The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 30, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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September Magazines
received nt Norton's.
Century 35 Cents.
Harper's Monthly, now 26 Cents.
Ladies' Homo Journal.
Woman's Homo Companion.
Leslie's Popular Monthly.
The Cosmopolitan.
The St. Nicholas.
The Metropolitan.
Scribner's, the Stiand,
tho Peaisons, tho Self Culture,
tho Quaker, tho Argosy.
tho Lipplncotts, tho Black Cat,
the Delineator, tho Designer,
tho Fashion Periodicals for Autumn,
tho Comic and Humorous Monthlies.
All tho desirable new books
on sale when issued at cut prices.
School Books and Stationery,
Office nud Mercantile Stationery.
322 Lackawanna Avenue.
We nre cleaning
up odds and ends
in mouldings, if
you have pictures
to frame this is
your opportunity
to get it done at
almost your own
aoo Wyoming Avenus.
Ice Cream.
c Quart.
'.telephone Orders Promptly Dellvcsrod
435-317 Adams Avenue.
Sf cclaltles Surgery, Clseassi of Women
Ofllce Hours IltoIUn. m
'J to 1 p. Ill
At IlPKidoncs 7 to H p. m
Ofl'.ce 210 Connelt llullilln" Heildoaco
'Jio South MuluAvenuo.
Scranton Transfer Co.,
IIL'UH J. KEIiNAN. Manager
CI eclca llnssaso direct from reildojoo to
Rny part of the L'ultad .State.
OHlcc 10!) Laekii. Ave. Phone 523
JoS I'enn Avjnu:.
rteose G Hrook la In New York cltj.
JIrs i: II liini nnd Mis V U. Knapp
arc nt Aibury 1'urU
Colonel I. A. W'Jtrco. vveiu to New
York clt icMerdny.
Mis M It. Walter, of Mom no aenue.
Is vialtlncj at O'-ian Grove.
Frank A. riynn, of Jefferson avenue,
left jesterdny for New York clt.
Charles Itowan. of I'lttcton, formerly
of this eltj, ua In town yesterdny.
Mlh Watson, of llne Htreet, ta the
suest of Mrs. lianniMet, at We-it lMtts
ton Ite W. J. Ford, of Ciiecn HldRe, has
returned from a with s hta ut J'ord,
N Y.
John Muriuv, of Newark '.alley, Is vH
ItliiK his uncle, John Murray, of lmmet
Charles Schlatter nnd family lmo le
turned fiom theli t-uinmei homo at I'lin
hurst Ju'Ia Mcllovern, of Mauch Chunk,
Is hltliig Mlcs Richards, of Second
Mlts Moses, of tho reeonler or deeds' or.
flee Is spending her acatlon In Wilkes
lijne Attorney I) J Itcody le.nes today for
Atlantic City, where ho will ppond I1I3
v jiatlon
Deputv Sheriff James MeOoldrlck has
ittuiueil from a week's stay nt New
York city.
Mr and Mrs Jacob llolz nnd daughter
nre the Kuests of Mrn. Slssenuerger, of
l'enn avenue
Mr nnd Mrs I'rnnk MacArthur, of
South Washington aenue. left este:da
for a lsit at Buffalo.
Mrs Henry W Kingsbury, of .Monroe
avenue, hab returned from a lslt to
friends nt Wntwlck, N Y.
Clerk of the Courts Thomas I, Dan-leli-
and his wife and children have re
turned fiom Atlantic Cltj".
Frank J Moore, of Bradford cnuntj.
passed through this city esterdoy on
his way to Salt I.ako City.
T J EuRati, money older clerk nt the
postofllco and his wife inn t-nenilltiK u
few weeks In Hrookljn, N. Y.
Dr Cliarlu H Tilton has leturned from
Philadelphia nnd tho seashoie, where he
has been upending Ids vucntlon.
llev Itogcrs Israel will iclurn from
I'aRlesmero on Fildaj to lesume his
ptiEtoral outks after Ills acntlon.
Mrb Cntheilno Ciohsin nnd daughter.
Miss, of Madhou avenue, aio
spending 11 week In New York city.
