The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Officers of the Lndles' Tennis Club.
Held Say at Alumni Park.
Tho TounK Ladles' Tennis club of the
hlRh school had elected the following
Jllcers: President, Miss Bortlne Hun
Mckor: treasurer, Miss May Eoylnn,
cocrctnry, Miss Mildred Moran. The
association, although formed for young
'adles exclusively will recelvo a few
honorary gentlemen members.
Two courts arc being fitted up nt
Alumni park and tho Jlrst game under
the auspices of the club will be played
on Saturday, when the boys are going
to have a field day which promises to
bo one oC the athletic events of the
ear. Tor the field events, prizes havo
been offered and this coupled with tho
lteen rivalry between the classes will
urge those taking part on to strenu
ous efforts for victory.
Tho following entries have already
been lcceUed: 100 yard dash Uurke,
Warren, Oatrs. 220 ard dash War
ren, Gates, Riley, Buike: 4-10 yard dash
Warron, Gates, Glennon; 1 mile bi
cycle j ace Ulley, Van Bergen, Elncr
an; ' mile Hlley, Van Bergen, Bel
geluth, rineran- long jump Warren,
Kwlgprt, niley, Estabrook: high Jump
Warren, Riley, Swlgert, Brldgctt:
putting shot Warren, White, Van Ber
gen, Loftus, Estabrook: polo vault
Bwlgort, Riley.
Tho athletic committee I composed
of John Burke, Ilnlloek Wnrren, Wal
ter Loftus, John Klneran and Alex
ander Dltchbnrn
At Trlnlt t hurcli yesterday morning
Rev. R. A Sawyer united In marriage
Miss Lillian Palmare, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Passmore, of Park street,
and George Von Beck, of South Main
street They were attended by Mr.
and Mrs. John Von Beck. The groom
Is a member of the firm of Von Beck
brothers, meichants, and tho
hride has until recently held a tcspon
slble position In tho Pair stoie. The
newly married pair hae gone to New
Tork and Philadelphia.
?50 NOT $500.
A typographical error In this column
' yesterday morning tnlnred the adver
' tllng 'alue of The Tribune in a re-
markable way. The pur&e for the
- 2 f0 class In the Mcmoilal day races
? nas given as $300, when It should havo
" read $30. Immediately after the dls
" tribution of the paper Secretary Burr
was besieged with inquiring horsemen
who own winning steeds.
' The rioreneo Mission circle will meet
this alternoon in the Sunday school
loom of the Methodist church.
Fiank Now combe Is enfei tabling
Harry Morgan, of New York city, who
was his companion In the recent war.
Miss Anna. Huson has returned to
Scranton, after a visit In this city.
A horseless carriage from Scranton
create oulte a stir on tho streets of
this city yesterday.
Chauncey Feeney has resigned his
situation with C. W. rulkeron
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Manllle and
' son, Keith, are isltlng friends In Bos.
ton, Mas.
Mr. and Mrs. L. . Baett, of Lin
coln avenue.spent jesterday in Wllkes
Baire. Harry Hughe, of Dcmer, Colo., and
H Hughes, of Salt Lake City, Utah,
are ilsltlng their aunt, Mrs. Warren
Tappan, of Fan lew btieet. Mrs. Tap
pan is also entertaining her niece, Miss
Lizzie Hughes, of WIlkes-Barre.
Joseph BIrs has loturned for his
summer vacation, fiom the University
of Pennsylvania, wheio he Ins been
studying dentistry. He will graduate
next teim. i
The members of Corporal Oscar C
Smith camp, Sons of Veterans, havo
completed arrangements for tho usual
Memorial day exercises. The camp
and all the old soldiers who wish to
take part will assemble at tho hall at
S.30 o'clock Tuesday morning and, ac
companied by the members of AVllliam
Street council. I. O. U. A. M., will pro
ceed to the cemetery. Addresses will
be delivered by Rov. C. E. Fessenden,
lector of St. James' Episcopal church,
nnd Jtcv. Thomas Cook, pastor of the
Primitive Methodist chmch. A choir
will also render several choice selec
tions and the members of tho camp
will decorate the graves of the veter
ans in both the Jetmjn and Ma j field
Wclghmaster Joseph Jay, who was
Injuied on Wednesday, ns described In
ycsteidav's Tilbune, was slightly im
proved jesterday, but complains of
ssveie pain in tho legion of the chest
and Is still quite sick.
Mis. Alfied Waters and son, of For
est City, who have been the guests
of Mt. and Mrs. Will Vcale of Third
street, for the past few dns, returned
home yesterday.
Thomas Ayerb. of Rendham, w ho has
been spending the week with his aunt,
Mrs. Ellen Nicholson, of South Main
Ayers has recently been discharged
street, rctumed homo yesterday. Mr.
from the Eleventh regiment, with
w hlch he served during the recent war.
He saw some service in Porto Rico
and tells tome Interesting stories of
the two engagements that, his regi
ment took part In
Rev. Thomas Cook, the pastor of the
Primitive Methodist church, returned
t from his former home at Wllllamstown
yesterday, bringing with him his wife
and daughter.
Councilman Stanton has recovered
from his recent Illness and has return
ed home, after spending a week with
, Sullivan county friends.
, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan and children,
of Prlceburg, spent Wednesday here
with friends on the East Side.
John Solomon was a Scranton visitor
Miss Leah James, of Hyde Park, was
In town yesterday.
Misses Kato and Mary Brady, of
, Mayfleld, have returned home from'
Herrlck Center, where they have been
spending some time.
The missionary meeting held under
tho auspices of the Women's Home
Missionary society In tho M. E church
yesterday afternoon was quite largely
.attended and the interesting program
as published was appreclatlngly list
ened to and enjoyed.
A horseless carriage from Scranton
Weak Men miy hare our
treatment uppll&iice ami
mnIlt-m trial and op
ptvml. ItootagnuuJtuaxu,
return all at our xprasc
rjr Nothing. Robuit
health (or men, Mertt droloi
cured, nervous control mid
Ytgor. Hew book cent un
der plain teal without
was seen on our slrccts yesterday for
tho first time and attracted consider
able attention.
Tho property of C. E. Helmes, on
Rushbrook street, will be sold by tho
sheriff this morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank Decker were be
fore the grand Jury nt Scranton yes
terday, having been summoned as wit
nesses In the Stephens-Cnrden case.
Organizer Benjamin James addressed
an enthusiastic meeting of mine work
ers nt Mnyfleld last evening and or
ganized a local union.
