TIIE SCR ANTON TRIBUJSK-SATUKDA1", .JLUNJU 1U, 18'J'J. I GATHERED IN SOUTH SCRANTON CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICES IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Programme that Has Boon Arranged fortho Occasion-Jacob Luther Ar rested at tho Instanco of His Wife. Funoralof Miss Maria Schind from tlto Homo of Her Parents on Elm Strcot Josoph Ilolpinan Badly Injured Dotting Off a Trolley Car. Other News. The Stomach Tomorrow In the churches Chlldten'ii Day will bo obsuvod. Tim Hickory Stieet German Pronbjtcrlnn ehurch congiegntlon lia i made elaborate ur r.Lncenicntft tor the observant o ot the day In a manner fitting tlu occwlon. ctticct car. Is An Engine. Your hoiiltli relleots Its condition. If It's clogged up with Imputlllcs, and can't u- (ho fuel "U glvo It. there'll be trouble nil over the bndy. Theio can be no dlxea-. w llli a good digestion. A strong toniarh and perfect digestion comes from Hie U60 ol It clear tho Hostetter'S brain, strength ens the nerves mikes peoplo WULL. Stomach Bitters. muth, I.. Greenfield, Rose Miller and Mamie llagen were the pall-bcarcts. EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON FRIZE FIGHT IN FOYS' WAS A FIZZLE. HALL HOY UADLY INJURED. Joseph, the li-yoar-old son of Joseph Uoipr.inn, of D20 Ilemloel: stieet, met .lth u serious neeldcnt Thursday night, which nipy iorfi.lt In his death While on the Roaring Brook btldgo with n number if nls companions he bontdrel it nihility movlri',' In-bound The ronducloi 01 dried the Ono of tho Parties to tho Agroomont Failed to Put up tho "Stuff" and tho Scrap Was Declared Off Ro coption to Rov. J. B. Sweot-Ep-worth Loaguo and Ladles' Auxil iary Elect Ofllcors Republican Caucus This Afternoon Othor Mattors of Intorost. rit pxltlIscs will bo in tlui ruurtilug id .,, ,rr ofl. an,i doing so Help r,t 1ft. "ft oVioLlt. The c.uly service will ,.,, 0i. nl. ti,n haul pavement, his bo devoted to Gentian Sabbath school ntid !n the afternoon the siudcr.ts of the English school will hold forth. The proginmme of the two affair will comprise a sermon by He v. W. A. Nordt, liastor of th.- Conriegatlon, lesponslvo readings, recitation of tho Apostle" erred, l.md'i pravpi, declnm otlous by several young Udlui, hmns by tlio ehurch choir, Sabbath school and tlie congregation. The e eicls.es will close with tli Doxology The usuul morning and evening bei vices will be omitted tomonow. old people at u'aii. Jacob Luther, of Plttston avenue, corner of Alder street, was irranped belore Alderman Lenlet last night. His wife appeared against him and alleged lie was guilty of assault and battel y, non-support and being drunk and dis orderly The wailng couple are aged people, the defendant being a man ovei sixty yeats of age. Aftei listening to the testimony the nldeiman, as Is his cus tom, assumed the tolo of peacemaker, lie lotd Luther that it was too late in life to commence such a course as his wife charged him with. Upon his prom ise that ho will behave and with tho consent of Mrs. Luther tin cases were dismissed. in Alt fell or. the haul pavement, he oil at- IKmj-' with much foice. AVhcn alt", l eat lied him lit- was uncon scious, lie was lemovod to his home and Dr. John J. Walsh was called. Upon examination It was found that the boy sustained a concussion of the bruin. His ci million Is critical. FUNERAL OF MISS SCHIN'A. The funeral of Miss Mai la Magdelena Sehlua took place yestcrdaj morning from the home ot her patents, at G'JD Elm stteet. At 9 o'clock the lemalns weio borne to 3t Mary's chuich. whoie n. mass ot requiem was celebiated for the repose of the deceased's soul. Father Christ nfllciated, and