The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 19, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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    t . -'In
It Required Only Ten Minutes for
Judges Aichbald find Gunster to
Concur In Mr. Burns' Argument
That tho Controller Is Over
offlciotts, and Mr. Torrey's Allega
tion That Controller's Reasons for
Not Signing Contract Were Evasive
and Tending Only to Befog Case.
Court on Saturday directed City Con
troller Unwell to certify the Uaibe
Apphnlt repair contrnct. A mandamuH
Issued forthwith and will bo "erred
b the sheriff this morning. It Is po
Hlhle. though, that Hie repairs will be
fuither delayed iih Attorney Cornelius
ComcRyu, counsel for t'ontt oiler Howell
nnd the Alcntraz J'uviiiK company,
took nn exception to -the court's rul
ing, with the avowed Intention of up
pealing the mattct to the Supreme
This apparently can result In noth
ing more than further delay, as the
rulliiB of the local lotnt wax urrarres
ttonnlih buiMl wholh and solely on a
1ppIIoii of tin- hirpierrre Lourt, In an
nctly similar inst. the Common
wiMlth nRirlnt tjfome. which nrlulnat
m in Wllllamsport, mid which was
lln ground woik of Mr Hums' argu
ment In grant tup; th niitndiinii'- JiuIkc
Atthbald said that in the cnintV opin
iidt the contiollei had hut two iiuen
lions to i onslder, llrst If the contiaet
lti d. and, second It theie was a
milk lent nppropt lotion That a con
tiait existed was ugt denied, and, us
ill" h lord shows thul the npprojir lit
tloii mi" made, the t nntiolli t - duty
1h to icitlfv the iiinlrdU
in umt: t i.ixi:.
ThK u In dliM. t line with Mr
Hum's au'Uimut lie ' ontended tint
tin contiollei was Mmpl a liooUkeepni
.met iknolil of anv Judlilal power. Ills
Mmpl ilutv was to open his and
KihiK the contiaet and approptlatlou
licfoie him. ieitif the same.
Mi Comers admitted the contiaet,
but denied that tin i was a sutlkient
appropriation The, he held
calls loi an expenditure of 17." 000 and
an iippropil.itlon of that atnount should
In made befote the coutioller would
In mthoiled in ceit!fliiK the con
tiaet Mi Hums In answer to this said tint
in while the assessment is to
1m laid iiRitinit abutting piopeitv
holders this holds Rood, hut not when
the moiitj Is to come out of the gen
ual funds of the (it
Attorney James II Tone appeared
with Mi. Hums in f.aor of the man
damus He said lie leprisented a
lnrge element of tho taxp.oeis who
wished to see tho stieets paed. He
called attention to the in Rent need of
ploceediliR at oni e with the lcpalis
am paitlculaily Inline. sod upon the
court the harm that Is hehiR done the
city thiouRh the wi etched condition in
which Its htreets ate allowed to le
nmin. s:coj:nD Tiir coNTnoi.i-.nn.
Mr. Toiro nlso dwelt nt loiiRtb
on the unreasonableness of an of
iklal like the controller, wholly here it
of any leRlslati'.e or judicial pow r, at
tempting to oei throw the woik tha.
had been done by the legislative and
ociutie bodiis of the munleip.illtj
In dealing with the couttollei'n leubou.i
for not tlKitlng the contract. Mi. Tor
iej said thej weie evasive and .souglit
onl to taise a cloud of dust to be
fog the case.
Judges Atchbalil and Gunster, who
h -aid the aiguments. weie in consulta
tum onl about ten minutes, whn
.ledge Arelrtuld came back upon lhr
In neh and handed down the tuliiig. al
lowing the manumus. Tho costs weie
1 laced upon tho city.
The healing In the equity suit,
brought by Mr. Ooinegs in the name
oL II. t'anipbcl1 and William Fan ell
to pi event fuithci action under the
asphalt repair oidlnanee was put our
to argument court.
Common Pleas Couit.
