c THE SCRANTON TlilBUNE-jtfONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1899. They Gall My Darling Jane Is sung on the BIG PHONOGRAPH at Perry Bros. Price of Song 25c Phonograph Records 50c Perry Brothers 205 Wyoming Ave. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPH Depends largely upon the supplies.. The right kind at KEMP'S, Wyoming Avenuo DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Enr, Nose and Throat Will return Sept. 1. Williams HulldlME, Opp. Postofflco. HUNTINGTON'S BAKERY i rro nun cnnvEU c II, ILLO I1I1U II1UUI1 I 420 Spruce Street, Masonic Temple. -- : CITY NOTES j - - A SOCIAL TONIGIIT.-Tho Eagle .-Social club will cumluct a social at Music hnll tonight. PENSION INCUKASES.-Tho follow ing Increases In pensions were (granted on Saturday: John S. Malhaney, Iliillsti-nd, $10 to $17; Mllo Carpenter, l.enoxvllle, $6 to ii. GEORGE 13HOWN AKHESTED. -George Uroun, who lives on Mineral Btrect, was arrested eslerd.iy afternoon by Patrolmen McMullcn and Neuls, for flghtlnB with his wife. PUWIBEHS' PICNIC. - Plumbers' union, No. 00, will conduct a picnic at the Hound woods, next Wedntsday alternoon nnd evening. All tho details have been perfected and a very successful day Is expected by those In charge. SOCIALIST LAIIOH PARTY.-Tho So clallst Labor party conducted a meeting last evening In Casst-ssco's hall, on Lack awanna avenue, for tho purpose of dis cussing nnd presenting the platform af that party before the public. National Orgnnler Sellg Schulberg delivered an ad dress. ONE DELIVERY TODAV.-The money order nnd registry departments of the postoftleo will be closed all day today. General delivery ami (.lamp windows will bo open from 7 to 11 a. m. and closed during the remainder of the day. The carriers will make one early morning do llery. FESTIVAL TOMORROW N1GHT.-At the. rooms of John I'ovlo O'ltellly council, Young Men's Institute, on Lackawanna avenue, a festival will be held tomorrow night, tinder the auspices of the Catholic congregation of Nicholson, of which Hew J, J. H. Feeley, formerly of this city, Is pastor. CHANGE OK Or'KICES.-Tho main of (Ices of tho Central Pennsylvania Hrew Ing company which were recently remuv rd from ilkcs-Harie to the Mears' building, will shortly be removed to Sev enth street, to the building formerly oc cupied by the late William Robinson and his family. CLEARING 1IOCSE EXCIIANC.ES. Thc Scrnnton Clearing House association reports last week's exchanges as follows: Monday, Aug. :'S, $112,321.76; Tuesday, Aug. 29, $:o7.Sll.."0; Wednesday, Aug. 30, tl.W.niKSl; Thursday. Aug. 31, JlSS.iMS.'.i"; Friday Sept. 1, $K,D loj.13; Saturday, Sept. 2, $U7,K0.1S. Total, $!is:,3ua.Sl. A RCNAWAY TEAM.-A team of norses iittuchcil to the heavy dray wagon if A. Lee, the l-aggagcman. took fright it the comer of Jefferson avenue and Mnden street on Saturdav motnlng and lashed madly down the latter street to onn avenue, where they were stopped. There was a great deal of trattlc on the itreet at the time and that no damage wis done Is wonderful. Store Cosed. On account of legal holiday our store vlll be closed all day. Mcars & Hugen. "Our Motto," Good Goods af Reasonable Prices Iruing Ranges, Rosemonf Heaters, Palac? Qiieen and Palace Regent Fiirnaces. A large assortment to se ect from. HE LACKAWANNA HARDWARE CO. 221 Lnckawanna Avenue. dnj(Sbe:d DELEGATES CROWDING JNTO CITY Concluded from Pngo 1. conducted a running Informal recep tion nil afternoon nnd Ions Into tlu evening. Aa each trnln arrived It was met by a delegation from Ihe joint committee nnd any carriers it mlgnt have aboard were given the clad hand and bade make themselves nt home, nfter