The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 24, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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is 3omotitnet caused by overwork, cither mental or physi
cal. Thora e rauny other exciting causes, such as
ozposure to cold, excesses, emotional influences, etc.
The approach of the disease is generally gradual. Fre
quently the first warning Is a vague feeling of headache,
vertigo and muscular weakness.
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People
restore the nutrition of the nerves and have cured many
cases of paralysis when all other remedies and methods of
treatment have failed. The record of this remedy entitles
it to a thorough trial.
Tcrhnps tbeie U no man belter known In tlic city of Lute rencp, Knnoar,
than Mr. O. II. Hnrder. To n reporter Mr. niler related u
flonderraUtorv. lie said!
"I om now seventy years of arc. About three yenra ago I experi
enced n roldnsj or nuniLne In the feet, then creeping up m v leg until
It readied my nod v. i grew very nun iipeiiioiivrrT pour
nnd I did not rrllnh mv food. At last I became to mm i v.
n ntinlile to
triinuittpri nnterAldUtlniulshud rliyRlrliint, one telllnc
mettiDt 1 hod locomotor ntnila, iinotber that I find creeping purnlvM.
I took tholr medlclnoa but they did mo no good and I continued to
prow ore.
"One day n friend mlvlaed me to Irv fir. Williams' rink rillsfor
Hameeir cuiiitiiuucwu uieir ut', uiinniuk mi uiuti
fore I had finished my flrtt box I found that they
I used twelve boxes In nil and bb pcrleotl J cured."
rale PooDle,
medicines away. I
-I'rom the Journal, Laurence, Kan,
Dr. Williams' Pink PilU for Pale People contain, in a condensed form,
all the elements necessary to give new life nnd richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases
as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia,
rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of
tho heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either
in male or female
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for Tale People are iold bv nil dealers, or
will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, oc. n box or mx boxes for $2.50 I
(tliey arc never soici 111 umii ur ny mc iuui iiv iiuumsiuj, 11 ""iu
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N Y.
friends, Miss Wllllnnis cnteitulncel
the guests In n loyal tnanncr. Doll
clout refreshments were served at the
conclusion of tho festivities.
Mrs. AV. It. On ens, of North Taylor,
Is confined to her homo vlth sickness.
Ml Alice Evans, of Olypbnnt, vis
ited f 1 lends lice on Thursday.
Miss Mary Shnnnon, of Uendhnm, Is
entertaining Mlis nto Hart, of Scran
ton. (JcorpQ Onnnon, of Jeimyn, was a
business caller hero on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs William Davis, of West
Scranton, . il friends In this bor
ough 0:1 Thursday evenlmr.
A telpRiam was received heio last
Jnlglit snylntr that Mis. M. C Judge
had Just died In Iowa.
The commoiuonient exercise' of St.
Hose academy and the High school
were held yesterday Tbooe of the for
mer ueie quietly conducted In St. Rose
ball In the afternoon In tin pioenrc
of a laiRe nunibei of fi lends of thn
piaduate" The puplW who cutnplPted
the couiwe dltplnwd knowIodRp which
retlccts Ricat credit on the efficient
Academy. .
In the e piiIiir at the opi'ia house the
High ehool Kfadltat" held foith. Thn
plage was hc.uitlfulU dccoiatPd and
the class was one of the handsomest
and most Intelligent of those that have
repiesented tho school foi nianv ein
Vttst. The length piogiamme was cni
Jled out as published The audience
was unusually large and the numbers
eo uniformly ei editable that it would
be useless to particularize. The papeis,
"The Paik IVnie Must Cio." by Mary
Surclovnl, and "TIip .Paik Kence Must
Not Go " by Ann Hat te. were ery In
teresting. Hoth aicuments wcie able,
but the foimer had the nehantace of
an audience nejudlced In hei faor.
