The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 18, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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v, -
Alexander Hndden, of Depuo Street,
Is the Groom nnd Miss Agnes
Qlencroos the Bride They Will
Spend Their Honeymoon In the
South Next Week Mr. Hadden
Intends to Return to the Klond'Ve.
Distinguished Foreigners Visiting
Councilman William Jones.
Alexander Hndden. of Depue stieet,
and Miss Agnes Oleneros. of Orovo
street, weie quletlv mairled In Blng
hnmton, N. V. ycsteidny Several veiy
Intimate friend' witnessed the eere
nmny'nnd returned with the young
people last evening The bride was til
th tul In a veiy picttv wedding suit and
was unattended. Miss Glencross li well
known thioughotit this vullev nnd has
many friends who wish hei great hap
piness Mr. H.iddeti has Just ictinnoilt'rom
the Klondike legions after a three
ears' slay. Thev aie now enjoying
a flinil wedding tour tluougU the
Sou tli
Mis Hndden. arcoinnanled by Mis.
A1- CJIenrioss and Mrs William Coul
ter, will leave In a few dnvs fut Scot
land on an ctendel visit Mi. Hnd
den. accompanied bv William Coulter,
of Depue street, will leave Wednesday
moinlng nevt for the Klondike regions,
where Mr. Hadden has n palng claim
which yielded J2O.O0O dining his ihrj
years' stay.
after Tin:
Dimmon? eouncil, No 1022. .Tunlor Or
der t'nlted American Mechanics, nf
this place, will have a leading p.itt In
nil games today at the Joint exclusion
of that order at Lake Ariel. The coun
cil Is composed of nearl four bundle 1
tneinbeis. manj of whom aie athletes,
and to these hns been left the lodge's
honor of canturlng the prize of every
contest thev entei.
The tug-nf-war alone will be watched
with gieat Intel est and has excited .1
gieat amount of comment dining the
past few weeks. Dunnioie nnd Wllkes
Rarre councils will clash during the
day and the outcome cannot be ven
tured because of the rlvaliy between
the lovers of the snort of base ball.
Tialn will leave Erie and Wyoming
Valley iniliond depot at No C at S
o'clock, nlso one at 2.13 p m
told in a rnw LINKS.
The ladles of the Methodist Kpisco
pal church whose namor began with
Y or W conducted a successful sup
per In the church parlois Inst evening.
The proceeds amounted to a neat sum,
which will go towards the current ex
penses of the chinch
St. Mary's council, Young Men's In-
P.iine's Celery Compound 75c
Pinkham's Compound 70c
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis....75c
Mellon's Food 38c and 55c
1 01 S. Main Avenue
Ml tutu, has completed nriangeinents
for their nnnunl picnic, to he held In
Inurel Hill patk.
Mr. and Mis. Andrew Jensk, of 151"
tnlr.i, N Y . made 11 nhort call on
i 1 lends on Apples tieet yesterday.
M'ih Mary Ullday, of Hast Drlnkev
street, Is the guest of 1 datives at
Wllkcs-Barre this week.
Jacob Smith, of Klmhurst, Is spend
Ing n few days at the home of John
Piuucll, of 1 'enter street.
Mr. anil Mis. lllchurd Newell, have
iclurned to their home at Carhondn e
tift'i n few days stay In town.
Mispf s Oracc Swart?, and Hattle Hop
klrs, of Lake Ariel, are spcndlu,; a
foiv dnys In town.
Miss Lena Payne, of South Blakcly
and Hlgg streets, Is able to be around
again after her recent Illness
John Hclsner has opened a maiket
In the Align In building on South
Hlakelv stieet.
Di Tratik Winters, of South Blukely
street, performed 11 successful opera
tion upon John McAllister, of Hast
Drinker stieet. Sport Hill, and suc
ceeded In removing a large wen
Mi. McAllister had been tiouhled for
the Ivventv-nve yeais and suffeied
grent Inconvenience nnd pain us the
wen was on the left side of the
neck Di Winters Is lecelving con
gratulations for hlii success, which ate
liumeioii", as both men are well known
Councilman William S Jones, of Ap
ple stieet. cntetlnlneel two prominent
vlsltois at his homo this week In the
persons of John Llttlejohn and James
Thompson Mi LIttleJohn's home Is In
Wales. At the election In the fait he
will endeavor to become a member of
p.irll.tiiii nt to lepicsent Khonda dls
tili'l anil has great hopes of securing
the lepresentntlon 1'iof Thompson
Is from Fetndale, where he has a pri
vate ichool and has hundred
pupils em oiled. Both centleinen are
making hui tied calls on friends and
lelnttvcs thioughout the states.
