THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY', JUA1' 25, 1899. 8 ' raar- r POWDER A&s&wnlm 'Pure Mukes'the food more delicious and wholesome ttoyn.MKmnrfniKnaa.fiit'HrBnu. ,, . . ObAeL FIRST REPORT OF Tlin GRAND JURY j ws :-r.ENi'ED to couivr 'KSTEBDAY. lllluboth Millar: Mary lluwpy. prox., In puv uottp, Adiim Knerlm; John stcuer. wilt. ))i us., tn pay tHtt, I.j'rikny and Urorlvliig. Kntu Tries Mnry Jcnkluv. prox. Charles Luk-m ltrh; .Vary riirtinsx, prox.; coiiiur jih cents. John Kropper, rharles Jvino verstej, pros., tii m cost!!. J. I.. .';'', .1. I.. I'lurk It. N. Utuey; Michael Wo hilhklo. pros. Mr D.ivld J. vlr.: Murthu Lewis, prox. Gorge itaiktr; John Oafrmy. pro Silvester Ilowey: I Andrew llnrwlii, prof, to py cists. "i- Jlccnrty. August voi-i-mm, inun, than cannot fco surpassed. Our din ner 1U await us 'here, lifter wlilrh I he members call avail thi-m?elvps of tho numerous plucis of umusement. If Ilia membeis should so desire, wo will leave Coney Inland parly In tho affirnoon, coming bark to ilrooUlyn nver tin) cych path and proceed ly ferry to Thirty-fourth sheet, New Yoik, tlirnco through Oiutrtl Park or . 1 up Ulvernldu DMv. taking supper in ; 1 Ne-rr York and icavuis lor nmnp on I the 7.30 v. in. tiulii. Wo have secured a, special low rule to New York of M.'.'. inakliu tho enure- cost of tilp lib-jut 47. , Kindly reply h oiko by enclosed pos tal If you lutitxl to Join us, an v- I cun seeuie a six-elal car for mirf ivca nd ono for wheals It we et a mifllrlont , number, i If jou have ti Untie you would like to bring hIoiik, plottfo make applloa ' liiui to the captain, i H, W. Kit. Captain. FOR RED DOUGH HANDS ,- FOR ITCHING PALMS j?. HticiiwiatoitiT oM,&3 83 , lrriifiiititift.. lM AviuiwaiuiiL. llMtVvr S?iWl .1 1 ": iiWSa3 i wffi Tine J.ll round Agrunst Hniiy i t.SnySoKrW ?' pro,r JuikuvlU, Who is Charged with -"laUj" "" -r-r i t - ..A' "I?t.UI..,. ! Tn'itiLU SJUri It Tini?-. 1 0 ilUSOailQ UlU-HB 1 "Uum.x.h .;.... .,,,,,, Agninst Archbald Oidceru Is Ig- Arson-Annie Powell and Edwin j ."WinTr pV:" "'" cotmty' "p-ly Jones Aio Indicted for Adultery , rent Pl!,Ut s.-iiiieiripr; at tho Instance of the Woman's '. "jrinnyl-yh... mnij.n Jo lV rn-itjj. .t i ii i ii-i i ii i ail ir ti- ('OUlL,t 'A "'CI'. Thom ''nninilnV" St-olff.-Cnthrlnt nomine uoi ed Other Court 2Inttcrs, JOPtM. a.. ....ii r.i'.bczzlem.'-nt.-rii'uk Pzatvklwlcz; !'. 'i lie dim reium of ih- .. 'ii.l K-!,.",i.kii. prow. 1 iiv ,... inuilf ii uouii ..i.U'.'litj Jl it.'n.'iilnu Hlotrn 1 i it i -Lew ! lVrvy; j.- an u hi w. Tllfi: HI1.I.H Assault am Halu-i.; I I- !-l Aiitiitin .MujeUltl; uOM'ph inujur, pi-. .Mm .MiAiKiivw; i'.itilcj Ak'tloulilellrU, Another Donation for Hospllal. l'Mltor of Tin- Tilliuno. Sir, I Iipk tn ui'Uiiov1pi1i?o recolpt of ilonatlnn or jr.o Jo fioin tlu St. I.uUi'h rhuri'li, for wlilcli the hospital Is very gfruluful. Yoiiih truly, U. I.. Fuller. I-'ljiin. j Troasuror Iat I:a wanna Ilospltiil. Hcranion, ra.. Aiuy :i, isjj. FOR PAINFUL FINGER ENDS u J Osn Xioht TiiiiATiti'.Nr. Soak tho li.nmli tbormiRlily, on retiring, In n hot Ullirr ot CfTicuiiASoAr. Dry.aml anoint freely with C'ttricUHA ointment, tho Rtrat skin euro and purostof omolllcnls. AVearold Kloveiliirlnp; tho night. 