The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 26, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Find Catarrh of the Bladder a Very Prevalent and
Dangerous Malady.
A. V. I'orrln, M. D. S., OSO Ilnlsi-y St..
Brooklyn. N. Y.. In a recent letter to
Dr. Hurtman sajB the following; '
...m ... 4it !, h
ui. wa J":
A. W. Porrln. M. D. S
"I nm uslnp your I'o-ru-nn myself,
nnd nm rprommenillnK It to my patk-ntH
In all cures of catarrh, and llnd It to
be more than you represent. I'cru-na
ean be hail now of all tlriiRKlHtH In this
ucctlon: at the time I begun tisltiK It,
It was unknown." A. V. 1'errln.
No ornan of the whole body Is more
frequently nffeeted by catarrh than the
bladder, which Is sometimes so severe
as to excite Breat suffering nnd alarm,
o) in, . ( -i.'..,,ti:i miMirrmiiTO tot nnr a
wmM life
Iteinembor Unit rlioleni morbus, cholera Infantum, mimmer compliant, lillkms
colic, illnrrhwa nnd dysontory nro each nnd nil ciitnrrh of tho boel. Cutnrrli Is (ho
only oorroct tmmnfnr these iill'crtlons. I'e-ru-nn Ik nn nhsohitc Rprcllle fortius!" ail
ments, which u oho common In HiinimT. Dr. lliirtnuui, In n pruulleo of over forty
year, nover lost n Hlngie mu of cliolerii Infantum, dysentery, illnrrha'ii, or cliotern
morbus, anil Ills only rainody was iv-ni-nn. Those desiring further particulars
should sontl lorn free copy of "Stinimor Cnmrrli." Adclrcjs Dr. llartuian, Columlius,0.
Hockenberry's Name Not Proposed.
Big Cut in Salaries.
The school board met last night and
settled the question of prlnclpalshlp
which has been agitating the public
for the past six weeks. Mr. Dlmock
nominated W. D. Dryden; Mr. Moon
nominated "V. O. llaupt, and Mr.
Hughes nominated M. J. Hiuilon. J'rof.
Bryden was elected on first ballot by
the following vote: For Hryden
Dlmock, Hoylan and Kerwln. Messrs.
Hughes and Moon voted for their re
spective nominees.
Action on any other vacancies which
may exist was postponed until next
The board then took up the salary
list und cut and slashed in earnest.
The principal's salary was reduced
from $1,500 per annum to $1,200. Other
salaries considered follow: Miss Lucy
Juslln. reduced from $T.". a month to
$.".5: l'rof. Lesher's was kept at $80;
Miss Harriet Hutchlns. from $70 to $.0;
Miss Kathnrlne Pace, from $,.' to $."0;
Miss May Kllpatrlck, 'from $1." to $40;
Miss Durkln, from $4.". to $10; Frank
Collins, retained at $50.
Those under $35 were not reduced.
Mr. Vannun, In justification or these
changes, referred to the hard times,
and said two-thirds of the taxpayers
are not making $12 a month.
Hills of P. Y. Moran for $fl2 and the
Evening News for $15.00 were ordered
Some desk agents addressed the
board, but action on the purchase of
furniture was postponed.
The Ceorgla Minstrel company, made
up of talented young Carbondallans,
who had such marked success at Dun
da ff, will present their attraction In
this city next Friday evening. A snug
turn was received on the Dundal'f en
terprise, but the boys have been to con
siderable expense In getting costumes
and paraphernalia. They will undoubt
edly draw a big audience. Surround
ing towns will probably be visited be
fore the dlsbandment of the organiza
tion occurs.
By the aid of crutches. J. Russell
Jones was able to get out with his
sprained ankle yesterday.
Misses Margaret McAndrew and
Elizabeth Murphy are visiting at Oly
pliant. M. O. Sahni, who has been spending
his vacation here, has ' returned to
Scranton. s
Richard Ma'lone Is at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colvln. of Ceme
tery street, havo returned from Fac
toryvllle. Miss Caroline Betz, of Honesdale, Is
visiting at the home of T. L. Medland.
Mrs. S. S. Hards Is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Brown, of I'eckvllle.
Rev. W. B. Grow. E. Stanton nnd
Stephen Keglar have returned from
the meeting of the Wayne Baptist as
sociation. Frederic Moses Is visiting relatives
in town.
J. F. Sullivan was In Scranton on
touslenss yesterday.
Louis Seibold Is visiting Honesdale
Professor A. P. Peters will spend
Sunday with Scranton friends-
Emma "Wilcox has accepted a situa
tion on tho Forest City News.