Mi. d'rltchaid's class of the Baptist
chuich will conduct a lawn social on
the church lawn this evening
riank Hainm, of Capoue avenue. Is
visiting fi lends In Honesdale
Miss Lillian Saffoid, of Carter stieet,
Is spending a few dnjs at the Wyo
ming camp giound
Mts. Davis and daughter, Minnie,
and Miss Winnie Howe aie spending
a week In Boston
Manners' phaimacy Is the only place
In Gieon Ridge where plain cream
soda Is sold Try It.
Miss Minnie Peck and Miss Pauline
Shook aie spending a week at Har
e's lake.
Mis. G. W Hotnbaker and daugh
ter, Eleanor, will spend the coming
week at Harvey's lake
Miss Frank Tamblyn Is enjoying the
sea bieezes at Ocean Otove.
Miss Ruby Douglass, of Delaware
stieet. Is spending seveial weeks In
Take j out prescriptions to Manners'
pharmacy to be filled We consider
our ability and goods above par.
Mrs M A Giad, wife of e. postmas
ter Michael Gradv of Chestnut MUet,
Dcnniore, aged M e.11s died estcielay
afternoon about 1 "0 o'cloe k after a few
week's Illness Deceased is suivivod bv
a husband nrd thiee children. Funeial
notice 111 be published tomorrow
Separate Skirts
for Early Autumn Wear in Nov
Plaids and Popular Quaker
Our first delivery for the season is
now to hand and ready for inspection. A
call from you will be much appreciated.
Globe Warehouse
Wash Skirts
and Wash Waists
Still a pretty nice assortment to get
rid of before the month closes, and more
-particularly in fine goods of unquestion-ible'quality.
Half Price or Less for Choice
Globe Warehouse
Held Last Night In Co-operative
Unit Under the Auspices of the
Local Lodges young1 Men Arrest
ed for Stealing Fruit Marriage of
Miss Katluyn Knrnkns and Ste
phen Spott Fire Interfered with
a Party at tho Residence of Peter
Mullnney A Missionary Meeting.
The reception tendered to the ofllcers
of the (irand Lodge of lvorltes lust
evening In Co-operative hall, on North
Main avenue, was a grand success in
every sense of the word. The lecep
tlon wns given under the uusplces of
five lodges Identified with the order,
linmelv Thomas .Teffeison lodge, North
Setntiton: Cailndlawn lodge. North
Sciantoii; Temple of hove lodge, Tay
lor, and Robert Moirls and Dew I Sant
lodges, buth of this side.
Benjamin Hughes, father of "Ivor
ln" In this countiy, was chairman
ol the evening The order was first In
stituted in the year 1SC3 In that ear
thiee ordeis weie organized, one at
St Clair, Pa . Caibondale and the Dew I
Sant of this side.
At that time each lodge was Inde
pendent. However, In 1SGS, thiough the
unceasing efforts of Mr. Hughes, an
limitation was foimed, he being elected
president of the (Irand lodge, which
position he held continually until 1S77.
Only two of the ofllcers of the Grand
lodge elected In 18CS are living, Benja
min Hughes and Rev. Jonathan Ed
wnids, uf Washington. Mr. Hughes In
his opening lemarks spoke along the
lines of the origin nnd giowth of the
The progininnie as printed In Tues
day's Tilbune wns can led out with
two exceptions, that of a song by G.
R Lew Is and Instrumental music by
Ueese Davles and party, both parties
being absent.
Iteese Moignn, of Wllkes-Ilnne. one
of the active Ivoiltes of that tltv and
an ex-grand president, made a short
speech complimentary to the present
giand officers.
The giand otllceis present were:
Richard H. Williams, president: J. J.
