THE SCRANTON TRIBUJNJ-MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1899. f INSURANCE CO'S AI?TEtt US. Itecomniendatlors foi Impiovements of Oi'r Flin riglitlng .Facilities. The Couch Intfuunc ag nu It- In ie Cijlpi of ictoinnundi-tlon fv th Itu provomcnt o tur fir Ii,litltip fuclli tits. The rmtlonai botuil Inspector '(i', recently he ani tvf r.r the t 8nt of ll) visit iiiy or ttucoinpanleii hy a hint that If not ncted iu-o.i ttir- In surance rate v.'lil go uo 1. Water plpp of sudlcpn' diameter Miauld ruplncc thp l-lnch iliametfr plpo now in Pouderlx road Ootdon nv enue. Scott and Fatxlew sttorta, llro hjdrants should he uttnrhcrt to the mains on the nboxc named avcnuci and streets. 2. One permanently emplovcyl drlv pr should haxe ihargo of the team of horses now at the Mitchell hos" rel station. 4. At leust 1,50(1 feet of additional flro hose should b' procured, to enable the firemen to change llnrs of ho9 after sorvlcp. C A hoso dtylne tower should be erected at each of the Columbia and Mitchell fire station1!, the hoso nt these stations Is In n neglected condition needing1 caie and drjlnp. 0 A tellable fire-alarm svstem should be lntioduced, with station In dicators, und ut least 20 signal street boxes; the system should be connected to flte-alarm bells with outomatlc striking nppaiatus 7 A hook and ladder truck, fully equipped with suitable length laddeis and other needed appliances, should be obtained and located In the business section. WILL BE SETTLED TONIGHT. The question of high school pilnclpal ship which hns been agitating the public for the past month will be set tled by the boaul nt its regular meet ing tonight. As Is well known Pio fessors Hockenbeiry and Do don me candidates, though they huxe not for mally npplied Those who haxe sent In wultten applications are- Oeoige W Andiew, giaduate of DUklnson and Union colleges and Mansfield state school, II C., Strouds burg, H II. Weber, Middletown, Pa , Jf.,K WhiUker. head of Latin depart ment Lock Haven, P.i ; II O Haupt, Warren, Pa , G. P. W. Mark, L D. Iltoadhead. Old Forge, It. N Mc'N'eal, Ilanisbuig, W. L. Hante, Berwick, Va., and Daniel Krles, Liberty, Pa. AID OF POLICE INVOKED. The Delaware and Hudson company has at last Invoked the aid of the po lice to rid the traveling public of a nuisance In the form of loafeis which hns been an annojanee for many mnnths mound the city station. The P'actire of bicycle tiding between the depot and tracks will also be stopped. .11 anj Insist they will be prosecuted If or ttcsCiiss. FROGHESSIVE HEARTS. It the ptogrrsslve heatts party giv en bj Mi and Mis. rim lei Perkins at the Hinnson ttsldeiu-e, Mib. George Mills won the hub's Hist prize and Jonn IJeese the gentleman's The af fa r was ghen In honor of MIs Heu bo i, of New Yoik eltj, who Is a guest o the home of Mt. und Mis Perkins. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs II n May and cblldten have returned front Wn mart. Wilson Geaiy has returned from At lantic t'lti K A. Collins, of Jermj n, has ac cepted a situation in the People's shoe stoie Mis J H Paul will leave tomorrow fot Duluth to lslt hei sister. ShP will travel vlu the gteat lakes She will remain In the west several weeks. Hex Ilzra T. Crawford, of Port Jer vls X Y, occupied the pulpit of the TSerean Baptist chinch yesteiday. Miss Minnie Dennis has teturned front a visit with Honcsdale ft lends. Mrs G Keane, of Lincoln ave nue, has leturned from Brooklyn, N. v. Mrs Geoige Meitlll, of Bethany, Is visiting friends In this eltv. Miss Cella Moses and Henry Singer, esq, of New York, and Henry Moses, of Scianton, spent Sunday nt the home of S Singer on South Main stiet. Mrs i:. T. Coiby. of Belmont stieet, is entoitainlng Mrs. P. S. Giaves. