THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1899. 9 The Secret of Health The health of the whole body depends upon tho blood and nerves. Therefore the medicine that expels impurities from the blood and supplies the necessary materials for rapidly rebuilding wasted nerve tissues, reaches the root of many serious diseases. It is these virtues that havo given Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People tbeir wonderful power to conquer disease, and caused the miraculous cures that have startled the scientific world. Thousands of cases have demonstrated that this remedy is an unfailint? specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, ail forms of weakness either in male or female. Frank Tuclrer, Is h prominent farmer, of Ve-jsalUc". Indlnun. Ilii dnughter.lLuoy, I now fifteen years old , threa years nto shn besati nlUa. The rosy color In tier cheeks k wr to a paleness, nud she bornnie rnp Idly thin. As alio grew weaker khe t ecszne the victim of nctrous promotion. Motof the time nho vrn confined to tbe bod and nusuliooitt ou the verce of going Into Bt. Vitus' dnnce. "Klnallv tho doctor told m to Rive tier Pr Williams' rink I'llla for Palo People. Hald ho was treating u ilnilUrcascivvlth them and they were curing the patient. We began elvlug the pills at one, nnil the uext day wo could neo a cuango for tho hotter In her. The doctor told us toliet-p Kl Ing her the medicine. Wo Rave her one pill afttr each meal until she mi well. We becan cltng her tho raedlcl&o last August, and ahn took tbelatdOBe In October, having used eight boxes. Hhe la now entirely well and ha not been sick a day Univ. Wo think th cure almott miraculous." KKANK TtfCKEK, Mrs. Piiank TfCKKK. Subesrlbcd and sworn to befoio me this 28th day of April, 1M7. limn Johnson, JuiUce nf the Ptar: Verallle,Indlann, April 2Stb, ISDT.-JVom (fte republican, VertaUlei, Ind. Dr. Williams' Plnlr Pills for Pale People are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, irDr Williams Meatcine Co., scneneciaay, re. .,on rcccipi 01 prist, 3 pu I, e boxes, $a jo. m 2LECTHIC LIGHT COMPANY Cher Plant for Furnishing Elec tric Light May Be Built. Fhe fuct Hint the city alone fei street id public building lights, pajs be- "wifn Jiono and $,'.000 u .i has "opened the i)ts uf home people to thi? fact Carbondale nffouls n promising openliiR foi another elccttlo light plant and it Is piob.ible that a lompaii) will be fotnicd to build It. Tne men behind the scheme do not cato to be known In the matter Just yet, howevoi. An one who will feel the pulse of the business men inn ery soon satisfy himself that Cuibondalo is n Rood Held. Hete Is a chance to make a very profit able investment. ACCIDENT TO DELOS LETJSLEY. Delos, the little son of Mr. nnd Mts A. S Luislej, of lllpb stieet. met with a painful accident last evening While playlns about the house the little fcl 'ow fell oei a stool, caught bis foot ui. ' toie tho nail oft the bis toe. LOCAL AND PEESONAL. Mis. John Ammcunan. of Canaan stieet, has icturncd home from a visit in Honesdale. Mis. Tiank MeMjne. of Belmont itieet, is enteitalniiiR her sister. Miss Penil Wood, of Watklus. N Y. Mr and Mis Byron Prck hae re turned from Peek villi-, win te they vis ited the formers parents Tho Delawate and Hudson high woiks and No. 2S head house will be ltmoved next week. Miss Kona Daley left jestcrrtay for Boston, where she will study music Before taking up her woik she will visit Mrs. aeoiRO Talur, of Salem, Mast Work was lommenced on the South Main stieet pavement jesterdav. Mr and Mis. Ciajtnn Curtis, of Cannan street, are entertaining the foimer's sistei, Mrs 0car Glezen, of Oswego, X. Y , and his nicie, Miss Mar Ian Jones, of Itochestet The ladles of the Woman's suild of Tilnlty church met at the home of Mrs ft, A. Sawyoi mi Hlvor street Thursday afternoon and elected the following olllcoiv; Mis J P A Tins ley, president. Mrs A. H Isgar, vice president. Miss W. L. Lconaul, secre tary and tieasuter. Dr. Whtelci lecotvcd woid fioin Boonton )cstotdav to the effect that Mr. Deeths Is falling. OLYPHANT. The barbers of this place held a meetliiR yesterday and aKieed upon an early closliiR inuvument The) pio pose to close their shops on Monday evenings at 7 o'clock, and Tuesday. Thuisday nnd Tiiday evenliiRs at S. o'clock. Tho eaily cIosIhr n ill ro into effect on June I- The baibois who have enteied Into tlm nRt cement aie the follow Iiir II W Tavloi. John J O'Mallcv. Joseph Mi Hale, Hit hard Williams, Thomas I,. Williams, i:dard Pairy, J Smith, John Sherln. A mectlnR of tho boatd of tinde will be held Monday eveniiiR. The school board will meet on Mon day nlRlit for lcorRanlzatlon. The new board will bo composed of the followlnR members. Klrst ward, Tbos r, Nealon, Joseph Kelly, John Walsh; Second waid. Thomas Weaver, Joseph Patten. John Powell; Third ward, Thomas I.enahan, Thomas Donnelly, Gent-Re B. Hallnan: Fourth ward, James B Williams, Hlchard Pettlgrew, William I.aves. Mrs Klvlra JonesNias returned fiom a visit with relatives at Kingston At the f'onRreg.itlonal church to morrow evening tho following program will be rendered: Heading of Scilp tura and prajci, D T. Lewis and Jos eph Davis, reading. "What AVouId Jesus Do with a Sweet Voice" Miss Mary Morgan; leading "Tho Oiphans of Japan Playing. Plu.vlng and Print ing" Miss Annie Williams; address. "What Can a Miner Do for Jesus," Thomas Powell. Hegular sci vires will be held nt tho niakely Baptist chinch tomouoiv morning and evening. In tho even ing the pastor will pi each on "Tides In Human Life Setting Southwnid" The final examination of tin- pupils of Dickson, Throop nnd the Central nehool of this place will take- place to day. Pi of. r. H. Oieen, of nark's Summit, will conduit the, examina tions. Miss Agnes Hull has relumed homo after an extended visit with relatives at Philadelphia Kdwaid Cillleson. nf Poit Juivls, Is visiting at the icsldemo of Di h. Kelly on Lackawanna sticct. Mrs. J. II. Cummlngs nnd daughter, MIsb Sadie Cummlngs, of Carbon'dale, i K rasa spent ycsleulaj with Mrs. l'rank I'.il len. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. The borough louncll held their ngu lai monthl:. nuetiiig last evining. all the niciubeis being pi event. The fol lowing bills were lead and unbred paid Illectllc lights. $117 7r. Will Snvder, t.'; John Sclgle, Jl SI chief of police. $41, M. J. nagun. $li.Vi; woik on load, tll.ll; J P. Sampvon M On motion of Mr. Moon seconded l Mi. Stnntmi. It was decided to at once llx the llagstoiie walk in fumt of John Jeimyn's propcit:. on Main strei't.whleh for months p ist lnv been a ilangei to pedesttlans The stieet commlttci- weie onlered to piocuie oik planks foi the put pose of leplanklng the bildge over the river at the J.'ast Side Attention was di.iwn to the unsafe condition of tne smokestack at the planing mill, and, although some of the inenilicis said It was dangeious to life, It was pnvsoil over without any action being taken, because theie appeared a dlf feicnco of opinion as to wlfethei it was the buiRcv, the bn.n il of health oi the fiutorj Insjici tin's dutv to attend to It. Hon. P. H Timlin was elecled boiouah nttoiney foi the ensuing jeat ut the usual salary Tlie Ma field school bnaid met In .session Thmsdnv evening and closed up their accounts foi the pies ent school yiMi, The pieldcnt and tioasuier weie authoii.ed to boirnvv $1.110 to pay off the vailoii" claims out standing. The board Is making an ef foit this je.ii to bnrmw this sum fiom private panics at five pet lent or less inteiest, and foi a longei time than one ear. The standing of the nionibet- of the senior class of the High school was an nounced today. It is as follows. Mls I.oietta M Walkei, 91.'.; Miss Sarah V. Quliin, A6.4; Mi-s Maty I). IMmunds, 00. Mls Hose Cojle !).': MI- Annie I Kllkui. 90, and Miss Nellie MiNultv, In the business, 9". These avei ages aie veiy ci editable, us thc.v aie all 90 or above. The work elone has been done honestly and thoroughly. The valedittoiy has been awaidcd to Miss Walker, and the salutator; to MIs Sarah Qulnn. We have leeelvod the follow tn com munication from Or S. D. Davis The Coiiespondent Scianton Tribune. Deal Sir The local wheelmen are spending consldeiable inoiiej In the building of a .side path, ;set they lose sight of the org-inlatlon known as the League of American Wheelmen, who weie instiuiiiental in having the law passed piovldlng foi the building and main. Ining ot sid" paths It Is hanlly fair th . a few should stand .ill the woik nud expense foi the inanv. All the legislation bum tlrlnl to wheelmen has been nt Initiated and pushed thioiigh by the efforts of the League of Anuil enn Wheelmen i:vmv ptison ot good character who tides n. wheel should be come a member. I will gladly explain to j on mole ftillj the lienellt of tho association if ou will peisonally call. Let me sond In join application for nienibeishlp. We aie pledged for ' Hood IbMil"" S s Davis m U. Local Consul L A W. Will Sevmoui was vesu-nlav ai polnted bj court ta collectoi to suc ceed the late Jose-ph Ja , si Chailes Daly will have today on a visit to r.iiKlninl. Mis L. A. (It con. of South Main stieet, entertained a number of little children jesteidav afternoon In honor of her daughter Alice's fouilh bhth da Those present weie Clara and Maigaret Moirls. Ida Pendied, Vera Haj, Mildied Baker, Vivian Lee, Louise Nicholson, Huth May-Mid, Mildied Prvoi, Ituth Nicholson. Ida and L'llza betb Davis, Hlwood Allen and Halph McGlnh'y Hev J B Cook, pustor of the Metho dist L'plsdipai chinch, will pi each to. morrow moinlng on "Seed Sowing," and In the evening on "A Comfoitlesa Mothet " The following ladles last evening at tended the china painting exhibit of Miss Delia Chumaid. ot Caibondalo: Mesdamcs Walteis. Wlllman, Knduor. Winter. Townsend, Swlck, Mellow, Paik. Hocers