The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 28, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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A Serious Drawback to
Policy of Recon
"Expeilence Hns Shown That the So
Called Friendly Natives Aio Utter
ly Without Principle The Policy of
Leniency Among Ameiicans Is
Growing Veiy Unpopular Amigos
Who Aio Asked to Show Their
Friendship by Digging Trenches
Are Displeased.
Manila, Aug. 22, via Hong Kong, Aug.
27 Rot ent evotits have proved siuno
whnt discouraging to ollkinls who aio
trjlng t nc company war with a policy
of tone illation Two now nuuilclpal
governments have collapsed tluough
the tteaohoi.v of the mayois. Today
tlii- inaor of San iPedtn Mat all, who
wax clotted ly the people Ittnlot thp
dilution of l'lof. Dean Woie-ester, of
tin I'tilted States advisory commission,
fc r the Philippines, was In ought to
Manila and lodged in Jail. The United
Statin Milkers at San Podio Mnoatl
found that he was using Ills olllte as
a niniltlng station for the Philippine
aiim Tour disguised Insurgent olll
ci r wore helping hlni.
'I'It mayor of Unllnng was also ai -ifMd
and eonflned In the same In It-riti.
Tin Americans caught him passing be
1 v . n the linos of the two armies with
in uininaltng documents which the au
tln ilns secured. Another prominent
native maor Is litidet survelllain e
A In n the result of the election at ltnus,
villi h General haw ton and Pinf. Wor
tei inglneeied, was annolliued. the
tin i u mis IlKiulied as to the where
abouts of the people's choice and weip
nif ii no d that he was In pilson at Bill
lml whete the authoritlps had placed
him on suspicion of being a t evolution
ist lit was released and Installed as
Opinions of Foieigneis.
Mirh events and conditions lend to
ri i i olor to the assertions of foreign
i-siii. ms aiqualntcd with tbe native
hi' a. til who Insist that a ma
Jnrltj of the natives sympathize with
tbi Insurrection and elect olllclals
wl.un they know to be lovolutlonlsts.
T'ui two weeks Manila has been po
ll' i d at night with unusual vigilance
'P neatly the authotltles aio e
p i ting trouble. The tielid of affairs
t nds to make the polity of lenient y
unpopular among the Ainei leans.
Yt In n they abandoned Moiong they
bin in d the whole town.
i i I Smith of the Twelfth Infantiy
v In Is In t omiuand at Angeles, Is logaidlng rillplno filondll
ii. .so Instead of allowing the natives
t" let ui n to the town as heretofore
lii has ordeicd his noons to shoot all
m n tilnR to n.iss the linos and to
turn hat It the women and children.
He letenlly gave the Amigos in the
t iwn an oppoi t unity to piove their pto
fi si tl filendship. putting them to
wink at digging tienohes and cleaning
bit. its, but this only displeased them
The foremost citizen of Augeli s, a
liuvei, who has welcomed tilt" Anieil
imis with a great show of coidlallty,
was found communicating with the In
fraigints The Ameiicans ptomptly
man lied him off to San Fernando to
s and trial.
The Latest Scheme.
Mennfl, Aug 27.- The Pnlllsrhe Col
li npundens' siys thnt a deputation of
nerkan inei chants from Manila has
m to Washington to piomote a,
s Ik roo fot i cdlng the Philippines to
( n at Hiltnln
Candidates dominated liv Stiouds
buig Democrat's.
Mi'iinli-buig. Aug 27 dtlltloual ie
t ins fnmi jesleidaj's Denim intlc pil
iniii. s indicate the selection of the
f II. iv nig nominees:
't tImnotai.v, V P. Dot ker, Hast
St'iindsburg. dlstikt attouiey ("leeri
Ihtihait. of Stioudsbutg legiKter
ii il .ft older, YV. S. Dub t. of Stiouds.
btng loiintv tlcasuiet, W W Hlliii
g i of Mlnsl county eonunlssloneis,
J .seph II. Kiuiuulits. The second man
f i the latter place will he tlthtr liar
liMin t'lnlfctman or .Incoh Ilaiman. V
li tv v vote was polled. The pioposl
tit'ii to make changes lu the novv rules
Is believed to have been defeated.
Cows Dying Rapidly in the Vicin'ty
of Stioudshur,'.
-itt mulshing, Viib 27. A dh-e'tse that
Is piuzling the fninnts of this county
has li iiken out noo- the western hoi.
tlei of the tounty mi C. A Dornoy'H
d.ilrj at Ilkkory Hun. Nearly fifty
nittli have died during the past few
we. Us At Albrlghtsvlllo. the cuttle
nit slmllnrly uffeotul ami a number
ha e died.
Pi .1 T Rotluoek, couiniiEssiiiner of
foiesu-y, lias made an Invtstlgatlon
nnd his rrpnit will ho mudo later
Mornn's Awful Cilme.
