The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 09, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    yi' iw vmif ' nm.)jitnw-'nji3wi fiwih mmm ,ijm r
- wtv fMnui 'stprir-
ampyi jhhmwii " n nmn
Mis. David Meredith Injmed at
Mountain Pari: Benjamin Lewis
Wins the Shooting Match Social
to Be Held This Evening in the
West Market Street Baptist Church.
Welsh Congiegational Chinch Pic
nic Today Othei Notes and Per
sonal Mention.
The funeral of the late Thomas
tus took place yesteidnj from the home
of his daughter, Mrs. John Hollerur.
of Williams street. At 10 oYlock a ro
ciulem mass was celobtated In the Holy
Jlosnry church by Ilev. J. V. Moylun
A large concouise of friends and leln
tlies were In attendance, as the death
of Mr I.oftus has caused much sor
row among his largo aciiualntunce.
Interment was made In the Cathedial
oemeteiy. The Rrundchlldron of the
deceased acted as pnll-beaiors. They
were I'dward and .lames Haggeity,
John, James, Owen and Mat tin Loftus.
Mis. David Meiedlth.of Hallou sheet,
met with a painful accident Monday.
The Accidental fund of the Storrs
mines tan .in exclusion to Mountain
Park, which Mrs Meredith attended,
mid while theie pot on a defective
piling, which bioke and jirecinltated
her to the ground with such violence
that her aim was broken. Ui. Domic
reduced the fr.icttue.
Yestenlav quite an evclllng shooting
match took rilace on the Marvlno
grounds. Messrs. lienjnmln LowiV and
David Kvans. two er.ick shots of this
nd, had a Hie blid shooting match for
n mirso of S10. which Mr. Lewis won
hy killing seven bltds out of seen Mi.
I'vatis killed the out of s,.ven.
This evening u social will be held at
the West Maiket Stieet Unptlst chinch
The social will be under the auspices
of the Hi'itlst Young People's Union
society and the voting people have
worked haul to make It what It prom
ises to be, a social as well as a finan
cial success. A huge number of tickets
hale been sold, and a eiy ideasant
evening Is anticipited bv those who
will hae the pood foittine to be pies
cnt The cotigiegatlon and Sunilii school
of the Welsh Congregational chinch,
West Maiket stieet. will picnic at Nay
Auk pail; todav. The cars will leave
the scjuaie at fl o'clock and will letuin
at 6 In the evening. Dm ins the dav
patriotic songs and hinns will be sung,
and a ery pleasant time is anticipated
by all.
Tomoirow the popular Young Men's
Pnine's Celery Compound 75c
Pinkhnm's Compound 70c
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis 75c
Mellon's Food 38c and 55c
I 01 S. Alain Avenus
Taffeta Ribbons,
best shading:.
Ribbon and Hosiery
Specials for Saturday
18c. Special Sale Price
Taffeta Ribbons,
leading shade or
wanting, regular value, 30c,
Special Sale Price
All our 5-inch fancy ribbons that
have sold at 25c and 40c a yard,
Saturday and
Special Sale
Ladies' fancy drop stitch lisle thread
hose. Tan shades only. Our popu
lar 50-cent.line, Special Sale A
Price ' Zlr
Ladies' fancy drop stitch hermsdorf
dyed hose, very line guage, another
30-cent line.
Globe Warehouse
I do not believe there
is a ense of dyspep
sia, Indigestion or
any stomach trouble
thnt cannot bo r
lievrd nt oneo and
permanently cured
At all druggists,
2,'c. n v!ul. Uuklo
to Health and medi
cal ndvlep free. 1505
Arch street, Phlla.
Institute society will run their third
nnnuiil excursion to Shnwaneso lake,
formerly Nat ley's lake Sluiwnnese
lake Is fortj three miles fimn Scran
ton and is one of the most beautiful
lakes In Peniisvlvnnln. The commit
tee has completed nn icilcnt pio
gramme of sports and Ramos for the
day. The train will leave the Cayuga
switch at 8 a, 111. sharp, and the
Scianton depot nt 8.1", a. m.
The CayiiRii and Utlsblu employes
leeched their monthly salniy ester
lilies Ketur.ih Jones and llessle
Plans retutneil yesterday nftor .1
week's visit with friends in the conn
trv The 7-monihs-old son of Mr. and
Mis D.ivld r.van, of MarRnret ne
nue, died yesteiday forenoon Th.?
funetal will take place today.
Miss Maud Watklns, of Plttston,
was the guest of friends on North
Jlaln avenue yctoidny.