This Evening's Event Reception In
Honor of Guests Other News
A grand attraction to the public this
evening will be the production of a
three act drama entitled "The Vaga
bonds." The Young Men's Institute
Dramatic company, of Mlnooka, who
will produce the same at Weber's rink
this evening for the benefit of tho
new Catholic parish, Is composed of
excellent talent. Doors open nt 7
o'clock, commences at 8.13. Following
tho presentation a social will bo held.
Admission 33 cents. Cast of charac
ters: Bacon, a supposed vagabond,
but a true man, John J. Coyne: Leon
ard Trevor, Edward Walsh: Major
Tomps, James Conboy; Jonas Dilvvor
thy, Henry J. Casey: Percy, Joseph
Eagan; Barney O'Toole: A. J. O'Hara;
Club Finch, Robert Callcryf Ephrian,
M. F. Judge, Alice. Annie Mullen;
Mother Carey; Mlbs Jennie Loughney;
I'eggy, Kate Caw ley; Charlotte, Mary
Caw ley. Specialties: Colored coke
walk, John J. Casey and James Con
boy; solo, P. J. Qulnn; solo, John J.
Casey; solo, John Conboy; solo, M. F.
Judge; solo, Miss Mary Cavvley; solo,
A J. O'Hara; duet, Misses Cavvley and
Mongan, duet, Misses Cavvley and Mul
len. Mlsps Ellen nnd Mary Jane Lloyd, of
Hyde Park, were the guests of relatives
In this place yesterday.
Invincible commandery, No. 232,
Knights of Malta, will meet this even
ing in their rooms on Main street.
A farewell rectpion was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William White,
of Union street, on Tuesday evening In
honor of their guests, Misses Edith
Evans, of Mahonoy City, and Gwennle
Evans, of Nnntlcoke. The evening
hours were pleasantly spent In games
and other amusements, after which re
freshments were served. The guests
present were Misses Sallie and Delia
Williams, Charity Mitchell, Edith
How ells, Gladjs Samuels, Ruth and
Corbetta Evans, Hannah Harris, Liz
zie and Mary Jenkins, Maria Mitchell,
Sarah Evans, Lucy and Katie Winters,
Maty Evans, Susie Powell, Lam a Mor
ris, Edith Evans, Emma Morris, Daisy
Sweet, Ann J Nicholas, Martha Price,
Lizzie Urwelder, Gwennle Jones and
Messrt Fiank Decker, T. P. Hughes,
William Tubbs, Thomas Bevan. James
Reese, Albeit Williams, Timothy
Jones, William Evans, Fred and Edgar
Stone, William GrlHlths, Heniy Powell,
David Thomas, Arthur Marsh, Edward
Sweet, John Thomas and Thomas
A reception will be tendered to Thomas Ayers, John Rein
hardtnnd Louis Reed, who recently re
turned homo from Porto Rico, by the
members of Lackawanna Valley coun
cil, No. SI, Junior Order United Ameri
can Mechanics, at their hall on June 1.
Every members Is requested to be pre
sent. The Archbald colliery of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna nnd Western com
pany was compelled to cease opera
tions owing to a breakdown In the ma
chinery Mr. Reeso Jones, employed as a
painter by George Gordon, had his leg
lacerated by falling from a ladder while
painting nt Lincoln Heights on Wed
nesday Dr J. S Porteus attended the
Knights of Templar conclave nt AI
toona dudln the week.
Miss Sarah Samuels is sojourning
with relatives at Drlfton, Pa.
I have been a sufferer fiom chronic
diarrhoea ever since the war and have
used all klnd3 of medicines for It. At
last I found one remedy that has been
a succebs as a cure, and that Is Cham
berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. P. E. Grisham, Gaars Mills,
La. Tor sale by all druggists. Mat
thew Bros , wholesale and retail agents.
Mrs. Newton and daughter, Harriet,
of Nicholson, and W. S. Mace, of
Towanda, returned to their respective
homes yesterday, after a short visit
with Mr. and Mrs. U. V. Mace.
Lieutenant James G. Stevens post,
No. 304, G. A. R will attend services
at the Methodist Episcopal church In
a body on Sunday evening, and hold
Memorial day services at White's grovo
on Tuesday, May SO, at 1 o'clock p. m.
D. R. Lathrop will be grand marshal
and Rev. J. S. Thomas wll deliver the
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. II. Beattys, Mrs. G B. Reed.
Mr. J. R. Bell and Mr. Maple Bell leave
this morning to attend the funeral of
Mrs. William Bell's brother, the lato
Enoch Cool, who died at Montrose.
Tho entertainment and cake walk
given under tho management of Miss
Jessie L. Stearns nt Firemen's hall,
Saturday evening, will be repeated at
the same place Saturday evening, June
All Sons of Veterans ar Invited to
attend services at the Methodist Epis
copal church Sunday evening, May 2S,
with tho James G Stephens post, No.
301, G. A R. The Sons of Veterans ure
requested to meet at G A. R. hall at
7 o'clock shuip and accompany the
Grand Army to the church. Robert C.
Llntern, Nllcs 11. oJhnson, committee.
Tuesday evening nt 8.30 o'clock In
the Piesbvterlan chuich Mr. Sydney
Mock and Mis Grace Kapp were unit
ed in marriage. The wedding was
the event of the season. The brides
maids were Katherlne Summerton and
Miss Grace Read and they were beau
tifully nttlrod, the former wearing an
organdie over jellovv and the latter a
dress of Persian lawn over pink. The
bride was most tastefully dressed,
wearing a musllne do Savallle over
blue silk. The best man was Mr. Silas
Hibbard Miss Lillian Hatfield acted
ns flower gill. Tho uhhers were Helen
King nnd Alice Waterman, Carrie
Summerton and Alice Scotten, Marlon
Chuich and Winifred Tingloy, Fred
Church and Varnum Shaw. Thoro
were about fifty guest present. Mr.
and Mrs. Sydney Mack will commence
housekeeping at once in a handsomely
furnished home on Pine street.
Mrs. Lydla Kellum and family have
moved Into one of the houses In Jewett
Charles ICetchum is brakelng on tho
L. & M. R. R.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaynor, of El-
mlra, spent Sunday at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald.
Charles Austin Is repairing and Im
proving his dwelling house. Among
other Improvements Is noticed a hand
some veranda.
Miss Jessie Van Loan visited In
Lnncsboro tho first of tho week.
Mr. Stalker, of Conkltn, Is the guest
of his son, Ell Stalker.
