THE RORAWTON TRIBUNE MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1S99. W September Magazines received at Norton's. Ladles' Homo Journal. Woman's Homo Companion. Leslie's Popular monthly. V The Cosmopolitan. The St. Nicholas. The Metropolitan. Bcribncr's, tho Strand, the Pearsons, tho Self Culture, tho Quaker, tho Argosy, tho Llpplncotts, tho Black Cat, tho Delineator, tho Designer, tho Tnshlon Periodicals for Autumn, tho Comic and Humorous Monthlies. All the desirable new books on salo when Issued at cut prices. School Books and Stationery, Office and Mercantile Stationery. M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Avenue. - We are cleaning up odds and ends in mouldings, if you have pictures to frame this is your opportunity to get it done at almost your own price. 1 If" i w THE GRIFFIN ART CO., ;oo Wyoming Avcnu:. m Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. Per c Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO Telophono Ordori Promptly Delivered 325-327 Adams Avenue. -0 DR. A. A, LINDABURY, Sfcclaliles Surgery, Diseis3i oi Women en'ceiiomi .... II toI2n. r. '2 to 4 p. m At lirmdoneo . 7 to H p. m Ofllro a in Connoll ltiilldln; Hosldenca- '210 -outli Main Aenue. Scranton Transfer Co., HUail J. KECNAN, Alanijer. CI celt ItncRneo direct from reildoaca to Buy pHitorttiol nltoilStutei. OIllco 10!) Lacku. Ave. Phone 525 I ACKAWANNA L "THE" aundry 308 I'enn Av:nu:. A. ) WARMAN. PERSONAL L) .1 C.implirll ni.d J J. CotoUo an at Atlantic t'lt. Mnt lr XlrrmH of Wilkcs-Harrc, was In the rltj Satin ln C hlcf of Police and Mr TranK Robliug left fur Atldtitlc l'it SattlliKn. Robert Kmini't C)'Holi- of North Scran ton has returned fiom Atlnnttr City Mr imd Jlr J. 1' Ik-tzcl. of Ohvo fctiett left for I.oiik Uraneh Saturday. mliroho J. I! win? and ulster, Miss Rvrne aro at Hotel I'inon, l.nlto Ailel Mix Anna Nash, of South Ninth uiet. Is Hltlnt; ut llanillnton. Wajno oount. MUs Jennie (lialiim, of Aoc.i. Is jspcndliiK lier vacation ut Clark's Sum mit Mi and Mrs". I. CVMulley, of West Linden street, are Pojouinhiu at Atlantic Ct Dald ttmls nnd son, Carl of Went Sttanton are nt the Hcrnnton House, At lantic Cl Mrs William S Head has letumed fiom u tot might's ls-lt with relatlws In Nfw York Hnbert 1'icn. has returned from a slay nt Shelter MiMid, wheie l.e was the guest of K L mikr tohn It Mllllnnn of St I.ouls, Is the c.iest of his lnotliPi. H. It. Williams, of 590 North rilmoip awiiue Mth Ut orKo I. Wc.i'er nnd foil Hay mond nre hpemllni; ten ilnjs In Sprlns MUt Susqueliann.i county. Hr and Mrs. C. V. Dean are- to lslt Nlannru Tails nnl WntKlun Olen on their w.u homo ami epect to reach Scranton, August SO. Mrs I" J Nealls and children of Chest nut street, are IMllnt; nt Wuymait. AVqmip rnunty, nt the parental homo of Mrs Xealls Oeorco Sudain and dntiKhtei Mlsn Oer. trude of Mnnsi'v cntir, Wllllum huy dam of rranklln nenue. nnd Miss Jnstp Lonr of WxomhiK nenue, left for New York elty Saturdaj TO ATTEND ENCAMPMENT. Veterans from This Region Who Go to Philadelphia. It Is expected that two bundled et orans from this place will attend the national encampment of tho Grand Army of tho Ilepubllc nt Philadelphia next month Asa H. Stevens, commander of the post, has been In Philadelphia arrang ing for the entertainment or thoso who wish to attend tho convention. As a result lodging for ono hundred of tho comrades will be furnished by the city of Philadelphia, They will be quartet ed In n large hall on the corner of Fuiunont avenue and Frank lin street A special train will be tun for the veterans which will leao this city nt 10 o'clock on Monday. Sept 4. Tho Scranton posts will be In chaige of John Albto, tho senior vice-commander, as tho commander. Asa II. Stevens, belongs to tho stuff of tho chief com mander. Tho other otilcers of thp post aro: Dr. Scott, chnplaln; Samuel 11. Stevens, quartei master; flcorge i: Brock, adjutant, William McDonald, officer of tho dny. A. It. n'i " of the guaid. Smoke the i'nitului r'uneli Clear. 