The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 05, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Bear Up Under (lie Depressing
Heat of Summer.
Miss Holliuid, the celebrated opera
singer, of England, In a iccent Inter
view, Mid:
"I don't think I could stand your
American nutntnont If It wasn't for
Pe-ru-nii. You know I sing In teper
tolre here, and It ts haul wotk, because
of the many rehearsals and the bother
of changes In the wardrobe And then
the strain of out-door singing which I
feared would Injure my voice, but I llnd
that, thanks to Pc-ru-na, my vocal
Mips Maud Holland
chords and throat keep In fine condi
tion You see for jourself how hot
the dressing loom In, and can Imagine
the change from this atmosphere to
the stage would cause sudden hoarse
ness I am sure that my good health
Is wonderful consldeiing all these ad
verse conditions, and I owo It nil to
Tho aboo letter was written after
Miss Holland had been In this coun
try but a few weeks. She came fresh
from laurels won abroad as Maid Ma
rlon In ltobln Hood, for seventy nights
at the Prince of Wales theatre.
When the mucous membranes becorne
flahbv nnd unhealtli It produces a con
dition of the body known as systemic
catarrh, l'e-ru-na la the only remedy
for this condition Its cures nrc prompt
and permanent.
People from Hu
ropc who, on ac
count of business,
have been obliged
to spend the sum
mer In the United
States, found Pe
ruana their main
r c 1 1 a n co. Mls
J.3UJ i;i 111 ll IVV.Lllk
letter to Dr. Hnrt-
man, said "Last Miss Johanna Soy
year I was veiy 111 er, Teacher In
and could barely Oakley Av School
attend to my du- Chicago, 111
tics In the school room After using
three bottles of Pc-ru-na I was com
pletely restored to mj usuiil health."
The American summers nre much
hotter than European summeis Peo
ple coming to this tountiy from Eu
rope In the summer llnd It almost Im
possible to stnnd the exigencies of our
climate. "Wo not onl hau hot weath
er, but It Is sultry Only people In the
very best of health find themehes
able to do much woik during tho heat
of the summer. With a clean, active
skin and healthy mucous membranes,
a person may ilefj the weather hot or
cold rrcqucnt bathing keeps the skin
as It should be. Pc-ru-na produces
healthv mucous membranes. Pe-rti-na
Is the only sjstcmlc catarrh lemedy
et devised There are no substitutes.
Insist upon having Pc-ru-na Send
foi fite hook of lectures on ill
written bj Dr Hartman Address The
Pe-ru-in Drug Manufacturing Co,
Columbus, Ohio
Itrmember that cholera morbus, cholera Infinitum, summer cotnplnlnt, bilious
colic, tlluri lifPit unddjhentery uro eiuiiiuid nil catarrh of tho bowel'. ( ntnrrli Is tliu
ontv correct inline for tlicic iilloi ttdii". Pc-ru-nii Is nn absolute NpcclfU for those ail
ments whlchii'cHoiointiion In summer. Ir. Ilnrttnnn, In it puirtlf e of over foitv
jenrs, not er lost n single usi of cholera lnfnutiim.tljsanterv, dlnrrhaii, or liolera
morbus, nnd his oulv r'ineilv nns I'e-ru-nn. fliose daslrlni; furttiei pnrtli ulnrs
Rbould send torn fieccopy of "Summer Cuiiiirli " Atldreis Ur llitrtmnn, Uluiiilu,u
Much speculation Is being Indulged In
regarding tho election of a principal
for the High school In case Profc-soi
Hockenbeny falls to get the neeessaiy
otes Monday night Thete Is more
than a probabllltj that Professor lit y
den will be the iholce He has taught
langunges In the school for a year and
although untried ns a principal his
scholarly attainments hae not been
overlooked. He has not made any writ
ten application for the position.
The teleohone business In this city
has outstilppod all expectations. There
are In use -NO 'phones nnd the Central
Pennsylvania Telephone company has
come to the conclusion that the busi
ness needs the motectlon of a bilck
building. Theio has been talk of elect
ing one to the leai of the IlatrNon
hotel, but a movement Is on foot which
may lesult In the erection of a hnnd
bome stiuctuio on Main street where
the pch inge Is now situated. R. A.
Kelly owns thp propeitj-
The annual camp meeting of the
Honesdale district will be held nt
Salem. August II to i.t This Is a, well
known giound nnd a delightful nlace
for a tamp meeting Tho annual Wyo
ming amp mtetlng will convene on
August 14 and continue for ten dn"),
and among the speakers will be Dr.
Sims, ex-chancellor of Syracuse unl
erslt P. J. Kane, of Philadel
phia S W. Hajes, of Ulnghamton;
Stephen Jay. of Ashley, and Dr. Grlllln,
the presiding elder
Iiman Kennedy, of South Canaan,
accompanied by his wife, infant child
and Miss Mary Maxwell, of Park
street, was driving down upper Wayne
street sesterday morning, as hen the
harness broke, lotting the wnson pole
fall. Tho horses became filghtoned,
ran away and overturned the vehicle.
