The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 18, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Belect Council After Consolidated
Water Supply Company.
Select council nlrofl Us vIms Inst
night on llio recent notion of tlio Con
solidate Wutcr Supply company In
raisins the price of water from eight
to twenty centB a thousntftl sallons.
The result of the discussion was tho
Introduction by Mi. Thompson of a
resolution autlioilzltiK tho preparation
of nn ordinance taxing tho pipes of
tho company In tho city No tax rate
was specified, but If councils' senti
ments do not chanKc It will bo about
all the law will utlow.
In this connection Mr. Nealon sug
gested that a. better wny to combat
this water trust would be to establish
municipal water works. President Swl
cert lefened his remarks to the llRlit,
fire and water committee and some In
teresting developments are promised
for next meeting.
In addition to this, select council
passed the Dundnff street und surface
sew cis otdlnanccs on first reading.
In common council those ordinances
were passed finally and the lire alarm
ordinance passed two readings, An
effort was mnde to amend the last
named by changing the appropriation
from $5 000 to $3,500 to agree with the
bond uidinnnro, but It was lost.
As tho ordinance Is ngieoablo to the
eeleo'iu-n, It looks ns though it will
soon become law without change,
A Ifungnrlun lying on the track was
strutk by a street car on the line be
tween this city and Simpson the other
night He was rendered unconscious
and sustained nn ugly scalp wound Ho
was brought on the cat to Di. Bailey's
office, but had revived sulllclently to
enable him to Jump out oftho chair,
say he bad no use for a doctor und lun
up the street Hc soon disappeared In
the darkness and did not leave his
The board of trade will meet In the
rouncll chambets this evening to con
sider a proposition from Brlsben & Co ,
muslin goods manufacturers. Tho com
pany has factories In .Scrnnton and
Plttston and Is desirous of locating In
this cits . Young women from eighteen
to thirty nie employed at wages rang
ing fiom $t to $S a week.
A fair-sized assemblage enJo.ed the
pleasures of Korvlcw yesterday. It be
ing the occasion of the flist annual
outing of the Amaranth Social club.
Tho Mozait band furnished music for
dancing. The balloon ascension was
postponed, owing to adverse winds It
will occur fiom Sandy's field, this city,
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. C. H Smith, of Park street, is
the guest of lelatlves at Biadfoid
.1 J. O'Neill has returned from Pitts
burg Archie Brink Is confined to his homo
on Dai te avenue by Illness.
Mi and Mib. J. V.. Moignn are 'visit
ing Susquehanna relatives.
Mrs J. K Burr Is entertaining Miss
Paxton, of Princeton, N J.
I T. Pethicl: has returned from Buf
falo Mr AV. H, Hollenback spent a few
dajs last week with Mr. and Mrs. If.
D Mitchell, of Vandllng. at their sum
mer cottage at Civstal lake.
Professor Hockenberry Is spending a
few da-.s In Philadelphia
John Gilor, of Llversedge, Tug., Is
visiting his parents on Pouderly street.
Charles Evans Michael Chene and
William Mellow, the three appendicitis
patients who were opeiated on last
week at the Wheeler hospital, are now
considered out of danger.
A short but lively session of the
council was held last night. The open
ing of bids for tho printing of the au
ditors' leport was the cause of tho
trouble. Tluee bids weie read; on
from the Scianton Tiuth, which agreed
to publish It three times for the sum
of $75, one from tho Olyphant Gazette,
which pioposcd to print it for $43; and
one from the Olyphant Beeoul which
merely ngiecd to publish tho report for
$33 83, but It did not specify the num
ber of times. Mr. O'Biien moved that
tho printing be given to tho lowest
bidder. Howard then took the lioor
and moved that it bo given to the
Gazette, as the Record's bid, he
thought, was too Indefinite. A vote
was token, which resulted in a tie of
six to six Mr. O'Biien then moved
nil bids be rejected and new bids ad
vertised for. This wan lost, also, by a
tie vote. A motion to adjourn ended
the discussion without any action be
ing taken on tho bids. Among other
matters to come before the meeting
was the Introduction of u resolution
authorizing the tieasuier to cash an
oider In tnvor of the boaid of health
out of the fli st money he receives.
A delightful party was given at tho
residence of Mr nnd Mis. John Lally,
on Fitday evening, in honor of Misses
Carrie Muiman und Bessie Tenner, of
Wyoming. After several hours mer
rily spent in games and ohter enjoy
nble diversions, toothsome refresh
ments were served by Mrs Lally and
Mrs George Mumfoid. The pleasures
of the eonlng were greatly enjoyed
by the oung guests present.