Mi. and Mi. D S. Hulls and son,
Will, of Putnam stieet, uttendcil the
mairlngo of Miss IMith Rolls, of
Avoen. last evening
Miss Lizzie DoiiRhei ty, of l!ren
Uldgo tret, left esteulay for a few
weeks' lslt with filends at T vvandn
Mi '. James Armon Is critically 111
at her home on HVt Maiket tireot
The Misses Until end Am l'.iuy,
of Summit menu", nie the Riiests of
filends In Lenox.
A. P. Lewi- and family, of Holtis-
ter nvenue, have moved to Pittston, 1
when' they will peiinanentlv nside
.vuse ixcie iiemnareii, 01 ri i.i.v
loi, Is the RUest of Mr. and Mis.
James Thomas of I'elnn avenue.
Mi and Mis. P. J. Huane. of Prick
avenue, and Mls Maiv Oeitlt. of
West Maiket stieet. l"ft voi-teiduy to
spend ten clays at Atlantic Cit.
Mis James OailRan, of New Jeisey,
Is th guel of hei mothet. Mis. Alo.vles
lloyd, of AVen Maiket stieet.
Al lIeffron,aK''d .11 e.ii. died eMcr
d.n afteinon at the home of his mother,
Mr" Michael llclferon, 21J Linden stitit.
He Is Mirihed bv his motlici nnd a
biother and sltcr. (Jpoiro and Annie.
The. funer il will lie lit Id on Prlday morn
ing A high miss of lcouiem will bo
celcbiated In Si. I'etei s catluduil at 1
oiloik Intel incut will be made In the
Cathedral ci mi tui.
Aithur (iiikiiFi, aKcd 'I uiix "-on of
C .1 lllikiifi. died at his home (OS Lee
court. sirrdii) i be sirneis
will lie Ik Id at ""0 o clock l'lldij nftcr
noon fiom St Luke's church
cord edge, all the
Regular value t
cord edge, not a
color combination
Monday only,
NSpecial Sale
At Their Meeting Last Evening the
Memhera Waxed Warm and Said
Some Pertinent Things, hut Ac
complished Nothing Very Substan
tial Several Social Events in
Honor of Visitors Boxing Exhibi
tionsOther News Notes and Per
sonal Paragraphs of Interest.
The leport of the West Side board of
trade mcefliiR, which will be found In
the local depaitment of The Tribune,
l, "II enable the people of West Scran
ton to learn for themselves what Is
needed to Induce Industries to locals
In West Scranton nnd the position of
th limrbors reRaidlnR the purchase
of the Hound Woods for a public paik.
The boaid of hade meets month af
ter mouth and talks for seveial hours
at each mcetiiiR, but the iladuct le
malns yet to be built, the Industries
for the Keysar Vulley aie drifting
away f 10111 us, the Hound Woods is ns
fai from a city park an ever, and the
numberless recommendations made to
councils have been Ignored cntltely.
What Is the reason'' Manv of the
members of formei years aie abs -nt
from the meetings and the largest at
tendance for a long time turned out
last night to hear the talk on the pain
Misses Kdlth and Sadie Jones, of
South Main nvenue. entertained a num
ber of their friends at Nay Aug park
yesteiday afteinoon nnd evening In
honor of their Riiest, Miss Miles, of
Kingston. A veiy pleasant time was
had by all. Dancing was the feature
of the event At C o'clock the Misses
Jones sened supper.
Among those present weie the Misses
Mlle. Mniy Samuels, Hachel Williams,
Jennie Pi ice. Kdlth Jones, Rachel
Samuel ami Sadie Jones: Messrs. C
i:. Daniels, William Ilutton, James
Powell, D. J. Davis and Palmer Wil
liams. Mis Daild lteese, of Price street,
entot tallied a few friends Monday
eienlng in honor of her guests. Mi.
and Mis. Hugh Williams. All en
Joed an eienlng of pleasute. At a
seasonable hour dainty lands weio
Miss Mary Samuels, of Stons ave
nue, entei tallied iccently in honor of
Jliss Miles, of Kingston. Divcislons
Incident to such events were Indulged
In until a seasonable houi, when light
lefrcslmients weie served Those pie
sent weie Misses Hachel Williams, Jen
nie Pi Ice, IMIth Jones, Hachel Samuels
and Sadie Jones; Messis Charles ;.
Daniels Kt.inklln Jones, James Powell,
W. Ilutton and Janus Powell.
The Hainiony Athletic club will con
duct a tournament at C.olden's hall on
Kallioad menue tomoiiow evening
The pilnelpal bout of the evening will
be a ten-iounil contest between Wil
liam Mack, of I'aik Hill, and Michael
Campbell, of Pilco stieet.