All were Injured excepting the baby,
Mr. Kennedy sustained a contusion of
the hip, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Mat
well were painfully bruised.
Mrs. D. II. Coleman Is visiting In
Miss Blanche Varcoe, of Tamo,
Wayne county, Is visiting relatives In
this city.
Rev. Fiedorlck Ehlnger will leave
soon fo Ruffalo, X. Y., where he will
visit his ion.
Misses Nellie and Lizzie Newton, of
Aoca, arc guests here.
Mr and Mis. Charles Perkins enter
tained at a card party last evening In
honor of their guest, Miss Benson.
Alexander Copeland and family are
sojourning at Waymart.
Mrs S. S. Hinds, Mrs. D. W. Humph
rey, Mrs. V. Smith nnd Miss Resslo J.
Hards visited Peckvllle friends jester
day Mr. and Mrs. P. U. Dennis and daugh
ter, Gertrude, have leturned from At
lantic City.
Dr. Wheeler paid Vandllng a profes
sional -visit yesterday.
Miss Harriet Hutchlns, musical In
structor of tho Carbondalo public
schools, has gone to Hingham, Mass.,
to attend the Summer Music school.
A large number of pel sons from this
city attended the flag-raising of Dis
trict Attorney John It Jones at Crys
tal lake last evening.
A trolley patty made up of tho Jer
myn Methodist Sunday school, filling
seven cats; accompanied by the Citi
zens' band, passed through this ilty
last evening.
Mrs dussle Strong, of Wllkcs-Rnrre,
Is visiting friends In this city.
The people of Olyphant nre leaving
nothing undone to mnko the opening
of the new electric piik on Monday
next, a great succc- The Excelsior
Hose company have the arrangements
In charge of u hustling committee and
will endeavor to make it a dav to bo
lemcmbered by the people of this val
ley. A mammoth pivlllon is being
constiucted for thoso who enjoy the
pleasure of that delightful pastime,
dancing Tim music for the oc aslon
will be furnished b the populnr Law
rence band A meiry-go-round Is In
course of construction, which will be
propelled by an electric motor for tli3
enjojment of the joung folks nn'ii
children. A rare noveltv In this place
that many have never heard of Is the
"Electric Tree," which th" commit
tee have secured at a expense.
The tree w ill be in its brilliancy during
the evening nnd w 111 display wonder-
) ful fieaks of electiiclty. A veiy In
teresting exhibition to (lie companies
will be given at the pnik In the even
ing by llvnl chemical competitors.
Refreshments and steamed clams will
be sold, nnd eer thing will be done
to make It a day of plcauie to all
who may attend A free bus will meet
all trains nnd stieet cars for the ac
commodation of all who wish to wit
ness the grand opening of Electric
At Thursday night's meeting of the
council Domlnlck Howard, of Dunmore
street, was appointed Ilieinnn to suc
ceed William Patten, who has re sign
ed that position. Ills name was pie
sented by Mr. Gallagher Othei ap
plicants for the position were Wlllinm
Tlnslev and Mnitln Cunan After
the nominations were closed Council
man How aril brought up the point
that as the name of Domlnlck Howard
was the only nomination that wns
seconded, that he wns entitled to the
position. After a. shoit delnte Mr.
Howard carried his point and a vote
was taken on the applicant with the
lesult that he was chosen unanimous
ly. He wns directed to begin work
on the 7th lnst.
A party of toung people fiom thli
place went to Chapman's lake on
Thursday, where the day was delight
fully passed In rowing, dancing and
other amusements. A bountiful lunch
wns served Those who went were:
Misses Louise Rradlev, Grnie Lvnch,
Sadie O'Malley, Ettic Robin, Nellio
Gallagher, Anna Riadley. Jennie,
Vole, Maud McHugh. Nellie Tarroll,
Messrs. Leo Ljnch, John O'Hilen, Ed
ward Smith, Austin Lnch, Andrew
Tarrell, John Lawler, John Kearney,
Millie Lawler and Michael Sweeney
Mrs. John Brent, of Wllkes-Rarre,
who has been visiting Mrs. William
Mason, of Rlakely, has returned home.
Sen Ices nt tho usual time In tho
Congregational church tomorrow,
morning nnd evening. In the evening
the pastor will preach on "Individual
Rev. J R. Ellis will occupy the pul
pit In tho Rlakely Haptlst church to
morrow at 10 no n. m and 7 30 p m.
The subject for the evening prvlee Is
'Tho Mnivelous Man"
Mr and Mrs M. I McDonnell have
moved to Dunmoio
Mr. and Mrs. John Bloekbeiger and
Mr nnd Mrs Louis Illoekberger at
tended the funenl of i ndatlve at
Glenburn yesterday.
