The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 10, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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These Arc
Kodak Days
Wc can sell you any- ij
l IMIIIg III lilt OillllCIU 1II1C l
and tivirh vnll how trv lice i'ii
. ...... .W.. J- , l((
them. '
sop Wyoming Avenue. Ml
Ice Cream.
&&c Quart.
Telephono Orders Promptly Delivered
.115-317 Adams Avenue.
Sfcclaltlcs Surgery, Diseases oi Women
Ofuco Hours.. .
11 to 12 o. m
1 to 1 p. in
At Hesidonco . 7 to H p. in
Ofllco 2J0 Connell Handing Residence
Jin .South Main Avenue.
For Liquor, Drue nnd Tohncco DIaoaso
rninphtet free 11112 KEI2LI2Y INSTITUTE.
SiS Madison Ave.. bCRANTON, I'A.
Scranton Transfer Co.,
IIUUH J. KnCNAV, Manajer.
Checks HftgRfKO direct from residence to
nny part or tbo United States.
Olllce 109 Lacka. Ave. Phone 523
We Do All Kinds
Of 5tarch Work
equal to now. Collars, curts
and shirts aro given cither
gloss or domestic llnish,
and the edges of your collars
and cuffs aro finished so they
will not scratch,
;o8 I'enn Avenue. A. U. WARflAN.
First Legislative District.
Notlco is hereby glen to tho Rrpubll
cn oters of the First legislative district
that a primary election will be held on
Saturday, Juno 21, 1S99 between the hours
of 4 nnd 7 o'clock, for the purpose of
electing a delegate and alternate to repie
scnt said legislative distilct nt the Re
publican hlato convention to be held in
Hanlbburg. The corventlon to compute
the vote will bo held on TucmI,i after
noon, June 27 nt 3 o'clock, at St. Da
vid's hnll. In accordance with tho rules
adopted at the last district convention
tho candidates for delegates to the htato
convention will be voted for directly by
tho voters. E ich candidate mUbt regis
ter with tbo district chairman his lull
name and postofllro ncMic-s and hhall
pay his assessment ten dajs before the
primary election oi his name will not
be pilnted on tho olllclsl ballot. The reg
ular ilglhincci in connection with the le
turn Judge to bs appointed b the chair
man will conduct tho election
W. A. Paine, Chairman.
Scranton, Pa , Juno i, 1SD3.
Third Legislative District.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the Republican standing committee of
the Third legislative district of Lacka
wanna count will bo held nt the arbi
tration room court house, Scranton, on
Saturday, tho 17th daj of June 1VO. at 2
o'clock p m , for the purposeo of Using
a time tor the convention and transact
ing such other business as may properly
ft be brought belore It.
By order of
T J Matthews, Chairman.
Attest: J. V. Watklns.
Acting Secretary.
Scranton. Pa , June 6, 1S&3
Conditions of Affairs at the Lacka
wanna at Present.
Piesldent J. P. Dickson of thp Lack
awanna hospital has announced that
owing to the now dot! condition of that
Institution no patients except nccldent
or emergent cases will be received
there until further notice The hos
pital Is In o veiy ovei-ciowded con
dition and convalescents aie sc.itteicd
over all parts of the building.
A case of dlptheiia broke out Thurs
day and tho child allllcted was imme
diately Isolated In a icinote section
of the hospital and three or four chil
dren were sent to theit homes as a
precautionary measuie. The ward
was Immediately disinfected nnd re
painted, removing all danger of con
tagion. Hot Weather Clothing.
Kweletor. suits. Serge suits, Ci.ih
suits, Just the proper thing for tho
summer. Large line being shown by
us, and the prices ara to low that any
one can nffoid to be comfortable lu
our clothing.
Richards. Wlrlh & Lewis,
' 326 Lackawanna ave.
A good appetite
Is essential to good health
Hood's Sarsaparllla creates an
Appetite, tones and
Strengthens th stomach.
And builds up the whole system
It tellevcs that tired feeling, and by
purifying arid enriching the blood, it
promrtly and permanently cures all
scrofula eruptions, bolls, humors, pim
ples and tores- strengthens tho nerves,
and gives sweet, refreshing sleep. No
other medicine hns taken such hold
upon the confidence of the people us
Hood's Sarsnparlllu and Its leeord of
crent cures Is unequalled by any other
preparation. You may take Hontl's
Sarsaparllla with the utmost tonfldrfnce
that It will do you good.