After being out nearly thirty hours,
the Jm in the iase of tho Witrton
Co rl ( ompnn.v against the Paneoast
'unl company weie discharged Satur
d.i tit let noun without coming to a
Friday afternoon they sent word
that there was a dispute among them
coiifiining eei tain portions of the evl
clince, and that they would like to
bave fuither Instructions. Judge Uun
fctei sent back word that Judge Putdy.
vho presided In the cas-o. had Bonn
lunTie to Jlonesdale, but If they wished
it, lie would hind for him to return
The Juiy repllid that It did not care
to wait, and would endeavor to arrive
at an under statrdlng of the' c te with
out any furthei outside aid They
wrangled late Into the night and dui
Ing all of Saturday morning and af
ternoon, and at o'clock sent word
again that they wanted fuither light
on the evidence. Rather than hold l
them over until today to hear from I
Judge l'uriry. auuge c.unster uecrucu
to discharge them
In the case of U P Lowery agnlnst
11 unewii. it vuiuiui tin nn- iuuiiiuiL
in tne sum or soi was. rnuiiieu j ver
diet for the Jetcndant was returned
in tho cabo of Matthew McPherson
Qio Icing
You tro clocglnc up
tu fins tioros. snollin
the flame every ttm
vmi nun lnffeMrir oil in i
lamp. Don't blumo the
lamp for tlis reiulti. A
poor oil makes u poor
, Debt. Wtau you'ro tired of poor
lights, and want a. rlcb, brilliant
vblte light, got our
Water White
Tb ttatui oil that th belt rennetiM
Of lav lauu Wd UIU. mill n uui,
only mast pur, ti ueuverru
pure. Afltyonr dealer about 1U V
I ivW
Colds, Coughs,
Hay Fever, Bron
chitis, Asthma
nd oil Diseases
of the Throat and
Clouds of Miillctnl Vpor are Intilca
through th? mouth ami i-mlttcd from tho tioi
ttlla, rlcunnliut and vafiorliln all the lnflampd
ami dlnoancd pnrta which cannot be reached ty
medicine taken luto tho stomach.
It reaehei thi tore tpoUlt heat the raw
placet It nors to the 'eat oditeateJt acts as
t bitm and tome to the uhole nystemflOOat
uruautstn or sent by mait, 1SQS Arch St., 1'hila-
against the Hmplre Dry Goods com
The healing In the Old Forge elec
tion case, which was .set down for Sat
urday, was put over to argument
H. It Coston was on Saturday ap
pointed to take testimony In the di
oiee case of Grace I. Swingle against
A. r. Swingle.
Large Party of Local Heptasophs
Leave for Buffalo Will Make
an Effort to Secure Honots
for Scrnnton.
The Setnntuli delegation to the Supreme-
conclave of the Improved Order
of Hoptasnpln, which will be held In
l'.iiflalo this week, leave the city this
afternoon at Ml in a special cat. Thev
will be accompanied b delegates from
tho Mil lout i enclaves in the sunound
iug town? and will number about fllty
all told
Thev go with the avowed Intention of
seeurlns the convention foi Scranton
In lltOl, the conclave assembling but
onto eveiy two jears The delegation
Is piepaied to make a stiong tight for
the conclave, and say that the ptos
pects of bocming it appenr veiy losy
at the pies-ent time.
In case they ate successful it would
be the means ol blinding to Scianton
about Tfi'i delegates and innumerable
viUois and ecuislonists If thej ate
unsuccessful it is veij probable
tin v will endeavor to have some one
f i oni this spotlon elected to the olllce
nt Mipieme ntchnii, the highest in the
gift of the ocIot. i:-tMty Tieasuier
C G Uoland will. In all probability, be
the man upon whom the delegation
will unite
At the convention in Louisville two
jeuis ago. Mi lioland could have been
elected to this ottlce almost unanlmous
Iv if lie so deslied, but he positively
declined the honor. AVhat his position
Is now rannot be ascertained, but It
is thought that he can be petsuaded
to enter the Held as a candidate If the
occasion demands.
The het.tnton delegation Is composed
of the following members- Supieme
Tiustee C Cl. Uoland, Dim let Deputy
Supreme Atchons Walter V. Handilcks
and 13. D. Jones, and D. i:. Neold, J.
"U Carpenter t "'. Donovan O. P.
Miller, linger 13nn, G A Kinnter, Tt.
Ii lliown, I, Goodman George Glf
foid. D. W. Powell and J. S Millet
What a Tiade Journal Has to Say
About It.