Mis John P.rlnk, nt Dunmore was
the guest of Miss Miy McNUol, Thurs
day Richard Nnllln of South Soianton,
was a -visitor In town yesterdn
Rlakely Haptlst church J. R. Kills
will preach tomorrow morning at 10 20.
Subject. "The Atonement. In the Light
of Human Reason and Expeilence."
Evening service at 7 30, subject, "The
Man clous Man," with special icfre
ence to somp modern denlers of Christ's
divinity. Eveijbody cordially invited.
Good Suggestion The Reds to Tlay
nt Honesdale Church Noten,
Thoco Is talk of purchasing the school
house woods, which nrn situated on
North Slain street, from the Lackn
wanna company for tho purpose of con
verting the sumo into a park, whero
picnics, open-nlr concerts, etc., could
bo held. This would be highly appi ecl
ated bv tho public, as a more appro
priate place for a town park could not
be selected In our botough limits.
Tho Reds, the home team, w III go to
Honesdale today, where they will play
tho semi-professional team of that
place. The boys aro confident of suc
cess, as they nre In good condition.
Tho team will make up ns follows. M.
J Glynn, cntchei , J. MotrK pitcher:
J Glynn, Hist base: Gendall, second
base; G. Morris, third base; Hayes,
shortstop; Shields, left field; Watklns,
center field, Stone, light field, K. G.
Wntklns, manager.
Services nt the Welsh Congregational
chut eh tomorrow will bo nt the usual
houis. Rev Thomas officiating.
Misses Gertrude Jones and Ljdla
Schulthles, of this place, are sojourn
ing nt Harvey's lake.
Miss Reiki Watt, of Wllkes-Rarro, Is
visiting relatives In Rendham.
Sei vices nt the Calvary Baptist
church tomorrow will bo held at tho
usual hours. In tho morning nt 10 30
o'clock the pastor will preach Sunday
school at 2 p m In tho evening nt 7
o'clock, Demetrlcus Vlshanoff, a Mace
donian nobleman, will give an nddiess.
Ills subject will be "Modern Mace
donia" He will appear In his native
costume. Seats are free, and nil aie
coidlally Invited
Misses Ella How ells, Kate Allison and
Maggie Pilce, of South Tavlor, will
leave today for a week's sojourn nt
Haivej's like.
SabLnth service at the Methodist
Episcopal church tomonow will be held
at the usual bonis. The pastor, Rev.
Gendnll, will preach nt both services.
Sabbath school at 2 15 p. m .
Ladles' lodge, No 113, Rati lotto Or
der of Ami'i leans, will conduct a Foclal
at their looms on Tuesday evening,
when Installation of oilleeis will bo
Rev. L R Foster will pi each at tho
usual hours In the Presbyterian church
tomoriovv Sunday school Immediate
ly after morning seivlcis
Professor and Mrs D E Jones and
Mrs.T It Price will leave today for
Glen Palls, N. Y, and other points of
Intel cht on the Hudson liver.
Tujlor lodge. No CCS, Independent
Order of Odd Follows, will meet In their
rooms this evening.
The emplojes of the Arthbnld col
Heiy of the Delawaie, Lackawanna
and Western company were paid for
July mouth jesterdav.
Rev J. M. Llojd, kite pastor of the
Welsh Baptist cliuich, will pieaeh to
moirow at the AVelsh Haptlst chinch
of Hde Paik. This will close his work
In this valley foi a short period.
Miss Susie Hairls Is sojourning at
Philadelphia and Roveisfoul, Pa.
Wilsons will attend in a body. As
many of tho Wilsons ns can are re
quested to meet at tho hose house at
3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Prof. II. K. Barnes, aged C7 years,
died at his homo on Hickory street at
G o'clock last evening. The funeral
will bo held tomorrow afternoon.
Short services will be held at the
house nt 3 o'clock and the regular ser
v Ices will take placo nt tho Presby
terian church at 3 30 o'clock. Inter
ment will be made In tlia Prospect
Mr. E. D. Huhn, pioprletor of tho
Harrison house, was run down by a
runawny horse esterday afternoon
and quite seriously Injured.
Pockvlllo Haptlst church Rev. J. S.
Thomns, pastor. Sunday services at
1U 30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morning sub
ject, "Docs Religion Demand Earnest
ness?" evening subject, "God's Namo
Written In Our Foreheads." Sabbath
school at 11.30 a. m. Alt are welcome.
Miss Susie Watklns has been visiting
fi lends in IIde Paik this week.
Dr. O. H. Rlcbaids, who has been
taking .1 week's vacation visiting Bal
timore and Nlngnia Falls, Is expected
home today.
Miss Cairlo Rroadhead, Mis. Charles
Rro.ulhead and daughtei, Dotothy, ate
lulling In Dalevllle.
Rev. Mr. Cody, of Plttston, was a
pleasant caller In town on Tuesday.