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Th" funeral of the late Andrew Cnr tci who died on Ttiday mornln? from lnjiitles leeelved the piev Ioum evening In the nichniondiln mine, tock place e-tetday atteinoon At 2 o'clock brief sen lees wete held nt the family residence on Second stieet, and at the conelublon hundieds of the fi lends nnd fellow workmen of the unfortu rmtp man looked for the last time on the faee . one who by Ills uptight life nnd tender disposition will live In theh metuotles fot many jeats to come Setvifs weie afterwards held In St James' Episcopal chinch, where TJpv c i:. Fi senden pleached an lin ptcsslve t-etroon from II Samuel, xK -St How long have I to live" The service was aftet wards concluded ut the giaveslde The membets of Itush ltrook lodge, f3G, Independent Older of Odd Pellows nnd Cijstal Tire oin panv attended In a body, as well ns a large number of hl fellow workmen from Klchtnondale, who also present ed the family with n handsome pillow ipon which wns the Inscription, "A i'ue friend ' mong the lloinl gifts was a wreath ftont the llremen. The allbeat eid were John If. Nicholson. ,1 homas Lont;, James G NlchoWon, IHbene7er Itenule, Joseph Sobey und VI1I Dunn. The flower benrets vtte- FMnrtin Mullarkej, Samuel Gilfllths. IWulter Coon. Hnrrv Piens nnd Thus. hamplon. Theie were a number of Mbltlni Odd Follows present, among whom weie. Robert Holland. John Iong John i: Bone, of Cambilan lodge No. GS Thomas Bojlan and Jasob Llndetman, John Beck, William W- Caihondalc, Henry Miers, Wil liam Beck. Mat tin Myets, John Otto. Jaeob Llnderman. John Beck William Callovay. of Archbald lodge, No IK, nnd VMIllam Canyon, of Gicen Itldge While the unices were being con ducted at the graveside nn aunt of deceased Mia Hannah Carter of Main fctreet, died The old lady, who was familiarly known as 'Auntie carter," Debility unci Its Coiupll. ctitlom, such u venkncsj, opxlcty, hopclcMnpu, deUltit i C! nprvA tnrnn nnjt iwntrnl .9(TI1 "lic torcver ny our cxclu. VVfi IL' fMll 6hc treatment, which wound l"5 yof'al 'V " aiwrmal. If not n t---?v' iuccess, return It nt our ex. sBr f"80 Bll(1 1uy Notiiiuif, x??miAj' Full aocnunt mnllr.1 KpnlrH t ... ' .T ". .... vw. .., lift rhnrp ERIE MEDIOAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. Wk WM was, with her late husband, one of tho fltst settlers In Jerrnyn, having come h"p over forly yearn ago. Her Iiub band sunk the tltst pick to look for cunt hero and helped to sink vvhnt Is now th Delaware nnd Hudson shaft. The old lady lion been lit poor health for sove.Ml months and her condition for the past week ban been such that hi e death was looked for. She wa-i born In Durham. England, sevvn'y-two yeuts ngo. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Ser vies will be In St Janter church, of which she hns nlwnyo been a faithful member Mlsh M Flynn. one of the Western Union compnnyV telegiaphlsts nt Wllkes-Barre, spent yesterday with Miss Addle Olcott. Wllllami fiihbs. of West Mayfleld. ppccts to sail for a trip to England on tho 1Mb. Misses Leola nennle. Ida OIlpo.Mnry Nicholson and Harry Smith and Wal ter Tennis spent yesterday at Camp Restless at Newton lake. Miss Mamie Maxwell has returned home from n visit with West Plttston friends. Mrs James Nicholson, Jr, of South Main street, wns tnken suddenly 111 yesterday nftetnoon. Mts. W. S. Badger and son, Preston, ore visiting friends In New York Btate. m TAYLOR NDWS. Reception Tendered by K. of M. Teachers Appointed Notice to the Public. The leeeptlon tendered by the In vincible commnndery, No. 212, Knights of Mnla. to Its member, Private David J Powell, who tecently letutned from Porto Blco, In their rooms In Reese's hall on Ftidny evening, was an elabor ate affair The address delivered by Private Powell was veiy amusing Clgats nnd tefrcshments weie served during the evening. Misses Coidella Owens nnd Maud Bvans visited friends In Hyde Park on the Sabbath The botough school board met In regular monthly session on Ftidny eveninc nnd transacted much linpoit nnt business. The appointments of teachers for the coming