The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 05, 1899, Morning, Page 10, Image 10

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    HTST" 7 fW
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
0l GIN9 powom
Firing ft Noon Gun nt Teheran, Per
sia Very Good Time In Africa if
There Is a Telegraph Line to
Greenwhich Four Kinds of Rail
road Timo in El Paso.
From the Now Yolk Sun.
The ordinary method of reckoning
time In Mohammedan countries Is from
sunset to sunset. Twelve o'clock Is at
sunset, and this Is the beginning of
the day. Two periods of twelve hours
then nass till the next sunset,
whereupon overyhody sets his watch,
if he has one, backwntd or forward,
according to the season. Of course,
accurate time Is Imposslhlo under such
n system. The teloKraphs and rail
roads In Syrln. for example, keep any
thing Jnit exact time, though It might
lie procured from the observatory at
Ueyrout, which uses Its mean time. In
Teheran. Persia, a midday pun Is fired
by the time shown on a dial, and this
in spite of the fact that the correct
local mean time might he procured nt
the telegraph olllce. which Is regulated
dally by a time signal from Greenwich
and Is the time standard for all tele
graphic business. Hut the merchants
and the street car company keep gun
time, and the railroad trains do not
seem to require a time table at all, ns
they seldom start until full or required
to start by a government order.
There are out of the way parts of the
world that keep very good time, be
cause their clocks are regulated by
telegraph from Greenwich and then
the Greenwich mean time is reduced to
local time according to longitude dif
ference. Thus, at Logos and the Gold
Coast, West Africa, the local time Is
checked dally by telegraph from
Greenwich and transmitted to all the
telegraph olllces In the colonics. The
time at Accra Is only forty-six seconds
slower than that of Greenwich, and Is
the time used throughout the Gold
Most any sort of time Is kept In
China. As a rule, the Chinese use an
apparent sun time obtained from sun
dials. The foreigners at the ports on
the coast use an approximate local
time calculated from the Shanghai
timo, supplied by the telegraph com
panies. In the great city of Tientsin,
with a million Inhabitants the timo is
determined by the municipal chrono
meter, which is the town-hall clock. It
Is supposed to be regulated every Sat
urday, when the community may set
their watches, but It has been known
to be In error nt least three minutes.
Last December was the time when
all the towns In Colombia were ex
pected, thereafter, to usa tho time of
Bogota, the capital. With this respon
sibility upon them it Is hoped that the
public clocks of that city will Improve
in their timekeeping, for visitors ut
Hogoln say It Is nothing unusual for
the public clocks to disagree by fully
a quarter of an hour.
In India, the standard time for the
whole of the peninsula is the mean
time of the Madras Observatory, and
this time Is used on through lines of
railroad, and In recording the time of
sending telegrams to foreign countries.
Local time Is, however, used In most
towns and villages, and It is announced
by clocks striking, gongs, bells nnd
guns, the signals being given from
churches, treasury buildings, forts and
telegraph olllces. The local clocks are
set dally by the time telegraphed from
Madras, and each telegraph office has
a closely printed table, tilling about
fifty pages, giving the different be
tween Madras and local time for all
the government telegraph ofllces In In
Not a few countries constantly use
two standards of time. This is not
troublesome nt all when we consider
that, before the adoption of the hour
zones, the railroads across our own
continent employed about seventy
standards of time In making up their
time tables. Railroads and telegraphs
throughout Spain use Madrid time, but
for all other purposes the official time
When a mother thinks she is going to die
and rather wishes she could, what happen
to the child? Where else shall the child
get the love, kindness and care that is to
ripen it into useful, happy maturity?
Where is the husband to turn for the coin
fort of home-
it... .,.,. l. ZT'
f .J.riZ-3 .
tion the sup
port that only
a strong, cheer
ful, healthy
helD-mate can
give? S?
noo is to oe S'y'
pitied most? f
Mother fath. '''',
er child?
wnose tauit
is it?
maybe cer
tainly not the
child'. Either
the mother or
father can write to Dr. Pierce and receive
medical advice free. Thousands have done
it Thousands of homes have been made
happy by it. Thousands of weak women
Buffering with the pains and debilitating
drains of a diseased condition of the dis
tinctly feminine organism have followed
Dr. Pierce's advice and become again bloom,
ing, vigorous, loving, cheerful and loved.
