The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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s R-f-f--r ifnnrlQ frvr T pv.c A
Falls of Hock in Northwest and Wil
son Crook Mines.
Michael Garboro, who resides In the
old tannery boarding house at Simpson
with his wife and two children, was
seriously nnd possibly fatally Injured
yesterday, lie was nt work In the
Northwest mines, when a heavy fall of
rock caught him, crushing his left hip,
breaking two bones near his right
ankle and fracturing three libs. He is
suffering fiom shock and Dr. D. I,.
Ilalley says he may not recover.
At the Wilson Creek mine, James
Johns, of Dundaff street, was the vic
tim of a similar accident, thoush ho
was not so badly hurt. His left leg was
severely bruised and in removing him
from the weight which pinned him
down his ankle was badly wrenched.
He will be laid up two or three weeks.
President Stoon, of the school board,
has announced the following commit
tees for 1899-1(100: Iluildlng Hughes.
Vannnn and Moon; Janitors Dlmock.
Hughes and Kerwln; books nnd sup
plies IJoylan, Kerwln and Vannan;
course of study Dlmock, IJoylan and
Moon. At the Instance of Mr. Vannan,
one of the new directors, several of the
Janitors will be Instructed to keep the
buildings in their charge In better sani
tary condition.
A remarkable fact In connection with
this city's great Independence Day
celebration is that there was not a
single arrest. That so many visitors
nhould be entertained and so much
drinking be Indulged in without a
single case of disorderly conduct is
certainly worthy of note. Where Is
there a town that can boast of such a
clean record?
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Major entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Major, of PI) mouth,
over the Fourth.
P. It. Devan lias returned from Pat
crson, N. J.
Professor A. P. Peters will return to
day from Paterson where ho spent the
Charles Rogers and H. W. Munn, who
epent tho Fourth In New York city,
nre expected home this morning.
Frank Arnold has leturned from New
It. D, Jackson, of Susquehanna, was
In this city yesterday to attend a meet
ing of the Sporl Heater company.
Dr. It. Hampton, of Scranton, was In
this city yesterday.
Dr. II. C. "Wheeler paid Scranton a
professional visit yesterday.
Mrs. William Pethrlck, of Honesdale,
spent yesterday In this city.'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy are vis
iting In Torrlngton, Conn.
Mrs. Maggie Hall, of Wilmington,
Del., who has been visiting her pa
tents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Joslin, of
Wyoming street, returned home yester
Bay. The funeral services over the remains
lot Mrs. Mary Fay took placo yesterday
at St. Itose church nt 9 o'clock. Father
Orlflln preached the sermon and tho
Iiall-bearers were James and William
Connor, James, William, Thomas nnd
Michael Martin.
Robert Ury'son. who suffered a. light
attack of appendicitis, Is convelescent.
The old foundry building on Hlver
itreet, owned by Frederick Odder, was
ignited by flreworkB .the night or the
Fourth. The Are was discovered at
Midnight and extinguished while con
lined to the shingles.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Lydla McMulIen
was held yesterday morning. Rev, W.
B. Grow ofllclated. The remains were
taken to Aldenvlllo for interment.
Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Meaker will leavo
today for a. ten days' visit at Ocean
Hon. M. T. Hurke, of Philadelphia,
A Great Tonic.
Vitality, atrongth and vigor arc
rogalnod by uao of
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
ucauine Dean name tioreford a on wrapper.
spent tho Fourth with his family In
this city.
At her home on South Main street,
Miss Martha Singer Is entertaining
Misses Maude Asch and Kdlth Frankel,
of New York city and Miss Frances
Moses, of Scranton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Alexander will
bo at home to their friends Wednesday
after August first.
Liberty lodge. No. 168, Knights of
Pythias, will tomorrow evening hold
an entertainment and public Installa
tion of ofTlccrs In the Odd Fclolws' hall,
commencing at 7:30. The programme
arranged Is as follows: Singing, K. of
P. ode; prayer, Rev. Thomas Cook;
quartette, Williams and party; Instal
lation, chancelolr commander; Instru
mental duet, Hogarth and Donth
wnete; Installation, V. C. prelate, mas
ter of D. of R; vocal olo, Marcella
Maxwell; installation, K. of R nnd
S. M. of F. M. of K.; violin solo, Mary
Maxwell; vocal solo, John Nnsby; in
stallation, master at arms; cornet solo,
i:. Stephens; Installation, Inner and
outer guard: solo Harry Longman;
charge of lodge, grand chancellor; solo,
Archie Martin; nddress, W. E. Davis;
solo, John Hogartd; quartette, Jopllng
und party; refreshments.
