THIS SCIIATNTON T1UI5 UJNJir-THU USD A IV AUGUST 3, 1898. HOCKENBEKRY PETITION. Numerous petitions wcro circulated ycsti'i'duy In behalf of Prnf. II. .T. Hoclt enliorry, who will bo n candidate Mon day night for rcclectlon to the prln clpnlfOilp of tho high school. TIip prayers worn circulated at tho Instance of the Alumni association nnd htivo nlrendy boon subscribed to by hun dreds of the most Influential profes sional and business men nnd taxpayers of the city. IJy Monday night. Judging from pres ent Indications, list of several thous and names will have been prepared for submission to the board. Mayor Kllrratrlclc Is among tho signers. 'In view of tho little consideration given by the board to the petition regarding tho school addition, action on this ono will be awaited with much Interest. STEADY WORK UNTIL 1000. The erection of the iriO.000 ton coal storage plant for the Delaware and Hudson company nt Anthracite park Is a big undertaking. It Is estimated that the work, which Is now well un der way, will be completed before tho first of next yt-nr. With 150,000 tons of hard coal stored there tho name of Anthracite park will bo more lltting than It was while two columns of black diamond ornamented the en trance to the playground. A PLEASANT EVENING. George Colvln, of Cemetery street, was pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening by u number of friends. Mu sic, dancing and refreshments occu pied the time of the guests. Those present were Emma Davis, Alice Hrddcn, Mnggie Wntklns, Flor ence Jones, Cor.a I.ooinis, Kate Davis, Martha House, Sadie Watkins, Blanche Colvln, Mary and Anna Doyle; tho Messrs. Roy Hollenbeck, Paul Ressl ger, Charles Carr, Willie Price, John Wedcman, Leon Hlne, Willie Stephens, nnd Ophlo Ilengough, Willie Hobson and Arthur Tiffany, of Jormyn. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dr. Wheeler paid Peckvlllo a pro fessional visit yesterday. Mrs. M. O. Abbey and Miss Pearl Giles are sojourning at Atlantic City. Miss Margaret Morrison, who has been one of the Leader's most trust worthy employes, has resigned her situ ation. , Miss Hrldget McAndrew Is visiting In Wavmart. Miss Ollvo Wilcox Is visiting at Cry stal lake. Mrs. C. H. Smith, of Park street, Is entertaining Miss Udlth Dennis, of Bradford. Frank Jenkins, of Honesdale, called on Carbondalo friends yesterday. Mrs. McAvoy and children, of Sixth avenue, are visiting at Thompson. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. K. Kllpatrick and son, June, nre visiting Rev. K. Kllpat rick, of Cooperstown, X. Y. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. The new armature to replace the ono burned out has been received at the electric light plant and tho borough was illuminated again -last night after a week's dnrknus. Barney Unite, a local veteran, has received permission to enter the Sol diers' home at Hampton Itonds, Vir ginia lie will, however, defer entry until the yellow fever epidemic has passed away. Should the weather permit tho ladles of the Mugalne elub nnd a number of their friends have planned to spend: today at Purview. The borough council will hold a reg ular monthly meeting this evening. Several shareholders of tho Rush briok Wnter company Inform us that the five per cent dividend recently an nounced by the directors has failed to materialize. Miss Ta!or, of Greenfield, Is visit ing at the home of Thomas M. Davis, o' Seronil street. William Westlngton, Jr., of Rush brook street, is on tho sick list. A. P. Gebhardt, Homer Carey, esq., and Mr. Durfce, of Carbondale. wheel ed to Crystal lake yesterday. Quite a number of people fiom this borough are contemplating witnessing District Attorney Jones' Hag raising at Crystal lake tomorrow. Mrs. T. R Grllllths nnd children, of North Mnln street, nre visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ellas Evans, of Vnndiing. Th condition of Mrs. Bradford, who for some time has been sick nt tho hrme of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Swlck. of Main Htreet, has been quite critical the past few days nnd little hope is entertained of her recovery. W. W. Martin, of Philadelphia. Is visiting his brother-in-law, Michael Irving, of Third strei't. Th.