The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 26, 1899, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' rwqjmjtT hmw' """ywiinrT,"l'iiy!1 iptm-matmv. iifpi in
Sunday-School Lesson for August 27.
RetaroDinig from Captivity.
EZRA 1:1-11.
BY J. E. GILBERT, D. D., LL. D.,
Secretary of American Society of Religious Education.
On Tuesday, Aug. 20. Hii'io will bo n
5 wind Christian Kndeavor rally ami
reception nt Nay Auk park at 3 p. m.
nnd 1'enn Avenue Haptlst "hure'i at
7.45 p. ni. In honor of th-' presence
of the state president, itev C K. Kber
man. Many fhrhUIn:! Kn.leavorers
from up and down the valley are ex
pected. The Delaware and Hudson
llallroad company offer n round trip
ticket for a one-way fare to Scrnnton
from all stations between Carbondnlo
nnd Wllkes-llurre, Rood on all trains.
In addition to the natural attractions
of Nay Aug park and the other feat
ures of Interest In nnd about the city,
t"he followliiR programme will add to
the pleasures of the dny:
Afternoon 3 O'clock.
Singing Atidlonro
Led by Win. II. Stanton. Corneter.
I'rayer Hev. William T. Gibbons
I'aKlnr Dunmoro Presbyterian Church.
Short Remarks Itev. (1. W. Welsh
President Scranton O. K. 1'nlon.
Kinging Audience
Open Parliament on Questions by the
Leader. Hev. C. K. Kberinun, State
Question Hox, by Our State President.
Singing Audience
Address "Fruits of the Future"
Aaron V. Uower.
Singing Audience
ltcfreshmcnts Hnskct Picnic.
7.45 . m.
Orson Preludo Charles II. Dnersani
Singing ConRreRrttlon
Devotional Kxerchcs.
Itev. Robert F. V. Pierce
Kinging Congregation
Detroit Kchne.
Itev. CJ. W. Welsh. Hev. K. A. Hoyl and
Quartet to,
Sllsses Hlnck and Garagnti. Messrs. liey
non nnd Morgan.
Address Itev. C. VI. Kberman
Pennsylvania State President.
Singing Congregation
Quiet Hour. Conducted by Our State
Henrillrtlon Mlzpnh.
Iteceptlnn and Social In Church Parlors.
The following music will be Riven
nt the Second Presbyterian church to
moriow, Mr. Harvey Blackwood, cel
list, and Mr. P. II. Widmayer, violinist,
assisting nt the morning service.
Tin for violin, 'cello and organ.
Quartette, "ltejolce In the Lord Al
ways" (ifUll
Trio for violin, 'cello nnd organ.. Pacho
Postlude, "Cirand Chorus In March
Form" (lullmant
Meditation" (Sixth Sonata).
Alex. C.ullmant
Quartette. "Nunc lllmlttls" Nevln
Quartette. 'Tntdlne Thine Ear to Me,"
Postlude In (J major Ixuninens
The following musical programmo
will be rendered at Klin Park church
Prelude, Pastorale Foote
Trio, tenor, alto and bass (selected).
Offertory WIdor
OJuett, "My Faith Looks I'p to Thee,"
(Tenor and alto.)
Postlude. "March Triumphal."
Prelude, Finale Lemmens
Tito, Tenor, alto and bass (selected).
Offertory (iullmant
Tenor solo. "Ulrth. Death nnd Ins
urrection" Stephen Adams
Postlude. Offertolro Lemmens
Mrs A. L. W. Price, acting assistant
Ilev. II. A. Ciinnt. U. D.. at 3.30 p.
in. at Nay Aug park, will deliver the
second discourse upon "The Emanci
pation of the Negro." There will be
a good choir of singers present, led by
Mrs. Sadie J. Morton.
Secretary M. W. Cnlleniler, of the
nailroud Young .Men's Christian asso
ciation of Pittsburg, will speak at the
Hailioud Young Men's Christian asso-
i ulon on Sundav at 3.1.", subject,
' Signals." Special music by male quar
tette. All men welcome.
. m m
The Workers' band of the Young
Men's Christian association will con
duct the evening service at the (icrman
Methodist Kplscopal church on Adams
avenue Sunday.
