The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 13, 1899, Morning, Page 10, Image 10

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$ "On the Breakfast Tabto
Concluded from Page 7.
eJ. It Is not contaRlous, but the con
ditions which produce It infect all with
in reach.
One after another was stricken on the
Icc-Iocked ship. In their case, a lnck
of fresh vegetables and the fetid nlr
of the cabin produced the dlsaose. Cit
ric acid was administered in boiled
water and Dr. Vetter prescribed and
nursed the sick men. He amputated
the toe of one who had been horribly
frozen and finally when this man, Mr.
McCall, and the mate died ho nfsisted
in makinpr the coffins and thawing the
earth with ilres to make their Braves.
They could' not be burled for nearly
r week because of the difficul
ties of Interment. Then he placed bent
withes of wood close across the boxes
en that dogs could not scratch loose the
t'askets of the sleepers Over the for
lorn graves he said the prayers and
spoke the last words. Then he fell sick,
although caring for the others, three
of whom, including Hhln?hart, his
bunk companion, died. Of their, bur
ial he knows nothing.
Then the two men who were camping
up the river returned and nclpeu to
nurse the stricken ones. Bui they kept
continually torturing their patients
with boasting complnints of how much
they were doing for them and refused
to give the necessary care. Dr. Votter
In desperation said: "If all these poor
follows had been such as vou I should
have loft them and gone to th mission
for I was the last to fall sick."
For the first time In telling his story
as the memory of all his awful hard
ships, the selfdeninl, th rang and cruel
winter, came over him, Dr. Vetter's
voice faltered in the recital and bury
ing his face in his hands ho wept, with
his wife, down whose chocks the client
tears had been coursing.
On April 10, the members of the In
graham party up the river came down
and discovered the awful condition of
the survivors and pushed on to Kotee
bue mission. Major Ingraham called
a meeting asking for volunteers to the
rosciii. One of his own men. Itnlph
Sheaf, was tho only one who ..fferod.
The major himself, with the Missionary
Semirs. and a 'few others, Including a
chinaman cook and an Indian, started
on tho expedition.
In the meantime the little handful
of dying men only four of them were
left on the boat awaited the? relief.
Dr. Vetter had reasoned tlint at thp
latest the rescuing part would return
bv May IS. The date passed and de
spnlr settled down upon them, "t
never expected to got away," said the
doctor. ' Then it was I gave up nil hope.
Wo knew' that no one could be found
to come to our relief." Apathy suceed
rd despair and tho long struggle seemed
futile Indeed. On tho 21st Major In
graham's party was within three miles
nt tho Klk. They came to an ice gorge
where the waters were Hooding from
the upper rivers. Then occurred one
,f tho bravest incidents In the history
of tho Yukon. Major Ingrahnni and one
other clambered over the mountain of
blocked-up ice and reaching the farther
side found the water rushing about
its base. T'io major undressed nnd
with his clothes hold above his head
waded Into the ley flood. More th.m
once It almost carried him away but hi-!
marvelous courage and that of hip com
panion won and after mail!' other
hindrances tho schooner was reached.
All this was for humanity's sake alone.
Just as Dr. Votter had stayed on the
vessel and nursed strangers.
On May 26 the sick men were put into
n tent. As soon as the river was clear
the Klk set out for Kotzebue mission.
Many vicissitudes occurred on the Jour
ney to St. Michaels, including the
grounding of the vessel and a transfer
of ownership of the same. Practical
ly, Dr. Vetter has boon since the llrst
of June endeavoring to set home.
Dr. Vetter, like Murk Twain, Is In u
position to state that "the news of his
death was greatly exaggerated." He is
nt a loss to understand Just how the
talo was started. Captain Hibbard of
Seattle may havo been the medium of
information received from some one
who saw tho lonely graves on the slioro
of the lagoon.
The nugget which Dr. Vetter bring
home as a trophy of nearly two years'
hardships, wns found nt Cape Nome
which is now the center of tho gold
fever territory. Dr. Votter says that
t-bould he ever go back to the gold
fields it would not be ns a miner but
as a storekeeper and druggist.
"But you won't go back," remarked
his little wifo gently but with convic
tion. Dr. Vetter was met nt Blnghamton
by Mr. Sklllhorn of the I. O. O. P., who
is in charge of arrangements for tho
greeting. It is proposed fi escort him to
liii home where he will be left In the
bosom of his family. A reception will
bo held at some future date. '
There were hundreds of persons at
the Lackawanna station last night ex
pecting to meet Dr. Vetter when the
I:)0 train arrived.
t New Houesdnle Branch.
