The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 31, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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Evening Service at 1'lrst Baptist
Church Devoted to Hearing Them.
Dlsgrntefttl Tlgltt 01. Lafayette
Street One Boy Shot HimselS nnd
Anotlici Tell from Tin co-story
Building Receptions to Mrs.
Brooks and It. R. Williams Mineva
Will Meet Again Other Nowu.
The service at the Fltst l!uiitlst
rhuicli last evening was devoted to
the hoaiftig of teports from tho dele
gates to tho Baptist Young People's
union convention nt Richmond. 'n.
Tlu first speaker r,( Miss Monro, whr
rend a well ptcprircd paper on tin- ton
ventlon, tefi'iilng to nil the speakers
ami srl Int? oMiuets of their utldrcstM.
William Phillips icleiied to tue tilp
to and fiom Richmond and mentioned
the platen of Intctest In the
southern clt.v. O. S. Klrklmin. piesl
iknt of the Baptist Voting People's
union of the Dolmont l!npMt clitncli.
St Loul, Mo, who Is Wslllng here,
lundo a shoit address pet tabling to
th'j vvoik In other chute-hen.
Two Polanders linp unities could
not bo learned wet aire? ted lust even
ing by P.itrolnmn Thomas Jones and .1
citizen named William .Tones fot fight
ing at the toinor of Lafn.veUo slitct
and I'.romlev aeinn-. The v wie as.
sisted bv Pattolninn Dver In taking the
pilsnneis to the station house.
One of the mm was In til v rut .ihout
tl" head, huving been struck 1 a
stone, which was thrown by his antag
onit. ('nn-ddeiablp excitement wus
caused by the dltuibant e.
Demetrius Plliis Conslunstltistinzclns;
VNhaiinfi", a Macedonian nobleman, will
give nn nddicss (m Filil.ty evening,
Au if. 1. at the Fltst Welsh Congroga
tlunul cliuuli.
Ills subject will be "Model 11 Mncc
cloiila." ami he will be diesMd lit the
cotume of a Macedonian l.oblomuu.
The lecture will bo frM- and the speak
ei Is hlghlv lecommc tided by those
who have heaid him.
nt n seasonable hour, and conginluta
tlons were extended to the venerable
lady by nil tho relatives piesent.
Mrs. Jane Jenkins, who has teslded
In Plttston for many year", Is spending
n few- days at tho homo of Mr. and
Mi. E. J Hughes, of North Bromley
avenue. Mm Jenkins has Riven up her
lesldeneo In Plttston nnd will Hall next
week for nn extended trip to Wales,
where her datitfhter resides. Previous
to her departure, the IndleH of the
Welsh liitptlttt c lunch of Plttston pre
sented Mr. Jenkins with several valu
able piesonts,
Miss Elizabeth Jones, her datlKhter,
will make her homo with Mr. nnd Mts.
Hughes timing her niothit-rs absence.
another miners meeting.
ThoiP will be a meeting of delegates
representing the Dt'lnwute, Lacknw mi
ne, nnd Wctciit miners nt Geonfo
Kulpruin'H hall. 110 North Main avenue,
net Frldny evening, Aug. 4. nt ".SO
n'elnek to discuss the powder question.
All mlneis who huvo not selected
delegates are requested to do so and
have u lopresentatlvc ut the meeting.
Ily order of tltf comiitlttce nt Dolawaio,
Lacknwanna nnd Western mlneis ap
pointed nt the last meeting. Tito mat
ter will not be presented to Superin
tendent Loomls until uftci thl'i meet
Ellsworth Morley, nBed 11 years, son
of Wlllltni I J. Mot lev. cf .".40 North
Hvde Park iivenue, nhot himself last
Fildny evening, while bundling a toy
pistol loaded with a Flobei t bullet
The ball enteicd tho thigh, but its
enut.s- could not he determined, ns yet,
bv Dr Peach, whr Is attending him,
and has not been probed for. There
l no ihitiKpr. however, of any rerious
complications from the wound. The
wanon Is similar to many which have
caused considerable trouble since
The eightieth unnlvetsuiy of Mrs.
Willlim Brooks was fittingly olnerved
nt the home of her daughter, Mis D.
P. Ellas, 110 Washburn stieet, on Sat
urday evening Mrs. liiooks Is the
mother of c-lIty Tieasmer Reese G
The event was attended bv the chil
dren, grandehlldien and gnat-grandchildren
of Mrs. P.iooks and was very
onjovablo. Refreshments were served
Pnine's Celery Compound 75c
Pinkham's Compound 70c
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis....75c
Mellon's l;ood 38c and 55c
I 01 S Alain Acnue
The ramlly of William M Koon, of
?S North Lincoln iienuc, made nr
langeinents a week ago to remove their
household eftec ts to another place, and
oNtiythlng was about leadv, when
their fi-montlis-nld child vias taken
suddenly ill with iholeta intantum.