In his le maiks, paid a tiibuto to the good life spent by the departed ouiik woman. Interment was made In St. Mary's cem etery at Nn fi Misses UKs-ie llamm, Tessio Toy, Maigaiet Dicknt and Li?zli- Kltst were the flower-beareis. Mioses Rose Do- Paine's Celery Compound 75c Pinkhnm's Compound 70c Pierce's Golden Medical Dis 75c Mellon's Food 38c and 55c GL'ORGC W. JENKINS, 1 01 S Alain Avenue NUHS OF NEWS. The seventh annual picnic and games of the FJeUrlc Social and Athletic club will take place at Cential park June 17. The committee of arrangements is ac tively engaged In preparing for the event. Hayes' oichestra will furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs S. S. Spruks are so journing at Washington, D. C, for the benefit ot Mr. Spruks" health. William ltadei, of Birch stieet, the central city hotelman, accompanied by his sister, Miss Anna Under, went to New Yoik city yesterday. Mlss Hader will lemaln a week as the guest of f 1 lends at Joisey City August Schlmpff, of Cedar avenue, has returned from Allontown, where ho was the guest of Charles Cohen, ptesl dent of the State Association of Fiio incn. A son was bom yesterday to Mr. nnd Mis Gustavo Reppert. of Hirch street. Rare hall teams leprcscntlng the Fouitten Friends and the Club of Fif tctn will cross bats tomorrow. Mis. Edwin Frablo, of Stone avenue, Is dangeiously 111. Her death Is hourly expected. Columbus Council, Y. M. I., 17!), St. Alo) siiis T. A. R. society and Division 22, A. O. II., headed by the Forest band, will attend tho corner stone laying of the new Catholic chinch at Taylor to monow. Father Mointt, who Is pas tor, was foimer curate at St. John's church, of this side. Pea Coal Delivered, S1.25, to South Side, central city and central Hide Park. Address orders to C. R. Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'I'hono CCS3. Arrangements have been quietly go ing on for somo tlmo between a crowd of young men from the lower section for a prize fight between Edward Mor gan and Earnest Knight, two young llgMw eights nom Rellevue. The "scrip" was to have been fifteen rounds for $23 a side, and was sched uled to come off In Fov's hall, on Hampton street, last night. Several prellmlnotlcs had been ar ranged und the affair was to have been pulled off under the guie of a boxing exhibition under the auspices of the Rellevue Athletic club, but foi Innately fot the principals, the fight was aban doned. Tho friends of both parties hot' been disposing of admission tick ets for sevf-ral davs at 3 cents a piece, and quite a crowd githored In the hall. Moigan's ft lends were ready nnd anxious for the fight, but Knight's backois were unable to put up tin Ir halt of tho purse, and the match was declined oft. Tho crowd died out of the hall and waited around tho entianco for some tlmo and finally dispersed. LETTER TO URJ. NNKItAU MO, 0.39$ 'Iam so grateful to you for what Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound has ilotio for mo that I feci as though 1 musi toll about It. A year ago I was taken very sick. Doctorscould do mo no good only to deaden tho pain which I had nlmost con stantly, t got ,omo of your Compound nnd took ono bottlo Woman Would Sure ty Try Mrs. PUnkhatn's hfledioina if Thoy (inly Knew, Says Mrs King HAPPENINGS OF NORTH SCRANTON CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAMS ARRANGED FOR TOMORROW. and received benefit from it nt onco. I have taken it cTer since and now havo no backache, no pain in my Blilo and my stomach and bowels nro perfectly well. I can honestly say that thcro Is nothing like It. If I could only toll every woman how much good your medlclno has done