The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 01, 1899, Morning, Page 10, Image 10

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Committee of the Miners find Or
ganizer James Met with Offlcinls of
the Mine Yesterdny Afternoon B.
E. Miller Appointed Master Paint
er of the Lackawanna Road What
Superintendent of Transportation
Daly Says of thd Employes of the
Lackawanna New Safety Device.
An effort was made yesterday after
noon to effect a settlement of the strike
that hat been In progress at the Uaby
lon mine nt Duryea for some time.
A committee Of the mlneis. accom
panied by Organizer Uonjumln James,
of the Mine Workers' union, met with
Inside Superintendent Gilbert Jones
nnd Outside Superintendent Mnlnwar
lng and the matters at Issue were
talked over.
One of the thlngo demanded 'with a
good deal of vigor by the men Is the
dismissal of Foreman MeCaithj, who
Js obnoxious tn them. The removal
of McCarthy will not be conceded by
he officials, but they repeated the of
fer made when the men returned to
work after the first strike. I5y the
terms of this offer the company ugiees
ti ", .- the men employed In the Marcy
- j 1 onus of $1 for each yard mined.
i'n only concession the olll
i .int.
v the miners was called
' to consider the reply
i, but up to a late hour
,ul not decided upon the
will pursue.
Master Painter Miller.
Geneuil Supeiintendcnt Hussell, of
the Lackawanna road, will Issue n oli today, announcing the appoint
ment of U V.. Miller as master palntei
of the compan. with heaiWiuuttiTS In
this city. His position means that all
painting of cits, bridges, buildings and
other woik will be done under the
supervision of Mi. Millet
The new appointee has been with the
Lackawanna load three months, hold
ing the position of master painter of
cars nnd lmomothcs of the company
In this city. Mr. Miller, previous to
his coming heie, was with the Hoek
Island Itullioad company
New Safety Device.
The patent safety delce for mine
cages which has been plated in the
AVadesvllle shaft, Schuylkill county,
has proven Mttlsfaetoiy and It will
probably be soon placed in all the
shafts In that ieglon. It is ery sim
ple In delce. with no complicated parts
to become out of older and will insure
s-afety to the miners who descend to
their undei ground work In cages. The
framework of the cage, known as the
billy, Is the cause of so much loss of
life The lope attached to the bucket
In which the men sit while being low
eied passes thiough the billy and Is
thoioughb protected from swinging
against the sides of the shaft.
When being lowered this framework
sometimes becomes caught In the tim
bers of the shaft and the bucket con
tinues Its downward course. Should
the billy become loosened, It goes
clashing down upon the men. The
patent to piotect the miners consists
of a set of clamps, which, when the
billy strikes the Hides of the shuft,
spring otitwnid and hold it seeuiely
until icleased by being hauled to the
top. Mr. Tioutman, a pioinlnent coal
operator of Centialla, is the imentor
of the de Ive.
Situation at Pittsburg.
Iron and steel manuf.ictuieis of
I'lttsbmg and vicinity say they see no
lelief for New Yoik building contr.u
tois. The demand Is so far ahead of
the output that It will take many
months for the tiade to catch up The
Carnegie Steel company. It Is said, will
not take orders for structmal steel for
lelleiy under twehe months.
Last week J3S a ton was paid for bil
lets. Two years ago the price was $11
The pig Iron manufactuieis will not
quote pi Ices for dell vol y this year.
More Railroad Talk.
There Is still talk about a lallioad
iown the abandoned canal. It Is be
ieed by many that If the new Dela
ware and Hudson blanch Is made a
double-tracked load that It will be con
tinued eastwaul from Honesdale.
An statement was made
months ago that the canal was wanted
for lallioad purpose If those pui
poses hae not been i hanged we may
yet see the locomotje on the path so
many yeais tiodden by the mule.
Wayne Independent.
This nnd That.