P.ver thing possible was done for the
little one. but without success, and
dentil claimed it on Satin day morning.
The patents have the sympathy o the
community In their breniment
Arthur, the 11-veai-old son ot Con
tiactoi Clemett. of Academy street fell
from the tup of the new house lit eouise
of election for T M Miller, on Wash
burn stieet, Saturday morning nt 11
o'clock and sustained Internal Injuries.
The boy was assisting his father
about the hou-e and had climbed to the
lonf. Ills fall wus bioken by s-tiiking
n tree He was picked up and carried
Into Ean S Jone-1 house across the
street, where Dr Heddoc- attended hiir.
and atteiw.uds removed to hlr home.
Th" extent of his Injuiies car.not be de
tei mined as yet
A gatlierlnif of piominent Welshmen
occurred Satin day evening nt Ivoiite
hall, when 15 It. Wllllunifc, of L'Aiibt,
Michigan, was tendcted 11 leception
judge- II. M Edwards presided, and In
behalf of th- gentlemen piesetu pre-
Receive Our Special
as the
sented Mr. Williams with n (fold head
ed cane.
Addresses were delivered by many
present and tovcrnl muslcul numbers
weie given. The event was of a pleas
ant ehniacter, and the talented author
was agreeably suipilscd.
Short rervlccs were held at Holy
Cteiss church Saturday afternoon nt tho
funeral of Irene, tho 5- car-old child
of Mr. and Mrs. James O'tloyle, of
Hlver stieet. The remains were laid at
rest In Cathedral cemetery.
Hev David Jones officiated nt the
funeinl of Mis. Chatlotte Davis Satur
day afternoon nt the Welsh Congiega
tlonnl church. Hurlal was made In the
Washburn street cemetety.
Services over the remains of the late
Nelson Johnson were conducted yes
terihiv afternoon by Hev. A. L. Unmet
at the housu on Nineteenth street. In
terment wns litnde In Washburn street
An Infant child of Mr. nr.d Mrs. Pat
rick Donohue, of North Mnln avenue,
was burled In the Cathedral cemetery
Saturday afternoon.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Cella
Walsh occurred Saturday afternoon
fiom her late home on Meridian street
Short services wuic held in Holy Crosa
church and burial was made In the
Cathedral cemetery
An Infant child of Richard tVnow,
of 11J0 Pi Ice street, died Saturday and
will bo burled this afternoon at 4
o'clock In the Washburn street ceme
tciy. A young child of Mr nnd Mrs James
Masters, of the Pyne, was bulled In
the Forest Home metery, Taylor, yes
terday aftei noon
Rachnel, the ii-yent-ohl daughter of
Mrs Gwendolln Davis, of Lafiyelte
street, died Fildny night after an Ill
ness of two weeks. The funeral will
occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock. In.
terment will he made In Washburn
street cemetery.
Tin funeral of the late Mrs. Mar
garet How-ells will bo held this after
noon nt tho house on Hampton street
Ilnrlal will be made In Washburn ativct
Old Brcnker Is to Be Torn Down and
the New One Put In Service John
Loftus, a Driver, Injured Satuiday
in the Leggett's Creek Mine Pic
nic of Sunday School of First
Christian Church In Nay Aug Park.
Some Personnl Notes.
John Cndwgan, of Eynon stieet, had
eeial of his teeth knocked out on
Saturday by colliding with another
plajer in u game of base ball nt Tay
lor. The other young' man was tender
ed unconscious by the accident
The Paptlst Young People's union of
N01 theastein Pennsylvania will run nn
exclusion to Harvey's lake on Wednes
day, Aug. HI A large delegation from
this section will attend
A Inige delegation from the Young
Women's Chilbtlan association attend
ed the picnic at Richmond Pines on
bnturd.n afternoon and evening
Mrs. Jessie M. Smith, n graduate
muse of the Scrnnton Private hospi
tal, has been secured to fill tho vacan
cy at the Wtst Side hospital caused
by the resignation recently of Miss
The polling place In the Fourth dls
ti let of the Fourteenth ward has been
moved fiom the basement of Fullei &
C'o.'s stoio to a building in the re.u of
Cogrove's hrtel.