Sen Ices In tho Methodist Episcopal
ehuich tomoiovv as follows: Pleach
ing at 10 10 n in and 7. 10 p m by the
p.istot; class meeting at 1130 a. m:
Sunday school at 2 p. m ; Epwoith
league at C 4" p in. At the moiutng
service the Junloi League choir will
lead the singing, theie will bo bap
tism of ehlldien and reception of mem
bus Mis Wayman Dvmond has been vis
iting f i lends In town this week.
Miss Mame McCilndle, who has been
enjojlng her vacation, was called back
to her duties as postmlstiess by the
death of a lelatlve of her assistant,
Miss Gilllck.
The first party of the fiesli air ehll
dien will i etui n to New Yoik on Tues
d.ij. Their hosts will bo expected to
have them iend to take the 10 30 ear,
so that none may be left. As they
will be on the tinln at noon It will be
npptecl.ited If each child Is furnished
with a lunch.
A pleasant affair occuircd on
Thursday evening at "Hotel Pines,"
when a progressive eitchro party was
held. The most noticeable feature of
the evening was the elaborate dress
of tho guests. Mr. F. II. Connell was
master of ceremonies. Mr. Sllkman
having tho highest number of punch
es was declared tho winner of the first
prize, which was a very pretty match
safe. Tho booby piie wns awarded
to the Hon. H. Wheeler, of
Brooklyn, N. Y, After the nwnrdlng
of prizes refreshments were served.
Mr. A. F. Duffy, of Seranton, -visited
the "Pines" on Wednesday even
ing, where his sons, Stanley nnd
Frank, nre stopping.
Miss Nellie Currunlngs and Miss
Maignrot Joce, of Plttston, arrived at
the "Pines" yesterday.
The follow lug registered nt tho
"Pines" on Thursday E II. Horan,
Seranton, Pa ; A. D. Hnpgood, Ulng
hamton, N. Y ; Alice M. C. Biidgett,
Kathrjn E Pace, Carbondale, Frank
J. Leonard, E. Moses and wife, Seran
ton; C. D. Farrer, Dunmore; A. II.
Lockwood, New York; Helen F.
Hrown, Scrnnton.
A -very exciting game of base ball
was played hero on Monday between
the Honesdale nnd Plttston Reds,
which resulted In a victorv for the
latter bv a score of 7 to fi. Ratterles
Honesdale, Purk nnd Tracy; Pltts
ton, Martin and Touhlll.
Professor R. J. Bauer with his fam
ous band will bo at the park tomorrow
Mr. Stanley Newton, who Is able to
be about after a selgo of typhoid, Is
visiting relatives at Scott for a few
dais. The Wilsons aie in receipt of an In
vitation finm the Exedslor Hose enm
p.n of Olyphant to attend a picnic
to be held bj tho Excelsiois at Ele-c-tile
park, Monda evening, Aug. 7 Tho
Miss Hilts, of Seranton, Is the guest
of Miss Molllo Noack.
Mis. Iluntsln, of Stroudsburg, Is vis
iting her hi other, G. S. Brown.
Allan Phillips, of Sc ranton, Is spend
ing his vacation at tho home of H. G.
Frlschkoi n.
Mis, Van Gorder Is visiting In Peck
vllle. Mr and Mi Dan Hoinbaker and
famllv, of Scianton, were In town jps
terdav. John Slieltpile. of Oouldsboro, was a
caller In town Tluusday.
Mis. E. W. Davis and children, Flor
ence and Chailes of Elmhurst, spent
Thutsdny with the formei's parents,
Mi and Mrs Ch ules No.iek.
Miss Fiost leturned from Holllster
ville Wednesdai.
The f uncial of Mis. Chailes Noack,
of Jubilee, who died In the West Side
hospital, Seranton, was held jestcr
d.iy. A shoit seivice was held at the
home of her aunt, Mrs Moses Davis,
of this place, and continued at the
M.idisonvlllp church. Rev. Powell, of
tint chinch, olllclatlng.
Chailes Evans, of Scianton, called on
frknds In town Thutsday.
Mi. nnd Mis Charles Wardell. of
Oouldsboro, attended the funeral of
Mis Noack jesteidaj,
Mrs Hany Snjder, of Green Ridge,
returned home jesteiday after spend
ing n few days with relatives heie.
Mis. Hattle Dewltt, of Maple lake,
visited fi lends In town Thutbday.
The funeral of Bjion Cook, who
was accidentally shot las:t Tuesday
night, was held fiom the Methodist
Episcopal church Trlday afternoon.
Rev D. L. McDonald, from Windsor,
N. Y., gave tho funeral dicoutse.
George O'Brien, of Seranton, was
calling In town Friday.
An Ice cream social, tho benefits of
which went toward defraying tho ex
penses of Rev. John A. Davis's trip
to Northfleld, was held on the lawn
of A llllain Knoeller Friday evening.