Concerning the present condition of
the antluailte coal tiade, the Engine er
ing and Mining Journal of Saturday
has this to sa
"The movement of coal west Is now
lreavv and docks at upper lake ports
are very busy. In the east consumers
at most points pursue a waiting polio
A considerable volume of biihlnes.s was
called out by tho announcement of llie
contemplated advance on July 1, but
things eae'd off again quickly and thcie
Is little to note. The output for May is
htated to have been very near 3,500,000
tons. This Is considerably In excess of
what was thought the market needed,
but stocks have not act umuluted to any
perilous extent and the large companies
hdve been prutty strlot on quotations
"It is evident now that the fall and
winttr buying will in all probability be
very hcavv indeed, and If the produc
ing Intel ests hold together a couple of
months longer there will be a profit for
everybody. The prospect also Is against
labor troubles of any Importance arrd
as soon as fall buying starts the mlneis
ate likely to find things coming their
way. The heavy demand for labor in
many western mining Holds is likely to
lie felt and there Is a possibility that
anthracite operators may llnet them
selves bhort-handed.
Tho shake-up In Delaware, Laeka
wanna and Western that has 'followed
Mr. Sloan's retirement has been a re
markably thorough one. It Is fair to
I piesume that there will be some change
In the toads manner of doing business
in certain ways. It Is also fair to pre
sume that the road will earn Just as
good profits for Its shareholders.
"There is no change In quotations,
but sales agents say they think the acV
vnncp on Juiv a wln B. We continue
t0 quote free burning white ash, f. o b.
; Xow York- Broken, $315; egg, $3.10;
stove and nut, $3 75."
Two Prominent Young People Mar
ried, Saturday.
At high noon, Saturday, Miss Geor
gia .ludd. daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
II. II. Judd, of Vine street, was united
In man luge to Fiank T. Carpenter, of
Ilartlson avenue The ceremony was
performed nt the home of the bride's
parents, by Itev. Robert F i Pierce,
of the Penn Avenue Baptist church.
MI'S Florence Doud was bridesmaid,
and Fred L. Catpenter, brother of the
groom, was best than. The bridal
party entered the parlor to the strains
of a wedding march played on tho
piano by Miss TMna Judd, and assem
bled beneath a canopy of daisies where
the Knot was tied. After the reception
Mr. and Mm, Carpenter left for the
Thousand Islands. Upon their leturn
they will reside on Harrison avenue.
The Intercollegiate Boat Races
will take place on June 2G and 27, over
the Hlghland-Poughkeepsle course. The
New York, Ontario and Western rail
way will sell round-trip tickets to
Poughkeepslo and return for this occa
sion at the faro one way. These tick
ets will be good going on the 25th, 20th
nnd 27th, returning up to and Includ
ing the 28th Inst. Further Information
can be obtained from nearest O. & "W,
agent, or J, C. Anderson, general pas
senger agent, EG Beaver treat, New
York city.
At the Morning Sorvlce in the Penn
Avenue Baptist Church Ho Deliv
ered a Sermon on "The Psalm of
Prosperity and Peace" Good Work
Ho Has Accomplished Since Ho
Became Pastor Eighty-seven New
Members Received Into the Church
During the Yenr.
Rev. Robert P. Y. Pletce, pastor of
tho Penn Avenue Baptist church, ob
served the (list annlvetsaty of his pas
torate In this city yesterday. The
morning service was characterized by
the preaching of a setmon by the pas
tor on "The Psalm of Prosperity and
Peace." Mrs. Uiundage sang the of
fertory solo
In the evening Hov. Pi Pierce took
for his theme,"The Battle Sermon," be
ing an object lesson, and used illustra
tions given at the Intel national Young
People's meeting.
The past ear has been the most
prosperous In the history of the church.
When Rev. Pieice assumed charge of
the work here many serious problems'
confronted the church, and all have
been blotted out, and his efforts along
the line of solidifying the membeiship
have been veiy successful.
Sevetal legal differences have be"n
adjusted, and on Indebtedness of $S 000
has been cleat od, and the benevolent
contributions have been up to the
standard Tho church mission and
parsonage property are now controlled
by the chutch, and altogethed there
Is an Inetease In the lluanclal valiui
tlou of the pioperty of about $15,000,
taking- into consideration tho cancella
tion of the Indebtedness of the church
and the acquisition of leal estate
When Dr. Pierce came to this city
over a ear ago he was Invited to
supply the pulpit for four weeks, asd,
after peifoinilng his required duties
the flint two Sundays, the advisory
board requested him to supply the
church as pastor for tlnee months.