The Scrnnton Glee club held their re
hearsal In Ivorlte hnll estetday af
tei noon and will meet In Mearb' hall
for coming ptnctlce
The Columbia Ho-e and Chemical
company will hold nn Important moot
ing at their headquniters this evening.
Mis. John T. Muiray, of 114 Meridian
stieet, was Injured on Saturday even
ing by being tun down by a wagon. A
small boy was seated In the vehlcli
and started the horse whIM Mrs. Mur
ray was standing near the wagon and
bhe was caught between the wheels.
The Leggett's Creek mines shut down
Saturday for six weeks, owing to tho
tearing down of the old breaker. A
new breaker with all modem Improve
ments has been erected opposite the
old one. It Is said that tho new- breaker
is one of the finest In this valley.
A gang of men w 111 commence to de
molish the old breaker loduy, after
which the Mulshing touches will be
mnde to the trestle which Is to convey
the coal from the shaft to the head of
the breaker.
Scranton Store, 124-126 Wyoming: Avenue. jj
John Loftus,, a driver In the Creek
mines, wns painfully InjuredSnturdny.
He wns hitching n mule to a tilp of
cais, when the beast kicked him In the
head, cutting and bruising him severe
ly. He was removed to his homo on
Spring stieet, wheie he received medi
cal attendance.
The Citizens band will run nn ex
cursion to Mountain Park, Saturday,
August 12. The committee on urrango
ments is determined to make this out
ing the banner event of the season, and
nothing Is being left undone to con
tribute to tho Joy und comfort of all
who will accompany them. Refresh
ments and amusements In nbundnnco,
together with the band's orchestra, will
be on hand. The train will leave tho
iProldenco Ontnrlo and Western sta
tion on East Market stieet at 8 lf.
The Sunday school of the First Chtis
tlan church will hold their annual pic
nic at Nay Aug park tomonow.
Tomoitow evening a praise service
will be held at the Christian Endeavor
soclet ot the Welsh Congregational
church. The evening's programme will
contain many especial featuios.
Joseph Andcison.of Spilng stieet. wns
slightly Injured by being kicked by a
mule In the Creek mines Saturdnj.
Marquette council. Young Men's In
stitute, will conduct their annual ex
cursion to Harvey's lake on Thuisday,
August 10.
Edmund Jones, of Wayne avenue,
was fined $3 yestoiho on a chaige of
assault and battery, prefened by Ills
Mr. and Mis. James Doi.iit nnd
daughter Winnie were attested and had
a hearing yesterday for belns dtunk.
They were committed to the county
Jail fot ten duys.
Table damask, skirting crash and outing flannels
Big bargains in every one of the above. All at half price some of them at much less.
Remnants of table damnsk at about half price Fifty or sixty remnants to choose from
bleached and unbleached a quality that sells for fifty-nine cents a yard in lengths of
two and a hall vards. Special anniversary price, per length 5C
Dollar a yard quality In lengths of two and a hall yards, bleached table da- t
mask, per length p 1 2tO
Closing out all our a5c fancy linen skirting crash at 5c All told there are about ao pat
terns to select from, heavy and light material, handsome patterns, plain and fancy effects, the
original price tickets will tell you now mucn tncy nave ueen reduced. At one great bar
gain price today .-
White outing flannels One case i White outing flannels One case
of the 7c quality at OC of the 8c quality at
V 'A 'A 'A U 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'AAA 'A A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A t 'A 'A 'A A A 'A 'A A A A A 'A X 'A "AAA 'A 'A "A 'A "A 'A AAA'A A A A A A A A A
for loc quality
5C of all linen .
kitchen crash.
for 8c. quality
of unbleached
linen crash.
(rsr 1 . nfA , C.
OC lawns, dimities
and grenadines.
n for our 1 5c
"C quality of fancy
striped ticking.
Four good items in popular priced dress goods
ioc dress plaids at 4c Good quality of double fold dress goods in many very handsome
plaids 1 eal value is positively no less than ten cents the yard very suitable for children's . 1
school dresses Sale price , 4-zC
ia5c grade of dress plaids at 6c Several thousand yards at the price. Some 15 hand-
some patterns, mostly high class plaids real value I2c. Special OC
15c grade of dress plaids at 9c Very stylish goods, big variety of patterns, value 15c
the yard Special " y C
Special sale of high class all-wool dress goods Not a yard in this lot that has ever ,
been sold for less than 50c, some as high as 73c here at special reduced p. ice 2i5C
close of the season for
draws nigh, buying is
made considerably easier than it was
a week aero
A Few Very Good Things
Men's Otis Patent Double Gusset
Balbriggan Underwear. The recog
nized highest standard 50c shirts and
drawers on the market,
Our Price Today 35c
Men's Genuine Schrevan Elastic
Seam Jean Drawers, the coolest and
most perfect summer underwear
"made. Others get 75c and 90c a pair,
Our Price Today 62c
Say, Young Man,
v ,1 TM 1 r
f-ri r 1
mere s a line 01 new ideas in rancv
Outing Shirts here that ought to in
terest you, and as they're late comers,
we'll make them early sellers by a
Special Bargain Price.
