The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 15, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    HU-fVHi "
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Itccltal by Prof. Kossar's Pupils and
Concert In Plymouth Congrega
tional Church Light Lunch Camp
ing Club Outing Another Attempt
to Reorganize Company F St.
Brenden's Excursion Muslcalo at
St. David's Church Other Notes of
General Interest.
Patagonia lodge, No. SOB, Knights oC
Pythias, met Inst evening In D. D.
Evans hall, on South Slain avenue,
nnd nominated the following ofllcers
for the ensuing term:
Chancellor, Hoeso J. Evans; vlcc
chunccllor, Thomas U. Jones; orator.
Theodore Brydon; master of exchequer,
David D. Evans; master of finance,
David V. Lewis; tnaster-at-arms.Davld
S. James and William L. Jones; master
of work, Morris Jones; inner guard,
Thomas It. Lewis; outer guard, Will
lam L. Jones; trustee, D. E. Evans;
representative to Grand lodge, Edmund
Davis, David D. Lewis nnd Henry G.
Davis. The election will occur June 2S.
An enjoyable muslcalo was given at
D. H, Thomas' music store last even
ing by the pupils of Prof. Silas Ros
snr, assisted by Iiessie Sloat, David
Stephens and Philip Warren. The pro
gramme as printed in yesterday's Tri
bune was carried out In its entirety.
The pupils who participated wore:
Edward Farr. Alice HarnlcUIes, Arthur
Ellas, Linlu Wntklns, Susie Fenton,
Slay Roberts, May Jones; Edith Miller
and George Martin.
A large nudlonce assembled at Ply
mouth Congregational church last even
ing at the coni-ert given by classes Nos.
21 and 22 of the Sunday school. The
programme consisted of choruses, solos,
duets and a milkmaid's drill by twelve
young ladles.
Uyron Evans wns chairman of the
ixerclsesand the participants were John
If. Thomns, Edward R Davis, Nathan
iel Davis, Misses Anna Davis. Jennie
Price, Winnie Stephens and Mary
Owens. The entertainment was fol
lowed by a social, at which Ice cream
was served.
The Light Lunch Camping club held
n meeting last evening at the home of
John and Charles Padwgan to com
plete arrangements for their fourth an
nual outing nt Hiawatha island,
Owego, N. Y.
Henry Davis was elected president
nnd John C'adwgan quartermaster. The
Paine's Celery Compound 75c
Pinkham's Compound 70c
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis 75c
Mellon's Food 38c and 55c
1 01 S. Alain Acnue
of Baby Today
And the comforts it should have for this trying
weather. These innocent little mites, so dear to many
of us, don't receive half the attention in the matter of
suitable and seasonable clothing that is justly their
due. This is not the result of intentiotial cruelty, but
purely the outcome of thoughtlessness. As a matter
of fact, these delicate little morsels ot humanity are
much more susceptible to temperature changes than
are their older iriends who love them so well. Think
this matter over, then
Come and See the
Comforts We've Got for Baby
Ajustable to All Kinds of Weather
A baby's complete outfit or wardrobe, can be bought
here ready to wear, suitable for all ages and stages of child
hood, and they're not ot the coarse, ready-made variety,
either. All that skill, art, quality and daintiuess of finish
and workmanship can accomplish has been centered on
these tiny garments, and there isn't a garment baby can
wear, for storm or sunshine, or night or day, that we cau't
supply at a moment's notice and without all the worry and
trouble usually attending the making of these thiugs at
home, aud we may add, for a good deal less money too, al
though that isn't often taken into consideration when it
it comes to
Dressing the Baby.
Sibbe Warehouse
Thero Is noth
'A log which drains
Ji'oaergr, a in til
- Hon and endur-
mice like Ma.
Inrla, Kover nnd
Storoncli Bitters
will send them
IgfuniiI iiuu Keep
Mlhcm nway. It
v hns never failed
to euro tho worst
. rnses. This iii a
CZ ract-not an ox-
purl menu Try
club will leave on Aug. 6 for their two
weeks' camp. Eighteen members were
at the meeting. "Nick" Loomls has
been engaged as chef for the party.
A meeting of the members of Com
pany F, Thirteenth regiment, Pennsyl
vania volunteers, will be held In St.
David's hall next Saturday evening to
effect reorganization, and every mem
ber is requested to be present.
