The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 24, 1899, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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The Country club lins a fence nround
tlio cnJtli, at least that iiurt o It con
trolled by the organization. The shaky
barriers formerly existing between this
property and the Throop road have
been torn down and replaeed by a sub
Mantlal fence, designed to piotect It
from outside Invasion and a decided
Ftand will be taken against uny would
be advances for mnrnduers.
The foursome which were to have
bcc'ti plavci' today have been postponed
tor the present. Instead, theio will be
a competition handicap bogie match,
when everybody Is requested to enter
nnd to icport early this nfternoon to
Captain J. II Brooks. The match will
open at 3 o'clock ami nil handicaps
must be arranged befoie that time. It
Is open to all, both adults and junior.".
The following is the bogle score and
the player who i caches nearest the to
tal of 75 will win a handsome golf club:
Hole 1...3 Hole 7.. .4 llolo 13.. .5
. i... I S...5 It... 6
3.. 5 0...I r. . 4
4...1 10 .A W.. J
5.. .4 It. ..5 17... I
6. ..4 12... 4 13.. 5
'ihe Fourth of July handicap Is now
the subject of much discussion and In
terest. D.illy the links are thronged
with enthusiastic players ondoav citing
to Improve their game In view of mak
ing entiy for that match. The prizes
ute now in rioiey & Brooks' window
nnd attiact much attention. They con
sist of a taukaid and three caps.
on Thursday the tie for the junior
mate h was pl.iyed off. Miss Kuth
Archbald winning by n score of 47 for
the nine holes. Law Watklns having CO
and Kenneth Welles 5J.
There Is n noted golf player In town.
He Is Mr. A. W .Hamson, of Rochester,
repiesenting "Willie" Dunn, and he la
plavlng oer the links of America prob
ably with a literary object In view.
This Is a great secret but what is the
use of having a seciet if you can't tell
It this morning he and Captain Brooks
will have a mutch on the Country club
links and If "Porkj" is only up to his
usual torni he will sutely astonish Mr.
Ilnnison who is a genuine Scotch golf
er. May we all be theie to see.
The society folk of Montrose aided
and abetted by many city visitors, have
decided upon forming a country club
About ninety persons have already
Hlgnllled their Intention of joining. The
Pnyte estate has been seemed where
flm links will be laid out and the resl
dnpf theieon will be lemodeled into
an up to date club house with delight
ful "old tiniev" udjuncts.
lllw Belln and Mr. I B. Bolin will
go to New Haven today to attend com
inctn cuu lit eeiclses at Yale, when
theh biothei, diailes, will be gradu
ate 1
Mi. James P. Dickson delightfully
elitei tallied the C.ieen Itldgt Ladles'
Heading ilub at her lovely country
plav ' Hi.ieMdo," on ThuiMlay. Among
the guests weie Mis K. ('. Dlmmlck,
Mr Gui duel' S.uideison, Mis. J. Hen
Dlmmlck, Mis .1 A. nobeitson. Mls
Sandt rsou Miss Dlmmkk, Mis. I'ooie
Ml" 11 I!. Reynolds, Miss Geoige
Ptuiges, the Misses Kejnolds.
Tb cxetutlve committee of the
alumni ol the Sci .niton high school
has decided t hold the annual b.m
(i let at the Hotel Ton ace next Tues
da j evening The i lass of '09 will be
received Into the Alumni association
on that evening A numbei of men
pilnitiit In educational woik will te
spond to to.isis and a musical piogrum
Will be lendeied.
Mr and Mis.. T. H. Wntkins, with
tlmr son and dnughtoi. Law and
Ciladys, went to New Yotk yesteiday,
fiom which they will wt .sail tor lhi
lope this moinlng on the VIctoila, of
the Hambutg-AmeiUaii Hue, to l email:
until about the middle of September.
They weie Joined by Dr. and Mis. John
Wyeth, of Now Yoik, who will accom
pany then' to Cailsbad, after which no
plans foi the remainder of the Journey
have been made.
Mis W. W. Scianton has recently
received a handsome Jaunting car, oi
dtted mine time ago fiom Iieland, and
as Jt Is unique In these parts, with Its
high spldeiy construction and Its all
pi rvading seats, to which a swarm of
young people aie fiequently .si en pie
caiiousty clinging, it attiacts as much
attention as Mr. Seranton's automo
nlle, In Us furious expeditions up and
down the Boulev.ud and over the beau
tiful rescivolt drives.
Mrs. C. S. Weston gave a luncheon at
her country place at Lake Aliel Thuis
day when the guests weie Mts. L W.