About twenty stone masons from
Bcranton passed thiough this city this
nornlng enroute for Farvlew and Way
mart to work on the new Honesdale
branch road now under construction.
The work on the new route Is helps
pushed rapidly and new men are being
ndded to tho list of workmen each day
in order that the work may be com
plete before the winter season setR In.
Owing -to the condition of the land
through whlch'the new route runs the
winter season ehould it Bet In early will
delay the work to a great extent.
The work of laying the rails has al
ready been started. The route turns in
n southern direction from Farvlew and
extends to the large knoll near South
Canaan when it turns In a westerly
direction going through' South Canaan.
The route alro- goes to tho Burns
jiYofterty Jn fiouth Canaan nnd it la
surmised that a station will be erected
pn this property Mr. Burns having been
In coffee, te, chocolate, nnfl In mny delicious
beverages, richness is added by the uae of
Gail Borden Eagle Brand
For more than forty years It has given perfect cat!
faction to the American people.
Send for Book oh "IUdif.s."
DoKDcn'a CoNDtnaiD Mitt Co., Nw York
given $500 by the company for the
right of WJiy. At tho Burns property
the route turns to the north toward
Wnymart making one of the most
pleasant rides between this city nnd
the Maple City.
Three carloads of tools nnd appliances
for the week were taken over toFar
vlew this morning. The work of
straightening out the route southeast
of the city Is also under way. Tho road
will he much Improved when substi
tuted for the light one of the old Grav
ity road. Carbondale News.
Tunnel to He 4,180 Feet Long.
The Cross Creek Coal company is
making ready for the driving of the
tunnel from their No. 4 slope In Beaver
Meadow to Quaker Valley. A lot of
coal which was In tho wny is now be
ing blasted and as soon ns that is done
the big tunnel will he started. It will
bo 4, ISO feet long and will be driven
from both sides.
One force will stnrt from tho valley
nnd drive towards Beaver Meadow and
tho other will start In nt Beav.'r Men
dow and drive towards the valley. Tho
Job Is to be completed in nine months
from the time It Is stnrted and will
drain all the collieries on th" South
Side. Hnzleton Plain Speaker.
Senator Lewis Emery, of Bradford,
tho Main Witness Yesterday His
tory of the Pipe Line Struggles.
Washington, Sept. 12. The entire ses
sion of the Industrial commission to
day wns occupied In hearing the con
clusion of the testimony of former State
Senator Lewis Kmery, of Bradford, Pa.
Mr. Kmery is an independent refiner,
nnd was on the stand. He took as his
text that the general discrimination In
railroad rates was the basis of mon
opoly and charged that it' was through
this agency tho Standard Oil trust had
been created. Although the old con
tracts for rebates had been nullified
by the interstate commerce act, he
charged that the same system wns sub
stantially In effect today. If the books
of the railroads could- be produced in
court, all he said could be proved. He
gave an Interesting account of the
building of tho pipe line by the United
States Pipe Line company In 1890-01,
describing in detail the innumerable
obstacles placed In Its path by the
Standard Oil company and how they
had been overcome. Kvery point had
been contested In the courts. Agree
ments with railroads, he charged, had
been violated under tho pressure of the
Standard's influence. In New Jersey
several pitched battles had occurred,
but In spite of all tho line finally made
Its connection with tho Jersey Central
flfti' miles from New York. A recent
court decision, ho said, would, however,
compel the company to go back to
Philadelphia, so that In tho end tho
railroads had proved an effective bar
rier to competition, Mr. Kmery said
ho was now Interested In the Pure Oil
company which, he Insisted, was not
a trust. In this collection he said a
great Inlustlcc had been done to Rep
resentative Phillips, a member of the
commission, who had been represented
by a former witness, Mr. Archbold, as
having attempted, on behalf of tho
Pure Oil company, to effect a combina
tion with the Standard. Mr. Phillips
had never favored such a combination.
Asked ns to his attempt to secure the
enactment of a free jipe lino bill
through tho New Jersey legislature,
Mr. Kmery atated that his experience
had boon so disgraceful in New Jersey
that he was afraid to tell it. Mr.
Kmery produced a contract made be
tween the Pennsylvania railroad and
an oil company In 1S84 which he
claimed proved that the railroad com
pany kept tho rate for oil transporta
tion up to 45 cents per barrel In re
turn for the business of hauling the by
products, bezine, gasoline, tar ,etc,
which could not be pumped to the sea
board, thus giving tho company the
power to pipe Its pretroleum through
for ten cents per barrel and rendering
It impossible for Independent shippers
to compete by railroad. He said there
was Inferential proof that tho same
sort of contracts existed today. Mr.