Globe Warehouse
vnnsoxAt. pah vghaph8.
O P Klrklinm, of St. I.ouls, Mo . is
tho Riiest ot His sister, Mis. Trederlck
Hoff, of Hebeec.i avenue
Aitl'iir I. D.ivK of Xoitli Sumner
avenue, lias icturncd fiom a visit at
Hanej's lnke and Dallas
W C. Ui lining, of North Hyde Park
aieiuie, spent Bteitlny at the home
of hl patents In Carbondule.
Arthur Stover and William nunn vis
ited fi lends at Haivev's lake yesterday
Miss May V, Jones, of Noith Main
avenue, daughter of Mr and Ml? S.
It. Jones. Is lsltiiisr friends at Wiit
Eaton. MadNon county, X 'V
Mis Hawkins and dauKhtei, of Nw
Yoik aie the guests of Dr and Mis.
Moylan, of South Main avenue
W. S Hojd and daughter, Annie, ot
Philadelphia, came Satuulny to lslt at
the home of I3ealeel D'W les, on Wash
burn stieet. The foimci rsturiis home
today and tlo latter v. Ill icnialn hero
during the week.
William I.udwig, of Xoith Ilromley
nenue. will leave Tuesday for a short
htny at Philadelphia
Mis John "W Uobeits and child i en,
of l.nzeine stieet, aie spending i fiv
weeks among fi lends In Now Jerse.
Mis deoige P and children,
of South Main avenue, aie visltlncr
ft lends nt Got don nnd Poit Ctiboit,
Schuylkill ''011111.
Mls Gertrude lllncklry, f.f Xoith
Main avenue has returned fiom a
islt to New Yoik city
Mlses "Williams, of Tenth street;
Kdlth HIchaulF of Seianton stuet:
Maigaivt, John II. Kdwar'ls
and H. W Thayer, of South Main ave
nue, will today for Illock Island.
Mis Josie Knaiiss and Mm Charle3
luturned Saturday evening from a s,o-
join 11 nt the seashore
Mis Joseph P. Phillips of Swetlnnd
street. Is the guest of iclatlves at
Miss Amanda Twining, of Shetland
stieet. Is entertaining Mrs. W. S. Wal
ter, ot Maueli Chunk.
Mr. and Mis. George Caion and
daughter, Itutli, of South Main iwoniie.
spent yestciday at Lake Wluola and
will lne tomoirow for Atlantic City
Ml". Giant Coililn and daughter,
Helen, of Xorth Suiniiei avenue, aio
lsltlng at Paiadiso Valley.
Joslah Paft and wife, of Xoilh Lin
coln avenue, are visiting friends at East
Orange, X. J.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harwood. of.Pilco
stieet. aio spending ten days at Lake
Palmer Williams, of South Main
aenve. is the guest ot iricmis in Phil
adelphia. Mlhs I.llla Parsons of Sydney, N. Y.,
and Misses Hannah and Genevieve
Connolly, of Tioy, Pa., are belns f"
tei tallied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Con
nolly, of Jackson street.
Miss aiadys Davis, of Plushlng. U I.,
Is Isltlng Mr and Mrs. i:minet Fenton,
of Tripp place.
to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinking is
a habit that la universally Indulged In
and ulmost us unlei sally injurious. Have
ou tried Qraln-O? It Is almost like cof.
fee but the effects nro Just the opposite.
Coffee upaets tho stomach, ruins tho di
gestion. uffectB tho heart und dlbturlis
the whole nervous s stein. drain-O
tones up tho stomach, aids digestion und
Rtrpnrthonn the neres. There is nolh.
I log but nourishment in Gruln-O. It can't
I be otherwise. U uiid 23a eer sackoge.
Miss Bella Thomas, of irolllster ave
nue, has returned from a visit 'with
relatives In Upper Lehigh.
Mis Davis, of Parker sttcet, Is III.
Mrs. Thoma3 It. Jones, of Parker
stieet, has icturncd from a week's visit
with her daughter, Mis. Thomas Uans,
of Plttston.
Miss IJessle Holmis. of Ilolllstet ae
nue, letinned Satuiday from a visit
with friends In Stroudsbuig.
