THE SCRANTON TlufcUfllfi-MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1899. 7i BAILItOAD WORK. Mony Men Engaged Along Route of Honesuale Brnnch. While It Ib ft fact Hint inn Delaware and Hudson engineer pcriiri'd data upon which to base the expense and practicability of n tunnel under tho Mooslcs present Indications Indicate that the mibti'tianean load bcIii'iw has been abandoned. All alo'iR the routo large fotccq of men nie etiKnRcd straightening the loute f what was Known M the light trark from hore to Farvleu. Famous Pr-ophulil'H euiok Mill Eoon be a thing of the imM as the Rradlnn fo" the swIUhbnck Is ir.pldly piogre.oslnR The jouto from Knrvlew to Wnymart has been lled and a lame number of men and teams were hlicd last wetk to work on the building of seven miles of rallrond between those two points SCHOOL MAY BE READY. It has been thought that owing to the vnrclty of bricklayers" the addi tion to the eential school hulldlni: would not be completed by the first of Heptember. However. Contractor Nolan has been pushing the work dur ing the part wetk and Is now of the opinion that the building vlll lie ready for occupancy at the opening of the school term. TWO FINE ATTRACTIONS. Lovers of good lectures are highly pleased over the booking In the new Century lecture couise of Professor Do Motte and llev. 1). J. Stafford, IX The fornr'r charmed u Carboiulole au dience with "The Htrp of the Senses" and tho latter stands In the very front rank of Slmkcspcnican lecturers LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. end Mir. F. H. Kllpatilck have returned from ("ooperslown. The Methodist chapel Sunday school of Helmont street, held a picnic In a grove near Archbald Satuiday. All's Marv A. Hnlun N lsltini; her brotlu r Uev. John Holmes, of Uloss burg Mlv (iiace Powell has returned from Dunmoiv Ontario and Western Operator T. II. Glllcin, Is visiting his home at Lord ville Contractor Wilson and wife spent Sunday In Buffalo, N. Y. MI'-s Mvra Summers, of timing, N. Y Is lsitlng friends In Wilis city. Miss Minnie Howen has returned from Atlintlc City. Mrs Joseph WnllK of Pelmont street, is entei twining her sister, Mrs. Pentecupt Tin fnnirnl of the child of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Lee was held ye.Htcrday afternoi n at three o'clock. Interment whs made In" Hrookslde cemetery. Thomas V. McAvoy, of Sixth avenue, Is entt rtalnlng his sister, Mrs. liaker, of New Yolk. Mis Kmnm V. Swigart has enteied the Thompson hospital at Sernnton for a tw-i yeais' course of training In nursing JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Huxhbmnk lodge of Odd Fellows will gu to I'rlceburg on the 2d to attend the dedication of the new Odd Fel lows hall theie and will take a bias.s band with them. The second deg'.ee team of the lodge w 111 confer the de giee t Celestial lodge, Providence next Monday night. Th. outing arranged to take place by the Ladles1 Magazine club on Wed liisd.iv has been postpon.l nnd the date will be arranged later. Mr and Mis. Dav, of Peckvllle, wheeled lure on Saturday and were the siiists oi Mr and Mis. "Will Ro berts of Main stieet. Ml-' YVattei Haker, of Main street, is contemplating a nip up In New York state the latter part ot the pres ent week. Frank Winter and a number of Wy oming seminarians are camping at Long P nd. Miss Veinie Wheeler, of Second street. Is vl-sitlng Miss Claia Waring at Si i anion. Mr and 'Mrs. Kd. Hoi ton and Mr. nnd Mr Will Owens, of Foiest C'ltv, were vesteulav the guests of Mr. and Mrs Finnic Harber, of South Main stiet Hev Francis Gendall, of Taylor, will occurs the pulpit here In the Metho dist Episcopal chuich next Sunday morning. Tin choir of the Methodist Episco pal lunch will have their annual out ing at Crystnl Lake Wednesday. Tin condition of Mrs. Arthur Mes sott of South Main street has not changed and tcaicely a hope Is enter talnel of her ecovery. Mis John Solomon nnd Jilts Polly Si loinon are visiting the latter's sis ter Mis Hrown, at the Derrington stock farm at Greenfield. Joseph J. Jermyn, ot Seranton, was In town yesterday. Ynr MAY I1ENU THE SAPLING, but not the tree " When disease has become chronic and deep seated It