The manlago of Miss Eliza IJ. Os
borne and Robert E. Blakcslee, of
Coal Glen, JefforsonVmnty, took placo
at noon yesterday at the homo of tho
bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Osborne, of
Main street." Tho young couple were
unattended, tho ceremony being per
formed by tho Rev. Naboth Osborne,
brother of tho bride, nssisted by Rev.
J. H. Cook, pastor of tho M. E. church.
After the ceremony an elabornto re
past was served and at 2 o'clock tho
happy couple left on tho Delaware and
Hudson train for Uuffalo and other
points, nnd will make their home at
Ithaca, N. Y. The bride Is a young lady
of charming personality and refine
ment and for tho past two years has
been a successful teacher in tho bor
ough schools. Mr. Elakeslee is a young
nion with a bright future before him
nnd has Just been appointed professor
of physics of Cot noil University. They
have the wishes of a host of friends for
a happy future. Among the few out of
town friends who attended were Mrs.
Angwln and sons Edward and Garfield,
of Dunmore, and Miss May Kllpatrlck,
of Carbondale.
Miss Gertrude Atherton, of Olyphant,
spent the Fourth with the Misses Coon
of Main street.
Mrs. P. E. Timlin, who has been un
dergoing treatment at the Moses Tay
lor hospital, has considerably Improved
since the operation performed upon
her last Sunday.
Ed. Mason has accepted a position
with Merchant L. A. Green.
Richard Harvey, who has 'been ser
iously 111 for several weeks past, is
rapidly recovering.
Mrs. Armlnda Miller and grand
daughter, Carrie Duckland, of Elk
Lake, are visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rticknnnon, of
Elizabeth, N. J., who have been visit
ing here, returned homo yesterday.
Persons troubled with diarrhoea will
be interested In the experience of Mr.
W. M. Eush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance,
Proldence, R. I. Ho says: "For sev
eral years I havo been almost a con
stant sufferer from diarrhoea, tho fre
quent attacks completely prostrating
mo and rendering me unfit for my du
ties at this hotel. About two years ago
a traveling salesman kindly gave mo a
small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much
to my surprise nnd delight Its effects
were immediate. Whenever I felt symp
toms of tho disease I would fortify my
self against tho attack with a few
doses of this valuable remedy. The re
sult nas oeen very satisiaciory nna al
most complete relief from tho afflic
tion." For sale by nil druggists, Ma
thew Bros., wholesale and retail agts.
Tunkhannock's citizens celebrated the
Fourth at Sprlngvllle, the early train
taking a good-sized crowd, and a num
ber driving across country. Tho at
tractions comprised a balloon ascen
sion, foot races, a ball gamo between
tho Sprlngvllle team und a team or
ganized from Company K, N. Q. P., of
this place, and various other amuse
ments. The local streuts were very
Tho only accident reported as a re
sult of the celebrations here was to
Orrln Dibble, an employe of the Kceler
house. In company with several other
by Any Store in
boys, he was engaged In firing a can
non down In front of the hotel, on the
evening of tho 3d. While reloading the
cannon, tho charge In some way was
exploded, filling his face full of powder.
Ho was carried Into the hotel nnd Dr.
Murray was called to attend him. Tho
powder was taken out of his face, and
It was ascertained that his eyes are
not Injured. Ho will bo laid up for
some time, however.
Mrs. J. S. Turn, of Scranton, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Catherine Towns
end. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. II. F. Metcalf and Rev. and Mrs.
S. C. Hodge, accompanied by a number
of young people from here, occupied
the Metcalf cottage at Lake Carey over
the Fourth.
R. D. Hennett, of Wllkes-Uarrc, was
In Tunkhannock on Monday on his way
to Lake Carey.
F.J. Sampson is in New York city
this week.
MissFannio Scrivonsand Mr. Sarnuol
Mallott TJuited in Marriage Other
Nows of Interest.
At hlGh noon Tuesday, Miss Fannie
Scrlvens, an estimable young lady of
this town, was united in tho bonds of
holy matrimony to Mr. Samuel Mal
lett, a popular young man, of Utlca.