1'or sore, hands, Itchlnc burning pilnn and painful lliiRor cndl, thlD one night trt'-'mtnl li wonderful. VKflMCM E'neclally Mothewrei itfnmjwtfBl l!UltlS.U to rptit ll"" rcmirVi. rUamimt, rurUrlnK, n.l o nojUnt propctUei of Utnci Hi Soa? nt tatlUil &iif uri for It daliy. 8 tM ihronthmit thn irmM. r.ittrn 1). Ain C. Cojir , l'wpi., Uoltoil. " llow to Hits Uoutiful IIiqJi," rrtt. TAKE TIME BY THE rORCLOCX." Isrln-i, .S,v" p:.v ros I .IiKH-phtliH l''o.v; Waller O'Connor. pioM.. Ilobbery.-Jrlin 1!. M. II. 'c. M. 3. Mo ' Hale: T. R Oedfrey. pi. .. ' Atllmpt at Kpubh; Jon- nlo Wal.h. lro.. to pay costs. Ti.r. iiu.t nsmiiiMl CuintillliKi and V!.:- prt!' V.i!.l;V;;UK,MM.'.t;i '. th- UurBlan,. will bo heard to- J'lelffcr. prox. John Nn in-, .mouiumv , ua .Muran. pio.i John No-iii: JuidKet Mo- ; -- r inn. pro.. .Martin I Mum.-; MK-hiul J. p. .pu.wiiiton EnllitV Suit. Ki-nnidy. pro.-. J.ti-ub I.ll-fu; Jinnes- "- io..-vuoi. -nun.) ou I'tniiiiy: Mni Cotmi.v. pun.. l'.lelutrii , r, .iinlne Gunner yestorJay tes- VU miiii,'. Ciithirtno I'li-T'of-;: !.n-11, t,ar iitnimy ns lmnvtl In th" onulty cult Wlllshlre. nt).. Cmll Mm-n: Mlihni- I'.itrli-li l.ivi II. : Henry John Thiinuin; ThoiiiaM V. Nlet-pn, pi oh, iJoyle, pmv. j.i'Mtx, prn. Arson Ilarrj Jiliknvltz; Tliomast l.ey- BllOII, pl'O!". llobberj. .Mlrluii'l M-Nult. John Ml kir: l-'i.iiils l: ibliui- .1r. pies. AntlioiO Il.irtnlck. Mlih.iel l.iiHU-k. pi" ni (.'hni lex Clmrrh, escriitnr of the o t.Ue f .liixciili Chlireh. ileeean-d. tmiliiKi W. . Wlnton nml others, oNcciitor. The olJct ni 'In- soiit Is to compel the defendant" to fl'e an account of 'coal royalties, icntu ami niniu-yH de l.arediy iinil Ili-ei l iii'-r ()m n Jlouin; . Hved fiom thu sale of poilli)li ol a 111 Iilfrl Murnii nrnv. .TuH.-lill Poll. A I. Rni;rx pi ox. Kralik Soulskle; I rank IloblhiK. Jr . pno-. Attempt ill Il.-ipc I'.-itrli-k Hiilnv; Ml ihml n. W.ilxli pint. Al.-lvln Kii-y; Jiifoh Wehxer. pn AuKiisin ( 'utile . 1'i-Iecotj ('iihtiiniiii. prut. Ilaiie -D.ivld S-eiN. Jo-eplt Cro-x. pi--x Miillelnuo MImIiIi f. John linn.v; ltl'-h-itd I'lemliir. pto Slanlxliiux fl'll llukovxkl; Hoxle Zolkowrkn. pion. Wiul-1-l,i Stio hovltz: Ito-a ZulUowsiUI. piox. Thoiuus Covin-; John J Covne. prnn. diltti-ry -Annie I'owell: Tliotna Lev xhi n. pro. lMwIn Joucx. Tlimii. II IWi II, pm-. Uuwlnry. Arthur Youur: Janiex Sl son, prox. I'onileutlim ami Hit- -inlv . lbert -n-ki Ir . Mlunl- fin -"il'm-m. l-r. Ja oili 1'ontltn '-"111111.1 N'npi pro. Airui-iiviitPil A-muli iind It tl-r liflv ucre ttne-t of land In Xcrtli fcran- lon. which the Church h dalm a une lourii! Interest In. Xearly nil the t( x tlnionv on the part of the plaintiff wu herd yesterday. Attorneys t H ilee mid U. M. Hannah represent the plaintiff, anil Hon. John J'. Kelly and 1. II. Kuril .mv attorneyx for the de fendant A vimt amount of mono is iin olved In tin xull Testimony n- tiken In (xiurt room Xo. -' in the caxe of O. ). llolllstt r UKiiltiPl the Seranton pour district. Thl" i a xult litoutrht to restrain the district from nollutliiK n stream from lutiicli the nlalntlffs cuttle drink. At- YQ33B Will be rotis-ed to its nntural dntlei and your blliousm-si, leadiicbo und constipation bo cured if you tako Mood's PMFs Hold by nil drucslst'. i't tents. a; ?ar$ r.r-,sR.nK iff' .o! 