THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, AUGUST 28. 1890. INTERNATIONAL TRADE CONGRESS A FEATURE OF THE NATIONAL EXPORT EXPOSITION. Partial List of Subjects Dealing on Commerce and Trade That Will Be Presented for Discussion Thirty one Foreign Governments Will Be Represented In the Discussion Ef fects More Far-Renchlng Than Thoso of tho Pan-American Congress. Philadelphia, Aliff. 27 The Interna tional Commercial Congress, to be held during the National Export Exposition, will be the mott notable RatherlnR ever held for the discussion of trade and comnieice. Thirty-one forelpn Rovernmenti hao so far accepted the Invitation to bo ipprcu-nti'd at the Confess, and have named debates, many of whom nre men of world-wide reputation I'p to AUKiist 15th. 126 foielgn Chamber of Commerce and other oicanlatlons of like chnrnotor had named delegates to tho Congress Many of these nre In iluentlal business men who will speak 'for trade In Latin America, Europe, South Africa, India. Australasia, f hlna. Japan, and other countries. They will come piepaied to discuss the commeiclal conditions nfTectlnR trade relations between the 1'nlted Ptates and the countries which they represent American Chambers of Commerce, Hoards of Trade, and sim ilar organisations will be repiesented at the Congress to the numbei of sev eral bundled The delegates will be business men of high standlliR fiom every patt "f the 1'nlted Ptates There will be eeiy opportunity for a full and fair discussion of all topics nffecling International trade by men paitlcular ly Interested and oomuetent to consid er every phase ptesented Tho Pan-American Congress, oignn- lzed by the late James O ISIalne, nnd the Commercial Congievs held In con nection with the mietlng of the Ad Msory Hoard of the Philadelphia Mus (ninn In IRtT, weie attended bv dele gates lepresentlng the American con tinent alone. The lnlluence of these gatherings was far-reaching. The coming Commeiclal Congiess will have a paramount Influence that will reach to all quarters of the globe, Its mem beishlp being made up of representa tives of the commercial Interests of ev ery land Arrangements for the Cnngtess, which will open In the Exposition au ditorium on or about October 10th, ate being made under the Immediate sup erv Islon of Dlioctor-Goneial WiKon The Congiess Is under the auspices of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum, of which Dt Wilson Is the dliectoi. It will be onened with Imposing coit monles, and Piesident McKinley has been Invited to make the principal nd dress. The dcllbeiatlons of the Con giess will be unlfonnb In the English language. The following Is a partial list of sub jects suggested for discussion b the various delegates appointed to the Con giess, which, with subsequent addi tions, will serve as a basis for the final programme. Foreign Trade in General. Advantages possessed by the 1'nlted States indicating foi the countiy a CMiimanding position In foielgn entei piise. I'oreign trade as a factor in the stab ility of national life Political Influence of nations and its dependence on the development of for eicn trade. Necessity of a constant nttentlon to foreign trade and of adapting methods and goods to the requirements of the markets. Import duties and their effect on foi eicn trade Hecrlpiotlty In Its i elation to foster ing export tiade. International boards of arbitration for the settlement of trade disputes. Effect of a trained diplomatic ser vlce on foreign trade. Need of a regular classified consular service. Tho advantages to all nations of an Isthmian canal Alterations In tiade and trade-routes that would follow the construction of the canal. The inci eased Ameilcan lnlluence In Asia from the canal. Increased American Influence In Aus tralia from the canal. Increased American Influence In South America from the canal. Advantages of the Nicaragua route. Advantages of the Panama'route. The future of Cuba. Value of Porto Rico. Dominant position of the United States In the West Indies. The Hawaiian Islands as a field of production and as a commercial entre pot. The Philippine Islands and their commercial value to the 1'nlted States. Effects of fluctuating currencies on Latin Ameilcan progress Need of a greater dlvetslty of pro duction and a more varied demand from the United States. An ' open door" policy in China and the need of vigorous action by the United States. The transition of China and Its Im portance In the world's trade. Tho new Independence of Japan and Its i elation to the world's trade. Trade Interests In Korea. Prospect of commercial development of Korea. Opportunities for American manu facture! s In Western Australia. Pst methods of Introducing goods into Australia. Tho South African situation and tiade piospects (Treat Britain and the Transvaal. The growing commercial power of the Unltod States. The commercial outlook for the com ing century. CATHARINE II OF CHINA. Grand Old Woman Who Has so Long Ruled the Celestial Empiie. From Colllei'H Weeklj Catharine II of China Is not merely a great empress, historians of the futuro may be trusted to regard hei ns a man. A despatch tecently cabled from Tekln describes her as seated on a dais receiving the ladles of the dip lomatic corps. The emperor Is icport ed to have been also present, hut tin- importently