Kmery found the remedy for existing
state of affairs In government owner
ship of all transportation facilities,
water as well as railroad. Discrim
ination In transportation rates to fav
ored shippers against the general pub
lic was, he said, the foundation of many
of the most burdensome trusts.
Senator Kmery Is the last of the trust
witnessed who will be heard this month.
There will be only two more wltne.-s'w
in connection with tho Standard Oil
company. They are to be heard next
month. Mr. John D UocKefellor presi
dent of tho Standard Oil company Is
one of them nnd Mr. deorgo Rice, vhoe
complaint was mad the basin of the
action of the Ohio courts against tho
Standard Oil company will be the other.
Mr. Sntnuel P. Gompors, president of
the American Federation or Labor nnd
Hon. T. V. Powderly, the commission
er of immigration, are among those
who wil be heard this week. They win
testify on general labor topics and on
Hon. John Wanamaker, of Philadel
phia, has been Invited to appear thU
month on the subject of the relation of
department stores to industry and la
Over Ten Thousand in Attendance at
Bethlehem, Pn., Sept. 12. Over 10,000
people attended the Pennsylvania State
fair today. The races were Interest
ing, though the track was slow.
Tho 2.40 trot, Directors stake, purso
$1,000, was won in three straight heats
In 2.21V4. 2.22Vi. 2.18V4. Second money
went to Zanonla. and third to Maid
Thorn. There were nine starters. The
2,24 trot, purse $500, had ten starters
nnd required five heats, Delliht took
the first heat and Lottie Tier the sec
ond, Captain Wayne then took the
next three straight. Time, 2.2H0, 2.18',;,
2.22U, 2.21U, 2.23U-
Tho 2.29 pace, purso $500, had ton
starters and was unfinished. Free sil
ver finished first In the two heats pa;ed.
Time, 2.18, 2.18.
OF THE JR. 0. U. A. Hi
Arrangements for tho Convention
Are Now Practically Completed
and It Is Expected That Between
1.00 and 1,000 Delegates Will Be in
Attendance Programme That Has
Been Ararnged for the Entertain
ment of the Delegates and for the
Sessions of the Convention.
A convention will be held In this city
beginning next Tuesday which will be
attended by probably more delegates
than was the late letter carriers car
riers' convention. This will be tho
state council of tho Junior Order Unit
ed American Mechanics, which will
convene In this city from Sept. 19 to 21
All the arrangements have now been
completed by tho local committee In
charge of the entertainment of tho visi
tors, who have been untiring but un
ostentatious In their work for the suc
cess of the convention. They havo ar
ranged the following programme:
Monday Reception of delegates and
concert by Bauer's band In the even
ing In front of Hotel Jermyn.
Tuesday Convening of convention In
the Lyceum In the morning. Addrc3
of welcome by Mayor James Moir;
response by State Councilor George 11.
Bowen. city solicitor of Altoonn. The
convention will then go Into secret ses
sion nnd continue till evening. Grand
rally and concert In tho evening at
Laurel Hill nark.
Wednesday Morning and afternoon
sessions of convention. Trolley ride
over the city lines in the evening for
tho delegates.
Thursday Morning nnd afternoon
sessions of the convention. Memorial
services and entertainment for friends
of tho order at Nay Aug park In the
There are 1027 councils of k the order
In this state. Kach council is al
lowed to send one delegate to the state
convention. The local councils have re
ceived assurances that between 900 and
1,000 delegates will be present In tho
city during next week. The first ars
expected to arrive on Sunday, but the
larger portion are clue here on Mon
day. A, reception committee of thirty
has been appointed by the local com
mittee to watch for the arrival of all
State headquarters will be locate t
at Hotel Jermyn, where the national
officers and as many delegates as can
be accommodated will bo domiciled.
Arrangements have been made to quar
ter other delegates nt the Westminster.
St. Charles, Lackawanna Valley and
Scranton hotels. The local commit
tee will open their headquarters on
Wyoming avenue on Saturday morning
Tho state convention of the Daugh
ters of America, the ladles' auxiliary
to tho order, will also bo held next
week, the sessions commencing on
Monday in Grand Army hall. Lacka
wanna avenue. There will be about
seventy delegates to this convention.
A number of important matters will
be brought up for consideration before
the main convention, notable among
which will bo tho amending of the con
stitution, which Is advocated by a num
ber of councils throughout the state.
A large number are also opposed ti
making any changes, so that a spirited
contest between tho two factions Is
Another contest which will also un
doubtedly be fiercely waged will bo tho
one between the titles contending for
the nexl convention. These are Phil
adelphia, Reading and Harrlsburg,
Philadelphia will send 150 delegates
to boom her for the convention.
