The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1899, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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t W n - re
' Inducements
On all our Pianos
and Organs
And Others.
Perry Brothers
203 WjomiiiK Ave,
Depends largely upon the
supplies. The right kind
Wyoming Avsnue
120 Spruce Street,
Mnsonlo 'iomplo
The Only Dentist
lii the City ln Ih n Graduate In
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Ofllce llourb 0 a m to 12 A p in 2 to 4.
Wllliami Building, Opp l'ostofllcc.
-f -f-f-f -t-
r -r 1 -M- - -H 4 4
rem A DECISION -Austrnll in Paddy
(jorm.iu .ind Jimmy Judge will tight 20
rounds for a decision In Music hall, Sipt.
I" 'Hit. llulit Is for u purse and a sldo
TO ARRIVE TODAY -A telegram re
ceived jcsttnlny fioni P J. V Iter, dated
Chicago, III. would Indliatu tint ho will
nnivo In the cltj todaj Mrs Vcttcr
has gone to Ulngli.tmlim to meet him
rLWBUAL TODAY -The futicial ot the
lati James 1J. riant la will tako pi ice at
:! i) ii cIolU this nfttrnoou fiom the fam
ll rtsidLiiti, lTi" Mousey nvenue In
terment will bo In Porest Hill cemetery.
SIXTLLN N13W CASKS -Diphtheria Is
Mill iiiilto prevalent. Sixteen iilw casts
imd foui deaths wtlo loported last wee'e
'iluri were also two new cases of sear
let fever and thiee cases of tphold
level, with one death Tin total nunilii r
ot deaths was twt ntj-iilnc, three less
than the weekly average.
Dtbtit, t;rantl clnntillor of tho Knighu
tif Pjthlas, will hold u special convoca
tlon of the Grand Indira at Castle hall of
Itiscut lodj;o at Not th Scianton, Tuts
tla nlisht. Sept 11 The unwritten work
will In and the degree of
lust ehanrtllor will be conferred on sev
i r il c.indjilitti s
In tin tase of Joseph Lavcnskj, who was
klllid hj a. i u t -In on Cedar avenue, at
Av Mow street, where tliu Seventeenth dis
trict in iln scwci Is being built, Prltl.ij
List, was not held last night, owing to
two important witnesses lit Ing out of tho
cltj It will bo held tumoirnvv night at S
oclotk In tho arhltiatlou loom of tho
couit house.
OPi:N Ain CONVERT -Thcio was a
parade of the Crjstal IIoso,
headed bj the Lawrences band, thiough
tlu mintliml sin eta of the ecntial cltv
jistudij, and afterwards theio was an
T n air concei t at the Hose houe on
Linden street. All of this was to adver
tise the fnct that tho Crjstals will bao
u pitnio In tho Itound woods this ufter
noon und evening.
PAY DAYS --Tho Del iwarc, Lacknwan
na and Av rstern companj paid on tho
southern division of tho road, and at tho
Cuvugi and Urlsbln minis jtsterdaj
Tin trainmen will be paid tndij, and thW
will conclude tho pajs in this section for
this month 'Hit Delaware and Hudson
compinj paid at the White Oak nt
Arehbald, and .lcrmjn at Jennjn, mines
Haturday, and Nns 1 and 3 and Powderly
mines at Carbondalc, esterdaj
WAY IT OCCl'HKUD A letter re
ceived from H II Uloins jesterdav ex
plains how his namo was mlted up with
tint of tho man who committed suicide
In a Philadelphia hotel Saturday night
Hlorns occupied the room In the hotel
btforo tho sulilde nnd letters addressed
to him which ho left In the room when
In It ft led tho police oflletrs to suppose
tint the sulcldi s mime was I Hums
roil Tlin PHILIPPINES -The follow
Ing nun enlisted b Lieutenant Thomut.
Muiphy for tho Porty-si vuitli regiment
of Volunteers, which will nee service In
the Philippines, will leave foi Camp
Mendo nt Mldilletown, today at 2 18:
James Corbett, Clarence Hostile, John
Mcllale, John Dunlavej AUUon Thorns,
ton Thomas Casey, Joseph Newman,
John Pyshe, of Compiny C, Thirteenth
Jegltnent, Hlmer bhaunon, of Company
A. Thirteenth, Amzl Miller und Thomas
SIONUD HY Till: MAYOR -Tho foi
'lowing resolutions were jesterday re
turned to citj Chrk Invelle with iho
majors slgnutun I'TxIng a nominal
valuntlon of Jlfti) a jear for ten enrs mi
the Klotz silk mill directing that bon
nets bo placed on tho Mattes street
lirlelge, authorizing tho city clerk to pub
lish the petition for paving Costnllo
court between Vim- and Olive slrtets,
providing for the erection of a flio hv
drant on tho corner of Wheeler nveimo
and Linden street: awarding to tho liar
bcr Asphalt companj tho t'outtnet for
luvlng Clay uvouue, botween Pino and
Myrtle streets; exonerating the taxis of
Thonius Ruddy, of the Seventh ward and
Dald Y, Jones, of tho Fifteenth ward.