at her laft. It wa3 nice uf her. though, to let him bo thero at nil lo Is but tho nephew of his aunt It ,ls ho Jady who reigns, and who has rejffned for thirty-seven years. Bald Confucius: "Man Is to woman what the, sun Is. to the moon; he orders, she ob$ys, and harmony is tho result." Confucius van wise In his zenoratlon, but not In nineteenth century Cathay. There tho moon orders, nnd not tho sun merely: but the nephew also obeys. It In well perhaps. There nre ptcdcccs sors of his who bnlked nnd who because of It rejoined their ancestors Instnnter Catherine II of China Is a Indy who IIIcps her own way That, however. Is natural. Catherine I of Hussla begtn life as a servant. Catherlno II of China began life ns a slave. It is said that contrary to tho local custom her face Is not painted. Hut everything nbout her Is contrnry to the loctl cus tom. Ni vcr till she emerged from her scullery hns a woman dreamed of us urping the dragon neat. Fancy an oda lesciue stepping from the seraglio and ousting the sultan from his throne Such a perfounnncc Is unimaginable, and yet this lady has done better, one might say ovn worse. The empress dowager Is by birth a Tartar. The fact Is vvoith noting. Tar tars do not mutilate their daughters' feet. The girl had free use of hers At tho Oro ot eleven rhe was sold to a mandarin. In nnd about his "nousehrld her feet took her where her superiors could not go A Chinese girl who mar ries passes from one prlron to r.nother Of the outer world she knows nothing. Of that outer world her slaves know nil It was this way with little Tsl Au. What she did not know she learned. She learned to dance. A bee could not equal h r She learned to read. On the tip of hei tongue were a hundred stories, ench moie dlveitlng than the other On the tom-tom she learned to sliiim. The three notes that .ire dear to the orient tho repeated surpilsingly. She learned moie dllllcult things, too, how to arrange n basket of fruit, how to touch flow pis. bow to smile and how to hold her tongue Astonished at the prodigy, the mandarin sent her as a emloslty to his sovereign ot l'ekln One da the son of heaven noticed her. The slave became n favorite, and, becom ing a mother, became also a soeondaiy w Ifc. There, one might suppose, thnt had she ambitions they would have rested It was there they began. Though that Is thirty-seven ears ago thrj have ben increasing ever since. As recently lelated heie. theie sue cesslvelv departed this life toe mm of heaven, the sen of heaven's son, others who were In the way. Thereafter she was supieme. lb" week befoie last, when the ladles of the diplomatic corps paraded befoie hei. he patted the wife of the Eiltlsh ambassador on the cheek In doing so slm woie a cbaimlng ninll One may rcadllj believe It. Her hand Is as. stiong as her ilse is piodlglou- In modern times both are unpaiallelcd. There Is. Indeed, another Instance c f a slave attaining Imperlnl powei, but It occuried In Haiti, and what occurs In Haiti does not count Even otherwise this lad " unique. Eegirded meiely as a Chlncs flieciacker she is des tined to burn Into history with a tlnme intolerably vicious, pet haps, and yet cntliolj her own. BASE BALL. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Percentage Table. W L p.c. BrookIn 71 35 .'' Boston 1.7 4J .Mri PhliditclphU ia It .1,11 liiltlmcno fi") 12 .W7 St. Louis bl 51 .557 Cincinnati -IS .55j Chlc.igu 5'. 5", .505 Pittsburg 5) 5u .l''i Loulsvlllo H 00 .nu New York 17 M) .1"j Washington "7 7! .J.!'". Cleveland l'l Lu .167 Saturday Games. At Cleveland- It H.E Cleveland 0 (I 0 0 1-1 4 1 New York 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Batteries Schmidt and McAllister, Do heny and Wilson. Umpires Mnnass.m and Medal r. Called on account of rain At Louisville- 11 11 E Ualtlmoie 000100000 1 I. 2 Loulsvlllo 2 000000 3-5 5 0 Uatteiits Kltson nnd Unhlnsnu, Wood-, and Zlmmer. Umplic O Day and Hunt. At Cincinnati It II E Wnshnlgton 1 0 0 0 Q 0 1 0 2 4 ' S Cincinnati 2 2 3 0 0 3 0 1 11 12 4 Uatterles WevliiiiR and Roach; llahn and Pcltz. Umpires Svvartvvood mil Dvvjer. At St. Louis It II E Philadelphia 10 2 0 2 0 0 0 0-5 ') 4 St Louis 30 10 000 004 10 1 Batte ill's Orth, Hcrnhard and Mer.n land, Powell and Schrccongost. L'mphes Emsllo and McDonald, At Chicago- it II i; llrooklvn 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 101011, i, Chicago 00 0200 103 G G i Batteries McJames nnd McGulie; Don ahue, Callahan and Garvin. I'inplies Snyder and Connolly. Sunday Games. At Chicago- n ii i: Chicago 0000 100 102 7 7 Brooklyn 0002031 (JO ti S 2 Ititterles Gilfllth. Tajlor and Doin hue, Hughes nnd Pancll. Umpire Sn der At Cincinnati l H i: Cincinnati 0 0 1 2 0 2 2 1 8 11 2 New York 0 0 1 0 0 J 0 0 0 4 11 2 Battel ies Phillips nnd Tujlnr and Pelts', Dohcn and Wilson Battel les Swartwood and Dvvjer At St Louis-Klrst game- R.II E St Louis 0 0 1 fi 2 1 0 0 II, 20 4 Washington 0 110 0 0 0 0 0210 1 Batteries Young nnd Cilgei; McPar land and Hoach. I'mplrcs Emsllo and McDonald Second game n.H E St Louis 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 17 .! Washington .. 0 0 5 0 4 1 0 3 2 1" 17 2 Batteries Sudhotf, Powell nnd Crlger; Dlnern and Roach. L'mplres McDonald nnd Emslle. At Louisville PIrst gnme R.II K Louisville 2 0000 0 1003 7 I Bnltlmoio 0 2 I 0 0 0 4 0 0 7 11 1 Batteries Cunningham and Zlmmer; MiGlnnlty nnd Smith Second gnme R II. E. Loulsvlllo . .. 