The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 05, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Miss Edna Saxo Entertained Fiicnda
in Honor of Her Quest, Miss Mnt
tio Saxo, of Albany, N. Y. Meet
ing of Miners Members o' the
Electric City Wheelmen Are to
Form a Foot Ball Club Pet sonnls
and Minor News Notes.
Labor Day on this slilo mis one of
uniisunl quietness. Notblng of any
importance happened during tho day.
In the morning1 tho various Inbir or
ganizations on tbln bI1c ncsoinbleil nt
their rcpoctlve iiunitor-i and niatcliO'l
in a body to tins cential tlty whero
they pattlelpatal In tho monitor labor
celpbratlon. Hundreds of pi'ihon
Journoycd ovir to tho ccntinl city in
witness the sinie. All the stoics vcto
cloned for the ontlio day, oxoopt drug
stores which closed at 1 oclock, but
opened again at fi.
In the afternoon It scorned n- It nil
of West Scmntnn had Journeyed ner
to witncsi the mail c.itil"is parade.
No one was vMblc upon the a venues
except the small bnvs vvlin were pa
tiently waiting for tho afternoon crtl
1nn of the Times and Truth, lively
car going toward Hcrnnton was over
crow ded and yet hundred's walked,
many of whom were unable to secure
street car accommodation. After tho
parade the cars finm the cential city
were ar-iln packed and contained such
large load that they vvou unable to
climb the hill from tho railroad track
to Ninth street. Passengers not vv Wil
ing to be left behind climbed upon tlio
roof of tho ear N'n street car acci
dents were heard of during tho day.
Tn the ovenlng the streets were nllvo
with people, mnnv of whom journeyed
over to the central cltv to se" the elec
trical display. The police up to a '.ate
hour reported no at rests and tho (he
companies had responded to no nlainis.
The day on the whole was very quiet.
Miss Mdna Saxo, of North Main
avenue, delightfully enteitalned list
evening in honor of her guest, MIs
Mat tie Saxo, of Albany, N. V., who
departs tomorrow after having spent
a few pleasant weeks with Miss1 faxo
and other friends.
An enjoyable time was had bv all.
Diversions Incident to such of cations
being menlly indulged In. IUnolng.
howeer, formed tho feature of tho
eenlngs pleasuie. During tho Inter
mission of the dances Mis Saxo
showed hpr guet through the oom
nindlous nuaiters of tin- Hloctrb City
Wheelmen At a seasonable hour th
guests did ample Justice to a bounti
ful repast senod b Mrs. ''axo.
Among those piesent wer- JIl6es
Pnincs' Celery Compound 75c
Pinkham's Compound 70c
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis. . . .75c
Mellon's Food 38c and 55c
101 S. Main Avenue
Ij ll .. Til. I J a"i " ' " ' H"a lll l"lSl a ll II ' 1 "' I "" n"-!! rlTl l iTJ.i"l
t Globe Warehouse
On Tuesday.
Store Closed Monday out of
Respect for
in which every one in our em
ploy participates.
Bargain Day's on Tuesday
Globe Warehouse
; Reecham's Pills
and net Wee maHlo on n went
htomnch and dliordcrett liver.
10 cent! unit ti cents, at all drug (tores.
t in u t ' ' ' ' ' ' A A A 4 ' w a i i n
rilnibeth Helser, Nell rello,s, IMnv
Sao, Mabel Williams, Mnttlo and Oer
trudo Save mid Messrs. Lester Loey,
C. M. ftorm, John lfowells and Turvoy
It is tho Intention of tho Klcctrlc
City Wheelmen to have n icprescnta
tlvo foot ball team this season. Pre
parations me already being made for
tho formation of tho same. Among
tho members of tho club are founl
somo of the best material In tho city.