The light will be for a pmse of ',')
andthe winner will iccelve SO per ceu
Sev91.1l other bouts will be pulled oft"
If the police do not interfeie.
The following olTlceis of the Allls
Mission chapter of the Lpworth leapue
weie Installed by Hev J H. Sweet last
evening. Piesldent. Thomas Staff
vlce-piesldents. Kdwnid Heagle; Eliza
beth Jenkins and Mrs Thomas Staff;
secretaiy, John Ord; tteisurer, Maggie
Moiton; tiustees, Thomas Staff, John
Ord and James Cliambeis.
MembeiH of the Simpson chapter as
sisted In the ceiemony and a short
pi ori amine of musical numbPis was
rendered. A good sized crowd wai pre
JHs. John Reynolds, of South Main
avenue, has returned from Ulngham
ton, X, Y., accompanied by her sister.
Mis. O J. Pickering, who will spend a
few weeks here,
Kred. Lines, of Rethlehem, Is the
guest of Chniles and Willis Sweet, of
North Hyde Patk avenue.
Mrs. S J. Storms and daughter Cora,
of South Main avenue, will leave to
morrow for theree a weeks' ilslt at
Aratat Summit.
Mis T. Davis and son Hayden, Mrs.
W. Denjamln and son Kdwaid, Mrs. n.
Washlnnn and daughter Llvu and Mt.
A. N Jenkins and chlldien, Wyles and
Reba, have returned fiom Lake Cham
plalu. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dawes have re
turned fiom an extended wedding tour,
spent along the banks of the Delaware
Miss Annlo Myles, of Kingston, is the
guest of Miss Ddlth Jones, of South
Main avenue.
Ilairlet, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Davis, of South Main ave
nue, died yesteiday. The funeral will
occur tomoiiow afteinoon at 2 SO
o'clock. Intel ment will bo made In
Washburn street cemetery
Mrs. J. Dails, of South ll.Un
avenue, nnd Mis. Daniel D. Davis and
son, of Jacknon stieet, have leturncd
from Atlantic City.
Mis. Arthur Iienoie and Mrs Joseph
15, Moigan, of South Main aionue. are
at Atlantic City.
Gtoige Ace, of Jackson stieet, Is vis
iting friends at Stioudshutg.
Mis. D. W. Dow ilck, of West Lacka
wanna avenue. Is summering In Sus
quehanna county.
Mis. John Walker and children,
Mlsses Grace Walker, Ploienco Glbbs,
lMia and Jessie lieckei are at Lake
Mis. A. A. Llndabuiy und daughters,
of South Main avenue, nre at Asbury
A biihlncs-s meeting of the Dpivoith
league of Simpson Methodist Episco
pal chinch will be held tomoriow even
ing An Ice ci earn social will bo held this
evening on the lawn In front of Frank
Gleason's icsldence on Fourteenth
street, under the illiectlon of Mis. John
called Graln-O It Is a delicious, nppctlz.
lug nourishing food dilnU to take tho
place, of coffee Hold b all grocers and
liked b) all who used It because when
properly piepired It tastes Hlto the finest
coffie but Is free from till Us lnjuiIoiiH
properties (Irnln-O aUU digestion and
strengthens the nerves. It Is not n stim
ulant but a health builder, and children,
as well us adults, can ililuk It with great
benefit. CoHts about i us much as cof.
fen 12 nnd Stic
Thomas' Sunday school class of tho
Jackson Street Uaptlst church.
Gwenette, the Infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. Williams, of Rock
street, died yesterday Tho funeral
will bo strictly piivato today. Inter
ment In Washburn street cemetery.
Tho H. Y P. I', of the Juckson Street
Uaptlst church held n regular meeting
last evening and transacted business
pertaining to tho society.
The Sabbath school of the Plymouth
Congregational church will picnic at
Nay Aug park tomoirow.
Services over the remains of the late
Martin Hoover will be held this morn
ing at 10 o'clock at Ileniy Flynn's
home on Price street. Hurlnl will be
made lit Chinchilla.
An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. David
G. Williams, nt Hellevue, wns burled
In Washburn street cemeteVy yester
day. Edwaid Richards, of North Filmore
avenue, had his ankle crushed while nt
woik In tho Mt. Pleasant mine on Mon
day, John Davis, of 1C2"! Price street, fell
from a fence on Monday afternoon and
fractured his arm.