10c Beecham's Pllls--No etiual for con-UDitlnu " "'" " --"-U-- --- --i '' : 1 TO TELL PARSONS THE WHOLE STORY LOCAL LETTER OARRIE11S' POSI TION IN ARCHES MATTER. The President of tho Letter Carriers' National Association Receives an Appeal fiom the Central Labor Union to Uso nis Influence to Have Only Union Labor Employed on tho Convention Decorations and from tho Meagre Information Afforded He Becomes Misinformed. The following letter was received yes terday morning by John H. Phillips, president of the local branch of tho Lictter Carilers' association, from Na tional President John M. Parsons: Mr John II. Phillips, Scranton, Pa. Dear Sir nnd Brother: A very strong committed from tho building trades of this rlly hae appealed to thu letter car riers tit Now York, asking that your com tnltteo nt Scranton do whatever Is possi ble to prexent the arches being built by non-union labor Therefore, In behalf of sour us-soclutes here, I uppcul to jou to stand bj organized labor in jour city In the Interest of fait play. This complaint made ngalnst oui committee's iictlon. If not rectltltd will cause serious trouble among our men here, if not disrupt tho whole paride 1 am nihlsed by Mr Hnmmes of tho Stone Cutters' union, that the bulldlnc trades of your city will not consider the question of expense In b.nlng onr work done by union men. In view of these facts 1 hope ou will net nt once nnd our whole organiza tion the disgrace which they will justly deserw should nnj part of your work bo done liv nnv but union men of their trndo without regard to ulllllatlnn with inn natlonnl organization of labor Don t ask good union men who bel!eo In tho principles of organization to tako nnj pirt In what hits been provided by those who bae no uso foi us. Show this letter to whoever ou please, but net Praternallv. John M. Parsons. Tho nboe communication practically explnlns Itholf and shows that there Is a sentiment feimentlng among the New York carriers against the work done on tho nrches on 'Washington avenue by non-union men and that they may re fuse to march under the nrch near tho review lug stand on "Washington ave nue. President Phillips, after duo deliber ation, decided that tho best course to pursue would be to have a personal conference with Mr. Parsons and ex plain to him the committee's position In the premises. Hp accordingly left the city Into last evening for Now Yoik. where ho will confer with Mr. Parsons today. Before leaving. Mr Phillips spoke at some length to a Tribune man and thoroughly explained tho trouble from the standpoint of the general commit tee and the letter carriers. AIH. PHILLIPS' RTATI5MDNT. He said, in part: "Tho letter car tiers of this city nre as good union men as can be found In the city. As an in stance of this strong union feeling among the carriers, we will not wear n, uniform which has not the union label upon it. AVhile I sinceiely regret this unfortunate Incident, jet I do not see how the general committee or th letter cnrrlers themselves can bo held to blame. "In the first place, the committee had a eei tain sum to expend nnd they de sired to gut the worth of their money, .Mr Richards, tho electrician, put In the lowest bid and he was awarded tho contiact for the aich work. The main poitlon of this work being electilcal, the question of catpenter work was ueei glen n thought. Hud I, myself, or nn of the cnnlers on the commit tee thought of this matter we would most ceitalnly have used our intluenoe to see that only union carpenters wen? emplojed But the matter was over looked and can honestly be put down us nothing short of an oei sight. "When the committee tllscoerod that Mr. Hlchatds hud sub-lot the contract to Prank