Mrs William Maneer and daughter.
Miss Vatinle Maneer. of Wilkes-Barre,
are the guests of Mr nnd Mrs. Mat
thew Mackey.
Misses Sadie and Elizabeth Coleman,
A little- woman car do a bit; lot of cleaning
Willi little rifo:: with Gold l)ust. It lightens
the hbor of cleaning mor than half and
aves both time and money.
eg w tarv.
Washing Powder
1 1 li.iniH. rt f..t.V .
,o m uimi ui unijuiucn,
IJont waste your ej.ergy in scrubbing ' '
h&rd nnd rubbing hard with soap in ths old-fashioned way. Gold
Dust makes hard clcanioir eas.
For greatest economy
sr. louis
of Providence, visited friends here
Mrs. William Tobias and Miss Llzzlo
Tobias, who liavo been visiting at the
residence of D. Y. Davis, returned to
their home In South Gibson yesterday.
A blrthdnv party was tendered Miss
Elizabeth .Tones at tho home of her
itrandmother, Mrs. Mary Jones, of Sus
quehanna street, yesterday nttornoon
between the hours of 2 nnd 0 o'clock
In honor of her sixth birthday. Several
of her little friends were pleasantly en
tertained. Music and games, together
with dainty edibles, helped to pah the
fleeting hours.
John Dougherty Is visiting relatives
In Catbondale.
Miss Mary J. McCormac left yester
day to attend the general convention
of the Ladles' Catholic Benevolent as
sociation hold at Asbury Park.
Mis. Leonard Austin, of Ashley, Is
visiting relatives In town,
Miss I.lzzle Dempsey will leave hero
for Blnghamton on August 1, where
she will accept a position.
Miss Mary J Hughes Is spending her
vacation at Asburv Park.
Miss Mamie Ilnnahoe Is spending a
few weeks with relatives at Long
Miss May Gurroll, of West Scranton,
spent Sunday with Miss Maud Mc
HugIi. J. W. Mahon Is spending the week
in Port Jervis and Haw ley.
Mr. and Mis. Charles O'Molley, of
Pcnn avenue, Scianton, visited Mr, and
Mrs. John O'Molley over Sunday.
Mrs. Hugh Jones, of Parsons, Is vis
iting her sister. Mis. Thomas Twaddle,
of Scotch street.
Miss Tessle Nollln, of South Scran
ton, was a visitor In town Sunday.
Today's Excursion of tho New Cath
olic Church Industrial Notes.
Other Nows of Intetest.
Today will be a gala day for the peo
pel of this town when the congrega
tion of the new Catholic palish will
conduct their first grand excursion to
Mountain park. Prom tho number of
tickets that have been sold It Is evi
dent that the event will be a grand
Local ofllclals of the Holdcn colliery
of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
Western company say that at present
theie is not much work on hand. The
working houis have been cut down to
six Instead of eight houis per days, as
heretofore, but In u short time It Is
hoped that a settlement can be made
and that tho old and tellable colliery
will be once more In full operation.
The game of base ball between the
clerks and the bathers of this town
yosteiday afternoon on the school
house grounds was won by the hair
cutteis by a score of IS to 11. Conduit
occupied tho lubber for the barbers
while Davis opposed him. The feat
ure of the game was the heavy hit
ting of Itlchards, of the barbers. The
cleiks are dissatisfied with the results
of yesterday's contest and are up in
arms with another challenge.
Mrs Michael McDonald left yester
day for Asbury Paik, where she will
repiesent Branch No. 42, of the L. C.
B. A., at that place.
Mr. and Mis. Davis and Mrs. Allen,
of Edwauls dale, weie tho guests of
Mr. and Mrs J. E. Davis, of Main
stieet, jesterdav.
A grand social will be held at Web
er's link this evening under the au
spices of the Bindley-Martln Social
club. A good time Is piomlsed.
This evening the Taylor branch of
United Workmen will meet In Basham'g
hall, on Grove street.
Don't forget to attend the excursion
of the now Catholic parish to Moun
tain park todav.
There will be an Ice cream social
held at the Sibley Union church on
Saturday, July 22. All are Invited.
Misses Daisy Wade and Lillian Mil
ler, of Hyde Park, are visiting friends
at the Sibley for the past few dajs.
Misses Maiy, Margaret and Ida
Whlteford nnd Messrs. Joseph and
Robert Whlteford left yesterday for
a sojourn at Atlantic City,
TER BAD will but increase my pain.
If you have tin own away money for
medicines that did not cure, now be
gin taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, the
medicine that never disappoints.
