The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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Big Reduction
in the prices of
Children's Carriages,
Push Carts, Express Wagons
Wall Papers,
Wall Mouldings, Etc.
322 Lackawanna Avenuo.
Do Yoii Enjoy
Fine Pi(Rires ?
Then take a peep at our
window. We have made
a special price ol 25c and
50c each while they tast.
209 Wyoming Avenu:.
Ice Cream.
C rtKoff
UUl fe.
Telephone Orders Promptly Delivered
35-337 Adams Avenue.
Specialties Surgery, Dlseasss or Women
Office Hours Iltiia.i. m
J to 4 p. m
At Residence 7 to Hp.ra
Ofllce 210 Connolt llulldinjf. Hoildenco
1110 tiouth Main Avenuo
I'or Liquor, Dructnntl Tobacco IMseuw
'nmpUlet freo. Tllli KHULBY INSTITUrn,
815 Madison Ave., tiCRANTON, lA.
Scranton Transfer Co.,
HUail J. KEGNAN, Manager
Checks Haggage Uliect from residence to
any part or the United State.
Olllcc 100 Lacka. Ave. Phone 525
It's the Easiest Thins
In tho world to launder linen
glossy. To l.iumlu well with
out It la nn art Pressure nnd
friction nclil glos proportionate
to Its Intensity Wi glvo to oui
patrons that which they ctnve.
If jou don't soo what ou
want ask for It here
Ml Nelllo Kiamer Is visiting In New
York city. -
Attorney SI. W. Lowry is homo from
ft lslt in New York city.
Miss Thomas, of Euu Claire. HI , Is tho
guest of Miss Preda Kami on Quincy
Mls3 Sadlo Jewell, of C21 Washington
avenue, Is at Moses Taylor hospital crit
ically III
Attorney A. J Collmrn icturned jester
day from a two days' business trip to
Mrs. Anna llclnhold and daughter,
Marie, of Mnhanoy city, arc visiting At
torney and .Mrs C. Uallenttne, of 311 Jef
lcrson acnue
Miss Kdna Kimlg and Miss Josephine
Wlrtz, of New York, hao been guests
of Miss Carrlo Knlttlc, of Jefferson ave
nue, the past week.
Mrs. J. a. Myers, Miss Jeannctto Laura
Myers, of Chicago, and Mlts Andrew, of Wllkes-Barrc, aro tho
gue3ts of Mrs. II. Kramer.
Mrs Ella Phelps and daughters. Misses
llossle, Joscphlno ond Eloibe, will leave
Prlday morning for Uloek Island, whero
they will spend the, summer.
Dr. and Mrs C. W. Kobcrts hae re
turned from Atlantic City, whero they
attended tho annual meeting of tho
American Institute of Homeopathy
Attorney W W. I.athtopo has gone to
Atlantic City to remain two weeks, af
ter which ho will go to tho Adlrondacks
to epend the summer months to recuper
ate his impaired health.
Edward Benson was tendered a fare
well party at his homo on Gibson Mrcct
Tuesday night by his fellow workers at
Goldsmith's Bazaar, Incident to his de
parture for Europo Hatuiday next.
Father Bosarlo, who was in charge
of the Italian church in this city about
four years ago, Is now in charge of a new
Italian mission In Mllwuukre. Ills many
friends In this city will bo pleased to
learn that ho is making great headwuy
and Is doing good work among tlia Ital
tans of that city.
James W George, tho well known en
gineer of the Chemical Engine company,
went on duty ngaln yesterday after Ills
ten days' vacation which he spent at the
home of his boyhood friend, William Mc
Allister, nt Springfield, Mo. It was the
first time thiy had net in twenty-two
J ears nnd the Joy Mr. Georgo experi
enced in ngal 1 grusplng his old friend
by tho hand may well bo Imiglned Mr.
George enjoyed his trip to tho west im
mensely nnd is loud in his praises of the
hospitable treatment ho received ut
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a 60-ccnt bottle
of Greenes Warranted Hyrup of Tar if it
falls to cure your cough or cold. We also
guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satis
factory or money refunded. J. G. Bone &
Bon, Dunmore, Pa.; John P. Donahue,
bcrunton. Pa.