Hereafter, commencing today, all
stores In Hallstcad will closo promptly
at 8 p. m., excepting Saturdays, Mon
days nnd pay dais.
'O. F. Bell has secured a position at
the silk mill.
Jacob Palmer and wife, of Franklin
Foils, wore vlcltlng nt Dr. Merrill's
early this week.
Chatics T. Crook has sold his valu
able hotso Frank to Charles Lee, of
Mi. Samuel S. Wright, of Montrose,
was tho guest of Mr. Thomas Klllan
Michael Normllo nnd Mr. Hendricks
are Improving their properties on Chaso
avenue by new stone walks.
Miss Huttlo Warner, of Montrose,
was tho guest of Mrs. Rose Dajton
Mrs. Charles Lawrence on son, Ben
jamin, drove to Blnghamton last Frl
duy to attend the Broome county con
vention of tho C. E.
There will be a C. E. soclnl at San
ford Svvartz this (Thursday) evening.
Tho musical nnd Hteinry competi
tive meeting In tho Baptist church on
Wednesday evening proved to be one
of the best yet held, both In attend
ance nnd In tho numbcis competing.
Prof. Harry Harris and Prof. Chailes
W. Herman were adjudicators, the for
mer on music nnd the latter on recita
tions. Thomas Tlurus, a driver boy at Mt.
Lookout colliery, had his knee cap
broken on Wednesday while nt work In
the mine. He Is being treated nt the
Plttston hospital.
Tho public schools of this place closed
jesteiday with appropriate exercises In
nearly all tho depai tments. Last even
ing tho commencement exercises of the
high school were held in Music hall
In the presence of one of the lnrgest
audiences ever assembled there. The
stnge was tnvefully decorated with
llowers and upon it were seated the
membeis of the graduating class,
teachers and clcigmen of tho town.
The exercises weie opened with a
selection by the orchestia, which was
followed with piajer by Rev. W. S.
Stiles and tho hlfjli bchool then sang
"Welcome." The first graduate to ap
pear was Mrs Rfile Estelhi Safford,
who gave the salutatoiy and essay,
Fred Smith Hopper delivered an oia
tion on ' The Evils of Trusts." An
other selection by the orchestra was
rendered, after which an oiation on
'Famous Battles" was given bv Rob
ert Pettlbone Shuldc, and Iia Alpaugh
spoke on the timely theme? "Expan
sion." The audience again at en
tertained by the orchestra, at the closo
of which Robeit Lee Saunders deliv
ered nn oiation on "The Humble Ori
gin of Great Men." This was followed
by nn oiation by I Wllluid Ailing on
"Luxuiy Is Destructive of Liberty."
Wllllametto Grace Ralston was the Inst
speaker and she read an efcay on tho
"Elements of Power," at tho end of
which she delivered the valedictory.
Tho presentation of diplomas was made
by Prof. Charles W. Herman, princi
pal of tho schools. The high school
sang another selection, "We're Happy
Now," and the benediction was pro
nounced by Rev. Robert Thompson.
Some of the members of the class In
tend to per.suo a further course of
study. The following members of the
high school have been promoted to the
senior class: Harry Ailing, Teiesa
Dally, Fred Hemlock, Cora Balnbrldge,
Cora Gllfeather, Maggie Rhoades, Rol
and Wilson, Laura Baldwin, Isabel
GiHham, Jennie Woodruff.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuels have gone to
their cottage at Harvej's Lake for a
few days.
Membeis of Troy council, Junior Or
der of United American Mechanics,
are requested to meet at their hall on
Sundny morning nt 10 o'clock to attend
the Memorial services In the Methodist
The members of tho Keg fund at
the Mt. Lookout colliery are arranging
to run their annual excursion to Har
vey's lake in June.
Rev. J. M. Smoultor, assistant pas
tor of St. Patilck's church, who leaves
today to take charge of a parish at
Rock Lake, was presented with a purse
containing $400 from his friends last
evening Father Smoulter was greatly
surpribed and touched with the gift,
and sincerely thanked tho donors. Tho
following made tho presentation:
Messrs. M. J. Lavin, James Jordan,
William Kenned nnd Patrick God
fiey. The transfer of tho Clappson Shoe
company to this place Is now being
made and the machinery will be here
In a few days. Mr. Clappson, of Ens
ton, w HI have charge of tho work. The
machinery will bo placed In the Camp
bell building as soon ns It arrives.
The funeral of the late John M.Evnns
will take place from the family home
on Lackawanna street this afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in
Union cemetery.
The Presbyterian church of this plaro
will tun an excursion to Lake Ariel on
Thursday, Juno S. Tickets for round
trip, 95 and 50 cents
Mrs. M. J. McDonnell, of Susque
hanna street, Is visiting her foimer
homo In Moscow.
Mrs. Martin Crlppen Is spending a
few weeks with relatives at Easton.
Miss Maine Saltry, of Providence, Is
tho guest of relatives on Dunmore
Miss Geoigla Thomas Is entertaining
Miss Stella Price, of Spring Brook.
Miss Anna Price, of Scranton, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
Mrs. John McLaughlin spent yester
duy at Providence.
one of the peculiarities of Hood's Sar
saparllla. It cures sorofula, salt rheum,
humors, stomach and kidney troubles,
Hood's Pills euro all liver Ills Easy
to take, easy to operate; reliable, Biire.
jXLT.b.rxoui titttatti Fulling Mtm
nrr, ImpoUncr, BlMpleiinMM, He , earned
l7 Abuta or other Kioauu and India-
cnnivni. intv QMteAftf am $uretu
reatoro It Vltalltr In old or faun, and
fitaaauforitudr, borlneuor marrlaco
i 1'ri.vBnt. lnaanlt nn tVamMniUn if
Ukaaintlua. Thalr uwahowi itt uodToto lmprovo
maul and eHoota a CUKE wbaw all other tall In.
lit npon baring tha gannlna Ajax Tablet!. Thai
para oorad thouaandi and will care roa. We give a pot.
-n.-irTJ7Li"5..i.:--X' i'i 'TiYr.-"ji"'"
mmwm u t.UJW AUVI
itlve written suarante to affect tinM
Docncaaeor rami
nd tha nonir. WlraUUUldi
noc-Kaaei or eia iagee nun treatment! lor IZ HJ. lir
nail, in plain wrapper nnon receipt of prira. Circular
" AJAA KlimtUy CU.t "cu,,,"'!!