HOOD'S PILLS cure sick headache,
The Wilson Hose company will hold a
special meeting on Wednesdav, July
10, at 8 p m , In their hall. Tho public
Is cordially invited to be present as tho
purpose of the meeting Is to make ar
rangements. In conjunction with our
citizens, for terving the lefreshments
to the survl.-ors of the Fifty. second
Pennsylvania volunteers and their fam
ilies on Sept 27 next, when they will
hold their twelfth reunion in this vil
lage Everj body come und lend their
aid so as to make the cvmt a memor
nMt" one and accord our to-be-visitors
a roval feast. The Wilson Hose com
pany, r. J. Ganzemullei, chairman.
Don't forget the social nt Mr. und
Mrs. Frank Pickering's, Main t-tioet,
Wednesday evening, July 19 Como
nnd have n good time nnd lltten to tho
following programme Piano duet,
Misses Plckeilngnnd Mace; recitation,
Bessie Craig, solo, MIvs Anna Sands;
duet. Messrs. Haw ley and Benjamin;
recitation. Garfield Thomas, cornet
solo, Charles Pickering; lending, Jen
nie Dll-.eman. -
Squire S W. Arnold and Lester Oros
enor were fishing at Scull pond yes
terday The squire hooked a monster
bass and lost him Just ns he was about
to land him, but teemed a nice string
of black bass
m. A
conuon ami
buy our large package.
1 7Vx2gialF-
1 7 fa
A Disgraceful Prize Fight in tho
City Limits A Dangorous Prison
er Discharged Tho Caledonian
Sports A Busy Week Will of the
Lato Mayor Harding Board of
Trade Meeting nnd Other Nows.
A dlsgiucoful affair occutred on
Sunda evening In Oregon gtove, n
shndy spot In the city limits, when
two young men named Benjamin Jen
kins nnd James Castle, met In a cir
cle comprising neatly 20u admlrcis of
the flctlc sport to settled a dlillculty
which hail Its commencement nt Moun
tain park on the occasion of the Leek
Cornet band exclusion. The crowd
In uttendnuce came to the selected
spot from every direction and so quiet
ly were tho prcllmlnnites completed
that no one other than those who re
ceived the tip were aware of tho pro
gramme, but Imagined the several
squads weie leturnlng home from bao
ball contests and dam bakes which
are held on tho outskirts of the city
every Sunday. The two men stripped
to the waist and after It was agiccd to
fight three-minute rounds they went
at It. They were up and down like
a pair of Jumping Jacks, but even this
did not satisfy the udmiilng throng.
They shouted themselves hoatse nnd
created such an excitement that both
of the pilnclpals dlscuidcd lilies,
tlmekeepeis nnd Judges nnd went at
It pell-mell In such manner that feet
were used as much us fists When
the smoke of battle had cleared avvny
Jenkins wns found hugging the sod
4n u douhled-up condition, while Cas
tle stood over him wishing for other
worlds to conquer. There have been
no uricsts.
The piisoner who was locked up on
Saturday night nnd who required the
combined eneigy of five citizens to
land him In the lo(kup, as stated In
The Tribune esteiday, was fined J10
and n severe lecture by Mayor Cor
coian on Sundn moinlng. This Is
the same man, Andiew ICemJsh by
name, who was confined in Jail ns the
supposed murdeier of Peter Connell,
but nt the ttlal was acquitted, owing
to lnsuillclent evidence. When ar
rested on Saturday night he had btiuck
a woman and bit her upon the mm.
On the way to the lockup he boasted
that he had killed u man and would
not bo satisfied until he had slain an
other. David Padfteld, tho obliging night
operator at the D. & H. depot, will go
to Bucknell, Ind . tomorrow moinlng
nnd spend a month with relatives and
friends in that western town and vi
cinltj. Art Chnppollo placed In his estab
lishment yesterday a telephone and his
number Is 1924.
A number of employes from the Phoe
nix Bridge company have nnlved and
will at once commence tho election of
the new lion structure which will span
the Susquehanna for the nloomsburg
division of the Delawaie, Lackuvvann.i
and Western lallroad. Thcinuterlal for
the bridge will arrive here dally until
the completion of the contrnct, and bo
fore tho end of the work the force here
will bo doubled.
A savage bulldog owned by Alder
man Gibbons attacked nn old man
named James O'Brien, aged 90 years,
and severely Injured him.
Next Saturday the Caledonians of
this city will celebrate their thlity
slxth annual games on L'vei hart's
Island This Is the fiist time In a score
of wii8 that the shrill notes of the
bagpipes will bo heard In this loman
tic spot, and many will avail them
selves of the opportunity to lecnll tho
happy ncenes of bvgone dajs.