nmi mi.u tm.,,,.... m.i. J and Hocking Miss Hose Scjinoui, of Second stteet, and llany Ileaiiman, ot Pec k Hie, were mariled vesterdaj at Tavloi bs It. v. 1'iancls fiendall Thej will uslde at Peckvllle. The school bouiil will meet for oi -ganbatlon next Monday overling wluu W H. Moicoin, Thomas Hunter and James Ldniunds will take their seuts Mrs Ciegoe and daughter, Mis Pcth bk, of Catbondule, weie on Thursday the guests of Mis Theodoio Spettlgue. of Cemeteiy street. Pilvate James O'Malley. of Company L, I-'irst Infnntti. who Is homo fiom Cuba on a fin lough, visited Mav field friends Thursday evening H, A. Wlllman was a Scranton vis itor jesteidaj. Will Ti otter, eon of Mr. and Mis. John Trottei, of Second stieet, who a few months ago enlisted In the cavalry, has unfortunately contracted typhoid fever nnd Is now laid ii In the mili tary hospital In South Dakota. If you contemplate- ntU'tidliiR tho commencement exercises Tticsday.don't fall to apply at Hie High school this uftctnoon for ticket of admission. TACTORYVILLE. Among the visitors hero Memorial rny were Mr. Tiihn Cirnnt, of Various: Mr. N. K. lllee, Mis. Davis Orccn. Mr. utiil Mis S"th Wrlglcv. nf Scranton The Misses Bertha ami lluirkt ('tis man ate spending a few ilan In Tunk hannock. The suminrr train miming between Scinnlon nnd rnetoryville, Mill be put on next Monday nnd will bo welcomed in nmnv people ilclilng to leave the i Ii v at 4 o'clock. At the state assembly, t( really held nt Allentowti b) the Daughters of ll Ii kan tndepeniltnt Order of Odd Tel. lows Mm. (J V. Stanton, of this place, was appointed grand masters deputy foi Wvomlng county. Mis, Stanton Is a w oi thy member of I'nulmwia IoiIrc, Vi 5s, and Is well tilted for the office. Mi nnd Mrs. P. H. Walter tcturneil lnt evening fioin lint ford, whore they bad been visiting Dr. and Mrs. A T. Prundagc Ml Albtrt flilinoie Is soilollslv 111 Dl nnd Mis. Chailes A Xellei. ur D.ilton, weie In town on Wednesday. TAYLOR NEWS. A Highly Respected Lady at Kest. Seivices at the Dlffeient Churches Tomouow Other Happenings. The latge concouive of filend'i that attended the obsequies of the bits Mis. Maigaret Coblelgh yesteiday afternoon showed the high esteem In which the cliveascd was held by the people of the town. Poi fully an hour be foi e tho lime set for the fuiietal the 1 evi dence on Main stieet was thionged with people who had gathered to pay their last tribute of lespect to the memoiy of the- deceased. The casket listed in thr pallor and nianj beauti ful floral ofteilngs rested theieon. Ill let services weie held tit the house by the Hev. II. 11. HiinK PU .D . of the Calvaij Baptist chuich. A nioie cAtended -seiviie win conducted In the Welsh Baptist chinch, of which the deceased was an active member, Tim seimoii was pleached by Itev. Di. Ilnr ils and Hev Thomas, of Plltstoti. The leveiend gentlemen consoled the Hol lowing fi lends with the piomlse of ic llglon to those who solve their master. Thev lefeiied In fitting telins to the pxemphuy lite of the dei eased as u kind diligent in.ithei and of her lo.v alt to the chuich. Aftei the seivices the n mains weie laid at lest In the Washbmn stieet cituituj. Hde Paik. The church choir undei the dhectlon of Profes-Mii John Pi a lie Is, sang se v - ,1'inl beautiful anthems. The lloial of feiings weie miiiicinus and beautiful. The flower beaieis were. Misses Maud Davis, Leah Hvims, Maggie Thomas, Hannah Powell. The pall beareis wircj Walter James. Moigan 1). Lewis, luvld T. Hauls and David M. Davis. Pi ide of ln kawanna lodge. No IS, Ameiicin Pioteslant Laelles' avsoclatlon, of which the deceased was a number, attended in a bodv. Among tho out-of-town people that attended the obsequies vveie Mi. and Mis. Da vis, (,f Plymouth, .Mis. Owens, of Nan ticoke, .Mis. David Jongs, of Wllke.s llai i e, Mi. William DavK Mis. Thomas Thomas, Mrs. David Jones, Mis. John Lewis. Mis, Davis, of Hyde Paik. Puneial Dliectors William Pike .. Son had ehaige of tho lemalns. The following base ball plavois are requested to meet at the cornet of Main and Union vtreets this evening at 7 10 o'clock. Mevsis. Hvan Davis. John Powell, Chailes Hammond Thomas Powell, M Day, Pred Stone. Sidney Owens, Hdgar Stone nnil Ilecse Thomas. Services nt the Clival y Baptist chuich touioiiow will be held at the usual houis, Hev. Di. Hauls olllclat Ing Hev Ivor Thomas will preach at the usual boms tomoirow at tho Welsh Congiegallonal chuich. I'teiislve piepntutlons are being made foi the' entertainment to be given nt the CaHai y Baptist auditorium on June' li under the auspices of the Y. P. 1! I, of the above chuic h The Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western conipanjs collleiles In this place started the teu-hoiii .sjstem jes teidaj to continue until tuither m tiers Hev. Pianees ijendall will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist Hplscopal ihuich tomoirow. I was sMlously ullllcted with a rough foi vveral jeais, and last fall ha 1 a moi a seveie cough thnn ever u-foie. 1 have used many lemedles without leeenliif, much lellef, nnd being iec ommei'did to try a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough llemedy, by a fiknd, who, knowing me to be a pooi widow, gavu It to me, I tiled It, and with the most giatlljlng results. The (list bottle te lieved me vei j inuil, and the .second bottle has absolute!) cuied inn. 1 have not had us good health for twenty jeais I give this certificate without solicitation. Htmplj In appieclatlon of the gratitude telt loi the e mo elfected Hespectfully, Mis Mat) A. Be aid, Cluienioio, Aik. For sale by all diug gists; Matthew Bros, wholesale and le tull age nts TUNKHAKTNOCK. The (lie alarm was sounded bete on Pilelay afternoon about C.1G, and, al though the had not been out for a month, they mndu a quick le sponse and had theli hose laid ready lor seivlce in a veiv shoi t time The Hie was located In the leal of the W. D Sampson meat market, on Tioga street, among some boxes and ban els which had been tin own out time, und was lu danger of eommunlcutlng to the building itself. The blaze was ex tinguished without limning the water through the hose, and the only dam age was tu the bo)s who stood out In the lain with the hose William M. Plutt Ji of Lafajette college, la home to attend the giadu atlng ixeulses uf the Tunkhannock High school, of whbh Institution he Is it sradmite and where his sister is a JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIOIIIL iBEEGHAM'Sl PILLS I Small Pills for Big Ills likc INDIGESTION f I CONSTIPATION I BILIOUSNESS I I 10 cents and 25 cents Druggists. "jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll? Vuffy's Pure Matt Whiskey isuwmm iiii.i.ii,q A Medicine (A Stimulant Is useful in malarial districts because it sustains the body in its fight toltb the poisonous influences of bid Air. This whiskey is rich in upbuilding power for sickly men and fragile women. cA heilth'mAker ; an invaluable household remedy. To be bought of druggists and grocers. DUFFY SMALT WHISKEY CO. Rochester, N. Y. member of this jeni s class. Mr. Piatt is a member of the senior class of his college, nnd Is one of the honor men. He Is also the youngest member of bis class C. S. Knnpp, of Sklnnei's Hddy, was In town Thursday and Kildav. Associate Jui1ri P. M Vaughn wan In Tunkhannock, Tliutsday The comment enient exercises ot the Tunkhantioek High school mem led on Pildav afternoon and evening. Tim class day eeiclses took place In the afternoon at 2 o'clock and the follow ing piogranime vins tendered. Music: salutntoiv. Lena M. Bergman; eluss history, Huth Pick Piatt: ehaige to the Juniors, Fiank A. Pi ear, presen tation oration, John V. Boiden; re sponse, Lauia M. Steele, e lass ode, nilrnbt'th J. Leighton. toll-tall The comnielli ement exerelses were held In Piatt's opeta house on Priday evening at 7.10 o'clock. The programme was as follows: invocation, D. J Woods: music-. Prof (Icorgo Carr, salutatorj-, John P. Borden, cvv.iv, I.ena M. Beig man; oration, lMward L Brown; music- oration, Thomas C. Bovce, es say. Laura M Steele; oi.ition, Prank A. Pieai. niiivii . lecllatlon, Huth Peck Piatt, ess.ij, n.iiiy C. Klttredge, musu , oiatlon, Chailes i: Jones; vale dictory. i:il7abeth J. Leighton; preven tatlon of diplomas This is the slx tei nth commencement of tho Tunk hnnnotk High si iiool N W. Ib'jnolds, W. N. Shaw nnd Hon A. II. Squler attended a meeting of the stockholder of the Standard Llectiic Light company at Wilkes Baire on Thmsdnv afternoon. Mis. Oroigc It. McLeod, who has been visiting relatives In Scranton, le ttirned home Thursday. Mr and Mis. C. O. Deishlmer are spending a few- elajs In Sttanton. Attorney Ilctuy Haidlng tetumed Thursday fioin a week's stay In Phila delphia. SPRING TIRHDNJ'S.S Is different from the weailness caused by labor. The last Is cured by lest, the first ie qulres a few bottles of Hood's Sarsap atllla to cute It. That dlsttess after eating Is cured by Hood's Pills. Thej' do not gripe. 23 cents. CLAIIK'B GREEN. Dawson Huber, of Scranton, spent a shoit time here with lel.itlvcv, the eaily pait of the week. The entertainment of the Ladies' Aid society on Tuesday evening last was well patronized nncl the sum of $23 was received as the lestilt. Mr. William II. Swallow has begun the foundation for his elegant new bain Mi. and Mrs J. L Lutsey and son, Fiank, Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Spiague and son, Kdward, of Scinnton, Miss Jane Lee and bl other, William Lee, ut ic, Mr. and Mts r'led C. Hanyen and famllj, of Waveilj-, were guests of ilr ,nit i Mi 3. Kdward Lutscj on Deeoiatjlon thij. A. W. Gaj- and John Hutchins, of Wjomlng. Pa. and Miss Clara Mat lack, of Wilkes-Bai re, spent Sunday Inst with Mr. and Mi.. B IS. Court .Igbt on the occasion of