SnTJL lab el
Names of Those Who Participated In
Exercises Yesterday.
The Christian Alliance convention,
which began Sunday moiuing, was
largely attended at till the bpshIoiis dur
ing the day. A. D Jackson, ot New
York, gave a helpful Bible study on
' Waiting on God," at 9 30 it m , Rev.
i:. 1. Whiteside, of Pittsburg, preached
ut 10 30. Hew and Mrs I II. Senft,
who liuo recently teturned from Pal
estine spoke In the nfternoon of their
visit to that land und the mission sta
tions of tho alliance, of which Mr.
Senft is homo superintendent. At
night addresses were given by a for
mer priest nnd nlso Mr. Whiteside
Yestcrdny tho following took part:
At 9 30 a m.B K Armstrong, ot Pitts
ton, gave a Ilililt lending upon "Prayer,
the Command to Pi ay, Its Purpose, and
Conditions" Mis Anna Medlej, of
Boston, followed with an address upon
"The Will of Ood." nnd How I' II.
Senft spoko upon "Ilumllltv," from
Phlllplnns, second chapter. At 2 p. m
A D Jackson led a spirited testimony
meeting, nfter which odd! esses were
given by Superintendent 13 D. White
side upon "The Man of Praer," and
Mts Senft upon "The Unity of tho
Bodv, or Church of Christ" Mr. nnd
Mrs Senft sang ' Yielded to God " The
New Yoik quartette arrived In the nf-
teinoon and sang one of their stliring
songs. They will sing at all the ses
sions today and will also speak during
tho convention They aic among the
piominent alliance workers of New
York state Rev. Howard Smith, fiom
the Soudan, Afiicn, Is expected today,
and toninriovv Miss Louise Shepard
will nrrlve The sesidons are held fiom
9 to 1J. Hlhle study and nddtesses, 3 to
4 "0, addresses also at " 30 p m.
The visiting friends will speak and
sing The public Is coidialb Invited to
nil the services The tent nnd tnbei
nncle are located on Jeffeison avenue,
near Delaware stieet
Organized to Cany on the Business
Heretofore Done by tho Ameri
can Mutual Indemnity Co.
The Pennsylvania Casualty company,
with a capital of $100,000 and a surp'us
of $'0 000, was oiganlzed jcsteidny at
a meeting held at the ofllto of AV. W.
Watson, Tradeis' National Hand bulll
inir The stockholders ot tho
composed of gentlemen piominent in anil business circles In
Scinnton, Philadelphia, Mauch Chunk
anil clsuvv licit1, tleeteil tho following
boaid of dlreclois: Thomas K
Iliooks, coal opeiator, Scianton; AVIl
Ham Council, coal operatoi and pre si
dent of Thiid Nation U hank. Scian
ton, A. C. lullei. ticsutur Scranll:.
Stove woiks, Sti.inton, P.i ; I'lleh (Sil
beit, capitalist, Hau Claire, Wis.; Al
fred Haivey, silk manufactuiei,
Scianton, I'a ; Kdvv.ird S. Jones, coal
opeiator, Scranton, Pi.: ' II. IoIim
son, superintendent Knterprlsi Pow
der Manufactuilng companj, Or.uv
dale. Pa ; John L Kemni'ie-, at'ouie;.
nt-l.ivv and capitalist, scinnton, Pa ,
13 P. Kingsbury, lce-Prcsi 1 -nt n'i'
bune Publishing conn enj, secretarj
and treasuier 13ntorpr's Powder Mm
ufactuilng company, SerMiton. Pa ,
Hlmei H Law all, vIce-picMd"tit Inter
national Coi respondent Sclnol, Scran
ton, Pa ; Thomas it Patton, vice-president
Union Trust tommy, Philadel
phia, I'a , Thomas M Hlghtet, presi
dent Mt. Carmel Hnnkl ir companj and
coal opeiator, Mt Carmel, Pa : W. C.
Teter. liistunnce, Scian'Dn, Pa., W I.
