The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 01, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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Juno is surely the month wlion mar
rlnifp la more dlsrus.sod tlimi ut any
otlier time iIuiIiir I lie twelvemonth.
It Is the one vvhrn, filthuiiRli Hide by
nlde with tin divot co column, the wed
dlnKH me Mitt! to outniinibcr tho sep
arations Of course ovorj'one knows
It Is unlucky to marry In Muy mid
natmiilly thiro iue more vvpcltllnK'H
douded Into Tune. Then, too, the pro
fusion of ruses and tho beauty of na
mrc are strong Inrrntlves to Riving
thH sujirMiie event of .1 Rlrl'a llro the
host povilbln pottliiR
It really KceinR that thin June luus
been oni' of exceptional Intel est lu a
niittrlinonlitl way An unusual num
ber of m ddlns have been solemnized
and m.iniHKe has Iipcii the thief topic
of conversation ratiRliiR from the pret
ty local ponti In which so many nre
Interested to Hiieh man luces im that
of Hip Gcinian Prlnrosm Marie with her
Erundtather's hostler who vww conven
iently made a duke for the orcn don, to
the Itplmont-Sloan affair revived In peo
ple"! minds by the lucent published ic
Kiets of the clergyman who pel formed
the ceremony when the bilcle vn a
two hours' divorcee. The month has
lieen surely retnakable for scvcnil vveil
dliiRS out of the ordinal v. Theie wn
that CambildRe one by the way
the Broom wns Sloan, loo, where
tin bildo chanped her mind almost at
the altar and oft vlth an usher
vhom she mairlod Instead of the
Rinom Younpr Sloan, who Is said to be
but 10 ears old. Is n hiother of the
Miss Sloan who wns the central tlpuie
In n swell wcddliiR In TJuffalo the other
lnv which vvsb noted In those columns,
bemuse In compliment to the Rroom
Jack" Green, she and her maids car
ried 'Jnek" loses, the latter wearing
firetn frocks.
It was a horrid wav to do and she
must have been a horrid girl even If ho
hnil pretty little cm Is on his boyish
forehead and could turn-turn on a ban
jo In a perfectly heavenly harplsh man
ner This making up one's mind dif
ferently at the altar or on the day of
the wedding Is dolt stable and the cheat
ed lover Is well lid of the fickle one,
as Is also the Rlrl who waits In vain
In hi fair mairlane robes for the
bridegroom who never comes. These un
icitaln j,ouiir pel sons would display so
much better taste If they'd break off
with the old loe befoie the wedding
cake was baked and the cards were
hent out, or would nt leat make up
their minds as to what they Intended
to do with regard to the alleged bride
or Rroom
Theie was that splendid society wod
(MnR in I'ittslnirR when the Rroom, a
New Yoiker, appcurt d nt the altar
without the necessaiy manlaRQ
ll t use although the lilshop and a
diuich full of fashlonabli fi lends wete
waiting The neglect of this tiilllnR
rnnslanl.i foimalitv caused a delay
of two hours In the ceremony and vh it
was mure seilous produced a similar
tffttt on the wedding dejeunei.
A Vlrglna marrlace last week was
attended by moat tonmr.tlc fe.i'ureH.
The lulde and groom wens marred ten
yems ngo, but after ftvo rears of mtn
Rled felicity and tile kerltitfs, decided to
separate, the young wl' nrocuiimr a
divorce. The husband went forth In
the world, achieved fame and a lofty
political tosltlon, cone back to his
old home the other ony. happeneJ to
meet his tx-wlfo on the rtroet, pro
ceeded to fall in love with her npnln
.1 la Mrs. Alexander's 'TorglnB the
Fcttets," and both, believing the five
years' scpaiation had brought wisdom
to the fool Mi yotinit liiirln decided to
Iw le nun rled on Tuesday.