Men that have played on the Lacka
wanna and High School teams are
(in oiled as members of tho club. Mr
1'dwatd Morse, the powerful right
tackle of last year's high school team,
Is being mentioned for captain, vvbllt
Nelson Tecta Is spoken of as mana
ger. It Is quite piob.iblo that the
team will otganlze during tho coming
A dancing clas also to b foimed
among the membeis 1'rof. ruber's,
lato of New York city, has be l pio
1 urcd at a great cpene to dilll the
lovers of the light fantastic during
the coming winter months. Tho boys
contemplate holding a dan- e once .t
It Is expected that the now biwllrg
alley will bo finished by tho lint of
October. A bowling team Is also being
organized. Friendly contests between
the Scranton Ulcyclo club will be one
of tho featuies of tho w Intel's enjoy
Ueorge Given, tin ioung son of Ml.
loaac Oieen, of North Hiomloy ave
nue, wns slightly injured yesterday
aftcinoon. Young Green, In company
with other pla mates, were jumping
on to wagons passing along Main ave
nue. Ho attempted to Jump on the side
step of a blow 01 y wagon, lni'-slng the
step ho fell to the pavement nnd tho
rear wheels passed over his body. Ho
was culled Into Deckel's drug store,
whero medical appliances were used
to alleviate his plain. He was after
wards iomoed to his homo, wheie It
was discovered that his knee cap was
lacerated and that he was suffering
fiom Internal Injuiles.
Joe Zlmmer, another joung lad, sus
tained a deep gash In tho back of his
head, which loqulrod several stitches
to close. Zlmmer wns jumping on cais
that passed ulong Main avenue and
In attempting to alight fell b.iokwatds.
Milking his head rn the pavement.
Ho was lemoved to his homo.
Somo unknown persons dcslilng a
fioe ride caused lesidonts living In tho
Iolnlty of Kojser avenue much excite
ment. They visited tho bain of Isaa"
Evans, on Kojser .1 venue, an1 vhei"
procuied a sulk, piocotdlng on a llt
tlo ways faitber they broke into tho
bam of rten Ilcadlo and secured a har
ness. Stopping u lew doois farthei on
they visited the bain of (icoige Heagle
and made away with his mule.
It Is supposed that they then in
Jojed a "horseless" buggy lido to one
of the neaibj lalvcs Evans nnd
Rcadlo Eiothor3 searched ail day
1 11
u Ii
for the stolen property, bi. their
efforts were futile. They letl.vJ m
Sunday evening mourning their los.
Monday morning on ilslng caily they
found their rcHpnetlvc pioperty In
fiont of their homos, none tho w rsc for
use. Parties ate under suspicion and
w at rants aie out for their an est.
A reception was tendered, to tho
Misses Kato nnd Mararet Fndden, on
Satuiday ovenlng, at their homo rn
Hampton street. An enjoyable time
was had by all.
Mlses Mai gin ct A Faddcn, of Oil
Pleasant street, enteitalned on Satur
day evening In honor of her guests,
MWses Ethel Thornton and Syrll Mur
lay, or Eltnlrn, N. Y. At midnight
dainty viands wcie served. Flashlight
pictures weio also taken.
Saturday evening Mr. August J.
Gootz wns tendered a pleasant surprise
by his friends In honor of his fifty
sixth blithdav. A pleasant evening
was had by all.
Today the West Side Itrowns, a well
known nggitgatlon of ball tosiers re
siding on this side, will conduct their
111 st annual picnic In the Hound Woods.
They nssuie a good time for till who
Plumbers' Union, No. 0). will hold a
picnic tomorrow In the tamo grevc.
They ate making extensive piepara
II ins tor a largo crowd.
On Thursday the picnic of the vcek
will be hold In the woods. It v. Ill ba
under the nusplces of tho valiant Are
laddies of tho Franklin Eugliu com
pany. Evciy nunngcmeiit !s about
completed and eveiy thing points to a
rrand succesj. The tltemen me only
desliloiw of favorable weather and If
their desire Is granted they expect to
entoitaln nt leat C.000 people. Thoro
will bo an ample supply of solid nnd
liquid refreshments on hand. The com
mittee having the affair In charge aio
working uncoalngly, bent on making
the picnic a grand success.
A miners' mooting Is rnllcd for Wed
nciduy ovenlng In D P. Evans' hall
011 South Main avenue. Tho mooting is
called nt the Instance of the Fnltod
Mine Woikers. It Is the object to or
ganise a bianch In this vicinity.
State Organlcr IJenJamln James vll
bo present to assist In pel footing n pet
nianent organization. Mr. James in
conjunction with other well known la
bor loaders will addiess tho assem
blage. The oiganlzlug of the miners Is
to benefit their social and llnanclal
standing. It is urgently r 'quested
that all Illinois In this section be pres
The St. Leo's Glee club will meet on
Tlunsdav evening at T'.IO o'clock rharp.