The Mayfleld band will give nn open
air concert at the Maylleld House this
evening and will render tho following
programme: March. "K Capltan."
Bousa; grand selection from "Bohe
mian Girl," Balfe; selection, charac
teristic. "The LHtIo Wayside Chapel,"
Elenberg; baritone fantaslu from "II
Travatorc" (Verdi), William Byrne:
medley overture, "Southern I'lanta
tlon," Conterno; gavotte, "Eugenie,"
Chambers; march "America Forever"
The Magazine club was entertained
last evening at the home of Mrs. Tom
Bray, on Main street.
The Mayfleld band will hold a plcnlo
in Electric grove on Sept. io.The band,
tinder the capable leadership of Prof.
Russell. haB made considerable ad
vance during the past few months nnd
Mayfleld citizens may well feel proud
of tho organization.
One more week will end tho school
Each of the four fatal mlno acci
dents that has occurred here during tho
past six weeks has happened on the
eame day of tho week Thursday.
Goodrich's one ring circus eamo to
and nenln so light ns to scarcely at
tract any notice. The symptoms of
catarrh of the bladder are: frequent
desire to void uilne. which Is generally
scant In quantity and highly colored,
with a thick white or slightly pinkish
sediment. I'e-ru-na has gained such
great popularity In the treatment of all
diseases of the eenlto-urlnary organs,
because of Its almost magical Inlluence
over all catarrhal diseases, The cura
tive effect of Pe-ru-nu In all diseases
of the kidneys, bladder and urethra Is
too well known to need comment: and
when It Is remembered that the major
ity of these affections are of catarrhal
origin, and that I'e-ru-na Is ii specific
for catarrh, wherever located the fact
Is explained.
Mr. Samuel Sanders, of Hlythedalc,
Mo., writes to Dr. Ilartman: "I had ca
tarrh of tlio uretnra
and bladder. My
symptoms were the
same as those given
In your free books.
I got a bottle of I'e-ru-na
and began
taking It. and In a
few days I was re
lieved and could
sleep and rest all
Samuel Sanders, night I think that
I'e-ru-na Is a valuable remedy. I had
tried other highly recommended meAll
clnes, but they did me no good. My
physician told me that I could not ex
pect to be cured of my trouble, as I
was getting to be an old man (57 years).
I feel thankful for what I'e-ru-na has
done for me."
A book on catarrh sent free by ad
dressing The I'e-ru-na Drug M'f'g Co.,
Columbus, O.
town at an early hour yesterday morn
ing and pitched their tent on the va
cant land on Cemetery street. Con
sidering this Is the second circus to
perform here within a week, the pa
tronage accorded to that of yesterday
was exceedingly good.
Rev. Francis Cicndall, of Taylor, was
In town yesterday.
Miss Lucy Wheeler, -who Is enjoying
her vacation, has gone to Join her
brother, Ralph, at Newport, Rhode Isl
and. Miss Carrie Brown, of the School of
Correspondence, Scranton, is spending
her vacation here with relatives and
The heavy rain of last evening spoiled
tin circus performance, which was
brought to an abrupt end at 9 o'clock.
Thomas Walsh, jr., of Second street,
has accepted a position as stenographer
In the Hillside Coal company's ofllcc
at Scranton.
Rev. D. I. Jones, of Hyde Park, will
preach In the Congregational church
at both services tomorrow,
The subjects of Rev. J. B. Cook's
sermons tomorrow will be as follows:
Morning, "Trusting:" evening, "Ser
mon on the Mount."
Tho lecture on the customs and re
ligion In Macedonia, announced to take
place In the M. E. church Thursday
evening, was not given, owing to the
non-arrival of the Rev. VIssanhoff, who
was detained by sickness.
The Projectoscopc company were,
unable to give a performance at the
Father Mathew Opeia house last even
ing on account of an accident which
happened to their machinery. They
will appear at some future date.
IV. H. Davis has resigned his posi
tion as Inside foreman at Eddy Creel:
Miss Annie Patten gave a delightful
party to a large number of her friends
at her home on Delaware street, Thurs
day evening. The Incidents of tho
evening were greatly enjoyed by tho
young people present. About 11 o'clock
lefreshments were served by the host
ess. Mrs. D.W. Hnrrls has returned home
after a pleasant outing at Asbury
I ark.