Whitney, AVhitnej- & Kemnieiei companj-,
Philadelphia. Pa . D J. S.
Wintz, coal opeiatoi, Muc'v Chi"ik,
I'a : James J. Williams, pr'Fiilent Mn
ehants' and Mechanics' hinV, S"ranton,
I'a, W. W. Watson, att j-if at law
nnd a Ice-president Traili ' Nation-.)
bank: C H Xehnder, president Dick
son Manufactuilng conpa-., 5 lan
ton, Pa
The board met nfter the adjourn
ment of the stockholders' meeting an 1
tdected the following ofllcets4 AV. AAr.
AA'utson, piesident, John L Kemmer.
er, (list Alee-piesident; Thomas R.
Hiooks, second vlce-pieslelent: F II.
Kingsbuij', secretaiy. 13. P Kings
buiy. tieasuiei, AV. C Teter, general
This company Ins been oiganlzed to
c.ury on the business which the Ametl
can Mutml Indemnity company has so
successfully conducted during the past
two j ears.
Sunday Schools, Abington Associa
tion and B. Y. P. IT. Will Meet.
The annual convention ot the Sab
bath hchools connected with the Abing
ton association will be held at tha
Pienldenco AVelsh Haptist church,
Noith Scianton, commencing this
muinlng at 10 o'clock Shoit atldt esses
will be made nnd officers elected Rev
H M. Rodeiick, PhD, will read a
paper on ' The Teacher and Ills Mes
sage "
In tho afternoon. Mis. L. M. Gates,
of this city, will toad a paper on ' Mis
slons in the Sunday Schools," nnd Rev
J R, Ellis and Miss S. C Kilgbaum
will also speak Rev James Hughes
will speak In the evening.
Tomoirovv and Thursday the ninety
second anniversary of the Abington
Haptist association will be observed In
the same chinch Sessions will be held
morning and afternoon, nnd tomorrow
evening the annual rallj of the Haptist
Young People's union will be held
Among the speakers nt the associa
tion meetings will bo Rev J A Evans,
Rev. Thomas do Gruehj-, Dr James A'
Putnam, of New York, Mis Hnirlet
M Jones, ot Philadelphia, Rev M J
AVatklns, Rev. II II Han is, Rov R
r. Y Pierce. Rev. Finnk S Dobbins,
and Rev J I, Williams, of Forest City
Rev. Philip F Hotzong, ot AVaverlv.
and Rev J M Stllllei, D T , of Crozer
seminal y, will speak at the Haptist
Young People's union tall
Going WestP
Why not go via the Nickel Plate
road? Many impiovements have been
made in the last few jears and Us
service is now second to none. Three
fast through trains are inn eveiy day
in the year between Buffalo and Chi
cago, while solid through trains of ele
gant day coaches and vestibule buffet
sleeping cars are tun between New
Yoik und Chicago via tho Lackawanna
load. Remembet. that rates via the
Nlikel Plate load are lower than via
other lines
For Information call on nny ticket
ugent of tho Lackawanna load, or ael
tliess r .1 Moore, genernl ngent Nickel
Plain Road, 291 Main street, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. IIowley.231 Wyoming ave.
Smoke the Popular Punch Clear, lOo.
At the Request of the Flnnnco Com
mittee of the School Board, He
Submits an Opinion on the Mat
ter of the City Controller's Claim
for Compensation from tho School
District, In Which the Opinion of
City Solicitor Vosburg Is Dealt
Friday night last the finance com
mittee of tho board ot contiol held a
meeting to consider Controller How
ell's e hilin for compensation, ns It ap
peared undei the new light shed upon
It by City Solicitor A'osburg's opinion.
Attorney D J. Reedy, the school
boaids solicitor, wns at the meeting
by invitation and pointed out to the
committee how Mr. Vosburg's opinion
was not good law
Tho committee lequested Mr Reedy
to put his qoutcntlons in writing, that
thej- might be presented In toady form
to the boaid Mr, Reedy compiled In
the following communication.
September 7, 1M1
Uoard of Control, Cltj ot Scranton
School District.
Oentlcmen: Again repljlng to tho com
munication of tilts city controller, ad
dressed to jour bod j, asking foi an al
lowance for clttl. hire, and In which an
opinion irom tho city solicitor sustaining
his position Is inclosed, 1 would sav
Tho only Act of Assembly, the constl
tutlonalltj ot which his never been
p.ibcil upon bv nil appellate cotllt In this
state, which Imposes upon tho city con
troller tho duties in connection with tho
school district Mich as supervising school
accounts, countersigning wannnts, etc ,
Is tho Act of Mnj ii, 1S7I,, P 3', P. L
251, which provides.