If you would keep cool come In and
see us. Our cool clothing Is cooler, bet
ter, later and cheaper than you've
been paying. Boyle & Mucklow.
A Card.
We. the undersigned, do lmreby agre
to refund tho money on a 60-cem bottles
of Greene Warranted Syrup of Tar If it
falls to cure your tough or cold, Wo also
guarantee a 12-cent bottle to provo kit t Is.
factory or money refunded. J. G. Bone &
Son, Duiimore, Pa.; John I'. Donahue,
Ecranton, Pa,
It wns Held in tho Albright Library
Last Night-Mrs. E. L. Fullor, tho
Trcasuror, Reported no to tho
Financial Condition of tho Asso
ciationThe Ropoits which wore
Made Showed tho Splendid Work
for tho Little Folks that is Being
Whether the niucli-talked-ot light, or
general upathy regarding the welfare
of little children was lesponslblo, cer
tain It Is that but a emull number of
people gathoied In the Albright Me
morial library last night nt th annual
meeting of the Scranton Free Kinder
garten association. Tho room present
ed an attractive appearance, with man
bowls of roses, and the vines from out
side creeping in nt tho windows. Mr.
A. D. Holland presided. The following
report of the treasurer, Mrs. E, L. Ful
ler, was read:
On hand Juno 18, IStS $ 403 47
Ilecelpts fiom entertain
ments 5X5 53
Ilecelpts ftom school
board l.OoO 00
Itccelpts from subscribers. . 1,3."3 00
Itecelpts from children
(kindergarten) 23 27
Receipts from notes dis
counted at First National
bank 413 25
$1,770 61
Salaiies $2.0-11 W
Kent 400 00
Janitors HI 0"
Coal ."5.. -0 0i
Paid not at First National
Piano rentals
State dues to kindergarten.
Discount on ?ote nt First
National bank
IV) 00
1 50
i :.o
Foundation expenses, Piov-
tdenco HChonl 101 SS
Advertising and printing .. 2S 10
Materials 1115
Mt. I.angzcttel, at an-
nu'il meeting 17 R)
3,012 So
Balanco $ 727 79
Judge Hand then announced tho re
port of the nominating committee and
the following oftlceis were duly elected:
Piesldent, Ml. A D Holland; vice
presidents, Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Mrs.
Alfiod Hand. lecoiJIng socrotaiy.Mrs
William Matthews, cor.-cbpondlng sec
retary. Mis. V. M. Mat pic, tteasuier,
Mis. 1Z, L. Tuller. advisoiy boaid. lion.
Alfred Hand, Colonel V. H. Ripple,
Colonel H. M Roles; executive com
mittee, Mrs. C. S. AVchton, Mis. James
Archbald, Mw F. I.. Fuller. Mrs. J. A.
Price, Mrs. Alfred Hand, Mis. C. T).
Slmpion, Miss Elizabeth Howell.
Miss Edith Hull gave n pleasing u
port of the Green nidge Miidcigirtn.
In the of which she stated that
c.ueless molhcis aie the gieatest men
ace to the woik They stienunusly ob
ject to a plaeaid of contagious diseases
nnd thus often Imreill the health of
tho llttl" peorle In tho vicinity. Tho
mothers' meetings nto working mir
acles In the poor districts.
The new klndeigarten established in
tbe North End, thiough the generosity
of tho boa id of control was lepoitcd by
Miss Clarke in a chaimlng wav. Dur
ing the j ear 71 children have been en
rolled. A picnic, this week. nt,Nay
Aug paik. was enjovrd by SO mthers
and chlldien. The Influence uron the
neigbboihood 1 maiked.
Mlba Underwood gave a beautiful re
port. The pleasant, low voices of all
the klndeigartncrs are a marked con
tiast to tho average feminine peccnts
in public addles. Fifty children, all
of foielgn descent, attend the Pcnn
avenue klndeigarten. The natuie work
has developed much gentleness, kind
ness and thought, through tho study of
Insects, tlovvois nnd blief-. Mr Fox has
supplied v Isltors in tho slnpo of gold
lUhes, chickens, etc.. by which tho lit
tle ones have learned much.