At a MttlP Falls, N. Y.. weddlmr on
"Wednesday, the cei oniony took place in
the Episcopal chuich and for u ie
reesional was sunir, "Fight the Good
I'lght," which to say tho least was a lit
tle startling If taken In the way of nd
leo but was not less so than the reces
sional "Farewell sweet dreams of joy."
At Lebanon this week the bilde was
given away by her sister which may
not be out of older but is unusual. At
Altoona the otlier day a MlGuIio wed
ding took place. The groom was n
Doctor McGuire fiom Vliglnla, hit
bilde'.s name was McGuire, as was alu
that of tho priest who performed the
him and afwr waiting until ho dared
wait no longer he had to run for It,
u mile, lm utrivliig at tho altar l at Ivor
breathless but looking happy.
At another wedding In this town the
bride wna late In her robing piepara
tlons and had Riven orders to havo
the ceremony delayed which, as it was
a home wedding could easily have been
arranged But part of her directions
wero omitted as Instead of waiting the
signal the remainder of the bridal
party proceeded to descend; tho Rioom
stood In his placo and tho minister wns
ready with his book und the bride
appeared not for twenty minutes theie
after, during which time BOinu of the
relatives nearly went Into hysterics as
mental pictures of dire trugedles wero
conjured tin In which a fair maid,
dead in her bridal robes or eloping
from a second stoiy window with a
handsomer man or lying In a faint.
appeared ad libitum. Tho groom even
be?an to grow pale when a very red
cheeked and Irato bible walked In with
her father vainly trying to keep step
In the hasty mnrch to the fiont.
There was a wedding the other day
whin the bridesmaids clamoied In vain
for the bildes bouquet to be tossed
down toward their outstretched hands
that the traditional presnge of tho first i
eino to ry could bo made. Tho
beautiful glil-wlfe In her shining robes
leaned ovet the stair but held closely
tho great bunch of white loses. Sho
did not tell tho ineiry company below
that her bridal lloweis wero to be
given to one bridesmaid ulone to the
one who was not theie but who, In the
fond ejes of the bride who had loved
her mi, walked softly down the church
aisle In the white procession. Othei.s
could not nee hei, but that by the
f i lend In the biidal veil she was not
foigotten may In- known, for above her
quiet lest in Dunmore cemetery soon
after could be seen the roses which the
. .-.i.f..imii' ,i,ifl iit et llftv trtinntq. f oi tv
eight weio McGtiires by name, and j "-' ""rled to the altai
there Is an account of another
Pennsylvania bride, who In this case
was kidnapped by a party of friends,
who had queer notions of a joke. So
much for a casual observer notes of a
fortnlcht or more of matrimonial records.
Speaking of Lebanon, it is the fash
ion down in that region to conlldo to
the public through be medium of tho
newspapers tho exact route to be taken
by the "happy pair" on their wedding
journey. Their printed accounts itiva
llably contain their destination even
when it happens to be Niagara Falls,
although in mobt other sections of the
country it is customary to conceal
these details even fiom tho brides
maids. The comical complications In
that funniest book, "Hei Lads. ship's
I'lephant," were all occasioned by the
sedulously guarded secret by which In
the case of two bildes and grooms, a
husband and wife in each party, pro
hlbted even their partneis In bliss from
lent nlng the Intended destinations. Not
long ago a lather tragic leature of a
wedding journey was that the gtoom's
new mother-in-law died
few das after the departme or the
voung people and an no one hnd the
slightest Idea where to telegiaph tho
poot little bilde never knew of her be-
leavement until her return a foitnlght
The Second Piesbyteilan church,
while It contains neither long drawn
ulsles nor fretted vault Is peculiarly
adapted to forming tho background
for a pietty wedding, was tho scene
of one unusuat effective on Thursday
when Mlhi MaiRiiret Dorothea Hnnley
was man led to Mi. Hany L. IClikpat
rlek. The lloral decorations In white
and green weie hcaicely more exquisito
in artistic effect than the soft toned
windows over which the rich traceiy
of Ivy made an infinitude of fairy-like
pictures. Tho ceremony was pel formed
by Rev. Dr. C. i:. Robinson The bride
was given away by her father. Mr.