Says That tho rrnnchlse for That
Thoroughfnro Has Revolted to tho
City Through the Company's I'all
uro to Take Advantngo of Its re
visions Within Two Years.
Prompted in His Action by tho
Park Commissioners, Who Opposo
the Laying of Tracks There Tho
Company's Position.
Wotk on the Scranton Hallway com
pany's loop on Arthur avenue was
stopped yesteidny by Police Captain
Hlchatd Edwards and two omccts, by
direction of Mayor Molr, who alleges
that tho company's franchise for that
thoroughfare lias been forfeited.
The major says ho Is prompted in this
action by tho park commissioners.
Arthur UAcnuo skirts Nay Aug park on
the west An agreement has been per
fected, so It Is claimed, between tho
park commissioners nnd tho property
owners on tho opposite side of the
stieet for the laying out of a mall, em
bracing the entiro width of tho street
and twenty feet of the property on each
side For this reason tho commis
sioners nre desirous of preserving the
street free fiom street car tracks and
to make possible tho consummation of
this doslie tho major Is interfering
with his executive powers.
The major bases his nctlon on sec
tion C of tho famous Valley Passenger
ordinance, under which tho ftanchlse
for Atthur avenue was planted, which
section rends ns follows.
('WhCner said Valley Passenger
Hallway company shall not have com
pleted the construction of tho lines
mentioned ubove, or of thu lines men
tioned In the ordinance, approved Jan.
C, 1S93, to which this Is a supplement,
within two j ears from the approval of
this ordinanw.-, the franchises granted
on the portions of unj' streets whero
such Hacks hao not been completed,
shall be foifelted to the city."
This ordinance was passed Jnn. 16,
1891. Atthur avenue is Included in the
thoroughfaies covered by tho supple
mental j- otdlnance. The complete route
is as follows.
Prom tho Intersection of Hickory street
nnd Cednr avenue, thence along Hick
ory to l'lttston avenue, to Illvcr street,
to Prospict, nnd from River street on
Prospect to Hemlock, and on Hemlock to
to Stone, to Beech, to Crown, to Maple,
to Mcidow ; also on Orchard from Pitts
ton to Stone, and on Hemlock from Pros
pect to l'lttston; also from Cedar along
Ureek to Stone, to Beech; also from tho
Intersection of l'lttston avenuo and Hick
ory street, southerly to Beech nnd north
erly along Plttston to and across Roar
lug Brook bridge to Piatt place, and Jef
ferson avenue; thence nlong Spruco to
lAdams to Lackawanna, nlong Itldgu
row to Monroe to Linden, to Preicott, to
Mulbeny, to Arthur, to Gibson, to
Petersburg turnpike to Cross, to tho
city line, nnd also southerly along the
old turnpiko to Olive, to Prescott, to
Vine, to Irving, to Linden, nnd also from
Cross street along Ash, to Taylor, to
Myrtle, to Qutncv ; alo from Ash on
Prescott to cltj line; also from tho In
tersection of Pranklln and Mulberry
nlong Mulberry to Mifflin, to Linden, to
Wyoming, also on North Main avenuo
from Tripp street northerly to connect
with tho Providence line.
The streets covered by the oilglnal
ordinance of January 1C, 1S92, tho fran
chises for which were revived by tho
supplementary ordinance, are as fol
lows: North Main avenuo from tho
city lino to Pond street, to Depot street,
to Race, to Boulevard, to Sanderson,
to Hieaker, to Dickson, to Ablngton
road, to Marlon, to Sanderson, to Wal
nut, to Wjomlng, to Ash, to Washing
ton, to Cherry, to Cedar, to South An
thracite, to main road leading to Pltts
ton and thence southerly to tho city
Also for extensions and franchises as
follows: Houlevaid toad fiom Market
stteet to the city line. Green RIdgo
street westward to Albright avenue, to
Court, to Providence rond, to Tripp, to
Main, to Swetland, to Linden, to Frank
lin, to Mulberrj. to Washington; along
Tranklln to Lackawanna; along Ash
from Washington to Adam?, to Gibson,
to Washington, nlong AVyomlng from
Ash to Delaware, to Monsey, to North
Park, and along Sunset to the Boule
vard; along Wyoming southerly from
Ash to Vine, to Washington; along
Main from the Lackawanna township
line to Eynon, to Meridian, to Elm, to
South Washington.