During the first month of Ills labors
the pastor was called upon to bid fare
well to nineteen joung men from the
church nnd Sunday school who re
sponded to the president's call for vol
unteers tin Monday, May Ifi of last year, Dr
Pierce addiesed the members of the
board of trade on behalf of a soldiers'
relief association, and on June S a
call was extended hint to become the
pei manent pastoi of the church. On
Juno 19 Mr. Pierce accepted tiro call,
and his work slrne has been very en
during, vet pleasant In eveiy sensi
Rev. Pierce was installed as pastor
of Penn avenue chinch on Sept. iO, and
the following week the puntor and
Mis. Pierce were tendered a reception
by the members On Deo. 28 the sil
ver wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. pieice was observed and partici
pated In by member s of the church
and f r lends. The Memorial Dav ser
ice at the chutch, on May 2S of this
j ear, was one of the triumphs of Rev.
Dr. Pierce's pastoi ate, and the Chil
dren's clay exorcise were ul 50 a spec
ial feature.
During the jear the pastor ofllclated
nt twenty-two funeials, .seventeen
weddingt-, and welcomed Into the
church eighty-seven new members by
baptism, letter and experience.
44 The Least Hair
Casts a Shadow."
A single drop of poison
blood will, unless checked in
time, make the whole impure.
Hood's Sarsaparilla. is the
great leader in blood purifiers,
h casts no shadow, but brings sunshine
and health into every household.
Dyspepsia "For six months my sys
tem tuas out of order with dyspepsia, and
impure blood. Spent lots of money in
vain, but Hood's Sarsapartlla cured me
thoroughly." Jos. S. Zauba, Genoa. Neb.
Eruptions " had annoying erup
tions caused by impure blood, and physi
cians' treatment failed to benefit. Hood's
Sarsapartlta removtd them and I am no
longer annoyed." W. R. Hudson,
Natrona, Pa.
Jfoodi SaMapwfiffa
Hooit'i tills core liver lilt, tho non Irritating and
! i""7 "'""i1"" " ""'" h.urtn.
SfwT'iTr'IiJjjrf.'lWWili!.! iw
! ijTiliiMniCilf.V I 'Jultjr
-tO Vi
fsTJifltM V , - B ZMZ. n,n
IS' B IJyifWBftilrk&B
V J$f iff M H IB Si m S m B A&
' ' ' ' - " -'
Best Goods for the Honey You Wish to Invest.
Special prices on Oxfords on our bargain tables. Ox
fords for 75c and $1 that were formerly $1.50 and $2.
Illuminating Gas Almost Ended Ca
reer of "Eddie" Asphlet.
Illuminating gos almost ended the
cateer of "Uddlo" Asphlet In a room
over Kauff man's cafe on lower Lacka
wanna avenue, early Saturday morn
ing. Occupants of the building detected a
strong smell of gas coming from As-
phlefs room and forced an entrance
Into it. Asphlet was found lying un
conscious on a bed and gas was pour
ing from an open Jet. U was with no
little difficulty that his llfo was saved.
In answer to Inquiries he said he
must have accidentally turned on the
gas after he blew It out.
Pupils of the Adams Avenue Chapel
Held Exercises Yesterday.
The annual Children's Day exercises
were held Irr the Adams avenue chapel
yesterday afternoon, the members of
the primary class taking a prominent
part In the services. The programme
consisted of singing, recitations, solos,
choruses and leadings
Rev. C. Vj. Robinson made an ud
dress and presented the children with
Illbles. The exercises; were of n pleas
ing character and were well attended.
CUTICUR A RESOLVENT U so pure, sweet,
and nholesomo that all ages may take It with
I'leasaro and benefit. Its mission Is to cool
and cleanse the blood in eczema nnd other
torturing, di9flguring linmora, rashes, and
irrltationa, while arrn baths vrlthCnncoiu.
boAf cletnse tho aurfaco of emits ami scales,
ami gentle anointings with Conceit v oint
ment soothe and heal itching, burning skin.
Sold throuirhoottht world. Fottis I) m a asd Cmu.
Cost , Sole I'roj , Boiton. All About Diby't gklo, tnt.