Dr. R. V. Pierce is chief consulting phy.
sician at the world-famous Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, at Uuffalo. N. Y.,
and during his thirty years' practice here
developed his great family medicines Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Dr. Pierce'
Pleasant Pellets, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery.
Mrs. Clsus Nelson, of Pico Heights. ja An.
f:dei, Cl.. Box 31, writes; " I semi you ray pic
ure taken with ray little boy. I do not look so
ad now as I do in the picture) I was sick then
and I thought ray days would not be long, but
your kindness and medicine would not let me
die. You have ray lieart-felt thanks for your
klqdly adrice to me In ray sickntsi; alto for
your book which I received two years ago, and
which I could not do without. It is nil the Doc
tor I hate had since I got it. I had female
trouble, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
together with the advice given in his book,
cured me of fire yesrs' sickness."
The book Mrs. Nelson mentions is Dr,
Pierce's 1,000 page " Medical Adviser," the
most useful "doctor book" published. A
copy in stiff paper-covers sent on receipt
of it one-cent stamps to pay expense of
walling only, In cloth-binding ten stamps
extra. VttK. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
SjSjM i . A "'MliV
CO., M vo.
Is determined by the meridian of each
locality. Throughout Russia, St. Pet
ersburg time Is used for telegraphic
purposes, nnd each place has Its own
local time besides. In Portugal the
country towns keep their locnl timo
very roughly, but Lisbon nnd the rull
toad and telegraph services have the
time of the Tapada Hoyal Observa
tory. There Is considerable confusion
In the Netherlands, and It one's watch
does not agree with the town clock as
he travels through the Innd It doesn't
follow thnt he has a poor timekeeper.
In the railroad stations, telegraph and
post olllces the exact time of the
Greenwich Observatory will be found.
In many towns Amsterdam time Is In
use. nnd It Is about twenty minutes
faster than tellable clocks In mnny
other towns that use Greenwich time;
nnd still other towns use their own
loenl time, so the Netherlands do not
lack for variety In time standards.
Kvery plncc In Newfoundland uses
St. .lohn's time for all purposes, except
ing Heart s Content, which has special
privileges as n cable station. For local
purposes this little town employs local
t'nie. Kvery day it receives a signal
from Loudon giving the Greenwich
time, and as the difference In time be
tween the two points Is ? hours, 33
minutes and 33 seconds, It Is only nec
essary to keep the local clock that
much slow on Greenwich time to have
the exact local time. Hut In tho cable
ct'lee all foreign hus' Is trans
mitted with Greenwich lime.
In Great Hrltaiu Greenwich mean
time Is the standard, and Is used for
a!', purposes nearly everywhere. Among
the few exceptions Is the city of Can
terbury, which tiscs a time about four
minutes fast on Greenwich, and clocks
at - few railroad stations are kept
one or two minutes fast. Ireland uses
the time of Dublin, nnd so all the
clocks In the island are 23 minutes 2J
seconds slow on Greenwich time.
The offlclnl time throughout Argen
tina Is that of the city of Cordova,
which Is telegraphed every day to con
trol the timepieces In the various clti .