All ex-members of the company nre
welcome, and invited to re-enllst. The
present ofllcers will resign their com
missions nnd tho members have the
privilege of re-electing them or choos
ing new olllcers from the ranks. It 13
hoped that the boys will get together
this time and do something.
The committee having the excursion
of St. Urendcn council. Young Men's
Institute to Elnghamton, July 4, in
charge, met last evening to further nr
tangements for that event. It prom
ises to be one of tho largest excursions
from this city In a number of years.
The fact that It will be run over the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
railroad will be highly appreciated by
all who contemplate making the trip.
Tho muslcalo postponed from last
week will be given in the Sunday school
rooms of St. David's Episcopal church
this evening. Tho programme will con
sist of recitations, violin, hanjo and
piano selections, vocal solos, duets, nnd
quartettes. The Anthracite Glee club
will also participate.
The participants will be: Misses
Beatrice Morris, May Fisher, Lillian
Konward. Sadie Cramer, Verna Shlf
fer, Florence Yost, Flora 'Kaufhold,
Helen Markwick, Margaret Phillips,
Nora Davis, Blodwen Davis, Thomas
Jones, John Evans, Arthur Davis and
Chester Davis.
An Ice cream social was held last
evening at the residence of Mrs. Ed
ward Hufford, on Lafayette street, by
tho Piide of Electric City temple, No.
S2. The affair was liberally patronized.
The executive board of the First Bap
tist church met laBt evening und re
ported on the building plans of the
church. They will meet again this
evening In the Banner block.
Henry Evans, of Washburn street,
has withdrawn from the councilmanle
light in the Fifth ward.
Robert Morris lodge of Ivorites will
meet this evening and elect olllcers.
The membeis of the City Union Ep
worth league will hold a meeting In
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church
this evening.
Camp No ITS, P. O. S. of A., will
meet this evening nnd hear the report
of trustees on tho purchase of a lot for
the new hall.
A lawn social will bo held in Tripp
park this evening.
Michael Mannlx, of Hampton street,
n, miner In tho Dodge, was slightly In
jured yesterday morning while at work
by a car Jumping the track.
Mrs. John II, Thomas, of South Lin
coln avenue, entertained tho teachers
of No. 19 school at a 6 o'clock tea yes
terday ntternoon.
John H. Thomns has disposed of his
stock of shoes to W. II. Morgan, who
will open a store In tho Banner block
Frunk Stover has resigned his posl-'
tlon with Protheroo & Company to ns
surno the martagemont of tho Penn
Store company's business on Washburn
street. John Davis, formerly In
charge, has accepted a position with
Samter Brothers-
Two boys named Edward Cogglns
and John Lewis disappeared from their
homes yesterday nnd the police havo
been notified of their nbsencp.
Mrs. William Morgan, of 32S Twelfth
street, entertained tho Sisters of Beth
any chapter of St. David's Episcopal
church at their closing session Tues
day evening.
The members of tho Electric City
Wheelmen will take a club run to
Wllkos-Iiarro next Sunday, leaving
headquarters at 8 a. m. and returning
at 4 p. 111.
Branch 44, C. M. B. A., met last even
ing nnd Initiated one candidate and
balloted for another. A meeting of the
Joint excursion committee was also
John Simmons and son, Harry, of
Shamokln, who havo been the guests
of Mrs. Fred. Davis, of North Sumner
avenue, havo returned home.
Miss Margaret Glbb3, of South Main
avenue, Is entertaining Miss Genevieve
Bacon, of Nicholson.
Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, of Albany, N.
Y is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Evnn J. Davis, of South Main avenue.
Mrs. N. P. Jacobs, of North Bromley
avenue, has as her guests Mrs. Ohm
gemach and daughter, of Washington,
Pea Coal Delivered, $1.25,
to South Side, central city and central
Hyda Park. Address orders to C. B.
Sharkey, 19H Cedar ave. 'Phone C681
Walter Miller, of 448 South Willow
Street, Dies Suddenly John
Hartman Severely Injured.
News Items of Intorest.
Walter Miller, a young man sixteen
years of age, died very suddenly at his
home, 44S Willow street, last night at
10 o'clock. His death was duo to a
stroke of apoplexy.