Division No. 1, Ancient Order of HI
bernlans, will run nn excursion to Har
vey's lake next Saturday.
Funeral of Fred Dreyer Held Yes
terday Miss Mamie Watrouo Be
comes Mis. Thomas English.
Other Notes of Interest.
The funeral of the late Fred Dieyer,
who was killed on Satuiday by falling
from the roof of a building, wns held
The sei vices were held In the Metho
dist Episcopal chuich ut 2.30 o'clock
and weie conducted by the Rev. A. J.
Van Cleft, who was assisted by the
Rev. Mr. Stelnman, pastor of the Ger
man Presbyterian church of Peters
burg. Following the services Intel -ment
was made In Dunmore cemetery.
A very pietty wedding wns celebrated
In St. Mniy's church esteIday at high
noon by the Rev. Father Donlau. The
contracting panics wete Mr. Thomas
Enij!sh and JUfii Jlamie Wnitious.
both if Apple stieet The ceremony
was witnessed by a number of the
joung filends of the bride and groom.
Mr. and Mis. English left on the
evening tialn for the west, where they
will enjoy an extended wedding tour.
Upon their letuin they will reside qn
Apple street.
The Young People's Pi loudly Cluie
of St Maik's Episcopal church will
hold a lawn social at the home of Mr.
and .Mis. Nelson, comer of Hutler and
Fifth stieets, this evening. Piovldlng
the weather pioves agieenble an In
tel estlng programme will bo lendered.
A meetliiR of the LadKs' Aid con
nected with the Methodist Episcopal
chili oh will be held In the chinch pai
lois this afternoon at .'30 o'clock, when
a full attendance is deslied to tiansact
impoitant business.
Fair weather has been prophesied
for Aug. IS, when the Joint exclusion
ot the Junior Oulei I'nlted Ameilcan
Mechanics will be tun to Lake Ailel.
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, of Car
bondale, who have been the guests of
telatlves In this vicinity for seveial
elns, leturned homo osteiday.
Misses Grace nnd Nellie Foster, of
Oiange, X. J., aie the guests of their
cousin, Miss Blanche Jenkins, of Shei
wood nvonuo.
Mchms. Tiank Rllckens. of Chest
nut stieet. and Fled Filtz, ot North
Rl.ikely stieet, are enjoying their an
nual vacation at Crystal lake.
Robeit Fitzgeialel has returned to
his homo. In Plttsbutg. aftei a short
Iblt with West Di Inker street friends
A special school board meeting will
be held this evening.
The employes of the Pennsylvania
Coal compuny will be paid tomorrow.
Edgar Jones has moved to forth
Dlakelj stieet.
Reuben Dlerks, son of Chief of Police
Dierks, Is ill.
No. 5 mine ot tho Pennsylvania Coal
company will be Idle today.
The ceiemony uniting Miss Edith
Lenora, doughter of Mis. Sarah Rolls,
to John Frue, of the West Side, was
solemnized nt tho homo of the brlde'i
mother on Lincoln Hill lust evening.
At piecls.ely S.30 o'clock tho bridal par
ty entered the parlors and stood un
der a llnial hoise shoe in the veranda
that was converted Into a fairy dell
of palms and feins. Thebtlde wore a
dainty cieatlon of white lanFdown cut
entrain, with passementerie und lace
trimmings Her maid of honor, Mlbs
Floience Pruning, of Dunmore, woie
white oigandle with ribbon and lace
trimmings Hazel Pen ell, a niece of
of thcbrlde, acted as flower beaier.
The gloom wns waited upon by hla
The giocun
brother, Tii
ieoige. The ceremony was
performed by Rev R M. Pascoe ac
cording to the Methodist Episcopal lit
iial. After the wedding repast the
bridal couple left on the midnight train
to visit several points of Interest. On
their leturn tpoy will reside In a pret
tily furnished home on the West Side.
Mrs. Pi ue was formeily n clerk In
Jonas Long's Sons at Scranton The
groom Is an employe of the Lehigh
Valley load. The piesents were hand
some and costly nnd embraced neatly
nil the requisites of household pui
poses, A Polish wedding party en loute for
Plttston met with a miraculous escape
yesterday Peter Lacuta's t am and
baioucho In chatge of the driver while
ciosslng the Lehigh Valley railroad
were run down by an engine tunning
backward and drawing a gravel train.
The hoises were Instantly killed and
one of them was dragged several hun
ched yaids and the- enrcass strewn
about the tracks 'io the surprise ot
the spectatois the carriage remained
unlnjuied nnd the occupants suffeied
only a thorough shakliiH-up. The
driver olso escaped Injuiy.