Tieginnlng today, all passes Issued by
the Delawate, Lackawanna and West
cm Rallioad company will be good tor
stop.oveis at any station. General
Supeiintendcnt Hussell issued an ouler
esterduy noticing conductors ol the
change. When a passenger, tiding on
a pass, deslies to stop off at a eeitain
point, he Is to infoun the conductor of
the tialn, who will make notation, and
on back of the pass wilte "Off at
." and sign his name
S II. Men III night baggage agent at
the local station qf the Ljkawantm
load, has ben piomotect to daj agmt
Don't buune your lamp when It
plutteri and nickera. Itlau'ttha
fault of the tamp It'a the oil la the
lamp. Feed it with our
Water White
an! t7 "toed bra" t alt lampdlicom.
UrU. Ho cbartta wlcfca. do moky
cUtaaara, na dlaumatla odora. Worry
aavoo, tun lavaa, noacr aarad-fbr nor
HeUlfct Wu WsIM OU ta eatapar
tbaa rmr Infarlar gradee of lama oil,
if ii 'W plfl
B ill 1 i V mm
MWiL'iiMf" ' ,M lllilillii Uiii nn ii i i M J
a . - a a . JI
LQUgdiflg g
Babies 3
Good nature In S
children Is rart, g
unless they are 'a
healthy. Those 9
i:::. o:i the Jj
are comparatively fre. from sick
ness. This milk is so easily pic-
IJ pared that improper feeding Is g
Si inexcusable.
succeeding August Melnlcke, who was
recently made a ticket agent at the
home station.
J. W. Fowler, for many years chief
clerk to General Manager llallstead on
the Lackawanna and who was laid off
when the general cleatlng-out process
In that department was under way, has
been iclnstated In the company's ser
vice as a clerk In the mining depart
ment Superintendent of Tinnspoitatton
Daly, of the Lackawanna, says: "The
new ofllclals of the Lackawanna are
highly pleased with the class of men
they find running the trains. In intel
llegnce, good behavior and everything
else that enters Into the makeup of ti
good intlroad man they compare favor
ably with the men on any road In the
country and are superior to ninety per
cent of them Hesults talk, and in the
case of the Lackawanna men they are
ceitalnly eloquent."
Clll englneeis are engaged on the
suneys for the pioposed new tunnel
for the Cross Creek Coal company from
Beaver Meadow to Quakuko.
1'iesldent Miller, of the Lehigh nnd
Nazal eth lallroad, has nearly 200 men
at woik on the extension of the Ban
gor and Portland railway, from Naz
al eth to the Lehigh river.
All the watch shanties along the line
of the Lehigh Valley are receiving a
new coat of paint. The old lusty red
color Is being suplanted by a drab,
which Is far neater and more pleasing
to the eye.
Coal dealeis along the Lackawanna's
line June been notified by the company
that heavier coal cars are going to be
put Into commission and are adIsed
to rebuild or strengthen the coal tres
tles leading into their coal yards.
The officials of the Delaware and
Hudson company are expeilmentlng
with oil on their main line to do away
with the annoyance of dust, and It has
so far pioed highly successful. Vice
1'iesldent II. O. Young says: "The
main line between Albany and Sara
toga has been oiled and the results aie
greatly noticeable. Passengers travel
ing over the load are entirely fiee from
the annojance of dust The oil used
Is a specially piepared high test fluid,
with nn odor that pases away In a
few houis, and hence is practically
Jacob Lewis has been appointed as
sistant trainmaster of the Shamokln
division of the Heading rallioad, vice
II. B. Voorhees, who was tiansfeired
to the New York division.
Will in the Near Future Probably
Occupy a New Building.
Six till to tlio Scr.inton Tilbune.
'Plttston, Aug. 31. The olnclals of th
Pittston Young Men's Chiistlan asso
ciation ate quite energetic In theii tf
foits to get a building of their own,
and the past six months has witnessed
a big stride tow aid the fulfillment of
their deslies A short time ago Thomas
Ford of West Pittston, donated to the
association a eiy valuable pioperty
on William street, also $L',000 In cash.
The tiansfer of the property
was mnde today. It is the Intention of
the association to repair and lenovate
the property which will be rented until
a purchaser will be found. In the mean
time the trustees nre Investigating sev
eial Main street pioperties, with u view
to a possible purchase. Mr Davles, the
general seeiotaiy. is to bo compliment
ed on his efforts to better the facilities
of Pittston's Y. M. C. A.