Connors' full orchesti.c was in attend
ance and i endued selections.
Mis Walter Burton Is visiting
fi lends nut of town.
Trod D, Lamb, of Blnghnmton, spent
Wednesday evening In town
Wniron Pieston is entertaining his
cousin, Walter Preston fiom Dela
waie count, N Y,
About one month ngo my child,
which Is fifteen months old, had an at
tack of diarrhoea nccompanled by
vomiting I gavo It such remedies us
aro usually given In such casts, but as
nothing gave relief, we sent for a phy
sician and It was under his caie for a
week. At this time the child had been
sick for about ten las nnd was hav
ing about twenty-five operntlons of tho
bowels cveiy twelve liouis, nnd wo
ycre convln (hnt unless It soon ob
tained relief . ould not live Cham
berlain's Colic, Uholcta and Dlairhoea
Rpmedy was jecommended, nnd I de
cided to try It I sooiv tiotked a ihiinge
for the bettei; by Its continued use a
complete euro was bi ought about nnd
it Is now perfectly healthv. C. L.
Bogss, Stumptovtn, Ollmer Co., W. Vu,
For sale by all druggists Matthew
Bros., wholesale and mail aeents.
Jcsso Snxder and family, of Main
stieet, returned home on Friday, after
spending a week with lelatlves lit Dal
ton. Mis. James Logan Is confined to her
homo by Illness.
Storrs' mines will pay their employs
today, commencing at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Senator died at her home on
Main street nt 130 o'clock jesteiday
afternoon, nged 7.1 years. She Is sui
vlved by one son, William, and ono
dnughtei, Mis. Benjamin Hall
The Ladles' Aid society of tho Primi
tive Methodist church will picnic on
the Island near the Delawaie and Hud
son depot this afternoon and evening.
Ice ci earn, clams, etc , will bo for sale.
Tho proceeds will bo applied on the
parsonage debt Tho residents of Prlce
buig nio urged to go and help a worthy
cause. Prlcebuig dium and flfo band
has consented to be ptesent and lender
seveial selections.
The ball given under the uusplces of
tho Dickson drum corps on Thursday
evunlni In Folej's hall was a decided
c 'i
To any honest man who may
fry them a reasonable time.
If he is pleased with the result, he is to keep
nntl pay for them. If he is dissatisfied, he has
simply to return tho appliance and remainder
of medicine to us, and that ends the transac
tion without any expense whatsoever. There
is no CO.D. fraud, no deception of any nature.
Our treatment is so sure to give bodily
strength, to remove impediments to marriage,
to stop unhealthy losses, to bring natural
development and tone to every portion of
the body, and to restore to weak men tho
feelings and buoyancy of youth, that we glad
ly make this offer in good faith.
If you arc interested and in earnest, write
your name and address in the blank form
below, cut out the coupon and mail it to
Erio Medical Co., Buffalo, N, Y.
Sirs: An per statement iu Scrnnton Trlbuno you
mny mall to mo, under plain letter seal, postnt;oiialil,
full explanation of your new systom of ftirnisluiiK
jour Appliance, nnd roinedles to reliablo men on trial
untl nppiovnl without oxponso no payment to bo
mnl In ndviuico no cost of any kind unless treat
ment proves successful and entirely satisfactory. Also
mull sealed, froo, your now modi on I book for men.
Death of Androw Carter Meeting of
Borough Fathers School Board
News Band Concert nnd Other
Interesting Items.
Tho Injuries received by Andrew
Carter nt tho mines at Rlchmondale,
as mentioned In yestci day's Tribune,
were moro serious thnn nt first sup
Josed and resulted in his death at a
few minutes to 8 o'clock yesterday
morning, tho deceased never having
survived tho shock. Both of his legs
were fractured, ono nlmost being sev
ered from his body. He was 43 years
of ngo nnd is survived by a wife and
eight children. A sister, Mrs, Jessie
Avcrry, und a brother, Barnabas, of
Cemetery -street, and thrco other
brothcis In the west also survive him
Deceased was a steady and industri
ous man who stood high In the esteem
of his fellow townsmen and there nre
few men In any community whose
death Is so sincerely mourned. Tho
funeral will take place at 2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon, services In St
Jnmes' Episcopal church Tho mem
bers of Aurora lodge, Free nnd Ac
cepted Masons, and Rushbrook lodge
of Odd Fellows will attend In a body.