Weston, Mrs. W. W. Scianton, .Mrs. A.
i:. Hunt, the Misses Atchbald, Miss
Miss Annie Mulley, daughter of Mr
and Mis Ambiose Mucley was married
Thursday evening to Mr Ourdon Dim-
I and College
men wear
A The Burt &
JU Packard " Kor-
rect Shape"
shoes! Why? Because then
their shoes are always up-to-date
in style, and they retain
their shape as no ordinary shoe
can. Walking is made easy.
"Don't spoil your feet
wearing cheap shoes,"
Kl- a
rr ",
Lewis, Reilly &
mock Hiiul.'. The ceremony was ron
dtic ted by He v. Dr. It. W. Van Seholck,
assisted by Hew William Edgar, nnd
took place in the Piovldence Methodist
church. Miss Lydla Poltn, of West
Plttston, was mnid of honor. The ush
ers weie: William N. Hinds, of Elml
ra, N. Y.j a brother of the groom;
fleorge M. Mulley, a brother of the
bilde; Dr. W. A. Sprout and It. N.
Athcrton. A recptlon was held at the.
home of the bride's paients on North
Main aenue.
Dr. George Coc Merrlmnn, of this city,
was married In the Capitol hotel par
lor?, Frankfort, Ky , on Wednesday, to
Miss Susan Hodman Bacon, of that
city. The ceremony was attended by
some of the leading social lights of that
city. The bi idc w ns given away by her
uncle, Lieutenant Hugh Hodman, who
foi vert tinder Dewey at Manila. She
was attlied In a dross of Patis muslin,
over white taffetta silk, with veil of
old Spanish lace, which had done sim
ilar service for her great grandmother.
Dr. Mcrrlman Is veiy popular In this
city nnd served with distinction In tho
Thliteenth regiment during the late
war. He enlisted ns a private, was af
teiward appointed hospital stew aid
and later commissioned assistant sur
geon with the rank of (list lieutenant.
He had charge of the division hospital
coips of nurses nt Camp Algol. The
biide is the daughter of a captain in
tlie tegular army nnd Is well known
and popular In aimy circles.
Miss Kathnilno Tlmberman'and Rev.
J. W. Randolph will be married next
month at the home of the bride's
mother In Ohio. Their new home re
cently elected by the parish of St.
Peter's In Peteisburg Is tho most
dainty and complete and artistic spot
lovemeats of People
Mis James Mcl.eod and Miss McLeod
aio nt Bast Hami)ton.
Miss Plna Tropp, of North Washington
avenue, Is visiting In Port JeivK
Mr. Heniy Brlln, jr., has removed his
tiimily to his country place at Waverlv
Mls Kittle Connolly, of Pino street, Is
homo from a two months' visit In Lan
caster and rottsville
John Conn, sr. father of Attorney M
I", Conry, Is vMtlng nt the home of the
attorncv on Adams avenue.
Allrod Houtz, with the Dickson Manu
facturing coinp.iuv. Is spending his vaca
tion In Columbia ami Centre counties
Mr. and Mrs W M. Gardner and Mr
and Mis. Paul Gmlner attended the
Hat mini-Gardner wedding at Factor) -vllle
on Wedncdni.
Misses Katie Cunningham, of Shenan
doah, Annie Mdlet, or Mahnnoj City and
M.irv Tlgut , of Ahl, are visiting
friends In this city.
John K Lvnott, of Wot Market stuot,
has i etui ned to his home to spend tho
summir. alter a term's study at St.
Michael's college. Toionto, Canada
Rev Chailes Splcker, pastor of tlio
Trlnltv l.uthnan church, Scranton, and
Mrs. lfev. Hie-e, his sister, of Chestnut
Hill, are visitors In town Allentuwn
Mi. J. L fiaw foid and party hive re
turned trom a trip listing several weeks,
dining which tlicv diove more than 1W
miles, taking in the C ttskllls and u Jntii
ni v uji the Hudson
The follow iig from tll cltv weie pics
ent Tliur-duv ovmlng at the mairiage of
Miss- Hll.i J. Touhlll to Ahlii R. Lvnn,
nt Plttston: Mr. nnd Ml V.. D Iiotf
raan, Mr. and Mis T. P. OConuoi, Mr
and Mrs. .hums Divine. Mi Patrick
Kcnncd, Misses Nona Kenindv, I.iur.i
Nelbell. Btsstc Hoflnnn Helm Gilles
pie, Bert Hoffman and IMwatd Keating.
Mi and Mrs. e W. Scott, of Blnghim
ton, aie In the cltv.
School Controller II T. Jujuti Is homo
from a trip to Ni w Yoik.
Miss Annie New combe, of West I'.ir
bon stieet, Is In New York.
Miss Mar Connor, of Carbondalc, Is
tho guest of friends on Blair avenue.