Tho Intel dependence of all human ac
tivity Is shown by the vailot.s occupa
tions of mankind and the dignity of
labor thus Impressed upon the little
Through the kindness of Rauett and
Joidan, of tho Scranton Tiuth, tho
chlldien of tho Central klndeigarten
have enjojed tho pihllego of halt an
hour's frolic one sunshiny morning
each week this month on tho greet
grass of a vacnnt lot in tho tear of
the Tiuth olllce To these thlldr. n
whose lives thus have boon chlMI,'
spent upon the cobble btones of tho nl
Ii.vs, the delight of tumbling about on
tho toft turf anl picking ion I dande
lions can baldly be debciibod.
Visits from house to house numbered
300 tho past yea i and the touch thus
established, together with the mothcM'
meetings. Is continued oven nftcr tho
children enter the public schools.
A gencial leport of the bystem in
tho city followed, giving a most In-
teiestlng slew of tho magnitude anl
Importance of the woik. It closed
w Ith an earnest appeal for mor- unl
ersal lecognltlon and aid of this real
missionary effoit.
Miss Sltnp'-on sang most exquisitely
a lovely song, "Rendernieer's Sticam."
Slio was accompanied on the piano by
Mis II P. Simpson As an entou
she sang "Four Leaved Clover" -,wth
much giace nnd chaim.
Rev. Dr. I, J Lansing gavo an ad
dress In which he spok" of his Intctest
I., the klndeicurten woik. Ho do
tiared th.i' all primary teaching nial
lost-graduate teaching Is exactly allko
in Mil pose and pi Incline.
Tho best paid teachers, tho most
highly educated should bo the prlmsty
teacher who takes the little child at
the most pliable nnd mobile aue. The
kindergarten teacher Is worth fiom
$2,000 to 53,000 a year, Just as mu"h
as tho man who teaches philosophy ro
juuug men who know about as much
of tho matter as their Instructor.
At the conclusion of Dr. Lansln 's
very able addicss the mcetlnsr ad
Successfully Passed Examinations
at University of Pennsylvania
J. Miles Gibbons, son of Dr. IX. H
aibbons, of Wyoming avenue, this
week successfully passed his examina
tion for doctor of medicine at tho
University of Pennsylvania. His ell
plomu will be conferred upon him ncx
Thursday nt tho giaduatlon exercises
In the Academy of Music In Phlladel
phla. Mr. Gibbons Is spending a few
days with his father, but will return
to Philadelphia to receive his diploma.
Mr. Gibbons Is a tnlcnted young man
who gives promise nf becoming eminent
In his chosen profession. Ills early
studies were pursued In tho schools
nt Honesdaln and his classical educa
tion was obtained In tho University of
Ottnwn. At tho University of Penn
sylvania he prepared himself for tho
liractlcc of medicine.
Thomas' Namo to bo Sent to Solect
Council at tho Next Mooting.
The nomination of Roland Thomas,
rx-councllman of tho Fourth wurd, for
tho ofllce of street commissioner Is to
bo sent In to select council ut the next
meeting In cuse eleven confirmatory
votes nro In sight.
Thoie Is a strong possibility, however,
that tho Democrats can summon to
their side enough votes to pi event tho
Had n Narrow Escapo from Boing
Committed to Jail for Contempt
of Court Cases on Trial
John I. Lance, nn engineer on tho
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
toad, who resides nt Clark's Summit,
came within an nee of being commit
ted to the county Jail for contempt
yesteiday. Ho was subpoenaed by the
plnlntlff as a witness lu the case of
A. S. Myers against William P. Lltts
nnd othcis, an action In tiespass
Lltts, one of tho defendants, is tho
Delaware, Lacke wanna and Western
station agent at Claik's Summit und
Lance Is a friend of his. Ho obtccted
to giving any testimony that might
work injury to Lltts.
When called to the tand he explain
ed Ills position, but tho court did not
consider this ecus as posEesslng mer
it nnd directed that the witness be
sworn Lance lefusod to take the oath
and thereupon Judge Aichbald dltcct
ed that tho sherllf be sent for.
The nttorneys had no desire to send
Mr. Lance to Jail and after a consulta
tion ho wps withdrawn as a witness.
The case was on ttlal all day, and
whnn court adjoin nod testimony on
tho part of the defense was being
In the case of Miles Clatk against
John J. Kelly and others a eidlet was
leturnocl estc relay morning in favor of
the plaintiff for 54.702.50.
Before Judge Edwards tho ttcspass
case of Miss Lizzie Caiey ogilnst W.