This will be pay week In this city.
Tho Lehigh Valley distributed checks
to their road employes yesterday. To
day their mines will pay off. nnd to
mnriovv the Krle and Wyoming road
will do likewise. On Thursday tho
Pennsylvania Coal company will pay
their employes Instead of Satin day. re
turning to their old sjstem of several
years ago, which will be more satis
factory to business men. The balance
of the week will be occupied in pajlnsr
off the employes of tho several other
coal companies, millb and machine
shops, and altogethei business should
receive an Impetus that should bo
favorably felt for the next ten dns.
Notwithstanding the liboinl opinion
of disappointed candidates, the festive
nickel will not disappear into any slot
machines, neither now nor In the Im
mediate future. So tays Mayor Cor
coran, AVlint Is known ns a "kissing bug"
was captured yesterday In tho Sinclair
house by Herman Dndres, the porter,
and the strange Insect was examined
through a glass by muny of the curi
ous, but no one was anxious to handlo
his bugshlp.
Ashiel Kays, a little son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Kajs, of Scrnnton, who
are visiting friends In West Plttston,
was struck by a West Side tiolley car
yesterday morning nnd painfully in
Jurcd. The little fellow luckily escaped
the wheels.
The will of the late Mayor Holding
was probated yesterday and is as fol
lows: He bequeaths to his wlfo JMO
and the house In which she resides,
together with all the furniture, und a
monthlv nllownnce of $36 during her
life. To his bon James, $750, and
daughters, Mary J. and Florence, $W0
each, and $500 to his only surviving
sister. The remainder of tho personal
estate, Insurance, etc , after tho pay
ment of tho above bequests, Is to be
divided propoitionately between his
children, James, Mury J. and Florence.
Likewise the Income of the real estate.
James Harding, Charles Memory nnd
Edwin Fleming are named as the ex
ecutors. Ddwnrd Beattle, of Plv mouth, a con
ductor on the Traction road, whllo up
lieie on Sunday fell from his bicycle,
and besides a fractured shoulder, had
his head badly cut. His injuries weio
attended to at the hospital.
A marriage license wns Issued yes
terday to John McLochan, of Philadel
phia, and Miss Chilstlna Crouse, of
West Plttston
Oliver Burke had the misfortune to
severely wrench his knee vebterday,
while removing barrels of consldeiabU
The meeting of the board of trndo
last evening was largely attended, and
the important buslnes for which they
met, relating to the erection of the now
silk mill, was successfully completed.
Tho site donated by ex-Mayor Moloney
was transferred to the Sterling com
pany, of Paterson, X. J., and tho lat
ter, according to the agreement, will
have to erect tho stiuctuio nnd have
tho same In operation within a year
from this date.
Adam Mepler, an old and respected
citizen, died at his homo on Lincoln
street on Sunday morning at 1 o'clock,
aged C3 years. Ho had suffered for
somo time with miners' asthma. Ho
leaves to mourn his loss two sons and
four daughters. Funeral services will
be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon ut
his home. Interment In Prlceburg
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mills, of Dun
more, Bpent Sunday with relatives
M. If. Edsell and daughter, Mrs W.
W. Drake, returned Saturday from
Nlcholy, N Y wheie a relative lies In
a precailous condition.
A paity consisting of I J Schoon
over, I' C. llerlen nnd John Stout Is
ramping up the river and making life
liinoi tain for the fish.
Mis. r. J. Pchoonovcr Is spending a
few weeks nt Orange.
P.ev. Mr Young started yesterday
for a vacation trip of five weeks.
The tJev Frank Ace. of the Bilck
church preached In the Methodist Dpls
eopal church on Sunday moinlng, hav
ing echnngd with Mr. Bulley.
Demetrius llllas Constnnstlnstlnzclns
Vlshnnoff, a native of Thessnlonlca, In
Macedonia, will lecture In the Metho
dist Kpiscopni church on Fildny even
ing at 7 30 o'clock. He will be dressed
In the garb of a Macedonian noblemnn
nnd sing In tho Bulgarian nnd Muce
doninn languages. Tho lecture w III be
of Interest to all who may be able to
nttend. Fonts oip fiee nnd all are wel
come. fiep-wlll offering will be re
ceived nt tho doe of the loctuie.
The Mct!udli Hplscopnl Sunday
school will picnic In the Powder com
pany's grove rn the bink of the river
on Tilday. the 21st. It Is to be n table
pknlc nnd nil member nnd filends of
the school nie Invited to nttend.