Is often dlillrult to curp II. That is th" reason why it Is best to take Hood's Saisaiarllla when disease Hist shows Itself HOOD'S PILLS are tho favorite fam 11 cnthartle. " PECKVILLB. The outside employes of tho Grassy Island colliery of the Del.xwaic nnd Hudson company on Saturday evening presented to Sir. Joseph G. Hell a beautiful leellnlng chair and to Mrs. Hell a valuable rocker. Mr. Hell has labored for the D. & II. at Grassy Island thirty-three yeais, six years as h mechi.nlc and has for twenty-seven eais held the supeilntenclency. A Fhort time ago Mr. Hell was trans ferred to the Eddy Creek colliery, owned by the same company. Mr Palmei Holllster succeeded Mr. Hell at Glassy Island. The employes, many cf whom have served from boy 1 hood under Mr. Hell, thought they would like to make manifest the high esteem In which they held Mr. Hell and purchased the aboe token and on Satuiday evening the committee sui prised Mr Hell nt his pleasant resi dence, and before tho much surprised former superintendent had time to te cover he was seated In Hi chair and Ou Trial uml Apprcnnl, no Money In Advum c, Apiillame uml rem telle i that banish sealncks, res I store strength, check ltal waste, cioeiop ana tuttain. Ho (..O.K. no fruucl of any nature. V.'rlte for our new look (under seal to you, free). Fulls czplatiK. FRE 57 JIU rt .MEM ERIB MEDIOAL CO., BUFrALO, N.Y. Mr l'almer llollister In u neat Mile presentation speech had tendered tho beautiful gift In behalf of flic Grassy Island employes. Trro presentation committee 'were Mr. Palmer Holllster, John Proberts nnd Thomas S. Wales. Kneh of tile committee paid tribute to Mr. Hell In wordH of high esteem. Miss Jessie Stearns, our noted elocutionist, being present. In behalf of Mr. Hell thanked the donors for their beautiful gift. The Hnptlst Snbbath school will run ." trolley excursion to Nay Aug park Aug. 23. Pare for the round trip, 23 cents. Mr. K. I.. Craig Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. '., P. Travis are visit ing relatives In New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. William liougherty. of Carbondale, visited relatives In town yesterday. Mrs, George 8. Lyon and daughter, Florence, of Passaic, N. J., are the guests of her sister. Mrs S. M. Hogers Onenlal Star lodge, No. GR. Free and Accepted Masons, will hold a reg- '.Inr meeting tomorrow (Tuesdav) evening. Mr. and Mr.!. John Mitchell and daughter, Phills, of Avoca, spent Sun day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman. Mr. W. A. Ackers, of Chicago, Is .l'iilrg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hogers. Mastei Lee Htoes Is spending n few days with his grandparents at Vardon. Miss Nellie Cllanvllle leaves today to spend ti few days at Harvey's lake. .Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pierce leave tills morning for a week's visit with lelatlvcs at Cooperstown, N. Y, TAYLOR NEWS. Coming Recital Funeral of the Late Edward Jones Other Local Mat ters. A giand musical and literary lecltnl will bo given tomorrow (Tuesday) evening nt the auditorium of the Welsh Haptlst church, under the auspices of the Owens, Smith and Kennedy Musi cal company. Miss Owens Is a pupil of Professor Haydn Evans Miss Phoebe Smith, soprano, is a pupil of Mrs. Clar ence Hallentlne, musical director of Hlalrtow n college of music, and Mls Esther Eliot Kennedy won a gold medal at Mt. Hope college, Hogers, Ohio. The conceit will commence nt S o'clock. The programme will appear In this column tomorrow. Admission, 2.'i cents. lid wind Jones, a former resident of this town, but late of Providence, died at the home of his sister. Mis T. D. James, of West Market street, on Fri day evening, after a lingering Illness He was icmoved to the Lackawanna hospital, from which institution he was later icmoved to Ills sister's home, wheie he breathed his last. Deceased was Dl jeais of age. The funeral oc curred yesterday afternoon. Interment was made In the Forest Home ceme tery In this :ilace. Dr. Daniel Jenkins, of Providence, was a visitor hore yestciday. Mr. Alfred Richards, of Plymouth, spent Satuiday and Sunday as the guest of his bother, John C. Richards, of this