Mojer, of the Builders' Bx change, they were, of couise, power less to pi event it, ns the contract with BIchatds was already signed When the matter was agitated b the Car penters' union and the Central Labor union it was decldetl by them to le quost the general committee to have all futuic woik done by union labor. This lequcst hns boon lecclved by tho committee and will be complied with The work on the reviewing stand has been let to a firm lecognlzed by the carpenters us a "fair" firm. WILL EXPLAIN TO PABSONS "I am a warm personal filend of Mr. I'm sons nnd I feel confident that when lie Icntns both sides of the matter lie will understand that there has been no favot shown non-union inbor nnd thai tho whole nffalr was due to an 'oeislght." copies of the letter were also re ceded by some of tho labor lenders on Saturday evening and were printed In jeiterday's papers, before Mr. Phillips j etched the communication Piesldent Phillips took with him to New Yoik a letter from the secretary of the Blectrlclanh' union of this city, stating that contractor Blchauls has alwajs employed union electricians and Hint he lavors union laboi Ho also has a letter from Mr. Blchntds to Piesldent Pntsons In which ithe fotmer htutos that at the time the contract for the woodwork was awat ti ed thnt he was not nware that the ni'-mbprs of the carpenters' unions went taking woik themselves and that none of th"m culled on him to bltl on tho work. He further states that the work amounted to but '( altogether SCRANTON MAN SELECTED. Commissioner Powderly Chooses Lo cal Man for Important Ofllce. c. Mmoslnl. of 27 Lackawanna ave nue, a hntelman, hns been selut ted by Commissioner General of Immigra tion T. V. Powderly. to fill an lmpoit art position In tho Immigration de pigment. Mr. Moroslnl Is not at liberty Just now to say what his duties will be, from the fact that Mr. Pow detly In his letter of notification ro quested hint to withhold tho nature of his offer, until his answer of ac ceptance, or tefural, was received. Mr Moroslnl is one of the Influential younjf Italians of tho city. Since John R. Jones became district attorney of this county, Mr. Moroslnl has been engaged as an Interpteter In tho Lackawanna courts. A Card. VAi, ,. u ...lelrtlti, , Uu ut,lci ttnlt.u to refund th money on a M.cent bottle of r.iruim'H Warranted Hjrup of Tar If It lulls to euro our cough or cold. We ulso guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satis factory or money refunded, J, a. Bone S Son, Dunmore, Pa.; John P. IVtnahiit. Scranton, Pu. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR RALLY. Will Be lleld at Nay Aug Pork To morrow Afternoon. Tho Young People's society of Chris tian Bndeavor will hold a rally at Nay Aug park tomorrow afternoon, com mencing at 3 o'clock and in tho even ing a reception will be held In the Penn avenue Baptist church In honor of the stnte president, Rev. C. L I3b erman, of Lancaster, who Is making a tour of tho state. The programme for the afternoon and evening will be as follows: NAY Al'Q PAItK, 3 1'. M. Singing Audlctico Led by Wm. II. Stinton, Cornetor lrncr Bov. William T. Gibbons Pastor Dunmoro Prcsbytetlan Church Short Itemarks llov. O. W. Welsh President Scrunton C. B. Union, Singing Audience Open Parliament, on Question bv tho Lender Hev. C. V. Hberman Question Box By Our State President Singing .Audience Address, "Prults of the Puture," Aaron V. Bowtr Singing Audience Benediction Bcfrcshments Basket Picnic. PKNN AVBNITi: BAPTIST CHT7BCH, 7,13 p. m Organ Prcludo Charles II. Doorsim Ringing Congregation Dcnotlonnl Bxerclsts, Bov. Robert V. Y. Plerco Singing Congregation Detroit Behoes.Bev. G. . Welsh, Be. B. A. Boyl und Others. Quartette, Micros Black and Garngan, Messrs. Boy- non nnd Morgan. Address Rev. C. B Hberman pinBlng congregation Quiet Hour Conducted by Our Stnte