Mr. and Mrs M. M Kuddy and sons.
John and Jurats, and d.uighui, MIsa
Sadlo Ituddi, left for nhur Park.
Klgenu Smith, of Oreeu Illdge, hus
returned from an c. Mended Htay at tho
AillronduckH and Thou.iund Islinds.
Edward nnd Kobert Hci.ikk. sons of
Attorney John 1'. Stint;?, left jesterduy
for Mlllersvlllc State Normal school
ColoncKp M. JJullsitad returned from
FlttsbunT last night, whero ho took part
In the. reeeptlon to the Tenth regiment.
MIsspb nnd Clnghorn, of the
Lackawanna hospital, will return In a
few days from a month's btny ut Canada.
Mr. and Mrs Jutnes Huddy nnd chil
dren and Miss Anna Roche, of Ollo
Ktreet. liavo returned from u sojourn nt
tn seashore
Saul McKcoby was In West Plttslnn
last evening attending a caul party nt tho
homo of Mr and Mrs V N. llannlstcr,
of Purkcr street
Ilev. C. E. Iloblnern, 1) D, will return
today from his reft at Dnnsvllle sanl
tiirlum, and this evening will conduct tt-o
vuekly prayer meeting at tho Second
Presbyterian church,
Ralph W. llymtr yesterday registered
with Prnthnnotitty John Copeland as n
stuilent-iit-law in tho office of Attorney
C S Woodiulf Ho was graduated from
Wyoming seminary In MM and Is in w
n member of the senior clnss ut Wes
lejnn uulverstly, Mlddlclon, Conn,
Mrs II. C. Morrcll, of Adams aenue,
who was summoned to the home of her
pnrentn on Sundav last bv u telegram
stating that her mother nnd father wero
seriously Injured vvhllu out driving, has
wiltten to friends in this city to tho ef
fect that her mother's Injuries will prove
fatal. It hits not been posslbln as et to
nscertnln what the result of her fnthcr's
Injuries will be
John Simpson, tho well known Wjom
Ing avenue tailor, returned yesterdnv
from 11 two months' lslt to his nntlve
homo In Scotland, where ho went to re
cuperate In health Mr Simpson Is much
Improved and enjojed his lslt very
much While there he attended all tho
Scottish games of the different Caledon
ian clubs, but Is nf the opinion thes do
not compare with tho American games
"There Is not u doubt of the result In
tho lennvlvnnla state election," said
Hon William Council, of Scranton, nt
tho Shorehnm. speaking nf the nomina
tion made bv tho Republican slate con
vention nt llnrilsburg last week "I
earnestly supported Judge Arehbnld for
the Supreme court Judgeship, but the
convention deolded against me Tho
ticket nominated Is un exceptionally
strong one, and Is Invincible against nny
sort of combination It will be elected
b Inn usual lVnnsjhnnla Republican
malorlty" Mr Connell Is a silent but
potent forco In the politics of tho great
state of Pennslvanln. and his career
from a poor bov to a man of great wealth
Is a striking Illustration of the Indomit
able energy that makes Pennsylvania
the foremost Industrial Mnto in the whole
country In congress Mr Connell Is a
Millet, but effective worker Ills dili
gence nnd Industry In department work
nro remarkable and a distinguished ex
ception to tho recognised mle that
wealthy men generally seek congressional
honors with a lcw to social distinction
nt tho capital Washington Post
Finn & Phillips Are Making Rapid
Strides in That Line.
The piomlnenco so rapidly attatno.l
by the well known firm eif mu
sic dealeis, Messrs. Finn & Phil
lips, In tho music publishing busi
ness is nothing less thnn phenomenal.
Mr. Phillips Is a composer of great
ability, as Is also Mr. Rockwell, who
has charge of tills tlepaitment of tho
llrm's rapidly growing business.
The "Country Club March nnd Two
step," by Mr. Phillips scored one of
the most pronounced successes of the
last year and orders are still coming
in with great rnpldlty. This composi
tion has already reached the 22,000
maik nnd the end Is not yet
Among other compositions by Mr.
