The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 24, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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Works on Harmony,
Theory of Husic, Etc.
Vfa will secure any work known In ths
murlcal world on short notice. Some wb
livo on hand, mostly In cloth, are:
Musical Composition by Pofcy Qoels.
c),ns - BO
Btory of Major C-Clruoe Bhaw Duft. 1 00
Practical Time Lessons
Musical Spilling Hook
Child's Musical World 1
Bhepard'B Children's Harmony '5
Davenport's Harmony ..
Husslcr's Notation and Harmony 5
Husslcr's momentary Harmr.ny 100
doctschlns' Hotnophonlo Vorms t
Musical Composition M
Baker's Manual of Countorno'tit 2 00
Hussler's Practical Harmony 109
Cow's Structure of Music 123
Itlchter's Manual of Harmony 2 00
Cornell's Easy Method of Modulation 1 M
Rhepard' Simplified Harmony ....... 1 23
linker' Dictionary of Musical Terms 1 00
Cornell's Muslrat Form 8 00
Jadassohn's Mnnunl of Ilnrrnony .... 00
Musical Dictionaries. 12c. 25c. and 75c.
Burrow's Primers, Jousso's Catechism,
Perry Brothers
20." Wyoming Ave.
largely upon the
The right kind
KEMP'S, Wyoming Avnue
DR. 11. B. WARE,
ye, liar, Nose and Throat
( lilrcltGWM -Da. m. to p.m; 2to U
William" llillldlnz. Opp. t'osUilIlo
"llnck and noe shad nt tho Green
nidRo market."
"Merchant Clark has lost n valuable
"Call tip Lewis, the butcher, for sau
sage and bloodworst."
"The coming marrlngo of Mr. Chnpplo
with the Widow Addle Is announced."
"Call up Monies for plumbing and tin
nlnR when needed."
It Is nice, Isn't It, for tho sober and
unpretentious residents of Green Illdso
to bo mixed un with tho vegetable king
dom In this manner?. It Is enough to
make ono dizzy while reading tho Items
to ascertain which nro tho more im
portant ameng tho Items, tho people or
string beans, Respectfully,
C. II. Bopcr.
Seranton, June 23.
Editor of Tho Tribune.
Sir: I dcslro to correct an error In
your report of tho Tucker & Maxey con
spiracy ease, In which It Is said I charged
John P. Reynolds, esq., with tampering
with ono of tho jurors. I did not so ac
cuse him and do not bellovo him cap
able of Buch action, hence In justlco to
Mr. Reynolds, whom 1 esteem ns a law
yer, I deem it right to state Just what
did occur. I simply called attention to
tho fact of nn alleged conversation be
tween Mr. Reynolds and Juror Hampton
which I bad, and still havo, reason to
believe took nlaro but I have assurances
that It was not solltltcd by Mr. Rey
nolds, but rather enforced upon him by
the Juror.
Por this nlleged misconduct of the
Juror thi" defenso did not attempt to hold
Mr. Reynolds responsible, but spoke, of
it as showing prejudlco on tho part of
the Juror and as n reason why he should
be withdrawn. A now trial has been
asked for nnd one of tho reasons given
Is Juror Hampton's misconduct in cx
nresslnir nn oiilnlon as to the gtillt of
defendants before all the evidence was
submitted, besides expressing an enmity
to defendants' counsel. In Justlco to
Mr. Reynolds I hone you will rIvo this
denial the same publicity as wus given
to the erroneous report.
Yours truly,
John P. Scragg.
Seranton, r.i., June 23, 1S90.
4 '
MriKTINU CALMiD-Lleuteiianl Huff,
ot Ciiinp.iiiy II, TliiiU'cnlli u-Mmi'iit, has
called a meeting or the ex-ine-mbers of
that ee-mp.iiiy f'ir tonight In the uudl
toiluin. North Seranton, for the purpose
of taking action on reorganization. The
meeting is chllul for 8..W o'clock.
of No, 21 school In CSu-im Ridge, held a
Hag rrtlhlng yesterday morning in coli
Junctlou Willi the regular closing exer
cises. A programme of pattlotlc hongs
and recitations was rendered und Super
intendent Howell (lelUeicd un eloquent
Strlko Wages Yesterday Distributed
to Members of the Union Im
provements That the Seranton Rail
way Company Is Making: Fur
naces of tho Lackawanna Iron and
Steel Company at Franklin Fur
nace to Bo Blown In Organizer
James in tho City Odds and Ends.