- Ntw Orange, N. J., emigrants, like the Klondlkers, are gradually re turning Some others arc expected home on Saturday. FOREST CITY. Prayer meeting this evening in the Presbyterinn church. Subject, "Will ing Workers;" lender, Samuel J. Jen nings. Immediately after tho prayer meeting a business meeting of the Senior Endeavor will be held. All mem bers nre requested to attend, as busi ness of Importance will bo transacted. W. II. Ilntes Is having the exterior f his house. No. 17, corner of Itall road and Forest streets, beautified by A coat of paint. y William Brown, of Olyphnnt, called it the homes of several of his long itanding friends on Tuesday. Foreman and Mrs. V. L. Peterson ind sons. Ernest and Victor, nnd laughters, Meta and Nellie, will leave Something New! (Kj. ttikiCTHF Large package of the World's iieanser tor a nickel, still greater ccon my In 4 pound package. Alado only by THE N. K. PAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Doston, PhlUdclpbli tomorrow for a week or ten days' visit In Now York. Miss Charlotte Hcynolds will leavo today for a few days' visit with friends at Clifford, Lake Idlewlld and Welsh hill. Miss Kstcllc Kltlnm has becomo n strong nddltlon to tho doublo quartette of the Presbyterian church. Tho young lady possesses a beautiful alto voice. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Forrest, of Delaware street, nre rejoicing over tho arrival of a baby boy. Tho little stranger made his appearance on Sun day morning. Mine Host Martin Mutlch paid tho Pioneer city a visit Tuesday. Miss Eliza Gardner, of Blossburg, Is visiting Miss Cora Jones, of South Main street. Thomas Waters, of Clinton street, Vnndiing, visited relatives In town on Monday. Sidney Waters and Wllllo Rowe, of Jormyn, wheeled to town on Tuesday, visited relatives and returned homo in tho evening. We have had a largo number of vis itors In town since the recent fire. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mott nnd fam ily, of South Delaware street, visited In Vandllng on Sunday. Tho Presbyterian doublo quartette was entertained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John R Hughes, of Lacka wanna street, on Tuesday evening last. Several anthems wore sung, and a pleasant evening was spent. Lemonade and cake were served. Karl Bonham Is visiting relatives In Carbondale. TAYLOR NEWS. Knights of Malta to Honor Soldier Member Foreman Cooper Resigns. Other News of Interest. Great preparations have been made for tho reception on Friday evening to be tendered by tho Invincible eotn nmndery, No. 252, Knights of Malta, to their soldier member, Private David Howell, who recently returned from I'orto Ulco, where he seen active service. A grand time is anticipated as the committee In chnrge have suc ceeded in getting together an excel lent programme consisting of literary and musical selections. Private Pow ell will also give a talk on his experi ence In tho soldier's life, and also some other facts of Interest. Cigars and refreshments will bo served. Tho programme will appear In tomorrow's Tribune. All members arc requested to be present. John Cooper, outside foreman nt tho Taylor colliery of the Delaware, Lack awanna and Western company, re signed his position nt the above col liery on Tuesdny, Aug. 1. Mr. Mont gomery, of Wllkes-Barre, who held a similar position with the Pnrrlsh Coal company, has been chosen ns Mr. Cooper's successor. John Grllllths, the popul4T.' barber of Main street, left for Atlantic City yesterday for a few days' sojourn. District Deputy Mrs. Plppr-r and Mrs Williams, of Hyde Parle, visited the Pride of Lackawanna lodge, No. 1i, American Protestant Ladles' asso ciation on Tuesday evening. The electric storm which visited this town yesterday was the worst experi ence of the kind for some time. Hall stones of enormous size, together with n heavy rain compelled everything to remain at a stand still for a while. Joseph Fnlrclough, the popular shoe maker, Is inn sine a sore hnnd. Miss Martha Carey, of Old Forge borough, visited relatives here recent ly. Miss Annie McDonnld entertained a number of guests at her homo on Oak street, on Tuesday evening. A pleas ant time was had. Delicious refresh ments were served. This evening will occur tho mar riage of Miss Sadie Gangwer to Mr. David S. Harris, both of this place. Rev. Francis Gendall will conduct the marriage service. James Morris, jr., and James Maple son, are aspirants for tax collectors for the coming borough election. The William Tell Rifle club have