year wete as follows. Professor James 1 Toley, superintendent of the school; Miss Hnt tle Mackenzie, Miss Janet Inglls, Miss Maggie AVhltcford, i:dlth Van Busklik, Miss Hdlth Watklns, Susie Hauls, Bes sie James, Polly Davis, Jennie Nicho las, Maty Van Busklik. Llbblo Jones nnd Mr. S. J Phillips. The school teun v. Ill le-open on September -1 There will be an Ice cream and clam social held on the lawn of the Presby terian church on Friday evening. Aug ust 11, tinder the auspices of the joung men of the conget cation. All are cor dially invited. Professor nnd Mrs. M. J. Lloyd, of Prlcebuig, spent the Sabbath as the guests of Mr. and Mis. Robert Llew ellyn, of Union street The Reds' base ball club journeved to Honcsdale on Saturday and were defeated by n scoie of 11 to 1. A native of Macedonia gave a lec ture last evening In the Calvary Bap tist church on the customs and man net of living in that countiy. It was very Instructive as well ns amusing. Misses Mattie Harris nnd Rachel Gangwor visited relatives In Scranton 5 estei day Mr and Mrs. David S. Pi ice, of Clark's Summit, visited telatlves in this place yesterday. Miss Udtia Freeman, of Hjde Park, wns the guest of friends In this place yesterday. The employes of the Taylor, Pyne and Holden collietlcs will receive their pay todav. Emblem division, No, 57, Sons of Temperance, w ill meet this evening. Mr. and Mis William Morgans, of Providence, spent tho Sabbath with relatives here. MlssHva Apgar, of Hyde Park, vis itcd relatives In this place yesterday. NOTICE. The attention of the owners of cows, dogs and other animals, running nt largo within the limits of the borough, Is directed to the following ordinances: TITLE XI. Dogs. Section 1. "No dog or bitch shall bo netmitted to run at large within the limits of the boiough at any time with out a stinp or collar around Its neck with the owner's name thereon In plain letters, and ftont the 23th day of June to the 25th duy of September of each year without w earing a suitable wire muzzle." TITLE XII. Animals Running nt Largo. Section 1 "It shall not be lawful for any horse, mule, goat, sheep, swine, ffeese ot neat cattle to tun at latge within the limits of the borounh, and any animals so found tunning at latge shall be Immediately seized by the high constable or nny policeman and taken to the borough pound and therein con fined." I take this opportunity to warn those who peimlt their cows and dogs to tun at huge that the ordinances above re ferted to will be sttlctly enfoieed, and the high constable and police officers are heieby authored and dlieeted to Felze such nnlmnls tunning nt laige ami Impound them. Cows should be propetly corralled and dot's kennelled It is a burning shume that people al low their cows to wander through the stteets of the botough. thereby en abling them to destroy the fruit of their nclghbot's thrift and Industry. These animals demolish fences, destroy vegetables and shtubbery and cieato havoc generally. Look to your cows and dogs and thereby save costs J. E. Watklns, Burgess. DALTON. Mis. Shupp. of Plymouth, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. c Leacock. Miss May Wells, fotmerly of this place, now of Scranton. Is the guest of Mis James Bunnell. Miss Wells and Mr. Mumfoid made the tiip from Scranton on their wheels. Quite a number ftom town attended the delightful little Persian play given In local talent on tho spacious lawn of Jits Loulso Smith, nt Glenbum. Miss Fannie Di'ishlmer Is spending the week with Miss Hnttie Parsons In Sciamon. There 1st to bo a concet t In tho Bap tist church Tuesdaj night, Aug. 8 by Sctanton talent If you enjoy music be sute to hear It Mr William Lathrope. ot Whltella vtn, was tho guest of Miss Rose San too for a few davs this wppIs Messrs. Ulatk and Maurice Dean, to gether with some collego ft lends, nio enjoying a trip down tho Susquehun na front Blnghanitoit to Wllkes-Barre. Mrs. Joseph