The first Installment of the money
from tho natlonul organization was re
ceived by the carpenters yesterday
morning. It wns received In the Bhapo
of a certified check, which was Imme
diately cashed at one of the local banks.
The money was taken to Carpenters'
hall on Wyoming avenue, where It waa
distributed to those who were entitled
to It by members of the executive com
mittee, appointed for the purpose. Tho
men Were paid for the second week,
as they got nothing for tho first. At G
o'clock last evening when tho distribu
tion for the day ended about one-half
of the money had been given out. It Is
expected that it will all bo distributed
by noon today.
Aside from this tho situation Is un
changed. Secretary McGuIre, for sotno
une'xplalnablo reason, has not yet ar
rived In the city. It can nevertheless
bo stated with almost absolute cer
tainty that he will arlve either today or
The IJulldeis' exchange Is Htlil hold
ing out and Its members are Just as
firm as ever.
New Books.
Copyright at $1.50. 1
Our Price Today... n1
Toor Human Naturo Elizabeth
Tho Strong Man-Robert Rarr.
Tho Assoclato Hermit Prank R.
A Duet A. Conun Doyle.
Tho Maternity of Harriott Wlckcn
Mrs. Dudeney.
No. C John Streot Richard White-
Mr. Doolcy In IVaco and War.
David Harum-Kdwln Noycs Wcst-
The Second Jungle Rook Rudyard
Thn flnpn Question Elizabeth
' UnMilna
Tho Short Lino War Merwln
Prisoners of Hope Mary Johns
ton. A Double Thread Ellen Powler.
Red Rock Thomas Nelson Page.
When Knighthood Was In Flower
Chas. Major.
Strong Hearts George W. Cable.
Tho Amateur Cracksman E. W.
Young Mlstley Henry Beton Mor
rlman. -AND
to Sea, by Kipling, 2
Hundreds of tho Munlclpalty's De
crepit, Sick, Sore, Halt, Lamo and
Blind Assembled in Ono Place) Ono
Could Not Behold It Without Feel
ing a Pang of Pain, Wliilo to Thoso
of a Strong Sympathetic Naturo It
Would Be tho Occasion of a Co
pious Flood of Tears.
I SKI Fruit iar The Gilchrist 1
A woman's Invention 'ivl Jo top you can put
your hand in It. They are m ichlne made, with smooth
edge will not cut your haml when washing. They
contain no deadly blow-over or fino ground class.
Wo also have the Maehino-Made Mason Jars and
Pure Rubbers. Why buy poor jars or rubbers. It Is
false economy. Ono can of l.'ult spoiled is more than
tho difference in tho price of a. dozen ars.
n Prom Sea
f. vols,, J1.E0.
South Side Sewer Contract Has Been
Transferred and Its Construc
tion Is Nov Virtually Assured.
ternoon there will bo a llttlo local rac
ing at the speedway on the Roulevard
preparatory to n resumption of thee
pleasant matinees which weie so buc
cessful last rummer. There will bo u
team raeo and a numbei of single
mittees of tho Delaware, Lackawanna
nnd Western railroad men nre still In
session here, but they expect to finish
up their business today or Monday.
Orand Chief Sergeant, uf tho Plromeii,
left yesterday for Scottdule. N. Ywlicro
ii union meeting of railroadmen is to bo
held tomorrow.
witnesses were examined In tho Lang
staff election contest yesterday: Ran
som township, (leorgo C. Coon, George
Turner. Abrnm Stcln. W. P. Mlsson. P.
It. Coon, Lewis Engienuin. Tobias Stein,
Henry Hoffnrd. Jacob Krause: South
Ablngton. CI. R. Stone. Merrltt Mead,
Eben White, Wlnflcld White. Ira M.