Knitting Mill Enterprise.
Special to the Scranton Tilbune.
Pittston, Aug 31 An application will
be made in a few weeks to Governor
Stone for a charter by the Duryea
Knitting Mill company, thiough, their
attorney, W. H. Gillespie, of Pittston.
The intention of the ramnnnv la m
eiect a factoi In Duijea for the manu-
tuciuie of undeiclothlng and hosiery
Reds Defeat Xackawnnnas.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Pittston, Aug. 31. The game of base
ball at Tunkhannotk this afternoon be
tween the Lackawannns, of Scranton,
and the Heds, of Pittston, lesulted In
a victory foi the Beds, by a score of
li'-ri The battel y for the Beds was
Ciier and Mai teen, the latter pitching
a great game and lecelvlug excellent
support The playing of the Beds all
thiough the game was of the gllt-etise
order anil at no time was the result In
doubt They completely outclassed
theli opponents
Padden-Meehan Wedding.
Siieclul to the Scranton Tribune
Pittston. Aug 31 At" St John's
Homan Catholic chuich this evening,
a very pretty marriage ceremony was
perfoimed by Bev. Father Gat ley The
contracting parties were Munus V
Fadden, a prominent young man of
Hyde Park being a member of St. Pat
rick's Church iholr for n nnmlim. (if
years, and Miss B Meehan. one of
Pittston's best knoun vnmirr ii,n
The ceremony was witnessed b a large
company of friends and relatives The
bride was attended by Miss Alice Blley
or boutli bcranton, while James Fad
den, brother of the groom, acted as
best man. The happy young couple
will make their future home In Scran
ton. Death of Hiss Compton,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Pittston, Aug. 31. Miss Mary Comp
ton, a highly esteemed young lady of
West Pittston. passed away about ti
o'clock this evening. The deceased was
tho daughter of Edwin Compton, of
Montgomery stteet. and had been sick
for several years. Death was directly
due to heart failure.
0!",sw""' VK2I
irsinn f
How Ben Butterworth Once Settled
a Case of Counterfeiting.
From tho Washington Post.
One day when Major Butterworth
was In a reminiscent moc he told tho
following story, which Is tv fine Illus
tration of the trend of his wholo life.
"When I was district nttorncy In
Cincinnati," ho said, "a man was
brought before me who had been ar
rested for passing counterfeit money.
Tho man was a plain worklngman, evi
dently country bred, and when I looked
Into his face I thought: 'If this man
Is a rogue the Lord Is a very bad writ
er. He ttood before me with misery
depicted on every line of his counten
ance and depicted In every bend of
Ills body, and so I took him Into my
private room and said to him-
" 'You can tell me your story, If you
wish, my man; nnd I will try to do
whatever Is best.'
' 'Well, It Is no use for me to deny
it.' he began; 'for I done It. But I
never meant to bo dishonest.'
"And then he went on and told me
how he had worked nnd saved up his
money till ho had enough to pay the
first instalment on a home out west,
to be a homo for his wife and seven
children. He lived In a small town
In Ohio, nnd had left them there while
he went to secure the homo, and on the
boat ho had met a stranger, a smooth,
specious Individual, well dressed, well
mannered and plausible This man
showed him some new bills and told
him he might make them himself, they
were not counterfeit, because they had
beeen printed fiom the genuine dies
which had been abstracted from the
treusury department, and told It in
such a way as to make It seem to this
simple-minded man but a venial fault,
Just u shaip business tilck, In fact,
rather commendable than otherwise
for Its enterprise; and he offered to
sell them to him for half price. 'Hero
was enough in his very grasp to pay
for his farm, nnd he could all the soon
er have his wife and children with
him,' thought he. .
'He was a simple-minded man, ns
I ald. not an acute reasoncr, nnd the
glamour of the situation, together with
the. ceaseless arguments of the strang
er, 'hindered lilm from thinking over
It us he should, and ho gave the mun
all the money he had laid up to buy
his home for twice the amount in
wotthless paper. The man left the
boat at the next landing, nnd then his
victim began to think In earnest about
what he bad done. Ho wanted to see
somebody to nsk about it, somebody
who would know whether this pretty
new money was teally good before he
got nn further from home, so he took
the next boat going back giving the lust
cent of good money he had for his pas
sage, landing In Cincinnati again,
without a cent of good money he had
for his passage, landing In Cincinnati
again, without a cent In his pocket,
nor an Idea what to do In his head.