which they Vero escorted to their quarters. When they had refreshed themselves they were tnken to thj Jer myii to meet nnd mltiGle wi'h tholr brethren nnd their cntortnlne-s St'PT. MACHKN HERE. Sunorlntondont nt Vmn ni'ivM Mnchen was one of the noon irr'vals nnd from the time he had finished luncheon till he retired ho woh the center of an admiring group. It might be said he was compelled Jo run a continuous reception. No one In the department Is more popular with th" carriers than he and they lose no op portunity of making liltn feel tin, lie Is a very pleasant nnd iiffu'l- man and In tho matter of personal ap pearance would be picked out of any crowd as a man worth knowing He expressed himself to a Tribune reporter as being most agreeably sur prised at the size and pace of Scran ton and spoke admiringly of the decor ations. The largest delegation to aniw yes terday was from Chicago. It rum be rod sixty men and Included the fol lowing olllcors of the Chicago branch: President, Charles D. Duffy; vice-president. M. W. Williams: recording sec retary, Henry H. Shoeh; financial sec rotary. F. J. Willi; sergeant-at-arms. Judson P. Hodge. The delegation was nlllcered ns follows: President, Char les D. Duffy; secretary. James V. Mir rny; treasurer. Fred WIckman. They started from tho Windy City at .1 o'clock Friday afternoon on tho Grand Trunk nnd nfter spending Sat urday at Niagara Falls. Journeyed on to Scrnnton, reaching here at 9 o'clock this morning. (Postmaster Charles V. Gordon was very anxious to come with them, hut owing to his being busy with tho prep arations for the corner-stone laying of Chicago's new federal building had to forego tho trip. H. S. Regan, superin tendent of the collection department of Chicago, and W. G. Ebens, assistant superintendent of tho free delivery sys tem west of Uttffnlo. were with the Chicago delegation. Mr. Ebens was a former national offlcor of the Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen nnd was entertained last night by the general committee of that order on the Lacka wanna road, now In session In this city. DETROIT MEN ARRIVE. Detroit's delegation arrived at 9.3S Inst night over the Delaware and Hud son. It was made tip of foity men, thirty-five of whom comprise n dtill corps which will bo a principal feature of the parade. They have been drill ing for a long time in fancy marching evolutions and have provided them selves with very attractive uniforms. Postmaster Dickerson, they reported, will come this morning, bringing with him a determination to capture the next convention for his city. Of all the delegates who came none received a more hearty welcome than muse irom mo Lehigh Valley associa tion. There were seventeen from Al lentown, sixteen from Easton, seven from South Bethlehem, six from Beth lehem and four from Phllllpsburg. Ac companying them were Postmasters Milton P. Schautz, of Allentown: Clay ton Skinner, of Bethlehem; Clarence Andrews, of Easton, and F. W. Ulrich, of South Bethlehem. They left on a special Lehigh Valley car, starting from Kaston at 10.40 and nrrivlnr here over the Delaware and Hudson nt 2.15. They will remain until 11 o'clock tonight. What made them so particularly wel come was tho extreme effort they mndo to come hero In full force. The post masters of the several cities In the as sociation, with tho sanction of the de partment nt Washington, announced In the papers that If no objections were received they would suspend all deliv eries on Labor day and rely upon the people to come to the ofllce for their mall. Not a kick was made In any city nnd for tho first time In history the free delivery business