White. W. P. Coon, J. H. Sinsnbaugh, W.
A. Adams. John P. Smith, W. II. Smith,
William Phillips and Henry Loader.
C, Thirteenth regiment, was Inspected
last evening tit tho urmory by Mnjor
Millar. Companies A and R were not In
spected as Intended beeaUso they have
not been mustered In ns yet. Company
1) held another meeting for tho purpose
of reorganization last night, but not
enough members havo t-lenlfied their In
tention of re-cnllstlng to warrant tho
mustering In of the csmpnny. Another
meeting will bo held on Monday evening
At last a contractor has been found
to undertake the construction of tho
South Side sewer. He Is A. II. Koons,
formerly of Kingston, but more re
cet'v a resident of Seranton, and
known In municipal circles mainly
through his work on a portion of tho
main sewer In the Fourteenth ward.
Mr. Koons takes the contract from
Dunn Brothers by assignment, accept
ing their Ilgures and receiving as an
additional compensation tho $3,000
bonus that the citizens of the South
Side subscribed us an inducement to
have Contractor Burleigh, of Dunmore,
take the Job.
The papers necessary to transferring
tho contract from Dunn Brothers to
Mr. Koons were made out yesterday
and City Solicitor Vosburg is engaged
In drawing up a new contract with the
city and the new contractor as tho
parties. Mr. Koon's expects to havu
his bond ready for subniittance to tho
city solicitor today and by Monday
next hopes to be In ri'iidlness to enter
upon the preliminaries to the active
work of construction.
Getting Lackawanna Avenue in
Shape for Asphalt Covering.
Tho work of getting Lackawanna
avenue In shape for Its new coveting
of asphalt is being pushed with great
vigor. Yesterday morning the city en
gineer's corps was out at G o'clock giv
ing lines and all day long a string of
men reaching from Wyoming avenue to
tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern crossing on West Lackawanna ave
nue was at work tearing up the old
From Wyoming avenue to the bridge
tho south side of the avenue will bo
first resurfneed and from tho bridge to
the crossing the north side will first
receive attention.
The Traction Company.
Tho Main avenue and Jackson ttrtet
nnd Qulncy avenue cars of tho Seranton
Traction company were not run yes
terday owing to repairs being made to
engine No. 3 at the power house of the
company at Providence road. A break
in tho crank pin of the engine wnh
runs tho dynamo necessitated the sus
pension of the cars mentioned for yes
terday. Tho cars on tho line ubove
noted will be running ns usual this
The new tracks of the company ex
tending from Laurel Hill park to Dun
more Corners, upon which workmen
have been engaged for several weeks,
wero completed yesterday. Th? rails
laid nro modern and substantial, and
rock ballast was used.
Tho Country club extension of the
company's lines as It has been, and
will be popularly known, will be com
pleted In a day or two. Tho new line
commences at the Intersection of Wy
oming avenue and Green Rldgo street,
running to Fairfield street, thence to
Washington avenue and terminates
near tho Country club house. Tho new
extension will afford much conveni
ence to persons going to the Ornl
school, Home for tho Friendless and.
St. Joseph's Foundling home. The new
lino will be nearly two miles In length.
The first switch tho Traction company
placed on lis South Seranton line will
be no more after today. Workmen havo
been engaged for the past two days In
tenrlnp; up the tracks of the company
on Cedar avenue, from tho bridge to
Hickory street, a distance of two
blocks. The company will remove old
No. 1 switch nnd place a single track
on the thoroughfare mentioned. This
switch has been "dead matter" since
tho company pluced tracks on FiHp
ton avenue, connecting with tho old
lino nt Birch street.
ting ready to blow In. The furnaces
will use Tilly Foster and Mesaba ores
and some pyrites cinder. It Is expect
ed that during the second half of the
year the output will bo about 15,000
tons of Bessemer pig, which Is to go to
tho Seranton plant.
Smoke the Pocono, D-cent Cigar.
I Under this heading short letters of In
terest will be published when ueeompa
nlcd, for publication, by the writer's
name. The Tribune will not be held re
sponsible for opinions hero expieesed.