A short Rospel service will be held nt
the rooms of the Young Women's
Christian association tomorrow at 3.13
o'clock. All girls and young women
are cordially Invited. Young Women's
Christian association outlug- at Nay
Get the Children
Only Two Weeks
School Day Bargains
25 pieces of bright fancy check and stripe
ribbons, for neck and hair, 12 yc value for
50 or more pieces of best high grade plain
taffeta ribbons, in all shades, width 40, 25c qual
ity, for. ..1
Black Cat Hose Most durable stocking
Cotton Covert Suitings in six shades, 15c
n Utility iOi, . t . (
Fine Dress Ginghams, best I2c goods,
large assortment
Lawns, Dimities, Ducks, Piques, etc, over 200
pieces of new goods, all 10c and i2c quality, for
Best Irish aud Scotch Dimities, 22c quality,
Aug park today. The girls will leave
the rooms at 4 p. m.
Mr. W. V. Adair, general secretary
of the P.allroad Young Men's Chtlstlan
association, will preach In the Jackson
Street Haptlst church tomorrow even
ing nt 7 o'clock. Special pinging by
the choir.
Tomorrow's Services
Saint Luke's church. Hev. Itoger.1
Israel, rector, Hev. K. J. Hnughton,
Miilor curate: Itev. M. 11. Nash, Junior
13th Sunday after Trinity.
St. Luke's church 7 a. m.. Holy
Communion: 10.30 a. m morning
prayer and sermon; 7.30 p. m.. evening
prayer: 9.15 a. m., Sunday school nnd'
Hlble classes.
St. Mark's, Dunmore S.30 n. m..
Holy Communion; 7.30 p. m evening
prayer and sermon: !UR a. in., Sunday
school and Hlble classes.
East End mission, Preseott avenue
3 p. m., Sunday school and lJlblo
Christ's church, corner Park street
and Washington avenue Services In
the church, 10.30 n m 2.30 nnd 7.30 p.
in. All seats free. All welcome. Hev. F.
S. Hallentlne, rector.
Evangelical Lutheran.
Evangelical Lutheran Thirteenth
Sunday after Trinity, (lospel, Luke,
103-37: epistle. fSnl.. 3:15-22. Vest
inent color, green.
St. Mark's, Wnshburn and Four
teenth streets, Hev. A. L. Hamer. Ph.
D., pastor Services at 10.30 a. m. nnd
7 p. m.: Luther league at fi p. m.; Sun
day school at 12 m. Morning subject,
"The Way to Life Eternal:" evening
subject, "Abundant tlmce."
Holy Trinity, Adams avenue nnd
Mulberry street, Hev. C. (J. Spleker.
pastor Services nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30
p. m.: Luther league at fi.30 p. m.; Sun
day school at 12 m.
St. Paul's, Short avenue, Hev. W. C.
L. Lauer. pastor Services nt 10.30 n.
m. nnd 7.30 p. m.: Sunday school at 2.30
1. m.
Zlon's. Milliln avenue. Hev. P. F.
Zlzelmnnn, pastor Services at 10.30 a.
in.: Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Christ church. Cedar avenue ' and
Heech street, Hev. Jnn'ies Wltke, pas
torServices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.
in.; Sunday school nt 2 p. in.
St. Peter's. Preseott avenue, Hev. .1.
W. Itandolph. pastor Services at 10.30
a. in.; Sunday school at ! a. m.
Methodist Episcopal.
Elm Park church Prayer and praise
service at 0.30; preaching nt 10.30 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m. by Wilbur F. Crafts. I).
!., of Washington. D. C. Sunday school
at 2 and Kpwoith league at fi.Bii p. m.
Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church.
Hev .1. IS. Sweet, pastor Morning
prayer meeting at U.30; preaching ser
vice at 10.3(1, sermon by the pastor,
text, Luke, 22:fil. subject, "linking
This Wav;" Sundav school at 12 in.:
young men's meeting at 4 p. in.: Kp
worth league at C.30 p. m., to be led by
the Workers' band; evening preaching
service at 7.30, short sermon by the pas
tor; subject. "The lillnil Mnn." All
seats free A welcome to all. Com
munion service next Sunday.
Asbury Methodist Episconil church,
corner Mousey avenue and Delaware
street lte. W. p. Simpson. D. P.,
pastor. Devotional meeting of the
Ihotherhood of St. Paul at O.'tO a. in.:
preaching at 10.30 a. m.: Sunday school
lit 2.30 p. m.; Senior Kpwoith League
at !.'!() p. m." preaching at 7.30 p. m.:
prayer meeting Wednesday nt 7.30 p.
in.: Hrotherhood of St. Paul Friday
at s p. m. Sats fiee. All are wel
come. Providence Methodist Kplscopal
church Hev. William Kdgar, pastor.
Quarterly meeting services will be held
tomorrow morning. Love feast at 0.30
a. in.; pieaehlng nt 10 30 a. m. by Hev.