of a city was entirely suspended to give the carriers a holiday, ALBANY DELEGATION. Albany sent a delegation of forty two. It arrived at 3.43 p. m. over tho Delaware and Hudson. Deputy Post master Charles A. Hlehlman and Super intendent of Carriers Michael E. Ahearn wore In the party. Ethelbert Evans, of Brunch 410, of Troy, arrived with tho Albany delegation. He was the first president of the branch and has been a letter carrier for fourteen years. He Is one of the leading colored men of that portion of New York state. Cleveland's ton men arrived at 10 o'clock, after having been en route slnce8.30 o'clock tho previous night. They had with them James C. Keller, chairman of the committee on constitu tions, nnd F. S. Troptnn, of the legisla tive committee. Postmaster C. C. Dewstoe, they announced, would be here this morning. Scattering delegations from all over the union kept continually arriving and at nightfall it was estimated that over 500 carriers were already in tho city. About 100 of them brought lad les nlong and these latter were turned over to the auxiliary committee head ed by Miss Mary Campbell and en tertained at the W. C. T. U. rooms on Washington avenue. CONCERT AT NAY AUG PARK. First Number on the Programme of Entertainment. The first number on the programme arranged for the entertainment of the visiting postmen was yesterday after noon's concert at Nay Aug park. Bauer's band and the Scranton Glee club divided the honors of tho after noon and the exceptionally fine pio gratnme they rendered was juratly enjoyed and warmly applauded by the largest crowd that ever visited the park, Many estimates aa to the number of persons at the park during the af ternoon were made, but It Is safe to say that It was not less than fifteen thousand. The concert closed with the singing of the "Stur Spangled Ban ner" by the choir to the accompani ment of the band. The following is the programme rendered by Bauer and his men: March, "f'ommodore Dewey" Holt Overture. "Zarnna" Ilerold Selection, "A Runaway CJlit" Curjil ! Letter Carriers' Convention! Official Programme. Sunday, Sept. 3, 3.30 p. m. Sncred Concert at Nay Aug Park by Bauer's Band and Scran ton Glee Club. rionday, Sept. 4 Morning, Reception of visitors. 3.45 p. 111., Letter Carriers' parade; all delegates and visitors are requested to assemble at Hotel Jcrmyn, not later than 3.15 p. m., to be marshalled to their position in line of march. 7.30 p. m public reception at High School Auditorium, Washington avenue. Reception and banquet to visiting postmasters and officers ot the National Association at Hotel Jcrmyn, given by Colonel b. H. Ripple, Postmaster ot Scranton, Pa. Tuesday, Sept. 5 Morning session of convention at St. Thomas College Hall, Wyoming avenue. 1.30 p. m excursion Irom Eric and Wyo- ming depot to Lake Ariel. A few contests have been arranged by Hranch No. 17, to take place at the lake. First Game of base ball between any two teams selected on the ground; prize, a pair ot shoes to each member of the winning team, donated by Lewis, Reilly and Davies, Second A fat man's race, 50 yards dash; prize, carrier's uniform, donated by Fecheimer Bros. & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio. Third ioo-yard dash, iree for all carriers; prize, hat, donated by J. H, Tolles, Spruce street. Wednesday, Sept. 6 Morning session of convention. 1.30 p. m , excursion o Mountain Park and Wilkes-Barre as guests ot Branch No. 115, Wilkes-Barre. Thursday, Sept. 7 Morning, afternoon and evening sessions of convention. In the afternoon visiting ladies will bo entertained at Nay Aug Park by the Ladies' Auxiliary, of Scranton. Pa. Friday, Sept. 8 Morning and afternoon sessions of convention. 