For Kale in Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthews
Bros, and II. C. Sanderccn, druEeists.
r sfl
Valuable Real Estate
By vlrtuo of sundry wilts of Fieri Fa
ciis, Levari Fnclns and Venditioni Ex
ponas, IgHiltd out of tho court of common
pleaB of Lackawanna county, to mo dl
tected, I will expoo to public snlo by
vemluo or ouiery, to tho hlRliest and best
bidder, for rush, at the court houso. In
tho cltv of Scranton, Lnrkawanna coun
JUNE, A. D 1SOT, at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon of snld day, all tho right, tltlo
and interest of the defendants In and to
tho following decrlbcd lots, pieces or
parcels of land, lr:
No. 1. All tho rlsht, tltlo and Interest
of the defendants, John J. Murphy nnd
Amos Washer, administrators of Win
frcd Murplo. deceased, In and to all
those two certain pieces or parcels of
land situate In tho borough of Dunmore,
county of Lackawanna and state of
l'ennsj lvanla, bounded and described as
follows, to wit:
First Beginning at tho northwest cor
ner of a certain lot contracted to John
Ward, Jr., In trust for Murv Word;
llienco running southerly on line of said
Miry Ward lot to lino of land formerly
of A. D. Spencer: thepco at right an
gles to said lust mentioned lino on lino
of land of snld A. D. Spencer to lino of
land contracted to John Barley, thenco
northerly on lino of land of i-nld John
Early to tho old commissioners' lino be
tween Edwnrn Spencer and Dr. Tarkor;
thence on said commissioners' lino to tha
placo of beginning. Containing one
quarter of an ncro of land strict meas
ure. Improved with a two-story frnmo
building used as a saloon and dwelling
and outbuildings.
Second Being a lot of land adjoining
a lotof Patrick Murphy on the west,
bounded on tho north bf tho Great Bend
nnd Philadelphia turnplko road; on tho
onst by other lands formerly of Edward
Spencer, being tho lands first above
described: on tho south by lands of A.
D. Spencer, tho snld lot being rectangu
lar In shape and thirteen nnd nine-tenths
(13 A) perches In depth. Containing one
half aero of land, strict measure.
Seized and tnken In execution at tho
bult of J. E. Swift vs John J. Murphy
nnd Amos Washer, administrators of
Winifred Murphy, decensed Debt. $213 7.'..
Judgment No. 117. May Term, ISflO I'i.
fa. to May Term, 1S9"
No 2 All the right title and Interest
of the defendant, Mary Edmunds, In and
to all those certain lots", pieces or parcels
of land Mtuatc Ux tho borough of Mav
lleld, Lnckawanni count-, Pennsylvania,
deerlbcd ns follows:
First-Being Lot No 3 In BloeV No. 1.
as designated on a plot of lots laid out
by Gardner & Whltemore. In said bor
ough of Maj field (formerly Carbondale
township), bounded and described as fol
lows, l7 : Bounded on tho east bv
Main street; on the south by lot No. 2
(now or formeilv owned bv Horton Gard
ner and S C Whltemore); on the west
by Lot No 40 (now or formerlv owned
by John D DaI:i and on the north by
Lot No. 4, owned by tho above-named
defendant. Snld lot being llfty (50) feet
wide in front and rear and one hundred
nnd llfty (150) feet In depth, containing
1,500 square feet of land, more or less.
Improved with a stone foundation, the
building thereon having been recently
destroyed by Ure Coil and minerals
and mining rights excepted and reserved.
Second Being n portion of Lot No. 4,
In Block Xo 1. hs designated on a plot
pf lots laid out by Gardner Sr Whitmore
In said borough of Mavlleld, bounded
nnd described ns follows: Beginning at
mo I'urnnion rear corner or saw Lot No.
4 and Lot No 3; thenco In a southcasterlv
direction along tho line between sild
lots about ono hundred and forty (110)
feet to a point Hbout ten (10) feet from
the common front corner of said lota on
the upper sldo of Main street, said point
being thirty (TO) feet from tho center
line of the Scrnnton and Forest City
railway, measured at right angles to said
center lire, thenco bv a curved line,
curving to tho right nnd east with a ra
dius of nlno hundred and elghtv live nnd
four tenths (985 4) feet diagonally and In
a northerly dlicctlon across said Lot
No. 4 about fifty-eight (OS) feet to a
point In tho lino between Lots Nos. 4
nnd C, bald point being thirty (30) feet
from the center lino of said railwav,
measured at right angles to said center
lino; thence northwesterly nlong i-ald line
between Lots Nos. 4 and 5, about cno
hunJred and nlno (10t) feet to the com
mon rear corner of Lots Nos. 4 nnd 5;
thence southwesterly along the rear ot
said Lot No. 4 llfty (50) feet to the place
of beginning. Improved with a two
story frame dwelling and additions nnd
a frnmo barn. Coal and minerals and
mining rignts excepted and reserved.
Being a portion of tho same premises
conveyed to above-named defendant
(then Mary Grler) by Horton Gardner et
nl by deed dated Dec. SO, 18S7, recorded
In Lackawanna county In tho recorder's
oince. In Deed Look No. 50. page 3J.
Third Being a portion of Lot No. 13,
In Block No. 2. on tho old Gardner &
Whlttemoro plot of lots. In said Mayfleld
borough, said Lot No. 13 being bounded
nnd described ns follows Bounded on
tha east by First street: on the north
by Lot No. 11 on said plot, now or for
merly owned by Lafayette Matthews; on
the west by lands now or formerly owned
by Gardner 4s Whlttemoro; on the south
by Lot No. 12, now or formerly owned
by Ihomas R Hopkins the portion of
said lot owned by above-named defend
ant, being tho front portion ilftv (50) feet
In width nnd one hundred and twenty
(120) feet In depth, tho rear portion
thirty (30) feet in length, havlnt, been
conveyed heretofore to E. B. Sturges by
deed from above-named defendant, re
corded in Lackawanna county in Deed
Book No. 61. page 317, etc Coal and
minerals -and mining rights being ex
cepted and reserved Improved with a
two-story frame dwelling and nddltlons
and outbuldlncs.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tbe
suit of 8 C. Whttmoro vs. Mary Ed
munds. Debt. flt6 Judgment No 224,
May Term. 18D9 Tl fa to Mav Term,
1S99. Also nt the suit ot assigned to Ste
phen r Whitmore -.S. Mnry Edmunds.
Dbt, $H8 Judgment No. 793, March
Term, 1893. I'I f i. to May Tetin, 15t9
Alo nt tho suit of L W. Hoffecker vs.