Gibson Jones and Meredith L. Jones,
was on all dny. Ex-Judgo Wii
lnid and Roscoe Dale nro attorneys for
Miss Carey, nnd James II. Tmiey rep
res"iits tho defendants. Miss Cniey
was In the millinery buMnoF.s In u
stoia in the Temple Court building on
Spuice rtreet In 119", which she lease I
from tho defendant. A fire occuired
In her store on tho evening of Jan. 28,
1S93. It destuved n part of her stuck.
The adjustor for the Insurance com
pany did not fix a sulllc lent figure for
her loss, nceoidlng to her view, nnd the
matter was referred to nppralseis. Tho
Insuiance money was finally paid over
to Mins Caiey In the bum of about
After the appraisement and before
the adjustment had been completed, at
tho Instance of AV. Gibson Jone", all the
stock not destioycd or partially de
stlovcd was cairled'away. Miss Carey
Is now cuing the Joneses lor damages
for taking these goods. She staled
that an Inventory of her ttock a month
before the lire showed It to be woith
about $3,500. She can led about S'J.OOn
insuiance. Tho Insurance eompanv
estimated the damage to her stock at
$2,100 or thereabouts. The goods taken
vvie carted to tho basement of tho
Cotut house for the juiy to view and
place an estimate upon their value.
The closing arguments to the jury
were made yesteiday afternoon and
today Judge Edwards will deliver his
liefoie Judge Archbald yesteiday,
Michael AVltsko entered ball In tho sum
of $300. Nicholas Glenn Is his bondb
mau. In the case of Mary Phillips against
John E. Phillips a rule was jesteidaV
granted on the icspondent to show
cause why a divorce shall not be do
claied as piajert for, leturnable to next
atgument touit.
In tho case of Silas Haitley against
John R. Hull and othcts, Judge Aich
bald vestetday handed down an opin
ion which decides that the plaintiff Is
entitled to costs. "How much this
coveis we do not pass upon " the opin
ion goes on to say. "Tho question now
Is whether the plaintiff Is entitled to
any costs, not how much, and as to
that wo think he Is."
Attorney C. Smith, n-prcsentlng
Maiy Coyle, Colla Coylo, Rrldget
Cole, Catheilne Coyle nnd John Coyle,
heir of James Coylo and Mniy Coyle,
widow of James Cojle, deceased, yes
terday began an action in trespass
against the Delaware and Hudson
Canal company to recover $3,000 dam
ages for the killing of James Colo
on the defendant company's load
In tho case of the commonwealth
against Anthony Roth un oidei was
made yesteiday by tho court to the
effect that upon payment by the elofen
dan of his ball, the costs incurred In
the quaiter sessions by i cation of the
foifelturo of the iccognlzance and also
of the costs on the scire facias in tho
common pleas to enforce the forfeiture
with a counsel fee of $10. the foifelturo
lb directed to be remitted.
Home Grown
Judo i i a i t
Home Grown Asparagus,
Home Grown Beaus.
500 quarts Berries from 7c
Hammocks at cost.
Full Hue of Summer drinks
fruit syrups.
Coursen's Ginger Ale aud
Sarsaparilla, $1.00 doz.
Order your Veoetables
and Berries early.
Wholesale and Iteiall. '
Our Two Candidates for Justico of
tho Supromo Court Havo Turned
tho Eyes of tho Politicians of tho
State upon Us-Judge Smith has
Named His Dologatea-Big Party
of Smith Boomers and a Band will
Lcavo This City 'on Monday for
tho State Capitol.
I.ackawnnan county Is receiving nn
unusually largo shaio of attention
throughout the state Just now because
of thu candidacy of lion. It. AV. Arch
bald, president Judge of tho courts of
this countv. and Hon. P. P. Smith, of
the superior coutt, for tho stipieme
court nominations. Judgo Aichbald
asks tho distinction from the Republi
can patty and Judge Smith from tho
Democratic paitj. Tho Republican
state convention will not be held until
August, but the Democrats do not
pioposo to wait until so late n day.
They will nominate their stntc candi
dates nt Ilnrrlsburg AVednesday.
Inasmuch us two supumo couit Jus
tices nro to be elected this joar and
the cltUcn is only entitled to vote for
one, tho Republican and Demociatlo
nomination niu equivalent to an elec
tion. Usually a Ropublleun state nom
ination in Pennsylvania is equivalent
to un election, this time, so far as the
supreme couit is concerned, it Is a cei
talnty. The fact that a hupieemo
nomination cariles with It an election
to tho Denioeiat who secmes It, Is
making the struggle within that party
of the liveliest character. The Indica
tions point to the nomination of Hon.