01100110-474 Baltimore. ... 0001300 04 8 1 Batteries Dovvllng nnd Powers; Howell nnd Robinson. Empires O'Day and Hunt. OTHER LEAGUE GAMES. Eastern League, (haluiday flames.)) Toronto. 0, Woicrster, S. Providence, 7; Montieal, 0. Sprlnglirld, 4, Rochester 10 (second Spilnglleld, 1, RocheHter, I ellut game) game). Sracuse. S, Hartford, 7 (first gatnej. Syracuse, 10, Hartf.rd, 5 (second game). Western League. (Saturday (lames.)) Detroit. 12 St. Paid, II. Indianapolis, 7; Minneapolis, '.. Grand Rapids, 11; Milwaukee, 5. (Sunday Games.) Minneapolis, 3, Indianapolis, 8. Detroit, 5; St. Paul. 2. KansnB I'ltj. ); Buffalo. 4 (llrst frame), Kansas City. 5; Buffalo, 3 (second game). Milwaukee, E; Giand Itaplds, 1, EMEMS I will gunrantje thnt my Itheuniatlsm Cure will rellore lunv bo, sclntlcn nnd nil rheumatic pains In two or three hours, and cure in a few days. MUNYON. At nil druggists, 25c. n vlnl. Uulilo to Health and raedl cnl ndvlce free. 1503 Arch st., I'hllo. THE MARKETS. Wnll Street Review. New York, Aug 26. The market opened with jesterday's chopping tend ency still In force and the weak ness was not entirely overcome by the shoits, although there were Improve ments. The London exchange was closed for a holiday, leaving some un certainty ns to the speculative senti ment of that centre, which was dc piessed. Added to this was a weak tono In sugar on n new crop of rumors of n new phase of tho Wur In the sugar tiade The new stocks of the Repub lic Steel company, dealt In on the ex change for tho first time yesterday, showed a disinclination to maintain the price established for them yesteidny and Norfolk and Western and North ern Pacific In the ralhoad group showed a reactionary tendency. Con solidated Oas diopped an extreme 4', lirooklyn Transit was heavy and thero weie other less Important points of weakness In the second hour of the session the Tradeis manifested a dis position to cover short contracts Re newed demand from the shorts forced up Consolidated Oas an extreme 7?4. Mobile nr.dOhlo gained nbout threeond Northern Pacific rallied over a point. Great Western preferred Rained 3; Louisville, Chicago and Eastern Illi nois, St. Paul nnd Duluth nnd the Tobacco stocks a point ot ovei. Sugar advanced an extreme 2'i nnd became veiy feveilsh, serving to unsettle the mniket The rapid recovery in tho gen eral list, however, held for the most pait Total sales, 208,300 Quotations furnished by CARRINaTON L CFSACK stock nnd bond biokcrs, rooms 410 and 'ill Coanell building, Berlin, ton, Pa. Open- High- Low- Clos ing est est ine Am Spirits . fi fi'fc 6'4 "' Am Sugar Ref .. 152 154 Y, lM'i Am Tobacco US.'. 129 12i 12S Am St W 5GV. 57U 5(,(j 57'j Am St & W Pr s 'is is "8 At. T. A. S IV. . 22 23 22 22 Am T. A. S Pe, Pr u, C7'4 Gf.'a W'7.. Am 'lin Plte . . t'.U - 4P, llrooklvn It. T 103 101 103 101 Con Tobacco . 4 2fi 2n '-"1 C A. O . . . 2s 20 29'4 2-m Chic Bui A: Q 131 llb 1!5 l'o Chic A.- C, V r, lij l.-. lb t'lllc , M & St P 13.!', 131 133 134 Chic N. V. .. 181 H.I 10.5 lb3 Cllli , R I A P .ll'ts, HTS ll'i ll' Cons. Gas lS4i m IsO ls7 r C C .V St L . 37 17 57 57 Del A. Hudson ....124 121'i 121 12t'i IV d Steil. Pr . 81', 81 M Sl Int Pnpci . '0 31 39 ..!) Louis A Nah . Sl S21J Sl S2 Mtinhattan . 112 113 112 113 Met Traction .. .20i 20f 2ni 2M M. K A T ... 42 42K. 41 12'i Mo Paeltle .. r.0 50 4rP 50 N.ittonil Bis .. 53 -,r 5-, -,i;i, N .1 Cential . . .lls 11S 11S 1U N V Central . .13s 1S 11S'. Oj N Y , O 1 West 27 27 27 27't N P. . -fi 57 50 '.G7H N. I' , l'l ... 777, 7S 77 7" Pacltlc Mall .. . 47 47 47 17 Pennn. It R .... U". 13', 115 1!', People's as . . ll'ii, I2i)if. nn 120 P C C. A.- St L 77 77 77 77 Reading 1st Pr. . (2 02 02 f21 So Pailtle . . . 39 21i4 3 3i So Unllwav 51 54 ", 5 Ti nn Co il A. lion ')", 07'- !" 97U i; I' . . . . 47' . 47 47 47 1 - P. Pi 79 SO 7. SI P. S Rubbei .... 50 51 V) 50 West I'nlnn .... SS S3 S? b9 CHICAGO BOARD Or TRADE ,,, Open-HlBh-Low -Cles- WHEAT. Inc. est. est lnir September 71 71 70". 70 . CORN September 31 32 21 31 OATS ' September 20 20 "0 -w. PORK September S40 S 40 i 32 S o2 Scianton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. -.,.,, Kfntlnnal Bank ... Bid. Asked. Scianton Sav Inss Bank Scranton Packing Co Third National Bank scranton Railway Co Dime S"p & Dls. Bank ... . Economy Light. Ilcut & Pow er Company cianton Illuminating Heat & "power Company . Rornnton Porting Co I acka Trust H Safe Dep. Co. Scranton Paint Co Clark S. Snover Co. Com .... Clnrk & Snover Co . IT Scr Iron 1 enco & Mfg Co .... Scranton Axlo Scranton Pass Railway, first mortgage, duo 1MB . .. TJ..r,ni's Street Railway, first 95 Ji5 oO 200 47 ioo S3 150 400 123 ioo ioo 113 mortgage, due 1111: R3 Tcoplc's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, due 1521 113 Dickson Manufaotuilng Co . ... Lacka. Township School 5"i City of Scranton St Imp. o. ... Mt Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axlo Works Scranton Traction G bonds.. 115 1M 102 102 8'. 