The tiaek on Arthur avenuo Is about
completed. Its putpose is to make a
loop from tho Nay Aug park line at
the Arthur avenuo Intersection along
Arthur and down Mulberry to Pros
cott, so as to make it more convenient
for handling tho ttalllc to tho park. It
was laid out as a result of a general
clamor from the public for Increased
facilities to and from the park, and its
construction contemplates a very laige
outlaj', as tho grading of Arthur ave
nue, which at that point was an imag
inary thoroughfare, extending through
tho rocky unimproved lands at the edge
of the park, is very expensive
Tho street never was opened and does
not belong to the city, although maiked
nn tho maps. Tho railway company
tnteted upon it under permission from
Fancy Rodi Italy
Picnic supplies, car load of
finest Potted Meats, Pressed
Turkey.Chickeu, 25 and 40c.
Ox Tongue, Lunch Tongue,
Imported Sardines, 12c.
Potted Ham and Tongue,
10c, worth 20c.
Potted Chicken and Tur
key, 15c, worth 30c.
Sagertown Ginger Ale and
Sarsaparilla, Fruit Syrups,
25c, $2.75 doz.
Strawberries, Currants,
Raspberries, Watermelons,
25c and 35c.
Order early.
E. Q. Coursen
'Phone 2542.
taken at night will mako you
feel rlctht. act rlciht and look
right. They euro Constipation.
10cntinnil9Scciiti, nt nil Urn tores. 1
.! ,1,1, It. ...
tho Lackawanna Iron and Coal com
When tho work of grading was first
undertaken, tho mayor sent Chief Hob
ling to tho scene to find out by whit
authority the street had been entered
upon. He was informed that the stieet
was not city property, never having
been deeded over The chief reported
this to tho mayor and that was tho last
that was heard of the matter until yes
terday. Geneinl Malinger Sllllmnn, upon be
ing npprhvd of tho Interferenco by
the police, took the men away from the
Job and suspended operations. lie wltl
confer w 1th the mayor today nnd en
deavor to adjust tho difficulty amic
ably. m
Serious Conflagration in Pino Drool:
Owing to the Steamers Being Out
of Repair Brown's Planing
Mill Totally Destroyed.
Whnt threatened for a time to be a
very disastrous blaze last evening de
stroyed the planing and diylng mill of
John Brown, on Ash street, nt tho In
tersection o) the Delaware and Hudso
tracks. As It was, a loss of $0,000 was
entailed, $5,000 of which tof-ulted to the
mill and $1,000 to the carpenter shop of
Contractor Chnrles Lord, located on the
second Moor.
Attached to the mill Is a large lumber
yaid and In close proximity are thtee
other largo mills nnd lumber yards,
owned respectively by Ezra Finn &
Sons,PrlceiS.IIowarthand Frank Mover.
No. 0 school closely adjoined on tho
east, and to the south nnd west tho
neighborhood Is ery closely built up.
The fire broke out between the flro
room and drjlng kiln shortly before 0
o'clock, and in a very few minutes the
llatucs had reached and seized hold of
tho main mill building. Fortunately,
they attacked the root first and burned
downward. More fortunate still, theie
was not a breath of wind stirring. Had
these circumstances been unfavorable
Instead of ns they weie, a large, fierce
conflagration would undoubtedly have
resulted, for it was fully half an hour
after tho alarm was given before an
effective stream was tut tied on the
The fact that tho Crystal and Gen
eral Phlnney steamers, which are sup
posed to protect that district, are both
disabled Is responsible for the delaj.
The General Phlnney engine was
brought on tho scene, but on nccount
of Its dilapidated condition, could not
be made to do effective work for fully
twenty minutes after being nttnehed t j
tho plug. The Nay Aug steamer was
brought on the scene by the second
alarm, and from the very moment it
was gotten In operation the firemen
began to make headwaj.
The mill building was totally con
sumed, together with the flic room nnd
drying kiln In the iear, but the flames
were checked at the storage room ad
joining the drying kiln and the thou
sands of feet of lumber in the yard
were saved.