Mnrsliflclil, Win . Aug. Mo.
ran. a tlroman on tlio Chicago and North
western raid, shot and killed his wife mul
fterwaiilH killed himself toda. Morun
Is thought to have betn tempurarll) In.
en lie
Drowned While Sailing,
New York, Aug. J7.-AIIort (lolden, of
Greenwich Point, and l',urinaii IIIcKh. 10
Jcurs old of Hempstead, vvtao diovvmd
whllo sailing In Hempstead hay tonight,
the Ij'int belnfc vaught lu n i-uuall.
Inteiestlng Statement from the War
Washington, Aug 27. The war de
partment today gave out for publica
tion nn interesting statement of the
llnaneial condition of the Island of
Tuba. It shows that tinder the man
agement of the i'tilted States govern
ment the lecplpts of the island fiom
January 1. 1S90. to .lune 30. of the cur
lent year, exceed the expenditures by
the very handsome sum of J1.IS0.021.
This statement ptobably will be a sur
prise to many pel sons who hud
thought that Cuba under the military
occupation of the I'nlted States was
not self-sustaining.
During the period named the receipts
fiom all souices were $6,!)S.010; ills
buiscments, $."i,r01,9SS. Of the money
disbursed Jl, 712,011 was expended in
sanitation. $.0",jr3 In the eiettion and
Impiovenient of b.ur.uks and quar
tPis; tH.VifiT In the establishment, etc,
of the niral gu.ud and ndmlnisttatlon:
$.'."iO,n74 on public works, luiihoin nnd
forts, $23!,SS1 In chaiitks and hospi
tals; $.'12,1 Ifi for civil government:
$i.':i.2il on municipalities: $ss,'i in aid
to the destitute, $I2.20"i In iiuatantlne
mntleis. total, $4,4IS,321,
The statement for July shows that
the customs collections In the entlip
Island for July alone weie $l,201,r,S7:
internal levenne collections, $"fi,3.l;
postal collections, $15,000; miscellane
ous collections, $6i,43." (Itand total of
lecelpts for the month, $1,339,321; dls
buiseinents, $1,029,S77.
The Regiment Passes Through Chi
cago At Brighton the Soldiers
Will Receive Medals.
Chicago, Aug. 27. The Tenth Penn
sylvania legliuent, iccently musteied
out In San Fi.ineisco after over a year's
campaigning in the Philippines, passed
tluough Chicago today en lotite home.
The leglment Is traveling In four sec
tions and has been bt ought across the
continent at the state's expense.
The Hi st section eat lies the men of
Ci m panics A and H. the leglmental
staff and the leceptlon committee of
twenty-live, that went to fittn Fran
tisio to welcome the soldiers to the
I'nited States. The second section car
lied Companies I. D and K: the thlnl
section curled Companies C I and H.
The font th section was loaded down
with leglmental baggageand an assoit
ment of Philippine icllcs
The regiment will be taken off the
trains In the morning nt New Brigh
ton, Ohio They will maich to the paik
of that town and leview the new (lag
pole. Governor Uoosevelt, of New York,
will piesent them with medals bearing
a likeness of their major, Cuthbei tson.
Then they will bieakfast and go to
Plttsbuig. wheie an elaboiate pio
grainnie has been piepared for their
weliom.i. The leglment will be met at
Allegheny City and headed b Piesi
dent McKlnley and the govetnois of
"Pennsylvania. New York, Ohio and
Vest Vliglnla, will matth to Sehenley, wheie the fonnal exercises of
weliornlyg the retuined Philippine vet
erans will be held. None of the sol
diers was sick and all aie delighted at
the prospect of getting back to their
native state.
Pittsburg, Aug. 27 The First regi
ment, N C! P., of Philadelphia, arrived
here this uftei noon to be In readiness
to take part In the reception to be
given the Tenth Pennsylvania tomor
row on Its return from .Manila The
icgiinent with Its full complement of
otllctrs and men made a tine appear -ame
as It mar cited tluough the streets
fiom Triton station to old city hall,
where luncheon was served. A l.ugi;
ciowd was lined up along the route and
gave the soldltrs a he.uty welcome,
very different fiom the leceptlon given
the leglment on its last visit, dining
the Homestead lints. Then the men
weie lccelvcd with hoots nnd derision,
this time with cheers and praise
fter luncheon the men were taken
to their headquaiteis In a huge vvaie
hotise on Liberty stieet.whlih has been
specially piepaied foi their comfort.
He Was Employed on Statue of Paul
Jones for Dewey Reception Aich.
New York. Aug 27 -G. Turin.!, a
piomlnnit smlptor, who had beep em
plnjetl for some dnjis on the Uevvey til
uinphal anh now under construction,
rtlnl suddenly nt his home today.