100 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected b H G Dale, 27 Lackavvunna A onim.) Butter Crenmei 2hi22c. , print, 22c : dalrj fresh, 20 Eggs Select western, 13alGc , nearby state, 17al7c Cheese Full cream, new, llallc Reins Per hit. cholco manon. $1.70, medium. $1 '0, pen, Jl.50. Oiilons Pel bu . feOc. Potatoes Per bu , 40al"c. Lemons $4a4 50 per box. P1O1U-JI50. Philadelphia Grain nnd Produco. Philadelphia, Aug. 2G Wheat '2e. low pi. contract grade, August, 71u71'i.e Corn .c lower, Nn, 2 mixed. August 37a37cU Oats Steady; No 2 white clipped 27'ji 2M; No 3 white do, 25:a2(lc , No 2 mixed do, 2"i'ia2i,e. Butter Steady, funis western ircamerj, 21e ; do prints, 22c Eggs Plim and sc higher, fresh nrarbv, lGald'-c , do westein, lbalb'tc ; do southwesi, rn 13i' , do southern 12alJc. Cheese Plim Reflned bugars Pn cluinsed Cotton Steady. Tallow -Plrm; city prime In hoRslieads 4Vit'e , coun try prime In barrels. 4nlUc, dark, ilo , lallir : cakes, raVie ; urease 2a4c. Live Poultrj-KIrm, fair demand, fowls lln ll'sc : old roosters, 7n7' c , spring ehU li ens, 10.112c ; ducks, DalOc Dresied I'oiil tr Stendj. fowls, choice ll'ic , do. filr to good 10'fcalle , old roostris, 7'c , broil ers, nearbv, large, 13c ; small and me. elluin do J2al4c , western do, large, 12a 13e , medium ilo , llatmc , smnll ilo.. & 10c RecclptB-Klour, 3,0,10 barrels nnd 17,000 sacks, wheat, 11 000 bushels, com, bushels; oats, Gl.OeV) bimheb Shipments-Wheat, O.CHXI bushels, corn, $2,000 bushels; outs 2I.J00 bushels. NewYorkGraln and Produca Market New York, Aug, 20 Flour Inactive and nominally 9,'.Qa Inwur to isill: winter patents, J1C0a3W), winter sttalghts, 1185a IIS; winter extras, $2 4r,n2.S0; winter low Bia les, J2.iKa2.40; Minneapolis patent, $3 S3 n4 0V, do. baiters, JltCnlSO. Whoftt-Bpot wiak; No. 2 rod, 7fic. f o b. afloat spot; No. 1 northern Duluth, "174c... f, o b, afloat to arrive. No 2 red, 74c. eleva tor; options opened weak at 'ic decline nnd sold off nil the morning; closet) weak nt Pfcc. net decline; May closed Sic , 8c ptembcr. "Vic , December, 78c Com -Spot weak, No 2, Jidc, f o b afloat: Me. elevator; options opened easy nt 'fcr decllno with wheat nnd was Influenced later by liquidation and lino crop ac counts, May closed 3Vic , August, S8c . September, 38c, Oats Spot dull; No 2 oats, 2GHc , No. 3. 2"i'4c ; No 2 white, 2Sc , No 3 white. 27c , trnck mixed west em, 2a.'Kc ; track white western nnd track stnte, 2fi4nT?c ; options dull Hut tn Stendj , factory. 12'inlKc ; Imitation err vmery, Hn21c, state dairy, ISallc ; do creamery, HnlSc. Cheese Plrmcr; largo white, lOHc , small do, lOHc; largo rol ored, MUJe ; Bmall do., lOVc Eggs Btcady; state and Pennsylvania, 17ul8c. Chicago Orntn nnd Produce. Chicago, Aug 26 Wheat was weak all day today and closed at declines of lHe for both December and September. Tho northwest was a largo seller and tho de mand wns too light to absorb offerings Tho weak cash market was also a fac tor Corn declined it4c for September but closed onlj a shade lower for other months. Outs declined 'anc and pro visions, Gn'Vic. Cnsh quotations wcro ns follows riour Plrm, winter patents, $150.13 GO, straights, 3 20a3 30; spring spo ol lis, $120; do patents, 40a.t7O, straights, $2R0i3 2O, bakers, $l.O0n2C0; No 3 spring wheat T0a7l'4e : No 2 red, TlVjo No 2 jellnw, ?21ie : No 2 corn, raV4a12V ; No 2 oats 21'-n2le No 2 white. 2".c ; No. 3 white, 2J'fcaJ3c : No 2 ryo, f4a.uie . No 1 flax seed, Jl 17nl 17'4, northwest, H ISal 18i2, tlmotbv seed. J2 30a2 15: clover, contract grade, $0; pork, $S.55aSf0, ribs, Jll'nr23, "houlders. tVSin5c ' sides $"50a fi CO. whiskey, $1.20, supars. cut lonf, C02, granulated, $' 50 Buffalo Live Stock Mniket. East Buffalo Aug 20 -Cattle Stendv for bull hers' giades, stockeis slow nnd tendlnt, lower with but few selling Beeves Steady; extra to prime, $0r0a7, good to choice 5 7"inb25, henvy fnt Pnl calves $1.15 25; buttermilks, $" 2"nr, 25 Hogr ralrl nctlve but 5al0c lower, Yorkers $190, niKed, fl'iOel'i",, hiavj and mediums. Jl 'ua4 "5, bulk of the Michi gan pigs nnil roughs cut, jniilsO, rood pigs, $t59il75. skip and common, J3 L'a 1 2. roilRhs, $3 i0aT)"i, stilus fla'l 50 Fhepp and Lambs Sm ill lots of selected lambs, $T40a5 7O, culls to choice. '2"a"25; lest selected sheep. $3 50a3 7". wethers and vearlinps, J3S3al; culls, common to good, J2 25 Chicago Livr Stock Maxkct. Chicago, us 20 The cattle market to dav wns practically bare of offerings and prices In mot cases were nominal Ono of two small lots of medium grade cattle were disposed of at prices un changed from sesterd.o A moderate supply of hoes wis well taken nt nbout Prlrtav's prlre, heavv hogs sold nt $4a! 7.i mixed lots at fi J0a4 so and light hogs nt $IIftal90, plRs $3 Ma". SO, culls, $la3D"i The supplv of sheep and lambs wns not Rieat and prices were stt.idv and un changed Sheep sold $2a4 50 for nitlves, western range flocks bringing $3 15a4 15, lambs were saleable at $110.1." 7" Philadelphia Live Stock Maiket. Philadelphia. Aug 27 Receipts Rocvcs. 