The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 06, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Eire Chief Not Yet Confirmed Sov
cral Resolutions Adopted.
Select council met Inst nleht and
among other thlnns received an un
favorable report on tlio mayor's ap
pointment of J. J. McNitlty for flro
chief. Action was deferred.
Tho park matter whs taken up and
tho outcome will bo that tho city will
have tho Belmont street repairs made
and proceed against tho bond.
Resolutions were nxloptcd ns follows:
That $50 be paid the T.nckawanna club
for partition; that curtains be put on
tho board of health ofllce windows;
that city clerk advertise for bids on
city building repairs; that a malt box
be placed in tho lower hall for the
board of health: that a leaso bo exe
cuted with the Traction company; that
engineer put In lateral sewer for Fagan
The rpsolutlon granting John neck
rebate on sewer was referred to com
Tho Ceclllan concert In the Burke
building Inst evening was a success
artistically and financially. The per
sonnel of tho club, which was directed
by Haydn Evans, follows: Sopranos,
Mesdames John Wheeler, Hannah
Leonard, Charles Bliss, Flaherty, Clar
ence Rose, Misses Nellie Brydcn, May
Pengclly, Annie Stephens, Lou Wil
liams, Lucy Crow, Stella Hunter;
nltos, Mrs. J. 13. Burr. Misses Jessie
Moore, Jennie Butler. Alice Bashlelgh,
Nettle Bayley, Kfllo Vnndermark, Lot
tie Ellis, Lena Bronson. The follow
ing out of town talent assisted: Mr?.
Lizzie Hughes Brundage, Mrs. B. T.
Jayne, Mrs. Arthur Long, Mrs. L. M.
Evans, Miss Sadie Edwards, Mr. W.
A. Roberts, jr., of Scranton, vocalists,
and Mrs. Genevieve Bacon Baker, of
Nicholson, Ta., pianist.
Mrs. Mary A. Thomas, wife of I'oor
Director John T. Thomas, of Fell
ehlp, died at her home In Simpson Sun
day. She was born In Wales 49 years
ago and came to Amerlra 31 years ago.
Her maiden name w as Jenkins. Thirty
years ago she married Mr. Thomas,
who, with ten chlldten nnd two brotn
ers survive. Fhe was n member of
tho Welsh Baptist church at Mnyflcld.
For over three years she has been a
sufferer and has been confined to her
bed for eight months. The funeral
will take place In the church on tlw
Ridge at 1 o'clock this afternoon. In
terment will take place Immediately at
ter. Rev. Mr. Jenkins, of Mayfleld,
will conduct the bervices. Tho sur
viving children are Thomas J Mrs
Thomas Lewis, William J. Lewis, Al
bert, Arthur, Annie, Ruby, Lizzie and
Bertha, tho last six at home. Tho
brothers are Lewis Jenkins, of Michi
gan, and William T., of Scranton.
Superintendent Dowe, of tho Erlfs
Jefferson division, has been promoted
to tho Huperlntendpncv of tho Alle
gheny division from Ilnrnellsvllle to
Salamanca. While many friends will
regret his departure from Carbondale,
they will be pleased at his rise to a
position which increases his salary
from $175 to $275 a month. Mrs. Dowe,
who has becom- a favorite In social
circles hero, will be greatly missed. Mr.
Dowe will be succeeded by F. W. Hib
blts, of Port Jervis, trainmaster of the
New York division, the position which
Mr. Dowe held before ho came here.
The new superintendent Is a young
man, being only 33 years old and tho
responsible position he has held be
speaks his thorough railroad training.
Dr. II. C. Wheeler went to Boonton,
N. J., yesterday to see M. J. Deeths,
who is suffering npoplexy. The pa
tient had another hemon lingo Sunday
nnd tho end Is thought to be not far
E. L. Broderlek, of Olyphant, called
on friends in this city yesterday.
The three handsome new wagons
placed on the road yesterday by the
Tulace Creamery attracted much atten
tion. They have natural wood finish.
Dr. R. Ottman is vlsltlnc relatives
In Sidney. N. Y.
Mrs. E. D. Lathrop yesterday enter
tained Mrs. Leroy Bacon and Mrs.
Genevieve Bacon Baker, of Nicholson.
George Male has returned to New
York city after a brief visit with
friends here.
Elmer E. Garr, of Berwick, tho new
superintendent of tho schools, has ar
rived in this city.