Senator Vaughan, of Scranton. T C.
Mullallv, of Plains, and John DeVoy,
of Chicago, weie guests of the Michael
Davitt club last evening.
Walter Anderson has returned from
Statcn Island.
Mrs. Gllllck and duughters havo re
turned from Allentown.
R D. Landon Is spending a few elays
with filends In Susiiuehannu county.
Wages Will Be Advanced,
Philadelphia, Aug Tho 40i) workmen
of Btlnson IIioh , c.upct mumilnciuroi
havo received an ndviinco In their waecs
of .'. per c-t til The tit in has alxo nollllul
Its implocH that tholr pay will bo fur
ther Inci eased .1 per cent, beginning No
vember I. Tho workmen were i educed 10
per cent. Inst summer beeuilse of the ele
presslnn In business and tho present
movement Is In Iho lino of featuring the
pay to Its former babls,
Joseph Mikits Claims That Ho Made
an Unprovoked Assault on Him
Last Night Woelkeis Says That
Mlkus Staited tho Trouble by
Striking Him James Moian Held
lor Court on Cliaigo ot Assault
and Batteiy Other News Notes
and Personal Mention.
Constable Joseph Woelkeis, of tho
Eleventh wind, will bo nt tested this
morning on a warrant Issued by Al
deminn Kasson, of the central city,
which will charge him with aggravat
ed tiMMult and batteiy nnd attempting
to kill.
Joseph Mlkus, the Cedar nvenue
grocer, will appear ngnlnst Woelkers.
The trouble between the two men oc
cutred at 0 o'clock lost night. Here
Is the way Mr Mlkus relates the af
fair: "I nm executor of the Smith estate
situated In Neptune court. Fred
Wolfe, a brother-ln-luw to Joe Woel
kers, lives in one of the houses. Ho
Is behind In his payments of rent, and
iccently I ont him a. note noticing
him to' settle or get out.
"Tonight tho young daughter of
Wolfe came to my house and told me
thut her father wanted to see me le
guidlng the lent. I saw him nnd ar
ranged matters amlcnbly.
"When about to leave Woelkers
came out of a dark room and said to
me, 'What ate jou doing hero; trying
to collect a bill?' I said no, that I
was sent for. '
"Receiving my reply he pulled his
'blll' and denlt me n terrine blow on
the head and another on the right
shouldei. AVolfe then Interfered and
saved me from what I think was
death I staggered to my home, and
sent for Di Hit?, who elresed the
gush on inv head and the bruise on
my shoulder."
Constable Woelkeis when seen nt
Chi 1st I'lckus' lintel, gave his side of
the case. He says that he heard that
Mlkus has, foi some time, given ut
terance to manv dlspai aging remarks
against him and his family. Meeting
Mlkus nt his biother-ln-law's houe
last night he approached him nnd ask
ed for an explanation. Mlkus, he
states, admitted of what he was ac
cused of, and added that Woelker3
was a dead beat. The constable
warned him to guard his language
end to be moio disciect rcgareling
what he said
"Then he hit ine" p ild the consta
ble, "and I letuined the com il'ice'iit,
but when ho s.ivr I uueel my club on
him, he tells ou a lie."
"How do jou ai count for his bat
tel ed head"" was asked Woelkeis.
"Oh, I don't know, I will have to see
It tlibt," ho answetcd.
James Moiau, of Spiuks couit, was
nnalgned befoie Aldennan Ruddy last
night on n chaige of assault unil bat
teiy and housebreaking. Ills brother,
Patrick Moian, appealed against hltu
The defendant was held In ball for his
appearance In com t
At the South mill on Saturday, John
I. Roland, of Plttston avenue, had his
foot Injured by a bar of Iirth falling on
the member.
While enjoying a walk on the Iloule
vaid, Sunday afteinoon, William Young,
of Pittston avenue, was tun down by
a blejcle lldcr, lecciving several scalp
Chniles Delslng, Albert Westpfnhl
and George Wlith aie home after a
week's stay at Atlantic Cltj.
Mis. John Lynch, her daughter. Miss
Nellie Lynch, her son, Timothy Lynch,
and Miss Nellie Maloney have returned
home from a two weeks' stay In Nichol
son. Thomas Rafter, of living avenue. Is
seilously lib
Mrs. James M. Murray Is visiting her
daughter. Mis. Frank 0'IJilen, of New
York city.