consented to participate In the Rlfla range nt Lake Ariel on Aug. 22. The employes at the Archbald mine will recelvo their monthly earnings for July tomorrow. Taylor castle. No. 267, Knights of Pythias, will meet In their rooms this evening. Th Baptist Young People's union of the Calvary Baptist church have decided to postpone their meetings for August month. Mrs. James 13. Thompson, of Peck vllle, has returned homo after visiting her mother, Mrs. Evans, of Main street. Miss Edith Watkins, of Grove street, Is solournlng nt Harvey's lake. Lackawanna Valley council, No. 81, Junior Order I'nlted American Me chanics, will meet In their rooms this evening. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Aldrlch spent Sunday with the parents of the latter, Mr. and Mrs. Judson AVells. Willis Austin, of Newark. N. J., sur prised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Austin on Saturday night by his sud den appearance, and li now spending his week of cation with them. James Pentecast was the guest of his father, T. W. Pentecost, on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Hinckley, of Glenwood. were visitors nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mead the lat ter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer, of Benton, were the guests of the family of Clar ence C. Cook on Saturday last. Mrs. Edward Lutsoy and Mrs. M. H. Coon returned from a week's sojourn nt Ocean Groco on Wednesday evening last. A large picnic of the two Sabbath best ssiiiiiBih &0 ft n Si &&&& l SEXHiK? SW.8 i . reh-TC5iJ'""J IWasmaj WORLD FAMOUS jTCfl i iiaiiiuBM Mmwwinmr Body! Drain and Nerve Tonic To Overcome SUMMER COMPLAINTS ANIJ IIHAT PROSTRATION. ali. mumoiST. avoid humtitutei Portraits and endorsements sent postpaid. MARIANI & CO.. .o W. 15th St. New York. schools of this place are anticipating an enjoyable day In a visit to tho Nay Aug Park of our own Electric City, Scrnnton, on Thursday, nnd Is truly may be said that the "Methodists and tho Baptists nre Just going nlong" with their friends, Joseph Rlbble now occupies his re cently completed residence which pre sents a very fine uppcarancc. At n meeting of the olllclnl board of trustees and stewards of tho Methodist church, It was unanimously decided to make repairs to their church by put ting In steel celling, papering nnew tho side walls, making n placo for the choirs, nnd other minor changes nt once, nnd last but not least by laying a new carpet throughout. OLYPHANT. The 0-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly, of Grassy street, died yesterday morning nftcr a brief Illness. The funeral will bo held this nftcrnoon at 3 o'clock. In terment will bo made In St. Patrick's ceinoterv. Mr. nnd Mrs. Owilym Evans left this week for Plttston, where they will reside permanently. William Patton has resigned his pos ition in tho electric light plant. Miss Mary McCormack entertained a number of her young friends nt her home on Seventh street Tuesday even ing. Games, music nnd other diver sions helped to pass tho hours pleas antly until 10 o'clock, when light re freshments wore served. Miss Hnttle Matthews Is enjoying her vacation nt Susauehnnna. Tho following enjoyed a day's out ing at Nay Aug Falls yesterday: Mrs. II. B. Hammond, Misses Genevieve Hammond, Salllo Gray, Emily Jacoba, Jennie Mnson, May Gray, Cora Mat thews, Evelyn Davis and Jennie Gray. Miss Ella Swartz, of Carbondale, Is visiting friends at this place. J. II. Mahon has returned from a trip to Hawley and Port Jervls. Mrs. Jane Bevan, of Hyde Park, is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Jones. Mrs. Henry Dearie and daughter, Miss May Dearie, have returned home from a visit with relatives at Gllberts vllle, N. Y. Misses Tessie Nallln and) Lcyetto, Crossin. of Scrnnton, wero visitors In town Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Watkins, of Taylor, spent yesterday with relatives In Blakely. Miss Mary J. Hughes, who has been spending the past two weeks at As bury Park, has returned homo. Miss Dora Levy Is spending a few weeks nt Lake Ariel. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Watkins and Mrs. D. L. Jones left yesterday to spend ten days at Atlantic City. John McAndrew and son, Joseph McAndrew, nie visiting relatives In Paterson, N. J. Miss Netta Powell, of Plymouth, Is the guest of Miss Maggie F. Williams, of Susquehanna street. About one month ago my child, whleh Is fifteen months old, had nn nt tack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave It such remedies as are usually given In such cases, but ns nothing gave relief, wo sent for a phy sician nnd It was under his care for a week. At this time the child had been sick for about ten days nnd wns hav ing about twenty-five operations of the bowels every twelve hours, and we were convinced that unless it soon ob tained relief It would not live. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended, nnd I de cided to try It. I sooi noticed a change for the better; by Its continued use a complete cure was brought about and It Is now perfectly healthy. C. L. Boggs, Stumptown, Gilmer Co., W. Vn, For sale by all druggists. Matthew Bros., wholesale and retull agents. TTJNKHANNOCK. The Republican county convention for tho nomination of candidates for the various county ofllces to bo filled this fall, will be held on Monday, Aug ust U, next. The primaries for thy election of delegates will be held nt tho various polling places on the Saturday previous. Tho various candidates for tho different ofllces are engaged in making a canvass of tho county, us, under tho party rules, the nomlnat'on Is determined by the popular vote. The contests for some of tho ofllces prom ises to be exciting. John S. Turn, of Scranton, was In Tunkhannock on Tuesday. Asa II. Frear, of Lake Wlnoln, can didate for tho Republican nomination for county commissioner, was In town on Wednesday. The Wyoming county pension exam ining board, consisting of Drs. D. W. Sturdevnnt, of Laeeyvllle; Dr. J. A. Heller, of Factoryvllle. and Dr. F. J. Bardwell, of this place, met at tho Packer house on Wednesday afternoon. Triton Hose company hold a regular meeting on Tuesday evening nnd trans acted routine business. Henry Harding, esq., has returned from a week's stay In Philadelphia. 1 11 Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tho dUcttpcd portion of the car. There Is only ono wuy to euro deafness, and that Is hv constitutional remedies. Deafness Irf caused by an Inllamed con dition of tho mucous lining of tho Eua tnchlnn Tube. When thlb tubo gets in flamed you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, nnd when It Is entire ly closed denfness Is tho result, and un less tho Inflammation can be taken out and this tubo restored to Its normal con. dltlon, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine casts out of ten nro caused by ca tarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso of Deafness (caused by en. tnrrhj thnt cannot bo cured by Hull's Ca. tarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. P. J. CUBNEV & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DrUKglsts, 73e Hall's Family Pills are tho best. Very Fine. "Pino morning, your worship," affably remarked tho man who had been arrested iho night boforo for bclne drunk and disorderly. "Ycb, Indeed," responded the justice, "quite a flno morning la fact, a JIO tine morning," Black and White. He Wns There. "Seen my boy, Tommy, anywhere, Mrs, Rook?" "Well, no, I hain't seen Mm, but there's a fight nt tho other end of tho street."--lack and Whlto. PITTSTON NEWS. Struck Dead by Lightning Tho. Street Commissioner Explains, What the Storm Did About tho City An Important Fishing Trip. All the Latest Local News in and About tho City. At noon yesterday a severe thunder storm passed over this city nnd wns particularly severe In tho tipper end and In Hughestown borough, In tho latter placo an old building was struck by lightning, but tho rnln which came down In torrents qurnched the blaze before It had an opportunity to do much damage. Severn! trees which have stood the storms of years were blown down nnd many of the fruit trees wcro stripped of their crops, while gardens wero totally destroyed, fp nn Everhnrt's Island a plcnlo was In full bloom, but tho suddenness of the storm caught tho merry-makers before they could reach shelter and they wero thoroughly drenched nnd the pleasures of the day abruptly end ed. In tho city some of the cntch bas ins could not accommodate tho volume of water that rushed down Mnln street from the Intersecting streets on the Enst Side nnd the whole whlto winged fraternity had a busy time of It for tho balance of tho day In removing the de bris from these receptacles. The