8 p. m., trol ley ride to points of interest in the city. Saturday, Sept. 9 Morning session of the covention. 2.30 p. m., carriage drive over the Boulevard and around Lake Scranton for delegates, their wives and daughters. The New York Letter Carriers' Band and Scranton Glee Club will assist in entertaining visitors at all excursions. A special train will leave D., L. and W. depot at 3.30 p. m. Thursday and Friday for the Bellevue mine. All desiring to visit the coal mine will avail themselves of this opportunity. A com petent person will be in charge. 4- Sticet Songs, "The Cracker Jack" Mackle "Hearts and Flowers" Moses Patrol, "American National Guard" Tobanl Selection, fiom the "Idol's Eye" Herbert Medley, "The Winner" Mackle Overture, "Hunting fur Luck" Suppo March. "The Vindicator" Farrnr The Glee club opened their part of the programme by singing "America" which was followed by "Th Crus.nl ers," n composition of Prof. D. Proth eroe. Tho solo was sung by Joshua John and the part for double qua totto by Thomas Beynon, Josh'ia John, David Stephens, Edwin Bowen. Dvld Jonklns.John W. Jones and Philip War ren. When next heard tho glee sang "Tho Martyrs of tho Arena," bv Do Rllle, David Stephens having the solo parts. As stated above, thf concert cldsed with the singing of "Tb Star Spangled Banner." Tho glee club Is possibly the finest male chorus ever organized In tht? city. The shading, enunciation, precision trd magnificent attacks are mar! oil feat ures of the chorus. This evening tl e party will sing at the reception to be held In the High School auditorium, when the following strong selections will be rendered: "The Letter," "Peace to the Souls of the Heroes" and John Courier Morris' famous chorus, "Down Dewey's Way." Tho members of the glee party nre: Musical Dlrcctor-J. T. Wulklns, It. A. M. Pianist Llewellyn Jones. President W. It. Lewis. Treasurer Edwai d James. Secretary John Courltr Morris. First Tenors John How en, Edward Walsh. Caleb Evans, Ebenezer Evans, John Feeney, William J. IJ.ivles, Henry Evans, Roland D. Thomas, Thomas Bey non W. Eugene Davis, Edward Powell, Thomas Ellas, Ben Evans. William K. Reese, Joshua John, William L. Jones, Edwin Bowen, Jan.es Doyle. Second Tenors Roger Evans, Edward IS. navies C. II. Buchman, William U. Williams, Benjamin M. Lewis, Thomas D. Thomas, John 11. Jones, David Steph ens, Joseph Evans, D. J. Reese, John D. Evans, Thomas E. Williams, Thomas G. Williams, James Whelan. Hugh A. Jones, John Phillips. William Purrj. Thomas Abrams, John J. Sheridan, Thos. Wntklns. Lewis Davis, John Conway, Gomel- Evans. First Bass William II. Jones, Edward Richards. William W. Evans, Thomas Marshall, Joseph 11. Lewis, Moses James, William Lewis. Harry Wrigley. T. F. Roberts, Richard Watklns, Richard Row lands, Floyd Heberllng, Thomas J. Price, Thomas G. Heddoe, D.ivld Jenkins. Second Bass Harry Morgan, P. II. Warren, Daniel Davies, Thomas J. Rich ards, Reese G. Reese, Tnllle Evans, John It. Jones, AVill Hughes. John W. Jones, W. R. Bradbury, Howell Reese, Howard Vail, Harry Acker, Peter Howley.Edward James, David Beynon, James Watklns. Will Watklns, John Reese James, David Owens. i If it's in ther blood s i i Acer's Sarsaparilla J j will take it out. ) i i j Other kinds may, ) J but probably will not. 1 4- -f -M- -f e THOUSANDS COME TODAY. The Early Afernoon Will Witness a Great Influx. William J. Malloy. of New York, chairman of the transportation com mittee and John Eberhnrdt, leader of the New York delegation, nrrhod yes-, torduy afternoon and reported that when tho reports from the sub-stations bad