nic, they would surely try it." MAiiriiAM.Ki.NO.KonTii AriLniioRO, Mass. The way women triflo with health shows u degree of Indifference that is pastuntlcrstandlng. Ilapplness and use fulness depend on physical health; so does a good disposition. Discnso makes women nervous, irritablo and snap pish. Tho very effort of ailing women to be good-natured makes them ner vous. Wi ito to Mrs. rinkham, sho will help you to health and happiness. Itcostsnothing togctMrs. Plnkham's advice. Her address is Lynn, Mass. Day will bo Appropriately Obsorvod in tho Various Churches-Other Ser vices Tomorrow Funeral of Miss Laura McHalo Benjamin Lowls Seriously Injurod Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Torwilllgor'o Goldon Wedding Anniversary Koystono Socloty Producoo "Tho Mountain Waif." IN ANI MA1UANI WINE TONIO for Body, Brnln, Ncrrcs GENERAL DEBILITY LASSITUDE SUMMER COMPLAINTS SPP.CIAI, orrP.R-To nil who write ui, mentioning this ppr, ,we tend, postpaid, a book containing portraits nnd endorsements ot UMP11R0RS, UMPRGS5, PRINCES, CAR DINALS, ARCIII1ISII0PS nnd other dlstlnsiilshed personages. SOLD BYDIlt'GaiSM l.vrilYW'lthllU, AVOtnfltllHTITUTf.S. BEWAnE OF IMITATIONS. fflMMNI a CO., 52 V.E3T I5TH STREET, NEW YORK. Paris tl noulovnril llausHman; London -nn Mortimer stico. ;Montrcal 87 BuJameaitreet I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Sought Bears tho 7?f yfT?i .-.''"" Signature of fuzr -CUC jT? T There's but one complete silk store in Scrautou. Of course, you kuow where to fiud it. That stock is at your service this week on unusually easy terms, The assortment is at the high water mark, but prices have gone down for six days only. The few illustra tions which follow will serve to illustrate the true con ditions which prevail throughout the entire department. Foulard Silks nncuPTiON' foh nuv. svi:i:t. The Jlen's Aid society of tho Simpson Methodist Episcopal church met last oenlng and arranged to tender n re ception to their pastor, ltev. J. II. Sweet, who has been ery ill for some time, and who Is now recovering fiom an operation for appendicitis, rno event will occur on Monday evening nt the church, when tho following pro gi amine will Ik- given: Selection Simpson Male quartette W. W. .lone?. Thomas Ahrami, Harry AVrlgley and Will Whitman. Duet Selected Cornet solo William II. Stanton Hecitatlon Umeison u. uwen Tenor solo Thomas Ahiams Mandolin solo Arthur Morse Duet. .Harry Wrlgley, Thomas Ahramt Recitation Charles Cadwgan Selection Simpson Male quartette Greeting to pastor, Rev. J. U. Sweet. Refreshments will be herved after the entertainment. Tho geneial committee in charge compilses W, W Davis, chairman; Fiank Shedd, II. D Jones, W. Gajlord Thomas and A- D. Rldg way. LADIES ELECT OFFICERS. The Ladles' Auxiliary of llr.mcli No. I, Ancient Order of Hibernians, met List eenlng and elected the following otneers for the coming ear: President, Catheiine O'llaia: lce president, Nel lie Tighe; recording secretary, Belinda Allen, financial secretary. Nellie Jen nings; tieaburer, Helen lliauie; insiae sentinel, Kate Galn; sergeant-at-nrms, Kate Healoy. The standing committee is composed of Mis. Jennings. Mrs. Moran, Mis Carbon. Misses Whlsted and Murphy. The installation will occur Tuesday evening, June 20, when a social will be held in conjunction with Division No. 1. Ancient Order of Hibernians EPWORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS. The Simpson chapter of the Epworth league have elected the following of JUers for the ensuing year: President, MI-s Anna Hughes; secretaiy, Addi son Chase; treasurer, Hany Yoik; li brarian, Edwaid S. Hlgbee, chief usher, riank