Mrs Elizabeth Lewis Is In Mansileld,
O where she will spend a loitnlght.
Mls Lou Manchester of Paetorj vllle,
Is visiting her aunt Mrs MjmtiDcan
Mrs. lb in v C. Doud has opened her
cottage at Lake Aliel for the cumniii
Nelson Gillespie, of the New York
World, Is visiting at his homo In till
Mi. Geoige 1'iltz ond fniiillv are spend
Ing tluee wciks at Livingston Manor,
N. Y.
Mls May Mngto. of Fatcrson, N. J.,
Is the gue-t of Dr and -Mis. Davis, of
Miss Jennie Howell, of Scr.inton strict,
and her guest. Miss Suo Stevens, aie at
Hpiing Lake.
Mi. T C. Von Stmch and fnmllv aie
oc cup) lug their summer homo at
(jiiogtic. L T
Ri v. P V. Quliiu. of Goldsborough,
Noith Carolina, is visiting brother cler
g)mcu In this city.
Mis James Shatter, of North Garflild
nveniic, Is at BInghamton attending her
father, who Is seiiuusly ill
Professor II. I. Uurdlek, of Green
Ridge, will have hcioon July 3, to spend
n month In Los Angeles,
Lewis Davis, of Wales stnel. leturned
1 ist evening from tho Unlvctsliy of Mich
jgiin for the bunnnir.
Tho following students hava returned
for tho summer vacation fiom Bucknell
iinlvcrislt) Miss Mar Davis, Miss Uoi
tlui C Wntkins, John Hvans and David
Miss Josiphlno Wlrtz, of Now York, Is
Look for this
Branded on
the Sole.
Hi TTl-r4
Davies. Scranton, Pa.
A Mighty Offering of Men's Furnishings.
The L.oAest Rrices Elver Known.
Wo begin this morning the greatest sale of furnishings for men ever held in the city of Scranton. It will provide opportunities for
careful dressers at the most economizing figures ever known. Our furnishing goods buyers scoured the New York markets that men might have a
"bargain sale" alone their own. And it will be a bargain sale worthy of the name. Almost a car-load of merchandise is here for this big event. A
glance over the appended prices will serve as a picture of what you may expect here today. We know that for goods of equal merit, double the
money has seldom, if ever bought them before. Little wonder, then, that we shout about the bigness of this sale.
Entire Main Aisle, Wyoming Avenue Entrance, Given Over to the Selling
We begin this sale on Saturday, that ALL of our men friends may be here. Store will be open late in the evening. Quantities of everything
are sufficient so you'll not be disappointed no matter what time you come. We want you to profit by this exceptional and extraordinary chance.
2500 Shirts for Men at Twentynine Cents.
Think of itl What man has ever hoped to buy a good shirt lor that money? Some in this lot are worth 75 cents. Any of them would be cheap at half a dollar,
styles are negligee with neck bands; some have cuffs and still ohets have both laundered collais and cuffs. Every size to choose from.
Big Bargains in Shirts.
See Them. 5uch Offerings Cannot Last Long.
Hen's l-'lno Cheviot Working: Shirts at 15c.
At 2"c Men's Hummer Wnrklni; ShlrtH, In both
light nnd dark colors, vuirtli !JO cents
At 'Jre Men's Flno I'ercula Shirts, with laundered
collar-) nnel ciiIIh;u11 new pat tarns.
At !! Do Me 'h Kino (3jf hlilrts, with cum to
mutch; nl, Kino tledfonl Cord and Light Hiite-eu
Shirts; regularly 05c.
Shoes for Saturday.
No such bargains in all Scranton.
At 81.7("Mcn'8 dongola
kid Ince stioes In tan and
black, m if too und oak
taWx. Mways $2. 21"
ling. Aiwtiyb 9'j.ou
At $2,.lf Men's patent
leather iiud Kuslan calf
Oxfords, worth !fi
At 07c Ladles' Oxfords
In all styles, black und rus
set. Alwajs ?1.25.
At SI. 20 Ladles' Si 75
dongoln kid shoes, all
dt y los.
At OBc Hoys' s-vtln
e.itr luco shoes, always
tho guest of Miss Currle' Knlttle. of Jef
feison avenue Miss Wlrtz and Miss
Knlttle werei bchoolmates at St Mary's
academy, Wllkc s-Hnrn, whe-re they ut
tended commencement exercises this
w c k.
Ttt Hev. Bishop llolmii and Itev. D J.
MaeOoldrlck aiei attendliiB the luulor
priests' retrent at Glen Summit, which
will cloe toda.