It Is used everywhere In the rallrotl
and telegraph otllees, but many citi
zens m the provinces mefcr to us'i
local timo of doubtful accuracy. The
people of the Hawaiian Islands try to
keep their timepieces 10 hours 30 min
utes slower than those of Greenwich
and call this standard time. At Be
lize, Hrltlsh Honduras, the clock over
the Court House, which furnishes the
time for th town. Is usually regulated
! ,v thf time kept by the ships In the
harbor. The town of Nukualofa,
which furnishes the time for the en
tire Tong.i group, Is in west longitude,
but b'eius-e nil business relations, ex
cept w'th ftunna, are with 'u
cast !oii',iluc, the east longitude time
for the nay of the week and mon'b. is
We have plenty of time variety In
cur own country. For example, any
town that happens to be on the divid
ing line between two of tho hour-tlm .
zones will hu-e Its own tlK-.e, and. :n
aiK'lthn. at the -.illronl station tnei.
will be two time", differing by an hour,
one for the west and the other for the
east bound trains. The city of El Pas
co labors under the embarrassment of
four kinds of railroad time. It has
central time for the Atlnntie section of
the Southern Pacific, Pacific time for
the Pacific section of the same road,
Mountain time for the Santa Fe and
City of Mexico time for the Mexican
Central, all the railroads of Mexico be
ing run on the time of the capital.
Pays His Respects to the Mayor of
Philadelphia. Sept. 4. Rear Admiral
Sampson today called upon Mayor
Ashbrldge. returning the mayor's visit
of yesterday, when ho received tho
admiral upon the arrival of the fleet.
Accompanying Admiral Sampson were
Captain Chadwlck, Lieutenant Com
mander Wlnslow. The ndmlrnl's lieu
tenant and personal aides and Lieu
tenant Hennett. Th'addeus L. Vnn
dersllce, ex-chief engineer net'ed ns es
cort. The visitors were attired In full
dress uniform.
The visit was a brief one and afl-r
exchanging courtesies with the mayor
the admiral departed, going direst io
tho starting point of the Naval Vet
erans' parade, taking his place Ii lln
after which he reviewed In cjiopanv
with Admiral Foss, commander In
chief of the Naval Veter.v.a' associa
tion. Bicycle Race.
New Yoih, Sept. l.-A 25- mile race on
the cycle paths of Brooklyn, managed by
the Associated Cycling clubs of Long
Ihland. was won today by H. U. Blocker
a f.a) handicap man and hitherto nn al
most unknown rider. Time. 1.07:51 1-3.
Second. Clyde Chase, r..30 handicap. Time,
1.07:"1 2-3. Tho spectators wero estimated
at 50,000.
His Affliction.
The tram from tho South came to a
halt, nml the returning holdlers piled out
of it. 'May I link what is tho matter with
your foot"" Inquired one of tho n.wnp.t
thlzlng and curious spectators, nddress
Ing a guunt, camp-worn volunteer, vho
wim limping along the platform.
"Gout, inu'nin," answered tho n,ldler,
lifting ills battered lint and passing on.
Chicago Tribune.
An Unfortunate.
Smith-Great time we had at tho club
last night, eh?
Jones You bet! Did you got home nil
"No. I wiib urrested before I got there,
and spent tho night In n station house."
"Lucky dug! 1 reached hume." Life.
After Eve had partaken of tho fruit of
the tree of knowledge, she becamo very
"I suppose she now knows more than
she cares to tell," mused Adam, pitying.
Everybody Is doubtless uwaro how per
fectly sad It Is with a woman In that
condition of mind. New York Journal.
Epigrnms Up to Date.
Tho wuy of tho reformer Is hard.
War In either hell or u foot race.
There Is now and then a mnn who it
too small to bo mado a monkey of.
A foible Is the folly of a fool who hasn't
parted with hlH money yot.
It Is doiilitlryH merely a coincidence, but
tho woman who knows how to put up
good preserves seldom has spoiled children.
(Continued from Pane 1.1
they will win hands down. At present
they havo no opponent of any conse
quence. It wns reported that Denver,
Fan Francisco, St. Louis nnd one or
two other cities arc In the Held, hut If
those cities nro they are "Ivlns low,"
ns there Is no evidence on the surface
that they arc In the fight.
President McKlnley nnd his party
arrived here at 9 o'clock tonight after
a few hours run from Washington.