Sutton; supeilntendent Junior league. Miss Margaiet Crawford. Chairman of tho various committees weie selected as follows. Meicy and help. Miss Lulu Leader; literary, Miss Mary Daniels; social, Miss Eertha Ct aw ford. Net Thursday evening tho City Union of Epworth League will meet In Simpson church. council, who teslgneil his seat on his appointment to the oftlec of thief of tho file department. The contest will not be very spliitou as Chailes Godshall, of Sumner ave nue. Is the only candidate mentioned for thi nomination. Several dark horses aie llaolo to iippear In the race, however. The ward Is sttongly Repub lican, and the nomination Is equivalent to an election. Children's Day exercises will be held nt tho West Market Street Haptlst church tomonow as follows: In tho morning at 10 o'clock there will be a prayer meeting. In tho afternoon at 2 o'clock the following programme will bo rendeied In the Welsh language: Song, congregation; leading of scrip- turn and prayer, David W. Sandi.n; selection, D. F. Davis and party; reci tation, Joseph Monls; solo, Evan W. L"wls; address, John II. Evans; solo, Isaac R. Edwards; recitation, Mrs. T. J. Snook; duct, W. J. Hopkins and Watkin Pi lec; questions asked to be answered by Thomas John; trio, Mtc It. 13. Jones and filends; selection, D. F. Davis and party. At '", o'clock In the evening special oxetelfcs will be conducted by the Sun day school scholars under tho com bined leadership ot Messrs. J. T. Evans and T. M. Lewis. An offering will bo taken up at the close of the afternoon exeiclses for the beneilt of the. Bap tist Publication society. r.K..K.KKtf.V.V.KK.K.KKr.KKKKKKKK FUNERAL OF THOS. KANE. A high inas3 of icqulem was celebrat ed In the church of the Holy Cross, Tlellexue, yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, over tho lemalns ot the late Thomas Kane. The funeral cortege inoed fiom the home of deceased's lelatives on rourth stieet to tho church w here a large number ot friends had gathered. Rev. W. P. O'Donncll olll- elated. Th" pallbearers were: Andrew Con way, Edwarrt Ciane, John Navln, John Casey, Andiew Mahon and Edward McGoff. Intel ment was made In thu Cathedral cemetery. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The pupils at No. 11 school, taught by Miss Mary William'', enjoyed an outing at Nay Aug park yesterday af ternoon. Invitations have been leceivcd by friends here for tho wedding of Miss Christina Mat tin nnd Thomas W. A'aughn, at Plttston, on June 21. Miss Martin is the corresponding secretary of tho Baptist Young People's union of Nottheastern Fetu"-ianla, and la well known heic. Mr. V.uighan Is a cousin of the Misses Meiedlth, of Jackson street. Re. DaId Jones, of the First Welsh Congtegatlonal church, will occupy the pulpit of tho Plymouth Congtegatlonal church tomorrow cenlng. It Is expected that Mayor Molr will send the nam" nf Rowland Thomas, ox- touncllman from the Fourth ward, to councils next Thursday night for tho oflico of stieet commissioner. The Ladies' Home Missionary society of tho Simpson Methodist Episcopal chuich held a regular meeting In the lectuio 100m last cvnlng and ttans acted regular business. The new lodge of Knights of Honor met last evening In Morgans' hall. Dic tator GwUmu Jones presided. Three now members woie elcted and two applications lecelved. Pevetal commit tees were appointed. It was decided to name tho organization tho "West Scranton Lodge." Aldeiman Moses held Fred and Kate Geoige, of 73: Hampton street, in $j00 ball for their appearance at court on tho charge of selling Intoxicants with out a license. GREEN rtlDCJE. CHURCH NEWS. There will bo no services tomorrow nt the West Market Street Puritan Congregational church, owing to re pairs, which are being made on the cdl- llce. Tomorrow being Children's day tho morning hours of worship In the Provi dence Presbyterian church will bo de voted to exercises suitable for the oc casion. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. F. Davis, who will preach at Hydo Park, both morning and evening to morrow, the prayer and pialse meet ing will be held at the Welsh Baptist church, Wayne avenue. Bible school at 2 p. 111. Rev. W. O. Watklns will preach In the North Main Avenue Baptist church tomorrow. By request he will take "Predestination" as his theme. Morn ing phase, "Its Relation to Men," evening phase, "Its Relation to the Saviour." Tho services In the Christian church tomorrow will be as follows: -10 a. in., Sunday school; 11 a. m., pleaching by the pastor, Rev. R. W. Clymer. subject, "The Kingdom of God;" 0.30 to 7.13 p. m., Y. P. S. C. E-, 7.30 p. m., Children's day exercises by tho Sun day school. ti t; !' ti V K ti ti ' ti ti ti a ti tt a u b a tt ti tt , ti u X' tt ti ti a? ti a tt JV tt a ti it a a tt &' tt Scranton Store, 124-126 Wyoming: Avenue. This miis s ft lin underwear sale is one our greatest successes jt X & X M iff x n x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X a 'A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A "A 'A "A A 'A 'A 'A A "A 'A 'A 'A'A 'A U 'A "A "A A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A "A'A'A'AAA X Absolutely without the least competition this un detwear sale has made for itself an enviable record. It has thus far been our greatest sale. We have com bined the highest quality obtainable with the low est prices ever quoted for goods of meiit, either here or elsewhere. The result was simply overwhelming. We have been busy, busy, busy every day bringing lenewed and increasing activity. Don't miss it while it lasts. Gowns at 25c, 29c, 39c, 49c, 69c, 98c to $7.00. Corset Covers at nc, 19c, 25c, 39c, 50c to $2.00. Drawers at 11c, 25c, 39c, 49c, 69c, 98c to $2.50. Skirts at 37c, 49c, 69c, 790,98, $1.50, $1.75 to $6.50. LAID TO REST. Tho remains of Miss Lauta McIIale weio Interred In Cathedral cemetery yesteidny morning. At 3 o'clock the remains were conveyed from the homo ot her parents on Oak street to tho Holy Rotary chut eh, where a solemn high mas of lequiom was lead. At the conclusion of the ceremony the rev erend father spoke a few words of con solation to the bereaved patents. Many handsome floral tributes were strewn on tho casket. 12 Pieces Stripe Taffetas Irreproachable styles faultle&s colorings, warranted weave. A matchlesa alue at S5 cents. Special This Week, 69c Wash "Jap" Silks I.ri pieces In Plaids. Checks and Strlpts. Bright cffeits for waists and children's wear. The bfst half dollar bilk mude. Special This Week, 55c Special This Week, 31c None but tho best reliable malc-s here and the very latest coloilngs and de&lgns. See our Special Offerings at 49c, 58c and 75c. 10 Pieces Taffeta Pure silk, everv thread; now two-tone color blenos. ontecd value, 75 cents. all the Ouai- T. W. C. A. NOTES. The young ladles ot the association enjoyed a silhouette social In the rooms lust evening. The idea was for a per son to sit so that a shadow would be cast on the well and the picture cut along those lines. Mnny "sittings" were taken. Ice cream was teived. Tomoirow afternoon commencing at 3.43 o'clock Miss Chatlotto Savage, sec ictaiy of the Central City association, will give a talk. Mis. Randolph Jones will be in charge of the singing, and Mrs. Haydn Ashley will presldo at the piano. Soda water at Manners' pharmacy, tho best In Green RIdse; our sales prove It. Impel ial Queen Hair Tonic at Man neis" phaimacy. 