The members of the Rot can liaptist
chut eh will obeie Chlldien's day to
morrow. The following programme of
exercises will be can led out: Song,
"The Sumei Time,' Pciipture leading,
piayer, wine of summci , lecitatlon,
Alice Hate; recitation. Oladvs Ksta
brook: pilmaiy song, lecitatlon, Ruth
Hcdden, duet, Floienco Jones nnd
Sadie Watklns. tccltntion, i:thcl
Hushes, sons. "The Ah Is Sweet,"
recitation, Howaid Staikwe.ithei ; song,
"Lilies of the Valley," ie.-ponslve read
ing, recitation, Emma Haunsteln; song,
"Theie Is a Day," lecitatlon. Daisy
Holgate, lecitatlon, Teaice Snydet:
recitation, Lester Hall; anthem, "Lift
p Yout He.idh." announcements; of
ferring; sons. "Valley Lilies," recita
tion, Amy Lewis, lecitatlon, Anna
Moigan; benediction hymn, closing
hmn, benediction.
Cnbondnle Is centeilng all Its eneigy
on the Fouith of July celobiatlon. It
has undei taken to futnlMi entertain
ment for Northeastern Pennsylvania
and has no ilnl In the task. The com
mittees hae become so enthusiastic
that they nie ing neither pains nor
money to eclipse all ptecedlng effoits.
The crowd of out-of-town vlsitois Is
vailoush estimated at ft 0111 6,000 to
10,000 Excuislons will be run fiom
many points.
llery Thursday had the mlsfoitune to
eiush his thumb, tenting off the nail.
The Injiuy was iUlte painful.
Jack Piltchard, Jack Reese. David
Elklns. Tom Prltehaid, John Davis,
Wm. Jenkins nnd Tonny Jenkins went
to Long Pond xesterdnj. on a tWliliiK
expedition and expect to lettitn home
this eei.lng.
Aithur White, of Scianton, is visit
ing his cousin, Jone
Dr. I. l of Mavlleld, will
leave on Monday on a Nlt tn his
biothei, Ile. Pathi r Mauley, of IJ.ilti
nioie. l(e. J. R r.Mik, pastor of tho M. E
ehurili, will pleach tomonow morn
ing f 10111 the subject, "I am the
The fust league game at tho park
yesterday between the f'aibondale Sun
sots and the local Oilnls was a one
sided game and tho Jormn club easily
ib fen ted them.
Rlehaid Hanoy, who has been so
soilouslv 111 for the pat ten das, Is
t 0:13 lns evening an alaim of lire
was sounded for tho Thlid ward The
Vrtoslan Hose company piomptlv 10
sponded, but the li sor Ic os were not
needed, the nlniin being occasioned bv
th binning of some empty bail els at
the of John Stanton's resident e.
Dill Godwin will go to Wilkes. Harre
todny to rcpiesent the local Illinois'
union at the ditilc' convention.
Willie Paik Is Isitlng relatives at
Ml4 Loiett 1 Walker and her biother,
of Ma field, left estoidav to attend
tho commencement exeicls at Ynlp.
Mis. Frank Daibei. of South Main
stioet,, spent Wednesdaj and Tluusdny
with Scianton fi lends.
Oor fifty dollais wiie icelbcd by
the recnt enteitalnment of the Junior
choli of St. James' chinch.
runcral of Michael Mullen and Other
Matters of Local Iuterst About the
The obequiPS of the late Michael
Mullen took place yesterday morning
and the set vices, which Included n sol
emn high mass of requiem for the
dead, were celebiatecl by the Kev.
1'ather Qtilnnan, assisted bv several
nttendlng priests. Father Qulnnnn dur
ing his scimon laid special stress on
the Importance of being leady for the
day of dissolution. The Intel ment was
In the Mniket street cemetery and the
following weie the pall-boat ei.s: Char
les r. Rohan. Edward Huusor, John
F. Hojle, William Kenney, Thomas
English and Thomas Ford.