Phillips which have attained remark
able popularity nre "Governor Roose
velt's Rough Riders" and "Uncle
Sam's Nay,"
"The Snow Hall Club," a character
istic march and two-step by Mr. Rock
well is also having a big sale, and al
though It has been out a considerable
length of time the demand for It con
tinues with great regularity.
A "ragtime" composition by Mr.
Thomns Rennle, under the title of "A
Coon's Holiday," Is also proving a big
winner, and another edition Is now
being run off.
Among the compositions now In
course of publication by this film are
two new marches, and a set of waltzes
by Mr. Phillips. Musicians who have
heard them predict an unexeecled
sale for both. They will be ready !s
about six weeks,
A new ballad by Mr, Alfred Wooler,
entitled "Kindness Would Have Saved
Her," and a composition by Mr. Rock
well will also bo ready in a few weeks
and it is confidently expected that both
will immediately gain groat popular
It. "
Number Reported Last Week Was
Two Less Than the Average.
Last week's moitallty late showed a
decided falling off, therp being report
ed only thirty deaths, or two less than
the aveiage for last lear.
The contagious disease wo- how
ever, unusually high, diphtheria head
ing the list with twenty-fo'ir rases
Theie were two. cases of scarlet lWer,
two of Uphold feer and one of meas
les. Theie were only two deuhs
from (ontnglous diseases an 1 bolh
wore from diphtheria
Twenty-seven Companies Already
Accept the Invitation.
Twenty-seven lire companies have
n'.eady accepted the invitation to at
tend the parade to be held in connec
tion with the state firemen's conven
tion. Thiee of the big volunteer fire
companies of Philadelphia nre among
It Is expected that fully as rn my
111010 acceptances will he received be
tween now and the convention time.
Mears & Flynn Organize a New
Torce for Paving Work.
Work on tho Hast Mnrket street pave
was lesumed yesteiday morning, by
Mears & Flynn, a sulliclent fojne hav
ing been recruited to take the place of
those who went on strike last Friday
Several of the men who went on
btrike were among those who make up
the new gang.
Scranton College of Music, 520
Spruce Street.
Haydn Evans, dliector. On nnd af
ter Sept 5 the college will be open for
tho reception of pupils. Piano, organ
(pipe), Haydn Evans, voice, hnrmony,
counterpoint, D. J. J. Mason, Mus
Uac., elocution, Miss Pauline Hall. A
two manual organ with pedals and
electric motor has been place 1 In tho
college for the use of pipe organ Mu
dents. Neckties Tree Today.
On9 to each person. Call early
They won't last long.
Hand & Payne,
201 Washington ae.
There will ba n mooting Wednesday
evening nt 8 o'clock sharp at Rauh's
hall, Wyoming avenue, over Miller A:
Peck's, of tho jetail mcrrhants of
Scranton and vicinity. No m.tttci
what line of business engaged In are
Invited to attend to form a Protective
Smoke the Poeouo 5c. Cigar.
A Catd.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree
to lefund tbojnoney on a SO.cent bottle
of Clreone's Wurruntcd Syrup of Tar if It
falls to euro your cough or cold We aluo
guarantee a Si-cent bottle to prove tutl
fattorv or money refunded. J. Q. Bone &
Hon, Dunmorc, Pa,; John V. Donahue,
Scrunton, Pu.
They Are Charged with Having
Committed Highway Robbery in
Relieving William Hunt of 84.50
on Sunday nt Peckvllle It Is Now
Alleged That Hunt Was Injured
by Being Run Into by a Trolley
Car Was Operated Upon at Car
bondalo Yesterday.
Mlchail Kenrncy und John Mackcy,
of Peckvllle, wero arrested yerterday
by County Detective Leyshon on the
charge of having committed highway
robbry on Aug. 27 In relieving Wil
liam Hunt of $4. SO, which he had on
his petFon nt tho tlina of the acci
dent near Peckvllle, in which Hunt's
back was broken.
A hearing took place before Justice'
of tho Peace Arnold In Pcckvtlle nt 9
o'clock last evening at which Mr. I.ey
shon nppenred as prosecutor.