Evans, secretary, and Roger Evans,
treasure, nil of this clt Each was
called upon foi a few lemaiks and re
sponded i:ach remaiked that they
weie bent on making this year a suc
cessful one for the older throughout
the countiy and wished for the hearty
co-operation of nil piesent
Dewi Sant Glee club lendeied sev
eial excellent selections and received
an encoie on every numbei W. W.
Jones acted as accompanist for tho
club The evening's piogramme con
cluded with a selection by the club.
The assemblage then repaired to the
looms below, wheie lefreshments were
seived under the dliectlon of Roberts,
the cateier. While the guests weie be
ing waited upon, an urgent request was
brought to heat upon Chairman Hughes
to have Piofessor Piotheroe, who wns
present, sing Mt Piotheioe lespond
ed to the lequest of the gathering and.
after dellveilng a shoit riddress, sang
In his native tongue, Welsh, the "Com
ing of Wales." It was leceived with
thundeious applause A smoker fol
lowed. The committee having the affair In
(h.uge wns comprised of members of
the several lodges, namelj, Dewl Sant
lodge, chairman, R. n Jones nnd W
S. Davis; Robert Monls lodge, Howell
Han Is, D J. Davis, secietnry, and Dr.
Beeldoe Temple of Love lodge, Jacob
Jone. ticasuier, Aaion Davis nnd W.
T Davis, Carladlnwn lodge, D. Joff
lies. J. S Edwaiets and i:van Gabriel;
Thomas Jeffeison lodge, J. 15. Davis, E.
Smith and H. Evans.
Thomas Feiguson. of Aswell court,
William Williams, of Tenth stieet. and
Edwnid Poid, weie anested last even
ing at the Instance of O. M. K-rstettei,
charged with stealing tomatoes
Keistetter conducts a large faun on
South Main avenue, below the Dodge
mine, anil of Inte has been bothered
to n gieat extent b bos breaking
Into his tomato patch, stealing his llpe
fiuit. Yesteidav he decided to watch
for the Intiuders and discovered the
above mentioned bovs In the act.
Last evening he went before Alder
man, of the Fifteenth vvaid, and
swoie out a vtatiant for thlr arrest.
Constable John Lance arrested the
paities at their respective homes and
took them befoie the alderman, where
they weie given a hearing.
At the heating all pleaded guilty
except Williams, who claimed he was
not present at the time Ho was held
In $200 ball for his appearance nt couit.
His father furnished ball. Ferguson
and Foul paid their tines
Miss Kathryn Karakas and Stephen
Spott wete united In maniage jestei
day attemoon at 4 SO o'clock In tho
German Catholic chinch, on South
Main avenue Rev. rather Flicker
tied the nuptial knot.
After the ceiemony the couple were
driven to the brides home 011 Ninth
Main avenue, where a uccptinn was
held Mr and Mis Spott will begin
housekeeping In a newly furnished
home on Noith Main avenue Roth
enjoy tho best wishes of a host of
An alaim of the was sounded last
evening about 9 o'clock fioin box 43.
corner Eighth and Hampton stiteui
The the was In a single dwelling owned
nnd occupied by Petei Mullnney, of .ilu
Hamilton street.
Mr and Mrs Mullarjey were enter
taining n number of their friends In
honoi ot their guest, Ml. Henton. of
Jersey city. Mis Mullaney had de
signated u huge 100m at the top of
the stairs as a leceptlon toom for the
ladles and had left a lamp standing
on tho table near the window. The
window was 1 aired a little distance
and the breezes blew the cut tains over
the lamp. Igniting them. In a mo
meat the room was ablaze.
An ularm was turned In from box 45,
which biought to the scene the Eagles,
Columblas and Finnkllns. Their sei
vUes weie not needed, as the lira was
called Ginln-O It Is a delicious, appetiz
ing noiirlHlilng food drink to take thn
place of coffee Sold b all giocers and
liked bi all who esrd it because when
properly piepnred It timlcs like the finest
coffee but U free Horn all Its Injurious
properties (Iruln-O aids illeestlon nnd
strengthens tho nen en. It la not a stim
ulant but a health builder, nnd children,
ob well us ndtiltB. cuu dilnk It with great
benefit CokH about ' us much as cof
fee U iuul c
Friday's sale of domestics
The most astounding sacrifices of the have taken place
this month. Again today we will lead in bargain giving uiv
approached by any one.