This afternoon at 2 o'clock the third
annual Held day will take place In the
West Side paik nnd an attractive pro
gt.imme has been piepared fur tho
evenl. Theie nio 147 entiles, Including
two blcele lace", and gold and slher
medals will be offered as prlres, The
entiles Include many from Scianton
and Wllkes-Rarre, while the Pittston
bojs expect to keep a jtoou shaie of
the prl7os at home
This morning at 9 o'clock theie will
be a parade of the Slavonic societies
of this nnd Lackawanna counties In
honor of the delegation fiom eery
portion of the state which hae hold a
conentlon during the week Theie
will be nearly a thousand, Including
seven bands fiom Ha7leton, and afli 1
the patade the day will bo spent uli
EM'tliatl's Island.
One of the lnigost excursions thus
far this season was that of the West
Side M. E. church to Lavve Ailel jes
teiday. PECKVILIiD.
Marlanl AVI110 Is a tonic pre
pared upon trulv scientific piinelples
Jt Is safu and beneficial, as well as
Matlanl Wlno has more than
S.00O wiltten endorsements from leading
physicians In all parts of the woild
Mailanl Wine gives power to
the brain, strength and elasticity to
the muscles nnd llchnoss to the blood.
It Is a promoter of good health and
longevlt. Makes the old young; keeps
the jonng strong.
Matlanl Wine Is specially Indi
cated for Geneial Debility, Overwork,
Weakness from whatever causes, P10
found Depression and Exhaustion,
Tluoat and Lung Diseases, Consump
tion and Malaria It Is n diffusible
tonic, for the entile system.
Marlanl Wine Is Invaluable for
overwoiked men, delicate w onion and
sickly children. It stimulates, strength
ens and sustnlns the s.vstem and braces
body and brain. It Is Invnlnnlilo as a
Summer Tonic. It can be taken with
clacked Ice or soda water. Tiy It De of Imitations. )
To those who will kindly write to
MAItlANt & CO, f.J West 15th Stieci.
New York dl, will be sent, postpaid,
book containing portraits with endorse
ments of Emperois, Knipipss. Princes,
Cardinals, Aichblhops unci other Inter
esting mallei. .Mention this paper.
1'or Sale b All Druggists.
Avoid Substitutes.
Trcdeilck Utley Is home on his vaca
tion fiom the 1'nlverslty of Pennsjl
vanla. Arthur Sahm is home fiom Cooners-
tow n.
The families of Homy Smith and W.
M Tuincr spent yesterday at Lake
Joseph Peck, of Mountain Top, Is vis
iting friends In this tlt.
Mrs. Alfred Chapman Is convalescent.
Mr and Mrs. Flunk Rrectal, of Canaan
sttect. will spend tomonow with
Honesdale friends.
Miss Rertha Davis went to Ocean
Glow fsteidaj, wheie she will spend
two months with Mr. and Mrs. Alfied
Di llany Niles and wife, of Salt
Lake City, are visiting relatives In this
Miss Helen Alexander and Miss Susan
Jadwln will go to Tontine, Mkh . Mon
day, for a visit with the former's
father, (J. S. T. Alexander.
Mrs. Saiah Gaidner.Mrs. J. J. O'Rojle
and children spent this week In Cllffoid
Mr. and Mrs J.W Haivey. of Canaati
street, nie enteitainlng Mrs. I. J,
Naughtnn. of Watertovvn, N. Y.
A movement is on foot to hRvc Sev
enth avenue paved from Teiraco street
tn the railroad crossing.
Attorney Rlch.ud J Houike.of Scran
ton. was In this city on biiMnnv vo...
terday. '
The young people who assisted In
making the iccent fair at Sacred Henit
church a success wern enteitalnecl In
Enterprise hall last evening by Rev.
M. E. Lynott. Ono of tho pleasant
features of the evening was the pres
entation tn the Artesian Hose company
of a silver trumpet In leeognltlon of
the excellent woik they did in their
competition with the William Walker
Hose company of Mayflold. Tho gift
waa suitably acknowledged by J. J.
Meghan, foreman of tho company.
The open air concert given by tho
Mayfleld band on William Walker's
lawn on Thursday evening drew a
large audience and was much enjoyed.