Mott Is entertaining her LETTER TO MH9. TINKHAM NO. 46,070 "I had female com plaints so bad that it caused me to have hysterical fits; have had as many as nine in one day. "Five bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me and it has been a year since I had an attack. firs. Edna Jackson, Pearl, La. If Sirs. Plnkham's Compound vv ill euro such severe cases ns tills surely It must be n great medicine Is tltero any sufferci1 foolish enough not to give it a trial? sister, Miss Elizabeth Bnnnull, of Hyde Park. Dr. Kelly, of Scranton, wns the guest of Miss Janet Dickson on Wednesday last. Very nenrly If note quite a hundred people went on the Methodist Sunday school picnic at Nuy Aug park Tuesday of this week. The duv was a peifect one for nn outing and all tepoit a most enjovoble lime. Mr. Arthur Blesecker, ot Newton, is spending Sunday with his Wjontlng chum, Mr. Wilson Dershlmer. ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. A Party Returning from a Funeral Held Up by Highwaymen Other Peckvlllo Notes. Messrs Jacob Rhoden and W. Block beiger, with their families attended a funeral at Madlsonvllle Frldny They occupied two rigs, otto liolngj driven by Mi. Blockbeiger, the other by William Scott. They passed thiough Sport Hill on the tetuin ttlp nbout 10 o'clock when, about a mile this side, several men jumped from the roadside and demanded hands up, and v ere about to enter the wagons to tob the occupant when the dtivers put whip to the horses nnd left that locality In a huity. One of tho men stood on the step and lode some dls tanie while ttylng to drag one ot tho paity fiom the wagon. At last he Jumped and disappeated In the untler biush that sklits the londway. The ladles ot the paity were tertoi-sttlck-en and when a stop was made and the thtee men of the paity docldpd to ic tinii and do battle with the would-be thieves thine was a commotion. The men, after a shott rpconnolsance, le entered the wagons and dtovo to this place. Seveml of the ladles fainted when the robbets flist made theli ap peatanee. The obsequies of the late Piofessor II. E. Baines was held yesttrdTy af ternoon at the Presbvterlan church. Rev. S. II. Moon olllclntlng. Inter ment wns made in Prospect cemetery. Miss Mnttha lit Ink. of Cuibonclale, is tho guest of Miss Helta Slmp'ln Mi Ira Jenklt's visited at Scranton esterday. Mi. John English .spent yesterday with Wllkes-Bntie fi lends. Mr. E. D. Huhn, who was Injured by bolng tun down bv a n.niwny horse, is resting easily and nr eaily leeoverv Is looked for. Mr nnd Mis. H B. Bnsgs, of Cnr bondnle. spent vesterdnv at the for mer's patents' home, Mr. and Mis. S. II. Urlggs, of Pleasant avenue. All uniformed members of the Wil son rite company ate requested to report In full unlfoim nt tho ho-e house promptly nt 7 o'clock this even ing, preparatoiy to attending the Ex celsior IIo-e company picnic at Oly phant. A full turn out Is deIicd W. J. Bioad, foreman. We have used Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy In our homo fot ninny jears and bear cheeiful testimony tp Its vnlue as a medicine which should be In eveiy fumllj In coughs and tolds we have found It to be efllcaclous and In croup nnd whooping cough In children we deem It indispensable. H P. Rlt ter, 4127 Fairfax avenue, St. Louis, Mo. ror sale by all druggists. Matthews Bros, wholesale and ictall agents. PRICEBURO. Mis Anna Schaffer. nn old nnd te spected tesldent, died at her home on Main stieet on Ftiday afternoon und was bulled yesterday afternoon. The Rev. J. ZUlemnnn conducted the ser vices ut the hoiiho at 2 o'clock, ntter which the remains weie tnken to the Ptimithe Methodist chut eh, wheie the builiil sei vices wete concluded by Rev. V. H Holdei Interment wns made In Dunmoie eemeteiy Deceased was 73 jears of age The Ladies' Aid society of the Pi 1ml tlve Methodist chut eh will hold an Ice e leant boelal this evening in the church basement. The South Side baso ball team de tented the Prlcebuig team jestetday ufternoon bv the scoio of 17 to 11 on Ptlcebuig gtounds. The Citizens' band will meet this evening for rehearsal In their tegular meeting place. Theiewlll be a meeting nt 7.30 o'clock tomorrow evening In Smith's Music hall, on Muin street, to discuss the wntet question All eltUens me to quested to attend Deafness Cannot Be Cuicd by local applications, as tlun uinnot reach the pottlon ut thu cm. 