oil been tecelvod Saturday uig-ht It was found that 1,S"6 tickets for Scran ton hnd been disposed of. "Add 300 to that," said Mr. Malloy. ' and you will have u fair estimate of the crowd that will be on tho Now York specials when they pull out of Hobokon." This does not include Brooklyn, which will send at least 700 marchers, and Hoboken nnd Jetey Clt which can be counted upon for 2C0 more. Newark and the other Jersey towns adjacent to New York and not sched uled to come with tho Now Yorkers will have a big special train on the Lehigh Valley. The New York, Brooklyn, Hoboken and Jersey City delegates will come In special trains over the Lackawanna. Tho first will leave Hobokon at 10-30-the ceeond nt 10:45: the third nt 11 o'clock nnd tho fourth, which will h" tho Brooklyn section, nt 11:1,1. The Jersey City men will occupy two curs on tho first se'tlon. Postmaster Van Cott and his staff will have a special car on tho section leavlnr nt 11 o'clock, ltoturning, the different sections will leave at 9, 10, 11 and 11:30 o'clock n. in. over hon, stay PoFtmnster Van Cott will stay till Wednesday. Postmaster Wll of Brooklyn. Is also expected to for a few days. TO MAKE FAST TMH. Superintendent of Transportation Daly, of the Laokawannn, has guaran teed to itet the lnt section of the train Into Scranton before tho hour nl which tho parade Is scheduled to start. 3:30 o'clock. To do this the run must b made In four bouri and fifteen min utes. Superintendent Daly savs It can bo done In throe hours and forty-five minutes. Tho New York letter car rier? band wll come up on tho regular train reaching hero at 1:52. The band will remain during tho whole week. In Postmaster Van Cott's party will be First Assistant Postmaster E. M, Morgan, Second Assistant Postmaster E. S. Post: Richard Van Cott, the post master's son. who is general superin tendent of New York cltv free deliv ery; Alex Rled, of the executive de partment: J. A. Jnrdlnes, auditor; Thomas Moran, cashier; V. Connolly, superintendent of the bulk rnto de partment: William Chase, superintend ent of the inquiry department; A. P. Roomo, superintendent of the cus todian's department; I. J. Campbell, superintendent of the Inspecting' nnd rating department: Charles W. White, superintendent of the free delivery de partmnt in the general postofllce: Frank O. Drlscoll, superintendent of carriers In the general olllco.and fifteen of the sub-station superintendents. The New York enniers will march In "station" squads and will be divided n three battalions ot 500 men each. President M. A. Fitzgerald will be in command, with Dudley Beckman ns his ndjutant. I. J. Allen. Jr., Benja min Bolton and M. J. Harvey will lead the battalions. Tho delegates will be led by their chairman, John Eberhnrdt. Tho colors will be borne by Noah Bruford, who carried the colors of tho Seventy-first up San Juan hill. PRIZES OFFERED. The squads from the different sta tions hnve been encouraged to perfect themselves In marching by the offer of a banner as a prize for the squad doing the best marching passing the review- ng stand. Three local military men will bo chosen for judges. During the week the social organ ization allied with tho Now York branch will entertain lavishly. Tt is primarily a singing society, but Is also social In Its nature. It Is styled "Dor Bund" nnd Is composed solely of Ger mans, Michael J. Fitzgerald Is presi dent; C. Michael Waldron Is vice president; Charles (P.. McCarthy Is sec retary, and William J. Malloy. treas- urer. John Eberhnrdt Is president of the "singing section;" Fred Sanger, vice-president; Ernest Floerkc, secre tary, tind Ernest EcUc, treasurer. Blnghnmton'B