the founei's t went) -fourth bltthday. Mcssis. Hudson (Sregoij- and Tied AVInlleld, of Mill City, called on friends heie on Tuesdaj' last. The luneial of the late James B. .Mack took place at the Methodist chuich hue on Sundaj- last at 2 o'clock p. in. Inteiment was made In tho Clark's Clieen cemetery. Many tasteful designs weie ellsplajed In the giounds of the Claik'a CJieen cemeteiy on Decoiation day. Mi. James. Pentecost, ot Scranton, ipe-nt a cotiplo of dajs with his parents, .Mr. anil Mis. Thomas W. Pentecost, this vvi-U Mi and Mis A J Singer are? cn Jojlni: a ('.Fhing exclusion at St. John's lake. PEOKVILXB. Mr. and Mis B. II. Patkhurst and daughtei fiom LTklund. and ilrs. J. W. Paikhuist and tlaughter, Gertiude, ot Heed City, Mich, aie spending u few d.i)s with Hey. and Mis. H. II, Moon, of South Main stieet. The Wilson Pile company are pre pailng to hold their fouith annual clam bake and social on Jul) 4. There will be Held games, races and fire woiks in the evening Mi and Mis. D. W. Hlekey visited ft lends at Plttston j-esteiday. Mis. A. A. Ajies Is spending a few dajs with relatives tit Unlondale. Miss Maud Kler, of Biadford cnun tv, Is the guest of Mi. nnd Mis F. A. Peek. II 11 HofTWker had the misfortune to b.idlj cut his tight knee with nn axe- tin Wetlnesdaj' last. Haile Dunlnp, who has been seilous ly 111 was lepoited slightly Improved jesterdaj. Mrs W J. Bioad and son, Wlnlield, was the guest of Scranton telatives )esteulav. Peckvllle Baptist chinch Hey. J. S. Thomas, pastoi. Sunday seivices at 10.10 nntl 7 30 p. m Moinlng subject, "Chi Ist nnd tho Deaf nnd Dumb." Hvenlng subject, "God In Chilst." Sub'buth school at 11 "0 a. in. NEW MTLFOIlD. Miss Jennie Moore, who has been seilously 111 for tho past two weeks, Is slowly recoveilng. Ml. Hussell Stan, of Hiookl)n, N. Y, has been vlbltlng his musln, L. G. MeCullom. this week. Mr. und Mrs. Hlchard Mots, of Sut- (Aim yC rtuchonna, weie guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, T. F. Moss the first of tho week. Mrs. George Gardiner, of Scranton, Is visiting relntlves In tho township, Fred nnd llert Mooi have been In New- York the past week on business. A number of noting people fiom Monti osc- and Hnllsteail attended the conceit ut tin? opera house Tuesday evening. Mrs, Fred Hamlin, of Binghnmton, visited friends In town Tuesdaj-, Mips May Sojmotir, of Hlngluimton, spent a few- daj-s with her parents here the (list of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. c. H. Shay, of Peclt vllle, me visiting their .patents here this week Mrs. Bert linger, of Dalton, was a guest of f i lends! In town Tucselny. Hrnest Moss, of Metlden, Conn,, vis ited friends hole lecently. Mis. James II. Putnam, of New York, was the guest of Mrs. H. B. Carpenter this week. Mr J. Bell and w'ife, of Great Bend, visited Mts. s. Bell the first ot tho v eek. Mr. nnd Mrs L'dwaid Ilendrlclts.'of Hallstend, called on frlend- here last Sunday. Hubert Hatbj-, of Walton, returned homo Tuesdaj-, aftei spending several days with friends here. MONTROSE. Tim death of Hon C. J. I.athrop oc cuired at his home In Hiooklyn, Pu , iccentlj-. He was once a member of the Pennsylvania legislature. Hev. Father A. T Broderlck visited l datives in Susquehanna tho flist of the week. Miss Mntv Bainey Is visiting Miss Lit a Coeh In New Yoik. The funeinl of the bite H. L. Cool, of South Monti op, took place at tho church on Filday, May 2fi. The funeinl of Ml si Jennie M, Chand ler occurred In BliiRhamton, May 31. Interment was made at Montrose. Chailes T Wnttous Is In Scranton, called there by the lllne-ss of his son, Fred. Hev. and Mrs. I. N. Shlpman, or BliiRhamton, visited fi lends In town lecently. Miss Kittle Aitkeii, of Montrose, is visiting In Wllkes-Harie The mnnlagp of Hany E. Bennett and Maud M. llrown. by Hev. A. L Benton, took place at the home of the bride's paicnts. on South Cheiry stieet, Monti ose. May 30. The building of the new Bnptist chuich In Monttose Is let to Brokaw & Co . of Deposit, N Y. Miss Jessie Ionnrel, of BliiRhamton Is visiting her lit other. Fitch Leonard. The annual reception of tho Young Men's Christian association will be held June 9, postponed fiom Maj 31. Homer Greene, the Honesdale poet awjer, wa. here Wednesday to give his readings befoie the Normal school attendants and the public. Ills entei talnment was very enjojnble, and his stoiy of Gun, the witness, for tho first time in couit, was one ot the best things ever heaul in the town, and worth going a long vav to hear Mis. Polly McCollum lies seilously 111 at her home In this place. She Is the mother of Justice J. B. McCollum. of the Supieme i ouit The memoilal address at Law sv lie, given by Prof. B. K James, of Mont tose, Is highly spoken of. A verj- high wind, that made people think of what they read In tho papeis ns to the cyclones, followed bj a heavy shower, was among the exciting things here