A. Oiiflln. P. D.. presiding elder of the
district Sunday school at 2 p. in.: Kp
woith League at (i.4."; the pastor will
preach at 7.'!0 p. m. Seats free. A
cordial welcome to nil.
Cedar Avenue Methodist KpNeopal
hiirch F. P. Doty, pastor. Services
Sunday. Aug. 27. lSlin. The pastor will
preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.:
Sunday school at 11.4." n. in.' Junior
Kpworth League, 3.30 p. m.: Kpworth
League. 0.30 p. m. Class meeting .Mon
day evening at 7.4.".
Court Street Methodist Kplseon il
church Love feast. 10 a. in.; Sunday
school, 1 1 . 4 Tj n. m.: Kpworth League.
(i.30 p. in.: preaching 7.30 p. m by Dr.
A. Orlllln. followed by the Lord's sup
per. Kverybody welcome. Seals fiee.
Howard Place African Methodlt
Kplscopal church Hev. II. A. Grant.
I'.. D., pastor. 10.30 a. in., subject,
"Life, a Trust:" 2.30. Sunday school:
7.r,0 p. m., subject. "The Church of the
Future:" 3.30 p. in., Gospel meeting at
Nay Aug nark. Subject. "Th" Kinan
clpatlon of the Negro."
Ready for School,
flore of Vacation.
Lackawanna Ave,
PKURONAL. Three men are prom
inently mentioned In Scripture ns con
nected with the captivity of the Jews
Daniel, Kzeklel 11 ml Ezra. The first was
a statesman, serving the Rnbyloiilan
government, but endowed with 'the
spirit of prophecy. The second was a
priest, who also became a prophet, and
who devoted himself entirely to his
own people. We have had four lessons
from the writings of Daniel, showing
how he was loyal to Ood at the heathen
court .nnd three lessons from the book
of Kzeklel, exhibiting his faithfulness
to the dews. Kzra, living a century
Inter, (Kzra vll:l) was a scribe, a
learned expounder of the sacred writ
ings, regarded by most Jewislj writers
ns next to Moses In the service render
ed by him to his people. This eminent
scholar comes Into sacred history at a
critical time as the historian and
toucher of the period of return nnd
reconstruction. He Is believed to have
been the author of three books of our
canon 1 Chronicles, L' Chronicles nnd
the book now to be studied, giving an
epitome of history from Adam to his
KI'LFILLMKNT. f'.1.) Jeremiah
living at Jerusalem, prompted by the
spirit of Ood, predicted the return of
his people from captivity, mentioning
both Judnh and Israel. (Jer. xxxlll:".)
He declared that this would occur after
an absence of seventy years, and that
Jerusalem and the temple would be re
bullded. As Nebuchadnezzar captured
the cltv In OOfi H. C the time of ful
fillment would fnll In the year f"C.
Ilabylon. as shown In a previous lesson,
had become u part of the Medo-Per-slan
empire. That the purpose of fiod
concerning his people might not fall,
a holy Influence was exerted upon
Cyrus, the monarch, who had probably
felt the power of Daniel. (Dan. vl:'JS)
and was thereby favorably Inclined to
ward the Jews. The king's mind was
stirred up, that Is. he was prompted
by the spirit of iod to Issue a procla
mation and make known throughout
his vast empire ills thoughts nnd feel
ings concerning these people.
CONFKSSION.-iV. .) In that proc
lamation he made two startling an
nouncements, confessing how greatly
he had come under Divine inlluenee.
First, he acknowledged that Ood had
given him all the kingdoms of the
earth. This Is probably a coriect state
ment of 1 lu extent of Ills dominions,
which, like those of Alexander at a
later elate, covered the civilized world.
P.ut It Is remarkable that this Persian
sovereign should attribute his victor
ies to the Divine favor, a confession
which was reluctantly extorted from
Nebuchadnezzar. (Dan. lv:S.'.) Second,
he declared that Ood had bidden him
to build a temple at Jerusalem. This
assertion Is more remarkable than the
other. David was not allowed to do
more than gather materials, with
which Solomon, his son, was requir
ed to eiect the first temple. (2 Sam.
vli:12-n.) Hut now a heathen mon
arch, fresh from the most extensive
wars of the time. Is set apart to do for
his eantlve subjects this work of far
reaching slgnltlcnnce. On this account
Cyrus Is called the servant. (Isa.
ilv:2S) and the anointed of the l,ord.
(Isa. xlv:l.)