Misses Nellie McDeimott, Cecilia
Gaffney, James McDeimott. Martin
Gaffney. all of Plttston, and Anna
Moran and P. J. Ring, of Ringhaiuton,
spent Sunday nt the home of William
Wasman, on Hlckoiy stieet.
W. I', tiolden nnd T. W Tlerney huve
leturned fiom Atlantic City.
Mioses Katie and Nellie Sullivan,
Katie Rattle, Anna Clark and Lizzie
Clare uie spending a week's vacation
at Lake Wlnola,
Mrs JV. Hudenbach, of Cedar ave
nue, left jesterdny for a tluee weeks'
stay In the count! y.
.Mrs. Mary Lewert. of Willow stieet,
Is confined to her home by Illness.
SIlss Anastasla Clifford, of Prospect
avenue, returned homo esterday from
a week's visit at Lake Ariel.
Pea Coal Delivered, S1.25,
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park. Address orders to C. D.
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. "Phone 6681
W. C. Reynolds and family, of New
Yoik tifet, have todav for a, month's
stay at Dlmmlck
Robeit Ward, of Hnngl's store, has
moved his family fiom Dunnioie to
Sandeibon avenue,
Sam Landau, of Cole's pharmiey, is
i ponding his vocation nt Atlnnttii City
Pientlss Hrown, ot New Voik city,
hns icturned homo after spending a
lew days with Sidney Rllhs.
duties Fowler, of t'npome avenue,
hot a valualle fox tenlcr je-aeiday
by getting run over by a stieet cur.
Joseph Hnngl haj on exhibition a
miniature Devvoy as ho will appear on
Ms ntrlvnl home
Take jour pieseilptlous to Mnnneis'
pharmacy to bn filled. Wo consider
our ability and goods above par. "
Charles llnirls, n O-year-ild boy,
of Penn avenue, was badlv hurt y-h-tcnlny
bv falling tindei the wheel
ot a farmer's wagon, on which ho
van ildlng In going over a mi tho
hov fell under the wheels, biulsliic;
both legs badly.
A single hoise ittach'-d to th"
butchei wagon of F (' Hamaid
nwny on Dlekum nveiiuo yesterday,
badly damaging the wngon and hurt
ing D. S Chinch, foi cman of the Grn
eral Phlnmy Hose company, who rtn
out und tiled to stop tho hois. He
grabbed the line next to him, but
Humbled and the hoi so struck him
with his linnfj. cutting his leg htdly.
The hoi so was finally stopped on Del
awni( street.
Manners' phaiiuncy Is tho only place
In Oipon Kldge wheie plain cienin
soda Is sold. Try It.
Women Who Faint.
It is a curious fact that the word
faint Is derived from a French word
meaning to pretend. The word feint,
meaning a deceptive movement, as by
the boxer or swordsman, has the same
derivation. So that In liucqnsctous
ness was merely ono who feigned Ill
ness, lint there Is no feigning In thnt
sudden failure of the vital power which
blanches the cheek, closes the eyes,
Seems to stop the breath and sends the
woman an Inert mass upon the counter
at which she Is shopping. Fainting
Is veiy real for the stlffeier who can
not go to ball or theater without this
liability to sudden unconsciousness,
mennclng her enjoyment and safety
Why do women faint? Women them
selves would In this ndvunced age of
progress be the first to deny the charge
of physical frailty. They run and tow,
they sulm nnd ride, they golf and
shoot side by side with men. And yet
they faint. You rarely hear of a man's
fainting. Such a thing Is so uncom
mon ns to partake of the nature ot u
phenomenon Why don't men faint '
Why can a weak fi.imed, undersized
man go through life without fainting,
when a splendid woman, a Diana for
beauty and coinage, must know the
humiliation of this sudden lapse of
consciousness? Theiels
to follow which will bilng us safely
out fiom the labyrinth of discussion.
Theie nie certain times when a wom
an Is more liable to faint than she is
at other times. And those times will
be found to be the times when tho
womanly nature and functions nie most
dominant. The conclusion Is It resis
tible. As a general pioposltlon a wo
man faints because the delicate organ"
by which she Is differentiated from
biother or husband aie affected by ells
ease. Woman Is creation's master
piece, the last and fairest work of the
Creatoi. To her aie given Jojs and
sonow which no man may know nnd
no man can share. To her also Is glv
ven a capacity for suffering beyond the
knowledge of men The great ciues
tlon is. To what extent Is this suffer
ing necessary Has woman been made
so finely only thnt she may know the
leilnement of suffeilng" The very
thought Is an outrage on Natuie. The
"new woman" will know nothing of
the suffeilng of the woman of the past
She will "run and not be weniv" She
will "walk and not faint" Let her
cut nwav at once and forever the
thought that she Is under Nature's
paitlcular ban and must suffer be
cause she is a woman Let her lele
gate that superstitutlon to the limbo
wheie all the old superstitions that
left her a slave have long been icle
gated. Let her believe that there is n
way to sound physical health which
those that seek will surelv llnd.
to escape the physical bondage of weak
ness is, to follow the guidance of other
women who havo found a way of es
cape from tho suffeilngs so long es
teemed Insepniable fiom the feminine
"For seven jeais I wns confined to
bed most of the time," wtltes Mrs. M.