2",274 bend, sheep, 8,179 he ail. bogs, 3 01S head Beef Catlle Light supplj pool de mmd, extra, .'".nre goad 5a."c , me dium 5a'c : common, I.i4mc Sheep Inactive lower: extra, t lip good 4a le ; medium 3 i4c . common, 2'4n3c lambs, 4aGc. Hoqs-Hlgher and falrlv ac tivo Ga7'4C foi all vm sterns, fat cows, falilv active, 3a4c . thin do. $12n20, milch do, $"e)a55, dresupd beeves, Ga9e New York Live Stock Market. New Yolk, Aug 20 Bee ves lellng weak Calves DuU. almost no demand, veals, $I,i7 2i, crassers and buttermilks nominal, eltv dressed, Rillc per pound Sheep and Lambs Dull, choice lambs dull, others steadv but slow, common to prime slit cp, $, export grides, j io ai 40, lambs. $3S".a0, culls, $3a3 50. Ilogs nomlnal, J I 75a t ' East Liberty Cattle Market. East Llbertv Aug 2i Cattle Steady, extra. $ 70a3 'to: prime. f'ROaG, common $ t 21 1 1 Hors Slow prime mediums, $190 n5. heavy Yorkcis, $190a5. llKht Yoikers. $i0a4T,, lie.ivv Iiors $4 75i4KO Sheep Slow: e holce wethers, $1 3'a4 40, common $150a2 50, eliiilre spring lambs, $"0a5 50. common to good lambs, 3a3 20; veal calves, $7a7 23 Oil Maiket. Oil Citv, Aug 20 -Credit balances, ?1 27: certificates, no bids, runs and shipments not reported. MOESE AND DAaUERBE. An Interesting Interview Between Them Six Yeais Ago. Prom the Boston Transcilpt The following Is an extract from a pi hate letter uf Pi of S K. H. Moi-se to the editor of the New Yoik Obser ver, dated Paris. March 0. 1S3D "You have pel haps heard of the da guetrotjpe, so called from the dlscov eier, M. D.iguerre. It Is one of the most beautiful ellscoveiles of tho age I don't know If juit lemomber some oxpei Intents of mine In New Haven many yeais ago, when I bud my paint ing room next to Prof Sllliman's ox pei Iments to nsoortaln If It were pos sible to fix the Image of the cameia obstuia. I was able to ptoduce dif ferent degrees of a shaele on paper dipped In a solution of nitrate of sil ver by means ot diffeient degiees of light, but finding thnt light produced daik and daik light, I presumed the pioductlnn of n ttuo Image to be Itn- piactlcable and gave up the attempt. M. Dagueire has heallzed In the most exeiulslte mannei this Idea. "A few das ago I addressed a note to M. IJ reciuestlng. us a favoi, to see his results, nnd Inviting him In leturn to see my telegraph. I was politely Invited to see him under these clicum stances, for he bad determined not to show them again until tho chambers has passed dellnltely on tho proposi tion for the government to pui chase the seciet of the discovery and make It public The daj before esterday, the 7th, I called on M Dagueno In his rooms In the Dloiama, to see theso admirable u suits. "They nre pioduced on a metallic surface, the pilnclpal pieces about seven Inches by Ave, and thej te semble no,ua tint engiaving, foi they aie in simple clilaia nscuro, and not in colois Hut the exejulslto minuteness of the delineation cannot bo conceived No painting or engraving ever ap proached It. Por example, in a view up the street a distant sign vvoulil bo perceived, and the eyo could Just dis cern thnt theie were lines of letters upon It. but so minute as not to be lead with the naked eje. Jly the as sistance of powerful lens, which mag nified tlfty times, applied to tho de lineation, oveiy letter was clearly and distinctly legible, and so also were tho minutest breaks and lines In the walls of buildings nnd the pavement of the stieet The effect of the lens upon the pletuio was lit a gieat degree llko that of the telescope In natuie. "Objects moving nto not Impressed. The Boulevard, so constantly Idled with a moving thinng ot pedostialns and carriages, was petfcctly solltnry, except .an Individual who was having hJs boots The People's St POPULAR GIXAUING HOUSC for tli3 Hsnclt ot All Who ilavo Houses to Kent, Kcnl Ksttite or Other Property to Sell or Kxcliannu, or Who Wunt Situtitioiis or Help TIiuj A Small Advertisements CoU One Cent si Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents ti Word Ilxccpt Situation! Wanted, Which n In Bcrtcd l'rce. WANTED. CARRIAGE AND WAOON PAINTING a specialty at neiricKiis. wreum m HELP WANTED-MALE. WAlN-TEtWif'IllST CLASS "iNSIDE mine forcmun, none but n m in with nt least ten ars' experience need applj. Appl to P O Box 119, City. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. vCvnti3dsecond "girl., pam7ly of two Reference required 15.SG AVashliigton avinile. WANTED TO RENT-BARN TO Ac commodate four horses, must be cen trnll located C S Woolworth JfLJfJzlXZ DES1PAI1LE DWELLINGS. PINE AND Madison. 2'i and $2i, Plcdeilek Con noil, lib Pehti avenue POR RENT-DR COOLIDGE'S ItESt dence, No 422 ejulnc avenue A model home For pirtleulats call on M. it. HOLGATE, Commonweal tb Bldf. POR RENT-TEN ROOM HOl'SE, 51S Pino stieet. between Waslilngton anil Adams; Improvements. C'lins P .ladwln POR RENT-IIOTP.L IN TIIROOP HO rougli Applj to William Wlnshlp or Joseph Lahwlskl. HOUSE 738 ADAMS -LARGE, AIRY rooms, nil conveniences. Possession immediately POR RENT THE OLD HOME TOR be rented as a whole, or will be flttcd up for two families It Is well adapted for a largo boarding house, or for rent mg furnished rooms Inquire of P. L Hitchcock & Son Tiro Insurance and Heal Estnte, Commonwealth Building. 9 QUEEN RIDGE PTRP.eT Lb. it rooms lino location; S1G WANTED--ROOMS. WANTED-ri'RNI8HHD "ROOMS POP. light housekeeping, two or tine, rooms In a nice, quiet ne Ighborhood Terms must be reasonable Aelclit IV do, Tribune BOARDING WANTED-SPMMlfu BOAR olf: P. ! most delightful scenerv, thtee mln utes from D.. L &. W. Mrs Macnette Elmhurst BOARDING 523 PINE STREET MONEY TO LOAN AT POPR POl'R unel one-half five and six per cent Anj amount Dunn & Walkei 311-31' Council building POT'R AND ONE-HALP PER CUNT anil tlve per cent monev on appinvcM securit M. II HOLGATE. Common wealth bulldlrg. SCPJTETJVmNT. MRSL T KI-LLER SCALP TIE, AT ment, 5Cc , Eliampooln?. 