'i'liete Is'onlj one vu.j to elite deatnesg, und tlmt Is bv tcmtaitiitloiiil icmetllct. Di'iifncus is cauxed bv an iullainiU con dition of the inticoiiH linlni, of tho Eut tuchlun Tube When this tubo gets In flamed juu have a lumlillng sound or imperfect blaring, anil when tt Is entire Iv cloaod deufness Is thu result, nnd un less the Intlummallon can lie taken out and this lube restored to Its tioiiintl ton. elltlon. hearing will bo ilostioved rorovei, nlno eases out of ten ure enured by ca tanh, which Is nothing but nn Inflamed condition of tho tnucouB surfaces Wo will j,lvo One Hundred Dollats for tiny easo of Deafness icniibcd by ca tarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's L'u. tarrh Cure Send fot circulate, free. F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O Sold by Diugglsts, 75c. Hall's Family PJIIs uro the best, ji5W&S!rasa 0. The large tract of land known as "ORAM FARM," Am..n U..nnMftU 4- K. s-.lls-w.ri UDCT rfcAPftl rtvcuuc, uciccttiLCi lu uc ttincu vv ju, 1 -vrnv, to be opened up into streets, broad boulevards and flaps of ru F. Also at ft UtfX n FOREST CITY. John Wnteis, of Jerrnyn, spent Sat urday nnd Sunday vv ith relatives In town. Alfred Wateis visited In Jerrnyn on Saturday. Mr and Mis. Chnrlcs Mitchell, and Walter Isaac and sister Margaret, of Ptovldence, uie the guests of Mr. and Mis William VIz7ard of Vandllng. nnd Mr. and Mrs. William Jones of this place The Rev. Thomas Cook and Wllllim Williams, of Jermjn, has recently been the guests at the home of Mr. anil Mta. Oxondale of Vandllng Mrs. Burgess, of Olyphant, has been visiting at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Willis, of Vandllng. Last evening a beautiful and nppro pilate programme was rendered, un der the nusplces ot the Christian En deavor society at the Presbyterian church. THE PROGRAMME. Anthem "Grant, Wo Beseech Thee" J. S. Feares Double Quartette. Hjmn, ICO "Yield Not to Tempta tion Congregation Scripture Reading. Ptayer, Announcements, Collection. Anthem "I Will Extol Thee" C. E. Leslie Double Quartette. Endeavor topic Subject, "Drifting." Eph I'll James I, 1-8: Leader Samuel Jennings. Reading "The New Life Voyage" Mrs. LePoy Set Ipture Reading "Storms" Mark 10, 2S-30 John Movers. Anthem "Daughter of Zlon" F. D. Jacob Double Quartette. Reading "Shot e Marks" Mis. T J. Ree Sci Iptut e Reading "Drifting" Luke 15, 1 Eat I Bonhnm. Anthem "How Beautiful I'pon tho Mountains ..C. E. Leslie Double Quartette Recitation Melta Peterson Rending "I'ndei Cunents" Mis I. V. Smith Solo "Tho Holy City clumi Mis. K. C. Engan. Fcrlptuie Reading "The I'll if John 0, 10-V1 Elmer Morgan Solo "Bevond the Shadow" C . White Mis. William Vlzzatd. Reading Miss Lli-zlo Ebdon Sctlptuto Reading "The Anchoi" 1 Cor. 13, 10-JO Ralph Banngnr. Recitation Nellie Pelei sin Hmn "Thiow Out the Life Lne" Convegatlon Benediction. Each iiuinbet was tendeted In good style, especially tho anthems by tho double quartette. Tho solos bv Mes diimes Eagan and Vlzzuid weto ten deied In delightful style. John Cox, of Vnndling, In estei da) A forcible seinton, good singing, nnd a good eongiegutlon wete character istic In the Methodist Episcopal chinch yesteiday. Wo need a board of health in town. The odor that rises to one'a nosttlU is hotrlble No wonder that we have so much sickness CASTOR I A For Infants and Ciildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m$3k Inquire: C&M To Make Homes the pSot