Editor of The Tribune
Sir: Tho successful newspaper has
pot to bo nt the present day a compend
of about everything Under tho sun. Tho
successful Journal does not omit tho
butcher, tho baker nor the candle-stluk
maker any more than the lawyer, min
ister and the society people. So that It
Is remarkable what an umount and vari
ety of matter the ordinary paper con
tains. It Is quit amusing often to note
he arts and devices pursued by trades-
nen, assisted by the ingenuity of the
Jltor, to compel readers of tho Journal
take notice of wares and merchandise
Ono of our Seranton papers has an
-dept In preparing a column entitled
"Green Rldgo Items." It partakes borne
what after tho naturo of vcgetablo soup
or tho free lunch sandwich. Tho posi
tions of the Items, their proximity to
each other, Including deaths, marriages,
birthB, society events, advertisements of
flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables and numer
miB trades nnd professions, nnnears fun
ny and often 'thoroughly ridiculous. Thcro
Is a grave question whether the plan
adopted In sandwiching people's names
between squaBhts, pumpkins, cabbages
and spinach Is not more detrimental than
good to the tradesmen. It Is doubtful
whether tho Intimate association of At
torney Burns with red-topped beets would
cause that eminent lawyer to seek out
the market that had them for sale. Ho
would probaly demurr and loose his up
petlto for beets or at least object to the
practice, as Incompetent, Irrelevant and
Tho following Items of persons and
things will duly illustrate the plan pur
sued by tho Qrccn Ridge correspondent
of tho paper In mind:
"Attorney Ginger, who has been spend
Ing a few days at the Ridge, hns re
turned to his farm upon the Paupack."
"Cabbage and string beans nt Splkers,"
"Dr. Phyelo Is attending ft medical con
vention In Now York city."
"Green apples nnd cucumbers at Spen
cers." "Alderman Doollttlo and his constable
are fishing on Kclzer's pond,"
"Try Colo's headache powders."
"The Rev. Mr. Prayerful will preach
In the Baptist church noxt Sunday."
"Yellow-legged chickens and angel
food good for a Sunday dinner at Bny.
"Mrs. Squires, of Sanderson nvenue, is
entertaining tho Misses Gould, of Now
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old. Even pale
cheeks won't do it.
Your household cares may
be heavy and disappoint
memo may be deep, but
they make you look
One thing does it and
never fails. ,
It is Impossible to look
young with the color of
seventy years in your hair.
permanently postpones the
tell-tale signs of age. Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
color of youth. At fifty your
hair may look as it did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also; stops It from falling
out; and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and its Diseases ?
Tho Boat Adwloo Froo,
It jou do not cbt&ln all too bene
fit you eipcl4 from tb uttof
tlie Vigor, writs the doctor about it.
Probably there I ions dlMcmtT
with your cenfral itm which
may be oatlly remoTed. Adnrci
Dlt. J. C. AYCIl, LowaU, Ua.
This and That.
To Discontinue Aid, 'Tis Said.
Among the railroad men of the Dela
ware-, Lackawanna and Western com
pany tho uppermost topic yesterday
was tho current rumor that after July
1 tho Railroad Young Men's Christian
associations along tho lines of the com
pany will havo to bo self-supporting.
It is said that President Truesdale has
decided that the company will not con
tribute towards the maintenance of tho
associations. Heretofore tho company
has made an appropriation of over $10,
000 a year to maintain tho Railroad
Young Men's Christian associations.
When seen by a Tribune man yester
day, Secretary Adair, of tho Seranton
Railroad Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, stated that ho had not heard
,of any such change.
Ofileials of the company In this i Ity
were nlso In tho dark If such f. curtail
ing of expenses Is contemplnted.
M. D. Clark tendered his resignation
ns superintendent of the Jersey South
ern branch of tho Central Railroad of
New Jersey and retired from the rail
road. J. M. Daly, superintendent of trans
portation of the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western Railroad company, will
return to the city today from New
York city, where ho has been since
Commencing tomorrow morning pass
enger trains Nos. 3 and 14, which have
run from Seranton to Buffalo, will run
Sundays from this city to Binghamton,
leaving here at 'J a. m. and returning at
at 8.10 p. m.