whole force nnd hun dreds of her citizens will come down on the train leaving there at 7.B0. Sy racuse, mien, Elinlra and Buffalo will n!?o send cood sized delegations. ARRANGEMENT OF CARRIAGES. Speclnl Order Issued by Grand Mar shal Ripple. Pfrand Marshal Hippie of today's mall carriers' parade has Issued the following speclnl order with reference to the arrangement of carriages: Scranton, Pn., Sept. 2, 1899. Speclnl Order No. 1. The following arrangement of tho carriages for the parade of tho N. A. L. C. Is hereby announced. As far us possible this will be ndhercd to, al though It may bo necessary In some cases to make slight changes hereafter The carriages will assemble at the Jcr myn Hotel at 3 v. in., will be bonded as expeditiously ns possible, and under cuargo or cnptoln Wlllnm W. Tng'ls nnd nldos will bo conducted to thPlr places In line. At tho reouest of tho general committee, I liavo added the names of some of our represontnllv citizens ns escort ti our guests. Thcv nre hereby requested to bo nrosont nt the Jermyn Hotel at tho hour above named, that they mnv be assigned to that duty. No. 1 Postmaster Conernl Charles Emory Smith. Third Assistant Post master General E. C Madden. Superin tendent of Free Delivery A. W. Mad den. No. 2 His Excolloic-y William A. Stone, governor of Pcnmvlv.inla; His Excellency Theoiuo ltoofevolt. gover nor of Now YorK, No. 3 Hon. William Connell. Hon. S. W. Davenport, Hon. C F. Wright, Hon P V. Smith. No. 4 Hon. T. V. Powderly, oomrnlf. slonor of Immlg.-ation: Mr. John N Parsons, president National Associa tion Letter Cnrrljrs; Mr. Conrad Trio hie. vlco-proflldnt National Associa tion Letter Carriers; Hon. .Tames Molr, mayor. No. G Mr. E. .1. Cantwol), yecrota.y National Association L.ott'r C&rners: Mr. M. J. Connors, ttwisuror Natlon'il Association Letter Carriers: Hon. Tl W. Archbald. Hon. Tl. M. Rdw.it ds. No. fi Mr C. A. Van Cott. ii"tiv.n ter of New York -ify: Mr. Wilson, post master of Brooklyn, N. Y. : Urn. F. W. Gunster, Colonel L. A. Wttros. No. 7 Charles F.. Smith, pnstnwste:' of Washington, D. C: F. B Dlokerion, postmaster of Detroit, Mich.: F.fdrns Howell, city contrnlle-; Charles Robin son. No. R C. C. Duulol, postmaster of Cleveland, O. ; C. V.. Arsinco'-, i o?t mnster of Albany, N. V.; ,T. A. Lans ing, E J. Robinson, oitv treasurer. No. 9 Ellas P. Monfort. r-ostmnsler of Cincinnati. O.; Tlipodir" M. Hail,, postmaster of Plttstin. Pa.; Mr. Tleos O. Brooks, Colonel George M. Hall stead. No. 10 Charles W. Scott, pestmastor of Wllllamsport. Pn.; .Tamos H. llob o'ts, postmaster of Blngbamto". N. Y. ; Mr E. E. Loomis, Mr. C. D. Simpson. No. 11 Morcus Mitchell, postmaster of East Orange, N. J.; Mr. Clarence W. Andrews, postmaster of Easton, Pa.: Mr. Benjamin Hughes, Mr. W. H. Tay lor. No. 12 C. L. Scblener, postmaster of Bethlehem. Pa.; Mr Milton Northun. postmaster of Syracuse, N. Y. : Mr. E. P. Kingsbury, Mr. C. P. Matthews. No. 13 Mr. Henry Brnwnslnck. post master of Norrlstown, Pn.:Mr. George Reppeny, postmaster of Long Island Cltv. N. Y : A. J. Casey, Mr. Richard II. Williams. No. 14-Mr. William M. Powell, post master of Haz'eton. Pa : Mr. Gonrgo E. Green, ninnhamton, N. Y.; Mr. B. B. Megargop, Mr. Luther Keller. No. 15 Mr. D. W. Turner, postmn"" ter of Townndn. Pn.: Mr, F. W. Ul rich, nnstmaster of South BothMio", Pa.; Mr. Conrad Schroeder, Mr. W. W. Watson No. IB-Mr. Milton Sohnntz. postmas ter of Allentown. Pa.; Mr. D. A. Fell, postmaster nf Wilkes-Bane. Pn : Hon. Joseph A. Scrnnton, Hon. John R. Farr. No. !7 Mr. James J. Williams. Mr F. "'. Fleltz, Hon. John Scheuer, Jr., Mr. Frank Carluccl. No. 1S-WIUInm C Parke. Mr. Ilenrv Belln. 