Tho committee has Issued a remark
ably attractive souvenir programme of
forty-five pages containing a history
of tho order and many views of the
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Curo Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem
ory, nu wasting diseases,
nil effects of or
excess nnd indiscretion.
A nerve tonic nd
.blood bulldor. Brines
t y. "wrtuo piuk clow to pale
&AS2trf checks and restores tho
r bo
SOennrhmc. Q hnxra fnr
82.QO, with our bankable saurantoe to curs
or refund the money paid. Send for circular
huu copy oi our uanitauie guarantee bond.
(teliow labsl) Immediate Results
Positively jruarnnteod euro for Loss of Toner,
Varicocele, Undovolopod or Shrunken Oriwus,
rnresM, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Pro'tra.
Hon, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity. Paralysis and the
Results of Kxccsiive Use of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor, Bv mail In plain packneo. $1.00 a
box, O for $5.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cure In UO daya or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Sola by McGarrah & Thorium. Uru
Rlsts,, 20J Lackawanna ave., Scranton, la.
iTkq RaM "i uotcrpcrlenetJ. (Uscno lA
' I Hu DUwlcuiuUlf70Uiuft.jfraii'rivt
M.D., fiUl. North blithK ., 1'hlUdcl
lTYrUIH bit" b uusriais is crrrj ciio.
i'VAVfcriCoceli4BU'leiurittoeutilnj), LostVltoi
tVU'(41It4ltbrcitorl. Pirti enlureJ. Il3un:&3.
0, Hun. 9 11, Ileura fur louff it and In and danarroci
dttlf 10 JO la 2 30 Vrt th ruifi cure! 4 10 1 0 .
tot Swcra sal Ifctdk. All frtuji tipowi.
SVl n
Y x
by warm shampoos t? Ith Ccticuiu Boap, fol
lowed by llRhtdresslngs with Concuiu, par
est of emollients nnd greatest of skin cures.
This treatment will clear tho scalp and hair
of crusts, scales, and dandruff, sootho Irrl.
tatod, Itching surfaces, etimutato the hair
folllclos, supply tho roots with energy and
nourishment, and produce luxuriant lustrous
hair tilth clean, wholesome scalp.
foil CTtrrwliira. ruTKKD.iitDC. Coup , BoltProti
IImios. 03-"lloiTtoJ'rolucLaiur1uitUJar,"rtS.
This Week of
Now is tho timo to got a bargain
at those prices. You cannot ob
tain them in tho future. Call and
sou thorn.
FIno Dinmond Hints nt $3.00, worth
Solid Gold Hand Hints nt i.2o, worth
Solid Oold Hand Rings at J1.00, worth
Oold Filled Cuff Buttons, 00c, worth
Cuff Buttons, previous prices $1.00, now
Gent's Solid Sliver Watch, Klgln move
ment, $XG0.
l.ncllcs' Sterling Silver Watches, worth
$5.fi0, now $3.73.
Gent's Nickel Watches, S. W., prlco
$3.50, now $1.75.
Hofrcrs Bros'. Spoons, warranted, GOc.
Boners Bros". Butter Knives, Sus:nr
Spoons, Pickle Forks, 37c, previous prlco
Ladles' Solid Gold Watch, Klgln move
ment. $14.50.
Ladles' Gold Filled Wntches at $0.50,
worth $15.00.
Wo also have about three hundred La
dles' Solid Silver Hlngs, worth COc. nnd
75c, will close them at 10c each.
Special sale now going on nt Davldow
Bros. Attend ns we are offering goods
nt one-fourth their original value.
Extra Heavy Solid Silver Thimbles at
Davidow Bros
227 Lackawanna Ava.
Specinl Attention Gtvcn to Busi
ness and Personal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Ex
tended According to Balances and
it Per Cent. Intersst Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
WM. CONN0LL, Preiideat.
HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlce-Pres,
The vault of this bank is pro
tccted by Holmes lilectrlc Pro.
tcctlve System.
At Retail.
Coal of the best quality for domestio
use and of nil sizes, Including Buckwheat
and Iilrdseye, delivered in uny part of
the city, at tho lowest price.
Orders received nt the office, Connell
building, Boom S06; telephone No. 1762, or
nt the mine, telephone No. 272, will bo
promptly attended to. Dealers supplied
at tho mlno. ,
The Dickson Hanunicturlng Co.
fc'craDton and WllUei-Iiurra, I'a,
Mauufacurert of
Hollers, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery.