Mr und Mrs. Wade M. Finn nnd
diughtir, Harriet, will leave tho elty
tod v for Civstal Lake-, vvhtio they will
spind the- summer
J icoh Schnler and Miss Bllen IM1
were married on Thuis-da evcnhiK bv tho
Itev,. I" F Klzelmjan. of tho Milllln
Avenue Liithoian church
Bishop llohati has temporarily as
signed Itev. Kianels J. Canavan as as
sistant nt tho cithedial, and Hcv. M
V. ManU.v ns assistant at Ashlej
The feillowlng Sciantonlnns were regls
teied at tho St. Denis In New York this
week: W. II. Cour.-cn, John J. Ill ilr,
G G Luislng. Mr and Mrs n. S Ben
nett. Mrs. D. W. Ilessler, Dr. and Mrs.
N Y. I.oct and C. Seyholt.
Michael Costcllo of North Scranton,
and Joseph A Donnelh and Dudley M
Uandliv, of South Scranton. returned
vistirday from Holy Crobs, college at
Worcester, Mass., to spend the summer
vacation at their home here
Invitations are out for the- marrlago
of Miss Margaret Vlpond n teacher In
No 21 school to Oscar W. l'avne. of
Hand & l'avne The marriage' will take
pl ice lu tht Providence ltresbyterlan
churdi on Wednesday eiveiilng, Julv 5
at T.'uO o'clock.
At the Hotel Albert In New York this
wetk tho following fiom Scianton vvero
leglstercd. Mr. and Mrs John J. Brown,
Mls Grare Williams. John A. Mears. M.
1. farter, John McDonnell, J. T. Wil
liams I. W. Beavers, II. S. Robinson
und M. W. Drake.
Howard l.ucko), of Mauch Chunk, was
In Scianttin this week.
Mis-. Saldeo Kaiser, of Wllkes-Baire,
was In the city this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. I' Collins visited
Wllllamsport on Wednesday
1' M. Harrington, of Fark Side. Moil,
roo fount), was In tho elty this week.
Miss Bell, ol Fosttr is tho guest of
Mrs Geoigo W. Chase, of North Main
Jackson Sthio who has he en tho guest
of Scianton trlends, has returned to his
homo In Blakeslte.
Mis W. H. Talbot, of Schenectady, N
Y, was tho guest of her uuclt. Mi. K
T. Sweet for the past few da).s.
Mis. Strupler. of Jciscy City, who has
been tho guest of Mrs i'. u, stevms
and other trlends In town, has returned
M'ss Bertha f Watkhis was graduated
from Bucknell i.ntversity last Wednes
diy with the highest honors In a elass
of lort)-sU. She rtcilvcd tho "Bhen
f. Ja)no lacholarshlp," given lv Di.
Javne. of l'lilladelphla, for excellence In
scholnishlp and general standing. She
won, also, the gold watch prlzo which Is
given for tho best oration dollvtied on
Commencement da v. Tho watch Is giv
en this eni by Harry S Hopper. esi ,
of riill.idelphtT Miss Watklns has gono
to tho Bell csluto near Altnomi to ieeu
perato. Aftir a few weeks shj will re.
turn to her parents, Itev. and Mrs W.
G. Wutklns, of Norlh Main ncnue.
T W. Shaw wus In Stroudshurg this
Jesse M. Bell is -.Isltlng friends In Wlll
lamsport. MIS3 Agnes Vlckery Is visiting at Llv
iugatnn Manor, Now Yoik.
Miss Leah IIovvoll. of Hlkdalo, Is the
guest of Miss Hannah Hill, of FUmoro
Pupils of Miss Jones' and Miss Storms'
rooms ut No 18 tchool had a trolley par
ty Wednesday.
Mrs Jennlo Rafferty and faintly, of
Moscow, nro spending a low weckj nt
Laka Shorldan.
Mrs J. I' Neary, of Mnry street, hns
returned from a two weeks' visit with
relntlvcs hi New Yt rlt city.
Mrs. Charles Watklns, of Lnfayetto
street Is vlsltlni, her son, Charles J.
Watklns. of Brookln. N. Y.
Mr. Kdward It. Hughes, a student nt
Lnfayetto college, BiiHton, has returned
homo to tpend the Hummer vacation.
Mr. and Mis. A. J. Thomas, of South
Hyde Parle uvenuo, tire (ntertalnlng Mrs.
F.llzahcth Getting and children, of Cun
ningham. Dr. nnd Mts. J. W Coolldrt nro nt At
inntlo Cltv this week, where Dr. Coolldso
At 18c -Men's Klne 8111c Madrid Kront Shirts In
all tho now pattern, regularly 70c.
At t'JcMen's Hummer NegllgcoShlrts with nock
hand and pair oriauudeied cullt, legul.irly U5c.
At rI)c- Hoys' Fine Madras bhlrts, with pair of
culls to match; not to bo found In any oilier store
under a dollar.