President Benediction Mlzpah. The evening enteitalnment will bo followed by a lcceptlon In the parlois of thp church The tally will be at tended by Christian KnttenAorers from C.arbondalf. Wllkcs-Barre and In termediate points. DAVID RICHARDS MAV DIE. Olyphant Lad, Who Was Choked by Negro, In a Serious Condition It Is now feared thnt David Rich ards, tho 7-year-old bov, of Olyphant, who was almost choked to death last Mondnj b a negro circus-hand, Is at tho point of death. It appears that he was peering into the tent of Welsh Bros.' circus, when n negro attached to the show accosted him and pluced a ropo with a slip knot around his neck, drawing It tightly and then walking away. He lav on the gtmtnd for some time before lie was picked up and then ills eyes werp bulging nnd lie wns foaming nt thp mouth. His neck and fnce are now swollen to abnormal propottlons. His patent are not possessed of suf llelent means to follow tho perpetrator of the outtage. m A Brilliant Series of Entertainments. Sct.anton will bo provided with a snlendid series of five entertainments tills fall nnd winter by the enteitaln ment committee of the Men's Guild of St Luke's Parish. These entertain ments will ba for tho benefit of St. Luke's Summer Home for Women and Children, on which a small debt still remains In nnanglng the course the committee wisely chose entertainments which will appeal to popular tastes, by being both Interesting and amus ing Tho cost of securing the v.uious attractions Is such thnt tho profit to accrue to the Home will be compar parnthely small, but the eommltteo corteclly reasoned tlirt if only first class attractions, weie piesentod. the patrons would feel a double satisfac tion in halng both helped n c'eseiv lng cuiM?, nnd In having received full value In the way of pntcrtnlnnvnt for the money expended. The llt of at tractions If as follows: General John B. Gordon. Pred UmerBon Biooks. Willis B Dudley Dr IMson Ilovt L. Conary General Goidon. who will appear first, needs no Introduction to a Sctnn ton audience. Ills splendid lecture on "The Last Days, of the Confedotacy." coupled with his brilliant oratoiy nnd fen Id patriotism, was houid by a largo audience in tho Y. M. C. A. hall a or two ago. It is wife to say that every poison in that audience will want to hear General Gordon again Pied Bmerson Brooks, the "Califor nia!! Poet," comes highly endorsed bv such well known public men ns Presi dent MoKlnlev, Hon Chauncej Depew, Hon. John Shermnn and a host of other piomlnent public men. Willis K. Dudley Is a unique enter tainer with his Illustrated talks on thp "Ad entures of a Kodak Flpnd " Im agine the description of a "Kodak Fiend ' following Cpesnr's army or tho Ctusadeis Di Hdson, who was connected with the United States navy durlt'g the lite war with Spain, and whose magazine nitlcies hae been so popular, will r' Inte the Incidents of the Battle of S tn tlago, as he saw them personally This leetuip Is highly endorsed bv naval of ficials on account of Its accuracy, nnd has) delighted large audiences In ail ous titles on ac-eount of Di. Kelson's Intel estlng manner of tlellveilng It Ilojt L Conary, the last on the llt, is regatded as one of th greatest mirth prookors of the tlav His Around the Stove" with charnt tor lm petsonntlonp. Is one of the funniest pi eductions that could be procured. FANCY Yellow Peaches For cauniug or preserviug every day, direct from or chard. We supply families at wholesale prices and guaran tee the best fruit for least money. Buy Now. E. Q. Coursen AWFUL EXPERIENCE OF WILLIAM HUNT SCARCELY CREDIDLE STORY OP INHUMAN TREATMENT. Laid Under a Kicking Horse' Teot With His Back Broken All Night Long In Teirlble Thunder Storm nnd Then Robbed and Left to His Fats by Two Dastardly Wretches. Who Laughed as They Left Him Writhing in Agony In a Precar ious Condition, if William