It was said by many to bo tho most
pleasing concert the band has ever
Ebenezer Kennle whllo engaged at
work at the Delaware and Hudson col-
Biithday Surprise Minei Instantly
Killed Church and Peisonal News
A biithday reception was given Miss
Sadie Mc Nicholas at Dougheitj's hall,
Rendham, on Thuisday evening. The
occasion was In honor of Miss McNieh' eighteenth annlveis.aiy. Dancing
and vailous amusements were Indulged
in until a late hour, when refresh
ments wcie served to a largo number
of guests, who tlepntted to their various
homes wishing Miss MCNleholus many
a happy return of the evening's en
joyments Music was furnished by
Misses Ssidio Noon and Kate Item don.
Among the out-of-town guests pieent
wcie Misses Agnes Duggan, Mary
Sheiidan, Maggie Gill, Mamie Ge.iins,
Rose Gill, Mamie and Annie Hoban,
Alice Patton, Alloc Evans, of Olyphaiit;
Veionlca Mai. shall, of Pottsvllle; fella
Langan, M. T Edw.uds, Teiesa Cai-
snn, Gertie and Delle Connois. Julia
Sheridan, Minnie Walsh, Alice McDon
nell, Mamie O'Rouike, Mamie Tiatey,
Lizzie Loughney, Thomas Caw ley, Ed-
waid Joyce, Thomas Sheiidan, John
Gibbons, Thomas Fold, of Pittston;
John L. Nelger, E, G Watklns, Adolph
I'nw eider, Finnic Docket, of Talor:
William Klven, Michael Noon. Wil
liam Healey, Gooige Fciguson, Attor
ney O'Mulloy. Edwaid Retinoid, Jer
ome Walsh, R. Gallagher, John Gib
bons, Misses Annie Cooney, Mary
Haggoity. Agnes Haggeity, Ray
Ueckctt, Agnes Glynn, Maigaret Gll
loy, Mer Davldow, of Scranton, Jllss
Maignret L.iwler, of Shenandoah, and
Miss Maiy McDonnel. of Dickson City.
Wnlter How ells, cmplojed as a min
er at the Pyne mine, was Instuntly
killed while pcrfoimlng his duties jes
teida by the falling of top coal Ml.
How ells was a popular young man and
leslded with his patents, Mi. and Mrs.
Howclls, of the Pjne. He Is well
known In this town and tho announce
ment of his death will be a shock to
his many fi lends. Deceased was a
member of the Williams division. Sons
01. Temperance, and Taloivlllo lodge,
No. 4C:, Knights of Pythias. Funeial
auangements made luter.
Mrs. Walter H. Edvvaids, of Relle
vue, visited 1 datives heio iccently.
Mrs. Han Wolf and daughter, of
Hydo Paik, wcie the guests of her sis
ter, Mrs. John G. Pilte on Thursday
Tnyloivllle lodge, No. 068, Independent
Order of Odd Tellows, will meet In
their looms this evening.
Chicken thieves visited tho hennery
of Farmer Charles Rray, of tho Pyne
road, ono night the forepart of the
week and got away with about two
dozen or more of his best chicken hens.
Senlces at the dlffeient churches
heie tomonow w. . 00 held at tho us
ual hours. At tho Calvaty Baptist
cnurch Rev Dr. Harris will ofllclatc.
Methodist Eplspocal church, nev. Gen
dall will preach; Welsh Cnngiegatlonal
church, Rev. Thomas will occupy the
pulpit. Rev. Foster will preach at the
Presbyterian chuich.