The testimony of Harney Mohan nnd
others befoio the Justice wns substan
tially the same as that published con
cerning the nffalr In Tho Tribune yes
terday and fled tho responsibility up
on the shoulders of Kenrncy and Mnc
key Uanlel O'Royle, one of the witnesses,
stld that Kearney had Informed him
that he (Kearney) had robbed n man
of $1 G5. Kearney did not believe that
Hunt's back had been broken ns the
two hnd had considerable dllllculty In
getting tho money away from the In
jured man.
Havld Hunt, a brother of the victim
of tlw robbery, appeared on the wit
ness stand nnd gave a new version of
the accident.
Mr. Hunt stated that he had vlsltod
his brother, AVllllnm Hunt, who Is In
the Carbondnle hospital, and that tho
latter had Informed him that he was
knocked off tho bnnlc on the unfortu
nate Saturday evening, by one of the
Carbondale Traction company's trol
ley cars It wns tho force of the car,
Vihlch wns running nt a high rnte of
speed, Mr. Hunt contends, that broke
his back nnd smnshed In the back
part of the carriage In which ho was
Mr. Hunt states that after knocking
him off the road and down an embank
ment the crew on tho trolley car made
no effort to discover whether he was
dead or alive.
At the conclusion of tho hearing
Mackey and Kearney were committed
to the county Jail, and Mehan, O'Royle
and Ooyne, who wpre first held to hall,
were released. Mackey and Keaincy
were brought from reckvillo last
night nnd placed In tho county jail.
An operation was performed upon
AVIUIam Hunt at the Carbondnle hos
pital yfsterdav, 11 1 t t lite h .ur
Inst night he was resting comfortably.
Lieutenant Murphy to Join tho
Forty-seventh Infantry.
Thomas P. Murphy, of this city, Mon
day night leceived a telegram from
Senator Holes Pe-mose asking him If
he would accept a commission as sec
ond lleutennnt in the Forty-seventh
Volunteer infantry, now being tecrulted
at Camp Meade
Yesterday Mr. Murphy received a let
ter fiom tho war department asking
for his acceptance of the offer, which
he nt once wired. He will report for
duty nt Camp Meade and the regiment
will shortly leave for San Francisco,
whoie they will be perfected In mili
tary duty previous to their departure
tor the Philippines. The regiment will
be In Manila befoio Jan. 1.
The Knights of Columbus, of which
Lieutenant Murphy Is a member, will
tender him a farewell reception tomor
low evening
Called Upon the Police to Shoot His
Cousin's Vicious Canine,
A bull dog owned by Pntrlek Joidan,
of Genet street, bit Mr. Jordan's cous
in, John Jordan, on the flu ek, Monday,
and yesterday the bitee- was at police
heidquarters with 11 request tint an
oltlcer be sent to s,hoot the dog, his
cousin having lefuM'd to saoilfico the
Lieutenant Zing was Instructed to
cairy out the reiiues-t and the patrol
men on that beat Is now looking for
the Jordan bull dog
For That Reason Her Husband Asks
a Divoice.
John Koenlg filed his petition yester
day with Prothonotary Copeland nsk
ing for a divorce fiom Addle May
Koenlg. who was Addle May Smith
befoio her marriage The applicant Is
lepies-onted by Attorney M W. Lowry.
The Koenlgs weie inairhd N'ov C,
ISOfi. and separated July 4, 1SU5 Koe
nlg bays his wife treated him In such
a brutal manner that he hail to leave
Smoke the Popular Punch Cigar, 10c.
Reechum's Pills No equal for con
stipation. FANCY
For canning or preserving
every clay, direct from or
chard. We supply families at
wholesale prices aud guaran
tee the best fruit for least
Buy Now.
E. Q. Coursen
4S0 Lackawanna Avenue.
Was Held from His Late Homo at
Dunmore Yesterday Morning.
All that was mortal of the late
Thomas ,1. Jordan was laid to rest yes
terday morning. Tho funeral was
held from his late home on Meade
stteet, Dunmoie Tho attendance of
friends and associates nt the obsequies
was extremely large, a fact that at
tested tho respect he was held In and
the deep sense of sorrow felt over his
early death.