P. Davis, of Honakei, Russell Co, Vn
"I had four doctois, and they said I
could not be cuied. I had ulceration
of womb and female weakness so I
could not stand on my feet but a short
time; had beailngdown sensation, pain
In the small of my back. My stomach
and bowels, also logs and feet, would
swell, and everything I ate huit me.
I could not sleep well, was so shot t of
bieath I could not He down at night;
had soieness nnd tenderness over
womb, tioubled with palpitation of
heart, and suffered with headache all
the time. I would get blind and have
fainting spells, had dark lings mound
my eyes and my eyes seemed bloodshot;
suffeied from painful menstruation .
could not He on my left side. I would
have numb spells, pains around my
heart every morning, my lungs huit
me a great deal and my shouldei s,
too.. I would spit up blood nt times,
memory wns pooi, hearing was bad,
hands and feet wete cold nil the time,
and I had chills and night-sweats.
After the doctois said I could not be
cuied I got hold of ono of Di. Pierce'
Memorandum Hooks and lead about
how he had cuied so many patients
afflicted like I was, so 1 thought his
medicine might help me. I wiote to
Dr. Pleice for ndilce, nnd he sent me
a veiy encouraging letter In reply, nd
visinr me to take his -Fuvotlte In
scription' and 'Golden Medical DIs
coveiy' and his 'Pleasant Pellets.' I
got two bottles and used these and felt
much better. I sent nnd got six bot
tles moie After I hud used four bot
tles I broke out all over In sores I
then quit taking the medicine and
wrote to Dr. Pierce, and he advised
me to still keep on taking his medi
cine 1 dbl so and soon found It to
be a great medicine, I can now woil;
all dav and not feel tiled at night I
can sleep all night and can eat any
thing I want at nn time I can walk
and go anvwhere I please. I teel bet
ter than I ever did Can do all kinds
of woik In the house and outdoors,
too. I am sony I did not take Di
Pleice's medicine when I 111 Ht began
to have poor health. I could have
saved what I paid to humbugs My
friends say that I do not look Uko the
same woman. When I commenced
your medicine I only weighed one mil
died pounds. Now I wciii ono hun-
-g -f'fK --1
dred and forty. I take gieat pleasure!
In recommending your remedies te
suffeilng women, I thank you a thou
and times for your good medicine and
your kind advice. I used four bottle
of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,
four of "Favorite Prescription nnJ
iwo vmis oi your 'rieusant l'oucis.'
The cure of Mrs Davis otters a fVili
example of what Dr Pierre's Favoilts
Prescription has done and Is doing to
make weak women strong. This Is
r.ot an exceptional case It Is not a
solltnrv case. In more than thirty
yeais of practice Dr R V Pierce, chlei
consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, ItuiTnlo,
N. Y. has treated and cured more than
half a million women Many of thes
I'xpeilenced yeius of stiffening. They
hnd siient large sums of money seek
lug a cine In vnln. Dortots gave them
up Yet Dr. Pleice's trentinciit cuied
them; made them happy wives ond
Joyful motheis.
some women write It Is wonderful
that such results should come to tlni
woninn who had given up all hope.
Rut fiom a medical point of view It
la not such a wondeiful thing that i
medicine pcifeeted In jenrs of experi
ence should do the one thing It was
made to do It seems wonderful when
the musk lun sits down at the plana
and bilngs forth hai monies undi earned
or It is piactlce which bilngs the per
fee Hon. Hundreds ot people can play
the piano, but only one hcte nnd theio
Is a master of the liistiument and that
one pel son lias given his life to tho
masteij of the piano. It's the samo
with the cuies wi ought by Dr.
Pleice and his gieat remedy for wo
men, "Favorite Piesciiptlon " There)
ate liundicdH who can prescribe for
women's ailments. Hut only one man
heie and theie can piescilbe with cer
tainty, and that one man has mndo
the cuie of woman's disease a life-long
study. Ho has made a life study of
the disease pecullnr to women, onel ho
treats those ellseases with a positivn
knowledge and ceitalnty which hi lug
success In almost eveiy eise Nlnetj
elght per cent of nil the women who
have been Heated b Dr. Pleice halo
been completely cuied.
