,000, of which ho will furnish $25,000, This will permit ot the erec tion of a $165,000 plant that will employ 400 hands, Two responsible parties have agreed to take the entire product of tho mill. MR. I-OOMIS APPLIHS. An application for membership was received from K, V Ijoomls, superin tendent of mining of the I.nckawanna company. The resignation of Samuel Hlnes was received nnd accepted. The resignation of Theodore H Dibble, rep resentatlvo of the Wnshbum & Moen Manufacturing company, before It was absorbed by tho American Steel and Who company, wns held over. A communication fiom the iiuffnlo Merchnnts' Hxchange, booming the Pan-American exposition, wus referred to the tiansportatlon committee. An other from the Philadelphia board, ask ing the Scranton board to get up an excursion to the export exposition, wns "filed" on motion of Mr. Ionising, who characterized the requestlis being Just a tillle nervy. "Ict Philadelphia do Its own booming," he said. Colonel P. i, Hitchcock, .1. A laps ing and W. H Peck were appointed a special committee to frame subjects for discussion to be submitted to the na tional board of trade when It meets In December. ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. Police Believe It Was J. Coleman, Colored, Who Robbed Mrs. Jane V. Huntington. A negro wns ai rested yesterday af ternoon and Is now locked up In tho Central station who the jiollce nre con fident Is the man who robbed Mrs. Jane V. Huntington of over J100 on Monros avence Saturday evening. His nnme Is J Coleman and he lives In nn alley running from Webster ave nue letween Mulberry and Vine streets. Chief Kobllng and Detective Molr were investigating the affair yesterday and learned that Coleman had been play ing caids on Sunday nnd that he had lost a large nmount of money. They learned his address and stnitod t'er the place. Upon reaching there Detective Molr went to the back of the house while Chief Itobllnc entered bv the front door. Coleman was Inside and loudly protested his Inoconce. He actrel very nervous, however, which excited the chief's suspicions. When they started down the alley for Webster avenue, Coleman asked the chief not to tnl e hold e.f his arm as he did not wish the neighbors to know he was under arrest. The chief complied with his reeiuest but caught bold of the beck of Coleman's coat un known to lilm. As soon ns the avenue was reached, Coleman made n dash for liberty, but Chief Holding having bold of bis coat neatly stopped him. Detective Molr came up at this time and together they threw the negro, who is epilte a pow erful man, to tho ground and placed the handcuffs on him When searched nt headquarters he was found to have a little over $17 in e-nsh on Ms person. There was also a sharp knife found In his possession which tho police believe was ni.ed to cut the handles of the satchel off. It has also ben learneel that Cole man was formerly employed around tho bakery to do odd jobs, so that he was nware of the fact that Mis. Huntington was In the habit of carrying sums of nionev home with In r He will be given a hearing this morn ing In police court nnd will undoubted ly bo held for couit. Another colored man named Arthur Wilkinson, was anested yesterday on suspicion, prior to the arrest of Cole man but was later taken before Alder man Millar rnd discharged. A Welcome to Admiral George Dew ey, the Hera of Manila. On September 29th, there will be 5 grand land parade, led by tho marines who did such gallant servlco for tho flag In that great engagement before Manila. On September 30th, there will be a grand naval pat ado up the Hudson River, led by Admiral Dpwcj's famous sea fighter, tho flagship Olympia. On September 28th and 29th. the' Lackawanna railroad will sell reduced rate tickets to New Yoik and return, good to 1 etui n on or before October 4th Sixteen solid vestlbuled trains between New York and Scranton eveiy week day. Only four hours' ride, o. two hours quicker than any other toutc. Grand Welcome to Admiral Dewey. New York, September 29th and 30th. The Central Itallrond of New Jersey will place on sale excursion tickets to New York and return at reduced fares for this occasion. Smoke tho Pocono Gc. Cigar.