Tut In.i, had been modelling a statue
of 'Paul Jones the past week arid In
oidei to complete the statue had luen
working e.stiemely haul. He Intended
to continue his labors today, arid nio.e
cail Almost Immediately he stag
ffind across the loom and fell, in a
ft w moments he was dead. Tinlna.
who was sixty yeais of age, was botn
In Verona. Ital.v He studied seulpttuc
In Milan and In Home. In is&i ho was
a volunteer In Gnilbaldl's army. He
came to New Yoik In Jh(17. Among his
pilnclpal wotks aie a bust of Leo XIII,
now In the Vatican at Itoine, the stutue
of Garibaldi In Washington squat e.
this i Ity. tho eqiiestilan statue of Gru
el ul IlolHar In Central park, and a
colossal statue of Maz.anl
It will be temembered that Caspar
Hubert the seulptot, fell dead two
weeks ago In this dt while, making a
medallion of Captain Livviente for tAo
Dovvey arch.
Russian Dlsappeais.
Chicago, Aug. 27-I)enietri l-'rleillauder.
treasuier of the I'l.tttd IliikHlnn t-luuclies
of Chicago, private banker and agent for
tho Waclccr & Iiltk III owing conipain.
is mlsslnif and at tin same tlmo an
amount estimated nt from $lo(Kio to $uo
OOil has dlsappe.neil Tile illuttois of
the Ureel: Orlhuilox ilitucli, of vvhloh
rrlodlander was a uiomhunt memliei
and director, ir ported Hint the Husulan
I'liurchcH foi which the allowed emliex.
r.ler was tu usurer, Innl nuffered a loss
of $G,joo by Ills lllght fiom tho oily
Thousands Visit the Olympia.
Nice, Mg. 27 Aihuliul Pewcy pushed
the day mi his llugsltlp the I'nlted Btatcs
cruiser Oljinpln More than a thousand
leslilent of Nice visited tho wuishlp,
cxUfhHlnsf the gientest tulmlratlun and
Governor to Be nt Pittsburg.
Harrlhburg, Aug. 27 -Governor Stono
end wife left for Pltuburtr today, his
staff leaving tonldlit. Tliej will partici
pate In the lecoptlnn to the Tenth I'one
mhiuilu tumarrow.
Tho Subject Under Consideration
Will Be "Trusts and Combinations,
Their Uses and Abuses, Railway,
Labor,Industrinl and Commeiclal."
The Lending Colleges to Be Repre
sented by Professors of Political
New Yoik, Aug. 27. The governors
of twenty-six states aie announced as
having appointed delegations to attend
the eonfotonop on truFts Initiated by
the civic Federation of Chicago and
called to meet In that city Sept 13 to
10. The call states the object to be
puioly educational and strictly non
partisan, the committee of arrange
ments being composed of men of differ
ent political faiths, and representing
nil sides of the problem, to he discussed.
The subject under consideration Is
"Tnits nnd combinations, their uc
nnd abuses, i.illwuy, labor, Industilal
and connnciclal."
It Is stated bv the promoters that
the Industilal commission has aitanged
to attend tho conference In a body and
that the Interstate commerce coinm!1--stin
has nN accepted and will partici
pate In the confoience. The states
named as having appointed delegates
and the names of chairmen theteof are
here given4 New Yoik. Chnuneey M.
Depew : Nobiakn. Hdward Hosevvater:
Mar.vland, Charles J Honapart": South
Carolina, J I. Matshall; Montana,
Mai tin MaglniiK- Kentucky, W. c. p
r.ieckenildgo Wisconsin, John C.
Spooner; Mlili,lgan. Russell A. Alger;
Colorado, Thomas M Patterson- Kan
sas, AV. J. I'.alley; Iowa, James C.
Heiryblll: Mississippi, J. W. Cutrer;
Alabama F. U.irmcr: Pouth Dakota,
It P. Pettlgi-ew: Wyoming. F. W.
Jlondell, Missouri, r. M. Cockrell;
Oiegen, M C George; Tennessee, C.
K. Snndgrnss, Iiidlnn.i, V. U. Mnrtin
dale Wet Vliglnla, K. S. Tlntchin
son; Ailzoni). M. J. Hagan: Ohlc, John
Shot man, Pennsylvania, M. M. Gai
land: Indian Teriltoty, James S.
Staples; ""tali. George W. Ilaitch: New
JIpxIco Frank Spilnger.