The William E. Johns Republican
club v 111 meet on Thursday ovenlng.
Tho mcmhds aio makln,' ctnslve
prepaiatlons to boom their loader dur
ing the coming week pilot- to tho pil-maik-s.
A mass meeting or mlncis will bo
held nt I). D. Evans' hall on South
Main avenue, tomoirow ovenlng, which
will bo addressed by Otganlzer HenJa
mln Jones and other"
David William, son of Tnonias Wil
li mis, of Itt'lleviie, has loturned fiom
Springfield, N "V. , whoie he captured
and pitched for an amateur bae ball
team, lie won twelve tialght games.
Tin- AUIs Mission will hold n social
todnv In Weber's ciove. The pioceeds
will go towards tho building fund.
Tb" regular monthly meeting of the
Wonn n's Foreign Missionary society
of the Waslibuin Street Presbyterian
chinch will bo ludd on Filday oven
lng The f uncial of tho Into Mis Mntv
Griffiths will be held tomoirow after
noon at 2 o'clock from her lato home
The Wobtor Litetary and Debating
poi lety will hold a meeting this oven
lng at the home of Watkln Williams.
Hndvn Evans lias returned fimn
Lake Wlnola
Mls Anna Paisons, of Edvvaidt-dale,
Is Kiting Ml Eva Davis at her home
on Enon stieet
Mr James LaHar has leturned fiom
a visit at Wiikcs-nairo
Mlhs Hertha Davis, of Rebecca ave
nue Is Isltlng in Now York city.
MNs Mnrgmet Hughes, of Kingston,
N Y , is visiting her cousin, Miss Jen
nie Jones, of West Locust street.
MNs Doia Donlvan, of Nantleoke. Is
the guest of friends on tbl- side,
Mr. William Rohan, of Stark court,
Is visiting In Philadelphia.
Mi'J. D. R. Williams, of South Hvde
Pail: avenue Tws gone to Kingston,
I'a , where she will permantly reside.
Mr. nnd Mrs Theodore Phillips, of
Jncklon stioot, will visit relatives In
Philadelphia dining tho coming week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, of Pitts
buig, lotuincd homo yesteiday after a
few weeks' visit with ft lends here.
Miss Annie Hurke will leave today
for a visit with fi lends at Sayre, Pa.
The Daniel O'Coiinell Council, Young
Men's Institute, wilt hold a special
minting this evening at S o'clock sharp.
All members are lequested to attend.
The Mlnnnka team went to Plttston
yesteiday and defeated tho Brothers
club of that place in a loosely played
game by the score of 15 to 13.
Joseph Gallagher left yesteiday for
"I wont liavo on," bald tho leading
lailv, tracicallj, to tho low comccllnn
"Never niprourh nie again on the suo
Jeet Mj mind's made!"
"So s cvervthlnc ole nhmit vnni" Ami
then he fill tlirouuh a garden scene to
doile the witheilng glance she shot at
him Dctioit Free Pi ess.
i nere is a
1 Glass of People 1
Who aro Injured by tho use of cof.
fee. Recently thcro has been placed
in nil tho grocery stores a now pre
pnration called GltAIN-O, mado of
puro grains, that tales tho place of
Tho most delicate stomach re
ceives it without distress, and but
few can tell it from coffeo.
It docs not cost over i as much.
Children may drink it w ith great ben.
cut. 15 cents and 25 cents per pack
ago. Try it. Ask for GRAIN.O.
1 Try Grain0 !
E TiulstthatjourKrottrglYesyouORAlN'O E3
r Accept no tmlution. 3
Ho Wns Creating a Disturbance on
Plttston Avenue Neptune Engine
Company Decides to Make Somo
Chnnges nt Its Rooms Celebra
tion of tho Anniversary of the
Blith of Mrs. Hcniy Zieglcr.
Notes of a Personal Nature and
Items of News.
Geoigo Poole, a well-known young
man of this side, cientcd an exciting
scene on Plttston nvenue, near Alder
street, Sunday night, lie wns Intoxi
cated, and insulted seveinl pei.sons who
passed him. Lieutenant of Police Zang
was called and In a kind manner nd
vlsed tho follow to go to his homo.
Poole became more abusive, and In
formed the lieutenant that, In his opin
ion, he wns not big enough to lick him.