Ash Street Methodist Kplscopal
church- Services nt lO.Iirt a. ni. und 7."0
p. in.; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Kp
worth league at (i.4." p. m.. James Har
ford, leader. The Ile. Will Crawford
will preach at the iiiiunlng service unci
the Itev. Floyd S. Leach at the evening
First (lermaii Methodist Kplscopal
church, corner Adams nvenue and Vim
street. Philip Haendiges. pastor
Preaching In Oermnn nt ln.xn a. in. bv
llev. M. A. Meckel, of Wllkes-Harre.
Pa. Sunday school at noon. An Kng
llsh service will be conducted nt 7.::n
p. m. by the Winkers' band of the
V. M. C. A. of this city, under the
Uadershlp of Mr. Thomas, who will
give a short address. Kverybodv wel
come. Dunmore Methodist Kplscopal church
llev. A. J. Van Cleft, pastor. Preach
ing services r.t a. m. and 7.30
p. m.; iias meetings, 11.30 a. in.: Sun
day school. 2.'!0 p. m.; prayer meeting,
..'.() p. in. Stihfcct for morning. "Christ
Ftedlng the Flvi Thousand:" subject
for evening. "The Wise und Foolish
Hulldeis." Seats free nnd all nre wel
come. Presbyteiinn.
First Presbyterian church. Washing
ton avenue Itev. Julius Hnmborszky
will preuch in the morning nt IU..10
o'clock. The Snernment of the Lord's
Supper will be administered and a gen
eral Invitation to Magyar and Slavonic
people Is extended. All are welcome
Second Presbyterian church I'nlted
services of the Flist und Second Pr-s-byterlan
churches. Services at 10 30 a.
m. and 7.30 p. in. The Hev. L. F. Iluell.
of Syracuse, will preach morning and
evening. All are Invited.
Oreen nidge Presbyterian church
Lev. Isaac J. Lnnslng, pastor. 10 30,
service of worship with sermon hy
the pastor1 12, Hlble school: C.4.". Chris
tian Kndeavor meeting. Through the
month of August the evening sermon
will be nmltttil. A cordial Invitation
to the public to ull these services.
Sumner Avenue Presbyteiinn church,
Ilev. L. II. Foster, pastor 2 p. m., Sun
day school: 0 p. m.. preaching by the
pastor, theme, "Lessons from n Silent
Life:" Christian Kndeavor. 7 p. in.
Preparatory lecture next Wednesday
evening at 7.43.
Taylor Presbyteiinn church 10.30 n.
m., preaching by the pastor; 11.30 a. in.,
Sunday school.
First Haptlst church, Hev. S. F.
Mathews, pastor The usual services
Sabbath illuming and evening nt 11.30
a. m. and 7.30 p. in. The I). Y. P. V.
will hold the evening service nnd Pro
fessor James Hughes will address the
society. Sunday school at 2.30 p. m.
at Plymouth church, Dr. Heddoe.super
Intcndcnt. Covenant meeting Wednes
day evening at 7.30 o'clock. All aro
cordially Invited to these services.
Shlloh Huptlst church, 303 Center
street Preaching 10.30 n. in.: Hlble
echool, 2 p. m.- Young People's union,
7 30 p. m. Kvenlng subject, "Weighed
nnd Found Wuntlng." Everybody Is
cordially Invited to attend these ser
vices. Ilev. J. H. Hell, pastor.
Dudley Street Haptlst church, Dun
more, 11. M. Hoderick, (Ph.D., pastor
Services nt 10.30 n. in. and 7.30 p. m.,
subjects, "Christ's Prayer for His TCpe
mles" nnd "Ood'H Promises and Their
Fulfillment;" Sunday school at 12 m,
Tho sorvlces will be short und Inter
esting, with good music, A cordial in
vitation to tho nubile.
PKUMISSION. (V. n.) These asser
tions of a Divine appointment formed
the reason and basis for n privilege an
nounced In the proclamation. Cyrus or
dered that nil Jews who felt dlsposd
to do so should go up to Jerusalem
they had royal permission to return
to their homes from which they hnd
been tnken seventy years before. That
Implied, whnt was probably true, that
many had lost their love of country,
nnd had settled down In the ways of
the people among whom they hail so
long resided, quite content to remain,
while many of those borne In the land
clung to It ns their home. The exodus
must be voluntury and unrestrained.
Moreover, they who returned must
have one grtvit object In mind, to build
the temple, becoming In this respect
the representatives and servants of
Cyrus. The duty having been laid on
him he sought to enlist In Its perform
ance those whose Interests and pleas
ure might Incline them. In granting
this fnvor nnd discharging this duty
the king dlsplnys his faith In (lod anil
ASSISTANCE (V. 4.)n wm,ld.
however, have been Impossible for the
captives to go unaided. Tho needed
more than permission nnd encourage
ment. A long Journey mint be per
foimed. and muny obstacles and dan
gers must be encountered. On arriv
ing at their destination a difficult task
would be before them materials must
be gathered, work must be done, and
for that much tieasure was needed.