The mnny friends of T. J. Jordan, of
Dunmore, were pained to hear of his
death which occurred yesterday morn
ing. .Mr. Jordan was formerly a resi
dent of this town and was the son of
the late Patrick Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. Dardls, of Lack
awanna street, entertained a number
of friends at their home Thursday
evening In honor of Miss Margaret
lieilly. of Honesdale. The time was
!KiK.intly spent In games and other
social diversions.
Miss Belinda Carroll, of Carbondale.
has returned home after a visit at tills
Mrs. Sarah Lelghton. of Plttston, Is
the guest of Pr. and Mrs. A. F. ('ran
Harry Stetch, of Dunmore, is visit
ing relatives In town.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the son of Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Lnvelle. at South Scranton, yester
day. Mrs. William Clark, of Green Ridge,
who has been visiting relatives lure,
has returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of Lu
zerne, who have been visiting relatives
here, left yesterday to spend n week
at Lake Carey.
Miss Mary Rogan returns home to
day from a two weeks' sojourn nt Lako
Miss Jennie Fltzpatrlck. of Mansfield,
Is visiting Miss Jennlo ratten.
In cases of dyspepsia, nervousness,
catarrh, rheumatism, cruptlcns, etc.,
the circumstances may bo altered by
purifying and enriching the blood with
Hcod s Sarsaparllla. Try It.
HOOD'S PILLS cure biliousness, rick
John Gruham, of Lincoln Hlll,wigh
master for tho Pennsylvania Coal com
pany at Old Forge, met with u pain
ful accident yesterday morning. As
Mr. Graham and several other men
were lifting a ear tho rail slipped,
causing the car to fall heavily on his
foot. The foot Is bodly bruised but no
bones aro broken. It will be a tow
weeks before hu will be ablo to resume
The many fi lends of Miss Mary A.
Connolly will bo plpased to hear that
she has been the recipient of n pro.
fesblonal certificate during the last
Mr. and Mrs. William Laird and son,
Allan: MIsseH Margaret and Lena
Itsnnlman will attend the Central ex
cursion to vnrlous points along tho sea
shore todnv.
Miss Julia Fnrrell. of Syracuse, N.
Y., Is the guest of Miss Julia neap, of
North End.
Miss Bessie Webber has returned
home nfter a threo months' stay with
friends -at Newport News.
Miss Annie Btlddv, of Scranton. Is
the guest of Miss Mary E. Jackson,
North End.
Mr. njul Mrs. Wayne t'onklln. of Wy
oming avenue, accompanied by Air. B.
15 Norwood, and Miss Nellie Nf.rwood,
of New Jersey, called on Mrs. Haltle
Btfll yesterday afternoon.
Mif. T. J. Newton nnd children, nnd
Miss Lizzie Newton, of Carbondnle,
were at Harvey's lake yesterday.
The Blessed Virgin todallty will re
ceive holy communion at 7.30 o'clock
mass Sunday.
Mrr. T. P. McGrcll leaves today for
n several days' visit with her parents
at Wllllamsport.
Mr. Charles Kennedy, of Wyoming
avenue, and Miss Marlon Leonard, of
Jackson, nro visitors at tho Kennedy
The ice cream social held by tho
Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist
Eplstopat church on Thursday even
ing nt the home of Mr. Otto Dommer
nuith, was n decided Fiieeess. Tho
social was well attended and n neat
sum realized.
A Disgraceful Act This Evening's
Drawing Church Services nnd
Personal Notes.
Since when have our inn In thorough
fares become speedways? That Is
the question which Is causing consid
erable discussion, especially to those
who happened to be stationed near No.
2 school on North Main avenue Thurs
day evening, when two spirited horses,
each attached to a light vehicle carry
ing two very careless drivers, came
dashing down at break-neck speed.
This Is by no means the first perform
ance, as such has been the case for
some time past. OlHeers of Scranton
do not allow such scenes In their pre
cincts and why should they be nllowed
by the olllcers of our enterprising bor
ough. Taylorvllle lodge. No. fins, Indepen
dent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet
In their rooms this evening.
Rev. L. R. Foster will occupy the
pulpit at the Presbyterian church to
morrow at the usual hours. Sunday
school Immediately after morning ser
vice. A drawing for the benefit of John
Hill, of Old Forge, will, be held nt
Dougherty's hotel, Rendhnm, this
evening (Saturday), Aug. 26, under the
auspices of the Jermyn Accidental
fund. The following articles will bo
chanced off: $15 lounge, $S rocking
chulr, half dozen cane seated chairs,
value $10; half dozen picture frames,
box of cigars and fancy pipe, etc. Tick
ets onlv 10 cents.