This chapter of tho story closes by
stating thnt Poole within a short time
was an occupant of a coll In the Alder
street station house.
When arraigned for a homing yester
day morning, Alderman Storr dis
charged him, with a severe icprlmnnd.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Neptune Engine and Hose company
wns held at tho company rooms last
night It was decided to place In tho
pailois of tho hose house n pool table,
llbiary and various games. A commit
tee wns appointed to purchase the
goods needed.
During tho state convention of fire
men, which will be held In this city
next month, tho Nentunes will enter
tain the Goodwill Flro company, of
Allentown Fied Royer will icprosent
the company at tho convention.
Mr. Henrv Zlegler, wife of the
senior member of tho hardware and
plumbing firm of Zlegler & Schu
macher, was half a century old Sun
day. In honor of tho occasion a dinner
and reception was given to a few of
the Immediate fi lends of the family.
The day was passed In a pleasant man
ner, nnd tho hostess was warmly con
gratulated and handsomely remem
beied by her friends
Those who were present weio Mr.
and Mis Chailes Zolgler. of Piovl
dence; Miss Hattle Zeigler, Miss Jennie
Zeigler. Mls Alice Zelglei, Master Carl
Xolgler, Rev. W A Nordt and wife.
Rev. Fuellen, Mr nndvMis l,ouls Schu
macher, Mr. and Mis. H. F. Zelglor, Jr.
High maps, commencing at 10 "0
o'clock, will be resumed at St. Johns
chinch. Sunday next, with foity hours
devotion, which will bo begun with a
mass of exposition
Misses Mamie Dndy and Lillian
Riadley. of Erooklvn. are visiting Miss
Mamo Dunleavy, of Plttston avenue.
Misses Nellie and Anna Campbell
and Mis Rosltm nolnnd, of Carbon
dale, aio the guests of Mls Frances
Roland, of Piospect avenue
Miss Emma Seheuch, of Hitch stteet,
Is visiting at Elmhuist.
Dr nnd Mrs. John J Walsh are en
tertaining at theli Plttston avenue
lesldonee Mi. ami Mis. M. J AValsn,
of Honesdalo, and Joseph Logherj, of
Philadelphia, iino of (ho delegates fiom
tha? city to the mallcarrlois' conven
tion Edwaid J. Riown, Daniel J Kelleher
and Michael J. Dunn, lettei can lei s of
New York cltv, were the guests last
night of James F Rest, of Hotel Rest
Comet lodge, Knights of Pjthlas, will
moot tonight at Hartman's hall, on
Pittstnn avenue.
St John's p.uochlal school on Fig
street will loopen this moinlng.
Misses Anna McCioa and Sadie
O'Coylo, of Plttston nvonuo, are i lilt
ing at Far Rockauay.
Miss Josephine Clifford, of Prospect
avenue, has returned froni a visit to
New York.
David Ruike. of this Rde, Is home
from a tluco weeks' stay In New Yoik
James F. Rest, of Cedar avenue, w ho
sustained a severe Injury to his left
band a week ago. was able to be on
the streets jesteiday.
Pen Coal Delivered, $1.25,
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park. Address orders to C. D
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phono C6S3.'
Mr. and Mrs. Iia Orr, of New Yoik
stieet, have returned from a visit
among Hollstorvillo friends.
Kenneth and Mildred Rico, of Brook
lyn, who wns the guests of their giand
father, Luther Smith, have returned
.Miss Reitha Tilpp of Foidham
street, have ictuined from a visit at
Mr. and Mis p. K Potter, of Mon
soy avenue, leave today for the grand
nrmy encampment at Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mis. E. J. McNally if Ponn
avenue, leave today for a week at At
lantic City.
Tho stores of this section will bo
closed today by mutual ngreement.
Mr. Arthur Dielg, of Wyoming, Is
visiting Mr. H. M. Simons, of Cnpouso
Mls-s Helen Tweed, of Sanderson nvo
nuo, Is spending a week at Atlantic
Mis. I,, n. Finch and Mr. and Mrs.
Fied Finch leave tomorrow for East
Ronton to attend the Finch family re
union. National Express money orders for
salo at Manners' pharmacy. Packages
received for this company also.
St. Katherlne's Guild, Church of the
Good Shepherd, will hold an Ico cream
salo in tho guild rooms on Tuesday
The Misses Cora nnd May Snyder,
of Ponn avenue, have returned from
a visit to Wayne county.