5Jc . fnc'al massage, maalcurlng, 23c , chiropodj 701 Qulncy CITY SCAVENGER A B URIGGS CLKANS PRIVY VAUL1 ' and cess pools, no odor. linpiovecl pumps used A. B BRIGGS. Proprietor. Leave orele-s 1100 Nonh Main nven r or Etckn's drug store, cornr Adams and Mtllberr. Tclephono 0510 SITUATIONS WANTED MARRIP.D MAN "S YEARS OK AGE. wishes emplovment of nn kind, of flee work or traveling salesman pictured Address C P cue of Tilbuue sFrPATPON- WANTED-YOCNG MAN 2i, good horseman xperleneed ilige w ishej- comet habits wishes i steady position, not afraid of work, Al reference Address M Merkle, Geneial Dellverv. Scranton, Pa. WANTED- A POSITION AS IIOPPE keeper bv a jming Amerli.ui widow with one child. Acldreis Box P3 l'oiest Clt, Pn A YOl'NG MX OF GOOD HABITS, phvsleil and mental abllltj. wants a sltuitlnu in nnv kind of business, willing obliging nnd othei iiuulltles essentl il to the welfare of an emplovu, a knowledge of both single and double entrv book keeping, can furnish sood lefirences Adiltess W B , 610 Mulbi rry street citv SITPATION WANTED - 11 V "iOCNO man In boarding house or hotel out of city as carver or meat cutter, or all around nun In kitchen. Addiess W. H L, 13s Franklin avenue, Scranton SITPATION WANTED-A YOl'NG WO man would like washing and Ironing to do nt home, enn give tho best of ref erence Call or address, 3b Noith Hyde Park avenue, clU. blushed His feet weie compelled of course, to bo I'tatlonaiy for soni" tlni", one being on the box of the bootblack, and the othei on the gteiund. e'onse eiuently, his boots and legs are well de fined, but he is without bodv ot head, because those were In motion. "The impressions of interlot views ato HombiancH perfected. One of M. D's plates Is an Impiesslon of a spider. The spider was not bigger than the head of a large pin, but the Image, magnified by the solar mlciocopc to the size of the palm of the hand, hav- lng been Impressed on the plalo and examined thiough a lens, was fmtlmt' magnified, nnil showed a mlnuton-ss of oiganl7at!on hitherto not seen in exist. You perct Ive how that discovery Is. thetefote, about to e pen a new field ot research In the elcptas of microsi ople nature. We nro soon to see If tin mln. ut? has dhcoverod limits The natur allst Is to have a new kingdom to c -plore, as much beyond tho mlcroscop? as tho mlctoscope Is beyond the nuked eve "Hut I am nt ar the end of mv paper, and I have unhnpplly to give a me lancholy close to my account of this Ingenious discnveiy M. Hague n ap pointed jcstoiday at noon to see my teleginph. Ho came and passed mom than nn hour with me. exptesslnsr himself Mghlv gratified it Us opera tion. Hut while ho was thus omplyed, the gieat building of tho Dloiama. with his own house, all his beautiful wnil.a, hit valuable notes and papeis, the li bors of jean of experiment, weie un known to' him, at that moment hi i Jm ing tho prev of tho flames Ills s'trot, indeed, Is still s.ifc with htm, but the steps of hli piogross in the discovery and his valuable lesearehes In science aie lost to the silentlflc world 1 bain that the Diorama wns Irsuied, but to what extent I know not I am suio all friends of si lento nnd Impri v ement the sinceio hope that such a llbeial sum will bo awarded him by his gov sympathy In M. Daguerre'H loss, and 83doap oii ieiiso.ulxo ti oiiun m v eminent as shull enable him, In sotuo degro, ut least, to recover fiom ills lors." Exchange. PROFESSIONAL. ARCHITECTS EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Council building, Scranton E L WALTER ARCHITECT OIT1CE rear of COG Wabhlegtcn avcmie LEWIS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCH ITP.CT, 433 Spruco st , cor Wash av . Bcrnnton PREDERICK L. BROWN. ARClltTr.CT, Price building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I LACKY ,t SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank DENTISTS DTt "l"p LYMAN. .SCRANTON, I'llt. vote Hospital, cor. vvoiiui, o. .-- berrj. DR 11. T. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming nve WELCOME C BNOVER. Excliango 2nd floor, Room D. Hours, 9 to 1, - to 5. HATMANUFACTURER. TOLI.rS 409 SPRPClf STREET. MAKES our hat to oidet nnd they lit. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAPE, 12" and 127 PRAMv lln avenue Rates reasonable P 7.EIGLBR. 1'roprletor SCRANTON IIOPSi:, NEAR D L. & W pissenccr depot Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. VICT. OR KOCH, Prop. LAWYER'S Rl( HARD J BOl'RKE. ATTORNEY -at. Law. 5C0 2 Lickawanna avenue Gen eral law business, collections and loans J W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Coiuiselloi.nt.Liw. Rooms, 312-113 M ears' Building. M. J DONAHOE ATTORNEY-AT-law. Ollleos, C12-C1 i Mears' Uulldlng PRANK H BOYLE, ATT.ORNE AND Ciaiusilloi-nt-Lavv. Murr building, rooms 13 and 11 Washington avenue WILLAUD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT toinejs and Re publican building, Washington avenue Scranton Pa JHSSt'P g, JESSPP ATTORNEYS AND , ""'jseiiurs - nt - Law, Commonvvealtu """ding Rdoiiih 1 20 and r. IAMES W OA KPORD, A'l TORNI3Y-AT- Law Rooms su, 315 and 510 Boird of Irnde Riiildlng D P. RIM'LOGLE ATTORNEY-LOANS negotlitid em reil eetate sicmltv Mears bulldliiK. cormr Washington nvenuo nnd Spruce stnet JAMES J II 1 L M 1 1 .ToCaTTORN E Y at. Law 502 Commonweilth building .Scranton EDWARD W THAYER ATTORNEY Rooms