At 9 SO o'clock the casket was closed
and the procession moved to St. Mary's
church, where a solemn high mass of
lequlem was celebrated Rev. James,
P. Jordan, of Itendhnm, n brother to
the deceased wns celebrant, Rev, Fnth-
r Halt, of Ashlej. tlencon, Rev. J. J.
II Feoley. of Nicholson, sub-deacon,
and Rev. M. IJ. Donlan, of Dunmore,
wns master of ceremonies. The eu
logy wns pronounced by Rev. M. J
Mlllane, of St. Mary's church, who writ
a close friend of the deceased. At the
conclusion of the services the remains
were borne to Ol.vphnnt and InterroJ
In the Catholic cemetery In that town.
The Dunmore conclave, Improved
Older of Heptnsophs, and the local or
der of Elks, of which organizations Mr.
Jordan was a member, attended thy
funeial In a body. The pall-beareis
were W. J. Hall, Frank Dlngham. J.
T. Cummlngs, J. J Cummlngs, T. F.
Foley and T. C. DeHow.
Michael McManus Had a Thrilling
Experience Badly Injured About
the Side, Back nnd Leg.
Distiiet Chief Michael McManus of
the llro department, who Is employed
as a lino foreman by tho Scranton Il
luminating Heat nnd Power compuny,
had an exceedingly narrow escape
from Instant death yesterday morn
ing. ,
He was working on top of a pole
about thirty feet high on Putnam
street when he either received a slight
shock of electricity or overbalanced,
which he Is not sure, and fell. He
retained his presence and mind and
endeavored to throw his body so that
it would fall In the supply wagon
which was standing underneath.
He struck the mule attached to the
vehicle, however, and slid from Its
back between the shafts, where he be
came entangled. The animal became
frightened and started down tho road
at a lively gait, Mr. McManus' left
leg nnd side being dragged along the
road. He was still conscious and
managed to extricate himself after ho
had been dragged about BOO feet and
threw himself over against a fence.
The mule kept on, but was stopped a
short dlstnnce beyond.
Mr. McMnnus was picked up and re
moved to his home In Forest court,
where his Injuries were nttended by
by Dr. O'Malley. His entire left sldo
and leg are badly bruised and lacer
ated and his back Is badly strained.
Had he not stuick the mule he would
probably have struck on his head and
fractured his skull.
Movement to Replace Patches of
Cobblo Pavement with Asphalt.
Tho councllmen of the Klghth and
Sixteenth watds are negotiating with
the owners of piopeity on Penn av
nue in front of whose places cobble
pave Is laid to have the pave taken up
and asphalt laid In Its stead.
The Handley and Coar estates have
agreed to contribute half the cost of
the improvement and ordinances are
now on their way through councils ap
propilatlng money for the city's share
of the expense The pioperty owners
on the east side of Penn avenue, be
tween Mulbeiry and Vine streets are
to be asked to enter Into a like ar
rangement. Tho city Is willing to pav
half the expense here ns In tho othei
Programme That Will Be Rendeied
by Lawrence Band.
The Lawrence band will give a con
cert nt Nay Aug park this afternoon
at - o'clock:
March, "The Wolves" Reaver
Ovetlure, "Light Cavulrj" Suppe
Fantaslo on "My Old Kentucky Home,"
Sf lection from "Mnrltana" . , . Wallaco
Waltz, "Impassioned Dream ' . . Romis
Medley Overture. "A Tickler" ....DeWltt
Dani'o Charactcrlstlque, "The Hrownleh."
Medley Mai eh, "Scranton to Harris
burg" Arr. W. i:. Ott
(Plnjed on ly the Lawience Band)
And Return, Via the Lehigh Valloy
On September 9 the Lehigh Valley
Railroad will sell tickets to Niagara
Falls und leturn at the special low fare
of $3.00 for the round tilp fiom Scran
ton, limited foi return passage to Sep
tember 11, inclusive. Tleke'ts will be
honored on any tialn, except the Hlack
Diamond Express
Consult Lehigh Valley Ticket Agent
for furthei particulars.