Swings tables and seats will be pio-
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Corby spent
Sunday In Wvomliitr
Mr. nnd Mrs Ralph XZ Bailey, of
Chinchilla, called on friends in town on
Mr. Hltchner, of West Plttston, and
Miss Helen Hemstrect, of Wilkos
Barrc, spent Sunday with Miss Kuth
Mr. and Mis Miles Svvnrts and child,
of Mooslc, have been visiting the for
mer's parents, Mr. nnd Mis. K. N.
Miss Sweetser, of Scrnnton, Is tho
guest of Mis Ira Blesecker.
Miss Phoebe McQua, of Scranton, Is
visiting Miss Bessie Mnroney.
Mrs. Cunningham, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
The members of the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows and Daughters of
Itebekah gnve Mr. Joseph Dunston a
surpilse party on Wednesday evening
last, the occasion being Mr. Dunston's
The following party spent Saturday
at Harford's pond fishing: Mr. and
Mis. Holler, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. Hshenbach, Mr and Mis.
A. K. Hinds. Mrs. George Boitree. Mr.
Stanley Bortree, Miss Florence Can
non, Gertrude Dschenbach, Olive Hol
ler, Freda Hinds, Marlon nnd Helen
Scott, Master Hay Hinds nnd Wesley
Kschenbach, of Moscow , Miss Munson
nnd Miss Sampson, of Scranton, nnd
Miss Leila Swnits, of Massachusetts.
All repotted having n pleasant time
and good success.
Persons troubled with diarrhoea will
be interested In 'the experience of Mr,
W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance.
Proldence, H. I. He sajs: "For sev
eral years I have been almost a con
stant sufferer from dlnirhoea, the fre
quent attneks completely prostintlng
mo and rendering mo unfit for my du
ties at this hotel. About two years ago
n tiavellng salesman kindly gave me a
small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy Much
to my surprise and delight Its effects
were Immediate. AVhenever I felt symp
toms of the disease I would fortify my
self against the attack with a few
doses of this valuable remedy. The re
sult has been very satisfactory and al
most complete reller from the afflic
tion." For sale by all druggists. Ma
thevv Bios., wholesale and retail ngts.
Miss Isabel Sherwood, of Benson
hurst. N. Y.. is visiting in tho family
of Mrs. Louise Smith.
Mr. Gus Lelghton and family nre
spending the month at Tunkhannock,
where Mr, Lelghton Is occupied In ex
tending and perfecting the town sew
erage. Miss Esther Blake, of New Jersey,
is spending some time at the home of
her girlhood on Northup Hill.
Mr. Snm Calendar and family, of
Olyphant, nre occupjlng the Grant cot
tage below the depot during the sum
mer months.
Miss Kdlth Wethornl, a trained nurse
from Philadelphia, Is visiting her tls
ter, Mrs. Frank Hall, of this place.
A Syilan entertainment of an oper
atic order Is under prepniatlon and
will be presented at an e.uly date for
the benefit of the Glenburn Fiee 11
biary. Rov. and Mis. William Jes
sup, recently fiom that countiy, will
direct the performance and with excel
lent musicians, both homo nnd bnr
lowcd, the affair promises to be a great
Work on tho sewer extension re-commenced
on Monday morning nnd n
gang of about llfteen men are putting
the ditch through on Mai Ion street.
The pipe which failed to reach here
last week, causing a lay-off of three
dajs, will be along In time, so that tho
woik may go on without Interruption.
W. N. Reynolds, Jr., and D. R. Little,
of Wilkes-Barre, were In Tunkhannock
over Sundny.
N. N. Betts, cashier of tho First Na
tional bank of Tnwandn, was In Tunk
hannock Saturday.
Charles L Levy, cm, , of Wllkes
Bane, spent Sunday with his family
K. Stuart Stnik. of Scianton, a for
mer resident of this pluee, was hero
over Sunday.
How's ThisP
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any oaBe of Catairh that cannot bo
cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
1' J. CHUNKY & CO . Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, havo known 1'. J.
Cheney for the lust 15 jears, and believe
him perfectly honorable in nil business
transactions, and financially ablo to
cairy out uny obligation mudo by their
WKBT & TRUAX, Wholesalo Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Caturrh Cure Is taken Internally,
noting dliectly upon the blood nnd muc
ous surfaces of tho system. Price 73c,
per bottle. Sold by nil Druggists. Tea.
tlnionlnU free.
Hall's family Pills are tho best.