Ezra rinn & Sons, whose lumber
yard and store house, Is dliectly across
Ash street, kepti a garden hoso play
ing on the fiont and roof of the build
ing, while the Phoenix Chemical en
gine patrolled tho lumber jard. The
anxiety of the entire nelghboihood was
at the highest tension until the names
gave way to tho energetic but handi
capped efforts of the firemen. A feat
ure of the flro fighting wus the work
of ox-Chief Hlckey, who came over
with his company, the Centurjs, and
took his orders from the new chief
like any other private in the ranks.
Mr. Brown had no idea of how the
ilro originated. Tho mill closed as us
ual at ISO o'clock. Tho flies were
carefully banked, Mr. Biown says, and
nil tho customary precautions attend
ed to. There was no one about tho
mill, Mr. Brown sajs, from the clos
ing hour until tho lire broke out.
The los3 of $3,000 which Mr. Brown
sustained Is complete, as ho carried no
Insurance. Tho building was erected
live j ears ago on leased land
Contractor Lord's loss was pilnclpal
ly in tools and seasoned wood and will
foot up $1,000. The tool chests of seven
of his workmen were in the carpenter
shop and all were consumed, with tho
exception of one, owned by Fred Bartz,
who arrived eaily on the scene and,
dashing through the smoke, shoved
his tool chest out the window,
Tho mill was working light along,
not withstanding tho strike, as was
also Contractor Lord's shop.
Reduced Rates to Richmond, Vn., via
Pennsylvania Railroad, Account
International Convention Baptist
Young People's Union.
On account of the Intel national con
vention of tho Baptist Young People's
Union of America, to bo hold at Rich
mond, Vn , July 13 to 10, tho Pennsyl
vania Railroad company has arranged
to sell excursion tickets from points on
its line, to HIchmond, nt rate of singlo
fure for the round tilp (tickets via
Baltimore and steamboat fifty cents
more than singlo fare.)
Tickets will bo sold July 11 to 13, nnd
will be good to return until July 31, In
clusive, except that on deposit of ticket
with tho Joint Agent at Richmond be
fore July 28, nnd the payment of fifty
cents, the return limit may bo extend
ed to leave Richmond not Inter than
Aug. 15, 1S99.
Stop over nt Washington on return
trip for ten dajs, not to exceed final
limit of ticket.
For specific rates nnd conditions ap
ply to ticket agents.
East Mountain Llthla Water.
Mall orders promptly attended to,
John A. Swayze, agent.
Drowsiness la dispelled by Beecham's
Smoke tho Pocono Co cigar.
rinest wines nnd cigars at Lane's,
$20 Spruce street.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
Has been used for over FIFTY. YEA US
by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their
Is tho best remedy for DIAItHHOEA.
Bold by DrugglBts In every part of the
woild. Be Biiro and ask for "Mis. Wins
low's Soothing Syrup," and tako no other
Und. Twenty-tlvo cents a bottle.
Their Daughter, Miss Louiso Bldwell
Hull, Mauled to Wlnthrop Hlllyer
Duncan, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Archibald-Brown
Nuptials at the Homo
of tho Bride's Mother in West
Scranton Miss Delia Q. Hcaley
nnd Thomas Relll Matrled in St.
Mary's Church, Dunmore.
At 5 o'clock yesterday nfternoon, Mr.
Wlnthrop Hlllyer Duncan, a brilliant
young attorney of Brooklyn, N. Y was
united In mairlago to Miss Louiso Bid
well Hull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.
P. Hull, at the homo of the latter on
Sandeison avenuo, by the Rev. Isaac
J. Lansing, of the Green Ridge Presby
terian church
Tho bride wns attired In a gown of
white embroidered crepe over white
satin, and carried a large bouquet of
roses. Sho wns attended by her sister,
Miss Blanche Hull .Mr. AV. W. Dun
can, brother of tho groom, ncted as
gioomsmnn. Tho ilbbon girls wero tho
Misses Florence Hull, Lavlnla Dlm
mlck, Lillian Foore, Jean Lindsay,
Kate Nettleton and Miss Homer, of St.