"He sh ill lnvo the supervision and con
trol of the llsci! concerns of nil depart
ments, bint ms nnd olllces of tho
behind district "
"Ho shall countcislgii all warrants on
tho cltj treasuier and shall not stifle r
anj- ni propria. Ion made bj the
htiiool bnatd to be overdrawn "
"Ho shall be paid a tlxed j early salarj,
to bo provided bj ordinance, which slnll
not bo Incie jxid or clmlul-dicd during his
teim of olllce "
No citation of authorities Is necessary
to miko the foiegolrg tie ir In tho very
reading it Is tmphntlc that the cltj eon
trolle r's salarv shall not bo Increased or
diminished fiom that llxtd bv ordinance
Tho rase of Haldwin vs. Philadelphia,
clteil bj the solicitor, as stutci' In mj
former opinion, Is not anplleuble It
li isses only i pun the question ot salary
mule i Article III, section 11, of the con
stitution, which Is ns follows
"No luw shall etend the term of ai
public ollleer, or Incrcnso his salarj or
emoluments after his election or appoint
ment '
In the tnso cited It was held tint an
orillii nice was not a "law" as contem
plated bv the constitution As If to euro
tho t ffeet of this decision tho Act of lhH
piovldtd II should not bo Inci eased or
diminished bj ordlnunce
The Ait of May JJ. v1. section G I' L
.71 clteil In tin cltj controller and tho
cltj solicitor which provides. "The cltj
controller of um city of tho third class
sh til exercise tho same authority ami
supervision of tho finances and ne counts
of the school district, as he does bv law
with leferenco to tho finances) and ac
counts of cltv affairs, and he shall cnun
tirslgn nil wan ants for tho p.ijment of
money out of the school treasuty In the
same manner that ho countersigns city
warrants, his compensation for such sci
vlces shall be fixed bv tho bchool boat J
prior to his election, and ho sh ill be rt
tiulrcd to give bond to tho sclnol dis
trict, with sure t j- ot sureties, conditioned
for the faithful pet forinunco of hl
dutles, provided, however, tint this sec
tion shall onli opplj to cities having a.
eitv controllei," Is unconstitutional nnd
bis been so hi Id bj- the supreme court In
Com vs Rev nolds. 137 Pa. St 3 S Mr
Justice CI irk who delivered tho opinion
of tho couit said 'The Act of Maj JJ,
JSW. P L 271, relating to school districts
in cities of the third diss violates Ar
ticle III, tection 7 ot the constitution, and
Is wliollv void "
Tho Act of May 21, 1S7I, Is the only law
governing the duties and salarj of tho
tltv controller, so far nu concerns school
tilstrlcts, and I am still of the opinion
tint tho rceiuest of the cltv coutiollei for
mi appropriation to him for clerk hlro
cannot bo legsillj compiled with, and mi
I nt icaso of his compensation will be con
tuiry to liw.
A cue fill examination of tho statulej
and authorities of Prmisvlvuula fulls to
levcal am express or implied authority
f jr the paj mciit of monej from the school
tie isurj to tin city coutiollei Tho
"chool ells-tilct pises no eirdluiutcs and
tni Act of 1S71 would lmplj that he Is to
ret civ e Hilary only from tho cltj which
ulone passes ordlnuncis To make this
iufeicncc strongii we ni,eel onlj mid the
Act of 1SS9 wliieh shows thit In the minds
of the Itglslatuie It was conslde red that
the cltv controller was not entitled to
compensation fiom the i-chool dlituct
nnd by thnt Act It was sought to do so
Salary is di lined "the com
pensation to men In olllcl il and tomo
othei situations "
21 Am and Eiiit Enej. of Law, 413.
Com s Rutlci. ii Pa , St. 11.'.
An additional allowance to the control
ler from tho services of clerks already In
his employ wou d In mv Jutlpmeiit bo an
lm reuse of his compensation as fixed by
the ordinance of the city councils which
allows him tho sum of ?,4(i0 for salarj
clerk, and Incidentals
Now that the subieit has been brought
to tho sin face 0 r n second time bv tho
communication of the contioller Jt might
not be amiss to discuss tho .19t'i s ctlon
of tho Act of 1S74
Its constitutionality Is vlrtuallj assail
ed In the proceedings now pending In tno
yv &gyi
quickly contiuers your hackingcough.
There is no doubt about tho cure now.