Cyrus lecognlzed nil this nnd gave In
structions to the people, among whom
the Jews sojourned, to grant the need
ed assistance. All this was Inserted in
the proclamation, forming the closing
section of that important document.
Silver and gold (the currency was bi
metallic) and goods, and beasts of bur
den were to be given, the things with
out which the undertaking- must sure
ly fnll. Hesldes all this, a free-will of
fering for the house of the Lord should
be made, whatever the donor was
prompted to present. Uy this method
It Is probable that a very large portion
of the Inhabitants of the empire be
came contributors to this great enter
prise. UKSPONSK. (V. r..) This message
from Cyrus was received with gladness
by his Jewish subjects. The chief of
the fathers of Judah and Benjamin,
the two tribes whose fortunes had been
merged In the kingdom of Judah, were
the first to respond. They were the
ciders, the time-honored representa
tives of any remnant of authority ex
ercised among the cnptlves. These
old men had not forgotten their na
tive land or the institutions under
which they had passed their earlier
years. (Psalm exxxvil: 1-2.) About
them soon gathered the priests and the
Levltes, the ministers of religion, who.
above all others, would welcome an
opportunity to restore the worship of
Jehovah. Hesldes these rami1 of the
people many whom the Snlrit of Ood
Incited, the most consecrated class,
forming In the aggregate more than
forty thousand souls. (Kzra II: 04.)
The congregation, thus constituted,
proceeded to organize nnd to arrange
details for the purpose of fullllling the
royal proclamation by building the
house at Jerusalem.
Cii-oce lleformed Kplscopal t hurch.
Wyoming avenue, below Mulberry
street Prayer and praise service at
11.30 a. m.; divine worship nt 10.30 ,i.
in., preaching by Hev. A. V. Mower:
Sabbath school nt 12 m.; prayer and
praise service by the Young People's
Christian Kndeavor society at 7 o. in.:
no preaching. Seats are free. Strang
ers cordially Invited.
Volunteers of America Captain and
Mrs. Totten In command. .Meetings to
be held 111 large tent erected on the
corner of Adams avenue and Mulberry
street, Lord's dav, Aug. 27. Afternoon
nt 3 o'clock a grand open-air praise ser
vice at Nny Aug paik. Kvenlng at R
o'clock mammoth tent opening. Dr.
I ,i. i. Maieson win iieuver a snori gos-
pel address. Ills subject will be "Christ.
i the Oreut Physician." Monday even
ing at X o'clock Captain und Mrs. An
I ileron will take charge of meeting.
.Mrs. Anderson will sing some of her
sweet songs, accompanying herself nn
the banjo nnd guitar. Tuesday even
ing tit 8 o'clock Itev. II. A. Orunt will
address the meeting. Wednesday
evening Mr. Ous Nlebell will sppnk.
Mr. Nlebell was converted In this tent
several years ago when Kvarilsll
Shlverera was here. Friday evening
Itev. K. A. Hoyle. of Hyde Park, will
speak, and spenkers will be engaged
foi Thursday and Saturday. Tent
lighted by electricity. Kverybody wel
come. 'Ann Flitted Kvaiigelbnl church. Ca
potise nvenue, Oreen Itldge Sundny
school at 0.43 a. in.; preaching nt to.4.3
by Hev. Oenrge O. Sunburn, of the
liescue Mission, nnd at 7.43 In llev.
William Parsons: K. L. C. K. nt 0.30
p. in.: prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7.30. Kverybody welcome
to ull services.
Calvary Iteformed church, corner
Monroe avenue nnd Olbson street, Hev.
O W. Welsh, pastor 10.30 a. m. ser
vice, subject, "Compassion on the Mul
titude;" 11.43 a. m.. Sunday school: 7
p. m.. Christian Kndeavor; 7.30 o'clock,
evening service, subject. "A Cup of
Cold Water."
Plymouth Congregntlonal church,
Jackson street, Hev. K. A. Hoyl, pas
torMorning service at 10.30; Sabbath
school nt 12 o'clock. Sabbath school
Sherman avenue at 2.13 p. in. Kven
lng service at 7 30. Subject of evening
discourse, "A King's Advice to the
Via the Midland Route.
Kvery Friday night at 10,33 p. in., a
through Tourist Car for San Francisco,
carrying first and second-class pas
sengers, leaves the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Hallway Union Passenger
Station, Chicago, via Omaha, Colorado
Springs and Salt Lake City (with
stop-over privileges at Salt Lake City),
for all points In Colorado, Utah, Ne
vada ami California.