- "Oregon" Box Calf... Maelo of Whlto Itt'H & Co s box calf, a hIioc vvitli a rVpututliin, a ml n us tho ruinous I S lliittleshlp Orecon is known tho world over -a staunch bhoe nnel u.Htmincli ship Men's Box Calf, Doublo $3.00 Holes Mnvs' Dox Cilf, Doublo Soles ... . . Youths Ilox I'ulf, Dou ble) Holes . . .. . 2.00 1.75 Vour siree In mock anel every pair wurrnntoel to wear or a new pair in placet of them 410 Spruce Street. "T- 4..n- 4 -r-r-r-r. Rapid Rise In New Jersey Real Estate. Lnst week a plot of land fronting the board walk In Atlantic City was uold for $243,000, which less than ten yenrs ago was purchased for $r,!00. An other piece eif property that wns two months ngo offered for $15,000 is now held nt $140,000, an offer of 5100.000 for It having been refused. As nn ex ample of the rupld lncrense In the value eif teal estnto It Is doubtful If this can be paralleled In the country Eliza beth Dally Journal. Tho Qtowth of New Orange. The growth of New Oinnpc on on" side and Hoosevelt Manor on tho other Is making Judge Wlnckles property, known ns Prospect Park, more valunblj every day. Crawford (N. Jl Chroni cle. llulldlng lots ot New Ornnjie, $32,".. New Ornngo Industrial Association, of fice, 414 Sptuce stieet, Scranton, Ta. -- Allentown Fair. The Lehigh Valley inllroad will sell tickets from Scranton to the A'len town fair and letuln at special b w rates, Sept. 19th to 22nd. good for e turn to nnd Including Sept. 23rd Speclnl one day rate of $2.C0 will be made on Sept. 21st. Tickets good go ing on special train lenvlng Scranton at C.45 a. m. on that elate, returning on special train leaving Allentown 8 00 p. m, on that date, or any regular train except the Black Diamond express the following day. Consult Lehigh Valley Railroad agents for Information, schedufe, spe cial train, etc. Dewey Day Celebration at New Yoih Sept. 20 and 30, 1800. The Delawate and Hudson rallroa 1 will sell excursion tickets from nil sta tions to New York and return nt on fair and a third for the tound trip. Tickets will be good going Sept 2Sth and 29th and good to return on tialns leaving New York on or befoio Oct 4th, and to destination on or before Oct nth, 1899 " Y. M. I. Reunion, at Lake Ariel Sept 20. Archbald, Olyphant, Scranton, ndults, Toe, chil dren, 40c. vnibondale, Ma field, Jer myn, 90c nndOe. Avoca, West Avoca, COc. and 30c; Plttston, 6"c. nnd 33. Smoke the Popuinr Punch Cigar, 10c. Finest wines nnd S20 Spruce street. Cigars at Lane's, Tiy tho "Joy Maker" cigar, 5c. For morbid am's Pills. conditions take Heech- One Quart Mason Fruit jars9 39 G Per Dozen. We Sell YOUNG'S HATS, Manhattan Shirts, Monarch Shirts, E. efc W. Collars, FowncV Gloves, Dents' Gloves, Crown Suspenders, Neckwear, Fnncy and White Vcsts. And don't forget, we are head quarters for high-grade Underwear. 'dMJM0 Successor to Bronson & Tallman, 412 Spruce Street. Full Dress Requisites. HONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Telephone 022. Ill to Hi) .Meridian Street, SCHANT0N, PA. Lead, Varnish and Colors Purity Guaranteed. Clarke Bros j0.-a jfir ( 'MJ5'! Tho quality of the oils used In colors determines tho dui ability paints mixing of the Oils such ns we offer will make paint of great smoothness nnel durability. A largo sur face can bo covered and tho coating will not peel, crack or vvenr off until It has done Its full dutj Theso prlrcs will show that good oils ure not expensive. MATTHEWS BROS,, .1io Lackawanna venue. eUHiiniiiiiiiitimimiiiiimiiiiimmg 5 The Authorized tlat tor Young Men. B :KNOX2 JVTEir YORK. i HAND & PAYNE, SOLH AGENTS. 103 Washington Ac, S riiuiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt Pocket Knives . The kind that cut wc sharpen 'em. SCRANTON CUTLERY WORKS 119 Pcnn Avenue. General Mercier Finds it hard to resist the attacks of justice. We think you will find It hard to resist tho extremely low prices we're 'quoting on our stock of FALL NECKWEAR. CONRAD'S, nos backs. Ave, Now Is the Time to Buy Peachei, Pears nnd Plums for cnnnlnge Stook good and prlc 8 will not be lower. PIERCE'S MARKET 110-112-114 PENN AVENUE. 4 Remember Your Credit is Good. 1 4- An Unequalled Assortment of 4- 1 Furnishings I for Fall and Winter on Display X at - ? tffiSSSPi 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Ave 4 4-r 4-H-4-r-r-r-r -M Home e 4 4 4