N. Y. The ceremony was performed In
tho front of the bride's homo on Union
street by tho Rev. Dr. II. II. Harris, of
tho Calvary Baptist church. The bildo
looked very attractive In a neat gown
and presented a charming appearance.
They were unattended, and only tho
relatives nnd Immediate friends were
present. A sumptuous dinner was
served and several hours were pleas
antly spent. They were the recipients
of valuable and costly presents. Mr.
and Mrs. Mnllett left on a midnight
train for Utlca, N. Y., where tho groom
has a neatly furnished home. Both
have many well-wishing friends.
The molanolestes plclpes, or "kissing
bug," as he is more popularly known,
has arrived in this vicinity and many
persons arc in a nervous tremor as a
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company's collieries here are
working full time.
David J, DaIs, of North Taylor,
spent the Fourth at Lake Wlnola.
Misses Marlam and Hannah Evans
and Messrs, Edgar Piobyn anl Frank
Evans, of Plttston, weio the guests of
the Misses AVatkins, of Grove street, on
tho Fourth. ,
Taylor castle, No. 2G7, Knights of the
Golden Eagle, will meet this evening
In their rooms.
All ladles connected with the fair of
tho Taylorvllie lodge, No. 66S, Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, nre re
quested to meet in Llewellyn's hall this
afternoon nt 2 o'clock.
William Fnlrclough, son of Joseph
Falrclough, will leave this evening for
Kansas City, Mo., to permanently re
side. Egbert Richards, of South Main
street, Is visiting friends at Bald Mount
for the past few days.
Lackawanna Valley council, No. 81,
Junior Order United American Me
chanics, will meet In their rooms this
Mr. and Mrs. Jnmcs Gordon visited
nt the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Brooks, of Laf
lln, spent tho Fourth at the home of
Professor and Mrs. Thomas R. Davis,
of Main street.
Miss Suslo Powell, who has been vis
iting at tho home of her sister, Mrs.
Edward Roberts, at Kingston, has re
turned to her home on Taylor btreet.
The Loyal Temperance union of the
Stewart Memorial church, of Rendham,
are arranging to conduct a lawn social
near the church on July 22.
How's ThlsP
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J,
Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bollera
him perfectly honorablo In all business
transactions, and financially able to
carry out any obligation made by their
WEST & TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'fl Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood und muc
ous surfaces of the system. Price 73c.
per bottle. Bold by all Druggists, Tes
timonials free.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
T rvtn i r PTnain WTcxsz ThVc--
Cuba, the twenty-two ton locomotlvo
which pulls tho coal from tho Grassy
Island shaft of tho Delaware and Hud
son to the Klondike breaker, owned
by the same company, at Olyphant,
was wrecked yesterday afternoon. The
fireman, Ftnnk Lenon, was quite badly
The cause of tho accident was the
washing out of a part of tho road bed
at a culvert. The slow rate of speed
no doubt saved tho lives of both en
gineer and fireman. Tho engine had
Just been to the shaft nd was return
ing to the breaker with a trip of
cars when at a point near the Grassy
breaker the engine struck the wash
out and toppled over on Its side. Fire
man James Lenon, on whoso side tho
washout occurred, was quite badly In
jured by being thrown out of the cab.
while Engineer John Williams escaped
Injury. It Is expected that the engine,
which Is not badly smashed, will be
placed on tho rails today.
The next meeting of the Blakoly
borough council will be held at tho
borugh building Monday evening, July
Mr. Thomas W. Mellon nnd daughter,
Miss Emily, of Ashley, were tho guests
of Mr. and Airs, William Allen on
Tho alarm of flro sounded at 2:30
o'clock yesterOay morning was caused
by the burning of a house at ArchltfUd.
Tho engineer nt tho electric light plant
seeing the reflection on tho sky thought
the flto was In the upper portion of the
town, hence tho nlaim.
D. Y. Davis, of Lackawanna street,
sustained n painful Injury Tuesday
morning. He slipped on a banana peel
and fell, spraining his nnkle severely.
Pr. Kelly was called and Is attending
the Injured man.
It Is expected that a largo crowd
will attend tho C. Y. M. T. A. and B.
society excursion which goes to Har
vey's Lake next Saturday. Tickets for
adults $1, children S." cents.
Tho examination of tho teachers of
tho public schools wll take placo In the
central school building on Monday next.
Mrs. Viola Fugh and niece, ot Balti
more, nro the guests of Mrs. Mary
Jones, of Susquehanna street.