Mrs. William Richards is dangerous
ly ill at her home on Taylor street.
Mr. Harry Williams, of New York.
Is visiting relatives In this place.
Services at the Calvary Baptist
church tomorrow will be held nt the
usual hours, Rev. Dr. II. H. Harris
Mi-Sj David S. Price and son. Bert,
who have been visiting with relatives
In this place, returned to their home In
Clark's Summit yesterday.
Mrs. David S. Price and son. Bert,
who have been visiting with relatives
In this place, returned to their hothe In
Clark's Summit yesterday.
Misses Annie Wntkins and Margaret
Jones nnd Mr. Bert Oendall took a spin
on their wheels to CoxJon on Thursdny,
where they were entertained by Miss
Hannah Evans, of that plnce.
Preaching at the Welsh Congrega
tional churoh tomorrow nt the usual
hours, Rev. Ivor Thomas officiating.
Misses Kitty nnd Nine Olmstead have
returned home from their sojourn at
Harvey's lake.
-Mr. Frederick Wallick, of Peekvllle,
was a business caller here yesterday.
Misses Maud and Blanche Davis
spent yesterday at Nay Aug park.
A large number of Taylor people at
tended the funeral of the Into .Mrs.
James Bowen, of Lincoln heights, yes
terday. School Controller II. J. Dnn'els has
fully recovered from his recent illness.
William Herbert, of South Scranton,
was a Taylor visitor yesterday.
Chicken thieves have again visited
In North Taylor. On Thursday one of
the residents In that vicinity was de
prived of nbout twenty of his feathery
Rev. L. R. Foster, of Hyde Park,
called on friends here on Thursdny
Misses Lizzie Davis, Mattie Powell
and Amelia Caswell will return from
their week's sojourn at Lake Wlnola
About one month ngo my child,
which is fifteen months old, had an nt
tack of diarrhoea accompanied by
vomiting. I gave It nuch remedies as
are usually given In such cases, but as
nothing gave relief, we sent for a phy
sician and It was under his care for a
week. At this time the child had been
slek for about ten days and wns hav
ing about twenty. live operations of the
bowels every twelve hours, and wo
were convinced that unless It soon ob
tained relief It would not live. Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy was recommended, nnd I de
cided to try It. I soo noticed a change
for the better; by Its continued use a
complete cure was brought about and
It Is now perfectly healthy. C. L.
Boggs, Stumptown, Gilmer Co., w. Vu.
For sale by all drugclsts. Matthow
Bros,, wholesale and retail ugents.
James W. Pentecost Is spending a
week at the home of his father, Mr. T.
W. Pentecost.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LnMont, of
Scranton, nre guests of the hitter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fraee.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Brill and
daughter Edith and Mrs. George Post
and son Earl and daughter Esther, of
Newark, N. J., aro guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Austin.
Mrs. George F. Phillips and daugh
ter Jessie, of Philadelphia, spent sev
eral days with tho family of J, jr.
Hayden Austin, of Scranton. spent
Sunday with his father, Mr. J. B. Aus
tin. Mrs. Mary Williams and daughter
Louise, of Green Ridge, and Edith and
Maine Williams, of West Side, nro tlio
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Phillips.
Mr, and Mrs. Allison Aldrlch, of the
West Side, were the guests of the let
ter's purents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson
Wells, on Sunday last.
Miss Grace L, Stanton, of Bozeman,
Montana, left here on Monday morning
last en route for home via Washing
ton, D. C, nt which placo she will tarry
for a few days' sight-seeing, after
which she will continue her Journey,
and Nerves.
" AM ''
No other preparation has ever receiv
ed so many voluutaty testimonials
from eminent peoplo as the world-famous
Marian) Wine.
Boforo Meals
After Meals
At All Tlmss
To tlioso who will kindly write to
MARIANI CO.. 52 West 15th Street,
New York City, will be sent, postpaid,
book containing portraits with endorse
ments of Emperors, Empress, Princes,
Cardinals, Archbishops und other Inter
esting matter. Mention this paper.
stopping at Chicago and Minneapolis
en route.
Misses Mnble and Cora Sherman, of
Wnverly, visited their friend, Miss
Grace A. Davis, on Wednesday last.
'Mr. Isaac Bevan and four sons were
visitors at the home of the former's
cousin, Miss Mary 'E. Bevan, this week.