Miss Marlon, who has concluded her
course of art studies in New York, wll
return home Friday. She will bo ac
companied by her mother, who Is visit
ing at Mount Clair, N. J.
Mrs. W. II. Harrison Is entertaining
Miss Grace Whitney, of Honesdale, this
Mrs. W. B. Foster, of Canaan street,
entertained the Women's guild of Trin
ity church last night.
Many friends of A. S. Baker In this
city will be pleased to learn of his ad
vancement In the railroad world.
Within a few days he will become chief
accountant of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western company's coal
department, with headquarters in
J. B. Nicholson Is attending the elec
trlcnl exhibition at Madison Square
Garden, Ntw Vcrli.
Mrs. Sayres, who has been ill for the
past three months at tho home of her
Bister, was yesterday able to bo re
moved to the homo of her daughter,
iHk pH Htw Bw HD flHj .HaW
Miss Hattle Sayres, of Miners Mills,
On account of the scarlet fovor opl
demlo in the Third ward, tho local
board of health has advised tho aban
donment of the school exercises for
fear of spreading tho dlseaso.
Tho school board awarded tho build
ing of tho now No. 1 school building
to the Peck Lumber Manufacturing
company, of this place. Consideration
$7,115. Tho building is to bo ready for
occupancy by Sept. 1, 1899. When tha
building Is fully equipped it will cost
over $10,000.
Cards ate out announcing tho mar
riage of Mr. Wayno Kennedy, of Pcck
vllle, to Miss Bertha Klzer, of Klzer
town, on Wednesday, June 14.
Mr. A. M. lCcstoll and daughter, Mrs.
Herbert Fear, were Scranton visitors
A number of grown peoplo from this
place took their little boys to see Paw
nco Bills Wild West show at Carbon
dale yesterday.
Mrs. D. C. Darrow, of Avoco, visited
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Barnes Sunday.
Dr. J B. Grovcr was a Scranton visi
tor yesterday.
Tho Now Tarlsh Social of A. P. L.
A. This Evening Personal nnd
Other Mentionings.
Tho members of the new Catholic
parish met in the church auditorium
on Sunday evening. The meeting was
nnnounccd at all the masses Sunday
morning and a large delegation of its
members were present. Thu meeting
was called for the purpose of taking
preliminary arrangements for tho lay
ing of the corner-stone on the founda
tion of the new church on Railroad
street. Invitations have been Issued to
a number of societies. Some have al
ready expressed their willingness to be
present. It is expected that Rev.
Bifehop Hoban and a number of well
known clergymen will participate in
tho services.
This evening will occur tho social of
the Lackawanna lodge, No. 18, Ameri
can Protestant Ladles' association, at
their rooms In Reese's hall. For the
past month tho members havo been
laboring to make the event a success.
A number of visiting ladles are ex
pected to be present. Admission, ten
cents. The menu will consist of eake,
coffee and Ice cream.
Miss Mary Heiscox, of Minersvlllc, Is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Davis, of Main street.
Mrs. Edwnrd J. Evans, of North Main
street, attended the funeral of a rela
tive In Plalnsvillo yesterday.
All members of tho fair committee
of Taylorvlllo lodge. No. C6S, Independ
ent Order ot Odd Fellows, are urgently
requested to meet at the burgess' office
on Thursday evening.
Yesterday was pay-day at tho Arch
bald colliery.
Mr. Kerrigan, of Paterson, N. J., has
accepted the position of foreman of tha
worsted mill In this place.
Rev. Thomas do Gruchy, ot tho Jack
son Street Baptist church, Hyde Park,
preached a very able sermon in the
Welsh Baptist church In this place on
Sunday evening.
The borough council met in regular
session last evening In the council
chambers nnd discussed mntters per
taining to the welfare of the borough.
Judging from the hustling manner in
which the committees from the new
Catholic church are getting upon them
selves for their first annual excursion
to Mountain park, tho 18th of July will
be an nssured success.
Mr. Bert Gcndall, of this place, called
on Jermyn friends the latter part of
last weak.
Tho marriage of Miss Lizzie Murphy,
an estimable young lady of this place,
and William Vaughan will be solemn
ized this month. The bans were pub
lished for the first time in the new
Catholic parish on Sunday.
The inside employes of tho Archbold
mines participated In n game of base
ball yesterday afternoon in the vicin
ity of the works. The contestants were
from the bottom vein and tho rock vein.