Hunt's deathbed story of experiences which ho claims to have undergone, Saturday night, Is true ami his condition together with other circumstances tend to corroborate it then two of tho most heaitless wretch es unhung nto nt large in tho vicinity of Peckvllle. According to his stutement this pair of Jackals camo upon him as he lay by the roadsldo with his back broken by a. driving accident, nnd impend of granting him the succor the worst savage would not deny, they robbed him und went away laughing nt his agony. Ho Is now nt tho Bmergency hospital In Carbondalc doomed to death, or at the best to spend the remainder of his dajs a helpless cripple. He tells his story In a sttnlghtforward, deliberate manner and In henrlng It one is thor oughly convinced of Its trutlifulncsp Mr. Hunt is a lesldent of Hcrilck Center nnd on Saturday night about 10 o'clock started to drive homo from a visit with relatives In Peckvllle. MET WITH AN ACCIDENT. How the accitlent occurred is not known, but it is supposed that his horse became frightened nt something near the residence of John Grlesdale, who lives on the Brie farm nt the Archbald and Blnkely borough line. At this point tho Traction people occupy the embankment side of the roadway with their tracks, which aro built upon a trestle This trestllng has been (Hied in, leaving an embankment of about six or eight feet The horse, nttached toft two-wheeled gig, plunged over this embankment. Hunt landed under the horse nnd all night long laid on the ground, his back broken nnd his face pounded to a Jelly by the horse's hoofs, tho animal ei (Ipntly kicking and thrashing to free himself. BHCAMB UNCONSCIOUS. After calling In aln for help, Hunt became unconst lous. A heavy thunder storm set in and in a downpour of rain which followed, Hunt legained con sciousness nnd again In feeble tones tried to nttract attention. Although Grlesdalo's lesldence Is only a stone's-throw from where the man lay, he could not make himself heard. Mr. Gilesdnle, who had been to Peck vllle, retuined to his home at 11 o'clock and, upon entering the gate, heard what lie thought was a groan, and stood listening seeral minutes, but no sound i cached him, and he passed Into the house. At 2 o'clock Sunday morning two men passed along on the street car tiack nnd Hunt made tnery effoit to nttract their attention. This lie succeeded in doing, but the men, Instead of assist ing the unfortunate man, dragged him fiom under the horse and lobbeil him. INTENDED GOOD AT FIRST. One went to the wagon and taking the cushion from the seat, placed it on tho ground. Then they laid the man on It ami coered him with the horse blanket After a short consultation, they deliberately robbed Hunt as he laj on the giound in a dying condition, helpless and unable to moo hand or foot The scoundrels turned his pockets In side out. ielleliig him of his pocket- book containing $4 50. They then walked off, Ienlng him to his fate, turning a deaf ear to his appeals for them to call assistance and remove him to a place whole a physician could be summoned. Tho brutes laughed at his misery and walked on ns the rain poured dow'n In toi rents on the unfortunate man Hunt lemalned In this position un til nearly 5 o'clock, when Hany Tel foid, employed us engineer at tho Riv erside colliery, passed along He called to him and Telford quickly went to his rescue TAKEN TO THE HOSPIAL. Mr. Grlesdnle was uwakonod nnd woul was sunt to the UK ei side Coal company for the mine ambulance and the injured man was taken to the Emergency hospital at Carbnndale. At Archbald a physician was called and ho examined the injured man and found that his back was broken Ills head and body was frightfully con tused, the llesli being torn nnd benten almost to a Jelly by the horses hoofs. The horse and wngon escaped injury. The inbbery nnd Inhuman tteatment Hunt lecclved at the hands of tho two rufllnns who found him has caused In tense excitement In PeekUlIo, and o oi y effoit possible Is being made to ap prehend the ciimlnals Bendleston & Woerz' Impel lal Im poitod Wttrzberger beer on dtaught at Zenke's Smoke tho Hotel Jeimyn Cigar, 10c. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN TION. In pursuance of a resolution of the Bo publlcun county eommltteo passed at u regular meeting held on Salurduj, Aug 19 1S99, tho eount convention will bo held on Tuesday, September 20, ut 2 p m in the court house, Sciunton, for tho purpuso of comritlng returrs und trans acting such other business as shall bo brought bt foro it. Vigilance committees will hold pri mary elections on SaturU.o September 23 lii9, between tho hours of 4 and 7 p m Each election district shall elect at said primary election three qualified persons to servo us vigilance committee for the ryxt ensuing calendar ear. whose names shall bo certified to on tho returns to the cnunti convention. Candidates who have thus far tegls tcred their names with tho seeretury und thoso who aro desirous of registering will observe tho requlicments of rule 7. which reads as follows. "Bach cundldato shall pay ids nssessment to tho county chuir. man nt least twenty days heforo tho prl election, or his nnmo will not bo mary election, or his nnmo will not be printed on the official ballot " Satur day. September 2. Is the Inst tla for reg. - ,-ing tho nssessment. ' "d chairman DEATH OF ISAAC B. MORGAN. Passed Away Saturday Night After a Long Illness. Isaac II. Motgan, foreman of the machinists gang employed by the Dela ware, Lackawanna nnd Western com panynbout the different mines through out the valley, died at 10 o'clock Satur day night at tho home of his daughter, Mrs. Evan T. Williams, 1212 Eynon street, after an eight months' Illness. Mr. Morgan was one of tho best known men In the employ of the com pany, and his vocation brought lilm In contact with tho employes of all the collieries from Kingston to North Scranton. Ho was In the employ of tho company thirty years, and was foreman during tho past fourteen years. Deceased wns born In Merthyr Tyd vll, South Wales, nnd was 70 years of age. He camo to America In 1809 and located In this city, Immediately en tering the employ of the Lackawanna company ns a machinist. 'Mr. Moignn went to Atlantic City two weeks ago last Wednesday, and was compelled to return homo last week, owing to his aliment, and took to ills bed, falling rapidly from that time until death relieved him of his suffering. He wns a devout member of the First Welsh Baptist church, of West Scran ton, nnd was formerly a deacon In the church. He was also a member of Dewi Snnt lodge, Order of True Ivorltes, nnd Silurian lodge, No. 7C3, Order of Odd Fellows Mr. Morgan was three times married, nnd three times a widower, his surviv ing children being by his first wife, vho tiled fourteen yenrs ago De ceased's second wife was Mrs. David Roberts, who died ten years ago, nnd his third wife was Mrs. Ellznbeth Thomas, whose death occurred about three yeats ago. Since that time Mr. Morgan resided at the home of his daughter, whero he died. His children are Thomas B. Morgan, of Youngstown, Ohio; Joseph B. Mor gan, Mrs. Evan T Williams and Mrs. John Wngstaff, of Eynon street; Moses n. Morgan and Mrs. D. M. Jones, of South Main avenue. The funeral will be hold tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residence of tho deceased and 2.30 o clock fiom the First Welsh Baptist church. Interment will be mado in Warhburn street cemetery. HALTED THE FUNERAL. Christian Scientists Diet Not Call a Physician and a Burial Permit Was Wanting. Margaret, the 6-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter -Reiner, of Carter street, North Scranton, died Friday morning from an attack of cholera in