'ln ljiv.ii.lim-. .lnlu'l llennett: IM'I Ilnsli I pi os. Silvester l'lell-kl. Anthony ci.ilai-kn, Stlne Oleeko; Adntn U.irkcn-tl-i. pi ox. , ,, t I-'alse I'n-tcnrex John 1J. Hall; I-o Ciiynt-, ptoi. I'olxonhiB a IIov. r.ttrlck lfJiuly; Pat rick Moore, prox. AldliiR Pilsnner to 1 :ca pe. Ffank -s.ik: Jpi-m Hilcoil p:o-. Sc-IIInc Uiiiu i- without IJcense. n.-ivbl D.ivles. i:ilzalu-tli .ilen: .Marih,. I.ev.-l.x, '"I'uioeny by Ilallpp.-Jbn IVrcliliidliJ. l.i-wy Siidofskl. Jacob Senimkl Joxeph ltatlvp)'.l!l .Million;. Arid- "a; Albu't Trcyhulskl. pto IONOIIKD Mll.l.H. Axsatilt and llat'i-- 'I homii" H. 1'ow pl; Annie 1'ov.el'. piox ; einiiity pay coxth. Ci.lln-ilr.i Ui-rrln'.in. M.iry Airl an. prox.. to pu ioMs. Mary CiiiinlllR lnm; Catlurlin Kcttilck. pros-, count mv eo.-itH. W I'. Well Chailoiti H.izuid. liox . ei iinlv p:i' (oris Cor-i m II Chlnkl 1'iti-r chlnskl. St mix l.ofx Ut. John Ai'-li vtimxltz: John Shenilllxkl lirox.. to p.iv cost J-iimx .Mclluuli. Mnrv McltiiRli. io- -o'liit. p.i coxti- dlstik-t. Action in Ejectment. (i.-inne W. Cramer and C.eoige A". Cramer, attorney-in-fact for John Wnrreii, AuRtistux .1. Warren, Kthau A. Warnn. Jefferson Wairen, Ann K I'tley. Idl.1 Coll, Mary K. Kunltt. Aniiindn lluidlek and Nancy J. Holfoid yesterday liepiu an action aujalnst Mrs. Michael Ivnnojka to recover possession of a (ortnln piece of land, the nunei .shl) of v.hleh Is In dispute. It Ih C0-ir." feet 111 size and Is located In Fel' townxhlp. n Hi ft S I A V b B fl I Pj f : t. a h .J . LrJ JL iA " l l ?S 111 8MI1IJ wffl Appeal to Superior Court. Ur. AUKtixtiis Van Cleef yesterday took an appeal to the superior court In tin- case of CP.ulotte J. Sykes c-.i-ciitrls, afirtiliifit him. The action was tried at the last term ! of common pious court and a verdict I NKWS OP VICTORY. When an evcttod t-u -n- j- i r comes d.i-liiiij m it!. ' f'(i - . mils t'ev.-s in m lor ii'ini-(v , i jrt..t lield of batik- iiubod Vj i.onder.s it his fiilliiiMusii . wf;, ? It is contastoiis. l-.verj- Tws, nun wlui licurs the Kr,ll"l .A, "-" tidii.jix is ready ,- fW'l to swiii? his hat ,, cSM(ih I S? and cheer mni XSA. -'- IMss nloni? the p.ii sjiltfiidid story j$ XlW'J" to Ills nearisl ryy , V neighbor. Wlieu j"V Vi ' '"" a man has been -V sriv'S. V tlHouj?h a tern- SyXVj,y ble itittle with L!ly(VC, Mckness .mil at K A ; ln-.t 1i.i ir iiiii-,1 .i I ,ivvj.! - x :".. ". .... : v.:,?. hi- first impulse AVV fi, i-; to tell the 1 -Ijicm1 j.;ood lews to otliers. lie wan.-- (" r man and woman of his :iciU.iillt!-ln-e to Urow .dniilt the silci:diil veined brought litin hack from sicklies-, "and discn.u i;;ement to s.ouud an 1 perfect hedth. I hid r'.imnintkm tor thirc' says Mi Jiimcs It I'r.iui-tnn. nl Mi:rt.lmru M'atii imoii Co M'l , m h rictut U-tur to lit, K V. Puree, of lliifi'.ilo, N Y ' K-oulilu'l walk nt oil. I ia In tmsltii'Hs Iu Ililthuor.. 