Tho Tourist Car berth rate from Chi
cago to San Francisco is only JC.00,
ami the sleeping car berths should be
reserved a few days In udvance of de
parture of train.
Through tickets and sleeping car ac
commodations can be secured from nny
agent In the cast, or by applying at
the Chlcngo, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Depot or City Ticket offices In Chicago.
Send for our free illustrated Califor
nia folders. Address Oeo. JI. Hcaf
ford, General Pussengor Agent, Chl
cngo, III., or John 11. Pott, District
Passenger Acent, Wllllamsport, Pa.
DONATIONS. (V. fi.) Nor did the
people fall to meet the request of Cy
rus. The Jews' who preferred not to
return, nnd the inhabitants who were
not Jews, for the time being forgetting
their religious distinctions, freely made
their donations of the things named In
the proclamation. The barriers were
broken down, nnd nil race prejudices
disappeared In the united effort to pre
pare those who were going forth to ac
complish their errand. It Is Impossi
ble to say how widely this generous
giving wns distributed. It doubtless
Involved all classes at the capital, and
It may have secured responses In all
parts of the kingdom. Probably no
other one occurrence In religious his
tory commanded the nttentlon of a
greater number of people. It wns n
most significant spectacle, the sending
back home of nn oppressed people,
with the benediction of the king, load
ed with the gifts of other people for
the purpose of re-establishing the ser
vice of Ood.
VKSSKLS. (Vs. 7 to 11.) When Un
people were ready to depart on their
errand, the king gave an additional
proof of his good purpose. Ho brought
forth the vessels of the house of the
Lord, and gave them to Sheshbazzar,
(probably the Chaldean name of Zeru
babel) the prince who was to lead the
expedition. There were over r.,000 dif
ferent articles whose value must have
been very great. They were nearly n
thousand yenrs old, hnvlng been used
In the temple of Solomon, and they
were highly esteemed, partly for their
age, but chlelly because devoted to
sacred purposes. For seventy years
they had been In the temple of Ilaby
lon, placed there by Nebuchndnezznr,
censecrated to the service of his gods.
It was with this precious trust, this
only Inheritance save the books of the
law und the tradition of tile fathers,
that the congregation set out on their
Journey to Palestine. Whnt a striking
contrast between them nnd the great
host that crossed tho Jordan tinder
works out His designs and makes the
wrath of man to praise Him. He raised
up a people for His glory and planted
them in a beautiful land. They reb
elled ngalnst Him and served the gods
of other nations. He destroyed their
government and sent them captives
Into a strange land. There they
learned to obey and they forsook their
Idols nnd longed for home. He sent to
them teachers In their bondage who
kept alive their hope und who also In
structed their masters. He finally
overthrew the nation that oppressed
them and raised up a king whom He
directed to build again His house that
had been torn down. Through the
kindness of that king a remnant was
allowed to return, and they carried
with them the sacred vessels and the
gifts of the people. Thus the mightiest
nation on the globe In the sixth cen
tury before Christ was engaged by
royal edict in erecting the temple of
the Most High. Hy these transforma
tions a new era ill the world's history
was opened and n new departure
made to advance the kingdom of
heaven nnd usher In the Messiah.
Lightning Rod Man
al Niagara Palls.
.Mr. Kdltur
Deer Sir The letter witch appeers
below y. 1 I rote 2 a frend ov mill" it
xplalns Itself. The Inferniashun kon
tuined In It may be valuuble 2 others
there 4 I give It free gratis.
My Deer Andy:
If you & yure wife & ?, children want
2 go 2 Nlagra Fa wis 2 spend a weak
lde advize you 2 take $30,000; yule nead
It. lie glv you a kind of a cursery
birds I vew ov a trip me & my better
'2 took a yeer ago last .lewu.
It was 2 celebrate the 23th centen
nlel ov our murrldge. When we urrove
at the depot ov our destlnashun we
got out ov the trane & I sed 2 a police
man that waz standing on the plat
form, "What's the best tavern to stop at
in th's town'."'
"Internnsliniil," sed the mlnyun ov
the law.
"Thanks," I repllde, & started 2 hunt
4 :. baroosh.
"Just 1 moment," remarked the of
flshus copper, grahbln' me by the arm
Then he kontlnude, "You owe me J3 "
"What 4?" sez I In amazement, rath
& Indlgnashun.