Tho game was won by a score of 15 to
6 In favor of the former.
Funeral Director J. E. Davis is con
valescing. THE EFFECTS OF THE GRIP are
overcome by Hood's Sarsarparllla
w.iich purifies the blood, tones tho
fctomach, strengthens the nerves, and
makes tho whole system vigorous and
A vegetable cathartic that can bo
relied upon to do Its work thoroughly
Hood's Pills.
The school board met last night and
a new organization was effected. Previ
ous to tho adjournment of tho old body
considerable business was transacted.
Secretary Carbine and Health Officer
Crans of the board of health were pres
ent nnd consulted with the board in
relation to the vaccination of the
pupll3 of tho schools. Mr. Carbine
stated that the law requires that all
pupils be vaccinated at least once in
seven years, and that it was over that
timo since any action of tho kind was
taken before. A committee, consisting
of Messrs. Williams, Nealon and Powell,
was appointed to confer further with
tho health board on the matter before
the schools are closed for tho summer.
Secretary Patten stated that a loan had
been secured from the Merchants' and
Mechanics' bank for the sum of $2,500
to meet tho current expenses. After
passing upon a few bills, the board then
adjourned sine die. The now board was
then formed, and tho following officers
were elected unanimously: President,
Thomas Lenahan; secretary, Georgo B.
Holleran; treasurer, George Hoyes.
James J. O'Malley was re-elected at
torney for tho board. The secretary's
bond was placed at $10,000. The regu
lar meeting night in tho future will be
tho tenth ot each month.
Eureka Commandery 244, Knights of
Malta, will glvo a reception and social
Dr. J. M. Powers, of Warrensburg, Mo.,
writes; " Johann Hoffs Malt Extract Is
-always a builder, always a blood maker, by
making digestion more perfect."
Johann Hoffs
in Lloyd's hall Friday evening In hon
or of the soldiers from Olyphant, who
enlisted nnd served In tho Spanish
American war. At the conclusion of
the reception dancing will be enjoyed
In Mahon's hall. N
Nellie, the 7-ycar-old daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Beattys, of Upper
Dunmoro street, died yesterday morn
ing at 11 o'clock after a brief Illness
of brain fever. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment will be made In St. Patrick's
Miss Lena Matthews, of Dalton, ha3
been spending a few days at her home
Miss Grace Hodgson was the guest of
Mrs. D. W. Harris, of Delaware street,
on Sunday.
Martin Lynott, of Hudson street, is
critically ill.
C. L. Foster, or Nicholson, ha3 ac
cepted a position in the Ready Pay
Edward Jones and Miss Minnie
Jones, of Taylor, were the guests of
Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Jones over Sunday.
Mrs. William Athorton, of Clark's
Summit, visited her daughter. Miss
Gertrudo Atherton, at tho Matron
house on Saturday.
Mrs. E. S. Peck and father, W. II.
Hull, of Green Ridge, spent Sunday
with Mrs. T. E. Williams in Blakoly.
Miss Ettle Hoban will attend the
commencement exercises at Avoca this
Misses Mamo Joyce and Margaret
McHale, of South Scranton, were visi
tors In town Sunday.
Charles Genter, of Scranton, was a
caller in town yesterday.
Miss Minnie Sargo has returned home
after spending a week with relatives
in Wllkes-Barre.
Miss Mary Rogan spent Sunday with
Providence friends.
Miss Hattlo Coons, of Jermyn, vis
ited friends in town Saturday.
Miss Clara Hull returned homo Sat
urday from an extended visit to New
Mrs. Robblns, of North Scranton,
spent Sunday with her niece, Mrs.
Abram Wrlgley.
Funeral Director G. W. Stanton at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Vangorder
yesterday at Nicholson.
Mrs. Walter B. Cobb, of Scranton,
was the guest of Mrs. A. A. Brown last
Paulowna lodge, Daughters of Ro
bekah, will meet this evening. The
newly elected officers will be Installed.
Wednesday evening In the lecture
room of the Methodist church there
will bo given a social for the benefit
of tho Epworth league. Ice cream,
cake and strawberries will be served.
Mr. Charles M. Walters and wife
wont to Montroso last Saturday. Mr.
Walters returned home Sunday, leav
ing Mrs. Walters to spend soino time
with her mother.