There are
OS Mon's tan
At lie Boys' Wushnble Kneo I'ants.
In light nnd dark colois llg lot of pat
terns. Sizes 3 to 12 yeara. Warranted to
At 23c Boja' Ilnndiome Hlolise Waists
In tvvolvo clesnnt styles, with l.ugo
sailor collars. Sizes 3 to 8 years. Wcio
At J19S. Boys' niegnnt Vcstco and
Double-brensted Suits, twenty styles, All
sizes, 3 to 15 vcarH. Kr.blly worth 33 00.
Shoes In kid and Husslan t
cair,colleje toe; ported lit-
Is a delegate to the Amcilcan Institute of
At Bucknell tho Sophomore declama
tion prlio for women was awarded to
Miss .Mary 1. Davies, daughter of Kov.
W. F. Davies, of this cit).
Hev. Chat lea H. Splcker, of Scranton.
was onu of the most welcome visitors to
commencement He Is beginning to look
tho Imago of his father. Dr. and Mrs.
Splcker and Magglu aro also hero. They
iru all tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Kline. Allcntow n Leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sprague aro in
Miss Anna Salmon will ipend tho next
fortnight In Honesdale.
Miss Gertrude Nauman. of Paiadlso
Vulle), is visiting friends here.
J. J. Dav l and W. P. Price, of Hones
dale, called on friends here yt sterda) .
Miss Hmlly Mayer will go to Spring
Held, Muss, next week to remain some
Mr and Mrs. Itobeit Cooper, of Haw
thonrn stiect, uro visiting friends at Fac
tor) vllle.
Mrs. Geoige O'Donnell, of Chicago, III.,
1b the guest of her mother, Mrs. Timothy
Noone, ot Green street.
Mrs. Georgo DIckerson and daughter,
Hvel)n, of Church avenue, are the guests
of friends at Dover, N. J.
Miss Maud Healey and Miss Elizabeth
Gaughan, of Ashley, are visiting Miss
Helen Hart, ot Deacon street.
Mr Jacobus and daughter, who have
been vlsltng at the homo of C. D. GrIIIln,
have t tt in nod to Orange, N J.
Mis. John Kettrlck. of Wllkes-Barre,
Is tno guest of her cousin, Mrs. Anthony
Tonnorv, of West Maiket street
Itev and Mrs. Hugh Davis, of South
Lincoln iiMime, havo as their guest their
daughter, SIlss Ada Davis, of New York
Alderman .1. P. Ktlly nnd wife, of South
Seventh street, havo leturned homo atter
a few dayb' visit nt Aldenvllle, Wa)ne
Misses Stella and Sarah Meiedlth, of
Jackson strett. attended tho wedding of
Thomas Vaughn and Mls Martin, of
Plttston, Wednesday night
Uugeno Vellows nnd Tudor Williams,
of bouth Main avenue, vvero at Ithaca,
this week taking oMiinlnatlons for en
tianco to Cornell unlveislt).
Ml G P. Giifllth and famll) will sum
mer at Wavcrl).
Patrolman Thomas I-owty Is enjo)lng
his annual ten days' vacation.
Miss Bechenberg. ot New Yoik, Is tho
guest of Mis. A. D. Blncklntou
Mrs. Mary Hill, of North Main ave
nue, Is summering at Hurvt-)'s Lake.
Itev. David Jones and famll), ot South
Lincoln iivtniif, nro sumiueilug at I.ako
Mi. C. P. Matlluws w Jill tcmovo to his
country place. Mnpkeioft, at Clark's
Green, next wtek.
Messrs. Arthur and Harry Jones, the.
two elder suns of C. D. Jones, will sail
for Buiopo next vveik.
Mr. nnd Mts B. 13. t'okely, of fapouso
nvtnuc, aro the guests of friends nt
Clifford, Suseiuchanna county.
D. J. Lewis, of Newark X. J., who has
been the guest of iclutlvcs hilo for sev
eral tla)s, rt turned homo )esterdav.
Georgo M. Davis and Miss Mary Ma
ge e .of Palcrton, N. J., nro tho guuits of
Dr. and Mis. Davis, of Ballroad tvenue
Mis. Charles Stuart and daughter,
Phticbe, of Penn avenue, will lcavo Mon
di) for a visit with mends In Ashovlllo,
N C.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William N Chase und
Mr. and Mis. George T. Jones attended
tho Vnughn-Mnrtln wedding at Plttston
list Wednesday evening.
Mis. James Bell, with her daughter,
Annie, of West Market Btrect, have been
In Washington, D. C , at the commence
ment exercises of Geoigetown university,
fiom which Institution her son, James
Bell. Jr.. wns graduated.