6c indigo prints standard goods
6c outing flannels light colors
6c robe prints new patterns.
6c standard apron ginghams.
6c dress ginghams new patterns
75c blankets at 37c In white only, very large,
medium weight, regular price 75c. Friday 3C
25c dotted Swisses at 10c The balance of our
stock of all grades at one price formerly isc, iqc and t
25c. Friday, your choice 1 (JC
. . n h v. k k k n n n v. . v. n . v. , . n r. .
K K H It It i. it It It it K K . K K K K V. K . K It i K H . H K .. K K H l K K K . . K . i K K H H H 1
, I
THE Liiira
Scranton Store, 124-126 Wyoming Avenue.
Don't miss this book sale
Lists of titles are being replenished daily. Thousands of
books arriving all the time.
Some very special bargains for today :
David Harum
So popular now that the name, if not the book, is fa
miliar in every household. Published at $1.50 Q
sold elsewhere at $1 20. Here on Friday only. . 7oC
Famous Elsie Books
The favorite book of girls of nearly every age. Pub
lished at $1.25 customary cut price 89 cents. .
Here on Friday 49 C
Cloth bound books 300 titles In an elegant binding
stamped with several inks and gold works by such .
authors as Barric, Scott, Stevenson, The Duchess,
Blackmore, Dickens, Bronte and many others. Pub- ZC
lished at 50c
Cloth bound books 250 titles Full 12 mo. size, stamped
in several inks and gold titles by Kipling, Cooper, -t t
Verne, Barrie, Dickens, Lyall, Ebers, Hawthorne, Cor- Aq
elli, Black, Caine and many others published at 50c. . JLtc
Ajax Series Friday 59c
First fall importation of
men's and women's hose
First instalment of six cases just received fiom Chemnitz.
More than liftv varieties, comprising men's, women's and
misses' hose of the best quality.
In men's All black and black with white tect-also sev
eral styles of fancy hose. All blacks are Louis Herms-
dorl dye. Choice 2iDC
In women's Black and white feet and black all t
over. Louis Hermsdorf dye. Fine guage .... 1 y C
Also Black with colored silk feet and colored silk stripes
at tne top, anu several lots oi lancy lisle open-work
stockings of line quality. Choice
5 fln font hlnfllr
o 3,
seamless hose at 5c,
We oiler on Friday one
thousand pans ol women's last
black seamless hose of the ten
cent quality-all sies-de
lor one day only
Five cents a pair.
Women's 15c Balbriggan Hose at 10c Very
fine quality and gauge never sold anywhere for
less than 1 sc a pair here on Friday
Women's 19c Hose at 12 1-2C Fine quality
white feet never sold for less thin 19c in any
store in the United States here on Friday , .
Two bargains in muslin gowns
Possibly the greatest offering in any city of the United
States. These garments aie high class, price the very lowest.
75c Lace trimmed gowns at 33c This is a
great bargain. Yoke of tucks neck and sleeves
tiimmcd with one inch torchon lace real value
75c. Sale price
75c embroidery trimmed gowns at 39c
Another bargain lot consisting of loin or live dif
ferent styles. Mother Hubbard or Kmpire voke.
Handsomely trimmed with embroidery. Friday..
"A 'A 'A 'A A 'A 'A "A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A A "A 'A 'A U 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'M'A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A'A 'A "A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A tt 'A 'A 'A 'A U A A 'A 'A "A "A "A 'A A A A A A "A 'A
extinguished by nie.iiiH of a buiket
bilgucle The woodwork In the loom
wns badly icouiied
After the c'it Itement had subdued
tlu- party continued and .in enjoyable
time was bad by all DaneliiK and
other dlveiHlons incident to such eents
were merilly Indulged in. At a late
hour lefteahments were sened.
Mi. Geoifje Breese, a cleik employed
by John Johns, the dealer,
was lellevcd of his silver watch .1 few
evenings aKO while rlmtthiK' with n
fctr.inKer, whom he would be Rlad to
meet again, Just for the sake of the
After wmk the other eening Hrees
went over to the laige Held on Wash
burn street, adjoining tho Hyde I'ai.
shaft, and while waiting for some co 1
p.inions engaged In eomer.sation with
this sttnnger The subject drifted
from one thing to another and Hiee'-o
became er interested, not mindful
of his talkative friend's aitlons. In
.1 short while Hreese nnd his frlen I
departed, each In opposite direction 4.