fantum. Tho child was ill for a week previous to its death, but tho services of -a physician were not enlisted. According to the statement made to Coroner Roberts by the mother, tho doctrines of Christian Scientists wore applied in tho case, but the hcnllng and saving powers failed, and death claimed the innocent child. The mother explained that during a recent illness, she became convinced that physicians killed more patients than they cured, and dischatged her attending physician. he Joined the Chtlstian Alliance and soon recovered. When the child was first attacked with the disease they prayed for Its recovery and it survived, but praor failed the second time and tho child died. Owing to its death being peaceful and without the usual convulsions, the mother believed that God wanted the child nnd would not listen to her piayerful appeals. The coroner docs not believe In faith cures, and will hold an Inquest The funeral was announced for yesterday, but owing to Dr. Roberts' refusal to grant a burial certificate, It was nec tsarily postponed. Tho matter will be reported to the hoard of health and some legal action may be taken in the case. Coroner Roberts performed an au topsy on the lomalns last evening and tllscoveied the cause of death to lie marasmus. He empanelled the following Jury who viewed the remains last night: John Morgan, G A, Williams, Frank Foster, George AV. Davis, Ed. Mninn and Jloigan Morgans. An Inquest will be held on Thursday evening in the ccuit house. Permission to inter the remains has been given. ALDERMANIC DOINGS. Foreman Silas Hartman, of the car shops, was held under ball on Satur day by Alderman Kasson on a charge of assault and batterv profoned by Levi Sheldon A Mrs. Walters was fined $1 and costs in Alderman Miliars court on Satuulay evening on a chaigo of dls oideilv conduct Phillip Sehwattz. of South Washing ton avenut, was held In $300 bnll on Sutuidny by Alderman Kellow. He Is charged by his bint . Simon with malicious mischief. A Good Catch Dotsn t alwns depend upon the first cutch, but there are other good ones to be had Toduv starts our cut-down prltcs on nil Ittin set und Tan Shoes and Ofords euuugh good sizes to tit ou Note These Prices: Ladles' G-Welt Dark Tan Lace, formerlv sold at J3S0 t") en Cut down to . . V,at I.udlcs' Flexible Sole Dark Tun Laco and llutton, fotmcrly sold nt $JO0 Cut duwn en 00 Itusset Vltl Kid Laco and llut ton und Vesting Tops formerly sold at $2 V. Cut down C li c Ladles' Tun und Chocolate Lace, huvo uIwuvb sold for CI ?u UU Cut down to .pl.OO Somo Pluy Shoes left which vour boy oi gill cun get good wear for, help out ut 65c , C3e , 89c and Wc 410 Spruce Street. WjariaMiwi&wtmiW28n3SB& ASSESSMENT MADE ON THE SIGNERS LANGSTAFF CONTEST PETITION ERS CALLED UPON FOR $1,600. Funds for Carrying on the Fight Havo Been Exhausted nnd tho Contestant Not Being nt Hand with tho Wherewith to Seo the Thing Through, tho Petitioners Club To gether and Furnish Sufficient to Fay tho Expenses Yet to Come. Fear of the consequences of an ap plication of the Vnughnn bill to the Langstaff-Kelly contest, coupled with the apathy of tho contestant since the serving of subpoenaes and other revenue-raising mpans have been cut off, has mused the petitioners to club to gether and ralso a fund of M.500 to carry the contest to a termination. The two score men whose names ndorn the Langstaft petition nnd who tinder tho new law, as Atternevf I. if. Burns Interprets It, are liable for the costs If probable cause for the contest Is not shown, were summoned to Wade M. Finn's ofllce In the AVIlllams build Ing tecontly nnd Informed that thrf sinews of war had been exhausted and that If the necessary was not forth coming the fight would have to drop The attorneys In the case gave an es timate of whnt tho expenses yet to be met would likely be and the petltloneis were