The president wns arcompnnlcd by
Secretary of War Root. Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson, Prof. Schurman,
president of the Philippine commis
sion; J. Addison Porter, the president's
private secretary, and AsslFtant Sec
retary Cortelyou. Mrs. McKlnley was
not wllh the party. Assistant Secre
tary Cortelyou says her health Is very
much Impiovcd, but she remained on
the advice of her physician.
The presidential party was met at.
the Pennsylvania rnllrcad station by
Mayor Ashbrldge. General Louis Wag
ner, chairman of the executive com
mittee, nnd n number of other city
The station wns thronged nnd a rnr
don of policemen wns necessary to koi
the crowds back as the distinguished
visitors made their way from the train
to the carriages In waiting.
President McKlnley walked with h'l
uncovered head from the train sh"i
to the street nnd was cheered to the
echo. He acknowledged the ovation
with many smiles and bows. The parts
was driven rapidly to the Hotel Wal
ton nnd the president Immediately re
tired to his private sitting room.
At 10 o'clock members of the United
German singing societies, accompanied
by a band, arrived nt the hotel and
serenaded tho president. They sang
three German selections and flnlshel
with the "Star Spangled Hanner." In
which the multitude Joined. Dming
the rendition of tho songs Provider t
McKlnley sat on the window ledge an 1
nt the conclusion of each led the ap
plause. There were loud cries for a
speech, but the president m.-r"i-
bowed and waved his white fcdo.M
Hear Admiral Sampson, who occu
pies the suite of rooms directly over
those of the president, enjoyed the ser
enade equally as well as the president.
He stood nt the window of his parlor
until the Inst song wns sung. It was
some time before the throng In tho
street observed him, but when his pre
sence became known he was loudly
The president retired about 11 o'clock.
Tomorrow at R.43 o'clock he will re
ceive Admiral Sampson nnd the cap
tains of the fleet. Later he will ride
over the route of the Grand Army par
ade to the reviewing stand on the city
hall plaza. After the narade he will
be entertained at lunch at the city
The Grand Army will be ofllclnltv
welcomed tomorrow night at the Acad
emy'of Music bv Governor Stone and
Mayor Ashbrldge. The president will
attend and later will be the guest of
honor at n banquet tendered by Meade
post, of this city, Lafayette post, of
New York and Klngsley post, of Bos
ton. He will leave for Washington at 11.30
tomorrow night.
Labor Day Fittingly Celebrated by
Two Parades.
Philadelphia, Sept. i. Labor day
was fittingly celebrated here by two
parades and other demonstrnttm.'.
There was a general suspensi in of
business, all the government bulld'nu
banks and other public Institutions
being closed.
An Interesting feature of th? iliv's
events wns the parade of th; Amalga
mated House Painters' assoflitlon.
Three thousand 'men were In lln. A
section of tho procession was com-
Do not gripe nor Irritate tho alimen
tary canal. They act gently yet
promptly, cleanse effectually and
!lf G832fOBt
Sold b7 rl'. dri'cslstr. i!3 cents.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., Nw York,
Opp. (Irace Church. -Hurop-ati Plan.
Rooms $1.00 a Day anJ Upwards.
In a modest nnd unobtrusive way thero
are few better conducted hotels In tho
metropolis than tho St. Denis.
The great popularity It has acquired can
readily bo traced to Its unique location,
Its liomc-llKo atmosphere, the peculiar ex
cellenco of Its cuisine and service, and Its
very moderate prices.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir-vihj Placi,
Day mid Upwards.
Day uiul Upwards.
----- 4
For Business Men
In tho heart of the wholesale
4- district. .
For Shopper-
x 3 minutes' wulk to Wnnnmakers; 1"
T S mluutea to Sleuel Cooper's Ulg f
"y Store. Hnsy cf access to the great
f Dry Goods Stores.
X For Sightseers
-f One block from R'wny Cars, civ. ..
lng easy transportation to all T
. points of Interest, T
Cor. 11th ST. UNIVKRSITY PL. 4-
f Only one lllock from Uroadway. -i.
TJnnm? SI lln wnsrAURANT .