Car load Just arrived. All styles,
and prices the lowest Workmanship
guaranteed even on
Keep us In mind and you won't re
gret giving us your patronage you
will get goods as represented giving
you our easy terms of payment or very
lowest prices for cash. Immense stock
of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets,
Iron Beds, etc. Five largo floors full
to tho celling at
Thos. Kelly's Stom, FtlnlTut
Rooms 1 aii(l2,Com'IUi BTd'g.
nining and Blasting
POWDER at Mooslo nnd Hush lalo Works,
Kl ctrlo Hattorles, Electric Explodor.
for etploains; blasts, safety Fuse and
Rapaiiiio Ghemicil Co's nxr"oab.vns
Easy Shoes for All
the People.
IraportantGlove News
The Glove man comes forward this morning with an of
fering of women's Gloves that means money in the purses of
those who get here in time to benefit by the chance. Its aa
importer's sample line of a thousand pairs of Fabric Gloves,
consisting of cotton, lisle, taffeta and silk, ranging in value
from 25c to 75c pair, which we offer at from ioc to 25c.
At 10c pair
Children's and ladies' lisle and taffeta
Gloves in greys, tans and browns. Also
a few silk Mitts. Value 25c. Choose from
the lot at ioc a pair.
At 15c pair '
Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves, value 25c to
Ladies' cotton and lisle gloves, value
25c to tjoc.
Ladies' taffeta Gloves, value from 25c
to 40c.
Colors Black, tans, browns, blues,
greys, reds, modes, etc.
Choose from this choice lot at the
ridiculous price of 15c pair.
The Boy
Fed on good bread will develop
brain find rniii le. Ho will
amount to something when ho
grows up.
Flour makes the kind of lireid a gruwing bov ought to
have. It makes litht, whole
some, nutritious bread. Tho
kind of bread tint boys I.1KIJ.
All grocers bell "Snow White."
"We only wholesale It"
Carbondale, Olyphant.
Manufacturers or
Telephone Call, 2,133.
At Retail.
Coal of the best quality for domestic
uso and of all sizes, Including Buckwheat
and Hlrdseyo, ilelhered In any part of
the city, nt the lowest price.
Orders received at the oflice. Connrtl
building, Room SOfi: telephone) No. 17C2, or
at tho mine, telephone No Vti, lll he
promptly attended to. Dealers supplied
ut the mlno.
The Dickson Manufacturing Co.
ticranton nnd Wllkbs.llarro, Pa,
Mumifftcturern or
Boilers. Ilolttlncand Pumping; Machinery,
deneral Ofllco, Scranton, Pa.
At 25c pair
N"7y7-... ir ey-a-r"A
In a Bicycle
The running gear practically takes care of itself. Weather
and road conditions do not affect its absolute uniformity of
action. Columbia and Hartford Chain Wheels show
the greatest advance in chain wheel construction. Prices
$25 to $75.
Complete line of Pierce and Stormer Bicycles at
popular prices.
KELLUM & CONRAD, 243 Wyoming Avenue
Special Attention Given to Busl
ncs3 and Personal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Ex
tended According to IlalanccHuml
3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
WM. CONNELL, PreilJeul.
HENRY BELIN, Jr., VlcoPm. .
'I he vault of this bank is pro.
tcctcd by lIolirteH lilectric Pro.
tcctlvu System.
Ladies' fine lisle Gloves in blacks,
modes tans aud browns.
Ladies' black silk Gloves.
Ladies' black taffeta Gloves.
Ladies' mode aud tan taffeta Gloves.
Ladies' white silk Mitts, elbow
Not a pair in this lot worth less than
0 cents and much of the lot' worth 75
Choose at 25 cents.
127 and 129
A Chair
Hand Polished, Mahog
ony Finish
Richly carved with dainty
spindle back and arms, value
$4.00. Special price,
$2.95. $2.95. $2.95
See Our Line of
Bought before the lecent
advance. Prices to sur
prise you.
The essential qualities
are efficiency, ease of run
ning, durability. These are
found in the liighest degree
in the
Columbia Bevel Gear Gbainless.
Chainless Bicycle. B
s Have voir noticed tint there aro a
beinj; riJJei toJay than all otlrer S
chainlets wheels combined ? a
I The Reason 1
a Is thit there Ins not hn ona dls- a
3 satlstied purchaser ot this ntDJcl. Its a
a mechanical superiority over other a
a itral us Is pi ilnly eviJent after .1 short a
3 ,rij1' a
a Spalding Racer. . .$60 3
3 Spalding Roadster 50 3
S SpaldiiiRCliainless 75 a
3 in Washington Avenu;. 3
B Oppoilte Court Mouse.
. k