Willis Kirkpatrick was groomsman.
The bride's sister, Miss Kmma Hanley,
was maid of honor. The bridesmaids
vveieMIss Mary Linen, Miss Alice Sle
bei t, Miss Ruth Hanley and Miss Anne
Hand. MtfeS Grace McLean was flovir
girl The ushers weie Mesrs. Will
Hanley, J. B. Cook, of Bellefonte; Ar
thur Foster, of West Plttston; Robert
Snyder and Bevan Decker.
At the conclusion of the ceiemony a
reception to iclatlves and a few Itnme-
suddpnly a dlate fi lends was held at the home of
the bilde s parents, Mr. and Mis. Will
lam Hanley, on Monroe avenue In
the lecelving line with the bilde and
groom weie Mi. and Mis Hanley, and
the gtoom's p.uents, Mi. and Mrs C.
W. Khkpatiick.
Uildegiooms sometimes fall to ap
pear at the hour fixed foi the cere
mony but it Isn't every one who had n
good an excuse as a Scianton society
man a jear or two ago, when by some
blunder a cariiage was not sent for
At the tho home of Mi. and Mis S.
P. Hull Wednesday afternoon their
daughter, Miss Louise, was man led to
Mr. Win tin op Hlllyer Duncan, of
Brooklyn. N Y The cetemonj was
pei formed bj Rev. Dr. I J Lansing.
V. . . . . f. . V. V, V, K ,v.KKKK n . V, f. , K t K t K . H . . .: K K . UK K K i H t? l
Scranton Store, 124-126 Wyoming: Avenue.
Saturday's cut prices
Men's furnishings
An extraordinary event to
obtain high-class furnishings at
about half the customary prices foi goods of equal merit. The best and most as
sured saving chances of the year aie here set forth. Don't miss them.
50c and 75c neckwear at 25c Come and take your pick of the finest in this neckweai stock
as a special offering at half price and less 25c
All our regular 25c neckwear. Sale price . 15c
Si. 00 men's fancy bosom shirts at 65c All over fancy, and in the most stylish patterns;
separate link culf. Price was $1.00 up to fust day of this sale, now 65c
Men's 25c suspenders, elastic web and imitation guiot. Sale price 15c
Men's 1 5c full shaped half hose, all colors and sizes. Sale pi ice 7c
Men's 25c imported fancy half hose. Sale price 15c
Miss Ulancho Hull won maid of honor.
Mr. W. W. Duncan was best man. Tho
bridesmaids were Mlpses riorenco
Hull, Lavlnla Dlmmlck, Lillian Poore,
Jean Lindsay, Kate Nettleton and Miss
Homer, of St. Louis. The flower Rlrls
were Misses Dorothy and lmnia Tay
lor Miss Kathryn A. Haggerly was one
of the prettiest bilden of tho season
on Thursday, when she wns married
to Mr. Trunk O. Megargce at St. Pet
er's cathedral. Miss Annie Haily, of
Plttston, was maid of honor, Mr. Frank
Relchntt, of Philadelphia, was best
man. The wedding bieakfast was
seived at the homo of tho brldo'n pat
ents, Mr. and Mrs William Haggcrty,
on Mulbptiy street
Miss Amy R Ravvson, formeily of
Giecnwuod, who has been muse nt the
city hospital, of Minneapolis, Minn.,
wns man led on June 21 to Arthur
C'tuw, by the Rev. Peter flaie. Tho
bride Is the daughter ot Mr and Mis.