Rev. Abel Wrigley. of Newton, Is
calling on friends in town.
Tho thirtieth annual commencement
exercises of tho Keystone Academy of
Factoryvlllo will commence on Juno 10
and colntue until the lGth. The pro
gramme is ns follows:
June 10, S p. m. Principal's recep
tion to tho senior class.
June 11. 11 a. m. Sermon to the grad
uating class, Principal Elkhanah Hul
ley. 7.30 p. m., sermon before tho re
ligious societies, Rev. Hebert M. Pease,
Eatonvllle, Pa.
June 13, 8 p. m. Graduating piano
forte recital, Miss Ruth Brundage.
June 13, 14. Final examinations.
Juno 11, 8 p. m. Senior class-day
June 15, 3 p. m. Exercises of the
junior class.
Juno 15, 8 p. m. Prize essays and
orations of the middle class.
Juno 1G. Commencement day. 10 a.
m.. meeting of tho board of trustees;
10.30 a. m., graduating exercises of tho
senior class; 12.30 p. m alumni dinner;
2.30 p. m., annual address, Rev. John
H. Harris, Ph. D., L. L. D Lewlsburg,
Pa; 8 p. m., alumni reunion.
Bauer's orchestra of Scranton will
furnish music for commencement day.
Two Philadelphia detectives were in
town yesterday working up a caso
against the proprietor of the four-cent
store, which was recently on flro twice
within three days. It is understood
the insurance company has refused to
pay the loss and Intend prosecuting
tho proprietor. It is said they havo
already secured Important evidence. A
number of local witnesses were exam
ined by tho detectives yesterday.
The graduating class of the high
school have been photographed by
Photographer Burdlcki and tho group
which Is nicely framed is on exhibition
in the window of Dr. Davis' drug store.
Miss Sadlo Jennings, of Brandt,
Susquehanna county, Is the guest ot
Professor and Mrs. W. L. Rogers on
Second street.
Insuranco Agent Dunn returned on
Sunday from a visit to Syracuse and
The Delaware and Hudson breaker
worked eleven days last month.
The seats will not bo reserved in the
hall at the commencement exercises
this evening. Tho hall will bo opened
at 7.30, half an hour before the exer
cises begin. A collection to defray tho
expenses incurred by the class for rent
ot hall, etc., will bo taken up.
Adelbcrt Day, of Carbondale, visit
ed his brother, Arthur Day, of Ceme
tery street, yesterday.
The coming marriage Is announced
of Miss Maggie Collins, a well known
young lady of this borough, nnd P, II,
Bergan, of Mnylleld.
Assistant Mtno Foreman Tennis has
been clcotcd to represent the local con
clave of Heptasophs at the national
convention, which takes place this
month in Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. W. S. Badger nnd son, Preston,
have been spending tho past few days
with New York friends.
Tho marriage of Mr. Tim PJdgeon, of
Carbondale, and Miss Anna Hanophy,
of Mayfleld, is announced to tako place
at an early date.
Attorney II. D. Carey was a Scran
ton visitor yesterday.
The local wheelmen are making ar
Malt Extract 1
rangements for holding a social in En
terprise hall for the purpose of raising
funds to help defray the cost of tho
now cinder path between this borough
and Archbald.
MIs3 Margaret Murphy, of Scranton,
spent Sunday hero with friends.
Mr. John Parry, of Green Ridge, was
a caller hero yesterday.
Miss Elizabeth Bentley has returned
from a two weeks visit In Now York
Miss Edith Torrcy is homo from
school for tho summer vacation.
Miss Edith Decker has spent tho past
few days in Scranton and Clark's
Miss Mary Tracy has returned, homo
from an extended visit In Now York.
Miss Harriet Stanton is home from
a visit with friends In New Jersey.
The next band concert by Lawyer's
band will be given at Russell park next
Thursday evening.
Children's day -exercises will bo ob
served by the Presbyterian Sunday
school in the church next Sunday
Tho graduating exorcises of the
Honesdale high school will be held In
tho opera house next Friday evening.
There will be twenty-three graduates.
Tho game of ball Saturday afternoon
between the Bloomsburg and Hones
dalo teams on Honesdale grounds re
sulted in favor of Bloomsburg by the
following score:
Honesdale 0000010102
Bloomsburg 13000002 6
Batteries Bloomsburg, Williams and
Kellett; Honesdale, Golden and Cum
mlngs. Umpire George Volght.