Mr. and Mis. Kobert AVestlake, ot
West Mniket street, hae returned
home from a week's sojourn at Asbury
Pai k.
Mis J. K. Smith, of Xoith Main ae
nue, is at Ocean Groe.
Mrs. E. W. Scharar and chlldien, of
Patker stieet, have tetuined fiom a
week's stay at Elk lake.
Miss Sloan, of Plttston, Is the guest
of Mrs. Geotge Benedict, of Noith Main
Miss Minnie Walls, of Walton. N. Y ,
Is the guest of friends on West Maiket
Mi. and Mis James Sloeum, of Fac
tor! ville, are the guests of relatles on
Deacon street
C II Davis of Chappell's stoie, Is
enjoying his vacation at Elk lake.
Miss Mamie Moffatt and Miss 11
Mauley, of Bilek aenue, hae returned
fiom a visit with friends in Plttston.
James J. Gordon, of Bilek avenue, is
touilnc York state.
Mr. Prlah McDonnell and family ar
occupying their summer home nt Kike
Miss E. Ogwen Jones, of Edna ave
nue, accompanied by her biothei, El
et. Is visiting fi lends at Vsox.
Mr and Mis. Walter B. Christmas,
of Noith .Main avenue, leturned Satui
day fiom a trip through the business
paits of Xew England. Including sev
eial days' stay in Poitland. Maine.
James Heilly, of the postotlice depait-
ment. Is enjojing his niatlon at At
lantic Clt
Miss Katie Timlin. Miss Nellie Plynn
and Miss Emma Kennedy spent yes
terday with Pittston fi lends
Mrs. M. F Jennings Is spending a
few weeks at Long Brunch.
Miss Mnme New comb, of Brick ave
nue, Is being entertained b fi lends In
Mr. and Mrs John Began, of Oak
street, nro sojourning at Atlantic CItj.
James Timlin, of Illicit avenue. Is
visiting friends In Allentown
progiammo wns given by the members
of the club Misses Elizabeth Horbach,
Anna Scheuer, Minnie Hnfner and
Anna Saul tendered pleasing piano se
lections. Misses Rose Griswold. E.
Hoibach and Jessie Hngan gave leclta
tlons. The closing number was a
choi us by the club.
Permanent mnn William Fickus. of
the Neptune Engine eand Hose i onv
pany, has lcsiimcd Ills duties after a
much-needed vacation.
Mrs. James F. Best and daughleis,
Anna and Hlldegaid, arc summering
at Elk lnke.
Mis. John Demutli, wife of Count
Commissioner Demuth, and son John
are spending a few weeks at Paul's
villa at Lake Wlnola, tho guests of
Mis. Frank Borchers.
Funerals of the Two Young Men
Killed Last Week Have Been
Held Unclaimed Letters.
Other News Notes.
Satuiday morning at 9 o'clock the last
sad rites were held over the remains of
the late Klchaid Cllffoid, the young
man who met such a tragic death In
the Gypsy Giove mine of th" Pennsjl
vunla Coal company, Thursday after
noon A large eonrourse of ft lends
had gathered at the deceased's homo on
Butler btfcct. Pilot to the hour set
for the fuuoal andMlowed the le
mnlnsi to St Maiy's I'atholle ..-lunch,
wheie a solemn high mass of requiem
was celebrated. The Ttev. M .1. Mil
lane oUklated, aftei which he dellveied
the fuueial seimon, paj 'ng a high ttlb
ute to the life of the deceased, and
that ho was prepared for the sudden
call of his Master Tho Interment was
made In St Maiy's temoteiy In I ho
famllv plot. The pallbeuieis were'
Janics Doud, Lot Wntrou. Michael
O'Nell. Mm tin Buike, Thomas Golden
and Michael Healey, flowei be,neis,
Anthony Golden and Thomas Morin
The funeral ot Michael Lav in. who
wns also killed In the snine accident,
took place jesteidny atfinoon at S
o'clock, fiom his late home on East
Pine street. Prior to the l.oui of the
funeinl laige crowds gatheied at the
home and viewed tii lemalus of the
dc( eased, as they lay In state in a
handsome lavender casket. Piomptly)
nt " o'tlock the procession moved to St
Maiy's cemetety. followed by a laige
number of soirowlng fi lends, wheie In
tel ment was made The pallbeaiers!
were Mcssia. John Flannelly nniy
Bi aiming, Thomas Golden, Thomas
O'Hora, Thomas Caine.v and Edwud
terday nfternoon The funeral was
held fiom the deceased's home on Ap
ple street He was killed Saturday by
a fall of toof In the mine of the Pau
coast Coal compjny at Thioop.