Mary E. Edmunds. Debt, J1S74 Judg
ment No Si8. March Term, 1899. I'i. fa.
to May Term Term, 1899
CAREY, Att'y.
No 3 All tho right, tltlo nnd Interest
of the defendant, Richard Latcharn in
and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel
of land sltuato In the city of Scrarton,
county of Lnukawunna nnd state of
Ppnnsj lvanla. being Lot No. 1, in Liock
D, of Williams' Addition to tho city of
Scranton, in the First ward of said city,
and cltuated on the easterly side of
Amelia avenue, corner of Dean street
being forty (40) feet In front and rear
and one hundred and thltty (130) feet in
depht to nn nlley. Improved wltn a
two-story frnmo dwelling houto and out
bulldlrgs. Seized and taken In execution nt tho
suit of James J. Williams vs. Richard
Latcharn. Debt, J7S5. Judgment No. 431
January Term, ISO1) I'i fa to Mav
Term, 1STO. CARPENTEIt, Att'y.
No. 4. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant. E. O. Sardlnolll, or
Emlllo Sardinell, In and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land sltuato In
Old Forge township, county of Lacka
wanna and state of Pennsylvania, and
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at the southwest corner at tho
Junction of Franklin and Sprues streets,
in Austin Height! : thenco north forty
(10) degrees and thirty (30) minutes weit
fifty (50) feet: thence north forty-nlne
49) degieos nnd thtrty-two (32 minutes
east ono hundred and fifty (150) feet to
an alley, thenca Boutb forty-ono (11) de
grees and thirty (30) minutes cast fifty
(W) feet to said Spring street, thence
along said Spring street south forty-nine
(49) degrees nnd thirty-two (S2i minutes
west one hundred nnd fifty (150) feet to
the placo of beginning. Containing 7,500
square feet of surfuco or noil and being
lot No. 91 as shown on map, and being
tho pamo piece or parcel of land as was
conveyed to said defendant, from Anna
B. Smith ct nl , bv deed dated Dec. 23,
1S93, nnd Is rornrded tn tho oitlce for the
recording of deeds, etc., In and for the
county of Lackawanna In Deed Book
No. 109, pnge, 271, etc. All Improved
with n two-story frnmo dwelling house
tvl I Vi It a tiAmaHi nanl n a n linlnl nfifl
other outbuildings thereon.
OUIAtU IMH1 lEUtCH lit eXUVUUUIl lib 1115
suit of Oeorgo B. FoBtcr vs. E, O. Snr
dlnelll. Debt, $204 34. Judgment No. SOS,
MrtV TVrrri IMft TTI tn. In TnV Term.
1899. ' PARTRIDGE, Att'y.
No. E-All tho right, tltlo nnd Interest
of tho defendant. James Muldcrlg. in and
to nil tho surface or right ot soil of all
that certain lot of land situate, lying and
being In tho borough of Dickson City,
county of Lackawanna and state of
Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described
ns follows: Being Lot No. 8, In Squaro
or Block No. 4, of plot of lands of Ben
nett & Johnson, located nattlv In tha
city or Scranton nnd partlv In tho bor
ough of Dickson CIt. Snld lot Is rec
tangular In shape, measuring llfty (5))
feet in front on Lincoln street, tho snmo
width In rear, and ono hundred and fifty
(150) feet in depth. Improved with a
two-story frnmo dwelling house, nnd
other outbuildings, coal nnd minerals
excepted nnd reserved. Being tho some
premises which Stephen Millard et nl.,
granted and convejed to the said Jnmcs
Muldcrlg, by deed dated eighteenth ot
Februnry, 1S93, and recorded In tho re
corder's ofTIco of Lackawanna count, In
Deed Book No. 122, page, 4S9, etc.
Seized nnd tnken In execution at tho
suit of New Germanla Building and Loan
association vs. James Mulderlg. Debt,
jnsnot. Judgment No. CC0, May Term,
1899. Fl fn. to Mav Term. 1W.
y.IMMEKMAN, Att'y.
No 6 All tho right, title and Intorost
of the defendants, Silas Randall nnd
Elizabeth Randall, In and to nil that
certain lot or parcel of land, sltunte In
tho township of Old Forge, county of
Lackawanna, nnd state of Pennsi lva
nla known ns Lot No. 3, in plot of lots
In said township, laid out by Jane S.
Smith, executrix. Said lot being fifty
tj) feet in front on main road from
Scranton to Plttston, and a depth of ono
hundred and fifty (150) feet. Hclng tho
pamo promises conveved to Sllns Rnn
rall by Ebenezer Drake and wlfo by
deed dated May 16th. 15S8 Recorded In
Lackawanna county In Deed Book No. CI,
pago 110 Coal and mlnetals being re
served. All Improved with a two-story
frnmo dwelling house and outbuildings.
belzed and tnken into execution at the
suit of the Cosmopolitan Building und
Loan association vs. Silas Randall nnd
Elizabeth Rnndall Dobt, $2 01103. Judg
ment No. 669, Mny Term lit1) n. f.a.
to May 'term, 1891 STARK, Att'v.
No. 7 Alt tho light, title and Interest
of tho defendant, Chiistlan Movval or
Christ Maul, In nnd to all that certain
piece or parcel of land bltuate In Arch
bald borough, Lnckawnnna county nnd
stato of l'ennsj lvanla, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wlf Beginning
at a corner on a street the northwest
corner of Lot No. 21, thence by said
street Aorth Eighteen degrees east seventy-ilvo
(71) feet to a corner of Lot No.
2u, thenco by lino of said lust-nanud lot
south ieventy-two (72) degrees east two
hundred and fifty (2501 feet to a coiner
on lino of land of tho Delaware and
Hudson Canal company, thence bv said
last lino south eighteen (18) degrees west
hcventj-flvo (7".) feet to a corner of Lot
No. 24, thenco by lino of said last-named
lot north seventy-two (72) degrees West
two hundred and fifty (.0) feet to tha
place of beginning, being on the east
hide of said street, reserving and subject
to tho light of way for a public road
across tho cast end of said Lot No. 23.
All mproved with a two-story frnmo
dwelling with L extension ono story
high. Ham nnd other outbuildings, fruit
trees, grapo vines and other smnll fruits
all In good condition. Coal nnd min
erals are excepted and reserved.