Tho annual reunion of the Wayne
County Odd Fellows will bo held at
Farview June 22.
Mrs. R. M. Dorln Is visiting at White
On Sunday evening the annual ser
mon before the high school graduating
class was preached In the Baptist
church by tho pastor. Rev. W. H. Wha
len. His theme was "Equalizing In
fluence of Education," which tho rcv
erened gentleman presented in his us
ual pleasing and forcible manner to a
very large congregation. Although
chairs were placed in each aisle and
every available space, many could not
gain admittance.
The next game ot ball booked for
athletlo park will bo played by tho
St. Thomas college team, of Scranton,
and Honesdale team next Wednesday
Mr. CInro Davis, of Washington, D.
C, was tho guest of his cousins, tho
Misses Sutton and Mrs. Muntord, over
Company L will have their first out
door drill Thursday evening of this
The regular June term of court will
convene on Monday, June 19 next, at
2 o'clock p. m. There is no common
pleas list made up for this term, it
being simply to dispose of the quarter
bessions business and for the hearing
and disposal of rules and motions. The
sessions' business bids fair to be light,
and in all likelihood there will bo but
two or three days court.
William N. Reynolds, jr., ot Wllkes
Barre, nnd Georgo W. Cooke, of Scran
ton, spent Sunday In Tunkhannock.
On Saturday next at 1 o'clock p. m.
tho sheriff will sell the real estate,
franchises, etc., of tho Tunkhannock
Electric Light. Heat and Power com
pany. The sale will be held at tho
court house.
The funeral of Miss Isabel London
was held on Sunday afternoon from
tho residence of G. D, DeWitt. Miss
London was a sister of Mrs. DeWitt
and resided at the time of her death
with another sister, Mrs. A. W. Barnes
at Patterson, N. J. Tho remains were
brought here for burial on Saturday.
Colonel E. S. Handrlck- will attend a
reunion of his regiment, tho Ninth,
Pennsylvania cavalry, to bo held at
Gettysburg during this week. This reg
iment was recruited partly from Sus
quehanna county. Merchant Charles
Over Two Hundred Thousand Trial
Bottles Sent Free by Mail.
By special arrangement with the
manufacturers of that Justly famous
kidney medicine, Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy, the readers of Tho
Tribune are enabled to obtain a trial
bottle and pamphlet of valuable med
ical advice absolutely free, by simply
sending their full name nnd post of
fice address to the DR. DAVID KEN
Y nnd mentioning this paper.
Of course this involves enormous ex
pense to the manufactureres, but they
have received so many grateful letters
from thoso who havo been benefitted
and cured of tho various diseases, of
the Kidney, Liver, Bladder and Blood,
Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronlo
Constipation, nnd all weaknesses pecu
liar to women that they will willingly
send trial bottles to all sufferers.
Upon Investigation it was found
that 91 per cent, of thoso who have
used the trial bottle had received
such benefit from it that they pur
chased largo sized bottles of their drug
gists. It matters not how sick you nre or
how many physicians have failed to
help you, send for a trial bottlo of this
Great medicine, it costs you but a
postal card, and benefit and cure will
most certnlnly be tho result.
Put some urine in a glass tumbler
nnd let it stand 24 hours; It It has
a sediment or if pale or discolored,
milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your
kidneys or bladder are in bad condi
tion. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy speedily cures such dangerous
symptoms as pain, in tha back, in
ability to hold urine, a burning, scald
ing pain In passing It, frequent desire
to urinate, especially at night,' the
staining of linen by your urlno and all
tho unpleasant and dangerous effects
on the system produced by tho use of
whiskey, wlno or beer. Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is sold
at all drug stores for $1.00 for a large
bottle; six bottles for $5.00
Showing beyond comparison with any other
THERE IS A BEST TO EVERYTHING No matter what. Ninety-nine
times out of a hundred it pays to buy the best. Especially is this true novv-aduys
of Muslin Underwear. There is so much that is inferior. So much that borders on
bad. Often covered with inflated prices to present worth and value. More often sold
under the cloak of cheapness.
On Wednesday Morning, June 7th.
We Begin Our Great Summer Sale of
Muslin Underwear
The mere announcement will serve to crowd this storeminus the frills of de
tails. Yet we would have you know more of it. A stock here is worthy of descrip
tion. Could we take each dainty garment by itself and tell you the story of how it
was made ; what care was taken ; what finish is apparent you would have a good
sized book to read.