For over half a century river's
Cherry Pectoral has been curing
coiosnnacoagns ana preventing con
sumption. Two sizes: $1.00; 50c.
kwp ooe ol Dr. Ayer i C berry I'cctonl
I'ltttcr toer jour lui! II jm couth.
Wrlto Iho Doctor.
It joti liaveany complaint whatcrer,
write tho doctor freely about It Vou
will rocolva a rromnt null, without
cost. AtUrcil, IK. J f AYHt,
I owell, Mail,
i Just a Cough 1
C This Is its story : 3
S At first, a slight cough. g
At last, a hemorrhage
A At first, easy to cure. I
H At last, extremely difficult. M
supremo court, In which the validity of
the present sclioil board of this ilt Is
attacked In .111 opinion by Judge Mc
l'herson of Dnitpliln tountv, not now at
hnnd, It was held, that the eountcrsUn
Ing of n sihool warrant bv tho cltj con
troller Whs liltncPissary 11s the .tllli he?
tltm of tho Act or 1S71 Is ilncoustltuilou il
for th" mason that no icfertncn Is ninile
fo School districts In the title of the
Act. If tho Ait fulls thin the cltj con
troller Is not bound to supervise the nc
t mints, countersign wurruits, ote , of tho
school dhlrlct, hut until such time ns
tho supremo court renders such a d tls
lon the law must stand that It Is tho dutv
of the city oonlioller to perfouu buiIi
services and without nny compensation
from tho f-chool district
Risptctfullv joins,
David J Reedy, solicitor.
But His Horses and Wagon Have
Been Found.
Satin daj afternoon two horses were
found tied to trees In a stiip of wood
land about half a mile from the main
road thut runs through Austin
Heights. A short distance away was
a farm wagon with a. bushel of pota
toes and a few heads of cabbage' in
It. There was no trace of the driver.
The horses and wagon nie now In
John Surbur's bain at Hahylon and
an effort Is beins made to locate the
ow ner.
He Is supposed to be AVIIIlnm Scutt,
who resides between Falls and Ran
som He was seen driving the team
toward Austin Heights Filday utter
noon, but nothing has been seen or
heaicl of him since
Hearing Befoie Judge P. W. Gunster
in the Injunction Proceedings.
Tho Witnesses Sworn.
Hefoie Jtidgei F AV Gunster, In court
room No 2, jesterday, thtte was a
healing In the Injunction case of the
Scranton Railway company against the
City of Scianton nnd Major James
Molr. with lefeience to the Nay Aug
paik loop. The company was tepre
hc'iited by Major Everett AA'arren and
the city by City Solicitor A. A. A'os
buig 13 D. Reed, civil engineer for the
Scranton Railway company, was the
Hi st witness called. Ills testimony was
malnlj' with lefeience to the amount
of cutting the company was reeiulied
to do on Mulberry street and Arthur
avenue before these streets were In
such shape that a ttack could bo laid
C C Mattes, who has charge of the
land of the Lackawnnna Iron nnd Coal
companj-, testified that he drew up the
agreement with the trolley company
giving it pormlbslon to luy a track on
Mulbetry street and Arthur avenue In
consideration of certain guiding the
tiollej company agreed to do This
agreement was dated Aug IS, 1S93
City Enslnoer Phillips testified that
ho gave the lines to the company ac
coidlng to which tho tracks were laid
Fiank Silliman, Jr , manager of the
Scranton Railway companj-, was then
put 611 the stand. He described the
piesent louto to iN'ay Aug which,
ho s.ij-s, gives them practically a double
track On the work of grading and
consti uctlon his company has expended
between $6,000 and $7,000 The plaintiff
rested with Mr Silllman's testlmonj-,
reserving the right to call ex-maj'ors
of Scranton this morning for the pur
pose of pipving that they had knowl
edge of the agreement of 1893 between
the 1 Ity and the companj.
The defense called C C. Mattes as
the first witness nnd had him produce
a map of the land In the lclnlty of
the paik which has Arthur aenue and
Mulberry stieet 111.11 ked on It The
deed of Naj Aug paik wns also offered
In evidence It mentions Aithur ave
nue ns one of the boundaiies. Assess
ment mnps of the city were also In
tioduced, which show that Aithur ave
nue and Mulfieiry stieet aio markel
upon them. All of this evidence was
for the purpose of showing that there
had been ie,cognltlon bj- the cltj for
jeais that these weie public streets
Evan R Morris, assistant cltv cleik,
produced an ngreement bj which the
teims of the fianchlso gianted by the
cltj-' for the extension of the Naj' Aug
line were accepted by the company
This was In 1S91 and specified that the
woik was to be completed within two
j ears Tint closed tho testimony for
the defense and the hearing was con
tinued until this morning, when the
additional witnesses for the plaintiff
will be examined.