Tis Pleasant to Know
That we get good value for the money we spend. All the more
pleasant when we receive greater values than we could reasonably
expect. A glance at the prices quoted below will convince the most
skeptical of the possibility of obtaining such values elsewhere, These
prices are for today only. We cannot even guarantee mail orders
unless received before three o'clock in the afternoon,
You all know the merits of the
famous Lion Coifec strength of
;iroma and delicacy of flavor ars its
features, it is sold everywhere at
12 cents the pound. We offer 500
pounds of it today at, per
pound yC
Sheet Music
One thousand pieces of Sheet
Music, one hundred titles to select
from. Our pianist will play it for
you upon request. Your t
choice today at 1C
Rose Sprays, Wild Roses, fresh
as the natural, handsome for hat
trimmings, dicss or house orna
mentation, wotth, per bunch, 10c,
15c, 25c. Today we close
out the lot at, per bunch. . . . OC
Stnnlslns Godoskle, a Polander resid
ing on the Kast side, was waylaid and
brutally Ill-treated on Sunday night
near the Delaware and Hudson break
er, whllo on hla way from Mayfleld to
his home. The assault was committed
by Joe Steroskl, n fellow countrymnn.
Godoskle'? injuries consist of a torn
ear and a hoiseshoe cuned cut on the
head caused by a large stone In the
hands of Steroskl. The 'wounds bled
so freely that the man was almost ex
hausted when he reached tho doctor
and he presented n most horrible sight.
A warrant hah been sworn out for Ster
oskl's oriest, but he has not yet been
The funeral of tho lato Thomas
Kvans, who died nt Jlontdnle on Sun
dny fiom Injuries received by being
kicked by a horfce, will take place here
this afternoon. Pel vices will bo lveltl
In thf Congregational church and In
terment will be made In tho local ceme
tery. The local Foresters will nttend
in a body.
Milton Kinney wns nrrested at mid
night on Sunday for creating n dis
till banco on the Hast Side near ex
Councllmun Dloomers' liome. Ho was
token to tho borough Jail nnd yesteiday
morning fined two dollars by Burfcess
Johnson Dennetts, jr, nnd his brother
William, who were awnicled the con
tract, commenced driving tho new Flope
In tho Delaware and Hudson colliery
last evening.
Thp children of the Baptist Sunday
bchool will have their annual outing
next month nt Nay ug paik. Tickets
arc already being disposed of and the
trip to nnd from the park will bo mad
by street car Tho fares for the round
tilp hae been placed at the low price
of forty cents and It Is therefore prob
able that a large numher of people from
town will nvoil themselves of the cheap
trip and spend a day with the chlldien
at the popular resort.
A hothp belonging to Hugcne Mc
I.nughlin died here nt the livery yes
terduy, the animal having been taken
sick while Gene wus on his milk route.
The children of St. James' Sunday
school will meet at the church on
Thuifcday moinlng and will leave at
8.30 o'clock to spend th day at Lake
Chapman. The committee who have
the arrangements In hnnd hnve nr
rnnged for sutllclent accommodations
for the convevance of parents and oth
01 s who desire to spend tho day at the
lake. Refreshments will be sold on the
George Blnke, of Second street, bpent
Sunday with Olyphnnt filends.
John Hawk, a foimer watchman at
the Delawaie and Hudson bienker, who
Is now emp!ord at the Dickson works
at Scrnnton, spent Sundny heie, vis
iting old friends.
Tho unique party nt the Primitive
Methodlt-t 'church Inst evening, was
laigely nttended and tho progre.mmo
already published was credltubly given
and much enjoyed.
It lb said the local wheelmen nre not
taking very kindly to the repairing be
ing done on tho Main hticct by the
stieet commissioner. Thlr objection
Is to the broken stones which of course
they cannot llde over, nnd they havo
appointed a committee to wait upin
council regarding tho matter. It Is
more than piobnble, however, that they
will obtain llttlo satisfaction as It must
bo conceded that there are other things
beside tho comfort of wheelmen to be
consldeied in making the repairs.
Mrs. Tl G. Frlnk Is visiting ielatles
In Unlondale.
An Ice cream social was held at the
home of Pcuy Harding Friday een
Iny for tho beneut of the Sunday
school at Dradley Corners.
Miss Dlla Carr bus been entertain
ing her friend, Miss Ddwards, from
Scranton, for a few days.
James Tennant, who has been seri
ously III, Is slowly lecovering.
A. F. Heltzman nnd wife and N. U
Dm dick and wlfo aro enjoying a
week's outing ut Middle Lake.
Mrs. John Hnydon, of Wnghnmton,
called on her old nelghbois In town
tho Urst of the week.
Viola Granger, the 7-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mis. W. Grangei. met
with a painful accident last Wednes
day. She, with some other chlldien,
were crossing the street In front of
Muslin Gowns
Mother Hubbard yoke. V neck, 6
clusters oftucks, finished with ruf
fles, the usual price is 39c They
are well made and the quality of
material is above the average.