Thousands of Garments Very Lowly Priced.
If we judge correctly of the quantity in our store-rooms, there is enough to fill
the main floor of this big store. At any rate we shall give over the greater part of
the Main Floor space to this dazzling and charming display of white. It will be a
sight the like of which Scranton has never seen.
Of Course You Won't Buy Titi You See This Stock
You could not be expected to. You have come to know our Muslin Underwear
as the best. You have noticed an originality in the designs, an exclusiveness in the
patterns and a detail in the finish not apparent in garments of other manufacturers
than ours. We prefer all this rather than give you the same as others even for
less money. But, on the other hand,
We Combine Exclusiveness with Lowest Prices
And give you the best there is for considerably less than you're accustomed to
pay for the "same as others have." You see the point, don't you ? It means our
guarantee of goodness. It means lower prices than in any other store.
Watcli Daily Papers for Farther Particulars. Prepare to Come Wednesday.
Jonas Long's Sons
A. Hungerford, of this place, was also
a member.
The regular monthly meeting or Tri
ton Hose company will be held at their
rooms on Sunday. The company will
tako action In regard to filling eomo of
tho committees for tho fire county con
vention, left open for them by the lo
cal executive committee.
Tho members of Triton Hose com
pany who are without uniforms ard
being measured for them by John
Townsend, to whom tho contract was
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury.
at mercury will surely destroy tho sense
of smell and completely deranco tho J
uholo system when entering It throiiKh
the mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never bo used except on prescriptions
from reputable physlclnns, as tho dam
ago they will do Is tenfold to tho good
you can possibly derive from them. Hull's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure bo suro you get tho gen
uine. It Is taken Internally, and made
In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists, price 7jc. per bottlo.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
After a brief session the poor board
organized last evening. Tho following
Is tho roster: President, A. J. O'Mal
ley; secretary, William Doran; treas
urer, David Davis; Edward Gibbons,
E. J. Kellly, Martin Carden, il. J.
Dixon, Jacob Webster, J. J. Clifford.
Tho retiring members are Thomas
Harding and Solomon Deebje, both of
whom havo been faithful workers in
nil that pertains to the betterment of
the schools.
T. J. Dunn has purchased the hard
waro Stock of Lewis Baltimore, of Dur
yea. Ho will conduct business there
and in Avoca.
John Rldgelly has accepted a position
ns assistant mine foreman at a col
liery In IMwnrdsvllle.
Lawrence, tho 12-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Domlnlck McAndrew, has
been removed to a Scranton hospital
to undergo treatment for appendicitis
Mrs. William Walsh lias returned
home after undergoing treatment In
tho West Side hospital, Scranton.
Miss Mamie Pmlth, of Wllllamsport,
is tho guest of her cousin, Miss Nettle
Itcv. L. E. Pascoo addressed tho Y,
M. C. A. members at Plttston on Sun
day. Ills subject, "Tha Use and
Abuse of the World" was carefully
handled and beautifully given.
Mrs. Wllllarn Webber and son, Rob
ert, have returned homo after several
weeks visit with friends In Summit,
Every resident Interested In the wel
fare of tho borough should be present
at tho high school graduating exercises
this evening. Tho following program
will be rendered: "Joy, Joy, Freedom
Today," school; oration, William Jen
nings; solo, Mary Hums; recitation,
Elizabeth Scahlll; solo, William Gol
den; recitation, Sadie Boone; selection,
Touhill family; Mautha Oration, V. J,
Heston; response, John Heap; quar
tette, Mary Burns, Cella McCVynn, Wil
liam Golden, William Jennings; pre
sentation of diplomas, M. J. Dixon;
class song, school; presentation of
prizes, Prof. C. F. Hoban; farewell
csong, school.
The township school board met yes
terday. Tit old board quickly finished
up their business and adjourned sine
die. The new board Immediately be
gan to organize. John Fltzhenry, the
only new member, presented his certifi
cate of election and took the seat made
4r n E&K f " &wlLt''H0k
m rUitilM a .n t M1 jst& iC crtl
Best Goods for the Honey You Wish to Invest.
fjt fc. -.. - Jrt
, i s m i m. j p
Z-Fis!1) nlr
V Jm Itif JB Jm Mi m ma H JSI
vacant by the expiration of tho term of
John McCrlndle. The following direc
tors will shape the destinies of the
Lackawanna school district tho coming
school year: President, Thomas Coyne;
secretary, William Thomas; treasurer.