Patrick Hrazll wns lined $2 yesterday
morning in police court for being
el 111 nit.
Stephen Sullivan was given ten elajs
In the county J til on a charge of drunk
und dlsoideily.
Albeit Johnson, who took a pair of
slippers from in front of the L'-ster
Shoe store, was remanded for a fui
ther hearing.
The major, after hearing his side
of the story, ehanged the chaige to
drunk and dlsoideily and gave him
thlity days In the county kill to re
flect upon the evils of Intoxication.
John Philip Stiange. who was ar
rested at an early hour jesterday
morning on a charge of buighuy, was
next airalgned. It appears that ho
had been Intoxicated and had entered
the house of a Mrs Deane, on Cedar
avenue, mistaking It for his own
Allentown Pair.
The Lehigh Valley ralli'oad will sell
tickets fiom Stranton to the A'len
town fair and letuui at special le w
lates, Sept 19th to 22nd, good for 10
turn to and Including Sept. 23id
Special one day rate of 50 will be
made on Sept. 21st Tickets good go
ing on special train leaving Scranton
at (K a. m. on that date, tetuinlng
on special train leaving Allentown8 00
p. in on that date, or any regular train
except the Black Diamond express tho
following day.
Consult Lehigh A'nlley Railroad
agents for Information, schedule, spe
clal train, etc.
Smoke tho Hotel Jermyn Cigar, 10c.
Finest wines and clears at Lane's,
820 Spruce street.
LYNETT-In Heinntiin Mmd.o Sept 10,
Ib'A to Mi und Mrs Edwurd J Ljnett,
11 sou,
ASSION-In Scranton Sept 9, 1S91, at the
residence of J C ZtiUlleli, Gil Clay live,
nue, Churlotta Asslon. need 76 jears
Funerill Tuesduj, Sept l., Serrleos In
Hlckorj Street Presbjtetlun church
Interment In Plttston avenue cemetery.
They Roported a Greater Number of
Violntlons of the Law Thnn is
Their Wont Grand Jury Has nn
Aoundnnco of Work on Hand An
Old Law Invoked to Checkmate tho
Boiough Council of Wlnton Wit
nesses Examined in Election Con
testMarriage Licenses.
Couit resumed sittings jesterday
morning after the long summer vaca
tion nnd from now until the first of
next July it will swing along almost
without Interruption Contrary to ex
pectations, no opinions were h.Mideu
down yesterday After the motions
were disposed of the grand Jurors wcn
called nnd sworn nnd H. C. Du Bais,
of this city, appointed foreman Judge
If M Edwards delivered nn exhaus
tive charge, going over In detail tho
Unties und obligations of a grand juror.
It Is expected that upwards o 1,000
cases will come before the Jury duilmj
tho week.
A number ot Impoitaut one3 were
called up yesteidaj-. Several cases
against Daniel O'Leary, the bur
glar who enteied moio than a
score of houses on the hill and in
Green Ridge, weie considered and tho
libel cases of Colonel E. II. Ripple
against Richard Little and Michael
O'Toole, of the Scrantonlan, weto also
An Old Law Invoked.
For tho first time In this county the
court was asked jesteiday to quash an
Indictment under the piovlslons of tho
borough act of isr.l The attention ot
the court was called to the law by At
torney C P. O'Mulloy who represents
Thomas Mack of AA'Inton. a stockholder
of the Seymour Electric Light Com
pany of that place
Tho company In question was or
ganbed some months ago and soon af
ter Its Incorporation was granted a
franchise by the borough council of
AVInton permitting it to Install a plant
and erect Its wires along various
streets of the boroughs It also ap
pears that at some time later the coun
cil passed another ordinance authoriz
ing the pioper olllcials to enter Into a
contiact with the Sejmour company
to light the streets ot the borough for
a term of live years.
Itecentlj other oidlnances weie
passed by the boiough council 1 evoking
the franchise and contract This act
Is held by the Seymour company to be
illegal and yesterday the court was
asked to quash the last or revoking
ordinance under the piovlslons of what
Is known as the old borough net ot 1851
which provides that an appeal can be
taken bj' any person aggrieved by the
passage of an ordinance by a borough
council, said nppeal to be taken when
tho first giand Juiy meets after the
passage of the oidlnannce Judge Ed
wards ordeied the papeis filed and the
case will come up later for considera
tion bj- the court.
Returns of Constables.