place. Mr. W. H. Thomas was tho guest of Professor and Mrs. M. J. Lloyd, of Pilceburg, yesterday. Misses Kate and Minnie Olmstead am sojourning at Dunduff and Crystal lake for two weeks. Uev. John Evans, of Piovldenee, oc cupied the pulpit at the Welsh Haptlst church yesterday. The services were well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodworth weie the guests of lelatlvcs In Hyde Paik vesterdav. Messrs. Heniy Howells. John Thom as. Ichard Howells and William Thomas enjoyed a drive to Lake Scran ton yesteiday Representative T. J. Hughes, of the Taylor lodge, No. 40'. Knlghto of Pythias, will leave this morning for Lancaster, where ho will attend the Grand lodge session. J. Mllford Moigana Is lustlcatlng at Lake Underwood. Emblem division, No. 57, Sons of Temperance, will meet In their rooms this evening. Mr. George Perry nnd sons, David and George, spent the Sabbath w 1th fi lends at Dallas. Mepsrs. Aubrey and George Helps, of Lansford, nie visiting relatives hero. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Owens and chil dren spent the Sabbath at Lake Wlnola Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon, of Scran ton, weie the guests' of lelathes here yesterday. The Pyne colliery of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western company had to suspend work on Satuiday, owing to a break In the machinery. A delegation of members of the Sons of Temperance attended the funeial of William Morgans, of the Hippie divis ion, of Hyde Park, yesterday. Deafness Cannot Be Cured v b local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the inr. Tlieie Is only one way to euro deafness, and that Is b constitutional iciiiuIIch. Deaf lies.1 Is caused bv an Inllamed con dltlou of the mucous lining of the Kiu liiihlan Tube. When this tube gets In ll.imcd ou havo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, ond when u l.i entile lv closed deafne-s is the result, .mil un less tho Inflammation inn be taken out and this tube letloied to Its normal con. ditlon, hearing will be destioyed torevcr, nine cases out of ten .ire caused by ca tarrh, which Is nothini? but an Inllamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will clvo Om Hundred Dollais for an caKO of Deafness (caused by cu tnrrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Cu. tarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY fi CO , Toledo, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills ore the best. O. FOREST CITY. Many will be plenFed to learn that our townsman. Heniy Ho, has secured Hip contract for the building of prim ary department school. Work will be commenced tomoirow The tlzi of the building Is to be 1(1x7! The Hev P. H. Tfcnncdv called n a few of his frlijnds on Stitutdny Willi" crroute to Carbondale. Good news. Pay-day tomorrow Hillside Coal nnd Iron company. Tonsoilal ArtlFt John Franko, and his competent staff 'of knights of the lazor nie now cemfortably cstahlishcd In tho new building of Henry T. Ald ilch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Waters und son. Ernest Alfred, Bpent the Sabbath at the home of Mr and Mr. Willi mi Veale, of Jermyn. Mrs. John K. Hughes visited In Peckvllle yesterday. Mm Benjamin Simpson of Vandllng has been visiting In Scrinton Mrs. John Philips nnd children of Hyde Park, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Pvan Luns, of Main street, Vandllng. The Ludlos' Aid of tho Presbyterian church, will seive n 15 centu supper on Wednesday evenlnn the 10th. Will also give a freo entertainment. All are cordially Invited to attend. The New Department AT Guernsey Hall A Special Feature at the Celebrated Husic Warerooms of J. W. Guernsey is the Wh Hereafter to be the ideal place where you can purchase a Piano or an Organ that has been slightly used at a figure that will as tonish everybody. Today will be Open ing Day at the Annex. Read this: Grand Uprigsif Pianos, Square Grand Pianos, 5 and 6 Octave Organs And all kinds of small musical goods will be sold at a price that will simply stagger any person who is familiar with the price of this class of goods. Copyright Sheet Music at 5 cents per copy. Music Books, Folios, etc., at one-quarter