as phalt was treated to tho best clean ing It has received In many a day and most of the rubbish and filth In the al leys that escaped the notice of the health officer was washed Into tho sew ers. The funeral of tho youngest child of A. J. Hughes, whoso death occurred on Monday night, took plnco yester day afternoon nnd the remains were Interred In tho Market street ceme tery. In conversation with Street Commis sioner Carroll last evening The Tri bune man was Informed- how It comes nbout thnt the portion of Main street between Parsonage street and tho Le high Valley crossing Is unpaved with asphalt and in its present horrible condition. This Is on account of the report of viewers appointed by tho court In making their appraisement of damaces In favor of tho property holders at tho bend of the road. The amount wns fnr In excess of what the council wished to appropriate for the Improvement and hence tho matter has been allowed to remain In statu quo. For Instnnce, the owners of the old pottery building were allowed J4.000, where one-fourth of that amount would have been a good figure. Tho amount granted to Patterson & Com pany was about on tho same ratio and the viewers favored a large al lowance to tho Newton Coal company for the old ramshackle trestle that spans the street, where Instead the company should be paying the city for tho trestle's existence. Be this as It may, there Is no excuse for the city allowing this portion of our only thor oughfare being In Its present condi tion. The contractors who tore up tho street when the sewer was laid should havo been compelled to place It In tho same condition as It was before this work was commenced. Portions of the street where tho excavations were mnde sunk a foot or more In some places below the grade, while the cob ble stones nre moved about by tho general traffic and the entire stretch of the roadway between tho two points mentioned Is both unsightly and dan gerous. How tho council overlooked this matter when they inspected the streets of tho city Is ono of tho con undrums that periodically come to the surface. It Is certainly the business of tho street commissioner to do some thing to nbate the present nuisance Since the days of the old Thistle band, tho residents of this city have missed tho regular open-air concerts that were given by that excellent musi cal organization. We have one band yet, but it is seldom that It Is seen upon our streets, and then only when they are. on their way out of town to fill an engagement. This fact should not be. Wo have more musicians In this city than wo have ever had before, and there Is no excuse to offer why we should not have one of the best musi cal organizations In the state. It is hoped that before long that some capa ble artist will select from thti;nany a number sufllclently large to give us a first-class band, and that the people will then support It. John F. Boyle and sister, Helen, are among other Plttstonlans who are spending the week In Atlantic City. A largo number of West Side resi dents nre summering at tho Wyoming camp ground, distant about five miles from this city. Many have erected cot tages on the grounds, nnd tho place which only a decade ago was a wilder ness is now quite a village, with sev eral hundred population, with nil tho advantages and accommodations of nny well regulated town. Mnny of our business men, who have removed their families to this healthy resort, come over each morning nnd return after business hours on bicycles and the 'bti3 from the Wyoming depot. The funeral of Mrs. Connery, sister of Peter Burke, who died on Tuesday last, will occur this nftcrnoon. During the storm yesterday after noon the lightning struck a house In the rear of Dooner's hotel, on the back road between this city and Avoca, and wrecked it. but did not set It on fire. Even tho furniture and crockery wero shattered to pieces, making tho prom ises 11 total loss. Fortunately, there was no one nt homo when tho storm camo up. An electric bolt also struck the west side of the Lehigh bridge at Coxton and traveled along tho entire length of tho structure, but without doing any material damage. The trol ley cars running between here nnd Wllkes-Barro experienced considerable difficulty, as the fuses In severul of tho cars were burned out. At C o'clock another storm, accom panied with hailstones of considerable