Seized nnd taken in execution at the
suit of Security Building and Savings
Union vs. Christian Mowel ot Christ
?Ia"'Debt' ,fi0J2S. Judgment No 673,
Mny Term, iw, Lev. fn. to May Term,
1899. II. C. REYNOLDS, Att'y.
.N.8TA.U ,he rteht, title and interest
of the defendants, Harry Pish and lta
doro Goodman, administrators of Ella
lih, deceased. In and to all that cer
tain piece, parcel or tract of land sltuato
in the borough of Ob pliant, county of
Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Containing a front of sixty (00) feet
southwestward on Ferris street; bounded
northwestward at light angles to said
1 errls street one hundred and fifty (TV0
feet by Lot No. 13 In said mrcet; north
eastward parallel with said street sixty
(60) feet by lands now or lato of A.
Dolph, and southeastward nt right an
gles to said street ono hundied nnd fifty
(150) feet by Lot No 23 In said street.
Comprising Lot No. 21 In Terrls street
ns tho same Is represented nnd designat
ed on a map of building lots of land of
tho Delawaro and Hudson Canal com
pany In tho village of Olj pliant, tho samo
lot of land conveyed by Thomas Stosh
nnd Ella Stosh, his wife, by deed dated
tho second day of October. A. D 1S90,
and intended to be duly recorded forth
with to Ella Pish, the party hereto and
Is subject to executions and reservations
as stated therein Improved with a
two-story double frame dwelling houso
and one other slnglo frame dwelling
house in front and ono single frame
house In the rear of said lot.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt tho
suit of German Building association.
No. 7, vs. Harry Pish and Isadoro Good
man, administrators of Ella Pish, de
ceased. Debt. $1,49S.10. Judgment No. 2u6,
March Term, 1899. Lov. fa. to May
Term, 1SU HANNAH, Att'y.
No. 9 All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Mary Dnrgls, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Joseph Dargls,
deceased, tn nnd to all tho surface or
right of soil of the following described
lot of land sltuato In the First ward of
tho city of Scranton, county of Lacka
wanna nnd stato of Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows, to wit: Con
taining a front of sixty (60) feet, south
westward on Wilbur street, bounded
northwestward ono hundred and fifty-two
and elght-tenths (152 8) feet by Lot No.
50 on said street; northeastward sixty
(CO) feet by land now or late of George
C. Genet nnd southeastward one hundred
nnd fifty-three and two-ten tha (153 2) feet
by Lew lb street; comprising Lot No 43
on Wilbur street, ns the same Is repre
sented and designated on a map of
building lots on land of C S Weston,
known as Clark Mill property. Improved
with a two-story framo dwelling houso
and outbuildings. Coal and minerals
excepted and reserved. Being the Bamo
premises which C. S Weston nnd wife,
granted nnd conveyed to Joseph Dargls
bv deed dated July 17th, 166, and lecord
ed In tho recorder's offlco of Lackawanna
county, In Deed Book No. 113, page, 533,
Seized nnd taken In execution nt the
suit of Adam Spltzer vs. Mary Dargls
administratrix of Joseph Dargls. do
ceased. Debt, jen1? r.0. Judgment No. 284,
Jnnuary Term. 1899. Ti. fa. to May
Term, 1899. Also at tho suit of same vs.
same. Debt. J53. Judgment No. 3S5.
Jnnuarv Term, 3899. Fl fa. to May
Term, 189D. ZIMMERMAN, Att'y.
No. 10 All tho right, title and interest
of the defendants, John Dieter and Rojl
na Dieter, in nnd to nil that certain lot.
piece or parcel of land situate, lying nnd
being on tho northerly side of Hickory
street, between Cedar and Plttston ave
nues. In tho Eleventh ward of the city
of Scranton. county of Lackawanna und
state of Pennsylvania, nnd bounded and
described as Lot No 13, In Squaro or
Block No 1, according to the Lncka
wnnna Iron and Coal Company's plot of
lots In tho city of Scranton Said lot
being rectangular in shape, forty (40) feet
In width In front on snld Hickory street
the samo In rear, nnd ono hundred and
forty-seven (147) feet In depth to an nl.
ley sixteen (10) feet wide for public use
with tha right to enclose ttn (10) feet In
front of tho front lino of said lot for
ard, porch, piazza and bay-window, but
for no other purpose Improved with a
three story store nnd tenement building
large barn and other outbuildings coal
nnd minerals excepted and reserved, Be
lug tho samo piemlies which Charles H
Kaestucr and wife granted and convejed
to the said John Dieter by deed dated
the first dnv of September. 1S9S. nnd rn
coided In tha recorder's office of Lacka
wanna county. In Deed Book No, 1W,
pnge 23
Also, all that certain northerly half
lot of land Bltuate lying and being on
Slocum street, In tho Eleventh ward of
the city of Scranton, countv of Lncka
wanna and state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Northwesterly by Slocum utrect: north
easterly by lands of David liollenhach:
southeasterly by lands of Mrs. Almlra
Wilbur, and southwesterly by lands of
John G. Miller. Said one-half lot being
twenty (20) feet In width in front and
rear, nnd ono hundred and thlrty-threo
(133) feet in depth. Improved with a
two-story house nnd outbuildings. . Coal
and minerals excepted nnd reserved. Do
ing the same piece of land which Leopold
Johler and wlfo, granted nnd conveyed to
Mrp. Rnslna Dieter, by deed dated 6th
day of September, 1890, nnd rccordod In
tho recorder's oltlco of Lackawanna
countv, in Deed Book No. 116, pago Shi.
Seized nnd tnken In execution ut tho
suit ot Charles II. Kacstncr vs. John
Dieter nnd Ronlnu Dieter. Debt. U521.
Judgment No. w September Term, 1WS.
I'i. fu, to May Term, 1899.
No. 11. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant, William Grauinan. In
and to all that certain lot, pleco or parcel
of land Bltuate, Iving and being on tha
eatsorly sldo of Capouro avenue. In the
Sovcnth ward of tho city of Scranton.
county of Lackawanna nnd stnto of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns
Lot No. 2, In Squaro or Block No. 1, on
Phelps & WInton's plot of lots In tho
city of Scranton. Snld lots being rcc
tanguinr in shape, forty (10) feet In
width In front nnd rear, nnd ono hundred
nnd forty (110) feet In depth. All Im
proved with a largo frame storo build
lug and tenement bouse, and outbuildings.