The following named governors have
accepted Atkinson, West Virginia;
Stanley. Kansas; Shnwe, Town- Pln
gtee, Mlchlttan; Tanner. Illinois;
Thomas, Colorado: Smith, Montana:
Povnter, Nebi iska; Stevens, "illwout I:
Scofleld. Wisconsin: "ilurjiliv, Ailsona
Fanehor, North Dakota: Mount In
diana Acceptances have also been lrcolved
from the attoinev genpr.ils of seven
teen Ftntes and the labor commission
ers if five states. Delegates are being
named by boauls of tiade: chambers
of commerce, national labor and nml
cultuial bodies, the National Mai asso
ciation tbei Natlonnl T'.ankprs associa
tion, the Underwriters asso
ciation, the Ametlenn Economic asso
ciation, th" American Social Science
association and the American Acadtmy
of Political and Social Science. The
leading colleges of th counliv will be
represented bv professsors of political
Gathering at Zanesville Where State
Convention Will Be Held.
Zanesville. O, Aug 27. Some of the
workers for candidates ai lived hole
today for the Deniociatle state con
vention which meets here next Tues
day and Wednesday. The delegates
meet by congressional districts Tues
day at tin noon to select members of
the new state central committee and
of other committees, Including a new
one on "patty icorganlzntlon."
This committee meets Tuesday ev
ening so as to report on the assemb
ling of the convention Wednesday
morning. There will be no contests
over the it-solutions which will favor
10 to 1 and tin rest of the Chicago
platform endotse Bryan, denounce Mc
Klnley and Imperialism and Hanna
and bosslsm. But there will be con
tests betote the committee on cteden
tlals especially from Cuyahoga county.
The McLean men claim the result of
the contests cannot alfect the lead of
their favoilte The Kllbourne men
have claimed that much depends upon
the credentials but they are not mak
ing unj claims today. Congiessinan
J. J I.ens:, Isaac It. Sherwood, James
A Rich, chailes N. Haskell, James p
Seward. Horace L. Chapman and oth
ers mentioned foi the gubernatorial
I nomination aie no longer In the Held
I Thete is usually a laige number of
I candidates for the nominations for
I lieutenant goveinnt. Attorney, aiidlt
i or. treasuier, supteme Judge and mem
ber of the boa id of public wotks nn
average of almost a dozen for each.
One of the most Important acts of
the convention here this week will be
the adoption of a state constitution of
the Demoeintlc party, lleretofoto the
paity government has been bj pieoe
dents llko the unwritten Hngllsh fun
damental law. The constitution pie.
sented to the state convention last
year was retorted back to the state
committee foi changes and a substl
Htute tommlttee has been at woik all
ear on this Instrument which was un
animously adopted by tho state com
mittee In June It will now- become
the tundameiitnl law of the Domoetnt
lo patty lu Ohio If It is adopted by the
present convention.
Owner of the Shamrock Embarks
from Queenstown.
QueeriBtnwii. Aug 27 A throtiR ot
f i lends boarded the Canard liner
Cnmpanlti from Liverpool foi New
York on her ai rival here today to wel
e ome and bid farewell to Sir Thomas
Upton. Tho owner or the American
cup challenger oxpiessed entlit satis
faction with the arrangements of tliu
committee of the New Yoik Yacht
club. "If tho Shamrock wins tho cup,"
ho said, "Hoyal Coik will bu the flint
plueo on this side whero 1 shall exhibit
He received tho heartiest kind of an
I -. - - ,,,i
Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley Passed a
Quiet Day at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, Aug. 27. Pieslaent and
Mrs McKlnley spent their Sunday
lather quietly, nothing of special note
transpiring to make the day differ ma
terially from a rest day at their Wash
ington home The piesldent. carry
ing out his usual custom, ntose at 7
o'clock and spent nn hour In the llb
n.ty looking over his Impoitant mall.
Alter bieakfast he, with Mrs, MrKln
ly and Mrs. Pltcalm took a stioll
through the extensive (rounds sut
roundlng the Pltcalm residence, ar.l
then spent another hour In the llbrui.
At 10:1 the party was dilven to
tiiifit Methodist Hplscopnl Ifirch
where they heard an eloquent setinon
preached by Hev. Daniel Dorchester,
I'h.. D., who took for his text Hnninni
12 chapter 4th and Sth versos: "For
as we have many mcmbeis In one boiy
i.nd all mcmbeis have not the same
ciillce, so we, belnir many, aie one body
In Christ, nnd severally members olio
o.' cnothor "
The reverend gentleman, -.Ithout
mal mg imv direct reference to tho
piesldent, made It very evid?-r that
ill bodies, whether religious, so nil or
Iiilitical must have a sum erne he.i'i,
vlioe hands must be upheld by mutual
to ot,ct Jtlon.
Long befoie the hour announced for
the service the large edifice was filled
to overflowing and thousands of poi
sons had gatheted In the vklnltv to
get a glimpse of the piesldent as he
entered the church. In the afternoon
the president and Mis. McKlnley, ac
companied bv Mr. and Mrs. Pltcalm,
took a dilve through Sehenley park
under the escort of TO. M. Blgelow
director of public wotks, nnd Max
Leslie, chairman of the leceptlon com
mittee. Before the lido had extended over
about two miles Mrs. McKlnley became
fatigued and the party retuined
home This evening nt 7 o'clock dinner
was an Informal affair, no persons be
ing present but the distinguished
guests and the Immediate Pltealrn
In anticipation of a very busy day
tomorrow the president retired at an
early hour.