"At last hunger assailed him, and
he thought he would try his new mon
ey, ns that would be the beet test of
Its value, after all, and In his simplic
ity he thought that n dollar or two
could not make such difference when
he had paid several bundled, for If the
money turned out to be bad be could
make that small sum good when he
got home nnd at work again. So he
offered a fiO-ccnt currency note in pay
ment for his dinner and another for his
bed. He was detected at once, for tho
eounteifelt, far from being made on
real plates, was n very poor imitation.
He was Immediately arrested Alas!
he had no chance to make anything
good, and he wound up his storv with:
'I suppose 1 will have to go to tho
penitentiary, sir'"
"'It looks veiy much like It, my
man,' 1 said, not wishing to encouiuge
him too much, though I meant to In
quire Into the case, and sent him back
to his cell. But I w rote at once to the
postmaster of the town which the man
had given as his residence and asked
ns to the truth of bis statement about
his family, his years of savings, etc.,
and as to his reputation there. I re
ceived nn immediate teply corroborat
ing all the man said and also stating
that he was a hard-working, honest
man, unlveisally respected by his
"I then had him again biought before
me, and the poor fellow came evidently
expecting to iccelve his final sentence,
and said in a trembling voice.
"'Are j ou going to send me to the
penitential y now?'
" 'No, my man," said I, nnd I am
afraid my own voice was rather husky,
'I am going to send you home to try It
again. Here Is the money to pay your
fure, and I hope you will never let a
scoundrel take jou In again.'
"The poor man wept for very joy, and
ns soon as he could command his voice
poured out his gratitude. He took the
next train home, and beginning at the
bottom went to woik once moie."
Successful Appearance in the New
Comedy "The Degenerate."
London, Aug. 31. Mis. Langtry's
appearanto at the Ilnymnikct theater
this evening in Sydney Giundv's new
comedy, "The Degenerate." was a de
cided success She daringly portiayed
what ate geneially undei stood to be
scenes to be taken fiom her own life.
The realism of the final net Is so In
tense, bringing In, ns It does, all the
scandals associated with her name,
that the unanimous comment nt the
close of the perfoununce was "It Is
pood, but she Is awfully brave to
do It."
Mis. Langttv noted better than ever
before, seeming to throw- hetself thor
oughly Into the spirit of tho comedy
which brlptles with eplgiams, but is
occnslonullv vulgar.
Mr. Hugo Gerald De Bathe, her hus-
Blliousness, sour stomach, constipa
tion and all liver Ilia are cured by
The uon-irrltatlnc cathartic. Pries
25 rents of all druggists or by mall of
C.I. Ii"'"i a '"o. Iowell. Mass.
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood,
rhires Imnntoncv. Nitrht Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self
abuse, or excess ana inuis
cretlon. A nervo tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks ana
restores the lire oi youiu.
ffjv mall fiOc per box, O boxes
for $'J.5U; with a written guaran
tee to euro or.rofund tho mouoy.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Bold by JIcGurroh & Thomas, Diu,'
gists,, 03 Lackawar.ra uve., Scranton, Pa,
kit' I 1
band, looked on from a box, with the
Duke of Saxe-Coburg nt'd Gotha and
Prince Louis, of Battenberg. The
Duchess of Marlborough, many other
titled persons and a large number of
well, known Anicrlcnns, Including Nat
Goodwin, were In the audience.
The Prince of Wales telegraphed
from Mnrlcnhad.
"My best wishes for a btllllnnt suc
cess. Booked lor a fortnight from to
day. (Signed) "Albert."
Charles Haw trey, Miss Lily Hunbuiy
nnd Miss Lilly Grundy were the pick of
the cast, the Inst nomed lady being
Mrs Langtry's daughter who mndo her
first stuge appeal ance tonight. Mr.