Ideal Home Site.
Tho sale of West Paik lots goes inei
illy on with unpreoedenteul lapldlt)
It Is not strange that they should when
ono considers the unparallelled lota
tion and easy teims on which these
lots are being sold.
You aie Invited to Inspect this plo
at your earliest convenience. Tor
prices, terms, etc., apply at newly
elected ollhe on tho plot.
In piusuunce of a resolution of- the Re
publican coui ty committee parsed at a
legular meeting held on Saturda), Aug
19 153'), tho county convention will be
hi Id on Tuesdr.), September M, at 2 p
in In the court houte, Scranton, for tho
purpose of conn Ming returrs and truus
uetlng huch other basinets as shall be
biougbt before It.
Vigilance committees will hold pil
moiy elections on Saturda), September
J3, is vi, between tho hours of 4 aud 7 p 111
K.ich election district f-lmll elect at said
pilmary election Ihreo (iuallllcd persons
to servo ns vigilance committee for the
next ensuing calendar eur. whoso names
shall he certified to on the returns to the
countv convention.
Candidates who havo thus far regis
tered their names with the secretnry and
those who are desirous of registering will
observe the requirements of rule 7, which
reads ns follows. "Each caudlduto shall
pay his nssesument to the county chair,
man at least twenty dajs before tho prl
election, or his namo will not be Nk.fl
mary election, or his name will not be
printed on tho official ballot" Satur
day, September 2, Is tho lust day for reg
istering and pajtng the assessment.
!:. t. Wlllard, Chairman.
J. K, Wutklnu, Becietury.
Those Who Have Accepted Invita
tions to tho Postmasters' Banquet
Which Will Bo Held Next Monday
Night in the Jcrmyn Drilling
Squad of Thlrty-Fivo to Como from
Detroit to Take Part in tho Pa
rade Meeting of tho Auditing
Committee in Washington.
The ofllclnl progiummo of tho letter
carriers' national convention has now
been entirely completed und Is as fol
lows; Sundnv, Sept 3, n.SO p m. Sicred con
cert tit Nny Aug Park by New York Let
ter Carriers' Hand, llauer's band and
Scranton Qleo club.
Mnmlii), September I a m Iteeeptli.t
of visitors 3 45 p m, letter carriers pi
ratic, nit delegates nnd visitors nre re
quested to assemblo nt Hotel Jermvn
not later than 3 15 p. m. to be marshaled
to their position In line of marrhi 710 p.
m. public reevptlon at high school aud
itorium, Washington avenue; reception
nnd banquet to visiting posttn istcrn and
officers of tho Natlonnl association at
Hotel Jermjn, given by Colonel 12. II.
Ripple, pustmaster, Scranton, Pa
Tuesdn), September 5 Morning session
of convention nt St. Thomas college hall,
W.vomlng nvenue, 1 30 p in. excursion
from Hrln and Wyoming di pot to Luko
Ariel, iv few contests have been arranged
by Ur.Mich No 17 to take place at the
lake- 1 Onme of buse ball between any
two tennis selected on tho ground, prize,
a pair of shoes to each member of win
ning team, donated by Lewis, Rcllly and
Davles. 2 A fat man's race, 50 yard dash,
prize, carriers' uniform, donated by Fecli
clmer Rros. & Co, of Cincinnati, O. t.
H0-)nrd dash, "free for nil carriers, prlre.
hut, donated by J. II. Tollcs, Spiuce
Wednesduy, September fi Morning ses
sion of convention; 1.30 p m , excursion
to Mountain Park and Wllkes-Hario as
guests of Ilrnnch No 115, Wllkcs-Ilarre
Thursdny, September 7 Morning, af
ternoon and evening sessions of conven
tion, In tho afternoon visiting ladles will
be entertained nt Nay Aug Park b) tho
ladles' auxiliary of Scranton, Pa
Friday, September 8 Morning and af
ternoon session of convention, S p m,
trolley ride to points of Interest In cltv
Snturdij, September 9 Morning session
of convention. 230 p m, carriage drivo
over fho boulevnrd and around Lake
Scranton for delegates, their wives nnd
daughters The New York Letter Car
riers' band nnd tho Scranton Glee club
will assist In entertaining visitors at all
A special train will leave Delaware,
Lackawanna nnd Western depot at 1 30
p m , Thursday nnd Friday for the
P.ellcvuo mine. Ail desiring to visit tho
coal mine will avail themselves of this
opportunity. A competent person will be
In charge.