Mrs. John Watklnshaw, of Wllkes
Barre, who has been visiting her pa
rents, returned home yesterday.
A large number from hero attended
the picnic given by the congregation of
Rev. J. M. Smoulter's church, at Rock
Lake, on Tuesday.
Rav Norman, of Wyoming, Is visiting
relntlves In town.
John Burke and granddaughter. Miss
Constance Sweeny, hacv returned from
a visit to Carbondale.
Miss Florence McAndrew, of New
York, is spending a few weeks with
relntlves In town.
Miss Jennie Langhan left yesterday
for Illnglmmton where she will accept
a position.
Tho members of the Congregational
and Welsh Raptlst Sunday schools on
Joyed a day's outing In tho woods Tues
day. A Chenp Trip to the Pacific Coast.
The National Educational Associa
tion meeting at Los Angeles, Cal., Is
the occasion for tho Southern Railway
to put on the remarkably cheap rate
of one faro for tho round trip (plus
$2.00 Association Membership fee).
This, In connection with tho new Pal
ace Tourist Sleeping Cars, operated
over the Southern Railway and South
ern Pacific, n double berth In which
costs only $7.00, renders possible the
cheapest and most enjoyable trip of the
season. A particularly pleasant fea
turo of this trip Is that the tickets are
good going one way and returning an
other; I. c., going via New Orleans and
returning through Salt Lake City and
Colorado; or by tho payment ot J12.B0
additional, the trip may be mado re
turnink through Portland, Ore.
Stop-over privileges aro allowed at
El Paso or any point west thereof, on
tho going trip, and at any point west
of Denver and Colorado Springs on
tho return trip. By this means pas
sengers aro afforded tho opportunity of
seeing tho entire Pacific Coast. Side
trips aro arranged at nominal cost
from Los Angeles and San Francisco
to all points of interest in California.
Further information may bo obtained
from Chns. L. Hopkins, D. P. A.,
Southern Railway, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., or from A. J, Poston,
General Agent, Sunset Excursions, 611
Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C.
Mrs. J. i. Lane, of Lestershire, N.
Y spent tho Fourth with her mother,
Mrs. Shaw.
Mrs. Winnie Martin, of Scranton,
spent the Fourth with friends in Mont
rose. E. N. Barney, of Nicholson, spent
Sunday in town.
Mr. Rruce Crlsman, of Blnghamton,
Is spending a few days with J. Green.
Miss Bessie Mack and sister, Kathcr
ine, who have been visiting In Blng
hamton, returned homo for tho Fourth.
Miss Nellie Conklln spent tho Fourth
at Elmlra,
Miss Ina Hitchner, of West Plttston,
spent Sunday here.
Miss Mary Dean, of Wllkes-Rarre, Is
visiting relatives here.
W. J. Horton, of Blnghamton, is
spending a few days hero.
Miss Meta Guy is visiting friends in
C. N. Tlngley, of Susquehanna, spent
the Fourth with his brother, W. E.
Mrs. Bryce Stewart has returned
from a trip to the South.
C. Fred, "Watrous, of Scranton, has
been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. T. Watrous.
Dr. Mark 'Hunter, of Sayre, spent
Tuesday with old friends In town.
Miss Louise Bunnell has returned
from her Factorvvllle visit.
Mrs. George, of Wllkes-Rarro.was tho
guest of Mrs. James Iogan, of Main
street, the forepart of this week.
Miss Gertrude Watklns spent the
Fourth with Mrs. Thomas Owens, of
Golden Chain lodge. Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, will hold their
regular meeting this evening.
A plcnlo will be held In Father
Mathew grove today under tho aus
pices of St. Thomas' church. A now
organ has recently been purchased and
a Glee club Is to be at once organized
In connection with the church. Every
body Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills nnd family spent
the Fourth with friends in Dunmore.
William Godoskl, a Polandcr, a work
man In tho Twin shaft, dropped dead
upon reaching the surface, on his way
home, last evening. Although there
was nothing to indicate the necessity
of a coroner's Investigation, that offi
cer was notified and will decide If an
Inquest Is necessary.
The barber shop of Fred, Stuckey,
In Duryea, went up In smoke last
night, nnd now there Is one building
less In that unfortunate and well ad
vertised locality.
Somo May Miss Finding Gold in the
Klondike, but All Will Grow Hair
Prom tho San IYancIsco Call.