their actual value. Don't fail to call and select what you need, whether it is the smallest musical gem or a Grand Piano. Remember, Guernsey Hall Building, Bargain Annex 318 Washington Avenue, Seranton, Pa. J. W. GUERNSEY, Prop'r PITTSTON NEWS. Glen Onoko and Mauch Chunk Ex cursion Injunction Proceedings Saturday Paving and Street Dif ficulties Pittston Photographed fioni Glen Onoko and the Switch back. These who nie opposed to the run ning ot tialns on Sundav could not have ventured foith like the Tilbune man did yestciday inclining and bu.ud- Ing the second section of the New Jeisey Central special excursion was curled with Slftotn bundled others up the mountain to Penobscot nnd thence to Glen Onoko, and Mauch Chunk. At the latter place hundreds went over the switchback, while otheis looked oer tho quaint town, now enjoyuig the height of the season many even attending divine service. The hotels weie crowded with summer touilsts, und guests for the day, but the ccilbo ufter attending to the wants cf the inner man at the Amerle in House, hied himself to the Glen. This popular lilac e loses nothing of Us attractiveness us the yeais speed along and the thou sands that weie there enjojlng the nt ti actions lesemblec' u Cosmopolitan population, and such it was as there weie excursions fioni New Yoik, Phil adelphia, Willlamsport. Huirisburg, I'uffalo and Seranton. This city Fent a goo.! ciuotu, and tho delightful weath er supplanting the heavy lalns of the previous night, made tin- da tlnough uut a well spent one nnd the Centiul load, with the affable district agent, J. S. Sw Isher. could duplicate tho out ing of yesterday to their own advan tage, likewise the public. The huge ciowd reached their homes about S o'clock, and not nn nccldent ocemied to mar the pleouies of tho dav John II. Law, with their daughter, will spend the coming week with friends at Htemar. N.XJ. A laige numboi of ft lends witnessed the opening of a night blooming ceieus at the lipme of J H. La Harre on Del uwar avenue. Mr. and Mis. F. 11 niown will spend the next ten davs at Nlagaia Falls. Tho olllclals of the cltv and th' propel ty holders of Hroad street weie in Wllkes-Hane on Saturday and Judge Ilnlsey. who presided, heard what was to be said regarding tho In junction which was sened on the for mer, the letter not being satlstld with the pavement that the council was about to pave the avenue with and for which they would be compelled to pay two thlids of the rash. After the Judge henid the arguments of tho at torneys' hev reserved his decision until some time the piesent wetk. In the meantime the Injunctlor Is In foice. ' Mrs Small C. Hlehards. widow of Allan It. Hlehards. died at the home of hei daughter In Old Ten go on Satur day, and the funeral will take place today, with Intel ment In the Milwau kee cemetery. Professor J. J. Foley has letuined to Plttston, to welconio a handsome little stranger that arrived at his homo dur ing his absence. The funeral of tho late Esther Toti hlll occuired on Saturday morning and was one of the largest attended In this tlty in many months. A solemn high mass was colebiated by Hev. Qulnn.ui at St John's church, and the sermon following was a beautiful tilliuto to tho exemplar life which so sadly termin ated. The Interment was In the Mar ket street cemoteiy. The Jeffrles-Fltzslnimons contest will be seen at Music hall tomoirow and Wednesday ovonlngs, Clarence Kyte, who Is out on bail for burglary, was placed In the lockup gloriously full on Saturday night on a ehaige of tiylng to dispose of a lubber i oat that was the ptoperty of someone else The Ilrst spun of tho new bridge has been completed and an Idea of how the new structuie will look when finished can be Imagined. Piofessor Gentry nnd his train load of ponies, monkes nnd dogs were heie on Satuiday and they certainly gave the best show of Its kind ever exhibited In this tit v. The intelligence of these dumb biutes was a marvel, and the little ones and those older, for that matter, weie amused and Instructed. The parade was attractive and up-to-date. Tho West Plttston council has Just passed an oidlnnnce that will compel telcgiaph companies to pay a tax