1 Hied the best iloetori. I tuiilu Rit but they diil me no nood. 1 tmV: three liMllesnf I)r l'lirecs vnjldcn Medical Discovery mid It cureil nu uuml " I e.itnr home to sharoMUtni ,iul tin irmte thueenstsol dli,-rc U-i.isi-k 1 ,id-iseil the pitlentx lou- Dr. I'luct'b uie-iU-mt which they did. and nll'ien- euud I h.iw mid one him iliol dollar' worth ir your tiitiiicini by telling pl-ople how U cured nu S'uuwlll Hud (.nelosed ,- .in- ,iiu stamps lor one of our ' Mcdkal AdvUers ' i-loth-bouud." Thii i?r.iud " )iccrv " is the niont perfect formula ever ifevits.-d for the complete and renovation of the blood from all tuihealtliy ?eims and lurlcillt? taints of ever name and nature, llv n:.iV,iii? pure and health blond frte liotu liilioiis pou-ms it builds uj) strong and active in -nhood mid bloouui!? at tr.ictivc won- iiihood. If out of health, write to Dr. Pierce, lie will Mind oit i;iioit, fatherly, profes .ion.l1 ailscc without charge,' Pee his i.ddress uove. of S7S.07 rendered In favor of Mrs. . '.: . Dr Van Cleef applied for a new trial, which was refused, and lu ll - now proposes lo hnve the case re- ., I ieil bv the supellor eoutt. Yciterdtiy's Marriage Licenses. Andrew J. l.MP'tt Dunmore Maria McDormou Scranton. Frank Sollwnda T'liceburfr. Mary ZeloyKo I'ricoburR. (ii'iirjfe 1' Von Iji-cU Caibondale Lillian A I'assuiore Caibondale. Michael Sam.iulck Caibondale Anna oiniek Carbondale. liuiiKc A. Huff Sciautoii. Annie Aketx Scranton. WITNESSES HEARD YESTERDAY Muny of Them Examined in the j Election Contest. In the LanRstaff-lColly contest the I fo'oin: witnesses wete iiniined yextciiinv A i ehbald Fdwnrd Jones. Wltilon Joseph Dunford. IMvni-d Tblilweli. Fianl: Goodman, Nelson Nulhsteln, Henry frl&r"f Thomas Wheeler, Fred IirlKfrs, Henry Fletchi r. John K. C.rlililhs. Itee.-e It. (Irllllthx, John Johnson, Klc-hai-d Ptaiford, Jo'iiih I'letelier. jr. Mlaliely 11. J. '5iillth. TiiMor-nichard AVllllnmx, David F. Kvai's. IMwuid Harris. William 11". Tlu-mup. Dickson I'lly KoroiiRli-nijorKe H. Plmiris, c. Hodgson. Frank Plmnis. William Fly. John Cray. Thomas Dray, Ken Jarvls. Anthony lliishnoskl, Henry Heaser, John I5ceuP, diaries JCly, Peter Hebprand, Kd. M. Morunn, Noah DavU, Adam Hepkr, S W Hod doe, CerrKO Fly, Thoinnx Fly." John T 1'almer. J. W. Sampson, Fied XimiiiPiman, John Deiehnuller, John llniirond, Jacob Sanowskl Si i.'inton Miles Cllbbniis, Charles Pul'ir, Julius Northaker. Chailos (Ink. Housewives should pon der over the startling statements regarding FOOD ADULTERATION made to the Senate Pure Food Commission by Dr. Wiley, Chief Chemist to the Agricultural Depart ment. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA is NOT included in his strictures, because NO FOREIGN SUBSTANCES are used. It is absolutely PURE. Use less tea and infuse THREE to FIVE minutes. Always use boiling water. Car load Just arrived. All stylo?, find prices the lowest. Workmanship suaranteed cv.'i on THi GHKAPR GR DES. Keep us In mind and you won't re gret Klvltis us your patronage you will get goods as represented giving you our easy terms of payment or very lowest prices for cash. Immense stock of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets, Iron Beds. etc. Fivo largo floors full to tho celling at Tii93 Ks'ly's Stons, fXtiX HIIPlfflilM At Retail. Coa) of the best quality for domestics Use und of all xlis lm hiding and Illrdx'je. 1 U i l In any p.nt of the ollx, .it the lutti'l price Oidi-rx rcci-lvi-it at th- otllee. Council Imllillin;. llonni W, t-l plume No. 17U, "r lit tli- mini. P I. I hone No 2iJ. ill be prompt!- attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. ljyf AND 11 iBVflivan JSJ?sd12' WASHIHfflCOK AYEMUE. Sp" SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. llP otCsJI! TBLllJL && ; ii able Sorts A special assortment of the plain, serviceable Pique and Linen Skirts-rdie summer-time sorts for which a sudden, shower or a dash of spray have no terrors. Many- kinds. Wo Sp3ak of a Few Unite Only I PLEASANT CflHL CO NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. D.ems rsrondway and Eleventh St., New Yerh. Ofip. Once Church. European PltB. Kourut Si.oo a Ucy end Upward. n a modoit and unobtrmlvo tray tnr cret fw butter couduetod Sotalj In the motropdis than tbo Hi. Daliln. Ti o creat popnlarlty It b&i cqulrtil eta readily bo tracs-1 to ItJ nriqn locntlna, its hdiahkf ntraosnaaro, tbo pacullur excollcnoo d' lt.s culli,o sua sarrlco, uad lia Ttry modus pr.cea. At 5Cc Linen Crash Skirts, plaiu. At 75c White Duck Skirts, plain hemmed. At SI. 50 Duck Skirts, of blue polka dot, also in plain blue, with strappings of same material in white. At $1.75 Linen Skirts, finished with strappings of black, blue or blue or white duck. At $2.75 White Pique, tailor strappings of same material. At $3.25 Linen Skirts, tailor made, with bauds of insertion over blue duck very effective, At $3.50 White Pique, beautifully made, trimmed with bands of insertion. At $4.50 White Pique, wide welts, with blue pique trimming topped off with star braid. At $5.00 White Pique, poiuted overskirts, with bands of insertion. At $5.00 and Up to $9.50 We show White Pique, Colored Pique, Dot Piques, Linen, Colored Linen, Canvas and other materials variously trimmed and finished in true tailor frshiou. You Are Invited to Look. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 and 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE ViAAAAAAAAAA AJba tiAAAV. Hearty Eaters ltrnllze the necessity of put'm; something subxt-intlal. Their appetite and liiing-n' will bo mlibiled II they eil bread made ut' AsK YOUR GROCER FOR T1 ro mjw iwn m w m Tij-i ej k-j jra 1 $m isBSa, Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS Bold only in I.i-uil I'mlili. 50c, GOc, and 70c per pound. 1 W3 i .Ei m Lai ma miuhu taylor am mi mmmmm mm Cor. Sixteenth SL and Irring Plaw, NEV YORK. AMEKICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per Day nud Upv arils. EUHOPEAN PLAN, $1.50 Per Day nud Upwards. BELLAV1TA 4m Arsenic Beauty 1 Tablets and Pills This Complexion Treatment is a guaranteed specific, per- R V3 fectly salo and euro In its ac- ' . $,i lion, for tho removal of var-s-ivfi'i. ious disorders of tho skin, viz: V U.jl'lniples, niotchsa, freckles, 'llH' Sunburn, Dlscolor.itlons, Hczc in:, lihckli:aJs, RougbneES, RcJncss, and re i' :cs the Bloom of Youtii to failed faces. j i c3 containing 10 da-s' treatment 50c; JO days' treatment, $1.00; six boxes $5.00 v-i'i positive written guarantee, to produce the. : .