Mls-s Leah Movveiv. of Noith Blakely
and Depue 'tieets, who has been spend
ing the past few weeks nt Lake Under
wood, icturned homo Satuiday.
Misses May Winters of Cheiry stieet,
nnd Grace Stevens, of Green Ridge,
have returned homo from an ( vtended
and i leasant visit with fi lends In Fac
toryville. Mr. Phillip Davis, of Tlilnl stieM, Is
confined to Ills home by Illness,
Miss Edith Miller, of Pino stieet, who
has been spending h?r vacation at
Pleasant Mount, has returned home.
Messrs Frank Xlckerson, James Mc
Gialn and John Malnes have returned
from a successful Pshlng expedition to
Maicus' pond
.School board and council will m et
tomoirow evening In regular session.
Wan en Kimble has returned fiom a
week's stay at Honesdnle.
T. J. Kelly and family spent Satur
day at Lake Atlel,
Mr. and Mis. E. G. Stevens spent
yesteiday at Maplewood.
Mr. and Mis. B. E. Stevens leaves
for a week's stay at Cape May, tomor
iov. The Misses Maud and May Palmer
of Madison avenue have i etui noil
fiom an outing at Nicholson.
Mr. and -Mrs. George Kllllan of Penn
avenue aie enteitainlng fi lends fiom
Take your preset Iptlons to Manners'
phaimacv to be filled We consider
oui ability and goods above par.
Russell Shlitllff of Washington ave
nue Is spending a few das at Lake
Leonard Knapp of Capiiue avenue
Is spending his vacation at Cavuga
Lake. X. Y
Miss Anna Ruesv of Honesdale Is
visiting her patents on Sanderson ave
n ue.
A paity from the Green Ridge wheel
men enjoyed a tun to Mill Cltv vo
teidaj We aim to please nil who purchase
at our Phairrmcy, no matter what th
amount. Call and be convinced. 920
Gieen Ridge stieet.
Pea Coal Delivered, 1.25,
to South Side, central city nnd central
Hyde Park. Addiess otdeis to C. D.
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave 'Phono C68i
The funeinl of tho lute Peter Flynn
took plai e from the home of hla son-in-law,
Thomas Roche, of Elm stieet.
Satuiday artcinoon The respect en
tci tallied for him by tho many who
knew him was abundantly manifested
bv tho immense throng present nt the
obsequies At 2 JO c'clotk tho lemnlns
were clo3fd fiom view and the piotes-
slon moved to St. John's church, w hero
sei vices vveic held. Rev. M. J. Flem
ing officiated Interment was made In
the family plot at Cathedral eenieterv.
The old comrades of Mr. Flynn, who
fought with him In the civil wot at
tended the funeral In a body. The pall
beareis were Hugh Coyne. Pntilck
Gibbons, Petr McGnvern, James Mui
phy, James Ncalun and John Ituime
This, July 31,, is the day that tho
South Seianton sower, ot no little no
toriety was to bo commenced. Con
tractor Koons went west Thursday to
purchase pipe and other inateilul. Ho
Is expected back today. To the Tilb
tine man, several of tho leading men tho Impiovement, stated last
night that Immediately after Mr.
Koons leturns woik will bo com
menced. At tho latest, thty said, will
be tomonow.
The Lovalty club gavo an Ico cream
social at tho rooms of the Young Wo
men's Christian association, on Cedar
avenue, Friday night. An entertaining
Letteis lemilnlng unclaimed at tho
postoffice dining the petlod ending July
21. lR'iy. Pel sons culling fo.- these M
teis will please sav ndveitis J In Mon
day mornings edition of The Tilbune-Mi-
A. M I'rown. .il2 Walnut street;
Mis Maiy Bnirelt, Ii'4 Grove stieet:
Miss Kate Cunimlngs. 715 '"lay avenue;
Mis. Joe Hans, Cioss strcof Mis.
Thomas McDonald Bloom stieet; Wil
liam J. Mturuy, 314 Laich stieet Win
nie Nlnn, 6,!i5 Blakely tieet. Mis Wal
ter SUIlinan, t23 Madison avenue Bit
lek Sttlmetz, In caie Abraham Sttl
nieU, . Biadley. Miss 11 Biglln. Mis.
Reuben Cair, J. J. Fallon, Mrs. ItolII i
Hazen, John M. Kenny, 11. C. Medway.
James Pin Iter, Mrs. G W. Spangen
berg. Miss Clara Swingle. Donato Col
nngelo, Ruslno Gtasso, Petrasko Gcoig,
Kostanty Gutcwsky.