may be Sots at once at no In the Connefil Building, and Charles At the Traders' Building, the Office on the tract within a day or two. e Openin AVOCA. The bchool board w 111 meet this even ing and will piobably appoint the toacheis. The boiough council will alto meet In regular session. Tho Avoea Hoso company have Is sued Invitations to the ladles In town to attend a meeting in their rooms on Tuesday evening for the purpose of conducting nnd nrrnnglng for a fair to be held in the new silk mill as soon as completed Rev. nnd Mrs. A. J Welsley have re turned to their home in Tvione, Pa. Miss Maiy Burns nnd guest, Miss McCarthy, of Wllllamsport, are visit ing f 1 lends In Jerrnyn. Mi. and Mis E. E. Stlyder, Thomas Oiaham and sisters nnd guest. Miss Matilda Seifars, of Lehlgltton, spent Ftiday at Harvev's lake. Mts. James Clark and daughter, Anna, of Grove street, are visiting ft lends in iPittslleld, Conn. John Wedtlal Is spending a week with fi lends In Tunkhannock. Rev T. IE. Wilson Is visiting friends In Ohio His wife nnd son nre remain ing with her patents In Nantlcoke dur ing his absence. Robert Hughes, an employe nbout the Lungeliffe colllerv, sustained a broken aim on Ftiday afternoon, M1h Nellie Mangan has returned to her home In Lost Creek, after a month's visit at the lesldence of her aunt, Mts Edward Newlln. Lewis Druffner, of Wllllnmspoit, is being entertained at the Dtuffner lesl dence. Mrs. Mnrv Kellv and grand-child, Miss Nellie McMillan, of Philadelphia, aer visiting at the ScahlU lesldence. The funeral of John Blahovitz oe cuired on Satutday morning. Inter ment wns made In Duiyea cemeterv, denth w.n due to lnjiitles tee fixed il 1 m nt'.i ago, when he wns ns 1 d and to' bid while tiding on a i .."I ttaln Hex li ul miles ubove Caibon dalf. The next day he was found al most fiozen to death at the foot of an embankment He wns taken to the Lackawanna hospital and xuffeied the loss of one of his. feet Since he wns discharged he has been a eonstant suf feier until death rellex-ed him. Dutlng his stuy In the hospital It Is said that he Identified Shannon as one of his as sailants. MIes Batbara Dunn, of Hnzletou, hns letuined home, after a two weeks' xisit with Miss Jennie Newlln. MIh Vina Dunleuxy. of West dies tor. Is the guest of the -Misses Gibbons, of Mnln stieet. "CIRCl'MSTANCES ALTER CASES" In cases of dyspepsia, tiorxnusness. cntarrh, iheumntlsm, etuptlons, etc the clicumstunces may bo alteted by I putlfylng and emlching the blood with i Hoods Satsapaillla. Ti It HOOD'S PILLS headache. cine biliousness rick new inLroitD. Mr. and Mrs F. E Benjamin en tet talned Mr. Benjamin's sister, Miss Cattle Benjamin, of Binghamtnn, and Miss Irene Clements, over Sunday. Miss Florence Moore, of Scranton, spent Sunday with her aunt. Mrs A Van Cott. The Jll3ses Floience and Clata In detlled und Louise Pratt have return ed from Heart Luke, xxlteio they very plrnantly spent ten dns with a put ts f Hlnghumton oung people Miss Hlna Mooie leeently visited ft lends In Montrose A inttli smiko three feet In length wns killed lust Wodnosdav on the Hu den tiaet Just out of town, by Rich ard Alney and Mauilco Hand. Mts, Baldwin und Mrs. Phillips, of KTQk. Mk Wlfck H Mr Jl J W W g for the seen and prices given for the office of IQSq of Elmlrn, are visiting at the homo ot Mis Charles Jov. John Jay and wife nnd Everett Gar ratt and w Ife arc camping at East Lal-e The ladles of St. Maik's church will hold an Ice cream social on Wednes day evening, August !) on Mrs. Laura Badcer's lawn. Captain Sweet, of Harford, was In town last week. Mis J M ruller. of Scranton, Is vis iting friends In town. argams Bicycles at oiie-quarter of their original value, We have six wheels now on hand. They were pawned aud as the time has expired, we will sell them at very low prices. Call and See Them. Davidow Bros 227 Lackawanna hi, MOUNT PLEASANT COAL At Retail. Coal of tho best quality for elomc3tlo use und of all blzes Including Buckwheat nnd HItdBCje. delivered In any part ef thu city, ot tho lowext price Orileis teceU'cd nt the olllce, Conndl building Itoom S0G, telephone No 17(H or nt the mine, telephone No DM, will lm promptls attended to. Dealers supplkd nt tho mine T PLEASANT COAL CO The Best Washing Powder Arsenic Beauty Tablets and Pills This Complexion Treatment is a guaranteed specific per fectly safe and sure in its ac- t tton, for the removal of var ious disorders of the skin, viz DImhI.. Ill4l. I-!.!.