1r., Mr. William H. Storrs. Col onel F L. Hitchcock Bv order of Ezra IT. Ripple. Chief Mnrshnl. William S. Millar. Chief of Staff. THE PUBLIC RECEPTION. Programme to Be Observed at High School Auditorium. At 7..10 o'clock this evening there will be a public reception for tho visitors nt tho High school auditorium. Admis sion will bo free to all, and In the mat ter of seats tho first come will be llrst served. Hon. L. A. Wntros will bo the chair man. An address of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Molr and President Parsons will make the response. Others who will make addresses are Postmas ter General Smith, Governor Stone, Governor Roosevelt, Superintendent of Free Delivery Maehon and A. J. Cril born. Tho New York Letter Carriers' band and the Scranton Glee club will furnish the music. The programme, In full, follows: Pr.iver Rev. R. F. Y. Tierco Selection N. Y. L. C Hand "Comrades In Arms". .Scranton Glee club Addre.is of Welcome Mayor Molr Address C. E. Smith. P. M. G. Selection N. Y. L. C Hand "The Letters" Scranton Glee Chin Address Governor Stone Address Governor Roosovelt "Peace to tho Souls of the Heroes" Scranton Glee- Club Address, A. W. Machen, Supt. Free Delivery Selection N. Y. L. C, Hand "The Pilgrims" Scranton Gleo Club Address. John N. Parson. Pros. N. Y. L. O "Down Dewey's Way," (J. Courier Morris) Scranton Gleo Club "The Star Spangled l;anner"...GIee Club N. V. L. C. Hand. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BANQUET. Many Notable Men to Attend and Make Responses. The complimentary banquet to bo given at the Jermyn by Postmaster Tllpple to tho guests of honor and vis iting postmasters will bring together one of the most notable assemblages that ever surrounded a festal boatd In Scranton. The dinliiK will begin Immediately following the reception nt th high school nudltorium. Among those who will be present are Postmaster Gen eral Charles Emory Smith, Governor William A. Stone, Governor Tlh'odore Roosevelt, T. C. Maden, third assis tant postmnster general; A. W. Mad en, superintendent of the free deliv ery system; Congressman William Connell, Congressman Stanley Daven port, ex-Congressman Morgnn B. W.I llnms, Mayor James Molr, Superior Court Judge P. P. Smith, Judges It. W. Archbald, F. W. Gunster nnd II M. Edwards anil tho visiting postmus tors nnd superintendents of rurrleri, olllcers of the National Letter Car tiers and chnlrmen of the general nnd sub-committees In charge of the ar rangements, Including A. P. Bedford, K. E. ltobathan, I. J. Casey, A. A. Vosburg, T. J. Jennings, W. S. Millar, Major T. F, Penman, J. II, Torrey. Hon. h. A. Watres and W. It. Lewis. wmimmMmmmmMWMM 1 flotes, Restaurants and & Boarcling-ttouse Keepers Conventions of Letter crowds rush. Are yo We carry largest V Silverware in the city. "Make hay while the s CWvxaTVC&W -. Millar & Peck, mmwmmmMmmmmwmmm rra THE POPULAR HOUSE Dockash Stoves and Ranges A Scranton product with a national reputation. When you purchase a Dockash Range or Heating Stove you get the best made. Besides this, you contribute to the prosperity of the Electric City, because the money paid for the stove goes to Scranton workmen, who, in turn, put the money in circulation in this city. Call this week and see our display of almost one hun dred stoves. Ucnalri always In stock. FOOTE & FULLER CO., Hears Building, 140-142 Washington Ave. Our Stores Closed Tuesday, Sept; 5. Mr. Torrey will be toastmaster, an assurance that the "How of soul" end of tho pogramme will be quiet as unarld as the other. The responses are to bo made as follows: "City- of Scranton" Hon. James Molr "The