- a reults or cbcerlally refund Jj.oo paid. Ssnt . ..ail oa receipt cf pries, bend tor circular. Herlla Medical Co., cilotoa&Ja.ksoaSii. : ! by all Otugnistl Cbkip, Illinois. - ild by MrGarrah & Thoiiuio iirug- ix., L1-3 Lackawanna uvc., Hcranton, J'u. fPTJ CLLkejIer". Eacllib DUnmnd JJi-.od. rEHHYROYAL PILLS V? kiktV vrlglnmua (Inly ilcanlne. nmcrlal for CMoAMf.r . Fiiuluil, iirt .nu jirna la u.1 ud u.n u..i.uia biei, Mtlod wliablv. rltbOB. TMLe Lk.r. Jfcu.. lijfMiroui .uiillru. ttata a4 ittltUms. AtDrrUii.r.t.l4f, la .tfiap. M 4rilcd.n, mtlwoaUU and "Ittuer lop l.mau"inutur, j rflarn MalL ICl.oeoi T'OIool:i Kmn lw,r r Camleol 1'lktM .ill.. buuMj, S.UtUUcallru(UU. 1'IIILIKA., CO. . a Lh!ii fdk 2kk ui DECORATION PAY TXVN. Scrnnton Bicyclo Club Has. Arrausod for n Hit' Trip. Captain II. W. Hits, of the Spi an ion l!leelo club, yesterday tent out the folluwlnu notlt-o concerning tho an nual Decoration day run: ArrrihcernentB have been made for our annual Decoration day inn. which will be held next Tuesday, May SO. For the past few yearn wo hnvo been o". er the I'uri JervIs-StrottdHbiiriT route, which luif become monotonous tn pome and tlrcnoine to othure. Tho ride of forty-two miles is one that could "aslly be taken by many of out- i liters biter in the M'asou, but we do not ballovo all our ildeis caro to undertake It nt present, and besides "we want a chanK"." d3 "'ome of our members say. We have planned n, trip for this year which -,ve believe will satisfy most or our members and one that can ho token by everyone at a umall cost. We will leave here nt .10 ft. m. for New Vork, via tho Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, arriving nt Hrenkfnst will be had near tho forry, after which wo will whel ncross Urooklyn bridge, thence through Ilrooklyn and nut the Coney Island Cycle path, a ride of about nine miles CEYLON3NDIA ARE THE BEST For Sale by All Grocers. i:sE(Cli!lKITtr37fl!ltl.EtllSe.,3lEIE!:!IKe I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. xm::xmkC';x-c-m-m:. Fos' Business Men In the heart of the wholesale district V For Shoppers ) 1 minutes vjlk to WaeamalKm; 8 ! rni-.mte-i lo sieel Cooper Ill Store. .:. lt.) of access to the great Dry Cood ! Stores. A For Sightseers. $ One block Irom II way Cars ffbdufr enisv .', t jiitjiurutiou to nil potulsoliutirrtt." ,', OlAfAl BIKmnf 'i mm mmiui ; rEW YORK. ? COR. 11th AT & DNIVKK--ITY I'LACIt, V ' Ouly Oue nioekfroui Ilroadway. V ROOmS tftl -fl ITn RESTAURANT ? ,,..v'tX"' .....w. ,4Seow J M te 1'lour. It has a delirious flavor. Is tender, nutrition and "till ing." Just the thing tor hun gry people. All grocers sell It. "We only wholesale It " THE 11 ILL Q Scranton, IB sun ni or sli .ac a V movaie We are sole agents for Scranton for