Negroes Remnin Around but Hostili
ties Have Ceased.
Dai Ion, Ga, Aug. 27 There have
been no hostilities between the blf-fKS
and the militia tod.iv though the ne
groes remain aimed and the troops aio
pl'ipaied for nil eventualities. That
the situation Is bettor however is evi
dent fiom the fact that Colonel Law
ton, commanding the First regiment,
has returned to Savannah cl'hty-six
men and thro, office! s whose -et vices
are no longer needed. There t "mains
something more than 200 soldiers on
dutv. These will remain until after
the sitting of the special teirn of the
I supetlor enuil, which ha,s boon nil led
I to meet on Wednesday to tiy John
! Dtllet.Mll for the minder of Sheriff
Townsond The special teim will also
I tiv Henry Dellegall, the negio about
I whom all the trouble has arisen, and
1 the '!" black rioters who are now con-
lined In the Savannah Jail
I There are still seveial hundred
I armed negroes In the swamp A tor-
icntlal rain had fall, n todav which
will do mui h tow at ds dampening their
nrdor. No radical change in the situa
tion, however is looked for befoie the
convening of the special teim of couit.
Considerable Damage Done Near
Now Yoik, Aug. 27 The Mori is canal
broke from Its banks near Phillipsburg,
N. J., today and did great damage A
thundoistoim slatted at 1 o'clock this
morning and the i.tln falling in tot
icnts swelled the canal until it btoke
Its banks In thiee places togethei The
water t ushed from the breaks out upon
the lower lying lands nnd swept eveiy
thlng before them. Two small houses
and sovetal bains wore i an led fiom
their foundations and outbuildings of
small size weie whisked away with
the water until smashed Into pieces
D. W. Haggeity's saw mill was car
tied away and washed Into the Dela
ware liver, a complete vvteck The
stone wall between the canal and
Hamlin's clock was washed out and
most of the locks fell into the canal
and filled It. closing It ptobably for the
lest of the season.
The damage cannot, be estimated as
yet. but it piob.ibly will be many thou
Two Vessels Stmt fiom New York to
San Francisco.
Philadelphia Aug 27 Two clipper
ships, the Tlllle H. Star-buck, built of
lion and tho St. Francis, a wooden
vessel, both owned In New Yoik. left
this port today to race to San Ftanels
co for stakes aggiegatlng $10,000, put
up by prominent shipping men Tholt
time will be counted fiom the moment
they lench Cape Henlopon light
Picked crews are aboard eai h ship
and the Is expected to determine
the mooted question as to whether the
old wooden or the modem Iron or steel
ships ate the most speedy. Tho ships
urei about 1.S00 tons each and carry
a general oaigo. The Stat buck Is com
manded by Captain Curtis and the St.
Frances by Captain Winn.
Dr. Andiew Martin One of tho Vie
linifc of Lightning.
Lancaster, Pa , Aug 27. A severe
storm that swept ovei this country
lust night lesulted lu the loss of the
life of Dr. Andiew Miirtln, aged 00
ye, tig, lesldlng near Mount Joj. Dr.
Martin was standing in the cellar of
his house holding a luass lamp when
lightning struck the building. The
bolt, following the stove pipe, passed
tluough the house and entered Dr.
.Martin s loft side e-amdng death In
stantly. His sister, standlnpr threo
feet away, escaped unhurt. Ho was
a graduate of Ann Harbor unlvetslty
and the Jefferson Medical college. Ho
seived In tho civil war.
A barn belonging to Dr. Ulnugh,
near Mount Joy. was destroyed by
Sensational Proceedings of tho Ses
sions of Saturday in the Dreyfus
Case Mercler Confused A Rumor
That the Government Has Decided
to Arrest General Mercler Has Not
Been Confiimed Gendarmes Guard
the General's Residence.
Heiines, Aug. 27. Amid the tedlotirt
demonstrations of handwriting ex
perts yesterday, the confiontntlou of
Cnptaln 7'roystaetter with General
Mercler and Colonel Mntirol, although
It did not last ten minutes, burst like
a bolt fiom the sky shedding a Hood,
of light on the whole trial It w-.i
altogether the most dramatic situation
which has yet occurred here.
Fieystaettor Is a tall, soldletly man.
with an honet, penetrating glnnie;
'end clear, sonoious voice. He stood
on the witness ptand side by side with
Mnurcl, who wns visibly embarrassed
by his presence, and who .said hes
tatlnglv "It is tine that t onlv read one docu
ment of the secret dossier brought by
Dii Paty do cinm to the court mar
tial judges In 1K9I. But ns I felt fa
tigued 1 passed them to other mem
bets of the court."