Thursday afternoon. T. J. Davies letuined from his trip to Hngland yesterdaj', where he went a month ago. In the Inteiest of a client. AVhlle abroad he also visited Ireland and Wales, and lan over Into Fiance. Merchant W. N. Whitney, of Hush, was doing business heie yesteidaj-. Miss Lillian Tltswoith Is visiting filcnds In New Yoik. MOOSIC. MIs Jessie Stearns, of Peekvllle, who has been visiting her i niisin, Miss Tie gallls, returned home Wcdnesdnj-. Mr. Hopkins, or Mr. McCi Indie's store, has moved from Plttston Into the Ives house on Mlnooka nv enue. Mr and Mis J. JI. Williams aie ex pected home todaj- after a two weeks' visit among li lends at Stroudsbuig. A gang nf men are engaged in lajlng the thlnj-luch pipe along Wyoming avenue for the Spilng Brook Water company. Pinal examinations at the high school will be held on Satutdaj-. Mr John Dymoncl. who caught n slx pounder while tisliing Decoration Day, nleso caught a cold from which he? has been laid up several dajs. Mrs. Tiae k, who lias been on the sick list, Is impioviug The Hpwoith league business meet ing and socl il will be held at C. 13. Berlew's Wednesday evening, June 7. Alter the usual spilng house cleaning the powder mills have stntted up again. Cauls aie out announcing the mar riage of Mr. Sjlvestei Coiby to Miss Maud G. Hdsell to take place Wednes day evening. June 14 at 8 o'clock. Mr. Damon Hllis has leturned fiom a visit to Tunkhannotk fi lends The Sunday sehotd liilldieu of both churches are pi ai tie lug for Chlldien's day services on June 11. PRIOEDURO. A Polandf-r, who resided on Lincoln street, and was emplojed In Johnson'.s slope as u miner, after quitting work yesterdaj aftei noon, thtougli some mistake, fell Irom the Diamond vein, a distance tf COO feet, and was lltetally smashed to pieces. Pilcebuig Hose company has pur chased a stieet spilnl.ler for use on Main street Services In the Pilmltlvo Methodist chuich at 10.10 n. in. nnd 7 p. m Sun day, ondiii tetl by Pastor W. II. Hol der. Sunday school at .' o'clock p. m. Bewaie of Ointments for Catairh That Contain Mercmy, as ineicuiv will smelv destiov the senee of smell und comphtelj deninne the whole svHimi when i nti ring it through the mucous surfaces Sue Ii articles should invir bo used exiept on pre srilptlons liom mutable phjHklans, us the il.uu. ago thev will do Is tenfold to the c,ond joucati poiHlbl) derive Horn them Hulls I'atiitih Cine, manufactured b P J Client) & to. Toledo, O, contains no mereiii). and Is liikt n Inlermilli, acting ilirectl) upon the blood ami mucous stir fitces of the Hjstem In hii)lng II ill's Catnrih ('tin be ure von git the gen uliio. It Is tnUeu Internally and miilo la Toledo, Ohio, by F J. Chenej ,S. Co. Testimonials tiee Sold b Druggists, price T.e pt i bottle. Hall's Fiimllv lills ore the best. Once Too Often. "What s all this excitement about?' ".Nothing woith mentioning. Jian got knocked down." "Accldinf" "Not exactly. One of these men who nlnj)x catch hold ot )ou mid puh )ou out of their wa) when )ou huppeii to meet them ot a irowdcd comer Muhheil the wrong man Jual now, That s all, Chicago Tribune. ViiWX. Miss Josle Hall. Miss Joseuhine Hall, one ot Hie most populai and talented aitt esses of the da), wiltes to Dr. Hartmun as follows: '1 have found lV-rti-na un excellent preventive, ns well as a lenitdv. I most heat tllj leeommend Pe-ru-na: It should be considered a necessity by every nctiess in tlm couiutj." Mis Maty P. Baitholomew, of SL Pranclsvllle. IlllnoK sajs "I was af lllcted with female trouble I doctoicd with sevetal skillful doe tens, hut kept getting woise until I became bedfast I had four physicians tending me. but got no belter. I owe my life to Dr. TURNED TO STONE. Alphonso XII of Spain Has nt Last Become a Fossil. Prom the New Yoik ileiold. Alphonso XII ot Spain, father of the little boy who now lilies Spain as the unlucky thltteenth of that mine, has finally turned to stone Stiangelv enough. It took him just the thlitecnth unlucky vent after his death to ac complish this lestilt. Stub was he Medusalike eftect of Sampson at San tiago nnd Dewey at Manila. Thllteen jeais Is nil uiieommoulv lung piilod for the body of a Spanish nionarc h to resist the petrifying eflects of I3t I'ol rideto, the charnel house of the F.s curlal. vi bete all lojol botll s aie laid until thev are sullkleutly fo-sllized to be lemoved to the Pantheoi ot U.ngs In the same monaster)-. The regula tion pel lot! has usually been si.x, or at the most seven )ears, but the body of Alphonso XII seems to hive felt It a duty to resist until the end had come with the signing of tho v- of peace befoie It gave up the struggle. Yet theie are some people who gllblv descrlbe the Spanish rovaltles ns fos sils even when they me appatently alive-. The palace and monastery of Sun I.o lenzo del (that is the coriett Spanish spelling) originated, as we all know. In a vow to St. Lawtenee