The boys emlpoyed at the Green
wood collieries, Nos, 1 and 2, at Green
wood, who went on strlko early last
week for more wages, are still out and
.ii determined to stay out till their
Ui'tnaiids are granted.
The report that a large part of tlje
Seranton plant of the Lackawanna
Iron und Steel company is to be re
moved to Buffalo Is denied. Iron Agp.
Tho employes of the Elk Tanning
company at Mann's Choice, this state,
struck Wednesday for nn advance of
20 per cent. The company agreed to a
10 per cent advance and some of the
strikers returned to work today, but
the majority are still holding out for
their original demand.
During tho current week the Carpen
ter Steel company, of Reading, has
shipped four carloads of army projec
tiles to various government urmy
stores, and before tho end of the month
fourteen additional carloads will be
sent out from the works. The plant Is
at present running on 12-inch, army
The Railroad Gazette yesterday gave
tho preliminary figures of new railroad
building for the first six months of
1S99. They show a total of 1,181 miles.
Tho state of Por.r.rylvanla takes the
lead for the six month, with a total
mileage of 10G. Mississippi Is next with
S5 miles, and Arkansas follows with 83.
It is announced that the Keystone
Watch Case company and the Rlver
BldeWatch Case company, of Philadel
phia, havo consolidated. Application
will bo made next month at Harrlsburg
for a charter. J. Lowber Welsh will
be president of the new concern which
Is to be called the Keystone Watch
Caso company. It Is stated that both
of the watch case making plants will
bo operated Independently.
Ono afflicted with a strong; sympa
thetic nature can congratulate him
self that ho was not In, around or about
city hall yesterday. Tho sight pre
sented thcro was enough to wring a
tear from even thoso afflicted with an
extraordinarily strong, sympathetic
naturo and in the caso of a person of
s. s. n. typo copious tear3 would as
suredly have flown and lamentations
ould not possibly bo restrained In ex
treme cases of tho several times afore
said allllctlon.
It was truly sad!
One fellow creature, eiocroplU sick,
sore, halt, lamo or blind Is always a
sorrowful sight. One cannot look upon
such without feeling a pang of sym
pathetic pain.
Our hearts go out to them In their
misfortune and while wo may pas3 on
apparently unheodful ot our brother's
distress we unconsciously are remind
ed of our own better fortune and un
willingly, possibly, but nevertheless
unfailingly, thank him for what the
contrast suggests and after doing all
this sort of mental gyrating feel more
satisfied with our lot.
What must be the strain and drain
on an ordinary person to say nothing
of a person with a s, s, n. to view
hundreds of such unfortunates assem
bled In one place!
Yet, such was tho spectacle presented
yesterday at city hall and such was
tho surroundings under which the city
hall reporter had to think out hum
orous suggestions.
No, It was not In the office of the
Board of Associated Charities, the
emergency hospital, or tho poor board
rooms that these decrepit, sick, sore,
halt, lame and blind wero assembled.
It was In the ofllee of tho city treas
urer and the corridors loading thereto.
Tho street. laborers from the different
wards were being paid.
CxvaT VfeW
iYiillcir & PeCK. "Walk In and look a
-a 5!
I No Metal to Corrode
Pure as Porcelain.
Indurated Fibre
lice Water Jarsl
Very Light in Weight,
Very Light in Price,
Very Light on Ice.
Let Us Tell You About Them.
1 Foote & Fuller Co.
Mears Building :
140-142 S
Washington Av S
Schooley Mlno Trouble.
A conference of Pennsylvania, Mt
Lookout and Lehigh Valley mine offic
ials was held at Schooley mine yester
day, when tho Pennsylvania officials
made formal announcement to tho of
ficials ot the adjoining collieries that
they had been compelled to abandon for
tho present all efforts to remove the
flood In Schooley mine.