About half an hour later Mr. iSreese
put his hand In his vest pock"t to pro
cine his watch, desiring to know tho
time, but the wateliw.isinHslng. Ureero
retiaeted hls steps but wns unable
to get any tnue of the sti anger or
watch. Hreese claims he tould asy
Identify him If thev ever met again.
Benjamin Morguns, of Snder ne
liue, employed at the Oxfotd mine, had
the Index finger of his right hand cut
off while at woik yesteulay His In
juries were diessed at the West Side
William E. House, nf Noith Bromley
avenue, hid his right foot painfully
Injured Tuesday by a large plank fall
ing upon It. The Injured membei was
dtesoed at the West Side hospital.
Michael Moran, of Luzerne stieet,
wns luluied on Tuesday while at his
woik at the Dodge mine, by a fall of
roik. In falling It struck1 him on the
head, Inllktlnc u deep gash nnd in
juring his shoulder. He was taken to
the Moses Taloi hospital
Mitssio.VATtY mi:i:tinc.
Miss Marv A Davis hail cliuige of
the legular monthly meeting of the
Woman's society of the
Jackson Stieet Biptlst church which
was held in the basement of the chui 'h
last evening It wns laigely attest lei
,-nd Intel estlng throughout.
"Our Baptist Inheritance" was the
subject of a well prepared oaper read
by David II. Wtlllmrr. Oeorge
Nichols followed with a paper 011
"Clnlstlan Missions In India." Miss
Mnrgaret Thomas read an Intel estlng
paper on "New Afiicu and Its People."
'In Many Tongues" was the subject
discussed b Miss Bedella Hvans.
day for a two weeks' stay at Lake
The state committee of the P.itilotle
Older of Ainei leans will meet on Tues
day evening at the home of Mrs. Itan
dolph Jones, on Jackson stieet.
The membei s of the Electric City
Wheelmen will enjoy u club run to the
Salem camp ground on Sunday. They
will leave the club house at 7 o'clock.
A giand rally of the American Vol
unteeis will be held In the Plj mouth
chinch Mondny night. The Welsh mln
stiel will also be piehent. The public
Is Invited.
Miss Jennie Woolbaugh. of Lafayette
street, enteitalned a number of her
friends on Tuesday evening. The at
fair was a phonogiaph and lawn party
and was one of the events of the sea
The funeial of the late Mis. Sauud
eis will take place this afternoon at
2.10 o'clock fiom the home of her
mother, Mrs. D. P. Williams, of Price
stieet Intel ment In Washburn stieet
Moes Taylor Mster lodge. No. 121,
nixillnr to Brotherhood of
Tralninnn, w ill hold a picnic nt Nay
Aug paik on "September U. Uefresh
menl ' of all kinds w III be served by
the 1 nlles Dnntlni? will he a ftaturo
of the da's enjovment.
Ilev Hugh Davis will occupy the
pulpit of the Welch Cnlvnnlstlc Meth
odist chinch en Sunday morning nnd
An eNtrn rehearsal of the Scranton
Glee club will b held this evening
nt aicnrs' hall. A full attendance is
PlumbeiH' union, No 1'0, will conduct
a plerile In the Hound Woods on Sep
tember 6.
The funeial of the infant child of Mi.
and Mrs, George Forbes, nf Washburn
street, will tuko place this afternoon.
Interment In Cathedral cemetery.
The Klzei Camping club left yester-
Mr. David Johnson, of South Main
avenue, Is visiting ill Moscow.
Moses James is enjoying his vacation
at Lake Idlewild
Mr. Benton, of Jersey City, Is the
guest of Mr Peter Mallancy, of
Hampton street.
Miss Abble Denman. of South Hyde
Park avenue, has returned from a visit
with friends at Rochester.
Seymour Jones, of Jackson street, Is
spending a few days nt Lake Wlnola
Miss Dnugher, of Emmet stieet. Is
entertaining her cousins, Misses Kath
eiine and Lorctta McOoff, ot Wllkes
Itni if
William Lewis, of Eynon street, spent
yesterday In Wayne county.