- ' Sunburn, Dlscolorntlons, L'cze- ma, Ulackheadi, Roughness, Redness, nnd re stores tbs Uioom of Youtb (0 faded faces. Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 50c; 30 days' treatment, $1.00; sit boxes $5.00 with poiltlvo written guarantee to produco tlia abovo results or cheerfully refund Jj.oo paid Sect b mail ou receipt of price. Seud (or circular. Nervlta Medical Co., Cilaioo&Jicksoa Sti. Sold by all Druggists Cblcio, lllloolt. Sold by Mcdarrah & Thomus Dtitij gists,, 2e3 Luckuwanna ave., Scranton, Pu, Schlager, iircst Iliiii Si HLp Willi iBELL w& W&S. , .VI Tftimi" on North flain fy : l -i is UHJU ill Prices. L OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Rusl ncs3 and Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Lx tended According to 1$ ilanccs and Ucsponsibllity. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, Surplus, $200,000 425,000 WM. C0NNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlce.Pre.i. WILLIAM II. PFCK, Casbler The vault of this bank is pro tectcd by Holmes' Llectric Pro. tectlve System. SPECIAL THROUGH CARS TO THE bGASHORO. Dally (Kxcopt bunda) ) Via CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY Leave Scranton at ,ioa nt. for Long Itrandi, Oc:an Orove. Asbury I'arK, ISelmir, Spring Lake, Sea Ulrt, &c rtoturnlnrr leave Point Plonant nt 11 S9 a m SptinK Luke 11 11 a m . Hclniat. 11 So a m, ABliurx Tail; und Oecnn Gtovo 12 0' noun l.oiiB llrinch, 1.' 22 p. in Arrive nt Sninun nlSd'i 11 m 'lhH will hi kept up fut the entire season. i'Mn 1 t.illj foi tin unommodutlon 'if fmnlllps cih It will cnilili p.isst tiBCTH 10 Fecine nnd ritnln rotnfortable stats dui Inpr the entile Journci To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. M. II, l North MttU t. J'MladcI.r nit In, I'd , iclvriitUuirftnie lu ttty cut rifrvlJL Ktrictur noutilii I.Olt leor L LMralthrritorM J'arn enlrfd Houri 95 L lBAt A bl..B. Ol tl.nife flntf inllm mnt A atiffrtlll . Ti (in u m ii'uii u 'U mu iiu .. v..- v Itltunmii na angrou 1 uneat-jre HolOdkvi t y1 yv-r T T r T case Jill? 10 w W230 t- re nil rune , heoJ for bworo tcatlru IU1 n 1 Ikxik rrv IV3ADE WtE A tVlr3 AJAX TABLETS rOblTIVKLY CUUU li.Arrtou4 IHaeatta ! ailing Mem (jrImpoUiocr, ttlofj lassnuHV.cto.caasetl by Abufto or other Kxceites ana lnu c ret lont. TJtru autchty anil turctu raatora Irt itnUl? In old or yonntr. unJ - Ltauaaforttndri bueiuesaor marrtago, ii?lrPTiot Inttuttj bn Consumption It wkprinuuio lliolrnso saoifTS inmcdlato impioie pioa lad c fleets a ('UltG where all ctbor fail In 1st jon haling tho cnuine Jax lablete. They haTO cured tbotiBandi au4 nt 1 1 euro jo j. e pWo a pos iiito wr'neoKunrantoo iDeueciacuro cji rTV u oacuce or rotund the roonor, iwevvuiui por ckniru. , or six ikoea (full trvatcnonti for 1260. nan. In plain wrapper, npon rncMrtof prlco.t Irculae P re AJAX UlinlEDY CO., I'ltu'n.1-' ror p.ilo in Scrantcn, Fa., by Matthews Bros and II C Sanderrcn. druggists. Cilctit.ter'. I'stUih DUraond nronJ. 'ENNYR0YAL PILLS iirlrlnalaiid Only Genuine arc alwija rrtblt iadik aik 1 Uroglil tot tUtntt iialu Pin A monJBrjntin IIimI asJ b.iJummo wi iiun wita nine ribixxi. Take llant aud imtitiin ai lirtt .! ! Mm in uiii fir parttUr tuUmoot&li ' IMIef fbr I.odlea, n utur. sj rcUra itaif. ifi.nniT niMiiii' v ... mm W 4 V4n1 1 r in y& jo 177rChlhc4lrCheinlclt,o.tUillwBrI Bold b all Local Druutiti. 1'IUIAUJl., i'JZ