Miss Stella Covey Is seriously 111 at
the homo of her father, Mr. Pulaski
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mead and
daughter Hattle visited friends In and
near Nicholson during this week
Mrs. Charles Stoddard, of Fleetvllle,
Is the guest of Miss Maud Mulllueaux.
Mrs. A. G. Wheeler and sister, Leah
Chapman, returned on Friday Inst from
their visit with friends In Wayne
Rev. W. II. Sowell and wife and fam
ily returned on Tuesday from an ex
tended visit with friends In New York
state. JVfcfcj
Mr. Juason callender returned home
on Thursday of last week after an nb
sence of several months.
An lee cream and cake social was
held on the lawn of M. II. Coon, which
was tastefully decorated wh Japan
ese lanterns. A neat sum was realized
toward the proposed repairs and decor
ation of the Methodist church.
Miss Jessie Rhodes, of Factoryvllle,
is visiting at the home of her father,
J. W. Rhodes.
Mr. Charles Law, of Avoca, who Is
spending the summer at Lake Wlnola,
Is visiting Mr. Nelson Dershlmer.
Mrs. Frank Smith and son, Law
rence, nre spending' some time nt As
bury Park.
The "yellow tea" given by the Indies
of the Methodist church was a great
success, as well as a novel affair. The
decorations larried out the color
scheme, golden rod, sun llowers and
golden glow being used In profusion.
The flower holders were very unique,
pumpkins and ripe cucumbers being
used for that purpose. A very social
time was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ives were en
tertained by M. and 'Mrs. Frank Phil
lips one day this week.
The Rev. Elmer Shoemaker occupied
the pulpit of the Baptist church last
Sunday morning.
Mr. Nelson Dershlmer spent Sunday
last with the campers at "Sunshine
Camp," Lily lake.
Mr. and Mrs. John Swartz, of Clark's
Summit, were in town Friday.
The Epworth league Is plenuing to
give a free concert next Tuesday night.
Ice cream and ices will be served af
terward. The programme will appear
Mr. Howard Ball, of Scranton, Is
visiting his uncle, Mr. Frank demons.
Miss May Evans,' of Vandllng, was a
caller In town yesterday.
Miss Bessie Merlvin Is visiting In
Dovei, N. J.
Mrs. Dr. C. R. Knapp and children
have returned lrom Canada.
The Women's Christian Tempernnce
union met at tho home of Mrs. David
Buck yesterday.
You should attend tho Richmoudale
Keg fund picnic nt the mulling grove
Will Owens is enjoying his vacation
In Illinois, visiting his mother.
Mr. nnd Mis. Peter Carlson nre vis
iting .Mr. Carlson's mother In Dundnft.
liiilstlau Endeavor monthly conse
cration meeting' tomorrow evening,
commencing at 0.45 o'clock, subject.
"Green Pastures the Christian's Pleas
ures, " Psalm, xxIll:l-G. Leader, Mrs.
A. D. Kehren
Mrs. Patrick Henley, of Rlehiuondale,
visited In town yesteiduy.
Mis. Lena Waters nnd granddaugh
ter, of Jessup, are visiting in town,
Mr. Chnrles Hollenback and daugh
ter. Hnttle, of Mooslc, Is visiting his
daughters, Mrs. Edwin Waters nnd
Mattie Hollenback.
Tho Misses Mutt to Hollenback, Lizzie
Ebdcn and Hannah Taylor visited In
Cnrtomlule on Tuesday.
Patrick, the 4-months-old child of
Mr. nnd Mrs. John E. Bell, of Hudhon
street, died yesterday morning of chol
era Infantum. Funeral will take place
this afternoon. Interment In St. Rose
cemetery, Cnibondale.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by locul applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased poitlon of tho ear.
There Is only olio wuy to euro deafness,
and that I bv constitution remedies
Deafneiis Is canned by an intlumed can.
dltlon of tho mucous lining of tho Eua
Wichlun Tube. When tbl tube gets in
Humeri you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect heartngr, und when it Is entire
ly closed deafness Is tho result, und un
less tho Intlnmmullon con be taken out
and this tube restored to Its normal con.
dltlon, hearing will bo destroyed foravcr;
nlno cuses out of ten nro euused by ca
tarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will clvo One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by ca
tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca.
tarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c,
Hall's Family Pills nre tho best.
Miss Vlrgle Cnrglll nnd her cousin,
Ml" Madge Brown, of the township,
returned Tuesday from n ten weeks'
sojourn nt the Thousand Islamic.
Dr. W. V. McNmnara Is ontertnln
Ing his brother from South Gibson.