made by Philip II of Spain at the battle of St Quentln (l"i7) and was erected In I'f.t-Sl Its general fotm Is that of a gridiron, in memoiy of St Lawrence's martyrdom, the length being about 7S0 feet anil the bieatlth about CJO. It was much Injuied by fire In 1601 and again In 1S72, and also by the vandalism of the French soldiery In 1S0S. One of the objects of Philip II was to piovlde a mausoleum for Spanish kings and their consents. Tho octagonal room In which this object is subserved is known as the Pantheon. Matble sar cophagi, each ptopetly labeled with the name of Its illustiioti.s occupant, are ranged one abovo the other four deep on marble shoves. But previous to tlm final sepulture each corpse has to be exposed, naked save for a single sheet, renewed from time to time, on the marble slab in the podildero or lotting vat. It is said that the eveiy air of this charnel house possesses petrilylng piopertles. These piopertles nre enhanced or pos sibly produt ed, by the ae tlon of drugs which slowly tilckled down upon the coipe fiom faucets above. Piopeily constituted authorities examine the coipse fiom time to time to see that the work of fossllatlon Is progiesslng satlsfattoiily, and to announce when It Is completed Then the ceiemony of the tinuslatlon of the lellcs Is obseived with magni ficent pomp. It is aveiied that bodies so petrllled do not always letaln their stony consistence. It is vvhlspeud that many of the snieophagl contain onl) crumbled dust. But It is cettain that two ot the mightiest dwelleis In this Pantheon ate as haul and Hun as when they wie (list put In theli last lestlng place. These ale Chillies V (the lit st of Spain) and his sou, Philip II. Chailes V died 111 T.'iS, and and at the completion of the Pantheon his body vvas tiansfeiied thlthei and found to be une hanged The saicophagus was opened bv Cailos HI to giatlfy the cutioslty of Iii'tkfoid, the eccentllc nuthor tif "Vathek," and araln. In 1S60, by the ministers of the levolullon. On the latter occasion a ill aw lug was made of It b) n Spanish artist, .Mai tin Heco. It eonlliins In eveiy point the ti.idltlomil elescilptlon of the empeioi "broad In the shouldeis, deep In the chest, vei) museulai In the arm and legs, the foiehead bioad, the noso crooked and aquiline and the undei Jaw 'protruding' so far be)ond the other that the teeth could not meet." Ills beattl bus lost the ted color painted b) Titian. It Is of a muddy chestnut, InteispeMsed with fuquent ginv. What words would the eaveinous depths of that awful mouth have ut teied had It huoTWi that hlstoile curl oslt) was I" violate the snictiu of his tomb, to lift him liom Us sailed pieclucts. to unwind his shroud: to expose him naked to the pel pctuatlng skill of an aillst' The louqueior of Fianels I. the master of Huiope, the soteverelgn of .Mexico; he who was sated with powei and pomp, and who had weal lly laitl dawn the steptei evtn before tho llnnl summons had come. In older to letlie to the conventual ptlvaey of St. Just, would 111 have brooked this liitiusion upon his last repose. But he Is only a mummy, and so, now, Is Alfonso XII. the latest of his successors to loin him In the shades, ami the liislgulllcaut i oilman t of what was once the mighty empire of Spain Is iilletl ovei b) a weak and ailing boy. ROQUEFORT CHEESE. Tho Toothsome Delicacy Has Been Known Since Pliny's Time. Prom the Roquefort checso Is of very ancient Unease, nnd Pliny m.-tittJiiu it In his PELVIC CATARRH. A Now Nftinc lor an Old Ailment; Known ns Female Complaint. Hnttmiin and Pe-tu-nn. t thank God und Dr. for my iccovery." Pelvic cntaith Is a new name for n very common disease known us fenialo weakness. Most women have moio or Kss what Is called female, complaint. This Is In lenllty pelvic cutatth. Theie aie so many women, especially mariled women, who tints themselves wearily around from year tt jear, mis erable beyond description. They ncho and tiemble and thiol), gi owing moro hcivous, tired and debilitated every day. Pol this class of suffercm Pu-ru-nu Is the most pel feet remedy In existent e. It iclleves, It soothes, it quiets, it stietigthens, and no victim oC peivtc catnrih In the land should be without IV-iu-na Mrs. A. J. Hull. Leoni. Kan., writes: "I feel ns If I am entirely well and tan do ns much work as when I wan oting. I don't have any palnH about tne, and I thank you a thousand times for curing me. Aly tumble was femalo complaint. 