Tho experience of Roderick Dhu
Smith, who recently returned from tho
Klondike region with a big budget of
experience, qulto a little sum of money
and a head of hair which almost quali
fies him to take an engagement as a
Circassian girl In a circus, Is of especial
Interest to a largo contingent of his
fellow men and women. For bo It
known that Rodeilck, before making
his perilous way to tho Arctic regions,
though otherwise pleasing to look upon
and still on the sunny side of forty,
was the owner of a head which mado
theatre ushers, whenever there was a
ballet on tho programme, escort him
down to tho front row without even
glancing at his seat check.
Whllo this might havo been consid
ered an advantage by somo people, It
was not plenslng to Mr, Smith, who Is
an essentially modest man and averso
to being made unduly prominent on any
occasion. It 3 said, too, that this bald
ness was tho real causo of his starting
out In search of cold, since ho spent
all his patrimony In the purchase of
hair-restorers, and It was necessary
for him to do something, no matter how
desperate, to retrieve his fortunes.
Bo that as It may, he went to Alaska,
and after a two years residence there,
has returned a modern Samson, as far
as chevelure is concerned, and ho de
clares that tho transformation is en
tirely due to tho rigors of the climate
in that quarter of tho globe.
"Tho lntenso cold kills all tho germs
and microbes," ho asserts, "and stimu
lates tho scalp, and nature does the
rest," and he proudly exhibits his llon
Uko mano aa a proof of what naturo
can do when nho takes a fancy, un
assisted by washes or oils or unguents.
P. J. McLeod, who has spent twelve
years In Alaska and the Northwest,
although ho has not the pleasure of
knowing Mr. Smith personally, and did
not, therefore, see tho sprouting and
tho bourgeoning of his especial crop ot
modified epidermic cells, still corrob
orates as to the virtues of that climate
as a hair-producer.
"My hair was always thick," ho says,
"so I cannot speak from personal ex
perience, but the way tho dogs put on
hair up there Is a caution; they get as
shaggy ns Shetlnnd ponies; and, now
I think of it, I never saw a bald-headed
fellow anywhere around there. To tell
the truth, they all look, after they have
got to work, as though a razor and a
pair of scissors were far moro needed
than a hair-restorer, nnd a missionary
barber could do good work among
The OLIVE W!ie3
The most attractive and popular
The best that money can buy.
Call or write for catalogue.
122 N. Washington Ave.
Scranton Pa
Cool, comfortablo traveling
surrounded by every luxury.
The Overland Limited
via the Chicago, Union Pa
cific and Northwestern Line,
leaves Chicago 6:30 p. m.
every dav In tho year, and
reaches California in 3 days.
The Pacific Express leaves
Chicago every day at 10:30 p.
m. Very low rates to Cali
fornia. Juno 25th to July 8th.
Stop-overs- choice of routes.
For particulars ask your
nearest ticket agent or ad
dress Chicago & North-Western Ry.
Principal Agencies:
iOi Chestnut St. 461 Uroadwiy-
191 Clark St
Arsenic Beauty
Tablets and Pills
This Complexion Treatment
is a guaranteed specific, per-
i fectly sale and suro in its ac
tion, rur uio removal 01 var
ious disorders of the skin, viz;
Pimples, Blotches, Frecklei,
Sunburn, Discoloration, Ccze
ma, ilUckbeads, Rouihness, Redness, and re
stores tbe Uloom o! Youlb to faded faces.
Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 60c;
30 days' treatment, $1.00; six boxes $5.00
with positive written guarantee to produce the
above results or cheerfully refund f j.oo paid. Sent
by mail on receipt of price. Send for circular.
Nervlta Medical Co., cilnion&JicWoaSts.
Sold by all Drucelits Ctlcijo, Illinois.
Sold by Mcdarrah & Thomas, Drug
gists,, 2v9 Lackawanna ave Scranton, Tu
if f v
it atr- -r
7W I'"
t., .i-rifn THPTAAJll
in A tit I AyJXiAsJw !TJiienandVaric(x.el,Atrcpy,Sic.
AliMlN ! rli T i ' iiMiati"1"" i in 1 1 1 ii ii n i nil iiiiniiiiiii
ftUnlll tPy .. iHllltM the circulation, tnako dilution
Htts ttfz
ilgor ta the whole) belnf. All drain,
WNj jjvlft
aro properly curcu, incircDBUiuoneucn wemc.incmioiu jmsoity, LoniunipiiQnvi ug,b.