Thomas King. Tho board decided to
insure the new building In Lincoln
Heights with tho C. G. Boland agency.
Wednesday the hoard will mako their
annual tour of inspection.
The St. Joseph's society will run their
annual excursion to Mountain park on
August 22.
Good Measure.
"What was tho heaviest feo you ever
got?" asked tho pert young lawyer of the
Nestor of tho bar.
"A yearling calf and a load of pump
kins; aggrcgato weight a ton and a
quarter." Detroit Free Press.
no irr hkspaiu r ponoisuf
fer Longer t The jot t and Ambition of
lift can be restored to ju The, very
womcaeceot Nervou Debility are
absolute! cured by J'Kni'tCTO
TAISLKTM. GIt. prompt relief loin
omnia, falllntr mttnart nrl th wild
aa4 liral aV II a I Bvt a ln.iii a aM few
IndUcretlOfuoreiceMfiorrtiljr )rn.
Impart vlror and Dotenev to rv fun.
lion. Bract gptheijttfra. Uira ,-, bloom to t
eheekiaodluttro to tho ejti orTf ounf oreld.
One boo boi rni vital energy flfl boiee at
?LlOtcapletKtiaiantrdcur vTmyor moat re
Bdtit Lai to carried In veal W pot It el Sold
eterjwfcere or mailed la plain wrapper on tecelp-t
Wle by TMI rumtTC IV., riw am,,
Sold in Bcrnnton, Pa., by Matthews
Bros, and McQarrah & Thomas, dmefflsts.
i vigor ta the whole belnp. All drains
SP 9f
. bl w w rjm mw r
HUNin 1 f-T i u fir
are properly cureu, ineir condition vucu worrici tuem into inianuy, ioniumpiiuu vr isc.iu.
Mailed aealed. Price tl pefboaj b boxci, with iron-clad leial guarantee to cure or refund tho
money, Ij.oo. Send (or free boolc.
For Sal
and Spruce street
Easy Shoes for All
the People.
At Retail.
Coal of tho best quality for domestic
ubo and of nil Mzes. Including Kuckwhcat
and nirdseyc. Ucllvcicil in any part of
the city, ut tho lowest ptlrp.
Orders received at thi ollico, Council
building, Itoom WK; telephone No. 17C2, or
at tho mine, telephuno No. 272, will bo
promptly nttended to. Dealers supplied
at tho mine.
A.,LAerroua SteaeV&Uing Mtm
orj,Impotency, bloepleiineu.eto.. cauaei
tr Abueo or other Kxceabua nnd India
crottoDB, Thev quichlv and $urely
restore Ijot VitnUij in clJor joonr. nj
.sflSi i'rerAot lntnltr ami CoawmDtlon it
uiaiuBaioraiuur, Du-iooaaor marriaga.
latin m nine, xueiraee taowi irxvicaiaie impri
mentand effecta a OUHE whtro all other fail In
Ut upon having tha cecal no Ajux lableU. They
ier rail
hare car
hare carod tnouaundi ana nl ll care roa. we kit a po.
lure wruien uarani 10 eaeci a cure cri htc in
enractieor rotund the money, Trice vU U IOitc
Lien auarantAo t
monT. l'rirft wis u i Uimp
laokazoj or tix pkcee (lull treatment) for 13.60. lie
aCKizoj or iu pKcee (tall treatment) xor ZUJ. liy
anil.In rUln wrapper, upon receipt ot rricet. Circular
it. in luaio wripper. upon retTipiut iriro. circular
" AJAX KEftlEDY CO., "tJ
i blurt, Hi
For alo in Bcrantcn, Pa., by Matthews
Bros, and H. C Banderrcn, druggists.
They hire itoed the test of yein.
and uav. cured thousiads ot
ciin of Nervoui Dueaiei, wen
ai Debility, Dlitlaett,Sleepleti
netl and Vrlcoccle,Atrophy,&c
Ther clear lbs brain, itrtogtbea
mo circulation, muc wtauoa
perfect, and impart a faealthr
and louei are checked ftriitatwitly, Unleit patients
Addrets, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.
IMianimotst, cor Wyoming uveuuo