"And I," Intel rupted Freystaotter,
'afilrm that Colonel Maurel not only
rend all the secret documents, but abo
commented on them to members of the
This caused stupefaction in the nu
ditoilum, which wns heightened by
Mnttrel's suddenly tinning pale nnd
muttering unintelligible words Mer
cler sptnng to his assistance, saving-
'I heaid Captain Freystaeltei allude
to the Uobln projectile as having b"on
the subject of one of the documents
dollveied to Germany. The memoran
dum concerning the Uobln prooetile
was not drawn up until lv7 or IS'.iR.
consequently Captain Freyst, totter is
detected In fligrante delletti of lying."
I'roystaettor. without losing temper,
retorted that it was a projectile, not
the Uobln piojectlle. that "limit M com
mented upon at the 1S94 court martial.
Merolpr's bold diversion thus failed,
and It was pitiable to see his confusion
and collapse, when In absolute contra
diction to his fnmous testimony of
August 12. Freyst.u tter declared with
eveiv evidence of truth, nnd without
Mniiiel daring to gainsay him. that
the faKe translation of Panlzzai ill's
dispatch was retunlly communicated to
the judges of the Ml court mirtlal.
This Is astounding, for It Is now es
tablished that Mete lor not onlv caused
this false Panlzzaidi dispatch to bo
spctetly communicated to the 1S9 1
court martini, but It Is the same falsi
fied dispatch cilmlnallv retained by
Du Paty do Clam that Mercler on Au
gust 3, 1 )!)'. caused to be placed by
General Chanolne, delegate of General
Do Gulllfet. the minister of war. In
the seciet dossier and surreptitiously
communicated to the Hennes court
Hennes, Aug. 27. The government
has decided to prosecute the Eclair
for the nublioatlon of the "canaille
dead" document, one of the four docu
ments societly communicated to the
Dreyfus court martial of IS94 and
which has been shown not to refer to
Captain Dieyfus at all.
The object of tho government Is to
discover who communicated it to the
l'cl.ilr The assumption Is that the
communication was made bj Col Du
Paty De Clam en possibly by Gen.
Gnnse. The publication occurred thtee
years ago but under the law prosecu
tion can be maintained at any time
dining the following live yeats. This
evening It Is tumoied that the gov
i lament has also decided to a i rest Gen.
Moieler but the tumor Is not confiim
ed. hast evening a lepott was In circul
ation that Gen. Met olor had lied to
the Island of Jeisey but this story
pi oved to be without foundation. Har
ly this mnining the gondaimps were
still posted outside the residence of
Gen. St. Get main, military commander
of this district with whom Gen. Mer
cler has been staying dining the trial.
Their ptesenco Indicated that he was
still theie and In reply to questions
they deelaied that they had not seen
him leave the ginunds. This after
noon he was undoubtedly nt home, al
though he declined to tooelvo cullers.
No one who has studied his ehmaeter
and methods believes that Gen. Mer
cler would lice at the prospect of ar
lest. He has altogether too much grit
In his composition. Gen. Get main's
house Is In one of the subuths of
The Mysteiious Death of Edward
llonlsburg, ug. 27. Fdwiuil llein
Icke, oged li, an employe of tho West
ern Ulectrlo company of New Yotl;
which company Is Installing an under
giniind switch system for the IVnnsyl
Minla Telephone company, was found
dead In the back yaid of the house
where he had rooniD.
Ills neck was bioken and it Is not
known whether It Is a cast- of suicide
en mutder. He is not known to l-.avo
had nnv enemies His habits were
good. The body was .sent to his homo
No. oo One Hundred and Highly
second street
Will Stump on an "Auto."
Toledo. Aug. 27 The committee III
chin pu of Mayor Jones Independent can
viis for cot ei nor, bus at ranged a tiip
for the mayor ovpr the state and for this
purpose Iuih secured an autiunoblle. With
tho candidate will go a speaker and
finger and tho music utetl will all be fur
nished by Mr. Jnnc".
Double Murder,
Han Finntlfco, Aug. 27. Ueorgei Tan
ner, a wnttr ft out Miloonkco'icr, mur
dered Deputy Sheriff James H. Utonn
and Fannie Barnes, a woman with whom
Brown consulted, In a lodging hmuo lu
this city. It Is said the woman had been
frletidlv with Tanner, hut they recently
" -re'.V- ' was iirivstcd.
Weather Totav:
1 General lhltlsh and Itus-lans Ulsiiuto
In China.
Sensational Times at the Itennes Trial.
Samples of Filipino Treachery.
Civic Federation Meeting In the Windy
2 General International Trade Congress.
Base Ball Iteslilts,
Financial nnd Commercial.