Preparations for tho convention arc
moving along smoothly and japldly.
Messrs. Phillips and Robathan and
several members of the local branch
ate now devoting their entire time nnd
attention to perfecting plans and map
ping out courses of procedure.
Letters are constantly being received
from vnrlous branches nil over the
country telling the number of delegates
they will send and Indicating by their
general tone that enthusiasm regard
ing the coming convention is very high.
President? Phillips received n letter
yesterday from the secretary of the
Hrooklyn branch stating that that
body will bring with them a chart
showing the positions of the various
ships In the Santiago sea battle, to
gether with a pulle) block fiom the
wreck of the Maine Roth these will
be on exhibition In a window during
convention week They will also carry
with them during the parade a Hag
which floated from one of the masts
hoe Values
Elbowed by the new-coming
stock, all the broken lots of
shoes aie to be sold now. The
CLEARANCE starts today, nnd
ends when the aim Is accom
plished. Losing money is not
pleasant in Itself but necessary
nt times in the conduct of
Men's S3, ?4 and 85 Shoes at
Women's S2.50 Shoes at
Women's $3 and $3.50 Shoes
at S1.70 and S2.
Misses' SI. 25 Shoes at 05c.
Men's and Boys' Canvas Ox
fords with corrugated rubber
soles, at 38c.
Children's spring-heel Suoes,
Good sizes nnd help to wait
on you.
410 Spruce Street.
Dockash Stoves Ranges
Economy of fuel is one of the important points
to consider iu buying a Range. It's poor economy
to save a dollar or two on a Range aud lose five
or six dollars every year on your coal bill.
Dockash Rauges save 25 per ceut. iu fuel.
Only place to see a complete line.
Mears Building, 140-142 Washington Av3.
of tho cruiser Hrooklyn during the
tight off Santiago.
Rranch No, 1, of Detroit, Mich., will
send thirty-live men, comprising their
drill company, to participate In the
The contract for the reviewing stand
has been let to William 'Hvans, one of
the staunchest union men In this sec
tion of the state. Tho stnnd will ex
tend from tho curb In front of the ceil,
tral stops of the postofllco back nearly
to the steps themselves. It will bo
about forty feet long and will be raised
seven feet high, allowing a passage
underneath for pedestrlnns Tho en
tire stnnd will be handsomely trimmed
with bunting and flags
Tho work of decorating the vnrlous
buildings In the city Is now well under
way. Tho Connell nnd Hoard of Trails
hulldlngs nre finished as far ns Hag
decoration Is concerned nnd present a
most elaborate and effective oppear
nnce, ACD1T1NC1 COMMlTTHi:.
Monday's Washington Times hns tho
following to Fay regarding the woik of
the auditing committee:
, "The auditing committee of tho Na
tional Association of Letter Carilers
has been at the olllco of the national
secretary In this city duilng the past
week going over tho books of the na
tional ofllcers. When Interviewed the
committee members stated they could
not complete their labors for several
days yet. The commltteu Is composed
of A. J. Mlchencr, of St. Louis, chair
man, James F. Rrortnn, Keokuk, Iown,
secretary, William H. Flaherty, New
Orleans, M T, Flnnln, Rloomlngton,
III , and John S. County, Tuuton, Mass
"The chairman of tho committee, Mr
Mlchener, stated to u Times lepoiter
that tho growth of the older through
out tho country during the past yenr
has been something phenomennl, there
being more members In the association
than there uro regular letter cunlers In
tho set vice. This, ho stated, wns due
to tho confidence that the men had In
the present board of ofllcers The mm
mlttee will soon leave for Scranton,
where tho annual convention will bo
held, from September 4 to 0."