told thnt If they did not make ptovlslon to meet thpm, the contest would have to bo allowed to go by default. The petitioners did not hesitate long In subscribing the required nmount One of their number stated to a Tri bune reporter Inst night that the amount wns $1,600. "The ticli men who nre on the petition treated us white," he said. "Six of us got oft for tr apiece. Some of them were assessed as high as $1G0 and a number paid $."0. I understand that all but two or three have paid up. If wo don't have any more to pay we'll be perfectly satis fied." The cost of the contest will run up to somewhere between $C,000 and $100,000 Mr. Langstaft is now In Ohio pre paring to engage in mercantile pur suits. Timothy Fadden, engineer at Storrs' shaft" and Select Councilman J. J. McAndrew, engineer at the Dia mond air shaft are among those men tioned ns Mr. Langstaff's successors In the position of superintendent of the Diamond colliery. FORGER CAPTURED. Chniles Lew In, the clothing agent, who indorsed a worthless check for William Zachurlah, of Lake Carey, sev eral months ago, was summoned to Wyoming county on Saturday to Iden tify the man, whoso whereabouts have been shrouded in mystery since the forgery. County Detective Loyshon has been working on the case and Deputy Tim othy Jones arrested Zacharlah at Lake Carey on Friday last. m The Best Remedy for Flux. Mr. John Mathlas, a well known stock denier of Pulaski, Ky., says. "Af ter suffering for over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to re lievo me, I was advised to try Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlanhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of stat ing that the half of one bottle cured me." For sale by all druggists. Mat thews Pios, wholesale and retail agents. The Members of Lieut. E. S. Griffin Woman's Hellef Coips No 50 are re quested to meet at Memorial hall, Tuesday. August 20, at 1:30 p m U attend and take part in the funetal set vices of our late member, Mrs Eliza beth Wldenot. L May Anderson, Piesldent ooooooooooooooooo THE POPULAR HOUSE-FURNISH' NO STORE. Brushes. Shoe, Clothes, Floor, Ceiling, Window, Scrub, Brushes Our Uuiveraal Adjustable) Handle Floor Brush is a good weapon to uso against Dust aud Dirt. FOOIE & TULLER CO., Hears Building, i 140-142 Washington Ave, ooooooooooooooooo fflALONEY OIL ANO MANUFACTURING CO. Telephone 022. Ul to 14D Meridian Street, SCRANTON, PA. Lead, Varnish and Colors Purity Guaranteed. vrvrwwwrwwi pecial Prices ON ALL GRADES OF vSHOLS AT THE AUGUST SALE OF iijipljl Without a Coat nr.two of pnlnt surfurts oxposei to thf action of tho ulr or wenther will decay, Somo RAINXS nre worthless, neither preserving or proi tectlng They nre mado of poor oils, un poorer whlto lend . ... , Wo nro not offering that kind. Th paints wo have ro worthy of tho fullest confidence. Whether made hero nnd under our til' reet supervision, or purchased from wel known houses they will be found up U the highest ntandnrd A small quantltj will cover a. large surfnee. MATTHEWS BROS,, 310 Lackawanna Avenue. 3 uiiimmiiHiiiiiiimiiimmiiiimuii I STRAW HATS AND 3 a a Hi) AT Half Price. 5 HAND & PAYNE, ,sQNuI j 203 Washington Aye. nillllllllllllilBllllllllllIllllllllllilllil Big Cut Base Ball Goods at Cost to Close Out. BELTON'S, SJ Removed to Penn Av Successor to Bronson & Tallman, SOLE AGEJT FOR i JM!W Best $3 Hat on Earth. 412 SpruGi Stmt, PIERCE'S MARKET All New and Modern Fixtures. Perfect sanitary plumbing. Goods not exposed to dust and dirt from the street. Everything a market should have you can find here. Compet ent salesmen. Prompt service. 110-112-114 PENN AVENUE, 3 t The t X Economy X X Third Annual X August I I Furniture Sale X Now in t Progress. J X See Our Show Windows x X for X Bargains X to Be Had X in the Store. X 9.9,1. 5t9X9.9R.227 Wvnmlntf JVa MM : x i x C fMV :--;?