For tho past few days the young man
had been complaining, but his aliment
was not deemed serious. Shortly after
supper last night his condition became
serious. Dr. D. A. Webb and Dr. Al
bert Kolb were hurriedly called and
attended Mr. Miller until he died.
Deceased was a son of ex-School Con
troller Charles Miller, of the Eleventh
ward, now deceased, and was a nephew
of Fred, Miller, the Pittston avenue
hotelman, who was his guardian. Two
brothers, William P. and Theodore
Miller, are the Immediate survivors.
The funeral arrangements were not
made last night.
John W. Hartman. of Pittston ave
nue, sustained Injuries of a serious na
ture yesterday, while directing some
repairs being made at a house of his
father in Dutch Hollow.
A heavy piece of wood fell on his
right hand, fracturing three lingers and
dislocating the same members. Dr. D.
A. Webb was called to attend him.
George Hufnagel, of the Brunswick,
on Spruce street, central city, was
painfully Injured nt his residence on
Pittston avenue Inst evening. Mr. Huf
nagel, while ralsinr a window In the
dining room, made a misstep and the
window came down heavllv. One of
the panes fell out and landed on his
right hand, severing the thumb almost
from tho first linger. Dr. O'Brien, who
was called, dressed the wound.
Miss Katlo Storr. of Alder street, Is
visiting In New York city.
Miss Margaret Murphy, of Birch
street, Is seriously 111.
Ten men were overcome hy the heat
in the boiler room of the Lackawanna
Iron and Steel company's South mill
Thomas Campbell and Peter Relfen
burg, of Carbondale, spent yesterday
with Harry Saft, of Cedar avenue.
There will be n social held at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Andrews,
of Capou&e avenue, by the Epworth
league of the Asbury chuich this even
ing. The Knights of tho Mystic Chain
are preparing for a grand entertain
ment In Morel's hall on the evening of
July 10.
James Atherton, of Capouse avenue,
spent Tuesday In Glenburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bifahop, of Ca
pouse avenue, spent Tuesday in Hones
dale. Rev. William Maynard, of Kingston,
Is visiting relatives on Deacon street.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Conrad, ot South
Larch street, spent yesterday in Har
ford. Soda water at Manners' pharmacy,
the best In Green Ridge; our sales
prove It.
Walter Tripp, of Factoryvllle, Is vis
iting his parents on Fordhnm street.
Miss Martha Potter, of Monsey ave-
2 Does Coffee
I Agree with
If not, drink Grnln-O made from
puro grains. A lady writes! "The
first time I made Graia-0 I did not
2 like it but after using it for ono
week nothing would induce mo to
(9 ;is lHVA III 1.UUCU. ill Muuiiauvo )
Zand feeds the system. The children tj
can drink it freely with great bene.
f fit. It is the strengthening tub. 2
stanco of pure grains. Get a pack. 7
J ago to-dny from your grocer, follow V
) the directions In making it and you y
it will havo a delicious and healthful L
M tuble beverage for old aud young. f
L 15o. and 25c. (t
n IniUttliAtyourfcroctrglveijottGItArN.O J
(. Accept no Imitation. 1 A
and Nerves.
(uakiaui wma)
No other preparation has ever receiv
ed so many voluntary testimonials
from eminent people as tho world-famous
Marlanl Wine.
Before Moals
After Meals
At All Times
To those who will kindly write to
MAIHANI & CO., S2 West 13th Streat,
Now York City, will bo sent, postpaid,
book containing portraits with endorse
ments of Emperors, impress. Princes,
Cardinals, Archbishops anil other Inter
esting matter. Mention this paper.
nue, spent Tuesday at the commence
ment exercises of tho Keystone acad
emy at Factoryvllle.
Miss Mae Palmer, of Madison ave
nue, spent yesterday at Harford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Knapp, of Ca
pouse avenue, are visiting In New York
Mrs. W. E. Greeley, of East Market
street. Is visiting friends In Cherry Val
ley, N. Y.
Williams' Ice cream for sale at Ban
nisters' bakery on Capou3o avenue: 40
cents a quart. Try if.
P. P. Smith, of Monsey avenue, has
returned from New York city.
Mrs. I. M. Volght, of Marlon street.
Is visiting In Berwick.
The ladles of the Green Ridge Baptist
chuich will serve Ice cream and cake
on tho church lawn on Monsey ave
nue Thursday evening, June 15. All
are Invited to attend.