Heniy Ravvson, of Greenwood, and Is
well known In this city. The groom Is
nho well known In Scranton and is at
present one of Minneapolis pinmlneut
merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Crawshavv
have the good wishes of their friends In
this c Ity. Among those that attended
fiom this city were Mrs Henry Haw
son, mother of Ml". Crawshavv, and
Mis. Weldv, of Sumner avenue, tho
gloom's sister.
Today on tho Countiy club golf Units
un approach and putting match w III be
played Instead ot tho scheduled driv
ing contest, the founer being postponed
ftnm last week. The match will bo
held on tho home gicen, and it Is ic
ijuested that nil contestants be present
at 2 "0 Young and old are requested to
The first few das of the now stieet
car schedule pinvo the popularity of
the convenient tianspoiUtlon While
it brings an Incteised number ot golf
ets, mnn more spectatois are also
present. An eluborate gate Is being
constituted, and the rules tor trcspnss
lng will be vlgoiously enfoiced
The great Inteiest ot the coming
week centeis in tho geneul handicap
for the Fourth, when the line tankard
and three cups are offeted by tho
Rieons committee ns (list pilze, with
a handsome golf club as second. The
cups may be seen at Florey & Rrooks.
In the evening a band concert and fire
works will be the attractions. It Is ex
pected thnt all the stay-at-homes will
be present.
Local golfers are yet talking about
the contest of last Saturday, between
Captnln J. II. Brooks and Harrison, the
ptofesslonal It was teally a most le
maikable game, and no one was moie
suipilsed than Mr. Biooks himself.
While he knew thnt he was playing
good Rolf, ho had no Idea that ho would
defeat the famous champion, who. as
he said, was brought up on the links
of Scotland. Not only did Mr Ilrooks
break all lecords of the links, but he
played three under the bogie. Mr. Har
ilson was much ciingiined, as It was
the first time he had ever been de
feated by an amateur.
Mi and Mrs T J. Fostei ale en
teitnlnlng a limine paity of seveial
friends of their daughter Among them
aie Miss Frances S Sew aid, of Alban ;
Miss Maiy J. Cuitis, of New Haven,
Conn ; Miss Nell V. Cair, ot Orange, N.
J. Last evening a number of guests,
including those just named, Mesis.
Castlebury, of Philadelphia; Pond, Gil
more and Dr. Coise weie given u din
ner by Mi and Mis. Foster at the
Countiy club. Today the joung la
dies , with Mls-s May Albro, will be
taken to Pieston paik, where Mi. Fos
ter and faml will lemiiln over the
Mr. and Mis V L Fullei uie occu
pying a cottage at Sheltei Island,
wheie they will enteitaln a number of
house patties duilng the se.tfcon They
have taken thelt horses thither and
Mr. Fullei has recently purchased .1
steam launch which will add to the
summers plwiBtiro A company of
guests who will 1 emnin with them dur
ing the next foi tnight constats of Di
and Mis C. L Fiey, Mi and Mis K
G Com sen, Ml and Mis. Tredeilek
Fulei, Mrs Wlllani Matthews and MKs
Rllabeth Howell.
Messrs. Aithur Hull, Clmrles Rcchen
berg, David Wakeman, ot Now York,
and Hdmund Ferris, of West Plttston.
Carl II. Fowler, esq,, of New York,
who has been at the Jermyn this week,
while uctlng ns counsel In the contest
between tho National and United Cor
respondence Schools, went to Buffalo
last night to visit his father, Bishop
C. II. Fowler.
Mr. James Atchbald and family left
yesterday for Cottage City. Judgo
Hand will remove his family to their
summer homo at tho same lesort to
day, and next week Mr. and Mrs, R.
M. Scranton will go to Cottage City to
visit at the home of Mr. I. A. Finch.
$4 taffeta silk waists
Made to oui special order, of high-class taffeta Cr-rj rxrv
silks, in plain colors and fancy effects, not a waist M
in the lot that is not worth $3.00 and some $4.00. . la (J
Also three other lots of particularly high-class silks each
waist being made in the most stylish manner all at about
half price.
for waists
that are
worth from
$4 to $3.
for waists
that are
woith from
f 5 to 6.
tor waists
that ate
worth from
$7 to $10.