on every pole in tho boiough, while n tax will be levied on all traction cars. Tho money so assessed will be used as a special fund for tlie improvement of the stieets. The bottom of the sewer trench on Hroad stieet, In front of Ait Chop pelie's, dropped out of sight on Satur day and one of the heavy wagdns load ed with gialn of the Plttston Milling company went with it. It required six horses to pull it oul. The council Is seemingly In a peck of trouble over Its sewer system, and this, coupled with Injunctions upon thepavlngand mayor alty questions, they have the sympathy of all good citizens who will have noth ing to do with 'Plttston politics. Chief Laftus took a day off and went down with the people to mingle with the people estorday. He Is now post ed on the peanut ciop. and can tulk Pennsylvania uutcn at tlie rate of i mile a minute. Charles Kuptlon, who iesldes on Par sonage street, fell ilfty feet fioni a tiee at Hlveislde park yesteiday morning, landing on his bend and receiving In Juiles which In all piob.iblllty will pi nve fatal. He was conveyed to the hospital and upon examination It was found that his skull was crushed und It was necessary to remove several por tions, which penetrated to the brain The Best Remedy for Flux. Mr. John Mathlas. a well known stock denier of Pulaski. Ky., says "Af- ter suffetlng foi over a week with flux, nnd my physician having failed to ie Hove me, I was advised to tiy Cham boi Iain's Colic, Choleia and DIarihoea Hemedy, and have the pleusuie of stat ing that the half of one bottle cured me." For sale by all diugtflsts. Mat thews Hros., wholesale and ictall agents. LAKE SHERIDAN. Mr. und Mis. Clenigo Elselo an- en- teitalnlng friends from Scinnton. Mr. Thomas McGiilre was here Sun day In the Intel ests of a camping club. A paity of Hyde Pni Iters are spend ing; some time nt the Seumans cottage. The sweet pinging and mandolin banjo accompaniment Is veiy much ap preciated by the lake dwelleis. .Mr. and Mrs. Haker. of Nicholson, nnd Mr. lleit Warner and wife, of New Yoik, weie among Saturday's callers. Mr. John Glnader and -Mr. John Hughes spent Sunday at Mis. Harnes" cottage, "Hneedii Heat." Mr. and Mis. Will Hoyd and Mr. Hoyd's pal cuts are summering at the HoynohU cottuge. A camping party, consisting of Meters. Heniy Warner, Charles Vornoy and Wallace McKay, have spent a pleasant week heie. Their fishing catches aro worthy of mention. Miss Florenco Irving Is at "Uneedu Rest. Mr. Arthur Wein.schenk. of Now Yoik I city, Is spending his vacation with his wife nnd his parents on the Seranton shore. Mrs. Harder Is also a guest at the same cottage Mrs. Drowning and Miss Hartley, of New York, were callers heie on Friday, Misses Harnes and Zerlleigh and Messrs. Warner and Vornoy enjoyed the Wednesday night hop at Lake Wlnola. AVOCA. Saturdays Argus says "There arc main worthy young ludle3 In Avoca who have not the political Intluence or means to 'p'ui chase an appointment, and the report of the committee would Indicate that they may be tatriy ireac ed." This Is the flist time that our contemporary has ventured an opin ion and the essence of It truly repre sents the capacity of his ability. As to purchasing appointments, he must have proofs of such transactions, else ho would not be so indiscreet as to ex press himself so bluntly. His amor phous opinion Is neither friendly to the teacher nor to the committee of thrpe. The funeral of Patrick, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cnrdon of Hrownsvllle. took place yes teiday afternoon. Interment was made 'in St. Mary's cemetery. Miss Margaret Dixon Is visiting friends In Olyphant. The school boaul will meet this ev ening nnd make another iUtempt to appoint and assign positions to teach ers , Mlsr Kate fleardon, of Seranton, is spending a few days with friends In town. , . - Mr and Mis. H. C. Kellum und fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Ilasklns will return tomorrow ufter camping two wseks at Foiest Lake, Susiiuuhan- Aoca Conclave. I. O. H.. meets in legular session this evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Frue have re turned from their wedding tour nnd will reside In a handsomely