P. P. Smith as a sttong possibility, but
It Is requiting all of his bhtcwclncss
and diplomacy to keep at tho head of
tho procession.
Judgo John Lynch, of AA'Ilkcs-Raire,
Is also a candidate for tho supieine
couit nomination and during- this
week he has given some uneasiness to
Judgo Smith and his fi lends Judge
Lj ncii is not in a position to .mtunnd
the nomination, but with eighteen Luz
erne delegates behind him he Is nble
to bilng about complications that muv
upset caiefully laid plans. Judge
Smith yesterduy named the delegates
who will ropiesent this county in tho
state convention. They are:
I'll st dlstilrt Evl'ostninslcr Frank M.
A'niKlllng. Thomas J. Jennlims and John
K. (Jnffney
Second ellstrlct Colonel F. J. Fltzslm
mnns Joseph O'lirlen and AVIUIam (1.
'Ihlrel district lion Frank It. Cos no,
Old Forge, John J. Covne, l.aekuw.inm.
Fourth district James J. ONcill, Car
bonelale, William Walker. Miivrald;
James O'liilcn, Olj pliant; T. E. Uoland,
Judge Smith's headquaiteis at 213
Walnut stieet, Hairisbuig, opposite
tho post ofllce, will bo opened this af
ternoon Colonel F. J. FiUslmmnns,
T. J. Jennings and Attorney M. J. Mc
Andiow leave this moinlng for Hanls
burg to take charge of tho headquar
tois. Theio will be an abundance of
Smith literature to keep tho namo of
the Lackawanna candidate piominent
ly before tho delegates.
At 2 IS Monday afternoon the big
puty of Smith boomcis will leave this
city for the state capital It Is e
pected that there will bo about one
hundred and fifty of them. A band
will accompany the Lackawanna nun
and when they leach Haiilsbuig thev
will proceed to give tho Smith boom the
widest possible populailty.
Owing to tho Immense crowd that
will attend the convention, It was Im-
possioio lor tho Lackawanna delega
tion to secuie eiuarters at any of tin
hotels. They have icntcri a laige hall,
which will bo supplied with eots and
theio they will make- theli heidquai
teis while nt tho state capital
Tho Luzeine ndmlreis of Judgo
Ljnch aie also going to tho convention
In forco nnd will bo accompanied lv a
band. Ex-State Chairman John Gat -man
will bo one of the prominent lig
uies of that delegation
This convention gives piomise of
being one of the most InTTTestlng gath
eilng of Democrats held in the state
for veMrs. Thii'c candidates ate to
be nomiuuted, a justico of tin supu me
couit, Judge of btiporloi court and a
state tieasurer. In the i w nt of tin
nomination of Judgo Smith fm the
higher couit theio will bo two vacan
cies (hi tho superior couit bene h and
i actly tho same conditions will apply
to that cotut as to the .-lipteme.
A good deal of picllminary figuring
is being demo with this possibility In
mind and, by the time the convention
opens, nffalis will have so shaped
themselves that this suporior omit
nomination, which enqlnaill would gi
begging foi a taker, win toutiol the
bltuatlou. On combinations that will
bo made with reference to that oillee
tho fato of the other nominations will
largely depend.
From Harrlshuig comes the i.port
that a veiy determined effoit Is to
be made to send tho supieme court
nomination to tho western part of the
state. A part of this ptogiamme is
the nomination of AVIUIam T. Creasv.
of Columbia county, for stnto tieasurer
Judge .Smith's fi lends are not
ulai mod by this i cpoi t. They are c on
vlnred that their favorite will com
mand the situation nt Hnriisburfe" AVtd
nedav. Steps havo nlicudy been taken In tho
Fiist and Third leglblntivo districts
to elect delegates to tho Republican
state convention. Similar action will
be tuken In tho Second and Fouith
dlstilcts in the near futuie.