Mrs. J. Harvey. Mrs. Prltchard, Mrs.
Ford, Mrs. Latham, Mrs. L. B. Finch
and Mrs. Brady of tho Women's Chris
tian Temperance union attended u mis
sionary meeting In Waverly on Tues
day. Imperial Queen Hair Tonic at Man
ners' pharmacy, 920 Green Ridge street,
the greatest hair grower known, fiOc
a bottle.
Special Meeting of the School Board
last Evening Provoked Consid
erable Discussion as Kegards
Treasurer Wahler's Bond.
A special meeting of the school board
was held In No. 1 building labt even
ing. Messrs. Webber. Kellam, Miller.
Costello and Spencer being present.
Tho meeting was called for the pur
pose of considering the report of the
committee appointed to Investigate the
bond of Treasurer-elect AVahlers.
Mr. Spencer, chairman of the com
mittee, lead the opinion of the board's
attorney. Harry C. Reynolds, which
was brief, but stated that the present
elect borough treasurer was virtually
tho board's treasurer. With this opin
ion the board saw fit to Investigate the
bond of the treasurer-elect, which was
done after a great deal of discussion.
They came to tho conclusion that Mr.
Wahlers' share of the bond was cor
rect and sutllclent, but objected to the
kind of bond used, ns It only held each
liable to one-fourth, Instead of the
whole. The other bondsmen were con
sidered insufficient as they now stand.
To settle the matter, Mr. Wahlers
was asked to furnish a joint and sur
ety bond. Mr. Wahlers, who was pres
ent, said this would be done.
Mr. Wesley A. Mitchell and Miss May
Hadsell, both of Scranton, were united
in marriage at the Methodist Episco
pal parsonage by tho Rev. A. J. Van
Cleft last evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Mitchell will reside In the city.
At 4.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
Mr, Thomas Qulnn, of this place, and
Miss Mamo n. Jordan, of Irving ave
nue, South Scranton, were united In
marriage at St. Peter's cathedral.
The Daughters of America held a
successful social at the homo of Miss
Chiistlana Pletcher, on Harper street,
last evening. A largo number were
present and the social diversions were
enjoyed by all present. A neat sum
was realized.
The ninth annual ball of Dunmore
lodge, No. 3S2, Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen, will be held this evening In
Washington hall. It had to bo post
poned on account of bad weather.
Yesterday afternoon was the warm
est day this summer in town. At Cos.
tello's store, on Chestnut street, the
mercury ran up to US In the sun at 3
o'clock. Last evening at 7 o'clock In
the same place It registered 90 degrees.
A team belonging to James Klperlng,
of Elmhurst, became frightened on
East Drinker street last evening and
for a time made things lively. The
horses shied at a piece of paper In the
road. No damage was done except a
broken shaft.
William Bushnell, of New York, who
has been the guest of his parents, on
Grove wtreet, for tho past week, has
returned home,
Mrs. Isabella Cagelf. of New Castle,
England, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Barker Mllner, of Harper street, Mrs.
Cagell arrived last evening.
Myron Jones, of Brook street, who
has been confined to his home for soma
time past, Is Improving nicely.
Miss May Hughes, of South Blakely
street, left for Lake Wlnola yesterday,
where sho will spend the summer.
Mrs. David Schoonover, of Apple
street, has returned from a visit with
friends at Maplcwood.
Ellen McAndrew, tho 10-months-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mc
drew, of 31S Phelps street, died yesterday
afternoon. Tho funeral will bo held from
tho residence this afternoon at 2.30. In
terment will bo mule In tho Cathedral
Miss Mary Hoban Becomes the Wife
of James J. Haggerty Miss Mary
A. Barrett nnd Edward J. Dean
Are United in Marriage Tally-ho
Tarty Enjoyed by Sunday School
Classes Joseph Llntott Crushed
Between Cars luneral of Mrs.
Thomas Duggan.
A pretty wedding occurred yesterday
morning, when Miss Mary Ellen Hoban
was united In marriage to Mr. James
J. Hnggerty.
The bride was attended by Miss An
nie (Haggerty and tho groomsman was
Mr. Michael Conners.