1 ney aie a tlecrueu bargain
at 2lC
Enamel Ware
Today we will sell 3 quart en
amel tea and coffee pots, 6 to 8
quart preserve kettles, covered ket
tles and sauce pans, hold 4 quarts,
any of these articles worth
35c to 39c. Your choice for 1 VC
Fruit Jar, tops and rub
bers, worth 2C)c dozen.
Today will be 1 9C
Woven Torchon
Medici Laces and Insertings, .
1 to 4 inches wide, per yard. 4-C
Open Work Cambric" fimbroide
lies, 3 to 5 inches wide, per
yard VC
Hurt Turner'B house, when Allle Tur
ner came swlftl down the hill on his
bicycle He struck the child with the
wheel, renderlnc her unconscious nnd
he was thrown to tho ground Di.
Snyder was quickly summoned and
found a deep cut an Inch and 11 half
long over the child's left ee and the
lower part of her face badly bruised.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. McConnoll visited
relatives In Scrnnton recently.
D. A. Smith, of the township, picked
fifteen bushels of straw ben les on tho
7th of July.
Miss Sue Black, of Scranton, spent
Sundav with friends In town.
A. H. Smith nnd family are spending
the week at Heait lake.
Tayette Spiout and Arthur Sprout
are taking a trip to Picture Hocks nnd
AVllllamsport on their wheels this week.
Arthur Urown, of Kearney, Neb, is
spending a few weeks with his aunt,
Miss Jennie Heaeh,
J. I Lane, of Lestershlre, spent Sun
day with relatives hero.
Miss Anna Penll, of Now York city,
who has been spending a few weeks In
town, returned to her homo today.
Mrs. Fred. Roscndalo, of New York
city, Is visiting her patents, Mr. und
Mrs. C. D. Haw ley.
Mr. Harry Dessauer, of New York
city, Is visiting his parents here.
L. H. Frlnk, of Heart lake, was In
town today.
Thero will be but one week of court
Ausust court
Mr. Denjamln Wilbur, of New York
city. Is visiting his sister. Miss Jennie
V. J. Noble fell off a haymow and
was painfully Injuied.
It Is related of President Kruger, of
the South African republic, thJt us he
sat in his mansion ones afternoon, pull
ing nt his great Dutch pipe, ho recched
a call from an Important-looking Kng
llshman Tho Isltnr Mild to the Inter
preter. "Tell tho piebldcnt that I am a
duke." Tho rugged and wily president
did not stop smoking, nnd tho Dnsllsl.
man, for the bake of further Identifica
tion, said. "Tell him 1 ttm a member of
tho houso of lords" This messngo was
also reccied with a grunt and a puff or
smoke. After some uwkwnrd waiting,
the duke o.ild:
"It might Interest tho president to
know that I was a lcero.'
Then Kiuger took his pipe from his
mouth and uhked-
"Dh' WliufB that A IceroyV"
"That Is a sort of king, jou know,"
suggested tho duke.
Again Kuiger took his pipe from his
mouth "Tell the lhiglhliman that I was
a enttlo herder," ho said, icsumlng his
pipe and closing tho intcrUew.
From tho Chicago Evening Post
"I understand he has met with financial
recrhes "
"Oh denr nn He wasn t wenllln
enough for tint He lus merely gone
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood.
Cures Impotency, Nlcht Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self
abuse, or excess ana incus-
frnttnn A TllM'Vn f Olllft mill
wflblooa builder. Brings the
:ypink glow to pale cheeks and
eikW restores the fire of youth.
ftW ABy mall fiOo per box, boxes
for $'J.fiO; with a written guaran
tee to euro or roluiul tho monoj'.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jaokson Sts., CHICAGO. ILL.
Sold by JleOnrrjh & Thomas Drug
gists,, 9w Lackawar.ra ae , Scranton, Pa
. ... .... .... .
fjh Vigor to me wnoie Demc, All drains
mT "" A 4 J
PkW f CfJ f TA
are property curcu, ineir condition oiien worries mem into insanity, consumption or ucain,
Mailed sealed, Price it pcrboi, 6 boxes, v. ith iron.clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tho
money. $3 oo. bend (or free book. Address, PEAL MtDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0,
l'or Stile by JOHN II. PIICLPS,
and Spruce street.
r -nss
Table Linens
Extraordinary values in Fine Ta
ble Linens for todav only. We
offer table damask, 66 to 77 inches
wide, in a large variety of patterns,
every yaid warranted strictly all
linen. You may examine it, com
pare it, buy it. If not satisfied with
your purchase your monev back
without question. This sale com
mences at 9 o'clock sharp.