furnished home on the West Side. Mis M J. noslev is recovering af ter a seiious Illness. Thomas Hums, e student at Lafay ette -"nllcge, occupied the pulpit of the Piesbyttilan church yesteiday In the absence of P.f D. T. Smythe. Mm. John Heap r-nd three cMldren aie spending a few days at tho Grimes lesldence In Rlnihurst Mm John Dougher and son Wllllnm, ot Old Forge, spent veteiday with Mr and Mis James Walsh, of Grove street. The hosr company has decided that their fair will be of a naval ehaiactoiv The booths will piosont a shlp'lko ap pearance nnd the assistants will weat military nppnrel Mrs. Mueklnw, of Pupont, Is general niannger. EXHIBITION OF ADVERTISING An Interesting and Apparently End- less Display of Ingenious Methods. From the London Slandurd Tho art ot advertising has attained to .such dherslty of method that an exhlbltlcn was Inevitable. At Nil gara Hall. estmlnlster. may b seen, during the next fortnight, a display of some of the means by which energetic nnd enterptlslng men keep th'ir busi nefs before the public. Tho medium which, as the catalogue frankly ac knowledges, "Is looked upon by most udvertlsers of sound views and oxp". ilence ns that which brings most gust to the mill" Is the newspaper. A col lection of Journals Is not m Itself an ovei powering attraction, yet It can be mad.' uteful when nr'-nnsd In topo. graphical divisions, im nt Nlaijura Hall, and supplemented with estlmato.s of the cost of advertising over n par fc?Epc c c c Z TT""!?"fciil5Tr inmiw i i mi iiMiiiii i - V N N. 'Ss---vsvU 'lTl2J111 lawi, ticular county or district. These com patutive tables for nwspapeifi, bill posting and house-to-house visitation show that the first Is not only tho most effective, but also the cheapest medium. Of the more phowy meth ods there Is a bewlldeilng vailety, ranging from paper knlckknacks to huge posters. Pictures liav been used for advertising ever since the art was known. Only In recent years, however, has plctoral advertisement nrrlved at any lellnement. Cheiet, Willetta. ana Mucha revolutionized the poster, und set an example which has banished many of those puerile monstior ties that once did service on the boai clings. How widely the new style differs from the old Is revealed by a glance around the artists' gallery. Here are .some striking specimens of eifectlve design and color. Of show cards, enamels and electric signs there Is an endless display Duteh, German nnd Fiench challenge our supremacy In there depaitmentn, and have sent many attractive exhib its. The Dutch, for some reason, hav manifested especial Intel est In the suu 1ect and are lepresented by no fewer than ten firms. It Is satisfactory, how ever, to note tint Hrltish dims n-e unsui passed by any of these foreign competitors. Tlie brightness, novelty and artistic finish about much of the woik In this department should appeal to many who nie not dltectly concern ed In the art which it Is intended to servo. The electtlc sign Is one of the latest addltlcns to the mechanism of advertising. How effective It can be made at nnv rate, In winter Is seen in the Central Hall, wheie Is a dazzling nuav of colors and of plctuies llluni irntwl liv a contrivance that lesem- bles the metallic web of a music box or the cnidboaid pattern in a Jaoqunrd loom Examples are given of vlndmv dressing. In which there is evidently abundant opportunlt for uniting the plctoral ait with the material whos" uses aie to be Impiessed upon tl pub lic mind. Anvng other objects deserv lug attention are those Illustrating methods that may be employed vllh advantage In railway stations and on tinmcais untie mnlbusps. it will be seen from this brief survey oi me cinema of Niagara Fall that the erhlbltlon, is likely to h of Interest as well ns w, r lieto all who make use of public advertisements. In their business or pursuits The Grandest Summer Trip. "The Highlands of Ontiulo." situated north of tho city of Ten onto, Canada, holds foith to the tourist and pleasure-seeker unlimited charms as a sum mer pla-giound and health giving re soit. 1.000 feet ubovo sea level. Easy of access, good hotel accommodation Fine boating, bathing, llshlug and limiting. Perfect Immunity from hay fever. Henutlful lakes and ilveis with unexcelled steamboat service and mugnlllcent scenery. Wilte to Mr. F P. Dwyer. eastern passenger agent, nrand Trunk Hallway System, Dun Hullding. 