Mrs Cllffoid, of Peun nvenue, has
returned from a visit to Fleetvllle.
Mr. and Mis. Mlllaid. of Fleetvllle,
spent Sunday hero.
Chestor Gam'tt, of iHoin'Bdali is:
tho guest of Rev. Tievcrton, of Hones
dale street.
Miss Amanda Tamlyn, of Sanderson
nvenuo. is spending tho summer at
Lake Fern.
Miss Daisy Lnnyan, of Ocean Grove,
is tho guests of Mrs, W. H. Lanyon,
of Honesdalo street.
Complaints aro quite frequent about
the water in Green Ridge,, for drinking
purposes. If It makes you sick, try
Manners' Diarrhoea Cure, which Is the
best in the city, 820 Green Ridge
To utrengthen
tho Momnch,
uno Ilnstrlter'i
Stomnch Hitters
tho remedy re
nowned for Its
cure of
Moo that n
Private Kcve
nue Stamp cov
rr luo nock of
tho bottle.
Albert Whito Accidentally Shot and
Dangerously Wounded Helen Sim-
fer While Cleaning Revolver.
Last Sunday evening about S o'clock
Helen, the- 9 joar old daughter of Mr.
and Mis. John Shaffer, of Throop
street, was accidentally shot by Albert
White Is a boaider at Shafcr's house.
Tho little gill was standing near him
while ho was cleaning bis revolver
when it was accidentally discharged
and the ball entered her abdomen. She
was taken to tho Lackawanna hospi
tal whero sho underwent an operatln.
Whito left tho house for a physician
but foigot to return.
William Thomas, of Pittsburg, is here
to attend the funeral of his nunt, Mis.
Harriot Carter.
Robert Merrlc, of Theodore street,
cntertnlncd his brother, John Merrick,
of Jermvn, eterday.
John Devlno, of West Matket street,
has irttirncd homo nfter a few clays'
visit among his many friends in Jcs
6 up
Mioses Ltda and Mamie Melvln, of
Now Yoik city, i etui nod home yester
day after a week's visit with their
mother. Mrs. Melvln, of West Market
At tho Auditorium on Monday, Sep
tember 11, the Crystal Literary and
Dramatic club will produce a beautiful
comedy drama, entitled "The IJlack
Flog." Admission 23 and IT. cents.
David Williams, of Wllllim street,
will leave this morning to attend tho
coming term at tho Mansfield Normal
The Fiiteh Gap Mission Sunday
school v, ill conduct a grand entertain
ment October Oth.
Mefsrs. R. Row en and Lewis Pern
spent vesterday in Wllkos-Rarre
MIfs P.ridget Gllioy, of Avoca, Is the
cuest of MM Annlo Loftus. of West
Meiket -tioct
Mlos Katie and Satah McD.nltt, of
West Mniket street, nre visiting
fi lends nt Wllkes-Bario.
Rossar Price, of William street, has
aceepted a position at F'nnor 1 Ick
ei 'on's grocery tore.
Tho employe. of tho River slope nnd
Calico mines will ucelve their month
ly wage todnv.
Fdwaid O'lloro, silesnnn for Jordan
Fiothei.s, Is dangerously ill at his homo
on Illicit avenue.
Miss Annlo James, of Olyphant, vis
ited f i lends on Wavne avenue yester
day Mot ran Watklns, of Wales frtrect,
bns returned home after a weeVs visit
with relatives in Caibon county.
Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Han lot
Carter wll take place this afternoon
nt 3 o'clock fiom her lato homo on
avno avenue Interment will be
made In tho Wahburn stieet oeme
tei v.
Miss CKsIo Edwards, who has boon
spnding tho last month with friends
on William stteet, will leave for homo
Di Herman Ressy, of Church nve
nue, is spending his vacation In Phila
delphia David F. Davis, of Green street Is
entertaining William Miles, 0f Klngs
tr n.