59c embroidery trimmed
musflin gowns at 29c
Made in the most faultless manner of good muslin, with
yoKe 01 emurouiery ana camunc rullle. Quite a contiast to
the stull anotner store is offering, being superior
in quality and at a much lower price. Saturday
for women's 59c gowns Mother Hubbard style,
tucked and trimmed with embroidery.
for women's 75c gowns Nicely tucked square neck
of embroidery insertion, trimme,! with wide embroid
ery edge to match.
for women's 89c gowns Umpire style, with yoke ol
embroidery, collar handsomely trimmed with embroid
ery to match
Others up to $5.00.
Saturday in the
book department
20c cloth bound books,
comprising about 100
very good titles OC
Here are some of them:
Sesame and Lillies, Ruskin;
My Lady Nicotine, Barrie;
Auld Licht Idylls, Barrie;
Study in Scarlet, Doyle; The
Man in Black, Weyman;
Lallah Rookh, Moore; Oueen
of the Air, Ruskin; and many
50c cloth bound books
comprising Ojkleaf edition,
Vademccum series, and sev
eral others equally as
good 1 UC
A few titles out of 100:
Evangeline, Longfellow ;
Tanglewood Tales, Haw
thorne; Sesame and Lillies,
Ruskin, Lady of the Lake,
Scott; Camille, Dumas; Crown
of Wild Olives, Ruskin ; and
many others.
The balance ol our
Elsie books, were 85c. 5UC
Burt's Home Library, more
than 300 titles to select
from 2.2C
All our copynght books at
just half curre'nt prices. Cut
this out for reference during
the month of July.
Miss Lillian Uecksteln, of this cit,
was united In tniirlage on Tlitusduy
11101 nlng to Walter C. Fellows, of
Philadelphia, The ceremony was pcr
founed at the home of the bilde's par
ents, Mi and Mis Com ad Reeksteln,
of Tajloi avenue, bv the Rev AV. A
Xoidt Roth the bride and gloom weie
unattended At the conclusion of the
ceiemonj a wedding bieakfast was
setved to the Immediate iclatlves ot
the contiactlng paitlec Ml. and Mrs.
Fellow i left the city evteida foi Cape
May, wheie they will spend theh
honejmoon. The w ill leslde In Phila
delphia. Mrs. Fellows Is a w ell-known
joung lady, possessing many lovable
Halts of chat actor The gioom Is a
mechanical draughtsmin emplojed at
Ciamp s shlpard
Oscai Pane, of Hand & Pane, gave
a supper to a pait ot (lieen Rtdge
wheelmen nt Schelbel's hotel, Klm-
huist, Thuisday evening Mr. Pajno
will wed Miss Maigaiet A'lpond next
A'(dnosda evening and Thursday
evening's event was lu the natuie of
a farewell to bachelor das Those
who partook of Mr Pa lie's hospl
tullty were Frank Schiocdei. Ralph
(liegoo, I. L Rowlson, II F. Keller,
R. A'. AVhlte, C'hutles Cair, Chniles
Knight, J. M. AValker, nvciett Howe
AValter Jones, Ilan.v Pond, LMuiud
Rlshop, Jack A'lpond, Cleorge Long,
J. J. Payne. Ilnvvanl Davis, T S Unf
iling and Pel Jenkins.
Mujor IJverett AVanen unci family
left yesteiday foi "The Hesperus,"
Magnolia, Mass., for the summei. Mr.
AVanen will loturn after fciitudlns: 't
week at this resoit.
Mr. and Mih. Frank SUllman, Ji , Mr.
and Mis. A. D. Holland, Mr. and Mrs.
a P. nrimth aio at tho Sandfoul cot
tage, AVaveilj, foi thosummei.