"Inferniashun," repllde the galoot
2 simply remark that I wuz astownd
ed Iz hardly a faro deskrlpshun ov my
2 sandpaper a long story down 2 a
short & sad 1, suffice It 2 say I had 2
Az you will lern, nnon, the abuv
transnxshun wnz chnrackteiistlck &
awsplslius 2 say nawt ov outragus,
vlllunus, etc. etc.
Well, me St Mehetlbel (thats my
wifes Inlshul cognomen) jumped In 2 a
hack & I told the driver 2 take us 2
the liiternashuul. It waznt a very long
trip but It waz pretty xpenslve.
When we stopt In front ov the hotel
1 helpt Hetty ( I call her that 4 short)
out ov the hack & handed the driver
a 5 Mpot. lie turned up hlz noze so
high I thuwt heed nock hlz stove-pipe
hat off.
"23 more plecze," sed the driver,
lookln' up & down tho street az tho
he waz afrado sum 1 would see him
tawkln 2 sutch cheep peepll.
"You misunderstand me, my good
man." I repllde, wearing a stage smile
& ndeviing 2 limner him, "I dont want
2 buy yure outfit, I Just want 2 pay
4 our ride from the depot."
"I want $30 & I want It quick or He
hav you both plncht," stated the retch.
"Then have mq plncht & be h-iiigd,"
(I dldnt say hnngd but I waznt az kool
& kollected then az at present). I
turnd 2 Hetty & sed "Darling, meta
forlkally speckln, I hav a life size
dagerrotype ov a skwnll approochlng.
Vou had better git In 2 the hotel, you
might get wet."
"Alouzo," she repllde, " I promlst 2
stick by you threw thick & thin & He
not leevn you In this yuro our ov
Hetty Iz game If over a woman waz,
but I wnz obdurato & remarkt. "I ap
presheate yure kindness, Hotty, but
you nwiso promlst 2 luv homier &
obay. Avawnt!"
Tho Kind You llavo Always Bought, nnd which 1ms been
lu uso for over 30 years, has homo tho signature, of
0 and has been inndo under his pcr-
jC6ffl?-i- sonal supervision slnco its infancy.
ryy, -ectcUM; Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes aro but Ex
periments that trtilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Expcrlcnco ngalnst Experiment.
Cnstorln is n substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, Drops
und Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Pleasant. It I
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic i
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ,
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's PanaccaTho mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The KM You Have Always Bought?
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The St. Denis
Broadway anil Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. Orace Church. liuropean Plan.
Rooms $1.00 a Day anil Upwards.
In a modest anil imohtruslve way th?ro
nro few better conducted hotels In tho
metropolis than tho St. Denis.
Tho groat popularity It has urnulred can
readily ho traced to Its unique location,
Its home-liko atmosphere, tho peculiar ex
cellence of Its cuisine and service, and Its
very moderate prices.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Placi,
Day ami Upwards.
Day ami Upwards.
-f 4 4 -f -f 4- -f -f
lor Men
In the heart of the wholesale
For Shopper
3 minutes' walk to Wannmnkers;
S minutes to Sletel Coupei's Bljt
Store. ISasy of ncess to the ft cut
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from r.'way Cars, glv
Iiik easy transportation to all
points of interest.
4- Clnlv one liloek from Hroadway. -
J tUJOnb, 4 I Up. Price Reajonab
f - 4 -f 4- -f -f -f
The Best
Washing Powder
SIip nvuwnt'-d umlw protest az a
Rood wife shood ei 1 wnz left 2 fite It
out. The driver called nnuther police
man & I argude 4 a 's our hut 2 no
purpus. AKt'ti I waz mulkted. I paid
the pusllanluius Jehu J3U & the mire
Keneratu copper $ato I settling tne
frnkus. If I had hln alone lde hav
Kmie 1' Jnli. hut I deslded L' hav a Rood
time with Hetty no mutter what it
2 sandpaper the story down npren. Up
glv you a copy of tin hill I wnz pre
sented with when I had hln at the ho
tel 5 daze. (This 1)111 may not ho ah
solootly correckt, hut Its az neer az
1 rumumher It).