Grundy's clever dialogue met with tho
usunl appteclatlon. It Is probable that
"The Degenerates" will bo taken to
the TTnlted States In the course of a
few months.
Theio Is more Catanh In this section
of tho country than all other diseases
put together, and until tho last few jeuis
was supposed to be Incurable Tor a
great muny years doctors pronounced It
a local disease, nnd (described local
remedies, and by constantly falling to
euro with locnl treatment, pronounced
It incurable Science, hns proven catnrrh
to be n constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment
Hall's Cntairh Cure, manufactured by
F J. Cheney At Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the
only constitutional euro on the matket.
It Is token lnttrntillv In doses from 10
drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for anv case It falls to cure Send for
circulars and testimonials Addiess
P J CHBNBY, & CO . Toledo, O.
Sold bv Druggists, "c
Hall's Family Pills are the best
For Sanative Uses.
Its remarkable, emollient, cleansing, and
punning propcrucn, uc
rUert from ('uticuua, tho
great eltln cure, warrant tho
ute. of CiiTltuiiA Socr, In
the forniof linthB for annoy
Injt Irrlt'itlons, intlamnm.
tlons, nnd rlinlinits, for too
free or offennlvo pcreptr
ntlon, and nlco In tho form of
Internal washes and solll.
tlons forulcoratlvewenkncsaea, and formally
sanative, antiseptic purponcs which read y
suffireKt themselves to women, and efciieelnlly
to mothers. Tho use of Cuticuka. Ointment
with CoTicunA. Soap will suggest itself In
the sovcrcr cases.
Sold thronihout lh wo'M PotTta ft fb C Coar.,
Propi , Uoiton. CunciaiSOAr JJooa, free to Womta.
This Week of
Diamonds. Wdto Jetty, ll
Xow is tho timo to get a bargain
at theso prices. You caunot ob
tain them in the future. Call and
Bee tbem.
rino Diamond ninus at ?j00, worth
(10 50.
Solid Gold Band Klncs at $l.:3, worth
Solid Gold Band ItliiBS dt J1.00, worth
$2 iS.
Gold filled Cuff Buttons, 50c, worth
Cuff Buttons, prev lous prices $1.00, now
Gent's Solid Silver Watch, KlRln move
ment, $150.
Ladles' Sterling Silver Watches worth
$3 50, now SI 73
Gent's Nickel Watches S. W., prlco
$J 50. now $1 75
Rogers Bros' Spoons vvai ranted, 50c.
Rogers Bros'. Butter Knives,
SpoonB, Pickle Forks, 37c. previous prlco
Ladles' Solid Gold Watch. Ulgln move
ment. $14 50
Ladles' Gold Tilled Watches at $5 50,
worth $15 00.
We also have nbout three hundred La
dies' Solid Silver Rings, worth 50c. and
73c, will eloe them at 10c each.
Special sale now- going on at Davldow
Bros. Attend ns we are offering goods
at one-fourth their original vnlue.
i;xtra Heavy Solid Silver Thimbles at
Davidow Bros
227 Lackawanna Ave,
Special Attention Given to Ilttsl
licss and I'crsonul Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations l'..
tended According to Il.ihinccs and
3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Intercut Deposits.
Capital, . . $200,000
Surplus! , , 425,000
WM. CONNELL, President.
HENRY BEUN, Jr., Vlce-Pre.
The vault of this bank U
tectcd by Holmes' lilcctrlc
tcctlve System.
MADE ME A iVtaft
AILtA'tvvQa IHtat FalHn2 ilnrt
ti7,lEupotuc7, HletptQAtneii.tto, ervue
tj Abiuo or other Diccmm and Ibu'i
crtuou, ntu ouioacv ana fuiefL
restore Loft Vitality U cldoriuan.T.iin
lt a mo for itudy, buuntM or marrUc
luir In linos. Ihatrme mows la meJIats frcproj
riirrat ABiaaur en uiniuuiuna
na ind cSiotn a CUKE rbtro all fttlibr tail
in. IhklrniA i.inwi in fueillntA Imi
Ea via emctn a uunis rliro an ouitr mi ii
ii jou oaring tno Lvauino ajix jarisii, int
noieciirtainoutanman4viillourojo-a. tvnir;
mi wr'iwn (zu&ramoe to (juk.1 a cur
fieh cr or raf unil thn money Prion
furkugaj or tlz rhin (full irtfnieuti for t269.
nckugj or U pkgm (full trcMaitmti ior C269, it
null, la plain irrarir mvn rsclpt of rrlrn, ( Irculc
Tor Rale In Scrtntcn, Pa., by Matthervi.