A icceptlon was tendered Miss Emma
Williams, of South Taylor, on Thurs
day evening by her many young
Mr. and Mis U H. Paikburst, who
have boon spending a few days with
the Rev. nnd Mrs. S. H. Moon, ic
t in nod to their home In Elklund, Pa.,
The ladles of the Methodist and llli
tlt churches met. as le-quested, Thuis
day evening, at Ledard hull, to con
for with the Fift -second legtment
committee in tegaul to the ladle's fni
nMiIng refieshments for the banquet
on Sept. 27, on which date the Fifty
ocond leglmenl leunlon will be held
at this place Tt was decided at tho
n retlng that the furnishing of the
le'ieshmonts will be loft 111 tho bands
o the Wilson File company, if they' to undeitako the same. Tho com
mittee will meet at the looms of the
Wilson The company on Wednesday
e'en il", June 2S, to listen to the Wil
sons' ultimatum on the subject.
Mis. J. W- Parkhutst. of Reed City,
Mich., who has been lslting Rev. and
Mis S. II. Moon, lcturned home jes
toida. She was accompanied by Miss
Alice- Moon, who will spend a few
weeks at Reed ("it v.
Mis. William Rabcock 1 etui nod home
sesti-id.iy fiom a islt with lelallves
nt Reach Pond, Wayne counlv.
Theie is money In lalsing thickens
quoth John Kendle, who lesldes at the
Eiio faun, nnd he set nbout to mn
ehase Incubators, bioodeis, etc, and
In a shoit time a colony of chickens
was established at the Etie faun, the
incubatois did theli woik well nnd
lsions of profits were looming up In
the near distant. Some of the chic k
ens weie about half giown and leady
tor maiket when Inst Wednesday r ght
thieves, who nho believe theie Is
money In iasng chickens (off the
most), puld a visit to the Eile farm
end when they departed they took with
thrm one bundled and tliliteen of Kcn
Jle's motheiless chickens mil to telleve
any pangs of hunger on pait of the
chickens secuied fifteen biul.els of oats
ft "in Mr. Onescales' bain.
Peckvllle Baptist chuich Rev. J. S.
Thomas, pastor. Sunday sei vices at
in.Se, a. 111 and 7.30 p. m. Miming S'ib.
J'd 'Lessons fiom the Lilies.' in
the evening the Sabbath school will
lender the Chlldien's day ixeiclses.
Sei vices In the Piesbyteilan chuich
next Sunday at 11.S0 a. 111. and 7 HO p.
in. Subjects: Morning, "The Cluls
tiun's Victory;" evening, "Why Did St.
John White Ills Gospel?" All wel
come. Rev. S. H. Moon, D. D., pastor.
mody; "Sleigh Ride," Treloar, Mlsoss
Mury and Luev Lawler, club drill,
brs. accompanist, Jtlss Llz7lo Mor.m,
"Manhattan Reech," Sousa, Misses Liz
zie Men an, Mniv Dost; "Chus'-e do
Lion," Kolllng, Mlsse Gtace lMtlgiew,
May Kennedv. "La Paiisionne," II.
Ileiz. Misses Nettle MiDerinott, Sadie
Rogan; "Haivest Jloon." e bonis, ac
companist, Miss Nettle McDonnell: Or
pheus dug wait, oiehestr.i; "School
Festlvnl," cantata, accompanlt, Mjs
N. McDennell.
Intetestlng exeulsos weie hold In the
oh pliant kindergarten on Watei stuet
e-qordny nf lei noon. Tho piogrammu
Included seveial choiuses and games
which were rendered by the little chlld
len. The klndetgai ten Is supposed by
tho I'lesbyterian Mission soelets and
has an aerage attendance of lorty
iho pupils, the ages tanging fiom 3 to
C .sears. The effoits of the children re
vealed tho caicful training that Is giv
en thin by their toachois. Misses Net-ti.-
Kuapp, of Green Ridge, and Lillian
Matthews, of this place. The pitsent
school j ear will not close until ugust
I'loial Sunday will be obseived In the
Congregational chuich tomonow even
ing when an excellent piogiamme
which has been piepaiod by the child
ren under the dhectlon of John Drooks
and Miss Maggie A. Williams will be
given All are Invited.
Mis- W. Scott, tho negio lecturer,
will deliver an address In the Rlakely
Raptist 1 hutch next Thursday even
ing. No admission will be chnrged
A blare In a pile of uibblsh In the
tear of Sam Ltc'.s laundry caused an
ahum to be sent In fiom box 25 at mid
night Thursday. A few palls of water
extinguished the blaze.