Yesterday was the quarterly- ratjir.
da- of th" constables of the county
and the returns were somewhat more
numerous than usual. They were as
Scianton, Seconil AA'ard, Bernard
Davis, constable; Charles Connell,
keeping tppllng house.
Scranton, Eleventh ward, Joseph F.
AA'oelkers, constable AVIlllam Shlck,
tippling house.
Scranton, Twentieth ward, Joseph
Mooie, constable A. L. Dunlavej-,
Thomas Gallagher, Anthony AVashner,
Ernest Genaio, keeping tippllnpr
Dunmore, Thiid w at d Philip Hoff
man, constable P. A Bender, keep
ing tippling house. Return made at
request of Buigess Dan Powell
Dickson Cltj-, First ward, Richard
Han on. constable William Thomas,
keeping tippling house.
Caibondale, Second ward, 13. J
Neaij', constable Thomas Casej-, kep
ing tippling house.
Aichbald, Third ward. AVll'lam
Dougher, constable Patrick Corcoran,
RIehaid Keough, and P. M. Oaughan,
keeping tippllner house.
Old Forge, Fted Addison, constable
Daniel Mitchell, Mrs. Mary Yougooda,
Mis. Stephen Dufalla, keeping tippling
Constable Peter Gerritj-, of th'J cltj,
reported that George street, in tho
Third ward, has been so neglected
that . Is now ?lmost Impassab'e.
The Langstaff Contest.
In the Langstaff election coi'osi th"
following witnesses were examined jes
terday Fourth ward, Second district Henry
AV. Ferber.
Tourth ward, Fourth district Sam
uel Jones, George Coombs, Charles
Coombs. T. C. Davis, J. J. Hipklns,
AV. H. Reese, David Slmfonl, rterf
R. James. Thomr.s AV. Joies, Michael
Ratchford, Frank Gleason C'lwlcs
Carson, E. Jenk'iw, Anl'e' JdIvf n,
Anthony Shark'. J "nph Preach.
George F Thomas, Robe-it Armstrong,
L. L Jones. Frank T'rani is AVIlllam
13 Reese. Evaa Hag.aes Thongs
Stone, Lewis .r,'.ist.
Eleventh ward, Fiist district Char
les J. Mirtz.
Thliteenth ward, Thiid district N
C Benson, Edward Brandt, John Joll
ier, T. C. Stackhouse. John Walker,
C. T. Bellamj', T. K. Benson, Thomas
Walsh. F. M. Sloat.
South Abington J. D. Ajlesworth,
II. G. Smith.
Benton township N. S. Davis.
AA'aveily Andiow Tervvllligeu.
Dalton Louis McLoskej-.
Ransom J. D. Ilopkins.
Newton C J. Thomas.
Injunction Against Mullen.
Hon John R l'atr jesterday ob
talneel nn injunction to restrain
Thomas Mullen fiom excavating and
laying the foundation for a building on
land on the east sldo of North Alain
avenue, of which Mr. I'nrr claims to
be the owner.
An Injunction was grant d and Is
mailo returnable Saturday. Mr. Fan
Is repiesented by Attorneys If M Han
nah nnd T 1' Duffy.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
Thomas McCusker
Katie B. Purcell .
Michael Gallagher
Agnes Eageu .. ..
Frank AVheolor . .
Bertha Slmonson .
Jncob J Hemmer
Emily Gaughan ...
, Old Forge
. Spring Brook
..Hazard Home.
2 lYllliar Ot r GllV,
'i to
W -KS3S'-!a S
EM r l-wV-5(i VIJ WtC-nr'WJtfi. .-vl
1 Irm
3 " " -"T,
m&J4 linc of Dockash Heating Stoves.
'JtsX . Renairs Alwavs in Stock.
flears Building, 140-142 Washington Ave.
Low rates to Denver,
Pueblo, Colorado Springs
and Glenwood Springs.
Th? Colorado Special
Only One Night to Denver.
Leaves Chicago 10 00 a
m every day Arrives
Denver 2 55 p m next
tlav and Colorado Springs
same evening
The Pacific Express
leaves Chicago dally 10 TO
p. m , and is a first-class
train to Colorado also
For particulars apply
to jour nearest ticket
agent or addiess
Chicago & North-Western Ry.
Prlnclpil Aicnclet;
161 Chestnut St. 461 Droadway
, rillCAOO
193 Clark St.
Q .
Dennis II. Cat roll Peckville.
Catheilne Gill Scranton
Susan Mack was gianted final tlls
chaige in insolvency jesteitlaj-.