Mi. and Mis A T Rlacklnton nie
entertaining a hoiibc paity at "Tho
Homestead, ' among theli guests being
Miss Julia MiGee, of Jusey Clt) , MU3
Helen Savage of Railway, N J ;
Movemeats of People
Mr. A. a. Hunt Is at Martha's A'Inc
M1h i;iuinor Andctson Is ut Houtliport,
Mr. Hverctl Hunt has icturncd from
New Haven.
Miss Mabel Schlnger hits returned from
a visit in Caibomhdc.
C. AV. Millet, of Hreaker sttcet, Is
vlalllng at L:i Plume.
Mrs. A. J. Council was in town jester
day from Like Ariel.
Mis. C. U. Scott has gono to Ocean
(lroc foi the slimmer.
Messis. c. A. llclln and A J. Toney
ure nt home from Yule.
Miss Allco Sclbert. ot Columbus, O., is
the guest of Mls Hanley.
Miss Mabel Fritz has been spending
several chijs at Like Ariel.
Ml. S. H. Kingsbury Is spending a
foitnlght at Bouthport. Conn.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs Chniles 1' Robinson
me hojuiuiilng at lllock Island.
Mr. and Mrs Mullen, of Jefferson ave
nue, are visiting friends in Muncy.
Colonel Ocorge Sanderson went to Phil
adelphia estciday on legal business
l'redeilck Saw aril, editor of tho Coil
Trade Journal, was In tho citj en Thuis
day Mis. It N. Pratt and Mis. J. H Phelps
have gone to tho coast of Maine for u
few weeks.
Miss HUnbeth Pilmir, of Delawnie
street, will leave Monday for 13or
dlna, Ctl.
Mrs. S. II. Nov Ilia Is tslttng her par
ents Mr. und Mrs. AV. C. 1'roude, nt
Miss Scnots, of Brooklyn, N. A', Is
the guest ut tho Mlbses Norton, of Mul
berry stieet.
Harold Norton has gone to Lako Ariel
to spend two weeks with his uncle s fnin
llv, tho Jonccs.
Mls-s Annie Rader, of Rlich street, has
icturned from a several weeks' visit at
New York city.
Misses Ljdla Sailor und Maud Stern, of
Cedar avenue, havo gone to Lake AVInola
to remain tome weeks.
Miss Klteabcth Jones and Miss Mabel
Callciuler, of this city, are attending the
commencement at Yale.
Mips McMahon, who has been tho guest
of the Misses Sanderson, will go to her
home in Bradford, today.
Mr. Joseph 1 Hangl, of Dickson ave
nue, has returned from a successful trout
Ashing tiip In AVomio count.
Mr and Mrs. D C HarrhiBlon of
Philadelphia, and Mr. L.irkln nnd fam
ily will summer in Factoryville.
Miss Tlllet, the housekeeper at the
Lackawanna hospital, will bpend tho
month of Julv in Cumberland, Md.
Cjius D Jones went to New A'ork
I'llday morning to see his sons, Arthur
and Ilurr, ball loi IJurope estorday
Mr and Mrs V. V. AVnde, II M Slree
ter and Milton AV Lowiy weie reglstc d
ut tin St Denis in New York last weelc
Katie and Pi .ink Sheridan, who have
been attending the Soldiers' Oiphan
school at Harford, hive returned home
J D Campbell of Qulncy avenue, sail
eel Thursday, June 1"), for a combined
business and pleauie trip thiough Eu
rope Misses Elizabeth nnd Grace Sanderson
v 111 spond the coming foitnlght as the
guests of Miss Helen Stevens at Ocean
G ro c
Miss Edna Kinilg of New Jei.sey an!
Miss Josephine AV'htz of New A'ork, uic
guests of Miss Knlttell, on Washington
av e nue.