C. C, Cafferty, Binghamton, N. Y., and cau guarantee all work in trusted to our care to be perfectly satisfactory. Our patrons need have no hesitation in sending us all classes of fine laces. mm lQ The Dickson Maiuil'.ictuiinsCo. Hermit n and Wllkos-llarro, I'a , Maiiufuu urern or LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARV KNGINES liolk-rj, llolstlneaud Pumplns Machinery. General Odlce, Scranton, Pa. Carbondale, Olyphant. I Wvirivwryvfiivv?ftnilwv?vvv THE INSIC POWDER CO. Kooms 1 and2,Com,UIi BTtl'?. SCRANTON, PA. Hilling and Blasting rsss (ftm?mFK !rJCH 1 U fei3 ViSZJ Miide ut Mooilo nud Kusli ulo Worlt I.AFI.IN' & RAM) POWIHIll CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER l-.l cine lliittorl-s Klei-trif- Kvploders, lor exploding blnsU, rsafety riuauuit WILLlAf McANULTY, Leaders in Carpets, Wall Paper, Draperies. 35,000 Chainless oiiunDia .i.tla .. -air? -'1 ' .1 iicycies , -"1, r.tto.. -v. Ai factured. Price.... 4) O . - .5j - "m"M" . y'-''' tin ' , '', " M2 (" ' '.t'Lr- v. fj -iii :r . "-rVJTy' ' )M makes mu AMte - WMh at PlnlIar P' lcesv , mSnl W'WM.JbJl&JyNii''. $35. $6. and S.25 IfaK ;J ..'UV & '& iercc a,ul Slormcrs at -ksl.i: Js-' ii,- inwL. - pii Are used daily, a sufficient guarantee that they nre tho best wheels manu factured. Columbia Chain Bicycles, superior to anv and . all chain wheels ipO J Hartford j, better than ever ce Racers S50 R1P3U10 Ghjm-Cll GO'S ..VB5lKELLUWl & CONRAD, 243 Wyoming Ave S3 y.i e r Davidow, Cheapest Shoe Store s Chainlets Bicycle. nave vou noticed tint there a-o S S inure SPALDING CHAINLl -is, wh'ul-, 2 liems riJJo 1 toda tli.m .ill otjwr S3 3 kiiJiiiica wm-ei.uiuuiiisu I The Reason 2 N that there ha . n i '--n ono 'is- S b.-itlshed purcha -r ii i n. in ij I. Its 3; S mechanical sup .-1 . -1 . . .,ve- i-h ,- ;j makes is plainly cviJoi'. X 1 1 1 j HI trial. h 2 'Spalding Racer. . $ S 5pnklinjc Roadster 50 SpalilinjjClialii.'oi.s 73 1 PLOREY & BROOKS i un ... .... P an VahlnKtun Aveuus g Oppotltc Court lloiue. M ?i:uni!iiiuiiiiiiiiii:2Sj3iiiui!ui:n M I r yNvi WBS& mm in 307 Lackawanna Avsnus. Th3 Followsng Low P.'ioes Will Speak for Themselves. MEN'S SHOES Russet and Black Patent Leather, Kid, all styles, made by H. S. & R., 13 to E. widths, wortli 4 to 95, at .52.75, $3 and $3.50. Men's Fine Shoes, hand-sewd, ui and biack cloth top, patent tip, plaiu and coin toe, made to sell ct $3.00, Only 1.08, Men's D, ess Shoes at 98c. Men's Heavy Working Shoes at 9S".. Boys' Shoes 98c LADIES' SHOES Made by Grav Bro'?. and John Kelly, iu fine Frenc'i Kid, patent leather, tan, vici kid, all sty Us, iu turn aucl welt, opera, L. C. heel, A, B. C, D. and H width, worth $. and $5. Our price oulv $2.75, $3 and $3.50. Ladies' Fine Russet ami BL-Hc Shoes at 9Sc, $1.29, $1.49 and $1.98. Misses' Fine Shoes at 79c, 98vJ and $1.29. Childrea's SI102S at all prices irom 25c to 75c. Little Gent's Russet aud Black Shoes, wortli tSc, at 59c. Men's Rubber Sole Slippers at 29c. Men's Bicycle Shoes it 98c. Call aud examine our shoes aud bargains before buying elsewhere. Remember, wc arc the cheapest shoe store. DAVBDOW, 7 Lackawanna Avenue