920 Green Ridge stieet. the greatest hair grower known. dOc a bottle. ACCIDENT CASES. Renjamin Lewis, of Margaret avenue, a miner in the Leggett Creek mine, was severely hurt yesterday. He was tim bering his chamber with heavy tim ber called a collar when It slipped and fell on him, spraining his back and otherwise bruising him. He was taken home, where the Injuries were attended to by Dr Donne. John Gallagher, of Mary street, met with a seiious accident jesterday. He Is employed ob a driver In the Dickson mines and was taking a trip In. Ho was riding on the last car, when tho tilp got off the track and threw him iolently against the roof, cutting his head severely. Nlchola Savagca, of Green Rldge, was sevetely burned around he face and hands yesteiday In the Dickson mine. His light set off the gas that was In a "pocket" with the above result. viKi Fiwimn igr vgr nyUif uJLS & 'mis J! wfLs Graceful, Easy Shoes for the People. All I11 exclusive single dress patterns which cannot be du plicated. New Crepou stripe aud Chenille effects that are wonderfully handsome, as well as a wealth of other styles which may meet your approval A VISITOR ENTERTAINED. A complimentary dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mil ler, of North rilmore avenue. Thuis day nttcrnonn.ln honor of Mrs. Thomas liiooks, of Iowa, who is visiting Iriends and iclatlvcs here. The time was en Joyably spent by all present, and Ice cream and cake was served by Mis. Miller. The ladles present were Mrs. Reese R. Davis, Mrs. Thomas J. Williams, Mrs. Renjamin Morgan, Mrs. Divld Evans, Mrs. William J. Williams, Mis. Henry Rrowniug, Mrs. G. W. Powell, Mrs. William T. Williams, Mrs. Frank Riundago and Mis Eihe Miller, Black Crepon The only complete line in Scranton is at the Globe Warehouse. Ten days ago we were pretty well sold out of these popular dress slcirt weaves, but there is not a single number or design lachiug today. In a woid, the stock is complete. CAUCUS THIS AFTERNOON. Tho Republican voters of the soveial dlstiicts in tho Fifth ward wdl caucus this afternoon between tho hours of 4 and o'clock to nominate a candidate to succeed John H. Walker In common Globe Warehouse Children 1 Drink? K Don't kIo thera tea or coffee. P ITao you tiled tho new food drink P called G11VIH.O? It is dolidoua and nourishing and takes tho pluco d of coffee. h lho tnoro Ornln-0 you rIvo tho c'nlldreu tho raoro heilth you diatri- buto Ibrounh their s stems. K Graia-Obmadoof purogralns, and V w"un properly preporcd tastes llko V tho choico grades of coffco but costs $ about &s ranch. All fjroccra Bell if) it. 13c. und 25o. ? T . rz s rt X ' Iultlhatjronr grocer lveBjouOnAIN .Accept no imitation. i OBITUARY. James II. Woolsey, one of the most widely known men In this cltv, dlul e tcrdjy mm nine at his lOhldence. corner of Madison aMnnc and Vine ieot. The diceaatd a born In Htdfcml, N. V., in IK2 and erne to this city in U" Ho sonii engaged in the continuing ini&inons in which pursuit he wus eminently success ful, havlns built home of he oldest and best residences in the city. Uo retired from tho contracting bif-iiu-s in 1S31 and became an insurance i.pprulcci In which calling ho made a luuioiiat iiputullon for him-ilf Ilia man) friends will rogiet to le.irn of his death which was the te suit of a. lingering Illness extending ovir n period o nearly u jiar. The deceased Is MiuUed by thieo chlldien, II J ami J 1J Wool'oy and Mrs S. C Gernon of this cltv. and by thtce pls-tcis. Mrs. I'au. nio Moore, of Otisllle, N. V ; Mrs. An drew Johnson and Mrs. Hcnrv Pulney, of