Miss Rosellu Ruike has returned to
her home In Caibondnlo after a sR
with hoi aunt. Mis Ellen Mahon.
Misses Annie and Elizabeth Joidan,
Mary Rogan nnd Mamie Hanahoe at
tended the gtaduatlng exercises of the
Scranton Training School for Nurses
held in Scranton Wednesday eoning
Mis Andtevv Kennedy, of Old Foige,
Is lidtlr.g Mr, and Mrs. James Ken
ned.v, of Rlakely.
Mrs. i.,ic Hammond, of Sjiacuse,
N. Y.. who has been tho guest of Rov.
nnd Mis. jr. R, Hammond .leturned
home yesteiday.
Patrick nnd James McGlnty have re
turned home from Mansfield State N01
mal school.
Mis. D, L. Deny and children are
spending two weeks in Waveily.
The thud, thud, thud, of Admiral
Carey's new nnphtha launch may be
heard at nny time of the day us he
conveys people around tho lake, point
ing out to them the many picturesque
Mr. Eugene Morso and F. St. Amnnd
were visitors at the Lake on Tuesday.
Mr. Charles Secor has decided that
It Is not good for man to be single.
Mr, and Mis. Charles Royle, of
Wllkes-Rarre, ate spending their
honeymoon nt tho Wlnola.
The smiling countenance of Mr. Stod
mnn Hauling may be seen at the Pa
vilion as ho waits on his many custo
mers. Mr, Frank T. Okell, of New York
city, spent Satuulay and Sunday with
his family nt his place.
Tho following cottagers have arrived
at the lake with their families for the
sutninci: Mr. Hotick, Mr. C C Hotis
nlck, Frank llrenton, John Flanagan
nnct Mr. W. S. Coons, of Wllkes-Rarre;
Mi. Veager and Mr. Smith, of Ply
mouth: Air. W. K. Hollowny, of Dan
ville, Chillies McMillan, Joel Rrenton
nnd duiilcs) Iivv, of littsion; W. J.
Morgan, Mr. A D. Hughes and Mr.
Jones, of Scranton.
The following hnve registered nt the
Wlnola. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Rocker,
Albeit Decker, Jr., Danlei J. Reese, Tnl
lle M. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 11.
Davis, Mr II. Kessler, John Sliaugh
nessy, D. P. Reese, John Shecok. Geo.
Kellam, Samuel Rullock, Mr. Charles
R. Wilklns, AVIllani H. Gaugban, Ed J.
Kelly, John Deainlsh, William J. Alios,
John F. Danston, S. R. Orr, Ronton
MacLean, T A, McGrolle, Chatles
Rilgett, Joseph Grlhol, Mary Johnson,
Adelaide Claik, Loretta Claik, Agnes
A. Callahan, Anna M Iiarrott, Anna
M McGuIre, George E. Heere, of Scran
ton. Last week a teverend gentleman with
n thoughtful expression on his face, sat
fishing' about fifteen feet fiom the
shoi e, no doubt he was thinking over
what ho would say In his next seimon
when he was addressed ns follows by a
filend who wns strolling along the
shoi e: "Say, elder, what luck?" "Not
much, tho ilsh do not seem to be veiy
hungiy this morning." 'Say, elder. Is
this jour ball'" Innocently asked his
f 1 lend as ho pointed to a ftog peioheel
on a stone on shoie facing the douilnle
with a line attached. ' Well, well," ex
claimed the elder, "Its no wonder that
I did not get a bile."
IWl ib km
Plioeburg Citizens' band at a meet
ing held on Thursday evening last de
cided to change their place of meeting
fiom Callahan's hall to John Hall's
hotel, on Lincoln street, where all
Marvelous appliance and remedies of rare
power will be sent on trial, without any ad
vance payment, by the foremost Company
in the world in tho treatment of men weak,
broken, discouraged from effects of ex
cesses, worry, overwork, etc. , Happy mar
riage secured, complete restoration or devel
opment of all robust conditions.