size, arrived, but no damage Is re ported. The Caledonian club cleared $170 at their last annual games on Evcrhart's Island, which Is a matter of much en couragement to the society, ns this year they tried tho experiment of chnrglng no admission. At Hurvey's lako tho following nre registered at the Oneonta: R. J. Lang ford nnd family, George A. Cooper, Jo seph Hllcman. J. R. Krhct, J. W. Thomas, C. C. King and J. Ashen hrandt. At tho Rhoades house: Will iam Williams, Miss Minnie Howell, J. Horsford's Add Phosphate Reaches forma of Indlseotlon that no I other medlolno seams to touch, Genuine bean name Uorstord's on wrapper. US Midsummer 3 . We have nearly reached the end of our most successful season. Left-overs are not popular at our store. In order to clean up our stock we have determined upon a big reduction in prices. The goods we offer are all of this season's and of fine quality. Dress Goods. All 50c Light Summer Goods for... 25c All 7jc and $1.00 Light Summer Goods for 48c 50c Black Figured Mohairs 29c Black Crepons, 95c to $3.50 SiFks. Large assortment Dark and Light Fancy Taffeta Silks, 75c quality.. 49c Black Brocade Taffeta Silks, real 95c goods, for 68c Fancy Silks for Waists, high grade, in single patteens, no two alike: $1.25 and $1.50 goodsfor 95c $1.00 goods for 75c f Cloak Department. 5 Wishing to close out every garment 35 in this department we have reduced X Prices nearly one-half. Now is the time g to buy, 3 Tailor Suits, Ladies' Waists, S Jackets, Duck Skirts. 3 Separate Skirts, Pique Skirts, Linen Skirts, Special Bargain In Gent's Soft and Laundered Dress Shirts All 75c and $1.00 Shirts for 39 Cents. MEARS &. HAGEN 415 and 417 Lackawanna Avenue. Harry Bryilen, Itay Hosworth, Stanley I.cGrand, It. M. Hughes and A. T, Le Grand. Tho above are from this city. TIip employes of the Hallstead mine received their monthly pay yesterday, but tho amount will not make much of an Iminesslon, ns the mine was shut down most of the time on account of the strike. Lew Hachman nnd Krnest Hoffman, who wero fishing In the vicinity of Kails, yesterday, had a thrilling ex perience on the Susquehanna when the storm arrived. They were In the middle of the stream, and the wind up set their craft and tumbled both of them and nil of their paraphernalia Into the water. They discarded every thing nnd struck out for tho shore, which they reached with much dlfll culty. David E. Lewis, of Ardmore, Mo., and a resident here twenty-three years ago. Is visiting the scenes of his boy hood days, as the guest of his cousin, Benjamin J. Kvans, A Living Torture, Attendant This patient Imagines ho Is at n comlo opera all tho time. Visitor You havo hlin pretty well tied up. Attendant Oh, yes! If ho got looso ho would kill himself. Judge. Left Behind. "I havo a good mind to tenew my ef forts to annoy people who publish car toons!" exclulmed tho ambitious legislator. "What's tho trouble now?" Inquired his colleague. "They're showing partiality. It lias been at least two weeks since any of them have promulgated my portrait." Wash ing Star, CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Siunaturhof Ctyff&i Wash Goods. Dimities, all new styles. 10c goods, for 6Jc Lawns, all new styles, 10c goods, for 6Jc Dimities, best Scotch, 25c goods, for 12&c Dress Ginghams, checks and stripes, for 5c Piques, light figured, zyic and 1 jc goods, for 7Jc Zephyr Ginghams, yards, 1 jc goods, for 10c Scotch Ginghams, best high grade .15c Silk Cordaway Ginghams, 50c goods, for 25c Piques, all fancy striped and fig ured, 50c goods, for 25c Skirting Crashes, bourette stripe and broken checks,2scgoods,for.. 1 5c Skirting Linen Color Crash 5c White Goods. Lawns large assortment of open lace and lawn stripes at 10c Piques, fine cord, at 10c Piques, extra heavy, wide welt 19c Piques, very heavy and soft, 35c goods, at 25c Notions. Genuine Seal Leather Belts, joc goods, for 19c White Kid Belts, covered buckle... 