Court yestenlay. transferred the res
taurant license of D AA' Hauls, of the
Second ward of Oly pliant, to Thomas
The 1 etui n of sale of John Hartwlck,
admlnlstiator of the estate of Henij
Hartwlck, deceased, was jestoiday
conflrmed nisi
In the 'case of C It Rice ngainst C.
B. AA'rlght a uile to Interpleaei was
discharged jesteiday and the sheriff
directed to proceed.
The return of sale of Elizabeth Mc-Munaj-,
executilx of the estate of
Law 1 once MeMuiraj, deceased, was
jesteidaj- eonflimed nisi.
John D Atherton, of Taj lor, was ap
pointed guardian of Mabel A' Knight,
the mlnoi child of Richard Knight, late
of the borough of Taj lor.
The return of sale of real estate bj
George A'. Jenkins, administrator of
the estate of AA'IllIam Mauler, deceased,
wns j-esterday eonflimed finally by the
Maigaiet and Kathailno O'Mallev
minor children of Michael and Maty
O'Mallej-, decensed, yesteidav had
Thomas F Harrison appointed theli
guardian hy the couit.
The icport of the viewers with lefer
ence to the costs and expenses of con
structing the sewer In Schultz court
nnd other streets of the Seventeenth
waul was confirmed finally yesterdaj
A rule was gianted In the case of
AVIlllam II. Evans against the Town
ship of Carbondale to show cause whj
a mandamus execution shall not Issue
It Is made returnable at iiigument
The report of the conunlssloneis was
filed yesteid.ay In the case of Saiah A
Old and otheis ngainst John Gannon
and otheis and the report eonflimed
Rule granted on all persons inteiested
In above case to 1 of use ii accept ap
praisement nccoullng to the repoit of
Maiy J Davis, of Taj lor. tluougn
Aattotney James E AVatklns jesfi
tlay began an action to obtain a ill
voice fiom David M Davis They weio
married Sept 22. 1S73. and Mis. Davis
sajs hei husband deserted h" (irt
10, ISO", nnd has peislsted In hir de
sertion ever since
The Finest Trip for the Least Faie
Is a tilp over the Lake Shoie and
Atlchlgan Southern Rallwaj-. It passes
thiough beautiful seenerj-. It makes
fastest time, its tais ate the latest tjpe
of e 111 -builders skill Its loael bed is
perfect. Its eeiulpmiiit unexcelled If
j on contemplate a trip between Buffalo
and AVe stern titles the Lake shore Is
the road for you to take
Tiy tho ' Joj Maker' elgai Go
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
uuui d in a yJi S) . s?
Bignatun.of 1&ctttl-&C44A
Will admit the hand to arrange fruit or JJ
clean jar. The largest fruit can be canned gS
whole in ihis jai. Cone-shaped cap has 2
many advantages. Best Mason Jars, extra JJ
rullbers and caps, and Jelly Glasses.
vxvaTwA .
"Walk In and look around"
Dockash Stoves
and Ranges
Don't put off buying the heating
stove you need for this winter till
snow flies. Cold weather will be
here on time. Wc should be pleased
have von call now and insneet our
A Great Blow!
Expects the other kind
about Aug. 26 when the
liawes and Miller Hats
Avill be on sale.
305 Lackawanna Avenue
Steam and
Hot Water
Heati na:
Estimates cheerfully furnished
on Electrical and Heating Work.
Most complete line of Gas and
Electric Fixtures in the city.
Repair work given prompt atten
tion. s.
11!) Franklin Avenue.
Elmwood Hall
Elmhurst, Pa.
(formerly Itot:! Klmliurii.)
Open AM the Year.
Tills hotel lift beau roniodeto 1 11 ml rcfltto I
throughout and will optn Its doori Juno 1 1,
1 or rutci, etc. call on or itdilrew
Alt Ideal Health Itcsort, llcauti
fully Situated with l'ull
Lake View.
Absolutely free from malaria and mes
qulloei boatlag fishing, djuclns, tennis,
orclustt 1, itc , pure Llthla water spring;
plentj ot old shade, pine grove ot laigu
tices surround hotel, excellent table;
rates reasonable capacity of hojse, 2GU.
Illustrated booklet and references en ap.
Crystal Lake Refined Family Resort
Mago letivc Ciirbonelale for Kern Hall nS
.1 !!( p m Mn?e leuve I'ern Hull for Cn
bondiiloiit H in 11 in Telephone Coiine.i
tlou "Ker 1 Hull, pay station
C. E. JOHNSON, Manager.
I'ostoUlce Address, Uundutl, I'a
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid Address,
Baltimore, Mu