this clt. Tho funeral will bu held from the rcs-idencc on Mowl.n at I p m Interment will bo made In 1 oicst mil ccmotery. William Norton died at the homo ot his patents Mr and Mis. Edward Nor ton, of Dunmoro stieet, Olypliant. yestcr day meaning at 2 o'clock after an Illness of two weeks of malarial fccr. Deceased mm 11 member of Co. E. Fifteenth In fantry. Fnltcd States mmj. He tetunvil to his homo In OI pliant M u 2 from Cub i and was taken III a few dajs later. DrctaKiil has been a resident of Olypliant about Rien iais and was 21 ears of age ResldCH his patents lie Is sunlud by eight sisters nnd one brother. The in nernl will tnko placo tomoirow afternoon at 2 30 o'clock Interment will bo matin It St. Patrick's cemetery. Rtlnhold Siar died at the home of liU father Philip Saur. M4 Willow stteet. Thursday after a lingering Illness, lie was 19 years of age nnd an exemplary joung man His dmth Is deeply regret ted Tho funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon. Sen lees will bo held In the Hickory Street Goiman Presbyterian church at 4 o'clock. Interment will bo mudo In tho Plttston. aenuo ccmoteiy Princoton University. Examinations for admission to Princeton University will be held in tho Connell building, Scranton, Pa., on June 13th nnd ICth, 1893. Examina tions will commence nt 9 o clock n. m. on the 15th and will Include tho ncade mlc and scientific departments of tho university. Tor fmthcr Information sea John M. Harris, room C09 Connell bwlldlnc SHORT NEWS ITEMS. The Eureka base ball team and tho Olypliant Crowns will play on the Car son City grounds tomoirow afternoon. Mr. and Mis. T. E. Tcrwllliger, ot Rlalr avenue, will celebiate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage this evening fiom S to 11 o'clock. The Red Riding Hood cantata will bo given at the Welsh Congregational chinch Monday evening at S o'clock. Admission. 10 nnd 15 cents. Tho Ke stone Literary nnd Dramatic society held forth at the Auditorium last evening and pioduccd tho drama entitled "Tho -Mountain Waif." The proceeds will bo given to a worthy widow. Best Goods for the Honey You Wish to Invest. Special prices on Oxfords on our bargain tables. Ox fords for 75c and $1 that were formerly $1.50 and $2. Jr .v B ft f oJ' CCHw m Wi jf r"D A W 1 - .- n -rf- .il va wfly DUNMOBE. PERSONALS. Mr and Mrs. Evan Lewis, of Sum mit luentie, left yesterday to attend the funeral of Mis. Evans' sister at Nantlcoke. MUs Nellie McIIale, of Arehbald, is lsltlng Miss Margaret Kearney, of Parker street. Mis. J. B. Gillespie, of Oak street, Is entertaining her sister, Miss Giaco Evans, of London, England. P. J. Mulherln, of Laurel street, is ill. Miss Agnes McDonough, of Carbon dale, Is tho guest of Miss Mary Colo man, of Parker street. John Wright, of Atlantic City, re turned homo yesterday after a visit with friends on Wales stieet. Daniel Holmes, of Oak street, is vis iting friends In Haw ley. Miss Maty McGlnley, af Dalton, has returned homo after a weeks' visit with friends hcie. Miss Elvira Jones, of Recso street, Is visiting filends In Plymouth. Miss Julia Sncll, of Plymouth, has returned fiom a visit with her sister, Mrs. 1 J. lledrick, of Richmond avenue. The Misses Cecelia and Mary Coyle, of Carbondale, are Nlsltlng Mrs. P. F. Campbell, ot Williams street. Miss Anulo Golden is ill at her homo on Oak street. Mrs. William Jorvls, of Wayne ave nue, is lecoverlng from a severe Ill ness. Thomas M. Lewis and Jehu M. Jehu attended the 11. Y. P. V. rally at Ply mouth yesterday, Thomas Jehu, of Plymouth, has re turned after a few days' visit with his patents on Wayno nvenue, Mtss Agnes Marrln, af Paupack, Is