Mrs. J. R Howell of Taylor, Is vis
iting relatives on West Marknt street,
'""ards nre out announcing tho ap
proaching marriage of Miss Margaiot
Tones, of South Gibson, nnd Lewis
Davis, of Spring Ftioot
George Nicholson, a verv prominent
resident of Wavcrlv. died suddenly Sun
dav nftcinnon of heart failure. Ho Is
survived by one son, a hoy l! enis of
age Jlr Nicholson was born in Wa
veilv nnd resided theie dining ne.ulv all
of bis life Ho was ,i veteran of tho Civil
war and served with distinction In the
Civil war In the One Hundred und Fort
tlilrd leglmont of Pennsylvania volun
ters The funeral will lie held Wednes
day afternoon nt 2 o clock. Interment
will bo mado at Wavcrly.
Hindus Walk Unharmed Over a Bed
of Live Coals Before Mis. Besant
and Others.
From tho Lnhnie Civil Military Go70tte
A contioveisy having arisen "n somo
of the papers about the iccent per
foimnnco of the Fiio Ceremony at Ro
narcs, an account of what actually
took place, by an English onlooker,
may bo of Interest to tho readers of
the Civil and Mllltniy Gazette, it was
during tho recent convention of tho
Theosophlcal society that, a good many
of us who aio Intel ested In the life
of India below tho sutface being pies
ent. somo Hindu friends ai ranged with
cortnln sect or Shlvnlto Hindus, who
claim tho power of rcndoilng fire harm
less, to glvo an exhibition of their
powets. Accordingly a tiench was dug
In the grounds of the Tagoie Villa
about 15 feet long by 1, and this was
filled with logs of wood, which wore,
left to blaze all day. In tho evening
tho trench was illlcd by a thick layer
of glowlngcoalsglvlugoff a tremendous
heat. At 7 p. 111 wo tepalied to the
scene of action. Our party consisted of
Mrs. Resant, Countess Wachtmelster,
Dr. Richardson, late professor of
chcmlstt y at University College, nrls
tol; Dr. Pascal, a French doctor of
medicine: Mr. Rertrnm Kolghtley, bar-lister-at-law;
Miss Lillian Edger. M.
A.: Col. Olcott, and others. Chairs woro
arranged for us on 11 kind of dais
formed of tho earth thrown out of the
trench nnd about eight feet from It.
This was the nearest point to tho big
lire nt which ono tould bear the
scorching boat. At our back, and sur
1 minding tho trench, wnB a, dense hut
ordorly crowd of hundreds of Hindus.
All waited with eager expectation. At
Inst a hubbub approaching from tho
gates of tho villa announced tho ar
riva of tho procession.
It consisted of a chief priest, who
presided, cairylng a sword, two others
who woro going to pass through tho
flames, and an imago in a glass canopy
I borne along by others, Tho leader in-
tlmated that his two colleagues would
pnss through tho ilcry furnace, and
afterward anybody who liked of tho
malo pcrstinslon might follow them
through tinhnrmed, but no women were
permitted to go through. Then ensued
a most extraordinary and, In some
respects, pnlnful spectacle. It Is a
doctrine of Hinduism that alt tho func
tions of nature, llio, rain, etc., arc pre
sided over by nature spirits. This par
ticular sect of Hindus claims tn have
preserved the secret of being able tn
control tho flro spirits so that t
tho time thoy nio unable to mi
Whatever may be tho explanni.
these aro tho focts.
Certain mvMIc ceremonies hav uiH
been performed, and cocoanuts having
been tossed Into tho flames, tho two
Junior priests apparently became pos
sessed. With frantic shrieks and cries,
thoy passed twice round the blazing
trench, preceded by the chief priest
with his swoid and followed by the
brilliantly Illuminated canopy. Then,
still In a frenzy painful to behold, thoy
plunged up to their nnkles In tho
scorching furnnce and passed back
waid and forwnid several times, tho
red-hot coals and sparks scattering
about their feet. The crowd followed
In their wake, first one or two indi
viduals, until tho others, gaining con
fidence nnd caught by enthusiasm,
rushed through In hundreds, oven lit
tle children of 4 nnd 5 venrs old run
ning up and down tho trench over tho
burning coals exactly as If It had been
a soft cat pet All were unhurt. Among
those who ventured was a bi other of
one of our paity. This gentleman,
whose name I am prepared to give pil
vately, walked itbrough the trench
twice very slowly, and described tho
sensation afterward as having been
like walking over hot sand.