Coal and minerals excepted and ic
served Being tho samo premises which
Max nico and wlfa granted and con
vejed to William Graumiin, tho defend
ant, by deed dated the eleventh day of
May, 1S97, and recorded in the record
ers oillco of Lackawhrna county In Deed
Book No. 113, pnge 413.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt the
suit of Citizen's Building nnd Loan ns
soclntlon vs, William Graumnn. Debt,
J4.470.71 Judgment No. 371, May Term,
1899 Fl fa. to May Term 1S99.
zi.mjmi;, a ivy.
No. 12. All tho right, tltlo nnd Interest
of the defendants. Patrick Hatchford
nnd Mary Ratchford, in nnd to nil that
cetraln lot, pleco or rarccl of land situ
ate In the Thirteenth wnrd, city of
Scranton, county ot Lncknwunna nnd
state of Pennsylvania and being Lot No
3, In block No. 70, as shown on map of
city assessment made of tho city of
Scranton. Said lot Is forty (10) feet
vvldo In front on Gaidnor avenuo und ono
hundred nnd fifty (150) feet deep to an
alley. All Improved with u story and a
half frame dwelling houso and outbuild
ings thereon. Coal and mlneials re
set vcd.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of Wnlttr Uoimun s Patrick
Ratchford nnd Marv Itatrhfoid Debt,
$112. Judgment No 200, Novemlmr Icrin,
1891. Vend, ev to Mu Tciin JSV
HANNAH. Att'y.
No. 13 All tho light, title and Interest
of tho defendant, Ann Twaddle and
Thomas Twaddle, all that pleco or par
cel of land, sltuato In tho township of
Blaktly, Luzerne countj (now borough
of Oljphant), Lacknwanu v countv and
stato of Pcnnsj lvanla, bounded and de
scribed as follows. Beginning at stulto
fifteen (15) feet northeast from the center
lino of Third street, and running south
forty-three (43) degiees fifteen (15) min
utes east sixty (W) feet, thence not Hi
forty-six (4b) degrees and fort-llve (43)
minutes east one hundred mid llfty (17))
feet; thence north forty-three (41) de
giees nnd lirtecn (15) minutes west sixty
(uO) feet, thenco south forti-slx (40) de
grees and fort-five (I'i) minutes wtst
one hundred and fifty (1X leet to tho
place of beginning. Being Lot No. 41 on
the village plot and bounded southwest
by Street No. 3, stuthcast by Street No
li, northeast by northeast line of the
Levi Pleice tract and northwest by Lot
No. 40. sold to John M. Edwards Said
lot being pan ot the Levi Pierre tract
and the bnme land sold to said Ann
Twnddlo by George M. Hull et nl , Aptil
19th, 18C0, nnd recorded in Deed Book No
116 pago res, in Luzerno county.
Seized nnd taken in execution nt tho
suit of the Baltln.oio Building nnd Loan
association vs. Ann Twaddle and Thomas
Twaddle. Debt. $24120. Judgment No
5!4. May Term, 1899. j.-. fa. to May Term,
1899. D. L. FICKUS, Att'y.
No. 14 All the right, tltlo and Interest
of the defendants, L'lianka Baollga and
Mlleon Basollca, In and to II the fol
lowing described land and p sit
uate, ljlng nnd being In the i i of
Olyphant. county of .nd
state of Pennsylvaida, bounded ai lo
scrlbcd as follows: Containing lirtt
seven and five-tenths (57 E) feet In front
on Race street, same width In tear on
alley, and ono hundred nnd forty (140)
feet in depth. Being Lot No. 13 on Race
street, ns tho same Is marked on map of
lands of the Delawaro and Hudson
Canal company in the borough of Olj
phant, and bounded northwestwardly by
Lot No. 11; on the southwestward side
by Lot No. 13. Improved with two large
frame dwelling houses and other out
buildings thereon.
Also half ot Lot No. 13 nnd adjoining
Lot No 13 aforesaid; said one-half lot
being twenty-eight and fceven-tenths
(28.7) feet In width on Race stieet and
one hundred and forty (140) feet In depth
along Lot No 13. Said lot being lec
tangular In shape.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt the
suit of Annie Goodman vs. Uhanka Baso
llga and Mlleon Bnso'Iga Debt. $1,400.
Judgment No 649, May Term, 1899 Fl
fa. to May Term. 1699,
D. L. riCKUS, Att'j-.
No. 13. All the right, tltlo and Interest
of the defendant, Jonathan Davles, In
and to all that certain one lot of land
sltuato in tho township of Tell, county
of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylva
nia, being a part of what Is known as
the "Warren lots," which is a part of an
original tract in tho warrantee namo of
Peter Beech; said lot being No. 31, South
plot, and situate unon Main and First
fcticcts, upon the Wnrren plot, or addi
tion to Forest Cltj-, intended tn bo duly
registered, nnd being Mxty (60) feet front
nnd one hundred and fifty (150) feet deep.
Belrg the samo premlees convejed to
Jonathan Davles bv Geoige W. Crar mer
nnl S C. Crammer et nl by deed dated
April lull, 1S94, and recorded In tho re
coiders office of I.ackawnnn county in
Deed Book No 111, page 93 All Improved
with a two-story framo dwelling housa
and outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd taken In executlun at tho
suit of Southern Building and Loan asso
ciation, D. A. Carpenter, Receiver, vs.
Jonathan Davles. Debt, $916 S3. Judg
ment No. 1103, March Term, 1898. Lev.
fa. to May Term, 1899
No. 1C-AU the right, title and Interest
of tho defendant, Brian Healey, in and
to all that certain lot of land with the
Improvements thereon situate on Pino
street, Dunmore, Lackawanna county.
Pennsylvania, and being one hundred and
thirty-six (136) feet front and rear and
one hundred nnd eighteen (118) feet deep.
Improved with a two-story frame dwell
ing house, 14x24, with wing or L 10x12.
Also one other two-storv frame dwelling
house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and tnken In execution at the
suit of assigned to Sedulck It Huff vs.
Brian Healey Debt $313 91 Judgment
No 1644. September Term ISIS Lev fa.
to May Term, 1S99 NEWCOMB, Att'y.