Louis. Tho ilowcr girls wcio Doiothy
nnd Emma Taylor
The ceremony wns performed In the
spacious pailor.whlch was banked with
pilnis nnd forns. After the ceremony,
a wedding supper was served by
Caterer Hanley. Mr, and Mrs. Duncan
left last evening for the lakes, whero
thej' will spend a few weeks, return
ing to reside In Brookljn, N. Y.
Tho out-of-town guests present were.
Mis Homer and Miss Homer, of St.
Louis; Mrs W. W. Duncan nnd Mrs
Wllllnm Duncan, of Lowell, Mass., and
Mr. Eaton, of Morrlstown, Pa
Tho guests from the city wero: Mr.
and Miss Dickson, Mrs Stone, Miss
Stone, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Sturges,
Mr. and Mrs. Georg" Sturges. Mr.
George l'oorr Dr. Merrltt Fordham,
Rev. and Mrs I J. Lansing, Mr. nnd
Mrs. F. L. Hitchcock, Messrs. Lindsay,
Harry Lathrope, Dwlght Crane, Mar
lon Crane, Dr. nnd Mrs Van Bergen,
Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Megargel, Mr and
Mrs. C D. Jones, Mr and Mrs. L A.
Watres, Mr. Russel Dlmmlck, Mr.
Georgo Yocum, Miss Louiso Matthews,
Miss Jnnet Dickson, Mr nnd Mrs. R.
M. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gardner Sandeison,
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Wlnton, Mrs. M.
R. Kays, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. N;ettleton,
Mr. and Mrs. Rice, Mr and Mrs. Hurry
Reynolds, Dr. and Mis. Underwood,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jones, Mr.
and Mis. J L Hull, Mr Georgo David
son. Miss Davidson Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Dlmmlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F. Wells,
Dr. Fordham, Miss Sarah Fordham,
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Poore, Miss
Lj'dla Poore, Mr. John Poore, Mr. and
Mrs. Taj lor and Dr. and Mrs. F. F.
At St Mary's chinch, Dunmore, yes
terday morning at 11 o'clock. Miss
Delia G. Healey, daughter of Mrs
Mary Healey, of 23S Walnut street, was
united In marriage to Thomab Relll,
Jr., of the West Side, foreman of elce
tricinns at tho South feteel mill.
Rev. M. B. Donlan performed the
ceremonj. The bride was attended by
her sister, Miss Josephine Healev, and
the groom's attendant was his brother.
James Relll. The marches were played
by Miss Mary Wright.
Tho bride was attlied In white chif
fon over white silk, nnd carried a
shower bouquet of white carnations.
The bridesmaid wore the same material
in pink, nnd carried pink carnations.
After a wedding breakfast at tho
bride's home, the newlj' married couple
left for a sojourn nt Atlantic City
At 9 o'clock nt tho parsonage, Rev.
J. B. Sweet also married Ellsworth E.
Thomas, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rush
Thomas, of Ninth stieet, and Miss Lil
lian Kittle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George 15. Kittle, of 219 Noith Lincoln
Miss Eva Kittle, sister of tho bride,
wns bildesmald, nnd Ilcmy Thomas,
brother of the groom, was groomsman.
Both ladles were becomingly attired
and carrled'bouquets of sweet peas
The bride was for a long time Iden
tified with tho central city branch of
tho Young Women's Christian associa
tion, and her husband is employed by
Luther Keller, of West Lackawanna
avenue. They will reside In a newly
furnished home at 131 North Btomlej'
Rev. J. B. Sweet, pastor of the Simp
bon Methodist Episcopal church, united
In marriage at 1 30 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at the parsonage on North
Hyde Paik avenuo Miss Jennto Elean
or Jones, of C07 North Rebecca avenuo,
ond George Russell Brink, of Dun
inoi e
Tho couple were unattended and left
Immediately after the ceremony over
tho Eile and Wj-omlng Valley tail
road for New iotk and New Jeisey.
The biido wns tastefully dressed in a
traveling dress of navy bluo cordlne,
trimmed with white chiffon. On their
return they will tesldo at the corner
of Apple and Swaitz streets In Dun
more. Archibald-Brown.
Edwin B. Atchlbald, of Adams ave
nue, and Miss Hanlet B. Brown, (f
South Main avenue, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. I low aid Brown, weio quietly
married at k 45 o'clock last evening at
the parsonago of tho Methodist Epis
copal church by Rev. J. B. Sweet.