President" Hon. Charles Emory Smith "The Commonwealth".. I Ion. W. A. Stone, Governor of Pennsylvania. "Civil Service' Hon. Thtodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York. "From the Coal Mines to Congress" Hon. William Connell, Representative from the Twelfth Congressional district. "The Model Postofllce" Hon. II. B. Dickerson, Postmaster of Detroit, Mich. "The Letter Carrier and His Friend" Hon. T. V. Powderly, Commissioner General of Immigration. "Tho National Association of Letter Carriers".. John M. Parsons, President Vocal and orchestral music will In tersperse tho programme. The menu will bo tho following: Little Neck Clams. Celery. Olives. Green Turtle Soup, clear. Tfmbalo of Salmon, Genevoise. Potato Croquettes. - Cucumbers. Diamond Hack Terrapin. Bellevue. Tenderloin of Beef, Rlcheleau. French Peas. lMilslcnno Potatoes, "Civil Service" Punch. Stuffed Squab, Vernon. Chicken Salad In Frozen Tomatoes. Diplomatic Ice Cream. Cheese. Cnlec. Toast. Crackers. Fruit. Coffee. THE GUESTS OF HONOR. How the More Distinguished Visi tors Will Be Entertained. Governor W. A. Stone will arrive In the city via the Lackawanna at lL'.M. accompanied by Mrs. Stone, and. prob ably, also late Treasurer Beachum and Adjutant General T. J. Stewart. They will be met by tho reception com mittee and Bauer's band and escorted to tho Jermyn, where a brief reception will occur. Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith will come ut 1.C2 on the Lacka wanna nnd will be escorted to the Jermyn by tho committee and band, after which ho and Governor and Mrs. Stone will be entertained at fit- homo of Congressman William Conn4M They will leave at 1.30 tomorrow morning for tho Grand Army of the Republic encampment at Phils "Mphla. If Governor Roosevelt shou'd co-no he will arrive with the New York dole gatlon at 3.15 p. m. Th.vo Is little hope that ho will got here, however. Liver complaints cured by Beechnm's pills. 1 CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought idUtf$. Boars the Signature SAMTER EROS Carriers and Firemen Big rcparcd for it ? f Vitrified China, Glasses and r prices are right, lines." Buy now. 13A Wyoming Ave, "Walk In and look around." - FURNISHING STORE. A Great Blow! CONRAD Expects the other kind about Aug. 26 when the Hawes and Miller Hats will be on sale. 305 Lackawanna AveniR Steam and Hot Water Heating; Estimates cheerfully furnished on Electrical and Heating Work. Most complete line of Gas and Electric Fixtures in the city. Repair work given prompt atten tion. Chas. B. Scott 11!) Franklin Avenue. SUMMER RESORTS. PENNSYLVANIA. Elmwood Hall Elnihurst, Pa. (Formerly Motet Hlmhurst. 1 Open All the Year. Till hotel has bean romoilelo 1 nnd rontta 1 throughout and will open Iti doorj Juna 11, l-'orrate-i, etc., call on or aJjreit DR. W. H.H. BULL ELMHURST, FA. THE WIIJOL.A, An Ideal Health Resort, licautt fully Situated with Full Luke View. Absolutely fice from malaria and mes quitoes; boutl'ig, lUhlng, dancing, tennis, orchestra, etc.; pure Llthla water spring; plenty of old shade, pine grovo of large trees surround hotel, excellent table; rutes reasonable; capacity of liojso, 200. Illustrated booklet and references un ap plication. 0, E. FREAR. LAKe'WINOLA, PA FERN HAUL, Crystal Lake-Refined Family Resort Htnse leave Cnruondute for Kern Hall at (l.nnp m Mine lertVOH Fern Hull for C. -linmlulp nt 8.:in n m. Te ophouo Connaa Hon: ''I'er 1 Hall," pay station. C E. JOHNSON, Manager. Piutonico Addresi, iiunUati; l'o, To PATENT Good Ideas may bo secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. TRIBUNE' WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS. r M Bo