Tho borough council held their legu
lar monthly meeting lnst evening La
A. Green and Calvin Vail, a committee
of St. James' church, were present nnd
asked for a .special grade on Main
street, where they purpose to put down
a flag stone wnlk. Tho request was
granted. The committee on lire wore
nuthoiled to procure 300 feet of new
hoe. Council spent some time In dis
cussing tho condition of Cemetery
street, which has been left in a very
unsatisfactory condition by Lyman
Hoffecker, who recently opened tho
stieet to nut down a sewer. A num
ber of bills vveie lead nnd ordcitd paid
A communication was read from Bor
ough Attorney Timlin, nsktng for a
copy of the sidewalk oidinance which
he wished to examine carefully before
pioceedlng with the prosecution of tho
suit against J D. Stocker, which was
furnished. The attorney nlso com
plained that the attorneys emplojed
to nssist him in the case were usuip
lng Ids nuMiorlty. The dlscussslon
that followed showed that there was
a lack of co-operation between the
limbs of the law, and the borough
attorney demanded that council dis
continue tho services of ono of them,
which was ngrccd to by a vole of
four to seven Complaint was made
that tho flte alarm was out of repair
nt tho Aiteslan hose rooms nnd after
the pioper committee wns notified to
have the matter attended to the coun
cil adjourned.
Tho MnMleld band will give an open
air concert on the lawn of Mrs. M. M.
nlh, of Ma j Held, at 8 o'clock this
evening when the following pro
giamme will be given: Match, "Rival
Rovers," Alexander: medley over
ture, "Out for a Laik." DeWltl;
"Chimes of Normandv," Plannuetto:
waltzes, "Flovveis of the Forest,"
Hud, song and dance, "Ro-ev Cheeks,"
LauiPiidean; medley, ' Rage in lie
land," Beyer giotisiiue dance, "Down
Among the Niggers," Snyder; "Star
Spangled Benner "
The M.ayfleld school board held a
regular meeting Thuisdnv night. The
contract for supplies was awaided to
the Tomer company of New Yoik
Tax Collector Roe submitted nn ex
oneration list which was allow ed nnd
he then settled his duplicate for 1S&0.
It was decided to Introduce Rand &'s geogiaphles ore hundred
and fifty books will be put chased But
seven tenchcis weio liired for the
coming term which Is one less than
last eai. Thoe appointed were.
Anna S. McCaithy, Louisa Wnl'h, Ro
sanna Mulholland, James Cuff, Anna
G. Williams, Alice Dunn and Mary
O'Malley. Janus Cuff was elected
vice pilncipal.
Butcher Bunt, while distributing Ice
yesterdnv morning, had tho misfor
tune to let fall a heav y piece upon his
John Stephens, a boy residing in
Gardner's yaid, In Jumping off a fence
Thuisday, slightly upon a piece of
broken glns which cut him so severe
ly that tho services of a pnyslclan
to dress tho out
Tho children of tho Methodist Epis
copal Sunday tchool had a most en
Jojablo time at their outing In tho
woods jesterday afternoon. At 7
o'clock last night they were given a
trolley ilde to Simpson and eight cars
were ciowded with the youngsters.
The Delaware and Hudson collieiy
worked but a quarter of a day yes
terday on account of scarcity of cats
Rev. J. B Cook, pastor of tho
Methodist Episcopal church, will
preach at both services tomorrow.
bout thirty people from this bor
ough witnessed the flag raising cere
mony nt John R. Jones' new cottage,
'The Willows," at Costal lako yes
terday Matthew Giant, of Philadelphia, is
visiting lelatlves here.
Insurance Agent David B. Hill, of
Jerniyn, was In Rlihmondalu jestcr
d,u. Joseph Wateis and James Harris, of
Mayfleld, were berrjlng In Vandllng
Tuesdny last. While there Mr. Harris
was overcome by the Intense heat.
Owing to tho scai city of big cars, tho
Delawuro and Hudson collieiy of
Vandllng was Idle jesterday.
Miss Mary Helen Johns, of Vand
llng, who undeiwent an operation for
appendicitis on Saturday last, is slow
ly improving. Tho opeiatlon was per
foimed by Doctors Munn and Wheeler,
of Carbondale, and McGuIro, of Vand
llng. Dr. Knnpp has resumed business In
the II. W. Brown building.
Mrs. Thomas Llewelljn Jones, of
Stillwater, visited at the homo of Mis,
A. I. Morgan ilorgan yesterday.
The Christian Endeavor will hold
an Interesting meeting In the Presby
terian ihurch tomoriovv evening at 7 30
p m. A pleasing progtnmmo hfis been
carefully piepaiod.
John T. Loughney nnd Nelson Cole,
of Jermjn, recently visited at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little, of
Wairen tract.
David Lewis was taken suddenly 111
on Thursdny with summer complaint.
John Richard, the joung son of Mr.
nnd Mrs Richard Hughes, of tho War
ren tract, 13 -veiy sick.
Mis. Elvlia Evans, of tho West Side,
Seranton, died at her home on Thurs
day, aged 60 jears. She onl recently
attended the funeral of her brother,
Owen Rounds, of Unlondale. Mrs.
Kvans Is well known heio nnd her
death will bo a heavy blow to her
many ft lends.