The bride nnd bridesmaid were
charmingly attired In gowns r white
silk mull. Tho ceremony was per
formed by Father O'Toole. After tho
ceremony the wedding party returned
to the home of the bride's parents,
where they enjoyed a wedding supper
with her many friends.
Tho bride is ono pf North Scranton's
most estimable young ladles and en
Joys the friendship of a h03t of friends.
The 21'oom Is a well known nnd popu
lar young man of the central city.
Mr. and Mrs. Haggerty will stay with
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bart
ley Hoban, of Pawnee street, for a few
days, utter which they will go to house
keeping, with tho good wishes of their
many friends.
Yesterday at 4 o'clock Miss Marv A.
Barrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Barrett, of S02 West Market
street, was united in marriage to Mr.
Edward J. Dean, of Bellovue.
The wedding party entered the church
to the sweet strains of a. wedding march
played by Miss Margaret Thornton and
Miss Mary Saltry. The bride was at
tired in a pretty gown of white or
gandie, trimmed with white silk rib
bon and lace. Tho bridesmaid, Miss
Katherlne Barrett, sister of tho bride,
was attired In a plau-de-sole gown.
Both wore picture hats, trimmed with
yellow roses. The groomsman was Mr.
Michael J. Duffy.
As they left the church, Miss Thorn
ton played a recessional from Lohen
grin. The edifice was well filled with
friends of the young couple. After tho
ceremony the bridal party went for a
short drive, and upon returning they
repaired to the home of the bride's
parents, where a wedding supper wn3
partaken of by tho happy couple and
their many friends. In the evening Mr.
and MrH. Dean left for Hamilton, Can
ada, where they will remain two weeks.
The members of Miss Annie Mulley's
and Ambrose Mulley's Sunday school
classes, accompanied by their lady and
gentlemen friends, enjoyed a tally-ho
party over the boulevard to Lake
Scranton on Tuesday evening last. A
lunch was served at tho lake, after
which the party Journeyed home.
Those In the party were: Misses
Charlotte Rosencrans, Stella Wedeman,
Minnie Wells, Frances Kennedy, Bpsi
Hoffman, Eliza Guest, Clara Tonkin,
Miss Richards, Miss Martin, Miss Tel
ford, Suslo Barnes. Margaret Service,
Nellie Wharton, Miss Wertz, Mr. and
Mrs. Hartzcll and Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Connolly; Messrs. C. W. Dawson, O. D.
Hincs, "Will Lowery, C. R. Hopewell, L.
C. Kline, C. H. Constantino, Howard
Benjamin, Frank Gleason, Richard
Sharpless. Morgan Powell. Philip Will
iams, Edward Tatem, Richard Jones,
Harry Bumgardnor, Bogart Cowles,
Fred. Mayo, W. P. Guest and Will
Joseph Llntott, of Parker street, was
painfully Injured yesterday morning
by having his foot ciushed between
the bumpers of two cars.
He was employed as a driver in the
Cayuga mine and while riding on the
top of a ear slipped and his foot went
between the cars, which came together
with much force, catching his foot. He
was taken to his home, where ho re
ceived medical attendance.
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Duggan
took place yesterday from her late
homo on Williams street. Services
were held at the Holy Rosary church.
After the service the reverend father
spoke of the good life and the many
nets of kindness which tho deceased
had porformed.
Interment was made in tho Cathedral
cemetery. Tho pall-bearers were
Michael and Patrick Carlln, Dr. Stan
ton, P. J. MeMnhon, Timothy White
and Andrew Whitehead.
Tho Pastors' Aid society of the Court
Street M. E. church has completed all
arrangements for their lawn social,
which will be held at Tripp's park
this afternoon. An excellent supper
will be served for 23 cents. Ice cream,
candy and other sweets will be for
sale also.
Mr. David Jenkins, of Throop street,
a popular young man of this end, was
married to Miss Annie Davis, of the
West Side yesterday.
Division No. 1C, Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, has elected the following olll
cers for tho ensuing year: President,
Thomas Lynch: vice-president, A. J.
Timlin; treasuter, Thomas Connors;
secretary, Michael Lynch; financial
secretary, Martin Coleman.
An Important meeting of Court Robin
Hood, No. 503!;, Foresters of America,
will be held this evening nt Archbald's
A class meeting will be held this
evening at the Welsh Congregational
chuich, West Market street.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Welsh
Congregational church spent yesterday
at the homo of Mrs. John Jacobs, of
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Owen Loftus,
of Leggett's street, a son.