Theio Is not likely to bo nny opposi
tion to tho men selected by Judgo
Archbald for thi.-i'onor of icpresent
Ing this county at tho state gather
lug. His fitness for the olllce ho aspires
to nnd thet general eleslio to sco him
elevated to a position In which he will
uneiuestlonnbly establish a lasting iep
ututlon as a Jurist would be bulllclent
to Insure tho elec lion of the gontle
mon he has named, even If It hid not
become a settled policy to glvp tint
homo tandldato tho delegation fiom
his county without opposition or ques
tion. Finest wines and
20 Spruco street.
clears at Lana's,
Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
Has been uiicel for over FIFTY YEARS
" MU.I.KJNri of MOTIIEltS for tie il
ciiii niiK.v while ti:i:thing with
PLKl'KCT Hl'Ci'KSh it hOOTlll.'S the
li th bent rcmeely feu DIARRIIOL v
held by DrusHhU in evcrj putt of thu
w oi lei Hi' ure and usk for ' Mrs, Wlm
levv'b Soothine Hjrup," and taku no other
kind, Twcnu-tlvo ccMa a bottle.
Guernsci's hall Is most ndmlrnbly
adapted to chamber music, but perhaps
that Is not tho sollturv icuson why tlio
second concert of tho season was the best
ever given by tho Ilemlieiger quartette.
That tho programme had much to do with
tho plensuro nflordcil is undoubted, it
vvns a ptoKrimtno to cniupttire an an-
chorlto and the gieat pity of iho wholo
affair is that so tew weio picscnt to on-
Jov It. No one-, unless he were deaf, ir
utterly nbsorbe'il In Btocu gnmbllng, could
fail to bo uplifted by such delightful
music. It would bo well If our peoplo
would giovv familiar with tho niiely
beautiful selections whleh are presenteel
by this company. Mcsms. Weinberger,
Fred If., A. N. P.lppard nnd
T II. Rlppard.
Tbo llrst number, a Chcrublnl quattotto
In D minor, was fiit-elnntllig to a degree
Thu tlunle, a splendid strong nllegiu
movement, was plavel with peculiar brll
llanco anil color Nutuiullv tho dcscilp
llvi piece. Schumann's "Scenes from
Childhood," would most attract tho pop
ular fancy. It Is ho dreumj and truly
poetic in conception anil so purely ore
tbe themes brought out that tbo un
tnlned ear could not fall to wait Intently
for tho pretty "story" to sing on through
tho Mvect measures.
Tbo "Catch Me If A'ou Can" was n
swift, spin kllug bit of child piny rippling
Willi laughter "Trauniorl" Is too well
known and too fondly held by all to need
elescilptlon; enough that It wns played
with the hliw rliMhmlc How of a dream
dreamed out In tbe night beneath the
stnis. "Frightening" was weird and al
most too nhrupth rendered to bo artis
tically enjoyable, but "Thu Knight of tho
Ilohbv Horse" with Its Uvld motions ant
best of nil tho "Child Falling Asleep"
given with tho mute's were gems which
the auellenco could not hPur enough. Tbe
Ural movement was playeel with dlgnl'J
and grace.
Hut of all the progmmme, to the mu
sic Inji's car, the Clnelnrd qunrletto w is
perh ips the greatest pleasure The
adagio was exceedingly well Interpreted
and tho minuet was enthusastlcnll on-
coreil. The cello was partlcularlv fine
lu the lust movement. It Is to be hopd
that tbe entile gioup may be beard again
under more advantageous olicumstnncos
which will lulng out n throng of listen
Court will bo Asked Today for a
Mandamus to Compel City Con
troller Howell to Act Con
troller's Reasons.
City Controller Howell yesterday nn
noiinecd that be would not sign the n.s
tihalt icpalr contract, for thu reason
thnt he wns satisfied It was Illegal
Today Mr. Ruins, attorney for tho Bar
ber Asphalt company will go into court
nnd aslc for a mandamus to compel the
conti oiler to do his duty.
Mr. How ell's linln reason for be
lieving the contiact Illegal Is that It is
1 ten year contiact nnd only one year's
nppioprlntlnn is made to meet It. He
has some other reasons which ho says
will develop when the cose pots into
Mr Rums Is conflden1 that court will
grant the nmndnmus but tears that a
stav mry be seemed fiom tho supremo
couit, which might lie up tho contract
nil summer.
His ground for- this confidence Is a
decision by tho supreme court in an
exactly Identlcnl case from AVllllams
port in which it Is clearly and explic
itly stated that the cnnttoller's only
duty In tho piomlses Is to certify that
the nppioprlatlon has been made.
A Woildly Habit.