A skeptic among us having pro
pounded tho theory that tho feet of
natives were covered by an integu
ment so dense that It was proof even
against live coals. Dr. Pascal care
fully examined tho feet of this wit
ness Immediately nftei his perfoim
ance, and found the skin of the soles
wns of the normal thickness of Euro
pean feet nnd that they wore un
touched by tho fire. T saw one man
deliberately pause In tho middle of
tho trench to pick up a handful of tho
tlnmlng embers, which ho then enrrled
through to the side. A linen turban
which roll from some one's head lav
on the coals without Igniting, as did
the cocoanuts. Tho priests lemalnod
on the sceno for about twenty minutes,
during which time tho two nppaiently
possessed men were held by others.
After they left the crowd wns advised
to cease experimenting with the fir.
and no more passed over. At this
stage Dr. Richardson and nnsolf left
our seats and attempted to approach
to the brink of the fiery gulf, but tho
heat was so great that we had to tu-n
Opening a Wife's Letters.
Jinks Has a husband the right to open
a wife's letters'
Illlnks (n lawveOCertainly, sir, ccr
tnlnlj ; open all ou please.
Jinks Well, heie Is a letter mv wifo
has wilttcn to your wife and handed me
to deliver. I feel prettv sure there s
omcthlng urplca'-ant In It about me. I
wish vou'd o en it, and If theie Is, Just
burn It up.
Rlliiks Hi rnph! Dors mv wife, know
our wife is going to write to her?
Jinks Ye
Illlnks And If my wife ilmsn't get this
letter vboll find it out, won t she?
Jinks Of course.
Rllnks On fcionil thoughts I believo
thoro is a lew law which makes It a
dimlnnl offense foi n mnn to open hU
wife's letlcis I couldn't take the ilsk,
si ; Indeed, I couldn't.
Costly Setting for a Tooth.
The solitary tooth of Buddha Is to be
contained In what will probably be tho
most viluablo cotfer In tho wotld A
Slum chieftain recently sent to Maul
meln. In Pan mall, an emerald vvoith, it H
declared, two lakhs of rupees. In oiclrr
that the Burmese Buddhists might In
clude It among the Jewels which they aro
going to s"nd to (Vvlon In older to adorn
the tootti-holilmr coffer Jewelry worth
MW) rupees had been alieady received
from Rangoon and Mnndalaj , and the
Mnulmcln HuddhNts hnvo themselves so.
cured Jewelry to the value of 8.1000 m
pees Thus the toti.l value of that jew
elry adorning the coffer will bo about
three and a half lakhs.
An "Unwelcome Reminder.
Wife I havo about made up mv mind
John, that when I married ou I married
n fool
Husband That reminds me of n re
murk ou mado Just before we were mar
ried You remember that you said It
would bo haul to Had two people, mnro
nllke than ou and I. Detroit Free Press.
A Liberal Education.
"Hoes jour daughter speak any foreign
"Not to nny extent. She can say 'es,' llvo of them. In case any for
eign nobleman atks her to marry him "
And Return, Via the Lehiqh Valloy
On September !) tho Lehigh yalley
Railroad will sell tickets to Niagara
Falls and leturn at tho special low faro
of $3.00 for tho lound tilp trom Scran
ton, limited for return passage to Sep
tember 11, Inclusive. Tickets will bo
honored on nny tialn, except tho Clack
Diamond Express
Consult IehiEh Valley Ticket Agent
for further pat titulars.
Tiy the Joy Maker" cigar, Cc.
pOAOI'Plitl'AIIU uonoiHtir
J9T LiCtHftV tiirjOTnu iiitiiiiorn
ill can cf ruiorraio j
Th very
womriieiof Nnon I!j"T';
biotutu); rured by IT-flKHTO
TAIilr.TMui' prompt rent mo in
lift IftlllBK
a it mtmory tud tM wtti
Rnuorainoi ivi (iv"iiiii'u j
Inditcretioni oricieiof nly )?
lmnftrt viiTor nd poUnsf to r trry f unr
BrctupfttJttra air sCUju bloom to iti
f)nliV Ui rantwifltftl ftntrVT KvlUft bOICt
funded I'm bi carried In vt &' pocket P"M
rrjtneie,or mtuea id iiui "ifi:i -;-
trice or THt riureaf' oo., citi '.. 0111.
Sold in Scranton, Pa., by Matthews
Bros, and McGarrah & Thomas, druttH"
, can11
V0? rd I
II. K. L.ONH, Manazer,
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. rtth and 7th.