Bros, and 11 C 8andrrcu, drugjiBl.
A 1-1 . 1 1 . A A .
TL. n..l anil cicit cintrl nccJ lluoaftlaL
I lis DISl oomuli if j4 uffer from Prime I
iMituti c i iomi. j'ror. ( j. t ii Li i i
mi. it., no norut rinn ou, j-nnaeii
nkliL. Va.. itrclft Ouirtnlto ta emi tut
VirlooceU 4 Mrictcff (do eaUlD ). Ioil lcr I
Alltklihrcitored. Pirn enUrffuJ. HourtiSl L
tvun 9 11 lloarifor loaf litDdiai Rddfttittrrout.
1 imoj.ji r
attiT io so ta I w rreoh raice cuira , t i
far ttwtra tciUmobUu uJ lki. All trtudi
a i t
J v -L. i1
T ? oft
i- f ?
Continue During This Week
Like many other surprises we spring a mid-summer
Towel Sale that will set you to guessing for a reason
why. We usually give a reason for a singular move of
this kind. We have no reason that we care to tell now,
only we have the towels. We have a lot of them and
they are priced lower than you have ever known them be
fore. Almost at the price of common crash you can get
towels here, big, fleecy fellows for the bath, great wide
huck or damask ones, big and roomy, a regular armful of
linen, great, generous towels that will dry you right,
Here Are Two Great Lots:
At 12J4c each, or $1.40 per dozen5oo dozen
huck and Damask towels, of various grades and sizes,
with hemmed or fringed ends.
At 15c each, or $1.70 per dozen5oo dozen huck
aback towels, hemmed or hem-stitched ends, in four dif
ferent qualities and sizes.
Fiom which "bnow Whlto-'
I'liiur Is niutle. Is all cleaned,
frcourrn and t teamed before It la
ground, to wo know tint
Does not contain the least llttlo
lilt of illit. It H peifcctly clean,
perfectly pine and perfectly
It K made In a clean mill by
clean men and Is used bj clean
Ak your srocer uboui It.
"Weonly wholesale!: "
Carbondale, Olyphant.
Car load Just arrived. Alt styles,
nnd prices the lowest. Workmanship
guaranteed even on
Keep us In mind and yoa won't re.
grot giving us your patronage you
will get goods as represented giving
you our easy terms of payment or very
lowest prices for cash. Immense stock
of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets,
Iron Beds, etc. Fta largo floors full
to the celling a.
Thos, Kelly's Slom,
taiaud 111
Franklin Ave.nus
At Retail.
Coal of the befet quality for domestic
uee and of all slics, Including liuckwheat
nnd Blrdseye, delivered In any part of
the city, at the lowest prlco.
Orders received at the otllce, Connnll
building, Ttoom SOU; telephone No 17C2, or
nt the mine, telephone No 2:2, will he
prompth attended to. Dealers supplied
nt tho mine.
The Dickson Miumructuring Co.
tcrantoo and Wlllcevllirre, li
Muimfitelururi or
Boilers, llolitlngand Pumping Machinery.
General Office, Scranton, Fa.
I'M (and 4a ""B a
Art in Wall
Come in and Talk It Over.
129 Wyoming; Avenue,
ii s
Mnmifacturcrs or
Tcleplumj Call, 2 3.11.
311 Spruo S!.
Timple Courl liulldlnj,
Scraatoj, fa.
All ncute and rhtontc diseases of men,
women nnd children clilluNlc', NUHV
KB A SI'UClALrV All diseases of tha
Llvci KldnejH, UladUer Skin, Mood,
Nerves. Womb, IJje Kar, Noie, Throat,
and l.unn. CuneerH TuinourM l'lhs
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