No 17 All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant Ferdlnnndo Cerra, In
and to all that certain lot and parcel of
land sltuato In tho borough of Dunmore,
county of Lackawanna and state of Penn.
sj lvanla, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: Lot No. 7u on plot of lots
laid out by Andrew D. Spencer In Dun
more, commencing at a corner on Ac
commodation street and tho lot ot Pat
rick Clifford, thenco north eighty-three
nnd three-fourths (S34) degrees east fifty
(V)) feet to a corner, thenco south fifty
(30) minutes west ono hundred and fifty
(15u) feet to a corner; thence south eighty-three
and three-fourths (S34) degrees
west fifty (50) feet to u. corner; thence
north llfty (50) minutes east one hun
dred and fifty (I'iO) feet to tho placo of
belgnnlng, containing soventj-five hun
dred (75uO) squnro feet of land, more or
less Coal und minerals reserved Im
proved with a two-story frame dwelling
und outbulldlncs.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt the
ult of Frank Flovis vs Ferdlnando
Cerra Debt $100 Judgment No 700,
Mnv Term, 189S Fl fa to May Term,
1S99. HARRIS, Att'y
tag puriu oiugg iniBia u uwa, u jou iui is Mil,
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal PlISs
Tb7 ftr pwmpt. f ad erUU to rMilt Tk (emtio (Dr. Fatl'j) oitq 41m
For Sals by JOHN H PHELPS. PtiarrriBCltt, 0o, Vromlng " end
Spruoo etroot.
No. IS. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Catherine Lotz, admin
istratrix of Honry Lotz, deceased. In
nnd to tho following described lot, piece
or parcel of land Bltuato In tho city of
Scranton, county of Lackawanna und
stato of Pennsylvania. Being Lot No.
3, In Bquaro or Block No 302, on Walsh
Ae Hoban'u addition to Scranton, being
forty (40) feet In front on Monscy ave
nue nnd extending back to Sanderson
avenuo nbout one hundred nnd eighty
(ISO) feet on tho northerly sldo and ono
hundred and llfty-four (131) feet nlno (9)
Inches In depth on tho southerly slda
Excepting the portion of said lot sold
by Henry Lotz to Henry Lotz, Jr., by
deed dated tho sovcnth day ct May, 1890,
said portion being forty (4u) feet In front
on Monsey avenuo, samo width In rear,
and seventy (70) feet In depth. Im
proved with a two-story framo dwelling
house nnd other outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of New Schiller Building and Loan
association vs. Catherlno Lotz, adminis
tratrix of Henry Ixitz, sr.. deceased.
Debt, $233. Judgment No, COS. Muy Term,
1899. Fl. fa. to May Term, 1S99.
STOKES, Att'y.
No 19 -All tho right, title nnd Interest
of the defendants, William Corbett nnd
Ann Corbett, In und to till thnt certain
lot of land sltuato In tho township ot Old
l orge, Lackawanna countj, I'ennsylva
nlt, described as follows, to wit: Be
ginning nt tho westerly sldo of 1 tnds of
Thomas Conners, thenco along said lands
south forty-flvo nnd one-fourth (43H) de
grees cast two hundred nnd nine (209)
feet to a corner on tho northwest sldo
of Main road leading from Plttston to
liVdo Park! thenco nlnnir nnlil mm Rnllth
forty-two and one-fourth (42'J) degrees
west fifty (50) feet to a corner; thenco
north forty-tvvo and one-fourth 42Vi) de
grees west two hundred and nlno (209)
feet to a corner, thenco north forty-tvvo
and ono-fourth f42i) degrees east fifty
"i0) feet to tin i hup of beginning. Con
taining fortj two Hi) rods and one hun
dred and eight j -seven (1S7) feet of land,
more or less.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of Tajlotvlllo Building nnd Loan
association vs. William Corbett nnd Ann
ix2lBi,Jt Tcbt. $1,200. Judgment No.
60S, Mav Term, 1S99 Fl fa to May
Term, ltrt) JOHN M. HARRIS, Att'y.
No. 20 All tho light, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Antonio Magnlottc, In
and to all thoso two certain lots, plccet
or parcels of land with the messungo and
tenements theieon erected, situate, lying
and being on the northwesterly bldo of
Mark or Fourth street, In the Tenth
ward, of tho cltv of Scranton, county ot
Lackawanna and htato of Pennsylvania,
bounded nnd descilbed ns Lots Nos. 7
and 8 In Square or Block No. 5, accord
ing to A. B Sllkman's plot of lots, called
addition to tho city ot Scranton Each
of t.ald lots being rectangular In shape,
llfty (50) feet In width on Mnrk or Fourth
street, the s mic in rear nnd one hundred
and fifty (130) feet in depth. Improved
with a two-story flame dwelling house,
largo barn and other outbuildings Ex
cepting and reserving, however, urfto tha owners theieof all coal and min
erals beneath tho surface of tho said lot,
with tho light to mlno and remove tho
same. Being the same premises which
the Anthracite Building nnd Loan asso
ciation granted and convejed to the said
Antonio Magnlottc. bv deed dated tho
fourth day of September. 1893, and re
corded In the recorder's office of Lacka
wanna countj', in Deed Book No 129,
pago 474, etc.
Seized and taken In eccutlon nt tho
suit of AnthracltA Building and Loan ns.
soclatlon vs Antonio Magnlotte. Debt,
$oo Judgment No 1!.'7 September Term,
1893. I'I fn to May Term. lS
No 21. All tho right, title and interest
of the defendant, Ch tries Bartosch, ad
ministrator of John Bartosch, deceased.
In nnd to nil that certain tract, pleco or
parcel of land situate, lying and being
In the township of Ransom, county ot
Lackawanna and stato ot Pennsylvania,
hounded and described as follows: Be
ginning nt a point in the corner of a
creek, known ns "Continental Creek,"
and being tho center of said creek; thenca
by lands of John Moore, north fortv-two
(42) degrees iat.t four hundred and forty
three (433) .feet to a corner; thence by
lands of Stephen Schmidt, north forty
eight (4S) degrees west nine hundred and
thirteen (911) feet to a corner, in line of
lands of Charles Mejrr, thenco by said
Mever's land south fortj-two (42) de
grees west two hundred and fortv-thren
(243) foet to tho center of Continental
creek aforesaid, thence along said creek
bj' Its arlnus cotirses and distances to
tho placo of beginning Containing ten
(10) acre of land, be tho same moro or
less. Being the hamo premises which
Stephen Schmidt nnd wlfo granted nnd
convejed to the sild John Bartosch bv
deed dated Auz 8th 3891, and recorded
In tho rocordei s olHce of Lackawanna
county In Deed Book No 101 page 305.
All Improved with a two-story frarna
dwelling house, barn and other out
buildings Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of Citizen's Building nnd Loan ns
hoclatlon vs. Charles Bartofcch admin
istrator of John Bartosch, deceased.
Debt, $730 Judgment No 6S9, May Term,
1899. Lev fa. to May Term. 1899.
Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa., May 12th,
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