Providence Castle, No, 43, Ancient Or
der Knights of tho Mystic Chain, will
hold an Important meeting this even
ing In Chappell's hall.
Cards ore out announcing tho ap
proaching marriage of Miss Annie Da
vis, of West Scranton, and Mr. David
Jenkins, of Spring street.
Keep yourmalvos up to
concert pliofo Isy taking
10 ctnU anl 25 cents, at all dnsc store.
improves Appetite
t l K K t H H f. K K H .
i Makes
Scranton store, 124-126 Wyoming: Avenue.
L u i H T
special: r. if. tor
Today and while they last
at about half price
The finest and best fitting French
Corset ever imported in black, white
and gray only about fifteen dozen at
the prices advertised here and no more
after these are gone. Come early and
pick your size :
Regular $U5 "P. D." Corsets, No. 530 98c
Regular 3.S0 "P. D." Corsets, No. 248 $1.49
Regular 4.50 "P. D." Corsets, No. 97 $1.98
Rev. G. T. Lloyd, of Taylor, was tho
guest of Rev. J. A. Evans, of Putnam
street, yesterday.
Valentine Blrtley, of North Main
avenue, Is 111.
Mrs. James Jones, of Spring street,
Is seriously 111.
Mrs. J. R. Howells and two children
spent yesterday with her sister, Mrs.
L. II. Johns, of Holllster avenue.
Patrolman P. J. May, of Parker
street, Is sojourning at Crystal lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vandllng will
entertain a party ot children at their
home on North Main uvenue this af
ternoon. Messrs. E. B. Jones and David M-it-thews
were the guests ot friends in
Moosie yesterday.
E. J. Jones, of Olyphnnt, visited rela
tives on Holllster avenue yesterday.
J. T. Evans, of Wayne avenue, i3
seriously 111.
Mrs. William Greeley, of East Mar
ket street, is the guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. C. Plum, of Cherry, N. Y.
Dean Cox, of Green Ridge street, has
rt turned sfter a visit with relatives In
Mr. anu Mrs. Thomas Humphrey tie
happy over the arrival of a daiignter.
Mrs. Robert Hill, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
nnd her three children, uro the guests
of Mrs. Robert Twins, of Amelia ave
nue Mr. M. A. McDonough left Tuesday
for Wllllamsport, where he has ac
cepted a position with the Interna
tional Correspondence school. Mr. Mc
Donough was until iccently with the
Iron Mountain Copper company, ot
Shasta county, California.
Mrs. Thomas Connors, of Cayuga
street, is recovering from injuries re
ceived about two weeks ago.
Misses Sarah and Nellie Powell, of
Sayre, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Price, of Storrs avenue.
Miss Nellie Powell, of Putnam street,
is tho guest of friends nt Plymouth.
Miss Mattle Connolly, of Leggett's
street. Is the guest of friends in Ashley.
Messrs. John Loftus, John Thornton
nnd Frank Clark are at the Democratic
convention being held at Hanisburg.
Miss Maria Williams, of Wayne ave
nue, is visiting at Crystal Lake.
Gomer Griffiths and Thomas Samuels,
of Ringhamton, N. Y., aro the guests
of friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow and Mr.
John Boston left yesterday for New
York city and will sail for London,
England, on Friday.
Miis Mary Hart, of Theodore street,
left yesterday for London, England, to
visit relatives.
Stockholders of Pennsylvania and
Other Companies Elect Officers.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of tho Pennsylvania Coal com
pany, held at the office of the company
In Dunmore, yesterday, the following
directors were elected for the ensuing
year: Samuel Thome, John R. Piatt.
William II. Webb, George W. Quaint
ard, Walton Ferguson. A. S. Hurlbutt,
George G. Williams, John W. Sterling,
William V. S. Thome, all of New York.
The directors' meeting for the election
of officers will bo held in New York
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Erie and Wyoming Val
ley Railroad company, hold at the olllco
of the company In Dunmore, yester
day, the following directors were elect
ed for tho ensuing year: George 15.
Smith, Scranton; William V. S. Thome.
New York; Andrew II. McCllntock,
Wilkes-Uarrc; Sidney Williams, Scran
ton; A. D. Blacklnton, Wilson D.