General Office, Scranton, Pa,
KIMIT nrRPAIEtl DonntNuf.
rLorttitif lit lova rd tmttltlom of
ortrt,ol Kcr.oni IleMMty ar
abioluKl. urr1 by I':ll l'l:('TO
TAIlLr.Tll. Olt prompt rtlKfto In-
ii cn u rMorfa it jrmt. m verj
orirroi ncrtom nemmy
H4WIIMIVI "(in 'vii.iiitaiiiu j
rdiicreiloni creicttiiof etlr ti.
wA ,.. jtt .ll.l .ab.1-b Inn.,.. -.4 k
tion Pi act upth ijattin Ulr
rhfkl mil lua I rm 1 a tk J rtt
in part vitrvr inu puitnc lovvrrj func
bloom to tti
.lie boxes at
OnfftOc boi raiirwtrlul nfirfy.r
undtti C4n t carried lu ?n(
ur money r
pocket, ftoii
everywbtr or mailed la ruin wrapper on tecelrLUi
flc b; Tttt ffcHHurr tv., C.iUB tUiM CMca,"
Sold In Scranton, Fa,, by Matthews
Bros, and McGarrah & Thomas, druggists.
Store closed tomorrow
of a holiday.
The Cheapest Shoe Storb, 307 Lacka. Ave.
plicate it at your habit maker's for double.
We are showing a splendid array of Light Weight Jack
ets especially designed for early fall wear. Come and glance
through the line of about a hundred different styles. You'll
find everything here that you can think to ask for, and more,
too, and priced very lightly, beginning at $i and running up
to $12.50. We don't mean to meddle with your choice, we
merely suggest that no matter how little you pay, you may as
well have the correct thing, stylish, well made and worth the
money, and you can get it here surer than anywhere else.
Whnt womiui I not proud of
her rt whi'ii It oomos out of
the oven with n beautiful
lirnvvn. tender inii.1? What
man is not fond of that kind of
Flour makes Just that kind ef
pie crust, nnd you will soon ho
famous ns n pie maker if you
use it.
"Snow White" Is sold by ull
"We only wholcsalelt."
Carbondale, Olyphant.
Car load Just arrived. All styles,
and prices the lowest. Workmanship
guaranteed cva on
Keep us in mind and you won't re
gret Giving us your patronnge you
will get goods as represented giving
you our easy terms of payment or very
lowest prices for cash. Immense stock
of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets,
Iron Beds, etc. Flva largo floors full
to the celling at
Thos. Keif's Stom, Trinitt,
Thursday on account
"take time or the fouelook."
w mmm tuts
We said tailored, and it's so no
seamstress touched these suits, al
though we've no desire to decry the
seamstress. Men tailors for tail
ored suits, and it's seen at once in
the cut, the fit, the style--skirts as
fashion decrees, sleeves ditto, and
made in all the new desirable cloths
that the markets afford. We would
ask you to look at, for instance, our
$20.00 Suit, and then try and du
Fall Carpets
:0p$L&ZZl "!!3-v5r?SS
in Si
Manufacturers or
Telephone Call, 2331.
311 Sprue) St.
Temple Court bulidlaj,
Scrautoj, Pa.
All acute and chronic diseases of men,
women and thlldicn. CHRONIC. NEUV
12S A Sl'UCIALTY. All diseases of tha
Liver, Ivldnoys, madder, SWIn, Ulooil,
Nerves, Womb, Uyc, Kar. Nose, Thront.
and Mines. Cancers, Tumours, I'll-Js
Itupture Uoltre, ltheumatlam, Asthma,
Catarrh, Varicocele. Lost Manhood,
Nightly Emissions, all Female Diseases,
Ltucorrhoeu, etc. Gonorrhea. Syphilis.
Ulood Poison. Indiscretion and youthful
habits obliterated. Surgery, Kits, Epl.
lensy Tape and Stomach Worms. CA
TAKIUIOZONE. Specific for Catarrh.
Three months' treatment only $5 00. Trial
free In otnee. Consultation nnd exami
nations fice. Oitleo hours dally and
Sunday, 8 u. m. to 9 p. m.
DR. DENSTEN'ReoaunO ChfilTllCll Go's exiSves
wAsrMS. avenue
We offer better inducements
to the carpet buyer this season
thau ever before.
Payiug less for your carpets
than we ask is getting thread
bare spots and dissatisfaction
that you do not bargain for.
Everything in Wilton, Ax
minster, Velvet, Brussels,
Savonerrie, Ingrain.
129 Wyoming Avenue,
Ci an Washlnzton Avenu:. 2
B Opposite Court House. S
Hining and Blasting
Mde at Muoiio and Hush lata Worm,
Kl-ctrlo Ilalterles. UleotrlnKxploiler.
lor explodluz blasts Safety Pints an I
Everything I