BOTH ENDS." Don't go on diawlng
vitality fiom the blood without doing
something to leplace It. Hood's Sai
sapatilla gives neive, mental and di
gestive stiength by em Idling nnd vit
alizing the blood.
HOOD'S PILLS aie non-in Hating,
mild, elfectlvo.
On Friday evening of this week, Col
onial council, No. 27, Daughters of
America, will hold a social at the- homa
of Mr. nnd Mrs Marvin Carioll, on
Butler stieet The aftnlr will be con
.ducted on n dlffeient plan than .acini
herctnforo havo bien. Just what it
will bo the Daughters do not fetl at
libeity to rtiit ns thev wish It to be a
surpilso to these attending on tho
evening mentioned
John Biyden. of'.MIU stieet. who met
with a pnlnful accident Thursday af
ternoon, when a carpenter's chisel was
driven through his left hnud, is Im
proving nicely and no serious results,
which weie nt first expected, are likely
to follow. He will, however, be unuble
to follow his occupation for teveial
weeks to come.
Edwin E. Roerer, of Lancaster coun
ty, who is tho guest of Chnrles Brown,
of Green Rldgo stieet, is suifeilng fiom
a seveie attack of appendicitis. Dr.
Trntik WinteiiK Is tho attending physi
cian and ho has tho case well In hand.
Tho remains of Angolo Mazzuco were
laid at rest In Mt. Carmel cemeteiy yes-
An eight year old child of Pntilck
McDonald, of Gllmore avenue, was
bitten bv a dog owned by Huskster
John Walsh Saturdny. The little gill
was enteilng AVnlsh's vaid when the
animn! attacked hei. One of her eais
was badly laceiated Dr Manlej was
summoned und cauterized the wound.
'Sqtilio O'Neill and a halt dozen would
be deputies dispatched the dog a short
while after. The attending physician
was vety Indignant over the hasty
at 'Ion of the peisons w ho shot the dog
m t "-ns not nsceitalned wheihei he
ih. rabies or not.
F J. Eugiin and Andievv Meehan,
of .leimyn, called on Jiiends heio ts
terday. The funeial of the late Mai tin Mc
Donough will take place Tuesday
muuilng at nine o'clock. Interment
will be made In Minooka cemetery.
Martin McDonough, the widely known
nieichunt of Mil ooku. dltd at his ies.
dence on Main stieet ut noon Saturdav.
Ills death wns due to cancerous glowth
In his stomach from which ho suffered
Intensely the past cur. Several weeks
ago he was compelled lo take to lilt loom
nnd nw.ilt his eleutli. Mui tin McDonough
wus one of tho best known men of the
vulky and was acquainted to no little ex
tent throughout the state. Ho was born
hi County Galwaj, Iieluiid, slxty-llvu
years neo anil at u tender ago his pa.
rentB died. Ills alstcr. Mis. Ella Jordan,
also of Minooka, raised him Ovei forty
jears ago he camo to this country und
settled In Minooka. Soon after ho en
tered into the grocery and dry goods bus.
iness which li has conducted to his
death. In tho dajs gono by the deceuscd
was a powciful Uader In politics, but us
a candidate wus unsuccessful When tho
Greenback movement was ut Its zenith
ho was tho Dcmoeratlo nominee for the
legislature ngalnst Dennis O'l.vnahun,
who wus tho victor. In the campaign f
1&S2 Mr. McDonnUth was the Domocrutlo
candidate foi protUuuuturj. This letuinu
gave him the majority Ills opponent,
Thomus Dale, Instiuted a contest, result
lug In the latter being seated Threes
vc irs latr the deceased again aspired for
the same olllee. and with the whole ticket
met defeat Since then he did not tako
nn active Interest in politics and retired
to rest Ho Is survived l his wife, who
Is a daughter of the late Edwurd Muriuy,
his Funs, James, Thomas F , and Mar
tin. Jr, nnd two daughters. Annie, who
wus latelv professed as a Sister of tho
Immaculate- Heart In the Curbondalo
mir tut and Lanrn He wus ulso ait
uncle of Atloinev M J Donahoe, TKomi a
Donnluie of the Tiutli, and Edward Jor
dan, the South Scranton uiulri taker '1 ho
funeral will be held tomonow morning.
A solemn high muss of leqtilcm will be
sung nt St. Joseph's chinch Interment
will be made hi the Minooka Catholics
vctm( ter.