Mr. and Mrs. Menzo Wllllnmb and fam
ily, of Monroe avenue, will leavo for Lon
don, Hngland, tho latter part ot the week,
whero Mr. Williams has accepted a re
sponsible position. For mail) years Mr.
Williams has been foreman of tho Dick,
son Manufacturing company's Penn
incline machlno shops
Miss Archbald will spend Sunday In
Mrs. A. It. Bnmer has returned from a
vllt at Allentown.
Mr. J. W. Coiunt and family are nt
West Medford, Mass.
Fred May, ot Utiiwood's Drug store,
vas In Plttston this week.
Mrs. Wllllum Chnppcll and Miss Pes-
At ll)cSIen'R Summer 11-ilbrlgBan ShlrtH and
Drawers, all nlea, regularly 250.
At :15c Mon's i'lno French IHIbrlKgan Drawer,
wlili gusset Heat. Shirts with pcml buttoiiH. 60o
1.1 nd
At ()o palr-
At l'j'jo pair lilacl:
woith ltJ.
In Boys' Clothing;.
some extraordinary good things to interest you.
At 19c Boys' Handsomo I'laltcd l'cr
r.ilo Waists, In 1," clegunt patterns. All
sizes, from 4 to 13 years. Worth 29c.
At COc Hois' Whlto Lawn Hloue,
trimmed with open work embroidery,
lirgo sailor collars. Sizes from 3 to 0
yens. Worth 1 00.
At J2 08 Uluo Seigo Double-breasted
Suits, satin faced, nil wool, lust colors, S
to 13 j ears; well worth ifluo.
slo olluvvood havo been visiting friends
at Levvlsburg.
Mrs Benson Price, of Boston Mass.,
Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Mor
ris, of Throop stiect.
Cards are out announcing the approach
ing marriage of Miss Margaret Haggerty
to Mr. Martin Million.
Miss Mama Haggerty, of Hackettstown,
N. J Is tho guest of Miss Nclllo Jones,
of Ninth Main avtnue.
Messrs. S. B. Thoino nml J. B. Ncale
will go to New Haven today to attend
the Yale commencemt nt.
Mrs George Grlllln and giandsnn,
Dudley, hive returned fiom a. month's
Slav with ftlcnds at Blnghainton.
Miss Bsther Moses, of Mulbeiry street,
left )esterda) for Peoria. III., on a visit
to her sister. Mrs Sam Woollier, Jr.
Select Councilman Wade M. Finn City
Treasurer IMmund Itoblus&n and Harvey
Long went to Wllkes-Barre vesterday, to
see tho Scranton-Wllkes-Bane game.
John Gannor and W. 1 1 Shlfft r. of
Biuor's hand, rt turned fiom Lewlsbuig
)esterda). whero the) havo been pla)ing
n three thus' engagement with Alexan
der's band of Wllkes-Barre, at tho com
mencement exercises at Bucknell unlver
slt). Mr. J. Mooio Crago Is at Lakcwood,
N. J.
Mr. Hovvaid Davis was In Stroudsburg
on Thursd i) .
Mr. S. S. Sptuks has returned fiom
North Carolina.
Miss Franc McAlplne will spend her va
cation at Anbury Park.
Mr T H. Decn. of Danville. Is spend
li v Sunday In this clt).
Ion. II. A Knapp and family aro at
Sargentville, M tor the summer.
Currlngton Von Storch and lamllv aie
at Ihelr cottage at Ltko I'liderwood
Miss Mao Nutt, of the Conservatory of
Music, will summer at Chnututiciua.
Mis. A f. Bruglcr, of Mulbeiry street,
will visit Buffalo friends next week,
Colonel Ccurscn and family aro oeou
P)lng their summer homo at Cottugo
Mr. and Mrs. George 1' Lord, of Jef
ferson uveiiue, will visit friends In Utlci
next week.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hallstead havo
been spending several da)s at Allan
hut st. N. J.
Miss Kirk, of St. Punt, Minn., is the
guest of Miss Alice Matthews, on Wy
oming avenue.
Mis ( 1) Simpson 's In New Yoik.
Mls Servo-s t Biookln, N. Y., Is tho
guest of the Misses Norton.
Mis 1,. B. Vint h. of Mousey avenue,
Is visiting at Waverly.
Hugeno Bobbins, of Plymouth, visited
friends here this wick
Miss Wildle. of Lincoln avenue, is vis
iting in Indianapolis, lud
Mrs Daniel Slnto, of Swetland stltet,
Is visiting nt Cleveland. O
Mis i Kitty J.Miott, of Mooslc, Is tho
(jiiest of friends on Ci) uga street
Iltchnrd Blchards, of ChippiU's hloic,
Is spending his vacation at Duudafl.