200 Ilroadway, New York, foi handsome descriptive publications pro fusely lllustiuted and which aie sent fiee. Mention this paper. Boston's Largest European Mall. Kl urn the lloxton Tninficrlpt When the Dominion line xtenmshlp t'an iida Hnllcd for OucciiHtuwn and l.hcr pool, Kebruury to, he carried the larKuat Kiiroiiciin mall iui ent out fioni this port. Nearly three carloads cumu cm trom New York, and thc-Tc weie cIkIUj Backs finm this city. The total amuunt wuh 1,371 Backs, behiB a portion of the mall which Bhciuld have sonc on the White Star liner Germanic from New York. A shipment, compi trine nearly !im) sacks, hi rlvcH after the Btuamcr had left her dock, and uiih coneed to tho Canada llnir oft IJoston llBht by a tug. Inland tNti.5CRAN10N. J SPECIAL THROUGH CARS TO TtotI SEASMORU. Dally (Ecopt bunday ) Via - CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY Leave Seranton at 8 30 a m. far Lone Branch, Octan drove. Asbury Park, Uclmir, Spring Lake, Sea dirt, &c. Returning. Icnvo Point Pleasant at 11.3? a. m. ; Spring Lake, 11.11 a. m.; Belmar, ll.EG a. m : Asbury Park and Ocean Urove, 12.03 noon. Long Urnnch, 12.22 p. m Arrive at Sunnten ut 8 03 p. m. This will bo kept up for tl.o entlro season, especially for the accommodation of families as It will enable pnsscngers to secure and retain comfortable seats dur ing tho cntlie journey. To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. AddreBs,' THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore, Md. Arsenic Beauty Tablets and Pills This Complexion Treatment is a guaranteed specific, per fectly safe and sure in its ac- Wfc- ' I tion, for the removal of var , ious disorders of the skin. iz: worn Pimples, Blotches, Freckles, 'Sunburn, Discolorallons, Ecze wi ma, Ulackheads, Roughness, Redness, and re stores the Bloom of Youth to faded faces. Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 50c: 30 days' treatment, $1 .00 ; six boxes $5.00 with positive written guarantee to produce tbo above results or clieeifully refund K.00 paid. Sent by mail on receipt of price, Send for circular. Nervlln Aledkal Co., cilotoo&JiclcsoaSti. Sold by all Druggists Cblcajo, Illinois. Sold by McGarrah & Thom.ix, Drug gists,. 209 Lackawanna ave , Seranton, Pa. Ml The Best Washing Powder sviade me A mekrn - AJAXTAULCTS POSITIVELY CURC - i iTjt Impotency, bioei Ieino, etc., catrod W , I by Abuijo or other h icobscs and Inu't iJVy crotlon. Ttri tfuicJu anil $urety V restore ist Vitality in ola or young una vS. Mnxnaaforstuily, birlDftsor marrtcco- -$vaiI5 iront Inauulty an' Consumitlon if ?urir intiinn, Tbolrufo dhows ictmeJlnto fmprovo- mon' ind etlecta n ( UIn libera all othftr fall In eiit ton having tho cenulna AJnx ItMets. Tfcey hare curod thousands anl willcureyou. WjRlfe afr- itivo nr-itten cunruntM to o3ct a euro Hf f VQ in each cc. or refund tho money rrico wuw I Oipsr Tactcace, or nix (kpts (fall treatmontl for X2VQ. li-j 'nail, la plain wnipitr. nirfn rclptof prico, (rcutsr " AJAX REMEDY CO., Zggtfu' Tor sale In Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthews Eros, and 11 C Eanderccn. druggists. irygjiutltrfrom l'rir&t niicl. 1'rur. li.l. llll.l 1 .North t.illh ht.. rtlllsdcl. r")nhl. 1 lmUurnlM unnrm l Vicliwctlt t Htrlcture (so cuulnnl, ! 1 Ifl -fatTvCAIlMtthreilared 1'Utl CLUrKvd. llOUfl US, IT CI u w hun II 11 llturi ror loot itaaJtuf ana atnecrou, fuel dull 10 ) lo 1 W l'rroh cuo curd ! to I O dill. i 8a4 (or Boom leillmoliUll lu I IV I All frludl ciroul. Chlchetter'a KnsUih Diamond 11 rand. OrlnUal ond Oul Grnuloe. arc ; rUtU. laoic tik pruriui ror iAKAiir rnfin in moni Bran-I la ilea aud livid urtilllt twin nralad wllh blue rib too TaLa no olbrr,' Htuu titinaireu mbititu ' Hoii4ti J imitation AiUrBitliit ort14o la umfi for panInUn. uiUmonUU as4 "iiir iot i.aiiri.,"ifii(UF. vy mam MalL lo.O00Tmin.cuu trrt lhral trL nran trail? a.. Xfnd Iftou fiamr. Chle! Gold by all Local DruzKlita, 1'iHLAUA i'A. vs. F.vx.-savii ,s P &x V4 J9 A . ft m. "&z