Mailed scaled. 1'rlce Ii cerboi: 6 boxes, with Iron-clad lerat cuarantee tocurt or refund tha
money, (j oo. Send lor free book,
For Sale by JOHN II. PHELPS,
and Spruce street.
The St. Denis
Broadway and eleventh Si., New York,
Opp. Qrace Church. European Plan.
Rooms S1.00 a Day and Upwards.
In a modest and unobtrusive way there
are few better conducted hotels In the
metropolis than tho St. Denis.
Tho great popularity It has acquired can
readily be traced to its unique location.
Its home-llko atmosphere, tho peculiar ex
cellence of Its culslno and service, and Us
very modcrato prices.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvhg Place,
Day and Upwards.
Day and Upwards.
X Vov Business Men X
4- In tho heart of tho wholcsala
. district.
For Shoppers
3 minutes' walk to Wnnamakers: T
8 mlnutps to Blegel Cooper's Hlg J"
Store. Easy of nccess to the great ""
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers X
One block from IV way Cars, glv-
lng easy transportation to all 4.
points ot Interest. .4.
Cor. 11th ST. Jk UNIVERSITY PL. -f-4-
Only ono Block from llroadway. --
ROOMS, $1 Up. Prices treasonable X
Chichester. KagUsh Diamond Krand.
Original and Only Groulatt.
Arc tlwiyi rtiUbl la on tit
Drafglu for Chickttttrt BnpUih Pt
beiM. aril! with blu r1bi Tk
ao other. Xfti9itntrounuhiuw
ion and im(ratimi At Praiiint. r ml 4.
ta HtniM for e&rlUtltri, tMtlmooUti &&
iirurr lor i,a4i,"irirur, y rtlBrn
1UIL 10.000 ItitlmtsUli rprrt
Boltfe; tit Local UruiiUti. 1'Jf ILUA., AVL
DO NOT DFtiPAlIt t OnnoiSor
nl tmbitlomef
lift ran brftreJio j
worttrMfiof Nerton llchllltr ar
in rj
abtomifi; eurra oy I'l.iirtiTU
TAllL.RTM.Olr prompt rellW t In
tunmift. fillioff memory od tht wait
IndUcrailom or ricciMioofcilr yttit.
Imparl vtf or and pottnov t tftry t unc
tion BraeaoptnotftUra Uie MK bloom to in
rhftkaandluitro to tlw ift of Hfyounr orolrt.
OnrVo box rnwa vital onarrr PMJJft boita at
fl.tac9rapletrfuaranttedcurV7TTy or mo my rt
fwrnlad Can ba carrlad In ait w pocket iJ
fffrywher or mailed In plain wrapper on rtcalatf
pneo by Trtl mantflT Cv laii Wii., nieJi,
Bold In Scranton, Ta., by Matthew
Bros, and McQarrah & Thomas, drucslsts.
JLLlNrvou iJIaeuiea Paillaa Man
ory.ImpoUjncj, Blecplajsaae, etc, cashed
by Abuas or othtr Eicwawa ami India
cratiom. They muiehlu and surely
reutora Iwt Vitality ta aMcrjounff.Btui
ttta man forttudy, buqlnaasor uarrlaga.
Pravaat Iniiinit .all CAnturnntlak if
tiVtnin lima. TbairtiM ahowa ittmedlata faiprova
merit nod e (tacts a CUKE wkero all other foil In
aUt apOD haying tho genulna AJax Tabtt. Taay
bays cared thouaaad and nil I care yon. We lr ft paa
ltlta written gaarinta toeflact acuro CWTC 'u
eachoaaaor raf uad tha isoaay, 1'rlca wU U lOirr
puckaio, or all pkge (fall treatment, for fJtO. 13 y
ftih lu plain wrapper, upon receipt of rrica. Clrcnluv
' AJAX REftiUDY CO., '.TfiC"
For salo In Scrantcn, Pa,, by Matthews
Broa. and II. C. Banderccn, druggists.
They h tie stood the teit Of year. ,
and har cui.d Ihouiaadi of
caiti el Nervoul Diicaiei, luck
a. Debility, Dlnlntsi, Sleepless
perfect, and Impart a bcalikr
and lotiet are checked ftrmaniHtty, Units, patltnta
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.
PlmrmacUt, cor Wyoming avenuo
krt 3&eI
ry "ff
r J 'fJ