The couple were unattended.
Tho brldo was tastefully drebsed in a
costume of blown material, trimmed
with white silk. Mr. and Mrs. Archi
bald wero ufterwards driven to their
new homo on Quincy avenue. Tho
groom Is an expert electrician and tho
bride is one of the most popular j'oung
ladles of West Scranton.
Common Councilman M. J. Norton,
of tho Twenty-ilrst ward, and Miss
Nelllo Gibbons, t Archbnld, weio unit
ed In marrtagu U 9.43 o'clock yester
day morning at St. Thomas' church,
Archbnld. Row T. J. Comerford per
formed tho ceiemony. Miss B, Gib
bons, sister of the bride, and Thomas
Grant, of this city, accompanied them.
The brldo wns dressed in vvhlto silk
over organdie, and her maid was at
tlied In white Swiss. Immediately af
ter tho ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Norton
left on n wedding tour, which will ln
cludo Niagara Falls nnd other points
of interest. Upon their return they
will reside at 2311 Jackson street. A
largo delegation of Scranton friends
attended tho ceremony.
Miss Annlo L. Fltzhenry, of Mnln
avenuo, Mlnookn, was united in mnr
rlgao yesterday morning to John Mc
Donald, of Dunmore, In St. Joseph's
church, Mlnooka.
Tho brldo wns attired In a gown of
white organdie, trimmed with baby
ribbon. Sho was attended by Miss
Mnme Coyne, of Mlnooka, who wore
a white organdie dress, trimmed with
pink ribbon. Mr. McDonald was at
tended by Edward McDade, of Dun
moro The party was met nt tho door of the
church by tho ushers, Thomas A Don
ahoo, Thomas McDonald nnd Robert
Atkinson, who escorted them to tho
nltar. Rev. Walter Gorman performed
the ceremony nnd celebrated tho nup
tial mass which followed. A reception
was tendered tho relatives of tho happy
couple at tho home of tho bride's father
after tho ceremony.
Mrs. McDonald has been a teacher
In tho Lackawanna township schools
and is very well liked. Mr. McDonald
Is an enterprising business man of
Dunmore. Tho newly wedded pair left
In the afternoon on a wedding trip to
Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
Miss VIrglo Gibbons, of Plttston, and
Charles Rowan, of Luzerne street, this
cltj', wero united in marriage at St.
John's church at Plttston jesterday
morning at n o'clock Tho ceremony
was pet formed by Rev. Father Garvey,
V. Q, pastor of that chuich, In the
presence of a largo number of tho
friends of the contracting couple.
Miss Mniy Rowan, of this city, a sis
tor of the groom, wns bridesmaid, and
William Clohertj-, also of this cltj', was
gioomsman. Miss Rose Conway, or
ganist at Holy Cross church, presided
at the organ During the ceremony
Miss Margaret Rowan rendered "O,
Piomlse Mo" sweetly on tho violin.
Tho welling dinner was served at the
homo of tho btlde nnd was attended by
the members of both families and a few
Intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rowan
left on tho 3 33 o'clock Delaware, Lack
awanna nnd Western train for New
York cltj'. Upon their return they will
reside In Plttston
Mrs. Rowan is a popular young lady
of Plttston. Mr. Rowan Is well and
favorably known in this cltj'. Ho has
won an enviable reputation us an ama
teur actor, having appeared frequently
on the local stage.
Caledonian Games.
The Caledonians this year will hold
their games on Fourth of July at the
base ball paik. The world renowned
Mile. La Verde and Prof. De Omerolr
in their grand spectacular sword com
bat on horseback will bo worth wit
nessing. Tho tug of war between the
Scranton police and the Scranton Ath
letics will bo sure to draw a large
crowd, as tho teams are well matched.
TER BAD will but Increase my pain.
If jou have thrown away money for
medicines that did not cure, now be
gin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the
medicine that never disappoints
HOOD'S PILLS cure sick headache,
Tty the Hotel Jermyn Cigar, 10 cents.
Conservatory of Music.
The Scranton Conservatory of Music
will resume lnstiuctlon In all depart
ments Sept. 11.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley.231 Wyoming ave.