It wns generally agreed that the
Pennsylvania officials had done all In
their power to combat the flood. Tho
ofileials of the Mt, Lookout and Exeter
collieries whose workings adjoin 'thoso
of the Schooley, do not anticipate any
serious trouble In their mines from
water, being of tho opinion that the
barrier pillars between tho collieries
are sufficiently strong to withstand the
pressure of the flood In tho Schooley.
Plttston Gazette.
A Pittsburg Man Is tho Supreme
Telegrams of congratulation sent yes
terday to C. G. Boland brought the
response that It wns not he who was
elected supreme archon of tho Ilepta
sophs, the telegraph despatches an
nounced. It appears that Mr. Boland was
spoken of for the ofllee but declined to
be a candidate nnd a C. V. Cohen, ot
Pittsburg, was chosen. The Associated
Press despatch received at 2 o'clock
yesterday morning had the name "C.
F. Boland, of Pittsburg."
In view of tho fact that tho Scran
Ion de-lcgatlon was booming Mr. Boland
for tho office and that It would be no
strange thing for a Buffalo reporter
to make a Plttsburger out of a Penn
Bylvanlan who come f rom, Scranton.lef t
It safe, In tho telegraph editor's mind,
to conclude that It was our Mr. Boland
who was meant.
Anyhow, Mr. Boland could havo had
the office If he wanted It.
m ,- - mx n a. ia mj jav n b tm kwt m nrt at ' i
z ICdwwJIlUV
Summer Shoes.
Big Engines Have Arrived.
Six of the ten large compound en
gines eirdored by tho Lehigh Valley
rond have arrived at the Coxton yards
and two of them havo had a trial on
tho mountain cut-off, from Plttston
Junction to Falrvlew.
The engines are of tho Baldwin make
and weigh 115 tons each and are capa
ble of pushing 1,000 tons up the cut-off.
This Is double tho work of the engines
commonly used.
July 4th, Excursion" to Farview via
Delaware and Hudson Railroad.
Grand Gala Day at the most attract
ive excursion resort In Pennsylvania.
Unexcelled attractions too numerous to
particularize. Gamo of base ball called
nt 2.30 p. m., between two very popu
lar local clubs. Refreshments served
by Ilanley, of Seranton. The follow
ing programme will be rendered by
Bauer's band of Seranton:
1 March, Olympla Hippodrome,
2 Overture, Tho Beautiful Galatea,
3 Selection, A Runaway Glrl....Caryee
i The Dawn of Love (Morccau Car-
acterlstlnue) Bendlx
5 Medley, Tho Chicken Brigade. .Johnson
G Selection, The Bartered Brldo,
Whispering Flowers F. V. Blon
Overture, M&ritana Wallaca
March, Hands Across tho Sea,
Star Spangled Banner.
The Delaware nnd Hudson will sell
excursion tickets at very low rates of
fare from all stations, good on special
and regular trains July 4th.
The old Derby homestead on Drnker
street, Dunmore, at present owned by
Mrs, Joseph Comstock, was totally de
stroyed 'by fire at 1.C0 o'clock this morn
ing. The house was a slnglo frame dwell
ing and was unoccupied. The cause of
tho firo Is not known. The building Is
about half a century old.
Warm Weather Clothing.
Examine our large line of serges and
other warm weather clothing. Tailor
made garments that glvo the best sat
isfaction at very low prices.
Richards, WIrth & Lewis,
32G Lackawanna avenue.
Our new Summer Hue is in tlie height of Shoe per
fection. Airy prices ou Warm Weather Footwear for men
and women.
Our bargain tables are attracting a great deal ot atten
tion. Oxfords for 75c and $1.00 that were formerly
$i.o and '$2.00.
Organizer James in tho City.
Organizer Benjamin Jumes, of Janes
vllle, Pa., tho organizer for this district
of tho United Mlno Workers, was In
the city yesterday.
Mr. James goes to Wllkes-Barro to
day to attend a convention of miners,
consisting of delegates from all tho
unions In the First district, which com
prises the Lackawanna and Wyoming
valleys. Tho exact nature of tho busi
ness which will be transacted could not
be learned as Mr. James was very reti
cent regarding this subject.