'P.itiolmnn Halt will start upon his
vacation tomonow.
Mr E D. Morse has letutned from
a visit nt Nicholson
Miss Fiances Foy. of Jackson stieet.
Is visiting nt Mnucli Chunk
Misses Annie nnd Mnme Burnett, of
Lincoln avenue, will leave tomorrow
for (Stent Bend
Miss Bessie Daniels, of South Main
avenue, is visiting friends In Pittston.
Mr. Harry Jenkins and William L'wls
have returned fiom a visit at Atlantic
Miss Beithn Diew, of Plj mouth, Is
the guest of Miss Mae Davis of South
Main avenue.
Miss Hattle E Bevan, of West Pitts
ton, Is the guest of hei cousin. Miss
Mable Spencer, of Jackson stieet.
Mr. John Renchler, of Lincoln ave
nue, spent Tuesday In ractoryville.
Gomer Evans, of Claike Bios.' store.
Is spending his vacation nt Lake Idle
wild Mr H. D Moise, of Jackson stieet.
Is In Easton on a business tilp.
James Davis, of Eynon stieet, Is
spending n few days at Lake Wlnola
John Williams, of Hellevue, is visit
ing 1 datives in Wav ne county.
Ilany Jenkins of South Hvde Patk
avenue, spent esleicln at Lake Allel.
"Pea Coal Delivered, $1.25,
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park. Address orders to C. P.
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. "Phone C68X
Alderman Ituddy and slstei. Miss
Mnniu Ituddy, went to Wllkes-Bauo
lust night to attend the funeial of a
relative which will be held toduj.
Common Councilman W. J. .Smith,
of the Nineteenth wind, and Mall Car
ilei Hany Blid aie llshlng at Goulds
bo ro.
Joseph Mlkus and sons, Tony nnd
Joe, of Cedar avenue, have teturncd
from u visit at Lake Ailti.
He Spilled the Beer nnd a Lively
Time Followed Young Card-
Ing's Toes Amputated.
August Sale,
Much amusement was found In Al
deiman Fldlet's ofllco last night when
John Griinths had Patilck Mm laugh
tiled on the charge of assault and bat
tel y. Both parties aie well known
K'lights ot Lnboi, but Giiflltlis so far
foigot himself as to do a full di's
wot It Inst Wcdnc-d.iv.
In the evening he went to Regan's
saloon to enjoy a glass of beer when
be met Muitatigh. Thev commenced
to ciuar ' The defendant hit C.rlflltlis.
dl'iolotlim his eve and spilling his
beer. During the tilal he admitted
that the latter Injury was th" woise
and the caii'-e of the an est. The case
was discharged, .fter the "vldence wa
heird, but a icprlmand wns given both
The funeral of John W. Mullen wns
held yesterda morning from his late
home on Thompson stieet. The in
censed had been a lesldent of this sec
tion of the city foi a long time and
was possessed of a large numbr of
f 1 lends, who thronged the Hol Ros
aiy church, where the remains were
taken. A high mass of requiem was
celebiated by Rev. J. V Moylnn. T'.e
pall-bearers were John Ryan, John
Thomas. Edward McGnlre. Rlehaid
Kelly. Michael Tlgue and John Ken
nedy. The Mouldeis' union from die
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
shops attended in .1 bodv
The funeial of lames B. 0'B"'e
was alf-o held yesterda morning. The
body was viewed by a large numbei of
tie fi lends of the deceased nnd his
parents befoie being lemoved to the
Holy Ilosaty chuich, where Rev J .1
O'Toole relr hinted a lecpilem mnss In
ti rment was mule In the
cemeteiy. The pnll-bearrs weie franl;
Golden, William Cnsey. Martin I.'
velle, Anthonv Banett Patilck Fljnu
and Michael McLaughlin
Offers great values in Rus
sets for Ladies' and Meu.
school house and committing other
nuisance Tl ev weie taken befoie art
jl.lciman and lined $1 each and costs.
Dr Suiieth has pot gone out of town'
to attend a funeial as was nnnoiin ed
In our Gieen Ridge items jestcrdny.