Women who are suffering fiom weak
ening elialns, iiiegittaiit.v. inflamma
tion, ulceiatlon, beuijng-down pains
or headache, back ache, neiiousness
or other consequences of a deiangcd
condition of the delicate womnnlv or
gans, should begin at once the use ot
Dr. Pleice's F.uoiite Presr ilptloii In
the confident expectation of a lomplc'o
Sle k women are Inv I ted to c onsult Dr.
Pierce by letter, nb"olutel without
chaige or fee, and thus avoid the un
pleasant examinations, Indelicate ques
tions and offensive local tieatments so
obnoxious to womanly modest All
letteis nio held as strictly pilvate and
saciedly confidential and all answers
nie sent In plain, pilvate envelopes,
bearing no advertising or other pt lilt
ing unoii them. Addiess Dr R. V.
Pleice, Huffalo, N Y.
Theie Is no similar offer of fiee medi
cal advice which has behind It an In
stitution of national celebrity like the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute
of Huffalo, X. Y . where Di Pleice nnd
his nssoclute staff or neailv a score of
specialists nre engaged eveiv day In
the ear In the treatment and cure of
disease Theie is no similar offer hav -lng
behind It the ability gained by Dr,
Pieice In over thirty yea is of the suc
cessful treatment of the diseases pecu
liar to women.
Theie Is no alcohol in "Fnvorlte Pre
set Iptlon," neither does It contain any
opium, cocaine or other 11.11 colli' It
Is In the Hue st and fu'lest sense
III view of the fact that there have
been lecently published false foimulrs
of out remedies. In which alcohol nnd
opium aie named among tin mgie
dlents, WE OFFER $1,000 no
for each and evety bottle of Dr,
Pierce's Favorite I'iescilitlon and
"Golden Medical Discoid j ' whnh on
analysis shall show the pieseine ot
alcohol, opium, cocaine or nn other
We offer free to evciy woman Dr
Pleice's Common Sense M dl al Ad-.
v Isei on iceelpts of stamps to eh fr.ij
cost of mailing onl. This great work
on hygiene, medicine nnd biology is
moie comprehensive than nnv other
woik dealing with these vital subjects
The book eontalns l.OOS lurge pages
nnd over 700 Illustrations, nnd Is sent
bound In cloth or paper, as deslied
Send -1 one-cent stamps toi tin pup
ei -bound book, oi "I stumps for tho
cloth. Addiess Dr It V Pleice Huf
falo N Y
A.Ltrt2srioua JILstatca ratltna Mam
rjcl rJiIrnioteQcjtbbtij Icjtneni.eta . canned
.VI '' Abuso or other J icpBsen hnl Inu'v
xfj?x, crotlon. J ' nt vuicmu ttna at ,tjj
i-T frivlnt-rt rsist. if nllrf in idlnriinti -T
tKi tUiwn.mfuriMudr, bu Uis or marriajft,
si'reTat lii'aMty en Con a junction z
lut inticio. 1 heir i n tutors ln.modlata fmutois
men ind effects n ( (UlK il.ero nil rthcr i-tl Id
fitt joo ImTina tho cnulna Mnx T.ilttU, Tic
imocuroil thousands an i wlllcurojoi, V.otEoaLr2
itlTowr'tteniiuaiantto tOfiJottucuro ETfl T5 in
ench cc . or refund tho monj l'r lco wu U I Oi pir
taclcoBv, or Kit lcej (fall treatment! for fiu. My
rrUi. in plain trrareor. ttnnn icii tof rrl"o. rlrcDfaL
"" AJAX UEAlliDY CO., $': W'
For sale In Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthew j
Bros, und II C Sandcrrcn. druggists.
(Tfia IWI anliiwMnn
1 110 UDdl 0 Usult if TOU j. ff frrni I'r ia
ffrftil IMwmmA Kfl-ui Prof. t. TIM PI
fj y . luriH ninii - i I'llliautl
.07 innlu. I'u.. cirri u ()uirintr lu mrr
V)fl0wl,-SlrltlJfi"nt in l.tllior .
LiCV v-allh rfiiorfil. 1'irtiritUrv 4 llouri u 3
Jcr t Ay Mm ft IS .lurt firUiDguttiJthi fij Ungrout
J Bern! fur Sworn Uttlui ilili to I itook All 4ilsfiiol