3 II. A. Giant's Scimon on
llev. Wilbur P. Crafts Speaks In Him
Park Chinch.
News and Comment.
G Local Local Letter Cnrrlcis and tho
Arches Matter.
Awful Hxporlonoe of William Hunt.
LangstafT Petition Signers Assessed.
0 Local West Seranton nnd Suliutbalt.
7 News Round About Seranton.
5 Local-City Building Law Is Constitu
Dnnnmre Borough News Budget.
Enraged Motheis Incite a Mob to
String Up a Worthless Tpllow
who Attempted an Assault.
Theie was a close appioaeh to -i
lynching bee at 2 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon in the Twenty-first waul, and
Instead of being a subject for the cor
oner. Henry Jones, aged 4iJ yeais, a
woithkss fellow, now languishes In the
county Jail to await the action of the
ffinnd Jurv on a charge of attempted
criminal assault.
Jones was slightly Intoxicated and
started fiom his homo on Ft Ink stteet
tow arils the woods beyond the Da'e
faun, and enticed two sx-yeat-old plrls
named Annie Lewis ami Uettj Burnett,
daughtcts of Llewellyn Lewis and
Lewis Huinott, to accompany him on
the pionilse of giving them money
A hi other of the Lewis gltl was noti
fied, and together with John Jones and
Gooige I'vnns rescued the children.
The whole nelghboihood soon became
alarmed and the motheis of the gltls
were frantic In tholt- effotts to elo the
man bodily haim. A largo i row ill as-s-emhled
on the scene, and Jones ran
to the house of Constable Dean for pio
teetlon. The constable, who was In bed nt the
time, hurried to Jores' icsctie and kept
the crowd nt bay. Threats of lynching
wore hoatd from several of the mob
outside Dean's house and an assault on
hint was only aveited by the con
stable's threat to an est the first per
son that laid u hand on the prisoner.
Jones was hut tied to the West Scian
ton police station and locked up, and
a warrant was Issued bv Alderman
Martin Jovce. charging him with as
sault, with cilmlnal Intent.
A heating was held nt the alderman's
house at 7 o'clock last evening, when
another large crowd of angiy men as
sembled, and It wns with the greatest
difficulty the magistrate and constable
preserved ordei .
Sevetal witness. testified and Jones
offered no defense whatever, and the
nldpiman committed him to the county
Jail In default of Ji.ono bail
Jours Is a widower and hn thro"
gtnwn-up child! en. ile wns tecently
employed bv Frank Cnilueel at the
Seranton Nut and Bolt woiks.
II will be remenilierd that Junes
appealed In court about a eai ngo,
when Hrahnm Gteen wns sentenced
to t hi oo yeais In the Hastein peniten
tiary for a similar offoii'e committed
on Jones' daughter
Engineers to Meet With Chief Ar
thur Again This Morning
Nothing new of Itnpoi tanee has i'
veloped In the Lai k.iwiinuii ellglneti,
matter lu the last two davs.
The committee and Chief Arthur
have had ficquent infoininl meetings
and this morning will nu et formall to
piepare for another session with Sup
erintendent Russell
Chief Ai thin- and such of the com
mitteeman ns had not inn home for
a Hiiudnj visit, attended the regular
meeting of Sam Sloan lodge esterdny
The trainmen and conductois were
scheduled to meet Mr. Ittissell this uf
tei noon, but owing to the engineers'
matter not being as yet adjusted the
second conference may be postponed.
Six Men Baiely Miss Being Drowned
in New Wheel Pit.
Six men who me employed bj the
.Seranton Gas and Water cotnpau,
had a veij narrow escape fiom deuth
last Satlltd.iy evening
They weie working In n now wheel
pit which Is being erected In the gate
house at the boulevard end of Lake
Ho ran to n. Some pet sou opened a gute
by mistake allowing the water to rush
in. The men made a tush for the sides
and just managed to crawl up a chain
nnd some scantlings running up the
wall before the water i cached tho
Ctew and Passengets Have Difficulty
in Escaping.
Clevelund. Aug 27. The steamer
which binned off Fall port last night
was the Sir S. H. Til ley, a Canadian
vessel of 750 tons. The crew and pns
sengeis. about tw-ent In number, hud
dllllculty In escaping.
The lire continued binning until c-.uly
In the uioi nlng, the tugs and life-saving
crew remaining In the vicinity. The
wietk was finally towed to Faliport
harbor. The Tlllev Is almost a total
loss. Shu was valued at $00,000. She
cat lied no cargo,
Prominent Teacher Commits Suicide.
Watcrtottii, Win., Aug 27 John L.
Flavin, president of tho State Teachers'
association and for twenty-five jturs
county superintendent of education, com
mitted sululdo today by hanging him
self to a tree on his farm, Despondency
and overwork nru believed to have been
the rauso.