4. ItQUUb, PI UJ. p,ees Reasonable T
f - -
posed of painters from Cramp's ship
yard. They had In line a tloat carry
ing a model of the bnttlosh"'! Maine,
that was sunk In the harbo cf Ha
vana. After the parade tin painters
spent the remainder of the day at var
ious river resorts.
The second parade was composed of
members of the United O.'.'.-nati Trades
and the Labor Lyceum nsi ''on. At
tho river resorts elaborate programmes
of sports were prepared ttv the me
chanics. A number or wall known l.t
bor lenders also addressed th throng,
the more prominent of the rpaker?
being Hon. L, Irving, Cnngnss
man from Helawarc, and S.itn ! Clout,
pers, president of the Amn.'lm K,J
eratlon of Labor.
The President of Son Domingo Lnnds
at Cape Hnytien.
Capo Hnytien, Sept. 4. Junn
Isldro .Ilmlnez, the revolutionary ns
plrant for the presidency of the repub
lic of Santo Domino, nrrlved here this
afternoon on the Oeorges Crolse from
Rarncoa, accompnnled by his son nnd
several friends.
In the course of n bfief Interview,
General Jlmlncz said that his plans
wero progressing favorably nnd that
the Oeorges Crolse would sail tonight
fjr Porto Plata, where General Jim
Inez Intends to rest for a day or two
before resuming his Journey to the
capital of Santo Domingo.
"Hail Columbia" Makes he Echoes
Ring nt Gibraltar.
Gibraltar, Sept. 4. This afternoon Sir
Itobcrt Ulddulph returned Admiral
Dewey's visit, receiving the usual sa
lutes on his nrrlval. The Devastation
manned ynrds and her band played
"Hall, Columbia," the Olympln return
ing the compliment with the Urltish
national anthem and dipping her Hag
While the Devastation was firing the
snluto In honor of the American ad
miral, Gunner Peppintt's hand wns
shattered by the exploding of a charge
which he was ramming home.
Pennsy's Big Purchase.
Pittsburg, Sept. 4. The Pennsylvania
Railroad company contracted with the
Pressed Steel Car company today for 1,000
celf-elennlng hopper cars of one hundred
thousand pounds capacity. An order for
four hundred cars of the same type was
received fiom the Great Northern Hall
way, tho two orders aggregating $1,600,
000. Tho company Is now sold ahead for
nn entire year.
Hashes, and Irritation Instantly relieved and
speedily cured by hot h.iths with Cuticuua.
boAi. to cleanse the Bkin. gcntlo applications
of Cuticuua Ointment, to heal tho skin, and
mild does of CtmcriiA Uiholvest, to cool
and cleanso tho bloody
KoMthrouffhftuttheworM. 1'ottir Iri-o AnCntw.
Com., rrop.,liutoa.'Uov to Cure bkluUuinon," fret
This Week of
mitt HUH, JfldT. Ek,
Now 13 tho timo to get a bargain
at these prices. You cannot ob
tain them in the future. Call and
see them.
Fino Diamond Pings at J5.00, worth
Solid Gold Hand Hlngs at $1.23. worth
Solid Gold Uand Kings at $1.00. worth
Gold Filled Cuff Buttons, 50c., worth
Cuff Iiuttons, previous prices $1.00, now
Gent's Solid Silver Watch, Klgln move
ment, $3.50.
Ladles' Sterling Silver Watches, worth
$5.50, now $3.75.
Gent's Nickel Watches, S. W., price
$3.50, now $1.75.
Rogers Uros'. Spoons, wni ranted, 50c.
Rogers Ems'. Mutter Knives, Sugnr
Spoons, Pickle Forks, 37c, previous prlco
Ladles' Solid Gold Wntch. Klgln move
ment. $14.50.
Ladles' Gold Filled Watches at $0.50.
worth $13.00.
Wo also have about three hundred Ln
dies' Solid Silver Rings, worth 50c. and
73c., will clo?o them nt 10c. each.