1 had falling of the womb und gieat pain. I tell every woman I talk with that Pc-iu-u.i Is tho best foi them and that It saved my life. lhulometrltls Is the medical term for catauh of the womb. Catanh oC tlm womb Is very common, pi educing what Is geneially calleil female disease. Dr. Hartmau minuets all letters freo of ehaige He treats (v el JO (100 women annually for some foi in ot female dls case. Wi Ite him at once. Pe-ru-na euies these tioublespronipt Iv and pennant ntly. A book entitled "Health and Beauty" willten by Dr. Ilmtman. especially lor women, sent fiee. Addiess Dt. Hattmnii, Colum bus, Ohio. w tilings. Pew eplcutes who linger over the subtle lluvor (f this s-olldllled mK tuie of goat and sheep milk know tho number of details which have to be ob served befoie the toothsome mors'l is leadv for the table Tho c-nie neces s.uv tluotlghotit eveiy stage Is even In the uillkiug of the sheep anil goats This Is done in tlm evening af tei their letuin from pastuics. Hut in oulei that the animals shall not be In the least heated or excited, they urn allowed to test fot an hour befoie tin? milking is begun Aftei being Imatccl almost to boiling point the evening's milk Is set aside In tlm morning it it sWninieil, heated to H8 tlegiecs nnd mixed with the morning's mill foi coagulation. The cm el Is well kneaded with the hnnds and mossed In layers Into mollis with perfoiated bottomi,. A thin lav ir of moldy bread Is put be tween each layer of curd. This, which hastens tlm "l limning" of tho cheese by supplying the germs of tho c haiacteilstlc green mold. Is made, be foie the piereillng Chilstmas of abouC equal paits of summer an 1 v Inter bar ley, with plentv of sour dough and some v Illegal When moldy enough It Is giound nnd sifted, moistened with water and kept fiom the air until used In making the cheese. The curd ic mains In the shaping leceptaclea for thiee or four tlavs, and is then taken ,to the mirket In Roquefort, where It Is sold to the dlfleient makers of Roque fort cheese. It Is thev who undertake the ciitlc al "tlpening' of tho cheese, which Is placed in the verj- damp caves abounding In the precipitous walls o the limestone mills which sui round tho village During the month or more that tho cheese nie left In tho caves thoy aie nibbed with salt and brine, and are ptlcked ftequently with long needles to allow the salt to penetrato into them, and also to netclerato tho process of maturing. When this lia.t leached a ceitaln stage tho checte 1j icady for shipment. MULTIPLEX TELEGRAPHY. The New Apparatus That Will Send Eight Messages Simultaneously. Fiom the P.illliuoie Sun. Piofessor Heniy A. P.owland, of tli3 Johns Hopkins unlveisty, is conclud ing a seibs of olllce tests of his new multiplex telei.iaph appaiatus, and ex pects to give It a line test in a few davs. Tho line test will be made between Philadelphia and Jersey city. One. sender and one uncivil' will be locat ed In eat li city, and the attempt will be made to send four messages each way, or eight mesvages in all, simul taneously over one win1. Professor P.owland thinks that a much gieater number of messages mnv bo sent over one wire at tho same time by means of his Jnstrumtnt, but at piesent ho has developed It only to tlm point oC eight. I Tho expeilmi nt are being cnniiucletl In two looms of tlm ph)sical laboratory of the Johns Hopkins univeislty. Two jotmg latlv seiuleis me in one loom, operating liistiunnntB that lesembla the keyboaids of typewilting ma chines. In the other room is the i ci elver, whli h Is a most Ingenious deviie. The number of sending ma chines must coitespoud with tho num ber of Hit ssages to bo sent, but each receiver takes four nmssages at the same time. The method of ,sparatlns tlm cut tents and lerordlng each mes sage without an) inteiruptlon from tho others coming over the wire at the sime time Is tlm mvsterlous part of the Invention, wlibli 1 ro lessor Howlanel does not cue at present to levcal. nil) one able to operate the simple key board of a tvpewrlter can send a mes sage, and tlm only attention the ic relver m eds Is in keep It supplied with papei The letters ot the alphabet mi placed about a small wheel. Tlil.s wheel Is whli led mound by tho elctilo cuuent, anil the lettei wanted Ih stamp! d upon the papei. In this way tb message Is spellt d out in plain letters, without any need of a skilled operator. The reielvlng machine looks somewhat complicated to tho untrained e)o, but Ptob'ssor How land saj-s l In really veiv simple and not apt to got out of older. Tin- pilnelpal lealtire of the inven tion is the device fot jtopai atlng the me usages nud having eaih ptoperlj- ie (lived. Tills Is done by a small brass wheel, about whli h i evolves a llanges having on It leveial cone-shaped pio Jectlons This simple looking appar atus dues the v oik, but Just how Is oC couise n seeiet with Piofessor How land. Messages over tho snme vvlro may be sent simultaneously tiom dif ferent points, thus increasing the com mon 111 value of the dvhe. Piofessor Howlaul has been woiUIng on the Invention about two jeais. Tho Hist tecclvlng machine he made has In on prai tically dlnnnntliti, and tho two leeelveM w Ith whloh the lino test villi be made' ore n-w. Ho Is now bus ily engaged In poi feeling tome of tho nilnot details of the machines, nnd ex pects to be leady tor the nhal test within a few dajs.