Mrs. Alex Meldiuin, of Ilichmont ue
nue, and Mis A. J Meirlll, of Mulbciiy
stret t nre the guests of friends In
Miss Hciuletta Jones, il nighier of Mr
Trunk S Jones, of Ilrooklvn. N. A., for
mer! of Scianton, has gone to Euiope
for the sunimei
Jumes Mnvlgun. of Pciin uveiuie, and
his sou James, ji . balled this
week on the Mujtslle for Euiope. Tlipy
will 1 1 main until Scpttmbei
Miss JIaud AVlIllams, who lias for some
months be i n giving private instruction to
tint glandehlldreii ot General Gordon In
Savannah, Is isiing liei home In the
Ninth End
The file nds ol Mis Alleo Kt Hogg
Stevens will be grieved to le.irn of her
death at Oecan Grove last wick Sh
was the Hie and light of her mothei s
cottages for mini cars.
Doctors .IiinicH I'usb, Aithur Mooiu
and M A Duff leoently gi.idtititcd fiom
the ilentul deputnicnt of the I'nlversily
of Peiuislvunia, ate borne uftei haln
successfully pissed the btuto examina
tion Di T II. AVcUeubeiK, of New Yolk,
tliei new assistant house bUigeon of the
Lackawanna hospital, aulvid hi tho
cit jcstcnliy and h.n- m-sumul the
dutlis of bis olliie I)r AVe.iei, the
haiiFc t,ui gt on, leaves tod.iv or tomoirow
on u trip to New A'oik and until his re
turn Di. AVINon, who has been sta
tioned here tempnrtiillv will lemiln
Second Lieutenant R,iinond AV. Hut
(linbeigh, ot tho lcguhii army, has pars
ed his limit examination, and is now
awaiting on assignment which wnl
pi oh ibis be tor home regiment -ervlnB In
the Philippine Islund" ' Eugene P
Hum of Scianton, lidded greatly to the
musical sen Ices In tho Presbterinn
ehiiKh on Sundiiv moinliig. b his
eh inning und artHtle music with his
tlute He ii nib red .i t-lmlhir burvln- foi
tin chinch in the evening
Honesiiulo Citizen
White Pique and Linen SUiits.
New stock .if pel feet fitting gar
ments, pi lies tiom S3 cents to ;; 50
Meats & Hugen.
f .,,. M....I ,.,. Ml
2 wind 22
Pain he Stomach
Torpid Liver
Sallow Skin
Indigestion, etc.
10 cents ana 25 cents Druggists, i
A Chenp Tiip to the Paciilc Coast.
Tho National Educational Associa
tion meeting at Los Angeles, Cal , Is
the occasion for the Southern Railway
to put on tho lemaikably cheap into
of one faro for tho lound tiip (plus
If J 00 Association Membership fee).
This, In connection with the new Pal
ace Tout 1st Sleeping Cms, opemted
over the Southern Railway and South
ern Paclllc, a double betth In which
ousts only $7 00, rendeis possible tho
cheapest and most enjoyable tiip of tho
fcmsou A particularly pleabant fea
tuie of this trip Is that tho tickets aio
good going one way and tetutnlng an
other, I. e., going via New Orleans and
returning through Salt Lake City and
Colorado, or by the payment of Jis.fio
additional, the trip may be made ic
tutnink thiough Poitland, Ore.
Stop-over pilvlloges nie allowed at
Hi Paso or any point west tlfeieof, on
the going till), nnd at any point west
of Denver nnd Colorado Spilngs on
tho return tiip. By this means pas
sengers nre afforded the opportunity of
seeing the eiitlio Pacific Const Side
tilps nie at ranged at nominal cost
fiom Los Angeles and Snn Fianclsco
to all points of Interest In California.
1'urther information may bo obtained
from Chas. L, Hopkins, D. P. A ,
Southern Railway, S28 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., or from A. J. Poston,
Geneinl Agent, Sunset Excuislons, fill
Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C.
Trunks and
For Going Away Purposes.