Mrs. J. J. Smith, of Montdnle, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Manly
Wrlghter, on Belmont street.
Frank Blair and wife and four chil
dren, of New York city, nnd Mrs.
Lvdln Tallman and son, Arthur, of
Cnrbondale, spent Thursday nnd Fri
day with William P. Tnllm'an, on
Jackson street. They took In the Tall
man family reunion nt North Jackson
Wednesday. Over one hundred were
Hatry Brown nnd family, of Jack
son: A. W. Brown nnd family, of
Starrucca, nnd R. F. Howard nnd fam
ily, of Thompson, nre camping nt Cox-
town pond.
The camp meeting Is over and tho
campers nre nway. The meeting wai
lulls up to previous ones In attend
mice and In Interest. Rev. Wilson T.
Hogg, president of Grcnvlllo college,
Greenville, III., nnd editor of Free
Methodist, did n large share of the
preaching, to the delight of the people,
for he Is wonderfully clear, logical
nnd scriptural In his presentation of
the gospel. This is his recond visit to
this camp metlng.
E. A. Snxton returned the first of
tho .veek from Granville, Pn.. where
he attended a family reunion last week.
George Tillman, who was taken to
tlv Wilkes-Bane City hospital last
Saturday, was Improving nicely on
Thursday evening, nnd his chances for
recovery nre good.
Mr. George Hnuieyv of I'eekvilld.
spent Wednesday evening nt George
Workmen nre repairing the house re
cently occupied by Mrs. Hill. F. J.
Schoonover will occupy It when com
pleted. S. DeWltt Stanton intended tho state
camp of tho Patriotic Order Sons of
America at Wllkes-Barrc as represen
tative of Mooslc camp.
Damon Ellis visited friends In
Wllkes-Barrc and Luzerne Thursday.
Mrs. Robert Stout Is visiting her
mother at White Haven.
W. C. Drake and M. H. Hdsell nre
having tar walks laid around their
E. C. Berlew ami Joseph Schoonover
made :. business trip into Susquehan
na and Bradford counties this week,
nnd purchased twenty-one head of fine
Services In the Methodist Episcopal
church tomorrow will be ns follows:
Preaching at 10.?0 a. m. nnd 7.30 p. in.
by the pastor; class meeting at 11.30
a. m.: Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Ep
worth League at C.45 p. m.
A very pleasant evening was spent
at Rose Bank cottage on Thursday
evening in commemoration of the sev
enteenth birthday of Miss Maud AVI1
llams. Among those present were the
following young people: Gertie Wat
kins, Rose Oakley, Sarah Cooper. Maud
Williams, Alice Dunn, Maggie Slmms,
of Prlceburg; Emma Archer, of Oly
phnnt; Annie Elston, of Peekvllle;
Bella Henderson, of Throop; Fred
White nnd Mnnsel Symons, of Oly
phant; Watkln and Joseph Williams,
Fred Zlmmermnn, August Schmidt,
John E. GUIs, Joseph Greatnlse, Harry
Oakley, George Bailey and Thomas
Williams, of Wllllamstown. Mr. Mnn
sel Symons entertained the company
with selections on the phonograph, af
ter which refreshments were served
nnd amusing games were indulged In.
The Roll of Honor will meet this
evening nt 7.30 o'clock In the '. M.
church basement.
Services at the usual hours In P. M.
church tomorrow. W. II. Holder, pas
The sonson at the Honesdale Opera
house will open on Friday evening.
Sept. 1, with a laughable play entitled
"The Hustler."
Mrs. Jennie Edgett and daughter.
Lucy, nnd Miss Bertha Lane nre
spending two weeks at Asbury Park.
This (Saturday) afternoon at 3
o'clock the Eurekas of Scranton and
the home club will piny on Athletic
The water has been let out of the
canal basin In order that some survey
ing mny be done Tho bottom of the
eannl presents a sight that very few
core to inspect closely.
Members of the Exchange club nnd
the Amity club crossed bats on Ath
ltlc park Friday. Result Lots of
fun nnd a victory for Amities.
Uev. William II. Swift will occupy
his pulpit on Sunday for the first time
after his vacation.
The services In the Methodist Epis
copal church tomorrow morning will
be of unusual Interest. Rev. Demetrius
Ellas C. Vlshanoff. a native of Thessa
lonica In Macedonia, will sneak and
will exhibit some Macedonian curiosi
ties and sing in two languages. He Is
a son of a Macedonian nobleman and
will appear in noblemnn's costume.
Rev. S. C. Simpklns will preach In
the evening. All welcome.