visiting filends on Green Ridgo street. Services at the Presbyterian church, Rov. W. F Gibbons, pastor, for to morrow arc as follows: Morning at 10 30 o'clock, the Sunday school scholars will have charge, thus doing away with Sunday school at noon; Junior Chris tian Endeavor, 3.S0 p. in.; Senior Chris tian Endeavor, C 30 p. m : owning ser mon, subject. "A Good Fellow," at 7.30 p. nt. All are welcome. At the Methodist Epicopal church, Rev. A. J. Van Cleft, pastor, tomorrow being iloial Sunday, the Sunday school scholars will luuo chaise of the morn ing service at 10.30 o'clock. A special programme has been picpaied. Sun day school at 2 30 p. m.; evening ser mon, "The Garden of tho Lord," at 7.30 o'clock, will be especially for children; special singing by tho choir and chil dren. The choir will render the Gloiia In full chorus. J. O'Hor.i. Ir.. of Pine street, cm ployed In Murray & Co.'s mines, nut with a painful accident while at work yesterday. He was helping to place a car on the track, when the pu he was leaning on slipped and caught him full In tho face, bi caking his teeth and cut ting him quite badly. MiMinni T.'i.uinlc.iii looolwu several bad cuts and a bpi allied hip by losing I cnntiol of his bicjele on tho boulovoid Tlie OLIVE Wheel jUm wji tfl fBtoiAJJ The most attractive and popular wheel. The best that money can buy. Call or write for cntalogue. W. M. BINGHAM 2 N. Washington Ave. Scranton Pj. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS rOSITIVLUX UUIU5 jt T.T.Kmvvoum niseattM Fftlltnff Mfffl PI In Atuikri nr nlhmr i'xenaon ma Tndts . .'"M. cretFoaft, Ttiv nulcklu and turtle Lr rtEtorelxwt Vitality In oldcrToonff.a4 yet-terday afteinoon.whlle eoming down "f&l"'',??? one of tho numerous hill.. Ho was , ."BtJ-n taken home In a caulage and placed under a doctors car a Tour loaded cois fell Into tho sump at tho No. n mines of tho Pennsylvania Coal company yesterday afternoon, but luckily no one was hurt. The accident was caused by tho "niniiPi" In the thlid vein missing a spiag. which al lowed the cars to got away and plunge into the sump.whoro they wcic smashed into kindling wood. Miss Jessie Richie, of Chestnut street, lost her silver wntch last evening be tween Chestnut stieet and No. 1 school building Any information concerning it will be thankfully received at Coi tello's stoie. Miss Olive SwniU, of South lllakely street, was tendered n sanitise paity at her homo last evening by a number of her oung filends, who enjoyed a pleasant evening. Tho funeral of Mrs. David Uartln will tlto man for itudr, burlnrii or mimic. it jnsdDitjr aim uoniamsuon ic 3T0 IKiloaiin improve. hart, all Atliar fall Tn. iIdo ai.z TiUtta. Tb hare tared thou.bndiftint ffUlcarajou. Wactroapoa- lliva written ttoar&otciu to e'JbU rata Ell nic w w a , tutun la iitn". Ibalraiq aowa titsii . cachowMcr rntuni poa. in ar rrteare, cr ilx r-c-a (full tiaatmaotl for vZw, Or nftll. In riain wrapper, upon rewint oiriira. iircaiai '""AJAX KEA1UDY CO., tysX Tor sals In Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthews Bros, and H C. Eanderrcn, drueglsta. take place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from tho home of lu'r daughter, Mrs. James Pinnell. on West Drinker street. Rev. W. F. Gibbons will officiate. Ry icejuest of Ins congregation. Rov. H. R Hulgln will conduct a seiles of Hible studies eveiv evening next week In the Christian church on Tripp ave nue. These meetings will berjln at 7.4"! ei'clock. The couciegatlons will bo piomptly dismissed at 8.30. Children's service will bo conducted , tomorrow ovenlng. Tho church has been decor ated quite elaborately for the occasion .1 ( 1 ' . V