Mrs Mailette Millard dltd ut the boss
pit il, Rutland, Vt , Julj i!', lS'il as a re
sult of an operation for a ni.illgnur.l dis
ease of the throat of which she had suf
fered for some -cais She Is sutvlvcd liy
her husband und two sons of West Rut
laud, Vt . her mothei Mrs Snail A.
Ilreinn and two sisters, .Mrs J M How
ell and Jllss Ella Hdwii, of ibis cltv and
two Inotliers, Geenge A lirown, of Phila
delphia, and Charles liiown. of Western
Xew York Realizing the uncei taint as
to the lesults that might follow Mrs.
Millard, with the calmness unci seicnlty
of preparing foi n pleasant Jouniej, mado
all v arrangements for her fu
neral before leaving her home onlj lhr o
dajs before she passed away. Mrs, Mll
luid became u Christian In her eirly wo
manhood and giving her bund to the Bap.
tlt chinch the at onco m mlfested gieat
neal in all depaitments of I'hrlstluu te-
Ivltv, the llowe-rs tint adorned the pul
pit of he: church, und desk of the su
perintendent of her Sunday srliool ustial
1 tame fiom hi i beds In summer or con
set vatory In wlnlei The chtueli u'l
vl (s, the Suuda sciinul ol which Mm
was either superintendent or assistant
for a number ot veurs the Christian l'n
denvor nnd Ludles Aid societies opened in
her a wide field of usefulness Hut theso
(Mil not const me all her energies. Wher
ever she llvtd that world-wide organiza
tion, the Worn m's Christian Ttmpcraiieo
union, felt the Impress of her character,
ellhel as a guiding hand or the institu
tion of new unions .Mis Mlllaid never
wcatied In well doing.
Biooks A llass .igid (i vi ins, died ut
his home on Jackson stree t Saturday
night, having livid in this cltj since :Vi.
Ho cam" to Stianlon soon nfter tho
liioomshmg wus opi ndl nnd was
one of the Hist cmploves. serving as 1ms
gngemasur and mall agent. When tho
war Inoke out Mr llass enlisted as a pri
vate In the One Ilunilled und Thlrtv -second
PeniiHvlvanla volunletis. was pio
iiotcd to iiuartermaster seigtaiii nt tho
elite of the war He h tinned to Scrun
ton nnd uettd as sales i gent for (iurk ,t
Snovei foi Northc astern P'riinsvlvanln
l.atei he repiesented rilshnmtll Bios,, ot
Philadelphia. He was for ten veurs s,ie
eialotllcu for the Soelot for Prevention
of Crucltj to Animals Ml liass hud
been col fined to his bed foi several
months with llvei ttouble mil wis a p i
tlenl sufferer Ileleives, besides hi- wlfo
nnd daughter, M.s Prank Maishall a.
sister, .Mi-. Conn Ha Wells, of this clt,
and a biothei John l!.l-s. of I'liloncltlc
The funeral services will be eonductecl
from his late home, HIS J tckson street,
tomonow afternoon ut 210 o'clock and
will lie under the i.lrtcllon of Colon. I
Monle's post of which he was a member.
Caroline Schioedir the infant dniRh
tirof.Mr and Mrs Prank Schroeder of
this cltv died nt Woodbildgi X J Sat.
iiid.15 Mis Schroeder and the liabv had
been vMtlng there for vweks A
few class ago the child was attacked
with ehnleiu 'nfantuni. The remains wld
reath the t!t tonight nt s o'clock over
the Cintrnl lalhoad The will
take place this afternoon Inteimeut will
be mude ut 1'orest Hill cemeterj
Mis l.enchel- Andrews, relict of John
Andicvvs, died at her home ut Jubiieo
Satiudav She was 71 j eurs of ago The
funeral will take place today at .! o clock
with stnlces at the Madlsonvlllo Chris
tian church Interment v. Ill be made in
Ilombaker temcleiy
Thomas McGulre. of Palm street, dlci
at noon Saturday. Ho was n wldel)
known joung man of South Scranton.
Ills death Is much deplored. The funcrcl
will bo held tomorrow morr.lng.
I nsk not for possession of thy huut
Thou urt no chattel to be bought and
No precious pluthing wiouglu Willi cur
lous alt.
For ull to covet and for ono to hold.
I ask not If tho magnet of desire
Will diuw nt lust thy spit It near to
Not this my dream, but ever soaring
To merge id lift my spirit' life In
1 ask no boon, no gueulon save tho right
To give my love, my life, m.vself to thee
Hound to thy soul with chains of golden
Blest In my bondage, ficer than th
I nsk for freedom to obey lovfy call;
1 usk for nothing, yet I nsk fr all,
Edwurd Holmes.
-." .W. ,v rl