66-Inch Wide Heavy Bleached
Damask, worth 85 cents. ,,
Today 55C
72-Inch Heavy Half Bleached
Damask, worth 75 cents.
Today 1.. 55C
72-Inch Fine Bleached
Damask, worth 85 cents.
Today 55C
Please Remember we arc
selling goods now for less money
than at any other season.
The St. Denis
Droaiway anj Eleventh S!.,N:w York,
Opp. (Irnce Church Huropsan Plan.
Rooms $1.00 a Day unit Upwards.
In a modest and unobtruslvo way thero
aro few better conducted hotels in tho
metropolis than tho St Denis.
The great popularity It has ncqulied can
readily bo traced to Its unique location.
Its homo-llko atmosphere, tho pecullur ex
cellences of its cuHlno and service, and lt
ery moderato prices.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvijg Place,
Day and Upwards.
Day and Upwards,.
For Business Men
In tho heart or tho wholesalo
For Sliopncrs
S minutes' walk to Wnnamakcrs;
S minutes to Hlefeel Coopei's Big
Stoie. Dmty of access to the great
Dry Goods Stores.
l'or Sightseers
One block from B'wny Cars, giv
ing easy tr.inspoitutlou to ail
points of interest.
Cor 11th ST ft I'NIVKRSITV PL.
Onl ono Block from Broadway.
R00IQ3, $1 Up. Pricis Keujonable
AIrfrtoua DlaeaMesVrxlUao. Mom
ory,Ita potency, SlseplQflinesa.eto .caused
by Abusa or otbor ixceisoa and India
rrotloQD. UTtcit tjuieklu and $urtltt
recto ro XiOit Vitality la oldorjounff arnt
Seaman for erudr( buglceesor marrlago.
flnintimn. Thnlr km .iAcr IrC fnerflMrt lmeraT.
LiM'ivltUII M.lf!il UV LIVUgUUiVllUU h
xaoutaaa euects a i iUli nhuro all otubr lail In
Ut upon IiftT.nix tho fienufno Alar 1 ablet. They
haTo carta tbou.and and will cure you. W o nt a pot
itivo .it it ton nuHrnnteo to effect a euro Cf OTC In
cucucaroor refund tho money I'lieeOU U lOiper
pickftcoj o rix pkcs (full treatment) for f2X0. Uy
nail, in plain wrapper. ron receipt of price. Circular
Tor salo In Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthews
Bros and II. C. Sanderrcn, druggists.
frrLontftr' lh Jet it nil aniMtiontef
lir ran t ertoriJ to yu Th vtry
ort rrof Arnon liability r
t'uluttr rurM hy 1M-RFFGTO
tMuluttly rurM hy Vh nri'CTU
TAHLf.TU.OlTe prompt reller loin.
unmift (all I iic memory and tr.t wtPte
ami drain or vital power, tiuuiifd by
indlsrrctitini or lrtaieiof tilv aii.
e me morT i
iinrari viaor and roienoT toevtrv fune
tton prare op Wttfiyita-n (live aa. bloom to toe
chtfkiftud lustre to the )f of Ap9rounitor old.
OnrWc boxrenewi rttal antrgy KiMO boita at
fl tiacsmplctairuaianieedturovrrlTyor money re
funded tan te carried In et a pocket 6o'1
everywnor or mailed in plain wrapper on iecelp',r
price by THI neurmr to., Caiioa bUf.. CalMi.1"
Sold In Scranton, Pn , by Matthews
Bros and McGarrah & Thomas, drucslata.
(lfflfAfflrlKnd unfo rtunittiuncrrrr9m
toutbfut Ir-ori Lou lullty WmcomU, fig
rol fur Hwern 'J eetlmonltile and HiMk
IvjfTTrAv "UkU u rwif tf r-
II IVj'j"" oriu Mini iu I'Diiaticipniu,
VvvbVcl'u. 1'aalllvtlv the onl etx-cUlUt In tbe
J I oltea ntjitei to euro er a tbaush the mait relebuted eree
1UHitirU,d litih'u'i ur4iu4 tc 10dlT IlourtD 36 9
rrrw irfy-TT' t-
Theyhive stood thettiteryeirs.
and hivt cured thousand! of
cairs of Nervous Diseases, lucb
as Debility, Dirtiness, Sleepless
ness ami varicocele, AtrornyAC.
They clear the brain, strenclhcn
the circulation, make digestion
nerfect. and imnart a lieallhr
.. . . ". .-....; .
and losses are checked ftrmanenlly. unless patient
lMiurmucUt. cor Wyoming nvcnuo
ii A I