Ho reports that tho miners are fairly
well organized In this section and ex
pects them to be thoroughly so In a
short tlmo as he says tho union feeling
among tho men Is very well developed.
Furnaces to Blow In,
Franklin furnace at Franklin Fur
nace, N. J., which Is owned and con
trolled by tho Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company of Seranton, Pa Is get-
P. Ketcham, of Piko City, Cal
"During my brother's late sick
ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham
berlain's Pain Balm was the only
remedy that gave him any relief."
Many others havo testified to tho
prompt relief from pain which this
liniment affords. For sale by all drug
gists; Matthew Bros, wholesale and re
tall agents.
Smoke the Popular Punch Cigar, 10c.
CALDWELL-DlKTlJitlCH-In Seranton,
Pa,, Juno 22, 1899, at tho residence of
J. T. Johnscn. 1109 Cedar avenue, by the
Rev. F, P. Doty, pastor of tho Cedar
Avcnuo Methodist Episcopal church,
Albert Caldwell and Miss Fannlo Dlct
crlch, both of Seranton.
OWENS In Seranton, Juno 22, 1899, Ruth,
12-year-old daughter of T. R. Owons
nnd tho late Jennie M, Owens. Funer
al from the residence, 601 Madison ave
nue, Sunday at 2.30 p. m.
1 Don't Live
As Your Forefathers
PIANO is not considered a luxury any more.
It is looked upan as a necessity. It drives
away dull care. It welds the family ties.
W keeps the children home and is one of the blessings
W of the Nineteenth Century. And then our way of
W selling and prices, why they are taking the people
ft by storm. Come in and we will explain our plan
it will please you.
BABY ORANDS Our display is now complete in this line.
5 They are marvels of beauty, and if you only see them you will
V want one, and especially at OUR PRICES.
Wyoming Ave
Artificial Teeth for which other
dentists charge $15, $12, $8 and $5.
Our price, $8, $7, 5 and $2.75.
Gold Crown and Bridge Work for
which others charge $ 10, $5 and $3.
Our price, $5, $4 and $1.50.
Gold and other Fillings, 25c up.
We extract teeth, fill teeth and
insert Gold Crowns and Bridge
Work without pain.
Dr. Barrett,
316 Spruce St., XTA
Keep Cool
Of All Kinds
119 Franklin Ave.
Elmwood Hall
Elmhurst, Pa.
(Formerly Motel Elmhurst.)
Open All the Year.
This hotel has bean remodelaj and reQUei
throughout and will opjn Its doora Jun 14!
ForrutoH, etc, call on or addreii
Au Ideal Health Resort, Bcauti.
fully Situated with Full
Luke View.
Absolutely frco from malaria and mes-
qultoos; boating, flshlnir, danclmr. tennis,
orchestra, rtc, ; pure I.ltlila water spring;
plenty ot old Bliudv, ilno erovo of large
trees surround hotel, excellent tablo;
rates reasonable; capacity ot house, 2G0.
Illustrated booklet and reterenccs on np.
Lake Carey, Wyoming County, Pa.
Beautifully located; good flshlnir; boat
ing und bathiiiK. Tablo unexcelled. D.,
it. & W. It. II.. HloomslmrB division, train
leaving Seranton nt 12.GS p. m., makes di
rect connections via I.elileh Valley to
Lake. JOHN II. JONES, I'rop.
Crystal Lake Refined Family Resort
Htagu leave Curbondule for Kern Hall t
a. ill) p. in. Mine Iciivoa Turn Hall for Car
bondalout B.'.iii n. m. '1 otophone Connec
tion: "t'cra Hull," pay station.
C.C&M. C. JOHNSON, Manners.
I'oitotllce Address, Dunuufl', lo.
The Arlington Ocean Grove, N.J
Tho leading hotel. Open Juno to OctJ
bcr. Cuisine nnd service unexcellwl
banltary arrangements norfecL OrcfcsM
tra. . Hates, JM to 3d, two In roo.ral
bpeciai Juno and family rates. Send to?
booklet. C. II. MILLAIt, Wof.