D. J Williams of Williams strett, Is
home fit in Mansileld Nonnal sehool
Hvun J Lowls, of Olivet college, Michi
gan, Is at homo for his summer vaca
tion Misses Oertrudo and Grace Williams,
of Church avenue nre visiting ft lends In
Blmlra N Y
A skin without blemlih and body nour
ished with pure blood, Such Is the happy
condition produced by CUTICURA SOAP
nd CUTICURA Ointment, externally, and
CUTICURA RES0LVUNT, Internally, In tho
severest cases ol torturing, disfiguring,
Itchlti;, burning, and acaly humorj.
Bold t?cr;hr Frict, T s ST. It Ml or, Cviiovsi
fair, tic i OisTumr, Uk i !Uoi.sHt(bJflt), Wc
l'aTTi Osuu amp nil, Co nr. Sole Prof , IkiiWa.
Or "Ik'U Cuif Utuogn," U-jn tKk, fret.
Underwear and Hosiery.
At About Half What You'd Ordinarily Pay.
Bl.'ick Seamless Hose, with
and Tan Seamless Hose,
They uit two fair ladles very well
known in Scranton society nnd they
had theoiles about hoises. They weie
out driving the olhei af tei noon nnd
tho thills of the phaeton weie bioketi
as tho hoi so made an unexpected tuin
which landed him Ignomlnously on lii3
side In tht guttei. The two occu
pants of the caiiluge, veiy much
ftlghtened, clambeied out and sur
veyed the situation fiom a respectful
distnnce. "Any wny, the hoi so Is
dead," lcniniked the oungei one witn
decision. "No hoist imild Ut stretched
out wa) nnd he nllvo, and he
doesn't even wink I'm going to touch
hl.s nose. If a horse Is sick jou "in
tell by tho way his nose feels. 1 for
got which it Is, though, when he Is
well, waim or cold" Slit appioacned
tho animal cautlousl) and Just as she
leaned forwaid to use it tain tho tom
peinturt of his nose he gave a vlroioin
kick, evidently (lit ec ted tow aid a sly
somewheio near his left ear. Tin
)oung woman took a backwaid leap
which nearl) lesulted In tuuilng a
bomer&ault nii u thoin hush by the
loadsldc. whlh her conipanlon ejacu
lated gleefully: "Oh, ho Isn't dead! '
"I should say ho Isn't," leiniukctl the
other, .is slit picked heislf up, 'hut I
neaily am. Now tin thing to do," she
continued," Is to sit on hl.s head. That's
nlwa)s tho way when n hoi so falls
down In n cntrliiRt. You sit on his
head until soniebod) tomes along and
helps him to get up, otherwise ho
bleaks things." "He- seems to have
done that already," observed the eldei
lady hut obedient to tho command ot
the other she lame to the tarther side
of the hoise'.s head, which was peace
fully leposlng on a mat of Canada
thistles "It seems duel," she ie
murked, "to sit on hlin when he's
down. On his head, too: hut If wo
must, I suppose we may as well be
gin," and the two pi nt ceded to seat
themselves almost but not unite, for
just then the appaiently meek head
wns Hung up with unexpected velocity
and with a fono which sent tho hat
of the s)nii.ithut!e lady 11) Ing over tlio
fence. The girl who hud pioposed this
mtthod of dealing with tho animal got
u laigo sized thump under her chin
and she piomptly sat down In the gut
ter 'Tall; about lubber necks," sho
exclalmttl. "now he's simply got to bo
sat on It's the only thing to do If
ho gets to llouudcilng around like that
he'll surely smash the oarrlngo nnd
the harness. Whoa, Hen; good
"Well, you can have tho session to
yourselves, you and tho 'good horsle,'"
declared her companion. "When I tiy
to sit on rt horse's head again, I'll he
older than I am today. It's nothing
but n inlruclo that I hnvo uny head on
at nil this minute, nnd It's my Impres
sion that he'll dash )our brains out If
ou don't keep uvvay."
Hut the maiden was persistent and
again endeavored to carry oilt her the
oi y with much the same results, tho
animal throwing his head iiibout fo vio
lently that sitting upon It was a ptoh question, requiring consider
able knowledge of curves and a slight
Idea of thu flgtue described by a boom
erang. Some tlmo utterward two men
came along' and found a pair of very
much dlbtresstd women walking1 round
a prosttntc hoiso nnd a damaged phae
ton. They unharnessed the nnlmal with
no protest on his part, and tho wreck
was soon reduced to order ns far as
possible, biU tho younger victim of tho
accident Htnl holds to her belief that
tho horso should have been sat on, us
to his head.