Tho fallowing from out-of-town hnve
nheady accepted lnvltntlons to tho
postmnsters' banquet to bo held next
Monday night In tho Jcrmyn.
Postmaster General Charles Hmory
Smith; Hon. W. A. Stone, governor of
Pennsylvania; Hon. T. V. Powdeily,
of Washington, D. C,, commissioner
general of emigration, M. A- Fitzger
ald, president of New York Letter
Carriers' association; Rlchaul Van
Cott, superintendent of carilers, New
York city; A. W. Machen, superin
tendent free delivery, Washington, D.
Postmasters Hon. C. A. Van Cott,
New York; Charles W. Scott, WIN
Hamsport, Pa.; James II. Roberts,
RInghnmton, N. Y.; Marcus Mitchell,
Kast Orange, N. J.; Clarence W. An
drews, HTSton, Pa., C. L Arglnslnger,
Albany, N. Y ; C L. Shlrer, Rethle
hem, Pa ; Henry Rrownlock, Norrls
town, Pa Willlnm N Powell, Hozle
ton, Pa ; D. W Turner, Towanda, Pa
C. C. Dustol, Cleveland, O.; F II.
Plckerson, Detroit, Mich.' George Rep
penu, Long Island City, N. Y ; Theo
dore M. Hart, Pittston, Pa.: T.llas M.
Monfort, Cincinnati, O ; D A. Fell,
Wllkes-Barro, Pa.- Milton P. Schantz,
Allentovvn, Pa.
National officers John A. "Witz'tk,
Ruffalo, NY; Jr. J. Connor Chicago,
111.; F. W. Campbell, Minneapolis,
Miss.; Rernnrd J. Curtln, Lvnn, Mass.;
Albert K. Young. Cincinnati, O.' Chas.
IJ. Radle, Canton. O James Arklson,
Fall River, Muss- John F. McHlrov,
Bridgeport, Conn , Christ Lnngheed,
Detroit, Mich ; FranTis J. Rurke, Syra
cuse, N. Y; Hclvvard J. Cantwell,
"Washington, D. C; S. E. Graham,
Kansas City. Mo. Conrad Frleher, San
Francisco, Cal.- Wllmnt Dunn, Nash
ville, Tenn t Dr. W. A. Aimour, Kan
sas City, Mo
The Best Remedy for Flux.
Mr. John Mathlas, a well known
stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky , says "Af
ter suffering for over a week with flux,
and my physician having failed to re
lieve me, I was advised to try Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlnnhoea
Remedy, and have tho pleasure of stat
ing that the half of one bottle cured
me " For sale by all druggists. Mat
thews Rros., wholesale and retail
Readleston & AVoerz' Imperial Im
ported Wurzbeiger beer on diaught at
Smoke the Hotel Jermyn Cigar, 10c.
Telephone 022.
141 to 149 Meridian Street,
Lead, Varnish
and Colors
Purity Guaranteed.
kl vTi?3 Si
Wlthouta Coat
or two of pnlnt surfaces expend to thf
action of tho nlr or weather will decay
nro worthies', neither preserving or pro
tectlng. They nro mudo of poor oils, an
poorer vWilta lend
Wo are not offering that kind. Th
paints wo havo are worthy of tho fulloa
Whether made hero nnd under our JI
reel stipcrv talon, or purchased from well
known houses, thry will ho found up t
the highest utnnclard. A small quantltS
will cover a largo surface.
Half Price.
j 103 Washington Ave, S
Big Cut
Base Ball Goods at
Cost to Close Out.
FELTON'S, oTcvend
Succsssor to Bronson & Tollman,
Best $3 Hat on Earth.
412 Sprusj Stmt.
AH New and Modern Fixtures.
Perfect sanitary plumbing. Goods
not exposed to dust and dirt from
the street.
Everything a market should
have you can find here. Compet
ent salesmen. Prompt service.
110-112-114 PENN AVENUE,
t 1
I The i
Third Annual J
August I
Furniture Sale J
Now in I
Progress. J
See Our
Show Windows
to Be Had
in the Store.
t 221-223-226-227 Wyoming A?8
1 ftSs-'M'ritoaw.
: r