sm-oot 0th llooi. Meats' building L. A WATRES ATTORN'EY-AT-LAW i2 P.oaul of Tiade building, Scranton Pa C R PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth building Scianton, Pa PATERSON & WILCOX, National Rank building TRADERS' C COMEGYS, building 0-13 REP! RLICAN A W BERT1IOLP, Meals' building, ATTORNEY. physicians ana siftosovs MARY A SlircPHHRD M D, HOMlf op'ithlat, Glfi Linden street. DU W. E ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASH. liiKton avenue DR. L M GATES ROOMS 207 AND 2oS Boaid of Trade BulldhiK Olllce houts S to 0 n m 2 to 3 and 7 to S p m Resi dence, 300 Midison avenue DR C L PREAS SPECIALIST IN Rupture Truss Pitting and Pat Reduc tion Olllce telephone 13i" Hours, 10 to 12 2 to 4, 7 to 9 DR S W L'AMOREAIW OFFICE 23) Washington avenue Residence 131j Mulbcriv Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and gcnlto-iirlnary or gms a speclallv Hours, 1 to 4 p m W. O. ROOK VETERINARY SFR Keon lie rses, Cattle and Dogs treated Hospital. 121 Linden strict, Scranton Telephone 2072 SCHOOL'S SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA Scranton Pa Courses picpirntori to college, law, medicine oi business. Opcna Sept 11th Send for entilngur. Rev Thomas M Cann, LL D , principal nnd proprietor, W. E Plumlc, A. M , head, master. srcDS G. R. CLARK & CO SEEDMEN AND Nurscrvmcn; stoie 110 Washington ave. nuo, green bouse 1350 North Main ave nue, stole telephone, 752. WIRE SCRCEMS JOS.KPETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA wanna avenue. Scrinton Pa, innnufic tuiei of Wlie Screens MIDCELLBNEOUS BAPER'S ORCHESTRA-MFMC FOR lulls, plcnles, p u tits leteiulons, wed dings and emu it woik fmnlshed For terms address R .1 llatu r conductor 117 Wvomlng avenue, over Hulbetts" music store r,TAn,'.Er nitoTHFRS PRINTERS i supplies, envelopes paper bigs, twine WaiehoiiBc. 130 l. lln t1'(iL Vilnrrtnti nt iinnn Washington avenue, Scianton, I'a. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKES BARRE l.I.l'Oltl) CAN bo hud In Scianton at the news rtnmU of Relsman Bro 103 Spruce and 503 Lin den. M Norton 322 Luikavvanna avenue, I. S Schutzsr. 2tt Spiuco street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh V.iIIj Iviiilrn.ii. In effect Mnj 14, lv.13. TRAINS LEAVI SCRANTON For l'htladelphla and New oik via D fi. II R R . at 0.15 a in and 120J. 2 IS 4 27 liiliuk Diamond l.xpitssi. aim 11.30 p m b ndaVs. D ft II , It. 7 4S p in. Poi White Hav un, luuletun and prln- toal nnlnts In tilt) coat legions via U &. I l II It i" 15, 2 IS and 4 il p m Foi I'r.ttsviU, C 15, 2 IS p 111 Fur Bethlehem Easton. Reading Har rinburg and principal Intermedlvto sta tions via D K II U n.blin 111.12 01, il, 4 27 (Black Dl iniond Kxpress), 11 JO, jr...i... n .v.. ii. las. , s n in. For Tiinkbiinnock. Tow.inda. Elmlra. Ithaca Geneva and principal ntermedl nto stations v 1 1 1' . I. Ar VV . It It , 8 03 am 12 55 nnd 3 ii p. m For Geneva. Unthi'st.i, Buffalo. Nlag m i Falls. Chicago and nil points west ?iaiVll It It 12t'3 3 33 (Blatlt Dl.i. ,, nmi Exmessi, 7 4S and 11 jp i m Sun. tin' " .. j t, it i.l r, m . JS r, D .. H 12 0.1 a in -. - r in Pullman pallor ami sleeping or Lehigh Vail parlor ears on all trains between Vvllkcr Italic ami New nk Phlladel- MWiNnwii.iiini;vi7,'Hu,,,rfMUu.h CHA8.,es CLDE. !". IM Agt . 20 Cort- landt stretl New ork. A W NONNEMACHER Division Pass- cnger Agent, South Bethlehem, Pa. Por tlckuts and Pullman reservations apply 300 Lackawanna uve., facranton. Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WMywvM Schedule Effect Juno 10, 1800. Trains Lenvo Scranton: 0.45 n. m., wiek days, for Sunhury, Hnrrlshurg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Wasnltgton, and for Pltts uuig and tho West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Ilazle ton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrls town, and Phllnvdphla; and for Gunbury. Hnrrlsbarg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Wishlngton and Pittsburg nnd tho Vfcst. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sindnys 1.58 p. m.)f for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philad'olphln, Baltlinoe, Wnsh- "mion nna Jt'tusnurg ana tn West. 4,27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia ana Pittsburg. 1-1.. I.ncku. mill Western, Tnhwfil JIn'ny. Juno C, 1S9D. Press for VnS. f?r""ton s follows: Ex 10 3 iln r mc yrk, iy,d "" IoIitB cast. Dhlalmi,,M0r Va3to"- Trenton. Phllndcl- n!;!ai2Tnn!lU3i,irptl,i,'10' iM "ml 1003 tt" lnrVn"i-n ucT?omrnodatlon. G 10 p m. mini1 V? fi"r "InRliamtnn. Oswego, El. Moir'ls S.'n.i'i.''' vl!'l,n I'J""MHc. aiount 55 iitwi "i".1. "rf.ilo, 12 10, 2 35, 0 00 a. m, Ions,, ir' m making close connec- norihiU .'. lllfru'o to all points In tho west norihwest and southwest liimn"'1 f,V.r Wlltlnmsport. Harrlsburs, vi.l'.n,"" Wnshlngton and the south iMmu c,,n,1ic!rJiuul ",ul Intermediate sta uons, cuo loo, a m, and 153 and 5 40 p. Nantlcoke nnd Intermediate stations, lil"!'1 " 10. " m Plymouth and Inter, media o stations, 3 ?3 and 8CU p m. Por Pullman parlor and nil xnress tr.ihm sleeping coaches on 1 or detilled information, pocket tlmo tables etc apply to M L Smith, Dls. trlct Passe. tiger Agent, depot ticket office. Dclnwure nnd Hudson. On May 14th, 1S30, trains will Icavo Scranton as follows: Pol Carbnndule b 20. 