An elegant assortment. If they could talk they'd
say: "Take me with you." Traveling Bags, Suit
Cases, Telescopes and Trunks from the lowest priced
to the kind that defy baggage smashers.
Are you interested.
Full size Traveling Bags, club
shapes; good handle and locks, dark
colors nnd well lined.
16 In. 17 in. 18 in.
Large size Traveling Rags, of good
leather, nicely n'atlc and finished;
club shape, good strong leather han
dles. Nickel lock and trimmings.
16 in.
17 in.
18 in.
95 1.05 1.15
70 80 90 1
Dress Suit Cases
Fine cases, Avith leather capped
corners. Haovy sewed leather
handles; good lock and fancy
22 in.
2.1 in.
U5 1.98
Fine Alligator Bags.
Dark Alligator Bags, full leather
lined, finished with fine brass trim
mings, patent catches and locks. A
toomy bag and one that will give
14 in. 16 in.
$4.48 $4.98
Telescopes :
Large, heavy canvas telescope bags, made
with heavy solid leather straps, and capped
corners all brass riveted. You can fill them to the brim and
then have more room in the lid.
24 in.
20 in.
The Best in Trunks.
Large size, canvas covered
heavv steel boun
brass lock, large
wood slats.
85c 95c
The "Drummer's Friend."
Here is an ideal bag in every
true sense. Large in size, conve
nient in shape, fine finish and dur
able 111 quality.
$3.25 to $11.98.
The best ones aie genuine alligator,
solid leather lined, biass trimmed'
and have patent fastenings.
30 in.
32 in
$2.48 $2.98 $3.48
i"-rCVTv:.M3 55s&nfe
. mssmsssssm
d corners, gft.ftMIBSliSB
tray; heavy fefaflfl
Large trunks Avith biass cor
nels, brass lock and tnm
minas: No. 4 bolts; deep set
tray; heavy bumper cornets, iron bottom and hardwood slats.
This style trunk has large hat box. hveiy one is thoroughly war
ranted to withstand haul set vice.
30 in. 32 in. 34 in.
$3.25 $3.75 $3.
All wnnl knee
pantb, double scat
and Knees. All
blCb iiuiii q
3 to 15 vis OOC
Fine white duck
and linen uash
pants, sizes
fiom 5 to
12 yens. .. dO
Wash suits in 12
colors; all sizes
from 3 to
12 years.. VOL
Fine cloth and
leather caps in all
styles ana ,.
all sies. . jLoC
, Books at
We offer on Satur
day only, another lot
of lamous copy
lighted books by al
most every author of
distinction at 50c.
No store evei sold
them under $1.10
and $1.20.
Standard linclyclo-
pcclia, complete 111
two volumes, pub-
1,1. n,l nt OQ
Our price... 1.50,
One thousand pa-
kind, at OC,
Sailors at
Ladies' fine Avhite
, sailois in great vari
ety; black band, nob
by in style and shape.
1 Satin day price
is iVC
Sheet Music.
Your choice of these
new 50 cent
things ZoC
Kiss Mc, Jlouey, Ho.
eroml llittiilluu Murcli.
Ilc.irtH and Hon en.
I Loved You Once.
Smoky MoWea fwo-stop
uiar rr ices on uoo
d Shoel
Ladies' line kid Oxfoid Ties,
in black and Russet, made of
good chrome tanned kid skin,
all new styles. Sat- 5
urday price, per pan , 1 ,Zo
Men's $3.00 Russia call and
tan vici kid lace shoes and Ox
ford ties, hand welts; An
all new styles j6.4v
Ladies' fine tan, lace and but-
iton shoes, some with silk vest-
ings tops com and mannish
'toe, width B to R. All
rsizes. un baturuay.. 1 ,VU
Boys Si. 50 satin call lace
shoes, also tan goat shoes, sole
leather soles and insoles 0
Saturday 9oC
Jonas Long's Sons