Special sale now going on at Davldow
nros. Attend as we aro offering goods
nt one-fourth their original value.
Kxtra Heavy Solid Silver Thimbles nt
Davidow Bros
227 Lackawanna Av3.
Special Attention Given to lltist
ncssniul Personal Account:.
Liberal Accommodations Ex.
tended According to U ilutuc.4 and
ii Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
WM. CONN0LL, Preildsat.
HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlcs-Pres.
Tile vault of tills bank is pro
tected by llolmui' Ulcctrl. Pro.
tcctlvo System.
. XhyCJctCcAy
Fiom which "Snow White"
Flour Is nuide. Is all cleaned,
t-courei, and steamed before It Is
ground, so we know thai
Does not contain the least littlo
bit of dirt. It's perfectly clean,
perfectly pure and perfectly
It Is made In a clean mill by
clean men and Is used by clean
Ask your srocer about It.
"Wconly wholcsaleiC."
Carbondale, Olyphant.
brby mm m mm
Ca? load Just arrived. All styles,
and prices the lowest. Workmanship
guaranteed ev.n on
Keep us In mind and yon won't re
gret giving us your patronage you
will get goods as represented giving
you our easy terms of payment or very
lowest prices for cash. Immense, stock
of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets,
Iron Deds, etc. Fivj larga floors full
to the celling ai
Thos. Kelly's Stom, Frinu,
At Retail.
Coal of tho best quality for domestlo
use and of nil sizes, Including Buckwheat
and Dlrdseye, delivered In any part of
tho city, at the lowest price.
Orders received at tho olllco, Connell
building. Room 06: telephone No. 17G2, or
at the mine, telephone No. 2i:, will ho
promptly attended to. Dealers supplied
at the mine.
The Dickson Manufacturing Co.
reran ton nnd Wlllcei-llirre, l'a.
.Muiiufuouiriri of
Hollers, llolttlnsand Pumping Machinery.
Qeneral Office, Scranton, Pa.
. jcnsYiaS
The Mouse Beautiful
1h. .ul 3 a mfc i
Hftfl y t?-otIfotm
ys&stj&y0 1 v.
Rugs, Artistic Furniture,
Furniture Coverings.
Mannracturcvs or
Telephone Call. 2!V.n.
311 Sprue I S:.
Temple Court Bulldlaj,
ScrdDtoi, Pi.
All ncuto and chronic diseases of men,
women and children. CIIHO.VU'. NI3KV
KS A SPECIALTY. All discuses of th3
Liver, Kidneys, Illaddcr. Skin, Ulood,
Nerves, Womb. Eye. Kur, Nose. Throat,
and l.uiifa'B, Cunrcrsi, Tumours, PI.js
Itupturo Goitre, ItbcumutUni, Asthma,
Catarrh, Vnrlococcle, Lost Manhood,
Nightly Emission, nil Female Diseases,
I.cucorrhocn, etc. Uonorrhca, Syphilis,
Ulood Poison. Indiscretion nnd youthful
habits obliterated. Surgery. Kits, Epi
lepsy Tiipp and Ftnniiich Worms. CA
TAIUUIOZONK. Hpeclfio for Catarrh.
Three months treatment only J5.00. Trial
free In olllce. Consultation and exami
nations free. Ofllro hours dally and
Sunday, 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.
!dr densten
A Oil
127 and 129
It is not enough that our
fo nnd j
jIu il u u
Should wear well they must
combine beauty and durability.
Our goods are selected with the
greatest care, and if yon buy
lipro iroiir lmme will Vr Vlfnilti.
ful indeet. See our new
in Washington Atenus.
S Opposite Court Mouse.
Hilling and Blasting
Undent Mooslcund Itmli'Me Wor.s.
Kl'Ctrlc Hiitterles, Kloctrln Kplolsr.
lor exploding liluiti, Safety 1'uis mil
Rapaino Chamtal Co's uxSiVna
I Every tiling
pii i
, .1
". ;