No C.O.D. fraud; no deception; no expos
ure. Any man writing in good faith may
obtain full account of this astonishing sys
tem. You have only to write your name
and address in the blank form below, cut
out the coupon and mail it to tho Erie
Medical Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Sirs: As per statement In Bcranton Trlbtinn
you may mall to 1110, muler plain loiter seal,
postage paid, full explanation of your now svh
tem of furnishing your Appliance iititl Hemediea
to reliables men on trial nnd npprovnl without
expense no payment to bo made In advance
no cost of any kind unloss treatment proves suc
cessful and entirely satisfactory. Also until
sealed, free, your new medical book for moil.
members or those wishing to Join that
organization are leciuested to meet on
Monday evening next at 7.10 o'clock.
The band numbeis tifteen members and
they Intend to inetease tholr number
to at least twentj-IHe pieces.
Tho teathets nnd j,chnlats of the I.
M. chuich Sunday school will hold
their sixteenth nnnlvetsary tomonow.
Pen Ices will be held as follows:
Morning, 10 30; ufternoon, 2.30, even
ing, 7 o'clock; conducted by Supeiln
tendent Groati use O. SImms. Chor
Istet T. Wilmot will have chaige of
the music. Collection after each ser
vice In aid of school fund.
Four new clectilc lights arc being
added to our botough as folows: One
on corner of Storrs avenue and Maple
stteet; one about center of Albert
stieet; one em coiner of Jermyn and
Caunolt utteet, and the other on Jack
son stieet.
All inetnbeis of the Roll of Honor
ate requested to meet at tho P. 5L
school loom this evening at 7.o0 o'clock.
S V. Williams is ill of the mumps.
Jits. AV. F. Clements spent pait of
this week In Olyphant.
Mr. and Mis. "W .A. Do feu enter
tained a few o their friends nt a clam
bake Wednesday evening In honor ot
the former's birthday.
I was seilously afflicted with a cough
for fceeial years, and last fall had u.
moio seveie cough than ever before.
I have used many lemedlos without
leeching much lellef, nnd being rec
ommended to tiy a bottle of Cbumber
laln's Cough Itemedy, by a filend, who,
knowing mo to be a poor widow, gave
it to me, I tiled It, nnd with the most
giatlfylng results. The (list bottle re
lieved me eiy much and the second
bottle has absolutely euied me. I have
not had as good health for twenty
ears. I give this ceitlllcate without
solicitation, simply In appreciation of
the gtatitude felt for the cure effected.
Respectfully, Mrs. Maiy A. Heard,
Claiemoie, Aik. For sale? by all diug
glsts; Matthew Uros. wholesale and re
tail agents.
The commencement exercises of St,
Patrick's Academy will be held next
Wednesday evening when th? following
prngtaniine will bo lendcied: Greeting
chorus, pupils: confeiting medals and
bonois. Miss Hadle Ilngnn, Miss Jennie
McAndtews: premium for Chilhtlau
eloctllne, competed for by pupils of
tlrst elllsIoti, diawn by Miss Mary
Wade, ptemlum for elepoitment mer
ited by pupils of Hist division, diawn
by Miss Lizzie Moran: premium for
punctuality, drawn b Miss Annie Mc
Cnbo; selection, otchestra, Uolln, Mr
James liicnnan: mandolins, Mr. I1.
O'Malley, Mlsse OlMa Stone, May Fer
guson; gultats, Mr. John Ed wauls,
Misses Sadie Ilogau, Maud Gorbet;
piano, Mr. John Coleman; Elue lllrd
peilka, Urunner, Miss Fanny Spitz;
"Neater My God to Thee," Miss Idn,
Miss Molllo Ilannlck, "flertha's
Waltz," Mnek, Misses Katlo OTJoyle.