Sho was old, with the fresh com
At 2no Men's Kgvptlan Italbrlgsan Underwear,
handsomely flnlsllud. Absolutely VTorth 3tlc
At 17c Men's very lino silk finished Balbrtggan
Underwear eiiunl to auy nold at Utio.
At lflo pair Men's Genuine Hermsdorf Dye Fast
lllaek Hoso; aUo tan color. Would bo a genuine
bargain at u quarter.
Sheet riusic at 10c.
Your choice of these for Saturday:
Angols' Dream. Faust.
An Ihivolr. Angola' Serenade.
Flower Song. Kollenne ilarp.
lleauttf Jl Hluo Danube Waltzes.
Hfth Xocturne. Sixth Nocturne.
Slumber Sweetly. Tremolo Lo.
Simple Confession. lllrds Carolling.
Cavalleria Ilustlcana Intormezzo.
Heauty's Bjcs. Afterwards.
Then You'll KememborMe.
Oh, Leavo Mo Not, Dear Heart.
plexion and filendly eyes, smooth bands
of hair and the neat dross that some
how make you think of a face that per
haps" smiled out of a farmhouse win
dow at )ou as jou passed one summer
flay, or mavbc iccall some other face,
deal. Indeed, looking out of tho win
dow of memory In the country of Child
hood. ".N'o'in," she was saying to tho little
group of listeners who heaid the brief
tale of the life which the wot Id will
call u failure. "No'm, I don't Just ex
actly like to tell my age. You know, It
might kind o' act on my chances. You
see, I want to get a place as house
keeper In some nice, lespectablo family.
The tiouhlo is, that so ninny ot the
places I've been sent to Inquire in
haven't been Just that. I've ulways
been a u. spec table woman and hava
good leeommends, hut you'd bo sur
pilsed to set tho folks that answer
ads for a housekeeper. But I'm a
hoplng to get something hotter, and.
jou see," l.ithei shyly, "If they found
out I'm notwell, quite ns young as I
once was, majbe thej'd think I wouldn't
do. But I would." she went on, eager
. I'm able and Willi n to work, and
work hnitl."
Xo'm I ain't had a husband for a
good immv yeat.s. If ho'd been allvo
do you think he'd a' let mo havo such
a lime as I'm a bavin' now?" Her eyea
shone bilghtly thtough tho sudden
teats. "He was a soldier In tho war
moie'n thirty jvars ago, and Just be
cause I wanted to do (something for
tho pnoi fellow tt who wero dyln' In ths
hospitals, I went as a nuise. No, I
wasn't paid of course, hut I did Just
ai much as them that was, and I took
care of hundreds ot 'em In that Vir
ginia hospital. I didn't havo my
health very good for a long v.'hllo af
terward, but," swiftly rousing from tho
temlnlscent mood Into which she had
unconsciously fallen, "I'm real spry
now and can do a. giod deal only,"
and heio tho ej-es which had been
scatchlng tha faces of her listeners
nnlousl) dropped and over her cheek
came u pinky glow of embarrassment
which nade her look almost j'oung.
"Only lutely, nu know, I haven't had
much to eat I had a llttlo room, but
no the or anything and I bought a llt
tlo oatmeal and ato It raw for a few
days nnd then I mixed It with cold
water and then It made mo sick, and
well jesterd.iv I did get so hungiy that
I just nindt up my mind I'd start out
and see It I couldn't find a friend In
this big place whore I didn't know a
soul, nnd sute enough I found one nnd
sho Font me to you and tho trembling
hands whhh had bien plucking ner
vously nt her gown reached out lnvol
untaillj toward the listeners who sat
with wot eyes and said over and over
to themselves, ''Fvlendlefca and hun
gry in this rich city."
Sho found fi lends lind a shelter
and food und many a kind wotd and
well whether she dlscnvets the delect
ablo plnte as housekeeper In the "re
spectable family" or whether she Just
goes aiuund under the root that now
protects her with her neat old-fashioned
gitih und her kind old face, sho
Is sure of having u homo for soino tlmo
to come-but Isn't It unpleasant to
think of a nlco old lady, well reined,
self-iespectlng, widow of a veteran ot
the Civil war and herself a war nurse
In this town of wealth nnd generosity
and tender hentts ulone, liungrj- woe
fully hungry nnd friendless when wo
all havo enough nnd to bparo?
This Isn't a fancy sketch, my fi lends,
nnd It Just goes to show thnt we toally
know veiy little of what Is going on
about us: that wo don't know whether
tho old lady whom wo brush against
an wo puss, Is fainting with hunger for
lucad, or whether tho heart of tho
friend who sits often at our fireside
may not ho n-fnlut with hunger for a
loving word, nu onoouruclng smile,
which In our dullness; wo withhold.
Saucy Bess,