A delightful entertainment Is promised
at Glrnburu this evening for the free
library on the grounds of Mr. Byron
Hall. Vocal and Instrumental music and
a blight comedy make up the pro
gramme. "An Evonlnp; nt Jonah
Aliens' with Samantha Joslah, the
.widow Doodle, Shakespeuro Bobbett
nnd Toizah Ann to tho fore" will be
fun for all.
A Common Habit That May Lead to
Serious Results.
Kissing pet dogs Is a habit to which
many people are prone, and they think
It Is proof of their affection for "the
little sweetie." or "little beauty" which
has won their regard. As a matter of
fact, It Is a very disagreeable proceed
ing, apart nltogether from the con
sideration that It Is a by no means
cleanly one.
In spite of tho muzzling laws which
keep the mouths of nnlmals to a cer
tain extent from being contaminated,
there is not tho least doubt bit that
they gather microbes and animals of
a less inlscroscoplc size during their
walks abroad, for the question of casto
seems to- be unknown In the canine
world, and dogs even of tho most atis
torratle "breed are prone to make tho
acquaintance of the veriest mongrel
on the street.
In consequence of that the transfer
of microbes Is continually going on and
..-- '
t iv
ey ,
1 j !
fSutmtwffJO - mmriS3r!TZL., fcw-W4
method of marvelous power to vitalize, sustain, and restore weak and undevel
oped portions of the body. ,
Any man writing ju good faith may obtain full account of this astonishing
system. You havo only to writo your namo and address In the blank fojra below,
cut out the coupon and mail It to tho Erio Medical Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
Sirs: As per statement in Scranton Tribune you may mall to
me, under plain letter seal, postage paid, full explanation of you
now system of furnishing your Applianco and Remedies to reliable
men on trial and approval without oxpenso no paymont to bo made
in advance no cost of any kind unless treatment proves successful
and entirely satisfactory. Also mall sealed, free, your now medical
book for men.
Give name and
address In full.
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Please wrUe very
FOR wWSwf- BlW
Mine. Ruppert's Yorld-Renowned Remedies
They nre thr plnnrern of nil complexion iirrimrallona, hnTlnc heen
old foi iiiniiy jcarn longer limn any uthcr. They nre utril anil rrr-
in! eil by (lie bent people, null ulrrnys Ble complete ntli.fnc-
..n'1 ,,c',' nrr .'" only uetinlnr. natural lienillinero, fn milled on aclen
llllo iii'liiililr. P. er; thltiK nlioiit (hem Umpire conHdenee. Aluo
lull' iiroor or merit linn boeii Blveu iiiimbpi-len tliucH by Mine. Rdii
lie !. o oilier Hiieclnllal linp ever clven oeiilur ileniomtrntloni.
Owlna o These WelWCstibllslicd Pacts, We Give Mme. Ruppert's
Remedies This Well-Uarned Prominence.
Madame nuppcrfs Kaco nicach Is not a new. untried remedy Its use assures a
perfect complexion It ha3 been sold for 20 years longer than any like preparation
mid to-day has a larger salo than all these combined We ar receiving constantly
mppltes fresh from the laboratory of Madame lluppcrt. No. 6 East Htb. street New
orIx, and tbey nre par excellence. '
Book "HOW TO BB BBntlTIPUL" Free.
Cvery caller at this department will be given this unique booklet PrtBE It contains
all those little secrets of the toilet so dear to every woman's heart. We give
bc'ow a list of somo of Madame Ruppert's Toilet Requisites
Mme. Uuppert's Golden
Hair Tonic gics new lite
to and stops lulling hair ...$1.00
Mmo. Uuppert's Wonder
ful Depilatory removes su
perfluous hair without lu
jury to sklu In 3 mluutes. . 1 00
Mme Ruppert's Gray
Hair Hcstoratlvi! is not a
dye. but returns gray Italr
to its natural color 2.50
Mme. Uuppert's Pearl
nnamel causes the skin to
assume a girlish loveliness,
mainly for evening use 1.00
Mme. Ruppert's Wblto
Rote race Ponder, an ex
quisite powder ,'JS
Is brought Iionip by tlio dog, although
quite unconsciously. The result Is thut
It Is quite possible that the germs of
diphtheria, scarlet fever and other dis
eases may he carried from plnce to
place through the agency of these pets,
nnd the Itlsslng of the animals would
be quite sulllclent to transfer the mi
crobes from them to the kissing per
son. There can be little doubt but that
vpry frequently our pets uro respon
sible to n certain extent for bringing
tho contamination to us, and no one
shall be allowed to lightly place his
health in Jeopardy through the med
ium of caresses, which, after all, do
no good whatever, either tc the ani
mal or the person.