First Production In This City of the
New rtifttornl Play,
'A Romance of Sleepy Hollow," by
A bright, clean, soulful story, depletlnc
life mnnnerlmns, customs nnd humor of tan
country people of olden times, Interpreted
by on unusually brilliant company.
rittCKS 'J6e, 60c, 750 and $1.00.
Friday, Sept. 8,
Boston Serenades,
In the New Farcical Operetta,
A Peerless Cnt of Principals and an Ex
ceptlonally Well Selected and Carefully
Selected Chorus.
RKatLAit prices.
Week Commencing Monday Matinee,
ieptembtr 4th, the
Wolford-Sheridan Co.
(JllU In Repertoire of Famous riays,
Monday Matinee and Night.
On ths Mississippi
1'rof J W. Rninpton's Dog, Cat and Mon
key Clrcm ut Rvory Performauoe.
PKICK-J IOC, 'JOc and 300.
1 week
Matinee Every Day
ir Club
Biirlesqiie Co.
is teached quickly and com
fortably by
The Colorado Special
Only One Nip,ht to Denver.
Leaves Chicago 10.00 a. m.
every day. Reaches Denver
2.53 p. m. next day, and Colo
rado Springs next evening.
No change of cars and all
meals In dining cars. Another
(list-class train with through
service leaves Chicago 10 30
p. m. dally.
For pattlculars apply to
jour nearest ticket agent or
Chicago (5c North-Western Ry.
Principal Agencies:
161 Chestnut St. 461 Broadway
19J Clark St.
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood.
n..nI.T.v,,-ir TJIo-bt mlRsInnsand.
cuitnuiiuii.111 ,.--- --
wasting diseases, all effects of self
abuse, or excess nu mius
cretion. A ncrvo tonic and
i.innii imiiflnr. Brinrrs the
'pink glow to pale cheeks and.
restores the nre 01 yuum.
..mnll fSflnnprhnT.O bOXeB
IIll a, -J " v I." ' -.-
for trW.ou; witn n, wruien gu"u
teo to euro or refund tho money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO. ILL
Sold h McGaiTdh & Thomas, Drug
gists,, TO Lackavvanra ave., Scranton, Pa.
A A A -
Affllnfarl0 unfortunate athrefiftom
Youttful Frrori Lmi Ylttlltj VatieowU. tw.
vnl for hworn TetlmtnUU s4 Pk '
Tih A n..r 1 1.' tiii fi. t n .
lSfll North hliih St., ihlUdcUfain. .
CI'n. I'sjtltlvf-lr tb oolr imcUIUi la U .
J Ualicd bnts to our e? o tboucb th moil cltbratt4 pc
ilallittfaiM Frrtheiiicurp41a4to lOiftja Hnri9 1 18
'TTTft'TTT f V W
K mtL M iVlMl
mi Ck- tm ctk k . -
MJ,l..rrtoitt jiivattM muino Slm
urr.Impoteacr, BlQplajuies,etOjCauud
br Abato or other Txeeues ssa Inu'v
cretlonh Theu yutcMy and lurtlv
roitor hort V ItuUt la old or joob. tnu
Ctamaaforttndr, baeloess or mimsfs.
l're'ant Iaunltr anil OoaniBntlon It
iukr in tims. Ibelmja edoiri irtmedUU Impror.
men' vna eaecu n cjuitt nnero su otasr 1411 In
lit jaa blir tba tensiss AJu TsbUts. Tbey
have cured tboutandi ana will cure jou, Woslr0ao.
itlTarrrltleniiuarant to eflect a rur CA pTQ ia
oach c or refund the noaar I'rloe WW W I Ot ner
lrLooei or atz rksea (full treatment! for I1W. lit
nicll. in plain wrapper upon recelptot rrloa. Clrculw
" AJAX REA1EDY CO., 'Wg.S'tt'
For itale In Scrantcn, Pa,, by JIatthewi
Bros, and II. C. Sanderson, drucslito.
You cannot afford
& fry i jjy jUB
5. TV T
j Njj1
to create a poor impression of your
business standing and ability.
You will if you send out cheap,
trashy printed matter.
We do the kind of printing that
makes a hit, inasmuch as we have
THE material and employ people
who know their business.
The Tribune Pub. Co,