Decker, Charles P. Savage, Dunmore.
George B. Smith was elected president
for the ensuing year by the same vote.
At the directors' meeting of the Erie
and Wyoming Valley Railroad company
the following olllcers were elected for
the ensuing year: Vice-president, Will
iam V. S. Thorno: treasurer. Henry
Beyea: secretary, Morris B. Mead.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Dunmore Iron and Steel
company, held at tho ottlco of the com
pany In Dunmore, yesterday, the fol
lowing directors were elected for the
ensuing year: George B, Smith. Scran
ton; William V. S. Thome, New York;
Sidney Williams, Scranton: A. D.
Blacklnton, Charles S. Farrer, Dun
more. At the directors' meeting of tho Dun
more Iron and Steel company, the fol
Aids Digestion
. H . . f. It . . K . .
lowing ofllcers were elected for the en
suing year: PresIdent.George B. Smith;
treasurer and secretary, Henry Beyea; '
assistant treasurer and assistant sed
letary, Josiah T. Fear.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Dunmore Gas and Water
company, held at the olllce of the com
pany In Dunmore, yesterday, tho fol
lowing dliectors were elected for the
ensuing year: George B. Smith, Scran
ton; AVllllam V. S. Thome, New York;
Charles S. Farrer, Henry Beyea, Wil
son D. Decker, Dunmore.
At the directors' meeting of tho Dun
more Gas and Water company the fol
lowing officers were elected for the en
suing year: PresIdent.George B. Smith;
treasurer and secretnry, Henry Beyea;
assistant treasurer and assistant sec
ictary, Josiah T. Fear.
Funeral of John Conway.
Tho funeral of John Conway, who was
killed on Tuesday by falling from tho
new bank building on Lackawanna ave
nue, will bo held tomorrow morning at
0 o'clock from the cathedral. Interment
will bo made in tho Cathedral cemetery.
The members of Hip ITodcarrlors' union
will meet in Cnsscsso's hall, Lackawanna
avenue, tomonow morning at 8.30 for the
purposo of attending tho funeral.
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The Kind You Have Always Bought
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The OLIVE Wheel
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stores the Bloom of Youth to faded faces.
Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 60c;
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with positive written guarantee to produce tho
above results or cheerfully refund ts.oo paid, Seat
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Nenlfa Medical Co., cilcioo & Jtcksoj Si.
Sold by all Drutgists Clilcaio, llllnolt.
Sold by JIcGarrah fc Thomas, Drug
gists., 09 Lackawanna ave , Scranton, l'u.
fr Lonr' Th Jo)t tnd tmbitiouvef
llftf can brrtorrato J"u Th ry
ontrai6f hwrvaui IIMlll vara
biolultl rurd tit 1V it ViltVl'ft
omnia, filling mmor7 nl ih 4t
'aa4drlnor Oui pgr. incairtd by
IndUcrtttoai orexrtMttof ilj' etn.
mtiAit vitror And notnrf lauvarv funn
Hon Drc upthjtm Uiv ra. bloom to in
rhik( and lutir (o tht of -rwounn or old.
Unwe boi rnwtrul nertrr E?JLJft Loxt
Jf.M acamplftttfaai ant d cure ?Tr0 nonar r
undid Can ba carried ta tatt N-40' pockal B014
frjhr or rnallad In l'laln wrapper un tKilpt jtr
prict 7 Tiu rutrrnr &., cut fcuf,, oi,i,i
Sold In Scranton, Pa., by llatthew
u rod. anu Aicuarran & u nomas, arurcista. ;
Urfdaal and Onlv flanutna.
rt utmmjw rcutltl, VIUIII
UruftUi fir CaiAriir fWu
wa J Brtn la Ue4 aad QhU
noutarr. itfuitd&natreunukttLtu.
lubifcfiM F I
tont ana imu jiwna At urtif cM. v IMS Co.!
lo tamr-a (or eartlealart, tMtlaiaalaU tall
--tmici iup i.atin ' tn ihkf, si ruin
Mali. Hl.OvO-TtitlminlkU JTa
Us 1 i'iVVU iriMDiniiii
fio!4 1; aU Local Uruutiu.
MS.' 'IK
I ChUheiter'a EagUib Plain to J Urim.
W S mH