Fellows Vnu seem to fotget that th-:
weuld owes every mien a llvlnc
Bellows Nn. I don t, but I've dlscoverert
that it has tmlilhoel tho human habit of
not paling its debts. Detroit Freo Pi ess
Them Today
For another such offer in
Ladies' Oxfords will not like
ly be made again. A loss to
us, but a mighty big gain to
you, because Low Shoes cost
us from $1.50 to $2 a pair.
See the saving.
All of these Ladies' Tan or
Black Low Shoes, sizes -.v
2JS.3 and 3,pcr pair 5l)C
All of the Misses' and Chil
dren's Tan Ties and .
Strap Ties, per pair. .. 4vC
All of the Ladies' Tan or
Black Low Shoes, our better
grade sold for ?2oO and $3
Will close out, per -j,
pair pl.UU
These are only to be sold
for today.
410 Spruco Street.
TSie Trader
Letters ol Credit fop
Travelers, available all
over Eiirope.
V'e solicit accounts front f riiu, in
dividuals and corporations.
F L. PHILLIPS, Cashier.
Elmwood Mall
Elmhurst, Pa.
(Formerly ltot:l nimhuM . '
Open All the Year.
This hotel Una bean romo.lelo l ii'ul ntut I
ilirnnsliouiuiid will op.n lt doori Juno it,
1'oriatuii, ate, cull on oraeldren
one! Bank
And Go-Carts.
Baby Carriages will not move
without being pushed. Hence we
are pushing our new line to the
front. Our carriages are beauti
fully upholstered, lace cover on
parasols, double coil steel springs
steel wheels with rubber tire, hand
some iced body, making an at
tractive light running durable car
riage. Prices r.mge from
$6.98, $8.98, $11.98, $14.98.
Have Just Received a
Handsome Lot of Imported
These buckles are posi
tively the most artistic lot
ever brought to Scrauton.
We invite your inspection.
227 Lackawanna Aye,
Pickerel Rods
Removed to
MPPenn Ave.
Choice Line Plain and Fancy Hose
at 25c and 50c the pair.
Motel Jermyn
, ffflfi III
If you are buying a Wedding: Present, come in aud
look through our stock. We can surely suit you iu price
aud styles.
132 Wyoming Avsniis.
flPV 01 u
hi uiti ni
Kl to 140 MariJiji Slni SsriDi
aud Varnishes.
lYWlli Jl I-1 J"PWfcU, MaMM
Darken Our Doorway
wllh your presence when you want to
dnrkon our own doorwuy, or anything
else, with Paints of Kino Quality. AVa
have everything in tho lino of Paints,
Oils, Dry Colois, White Iz-aels, Varnishes,
etc. Also tbe right kind of brushos to
apply them with.
All these, paints are of high grade and
of great lasting qualities. Thoso for uss
outsldo will stand ycar3 without loslnjr
310 Lackawanna
1 Hand & Payne 1
m mm
S Knox $3 oo and $4. Other 5
s well known makes at $1.00, s
$1.50 and $2.00. Best for 5
5 the money. a
03 WaViitnzton Aye. 2
AH New and Modem Fixtures.
Perfect sanitary plumbing. Goods
not exposed to dust and dirt from
the street.
Bverything a market should
have you can find here. Compet
ent salesmen. Prompt service.
110-112-114 PENN AVENUE.
OF OLO AGE." -4"
A Re-
: marks!)!
I Is On Great
t Mldseasra Bar'aia Sala.
Everything imaginable for tha
comforts of home during tho sum
mer months is here awaiting our
lii'Vectlon and bcleetlon, as It will
follow, since no reasoning shopper
in need of anything In our various
departments could rct&lst tho fas.
clnatlng figures of our abundant
;ura, whoso namo Is laslon.
The follow Iub are u. few speci
mens. t
Solid oak, charcoal illnexl ico
chests ann reingerators.
upwuras irom
Nicely enameled Iron bed, all sizes
with brass vases on posts, com
plete with woven wire y nb
tprlng " r -,
All stslcs sizes nnd finish of
porch and lawn setteos bo- AQf
ginning at ,-"'
Folding camp
chairs, 10c nnd
stools and
225-227 Wyoming Ave.
4. 4. 4- -f 4- 4 -f
Wedding Presents
We Are Offering" Great
Bargains in
Cut Glass,
Lamps, Etc
tcctl Q I BcUEee Ebkbbi
UWilCTIillllG CO,
White U.v.1, Color?
m& G&-
5 J