15c White Pique Puff Ties 5c Ladies' Linen Collar, odd styles 2c Ladies' Fine Muslin Night Dresses 58c garments, 30c 88c garments, 69c 75c garments, 59c $1.00 garments, 75c $1.25 garments, 95c. Torchon Laces, all widths 4Jc Embroideries, large selection 6c Coverts, good light weight 25c Coverts, pink, blue and ecru white..50c Literal Truths. Flnnlasy (In tho ditch) 01 wouldn't lower mi'sllf t' sclnnu wld ycz." Killclmu (begrimed with coal) An' Ol wouldn't dirty mo hands on th' lolkcs av you. Life. His Bent. Mrs. Flint (suspiciously) "Have you no bent for nnythlng? Seldum Fedd (at the door) Yos, ma'am ; I'm a contortionist by perfession. Judge. El J AlITA ArsenicBoauty LLH V I B H Tablets and Pills I his Complexion Treatment is a guaranteed specific, per fectly safe and sure in its ac- j lion, for the removal of var- ,.,ious disorders of tho skin, viz: '.Pimples, Ulolchcs, Freckles, Sunburn, Discoloration!. Ccie ma, Blackheads, Roughness, Redness, and re stores the llloora of Youth to faded faces. Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 00c; 30 days' treatment, $1.00; six boxes $5,00 with positive written guarantee to produce tba abovs results or cheerfully refund K.oo paid. Sant by mail on receipt of price. Send for circular. Nervlln Aledlcal Co., cilctoa & Jackioa sn. Sold by all Druggists Ctlcijo, llilogij. Bold by McOnrrnh & Thomas, Drug gists,, !M Lacknwanna uve Scranton, l'a. I If 11.1. J ind unfiirtunAtff autfrmt from nililblDll!r,Tatdlirtci, lilood 1'ul.onJ I omarui r.rror, Loit unity arieocric, r to, cn-i for Sworn Tcatiianiituta tad I Wick Truih; lo i'rof. 1. TIIKIJ. M. !., nurui riim n, i anuutinuiui I ik. I'otlliTtlr iri on It iwUUit la ttio MiLei to our (rto Ihuinh th noil ralehritM im' Ulhti falle-t. l'reih cuti ured iu 4 to 1 to Uj Hound 3 8 0 f WHEN IN STRONG vigor to the whole bcinp , All dralm re Ma! e cropcriy cured, their condition Mailed sealed. Price ft pertioij 0 mosey, Ij.oo. Send (or (rco book. For Sale by JOHN II. PHELPS, mid Scrttcc street. .is ? iS8 M?. msM ftinn ' VA.A. A A A Lrutfed ' Ulhtl k T ' T m -i -a 4 t &jy m f rQilffA t "t&m I n R I II I ."Ay xsr JrSwrjCvw n at i fj i .jmr sj-sks '-' TnT' -vtiAiu y' Sale of 1 Si 3 3 3 A CMchMter'n EnslWh Diamond Krani. OSWROYAl PILLS Original and flnlj Urnalno. arc, Jwj relUtlt, ladies tit , Dm refit for Chlthtitert Unaliih I'ifl itnond Brand la Ited tnd lidd mrttlllaV boxM, rlM with feitit ribbon. Take Inoothtrt Jlffui dang trout ivbititU' 'tion ant imitation. At Drof cU". or teat Ca. la rumr for jurtleaUri, trstimooltla 4 "UMier ror iaaiea. mmur. or retarn Cnl tt rt fl "Ij m ial Cn-.tUrl I bim Unm . 8oldt all Local DraiKltti. I'HILYPA., lC MAKE PERFECT MEN n wiiT iignimiii ! nunotHur frr Loner rt Th joind Ambit font of lire cait be rttorrJ to yQ. The very wortraiOf N rvou liehlllfTara fctiu . IndUcrrttont oreiceMeiof catly yean, tton Ifcacoaptht rjitem. Ulr CSw bloom to (no fhcrkoandlutftr to tho tyot cfVyounirorolJ. On 60c boironrwo vital oncrgy.tVl.IJtf buxtt at ?.oaeooiplttruarantdcuroTTar7or money r. unded Can bo carried In eit W pocket., BoM everywhere or mailed In plain wrapper en ieceip price by THE muruir tv., Uiu alaf,, CMcaie. Sold In Scranton, Pa., by Matthews Dros. and McQarrah & Thomas, dcupslMV imnin inor inu iiuifiict id iTtri iuiic MADE IUIE A iUIAM AJAX TAULUTS POSITIVELY CURE AZZXrvout JJJjcajto Falling Mom i.ry.IrapoUncy, Htoep'einei,otOy oauar by Abuao or other Kireaaot on ,Iau cretlons. They quiekltt crMtrrV restore Lost Vitality la olJor yoanjj.anj in nmauioraiiiciy, uartnocs or marrusn. Prevent InsAnlt n.n& Consmnntlan it taker fatiu. TJiairoe shotra liLmcdTato fmproTt iaea Mid efloctn n CUKE whero all other fall In lit joii lirtTinff tho cauiu) Aja TiUeti. Tksj hare cured thoutaade uud wHlourojoa. Ve clre a pas itlro vrrutoa cuarantM to oil act a euro Ef) PTQ ta each cc. or refund tho tnoaey, Price w vl Oirvjr puckMOt or cU pkuea (full treatment! lor (2-GD. If? nail, ia plain wrapper, upon receipt of rrlro. Circular ' AJAX UEA1EDY CO,, Hriii'' For gato In Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthews Bros, and II. C. Sanderson, druggists. DOUDT, TRY They have iteod the ten of yein , and have cured thousands of catei of Nervoua DuatuKk. at Debility, I)U:ntil,SleepltVl'2 nen and Varicocele. Atrophy. &C-- They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, maka digestion nerfect. and imDart a health! and tones are cheeked ttrmanenth. Unless catienu often worries them into Inunitr. ComumMtonor Death.: boxes, with Iron-cbd lecal guarantee tocursor refund th. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO.CIOveUnd, 0 IMmrmiiclst, cor Wyomiug uvciiuo1 "'r wnSSK V 7 "n FBIw onoiineif curra oy I'l-.iittxiii K iC5iTlZIL.T8.0lfepolnpl,lle'Io,n, J VJJL jP3aMoninlit, falliDft memory and lb ato nf Mh r