7 53, S 53, 10 13 a. in : 12 noon. 123 2 20, 3 52, 5 25, G 25, 7 37 9 1... 11 00 p m , l K H m I or Albany Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton. No England points, etc. G 20 a in. 2 20 ii, in Poi Honesdale C 20, 10 13 a. m. 2 20,3 23 p in Por Wllkes-I!arre-G 15 ',48. 8 43, 0 33, 10)3 n m , 12 01, 123, 3 33, 127, O.lU, 7 4b, 10 41 11 30 p. m Por New ork, Philadelphia, etc, via LchlKh Valley Rallroad-G 45 p m 12 Vi 1 2a 4 2, i) m , with Black Diamond Ex. press, ii so j, m Por Peiinsvlvanla Rillroad points, 6 43, 3 3S a in , 2 is, I 27 p m Por western points via Lehigh Valloy Ralliond-7 IS a m , 1203, 3 3!. with Black Diamond Express. 10 41. 1120 p. m. Trains will aitlve In Siranton as fol lows Prom Cirliondnle and tho North 0 40, 7 43. S f '131, 10 IS, 11 5S a. m ; 123, 2.15, 3 25 1 23 7 I J, 10 A 11 27 p m Prom Wllkes-llarre und the South G 1", 7 IS S 4S, 10 ?S 11 V. n 111 , 1 IS. 2 14, 3 4i, 5 M, t, 21, 7 53 1 0') 10 05 p in . 1 13 a. m Sl'NDAY TRAINS. Por Carhimdalc 9 05, 1133 p m, 2 21, 3 52 5 47, 1 r,3 p m Pen Wllk s-Rarre-O-s, 12 0! a m., 153. 3 2S ", 13 7 4S p m Por Albany, Saratoga. Montreal Bos ton New England points, etc, 2 23 p m Lowest rates to all points In United States and ('lunula J W BPRDICK. G P A.Albiny, N Y. II. W CROSS. D P A . Scranton Pa (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division ) Stations In New York Poot of Liberty street, N. It., and South Perry, Whitehall street. Central Ituilio.ul of New Jcmj Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing ele .inline sa and comfort TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JFNE 2', 1S00 Trains leave Scranton for New York. Newark Elizabeth Philadelphia, Easton. Uethlehim Allentown. Maueh Chunk and White Hiven at 830, a in . express. 120; express 4 0) p m Sundis, 2 15 p m Foi Pitti ton nnd Wllkes-llarre, & 30, 11 30 a m . 1 20, 1 no, 7 15 p m Sundays, 11 '0 a m 2 15, 7 1) p m Por Mountain Park S 30 11 "0 a m . 1 2) p m Sundajs 1130 a m 2 15 p m Tor Baltimore and Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem. 8T0a m . 1 20 p m Sund.ts, 2 1j p m For Long Branch Ocean Grove, etc, at 8 30 (through can n, m and IS) P m For Reading Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allenton. S 30 a in. 1 20 p m Sun dav, 215 u m. . m For Pottsvllle x-0 a m. 120 P m Returning, l'ave New ork, foot of Lib erty street. North River at 4 uO. 9 10 (ex press) a m , 1 30 (express) p. m. Sunday, 4 ieavemNew York. South Peirv. foot Whitehall street at 9i'5 am 123 p m. pVssengers arrlvlni. or departing from this terminal can connect under cover with all the elevated railroads. Broadwny cable "ais. nnd fen les to Brookljn and St. .n lslin.l malting fpilek transfer to and from Grand Central depot and Long 'tealo'phnadelpbla. Reading Te.mlnal, inin m 3iP m Sundajs. Gl am 'Thiough tickets to all points East. South and West at lowest rate at tho Station ..mi.opv r-.or, Hunt H. P BALDWIN, Gen. Pass Agt. Uric and Wyoming Valley. Time Toblo In Effect June 4. 1S90 Tiains leave scianton iiir i,t:w iuik, Newliuig and lute rim dl.ite points on l-rle iiillioad at 5 00 a m anil 2 24 p m Foi I wle and loc il points, nt 5 00 a. m s 45 a m and 2 2 p. m. For Lako m Ariel Sun rlel at 5 20 P m ... Sundas tn Ins leave Scranton for Lako Hei at 8 4'. a m and 1 A V m . stopping Ariel lit ut Interim dlatc stations SCItA.Vl'OlV DIVISION. Ill i:tfect Jinn) '25lll. 1SH1). North Hound (joutli Hound, 202 fOl.Z (K5 - r2 a' t U Is as :u t SA 03 '201 It-. a c. 2 Stations ip m rrlTe I eavei A M 7 .... 7 65 . .. BIO .... I' UT M .. 7i5iN Y rratiHiiu s: . . 7 to Vcao 4,'ml street . 7 011 vvceliawkmi a m r Me ii Arrive Leave a hi 10 45 &i i p., mi2fi 0(10.12 t" Bfl'l'2 40, SI7I2'2V Ml 12 IP R V'SiB 5 2D II M n!f. 11 '1)1 '.H0II114, 4 r7tiuv I HUOi.ll Tlniicuck statllzlit l'l eaten Park Wlnwul Poj'iitrllB unou jfleo.or.t Mt. l ntoiidale l'oiesi Cliy L'aibmrtaio While rta;o Maine Id Jcrinyii Aichllnia W Int ui 1'rckvllle uh;lmiit Ulcobnrtf '1 Uroup Pinvldeiiro park l'mco it in 2i&, 10 40, U16 -J V 4 81 2S Hi 4 41 II 3V 4 11 4 M 10 SI til SI M 15 100J U1i -II Dill 0S0 U6JI 6 14 0 ft 2 59' C i.i 7 0v no 7 US 811 6St 7 Out 819, S 41 7 34 Bit1 CM 7 27 IS SSi & M tlf . 11 10 y 92) 0U11 9 IX 9 0t 4 51MIUVI 4213 48 6 01 Xlb 1MU) 8 52 1411118 HMI 4011 IV 7 44 8 45 0 03 7W 3 Sli AuJ 8 '.4 U 12 ato, nis 4 Oil 6 '21 4 01 6 21 4 10, 0 7 4 14 63i 14 17, 6 82 4 SO 6 Jj r uv u 7 6 H4B -3 11 11 rea, 6 4.'i 4 31 1107 H4 4 241103 8 23, 4 25 1101 8 31 12211 a, 8C: 8f4 8 0t Bin 812 dl.1 8 l.'i 4 ,'JII0.'.7 8 t0 4 15 10 M ci anion i ar ui m I cavo Arrive l u t hUDday only f sonnies that train stop on stgnsl for pas setiKeis lialnssivand 206 Sunday only other trains datlv except Sunday. fcruro rates via Ontario u Western before purchasing ticket and save money i UrouiiU V Runur tiutltt sleoper and freo ro. cllainsr choir tar New Yorli to Clilciuo without CliatlKl'. I'Mrxuliijer Ititles Hcilllced to T o reuitti lcr ,11 lie. J.O, Anderson, Geu. I'aes Agt T, Flltcrolt, l)tv. i'asa, Act ticrantoo, l'a. uiiiM,n2?;un c-onunodntlon. 3 40 p. m. nlra,n ,,11(1 wn stations, 105 p. m. vJinh V x " netonimod uion, 4 00 p m. JMcnolson nceommodatlon, GOO p in 2 35 TnV mdLll!-s3ai:,"mU,Chnela SPr'nB3' D,.,r r0,r,hmberland. Plttston. Wilkes-vlii- mI,iVm,l,.,h' Woomsburg and Dan- Mile, m lklni- r.l,ian nA........!..... ... .'. .u li'SAiwii