Clash Between British
Blue Jackets and
Tho Outcomo of n Wrangle for tho
Possession of a Piece of Land Blua
Jackets Now Hold the Key to tha
Situation England Seems Deter-
mined to Uphold British Rights.
Shanghai, Aug. 27 As the outcomo
of a dispute ding the possession
of some lands nt Hankow, on the Yang
Tso Kiang about 700 mlhs fiom tho
sen which weie purchased In 1 i'i1 by
the concern of Jiudlnc, M-tUicson &
Co, but weie subsequently Included hi
the new concession to Hursia, the own
ers under the ,-ulvlce and protection
of Mt. Hurst, tho British consul, sent
workmen to fence In the tract.
AttT the work was begun a dozen
Cossacks from th Uttsslnu ec'nuiato
appealed on the scene and Ion Ibly
elected the w-mkmen. The captain oC
the British second clnss gunboat
Wondlaik, pclolly designed for liver
set vice, after consulting with Mr.
Hurst, landed a party of blue jackets
and moved the k within filing
dMnncc of tho Russian rintilnto. For
n time a light seemed Imminent but
nothing further occurred. Tho bluo
Jackets are now guaullns the property.
The British third class gunbeat Hslc
has been despatched to Hankow fiom
this poit. Great Biltaln Is evidently
determined to uphold British rights.
Fifty Places Aie Closed Up in
Philadelphia. Aug. :'7. Sheriff Sell of
Camden count j, N. J., with forty police
men sworn in as deputies todav i aided
fifty saloons In Gloucester and cul
tured too gambling devices of the slot
machine ot doi. Tho lalds weie planned
and directed bj D C Glbhone.v . seue
taty of the I.iw and Older pen ietj of
this eit, who has bet u lollecting i-vi-
i deuce for some time past
I In nearly evciy case tho ofllcers met
i with nsistnnte and as a result morn
I than a dozen men aie in the ho pltal,
I some In Hired so badlv that tln-h ie
I tuv cry Is doubtful. Knives, pistols and
j blackjacks weie freely used, tbe pat
I ions of the various saloons being under
I the impression that the police wite
theie to anest them
While a portion of the raiders strug
gled with the crowds, the tenialnder
seized nil the gambling machines In the
places nnd can led them to the patrol
wagons I i waiting.
No ailestK wen made, but It Is sail
thnt the proprietors of tire suloons
tallied will b pioi'ei tiled later.
Gloucester N a resort on the Dela
ware rivet, abiut sl miles below tills
t Ity, and is known as a "wide-open
town The saloons have alwajs done
a tlouilsliing business on Sunday, and
today's raids were the lirst step tovvanl
elolng them
I Child of Mr. and Mrs. William Lan-
gan Died Satuulny.
i A ni'i of In kj.ii which tesullod lu
i death, was dlscoveitd by Dr. Gales in
i the family of William Langan, of (lit
Hampton stieet. Hubert, aged 3 years,
was the victim.
The child wiib plajing In the ard
lust Thursday morning nail rushed into
the house uuu de to speak. Dt. Gun 1
was summoned and pionounced tho
cune luekjaw An examination failed
to teveul the cause, but a slight mark
was dlstovereil on one of the finger
But little relief could be offered, mil
thu child died on Saturday mot nlng
Steamship Arrivals.
New- olk. Aug i". Arilvcd. Ctvli,
Liverpool. IkIo of Wight Passed, West
erulnnil. Antwerp fur New York Smith
lunptun Arilved. Bremen. New York fur
Bremen. Sailed, l'rledrlclt Der Gross.,
fiom Hrrinin. New Yoik Havre- Ar
llvttl. 1. 1 Itieiague New York. Queens
town S tiled. Cnmimntii from Ltverpi ni.
New Ymk Movllle-Snllid- Cit of
Itoine. GlaHKuw tor Ni w Yoik.
Ranking Commissioner's Returns.
Ilatiisbuig Aug -7 -Some flgurn frmn ret ut lis to tin state Imnkiiu, t uni
mlsslnner show large Inert hm-s undi r t r
t ii tu bends us lopniled l tin luiik-. snv.
lug Institutions unl mist myp.uiU x for
tho sl months ending June :su. Deposits
Imvo Increased JVi "ilj.toii "f; cash on hand
nnd due from banks, Ji;.Ul,w7. loans, t,Sl."i
TiT, InviMincnlH. J10.0:!,57u 11, tlll.-tt
funds $11 rn7,iiO.' II.
- -
f Washington, Aug. 27 Forecast -4-
4- for Monday: For cistern Ponnsjl-
v.mln light showers Mniiilnv mom- 4-
4- lug followed by fair, probably fair
4- Tuet.da) ; light to froh easterly
-- winds.