("Hll toriespondent wns misiiifoiuied
Yctciday morning Drs Sullivan,
Donne and Cornell pifoiined theopera
tlon on the foot of Anthony cardlg,
when the toes and p'ut of bis tlgh'
foot were removed. The patient was
the yon of Thomas ("aiding, aid Ind
his foot lacerated while Jumping on the
ttalns on the Matvlne switch List
Wednesday afternoon.
The funeral of Chniles, the slv-yeai-old
son of John Rumblv, of West Mai
ket street.' will b l'eld tlis afternoon
nt three o'clock. The child died last
Wcdnesdnv night aftei an illr-ss of
lest than a 1l.1v, having been attacked
with meningitis e-irlj that moinlng
At half-pas' nln thl" moinlng the
funeral of Mis Kathetliie Casay, of
Pawnee street, will be held Deceased
died Tuesdav afternoon at the Moses
Tavlor hospital, while she had been
foi some time.
Last night a Hrge number attended
the dnnce that wis laid In the uudltm1
turn by the Kestoiie IJraiuatle flub
A daughttr was bcin to Mr. and .M
M I Walsh yesterday moinlng
Mies Knle Biennnn. of New Yoik.
visited nt the home of Thomns Heal
on CusIcK avenue, jesteidav.
Dsvid Hughes, of Wayne avenue,
has recovered uflr n shott Illness.
MIsr Donilcy, of Dutyea. Is
the guest of Sits. William Anderson,
on Wuyne avenue
Mlrses Nellie and -gnps Keninev. of
Shnmokln, aie visiting Mi aril Mis.
P. J. Mahon. of William stieet
Mis Rnchel Williams, Janltres ot
public! school No. 24, had live boys ar
jested for tearing shingles of the
Various Kinds and What They Aro
Seveially Good For.
Natuie supplies us with two complete
foods, milk and eggs, which contained
In the pioper proportions all the neces
sary elements foi the sustenance of
our bodies As these are the onl com
plete foods. It Is nee In their ab
sence to have mixed foods, and It Is In
the mixing that mlstnkes occur, be
cause the fat forming, muscle forming,
nnd other parts aie taken In wioni?
propoi tlons, some In excess and others
the reveise Left to his own tastn
piimitive man Invailnblv selects the
best food This Instinct however It
defective nt the piesent day. For chil
dren, food lieli In bone forming sub
stances Is necessarj. Among niusclo
forming foods the following aie tho
best and most 1 oinnion Ontnieal por
lidge. with ilch milk and wholemeal
biead butt, red, meat Is a hlghlv con
densed food of this 1 lass To men of
s dptitarj occ upatlon a free use of meat
Is Injurious Fot men engaged at hard
manual labor a genet ous ment diet is
Vegetables contain but little nouitsh
lnent. but aie useful as blood puiiflers,
and also supply hulk to the food whbh
Is necessary to give the consumei sat
isfaction. Milk should never be taken
with meat, because they are both rb h
In one substance. Tea should hot be
taken with meat elthei because It ren
deis the meat tough and I nllgestlhle.
Beef tanks first as 11 muscle former,
and mutton next Poik makes a very
digestible dish and fowl and bacon
aie a veiy useful and palatable dish
Ceicals enter largely Into our diet nnd
uu of much value, because thej sup
pl food or staich as well as muse la
food Potatoes piovlde little nutil
inent, but with nlent of milk which
supplies the precii'e Ingiedlents they
lack, a good diet is formed.
Sugar Is well woitlu of notice Hnd
the child's love of It is a pe-fectly
healthy li'stiuct. and should alwas bn
gintlllecl in reason. Fruits aie good
blood puillleis, and should be consid
ered as essentluls nithei than luxuries
Beef tea contains scaicelv any nutrl
tnc'it whatever, and Is nlmost purely
a stimulant. A dot; fed on bei f tea
still ved to death, while another fed on
tefuse meat throve Ten Injurious if
taken In excess, pi ov Ides, If taken In
moclriatlcui, a most icfrcHhlng cbink.
Many scientists leiommeml its use
about two houis befoie our piliulpat
meal, and without food Coffee is a.
stimulant unlike all others, In fact,
that it Is followed b.v no 1 taction It
stimulates the bialn, and Is called an
Intellectual dilnV Cocoa deserves to
be classed as a food.
Funny izzlnt It everybody seems
stuck on the "Joy Maker" Dc. cigar.