A number of Cnibondalo oung poo
plo Journejed to Rlchmondalo on
Thuisday and weio piloted tluough the
daik (subtorruneun Trnpsages of tho
bowels of mother earth by Inside
Foreman Thomas W, Pmry. Tho par
ty afterward tipoku in tho highest
I House
k j
Mrs. Ada M. Herr, of 439 N
Charlotte St., Lancaster, I'd., suf
fered terribly from female disor
ders. Her nerves became un
strung, she endured intense paui
the slightest labor wearied her and
household duties became a burden.
Frequent fainting and dizzy spells
would come upon her arid she"
would fall prostrate in a swoon.
After trying several physicians
without success Mrs. Herr begati J
taking Dr. Williams' rhikf Pills, j-S
for Pale People. She savs :
" The pills brought immediate
relief, nnd after taking six boxes
I was cured. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People ha,d doue
what all previous treatment had',
failed to do." From the Exami
tier, Lancaster, Pa.
Dr. Wlllinmi' Pink Pill for Tfllf People tti
contain, in a conJfiiiJdiform, nil the tlrtt hftt
nifnts necessary 10 bitp new uiu n nw- n-
nfsi to the blood nna rciore sjiautrwi
nfrrei. Ihpy are an unfailing specific for
auok dUcniea oj locomotor ataxia, piirtUl
Turolvqin. fit. Vitus' danco. sciatic i. neural
gia, rheitmatlum, nerTOiis hondnche, the
after-offeota of the grip, palpitation of tli
heart, pale and sallow complexion?, anil all
forms of weakness either in tnaleorfcfnale,
Df William' Pink Pills for Palo Peopla aro never"
told by tho doien or hundred, but alwata In pack
agti, At all druggist, or direct from tha Or. Wil
liams Medlclna Company, Sc)tncUdf, N. Y., GO
eenti par box, 6 boias SZ.po.
Mme. Ruppert's Specifies I
A B0(W
TO All
Mme. Ruppert's World-Renowned Remedies
IIiim nrc llir plonecra of nil runiplrxlon iirrpnrutlnncliai Injc lccn
fiolil foi iiiiiii yi-nrs longer llinn nuy oilier. '1 licy nrr iird and rco
iiMinirnilc'il l (lie liml people, ami nliroa Jil cuuiplclc HiitUlur
llun. 'I lip nre the onlj crntilnr, nnlurnl Iteantlllrri, f on mini nn ncleii
lIHe principle. It ery thing- about them Iniplren roiillilenee. Abso
lute pi oof o( merit brm hern ultra iiniiiherlen time liy Mme. Itnp
pe (. other Speelnllct lilts ctrr clcii oeulnr dcmonatrutlonn.
Owlna to These Well-established Factn, We Give Mine. Kuppert'O
Remedies This Well. Uarncd Prominence.
a BOTTLI5 on
Madame Hupprt s I'aco Bleach Is not a new untried retuid) Its use assure ft
pprfrct roinplfxlon It lias been sold for 20 year lonper than any like preparation
.ind to day has a larger sile thau all these combined Wo are rweHing louataotly
supplies fresh from tho laboratorj of Madamo Ituppert No. 0 Ilabt lltu street, tiiirr
ork, and they ore pir excellence
Book "HOW TO BB BEnin-IPm." Prce.
Uery raller at this department will be glcn this unique FltnB It contalna
all those Ultle secrets of tho toilet so dar to i very woman's heart. We Give
below a Hat of some of Madame Ruppcrt s Toilet Ucquisite
Rupprt'a Our
f'rlce. Price
Huppcrt's Oolden
llalr Tonic elves new life
to and stops falling hair ...$1 00
Mme. Iluppcrt'a Wonder
ful Depilatory removes su
perfluous hair without In
jury to skin In 3 minutes . 1 00
Mine Huppcrt's Gray
Hair llettoratlvo 1 not a
de but returns gray hair
to its natural color . . .. "SO
Mme. Iluppert s I'earl
Knamel causes the skin lo
assume a girlish loveliness,
nnlnly for evening use . I 00
lime Huppcrt's Whlto
I!oe Face Powder, au ex
quisite powder SO
Uememhe.r, rre nlll aril n li.llle of
Ituppert'a Our
lTUc. Price.
Mme. Huppcrt's Almond
Oil Complexion Soap, a per
fect soap, a comblnitlon ol
almond oil and vix not a
boiled roap and contains no
lye 2J
Mme. Huppcrt's World
rknowned Kate lllcarli,
largo bottle, clears the skin
of iny divolor.itiou aud
beautifies the complexion
naturally COO
Mme Huppcrt's HfiTP
tlan llalm, a valuable sKIa
food, anl used In rounic
tioa with tliu llleacb re
moves wrinkles 100
jirnlso of the geniality of Mr, Parry.