Smoke tho Hotel Jermyn Cigar 10c.
Women Who
Wear Oxfords
rarely want to give over $2 00
for them; no need to if jou
buy them hero. We'vo crowded
tho most good wear, good looks
and gcod feet Into our $J 00
Oxfords that comes within tho
range of $3 00 ones. These in
black and tan, of tho very soft
est and llnest Kid, Flexible
turned soles Toe shapes thu
newest, yet our price Is but
Your blze and width are now
in stoek
410 Spruce Street.
The Cuban Army
Docs not to let go of its
arms. We did not want to let ro
of our stock of Men's Union Suits
Tor Men Tor as Low a Trice as SI,
but we had to do that or carry them
as old stock, which would never do
CONRAD, Hatter
303 Lackawanna Avenue.
'E2?K, 4ft
Mr, W. Langan,
of 624 Hampton St
Was the fortunate win
ner of Yesterday's piano.
Hr. Langan's family
consists of twelve chil
dren from 2 to 20 years
of age. He, is a miner,
and has been a resident
of Scranton a great
number of years. His
children are now at an
age when they most de
sired a piano and no
gift could be more ac
ceptable to them.
Blank Cartridges,
Dewey Cannons,
Cannon Powder.
Removed to 119 Pcnii Aic.
Ladies' Silver Watches, S3.50.
Boys' Fine Watches, S2.75.
Gold Pilled Waist Sets, 50 cents.
Solid Gold Baby Rings, 50 cents.
Solid Gold Misses' Rings, S1.00.
Pino Belt Buckles, 50 cents.
Solid Gold Spectacles, 3. DO.
Solid Silver Thimbles, 25 cents.
Fine Silver Tea Sets, S3.50.
Roger Bros.' Teaspoons, 50 cents.
Roger Bros.' Sugar Shells, 37 cents.
Alarm Clocks, wan anted, GO cents.
227 Lackawanna Ave.
Style ami Comfort Combined in
Our Line of Negligee Shirts, Kelts
Straw llntd, Etc.
Hotel Jermyn
4 Pr M
This Week
Our window is lull of Fine Odd Plates below
cost, to close
Haviland & Co.,
Cool port,
Royal Bonn,
Crown Darby
For cabinet and sideboard decorations. Also great
bargains in Cut Glass, Bric-a-Brac, Etc., for
June wedding presents.
Walk In and Look Around,
IllEY OIL 10 ifflCTUK CO.
141 to 149 Meridian Strait, Ssrailai, ?i
PAINT DEPARTriENT.Pure White L,ead, Colors
aud Varnishes.
.'ri'Tm'i i c.
Tfi3 Calibration of tha Fourth
Is often attended by some minor accident
which calls for the uso of
They aro here, nmongst a largo stock of
uiiuus AN!) mi;ih;im;s
of which nn ndequato supply can bo ob
tained nt Bmall cost.
Our lino of Toilet Articles, Perfumery,
etc., contains mnny things needful for
personal decoration on Independence
MATTHEWS BROS,, 320ltnaXnna
Hand & Payne
S Knox $3.00 and $4. Other g
5 well known makes at $1.00, a
5 $1.50 and $2.00. Best for s
2 the money. -
1 HAND & PAYNE, 'B,. I
20J Washington Aye. 9
All New and Modern Fixtures.
Perfect sanitary plumbing. Goods
not exposed to dust and dirt from
the street.
Everything a market should
have you can find here. Compet
ent salesmen. Prompt service.
110-112-114 PENN AVENUE.
1 Comfort
l Giving .
I Furnishings
For Home or Country, can be
; lound at "The Economy."
You can depend on it
Prices? Why lower than
than anywhere. Quality
consistently the best. Have
you tried the most comfortable
I Reclining Hammock Chair X
f Price Is 73 Cents.
X With foot rests, $1.25. Our
4- Iron Bed stock has been large-
ly augmented by the receipt
of a carload of beds. Prices f
Beglu at 3.33. Solid Brass X
Vases on Posts.
Mattings, Baby Carriages, t
Oo-Carts and Refrigerators
al Reduced Prices.
Credit Is Good nt
O0R 007 trfAmrf i
iif Inn-
1 1 ilvt J s
qJ0 x