There Is. however, another consid
eration, namely, thnt f ordinary
cleanliness. It Is quite common to see
a young girl pick up a dost which has
jUHt como In from the street and put
Its pawn round her neck while she
kisses the lu.iHt. The paws must in
tho nature of things be dlrtv, nnd thnt
dirt I transftrred with all lis micro
blal contents to her hair, her dress nnd
her pel son. Vet shn would be exceed
ingly nngry, and Justly go, if ,i child
came In from playing In the street and
put Its dirty arms nbout her neck,
while If n grown ponon did the same
thing It is probable that outragid
feilliics would llnd a distinct mode of
No doubt much of this nnlmnt os
culation is the result of iinthlnklng
liess. Mako up your mind, however,
after this thnt it shall not occur again.
It can do no good, and may do mucli
For Infants and Children,
Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Medical Treatment
onTrial and Approval
A curB0 of remedies tho marvel of
me(ncai science and Apparatus Indorsed
oy nnystciniiBvviii ucscunjn itkuvu
any honest man who la suffering from
weakness peculiar to men. Ueo them a
ronsonablo time and If not all you expect
all you wish pack apparatus nnd re
mainder of Remedies Into samo box nnd
send them back that ends it paynothlnRl
DOWN, DISCOURAGED, men whosufler
from tho effects of disease, overwork,
worry, from the fpllies of youth or excesses
of manhood, failure of vital forces, unfit-
ncsa for marriage nil such men should
'co to tho fountain head" for n scientific
ert's SpeciaSties!
Mme. Ruppert's Almond
Oil Complexion Soap; n per
fect soap, a combination of
almond oil nnd wax. not a
boiled soap aud contains no
lye 25
Mme. Ruppert's World
Renowned Face Pleach,
large bottle, clears the sklu
nt any discoloratiou and
beautifies the complexion
naturally J2.00
Mme. Ruppert's Egyp
tian Halm, a valuable skin
food, and used in connec
tion with the Dleach re
moves wrinkles 1,00
Mill Hell n liotllo of
Sick-Hoad -
actio and Llvor
100 PILLS Sold by all drusffists
nR aTc I or sent uy man.
ritlll i'lfcUlhai Vt BIV
Sold by McGarrah & Thomas, Druti
gists,, 2oj Lackawanna avo., Scranton, 1'a,
DU.Mn'DRMPAini PonotSuf
fer Loiif cr Th Join and tmbllloiii at
lir can beirviorMto )u Th tery
wont mart of Neryoua OthlMfr r
ftbaoluttly cuttt by VKItFrtTO
i 4&mli. h.uim prompt rvuci ioin
i, rtlllDf mtraory and th u
kin of vital powrrt.lncuiud by
t tlon orticeueiof early )ran.
and drain
I net I !-!. I.
impart vior and potency to a vt ry func
tion Brae up tit yttem uira
rhiittim tkfti luat r In th d nf
k bloom to tfia
OnrOOc tt rnfwi vital entrry 0
1 young or ow.
i liaita ak
fi.aae?nipUttciiaraiUfdeura vrfrryor nioncr r
linded L'an b carried In vait ajr r,rkt floi
unded Can b carried to vtit
very-wh9r or maiitrf In plain wrapper on lerclp'Jj'
price by Tftu mtnr to., rait iH, rkit.i"
Sold In Scranton, Pa., by Matthews
Bros, and McGarrah & Thomas, druggists.
TtieMA lltlV f7flTlfllllB ON
-r&r laa All ftamaMa a ai It t n A
Ju rb4rti (', :H-!"fUI J
11 INIOdlUliS lull.
( IffllMorl 'nluirurtMnate tiflereritrein
fllllllltJU.'rlT.udl.'awi. llloo4 Tulaon.
out brut Krrore. Iot Vitality Varioocel. i,
end for Nworn Tt1mnUU aod Bock
Truth" to l'rof. Ii. IT. TIIKKL. U. !.-
At)0 Rorth !th let., 1'blladalpbla,
,r, vfHJW " iiiveir id ouiy epreiaiui u tnL
tolled bieiei to cure etta tttDugb the tnoit celebrated tpet
lalUti failed. Treih cam cured to -t la 1 0 dare llourt i 9 r,
1 HT rirwumn rinr
-VT T T T-T'T" T T T T T T f'