This chaiactcrlstlc Is nature born In
Tliu company store at Rlchmondale
lias ahead j itcehed fiom ono farmer
this week nineteen tubs of dahy but
ter and seen of creamy butter.
Mis Owen Burdlck, of Rozelle, N. Y.,
who has been the pleasant lsltor nt
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John V.
Anderson, of Itlehmondale, has le
turned to her home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John P. Anderson, of
Itlt hniondale, accompanied by their
Btust, Mrs. Owen Uurdlck, of Rozelle,
X. J , visited at the homo of Mis. John
Ijlntrfelter, of Gilbert street, Carbon
dale, on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ciyley, late of
this town, have taken up their resi
dence at Rlchmondale.
A farewell reception was tendered to
Robeit Parry at the home itt his par
ents, Mr nnd Mrs Thomas Parrj, of
Rlchmondale, on Monday evenlns last,
pi lor to Ills lealng for a trip actoss
the ocean. Those present were the
Misses Josephine and Mjitlo Martin,
Coin Jones nnd Mamie Cawley, of
this place, Miss Gardner, Ulossburjr,
X. V., the Misses Mary Jane Reers,
Katie Scully, of VandlliiK, Rdward
Rom her, John Drlcoll, Poiest City;
Muster Thomas Reers, Vandllnp, Mr.
anil Mrs Frank Iott, Mr. and Mrs.
John V Andeison, Mr. and Mrs. DaId
Mortis and daughter. Mnrta Jane, Mr.
and Mrs Joseph Wall, Garileld and C.
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Knns,
John and Willie Iowls. Mr. and Mrs.
Veina Price, Mr. nnd Mrs. John MauR
han, Ren Lewis, Peter, Thomas W.,
Dnld, George and Kutle Pany, Rlch
mondnle, Rev. J. G Rans. Vandllnu,
Pa , Mr and Mis Charles Smith, Mrs.
James Merrltt, Ma) Held, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Nelser, Wan en tract, and Miss
Rdlth Rlchnidson, of Throop. Mr.
Puny was the leiiplent of many pres
ents, among them bolng a beautiful
gold ilng and watch charm. Refresh
ments weie served and a cood tlmo
obseiNOd. Mr. Parry left on Tuesday
for New Yoik, which place ho left, on
AltTiXtirxou Dlieas'b ailing Hem
cry, lmpoteocy, tiIeep!esaneui,eto. ciadi
by Abuma or other .FxcetuAd and Tnu'sl
cretloBH, I7iv qutthlu a tut aurorji
restore Lost VltftUtj la oMorycung.anll
St a maaforstuilj', bujicesior tnarrlagf5
1 raTtmt InsianltT ana Coneumntlnn if.
Utitp In timfl Tbftlro( shows immediate fmproTO
menf nA effect a (.UltH whore All nthar fall In.
pUt jon liaflac tbti cenulotj Ajti Tablets, TLty
have cured thousands ana wll I euro yon V o txirm n p
Bs sl
ltlrs wrttea eattrttntAQ tooffixt a cure rf) PTC la
each cc or refund the moner I'rice vw U I Oipar
rursapvi or six puses nun irvaimenti jor oj. lit
mall, in l lain wmj per upon recrij t of price ItrcnUs
aJax remedy co,, t'lBssra
Tor sale In Scrantcn, Pa., tjy Matthews
Bros, and 11 C. Sanderson, U-iggists.
Wednesday onJtheJst.iin.stln'tt Teutonic
of tho AVhlte Star lin lie will visit
Sunderland and other Dlaci a.
Deafness Carrot livCirrJa '
by local uppllcatioiis as tlie cannot
rtuch the titi-tai-xi v'oitluiv ot tho tar.
Theie 1a itilj' " i 5 i'enni dciifnuiw,
and that Is lv luiistitiitluiml .riuiit'illcu.
Dcnfngiw 1h i mud b hj Jbjjmeil con
dition 'of tin' niiuuiiH llnintf or tliu V.Ui
tlllllil.ll 'lulir. Wliui 1 lstulit grtg lll
llamed u have il iifmhlltnVt-nund or
Impci fu hciiinin', .md !.' iui in entire.
I tlosed iliafniis U t Titj, ami un
less the Intlununutlon i.ui bu tuktti out
nnd this tulii- r stored to Its normal con..
ditlon iKnrliiR vJU tv dn-tiojid foiour
nlno cns out of- ten n'n-'caudid by cu
tnrrh whUh Is n lkhlnif but aj inflamed
condition ofMlw nnd ais utfab
We will che uno Hundred Dollars for
any e,v-e uf I anvvj lU! "V w
tnrrhl 111 It itinnut be pimil -IrVjIull H Ca
tnnh fine Si ml foi ctmulnt-vfii c
r J riii.M YTc;o;', O,
Sold b TlriiprlsiM Te
Hull Pamlb Pills tn the beat.
Por Infants and Children.
The Knd You Havafesl&ougM
Boars tho