Anna Morton, Ida Spitz- planfnre, lit
tie girls, accompanist, Miss Sadie Ito
gnn; piano selection, Miss Esther
Heaveis; Los Cacleaux Do Noel, Kin
kel, Misses Mnilo Cummlngs, Jennie
Holand, Maiy neddlnglon; 'Tho Pet I,"
pantomliie, henlor girls: "(.'ticket Pol
ka," Mltsc Maiy MiNulty, Kutie Dcr-
Professor C. 1. Iloban and John T.
Davis are doing jury duty this week. Matilda Clllfotd nnd Kate Ere.
hony havo been graduated with high
honots at the Manslleld State Nonnal
s-c hnol. Mis.scs Margaret Dixon, Muiy
O'Malley and Thomas Maloney luxve
been nelmittcd to the senior tlass Miss
Annie Aikman hns passe d the junior ex
amination at Stroudsburg and will be
a member of next ears graduating
Thomas Deeble, a student at Easlon
academy, is spending his vacation at
the home of his patents. He, with his
skstei, Mis. Joseph MePhoi-on, and
husband, will Ieno In AugUht to etifn
Into tho mercantile btiblness nt As
toria, Washington.
Itobett Golden has accepted a posi
tion as salesman at Fuller's stoio In
Duryea. Mr. Golden was formeily In
the employ of the Floicnce company
and has given excellent bervlco duilng
the several months employed.
Tho funeial of Patilck Ilutledge will
take place this afternoon.
The flist iinnlveisaiy of the Ulessed
VIi gin's sodality will be appropi lately
obseived In St. Marj's chuich tomor
row evening. Itev. J. B Donlnn, of
Dunmoie, will pi each the seimon Af
ter lending tho olflee, benedletloti of the
blessed fcacuiment will be given.
At ubout 9 o'clock last evening the
flto ahum was sounded nnd in nn In
stant the stieet was full of people. Tho
hose company was on Its way when
they weie infoitned that their services
were not icqulrod. A lite had originat
ed In M. J. Biogan's on the West Side,
but it was extlngulJhed with u few
buckets of water.
W. J. Sammon has returned home af
ter nttendlng the Ileptabophs conen
tlnu at Buffalo.
Owen Ituane, a student at St. MI
chad's, Toi onto, returned home last
Bewnre of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury.
as mercury will Biirelj destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange tho
vvholo sjstcm when entering It tlnough
tho mucous surface's Such ui tides should
never bo ufed except on pitwilptlons
Horn rcpjtuble plijuliiuns, us tho dam
ubo they will do U tenfold to tho good
ou can possibly detlvo from them Hull's
Cutnirh Cure, manufactured by r J
Cheney & Co.. Toledo, o.. contulus no
murcury, nnd Is tnken internullj, uctlnu
directly upon tho blood and mucous sur
faces of tho system. In buying Hull's
Catarrh Cuio bo suio ou get tho gen
uine. , It Is taken Intel nully, and mtdo
In Toledo, Ohio, by 1 J, Cheney & Co,
Testimonials flee.
Sold by DrucelKts, prlco 73c. per bottle.
Hull's Family lills uro the best.
Compare Our Price with Other Houses.
A Full Line of Oil and Gas Lamps.
The Bundy Oas Lamp,
Tho Majestic Gas Lamp.
These Lamps are the highest production of $
Gas Lamp on the market. Regular price $3.50,
Our Price $2
t Toe Clips from 3c to 50c Pair
The largest line of Bicycle Saddles in
the city at Right Prices.
RicOcles j
Need no introduction. Encomiums are superfluous. Most
of you are familiar wijh the ''Scranton" Bicycle. Made scien
tifically, conscientiously and artistically. Made to meet the
demands of discriminating, intelligent and hypercritical wheel- ?
men and wheelwomen. Thousands $
are riaing tnem toaay wno win aau
their testimony to ours. Price
X Sterling Chain Wheels, $50.00. Chainless, $75.00 $
Carriage Rubber
With the Springfield Tire, Price on Application.
! Bittenbender
Franklin Avenue.
Tired t