Frnkus on sidewalk $ 12 m
Xplnnashuii 2 clerk 3 "
Admiring clerk's dlnionds I IT,
Hitting lu ollls (3J nilnlts) 3 of)
I.uto 4 dinner (3 mlnltsi .'! i)
Tawkln 2 cluimherniudo 3.7)
Askln 4 a cleen napkin 1 -"'
I.eevlnti curlln up awl ntlo 2 '
Hliiglu lire ulurin lusted ov mes
senger hoy 1ST)
1'se ov dlrecktory 1 ""
Tawkln 2 chamhermudo (2nd time). S S',1
I'se ov telephone Chits
1 hottel ov hcer 1 V
Tawkln hack 2 hartenilfr 0 W
Insulting landlord W '
Hiird 4 too (2) poepll. u daze each .. :) 00
Staying Icbu than 1 weak IS W
5173 no
Tho nhttv will glv tho perspecktlv
vlcktuni a faro idea ov Nlagra Pawls'
Nlagra Pawls Iz a wonderfull site &
evrey buddy shood seo it, hut If a per
sun sees It once that shood last them
4 n life time. I beleevo Nlagra Iz I
ov the 7 wonders ov Hip world: & the
other fi Iz how on faith tho highway
robbers ov that town over die a natch
ral doth?
How trew Iz tho saylng'Clnwd works
In a inlstocrlous way hlz wonders 2
; mm m
i J! tut wiLt
1 perform"? A Kidder.
Signature of
Representative Firms
TO si;i'i'i.u:s.
Tho Grimn Art Studio, 20D Wyoming.
Scranton Savings Hank. 122 Wyoming.
.Merchants' & Mechanics' Hank, 420 Lack.
Third National Hunk, US Wyoming.
West Side Hank, lni N. Main.
T.ack. Trust & Safe Dop. Co.. 401 t.acka.
Traders' Nat. Hank. Wvom. & Spruce.
Dime. Uls. and Dep.. Wyom. & Spruco
Goldsmith Hros.. 201 Lackawanna.
Williams, J. D. & Hro 312 Lackawanna.
Weginau Fruit Co., II Lackawanna.
Kelly. T. J. & Co.. 14 Lackawanna.
Hunt & Conncll Co., IM Lackawmna.
Ilowlcy, V. P. & M. T.. 231 Wyoming.
IIAKXI'.SS AND tim;xks.
Fritz. G W.. 410 Lackawanna.
inu.Diuts' iiAumvAKi:, sTovr.s. i:tc.
Lackawanna Hardware Co., 221 Lacka.
iir.DDivn. siMUNOS. irrc.
Tho Scranton Heddlng Co.. CO! Lacka.
Leonard. Thos. P.. Lackawanna ave.
Finn & Phillips. 13S Wyoming.
Protheroe & Co., 131 Washington.
Ansley. Joseph & Son. SOI Scranton.
Mercereau & Connell, 307 Lackawanna.
mlais and vi:c.r.TAii.r.s.
Carr. T. K. & Son, 213 Washington.
Owens Hros., 218 Adams.
Secuilty Hldg & Sav'gs Union. Hears Hldg
ruAcur.iis, caki:s. ktc.
Nat. Hlscult Co (Scra'n Hraneh). 20 Lack.
Slmrell. V. A.. 515 Linden. ,
rthtnnn Paper Co.. 223 Spruce.
Stevens, P. D. & Co., 32 Lackawanna.
ri.oru. i--i:i:i. hav and ;uain.
Tho Weston Mill Co., Lackawanna avo.
Casseso Hros., 93 Lackawanna ave.
Levy. N. II. & Uro., Traders' Hldg. ri.oru, HAY, UTC.
nasterle & Co.. 131 Franklin
Uabcock, II. P., & Co.. 110 Franklin.
Phillips, Geo. & Co., Coal Exchange.
Casey Hros., 216 Lackawanna.
Northwestern Mutual Life, Hears Bldg.';
Okell & Dunn. Coal Exchange.
Yocum, Goo. C. Conncll Hldg.
Florey & Hrook3. 211 Washington.
Harris. 8.. 322 Pcnn ave.
Maloney Oil Mfg. Co.. HI Meridian.
Maloney Oil Mfg. Co.. Ill Meridian.
Prendergast & Gelpel. 207 Washington.
Tague. P. W., 113 S. Main.; Itobldenco 1124
Price. William, 133 S. Main.
tun hoods, siior.s and uitocniur.s
McCann. P. J . 441 N Main.
CMchtitrr't Kncllik Diamond It ran 3.
Original and Oilr Vnulna.
arc, 1wm rtlitUf, lok tk .
UruiiUl tor Chltkuttr InpUA put A
mont Hrni la Urd M oJ mmillaY
twe. i with tlu ribbon, TL
ltl Othf r It 9 fu 1 1 if in a trout mJttntu.
'tiansaniiimitatiiiLa. it tltittiMi uii J
'? I"TJ to' r"tl'. ItltlaaaUll
"ncuri wr Ljtuir,' ((, 17 rlBm
' . )! iiu irumeewut. nwm rt
fwi S Tfoi
l VH t
feidttuuctinrvfviiu. . ruiLkvzE