The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Gained Flesh
and Strength
Dr. R. D. Fairex, of New Orleans, writes: "I find Johann Hoff's
Malt Extract to act as a stimulant as well as a tonic. The patient
gains flesh and strength from Its administration."
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract
ts the pioneer and standard has been sold since 1847. Aveio suoswuies.
Johann Holf: New York, Berlin, Vienna, Paris.
o'arbondaltnna and Scrnntonlnns Will
' Meet in tho Opera House.
Tho pupils of tho high school Imvo
nt-ranged for an nttractlvo entertain
ment to bo Riven In the Grand opera
house tomorrow evening. Tho prin
cipal number on the programme Is a
debate on tho question: "Resolved,
That HlBh Schools for Boys and Girls
Should He Separate." Scranton Lu
ward Klrkbrlde, Haydn Oliver, GoorRo
F. Coar. Carbondalo Mary Surdoval,
Vcrno, Skinner, Valentine Law: ora
tions, Leon Levy, Martin Kennedy
essays, John A. liorati, Hannah Gll
ltoot, Nina llnynor; recitations, Mil
dred Green, Lillian Peuckert. Prof.
Edward Morse, of Scranton, will play
a mandolin soln. and Miss Anna U.
"Williams, of Scranton. will be accom
panist. Tho other music will bo as
follows. Duct, Misses Carrie Lever
and Grace Hall; choruses, by Rossini
Glee club: violin solo, with piano ac
companiment, by Graham sisters.
The Rold medals for essays and ora
tions will be on exhibition at Ely's.
They are furnished by Carbondalo Ren
tlcmen. The Judges will be George S.
Kimball, of Carbondalo; George David
son, of Scranton, and Prof. Nelinoytr,
of Dunmore.
ety will meet on Thursday afternoon
at the home of Miss Martha Carey.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders, of Dun
more, were visiting at the homo of Mr.
Ehenezer Drake on Sunday.
Sarah, the little daughter of Mr. Jo
seph Hoeseh, had tho misfortune to fall
on Saturday and break her arm.
Tho Ladles Aid society of the Brick
church will meet on AVedncsday after
noon at the home of Mrs. A. J. Baker.
Mrs. William Shotwell will open an
Ice cream parlor at her home, corner
of Milwaukee avenue, on Thursday,
May IS.
Mr. Frank lteeil, of Duninoro, spent
Sunday at tho home of his father, Mr.
D. C. Reed.
report at next meeting. After soma
discussion In regard to the streets,
council adjourned to meet ttext Tues
dny evening.
Henry M. Ives, of Dalton, Lacka
wanna county, was In Tunkhannock on
Monday In the Interest of the bond
holders of the Tunkhannock Electric
Light, Heat and l'ower company.
It la tho purpose of tho local execu
tive committee of the Five County Vol
unteer Firemen's convention, It the
necessary funds can bo raised, to ar
range for a special prize drill, In addi
tion to the regular programme of con
tests, to be hold on tho flrBt day of the
convention. Tho companies spoken of
In this connection are the Eagles, of
l'lttston, and the LIntas, of Towanda.
These companies are old rivals and the
last time they met tho Eagles carried
off the prize. Tho Towanda boys want
revenge, if tho necessary encourage
ment Is given the committee they will
offer a prlzo of $100 for these two com
panies. Squire Sampson will sail from New
York on Friday for Brazil, where, he
expects to spend most of the summer
looking after his Interests there. He
will bo nceompanled as far as New
York by F. J. Sampson.
The school board has accepted Archi
tect Brown's plans for an addition to
be built on tho front of the central
school building at an estimated cost of
$11,000, $1,300 of which will go Into tho
heating system. This amount It lit
tle moro than half the cost of nn addi
tion such as has been proposed for the
rear. Messrs. Colvllle, Dlmock and
Moon favored the front plan and
Messrs. Brcnnan and Hughes the rear.
Mr. Boylan was absent. Bids will be
advertised for without delay.
Dr. H. C. Wheeler and D. W. Hum
phrey have been added to the govern
ing staff of tho Carbondalo Cycle club.
A new set of bylaws was adopted at
the last meeting and will soon bo in
tho printers' hands. The furnishing
of the new club house has been almost
completed and tho homo of the wheel
men Is one of the most finely appointed
In the upper Lackawanna valley.
The Germanla Singing club will con
duct a social In their North Main street
rooms tomorrow evening. Prof. Saft
and tho double quartette of tho Jun
ger Mannerchor of Scranton will par
ticipate In the concert. Refreshments
will bo served and dancing will follow.
Mrs. J. J. Relgeluth has returned
from Mlddletown, N. Y.
Rev. Naboth Osborne, or Jermyn,
who preached some very eloquent ser
mons In tho Presbyterian and Metho
dist churches of this city last sum
mer, has completed his studies at Drew
Theological seminary.
Mrs. William A. Shlffer, of West
Pltt'ston, has been visiting her aunt,
Mrs. J. R. Vanderford, for a week.
Mrs. Howard Potter lias returned
from Taylor.
Edward Hall, representing Olive
Leaf lodge, I. O. O. F., George W.
Hughes, representing Cambrian lodge
and Lackawanna encampment, and
Mrs. S. N. Bailey, representing the'
Daughters of Rebecca, attended the
Allentown convention.
Miss Mary Coogan is entertaining
Miss Maine McGowan, of Scranton.
Miss Cora Chase, of Binghamton, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Grant Nichol
son. Mr. and Mrs. John Hallstead have
returned from Fleetville.
The Erie company has opened a
ticket office In Anthracite hotel.
Harry Potter, of Hazleton, Is visiting
friends In this city.
Ontario and Western employes of
this city were paid yesterday.
Mrs. M. C. Corby, of Wyoming sheet,
Is critically ill.
Miss Carrie Taggart. of ?'lneveh, Is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Johnson, of
Canaan street.
Charles Schadt, of Scram has en
tered his team for the Me. .uflal day
races at Anthracite park.
Mrs. Margaret Morse, son, Kendall,
and Mrs. Lucy Hadc-ock, yesterday
took up their residence at Crystal
lake cottage for tho summer.
Frank Clark, of Canaan street, who
has been 111 with pneumonia, Is con
valescent. P. A. Powderly Is In New York on
The Mitchell Hobo company has ap
propriated $50 to entertain Its returned
eoldlcr members.
Baso Ball This Afternoon Concert a
Success Personal News.
This ufternoon the lovers of tho na
tional game will have the pleasure
of witnessing tho first game of the
season on tho school house grounds
between the Reds and the Orioles.
Both teams arc composed of Rood
material and a good game can be ex
pected. Game will commence at 3.30
p. in. The teams are composed of tho
following players: Reds Catcher, M.
Glynn; pitcher, J. Glynn; first base,
Jones; second base, 0. Morris; third
base, Hayes; shortstop, Hayes; loft
field, Shields; center field, Watkins;
right field, Stone. Orioles Stone,
catcher; Thomas, pitcher; Day, first
base; Owens, second baso; Eagan, '
third base; Davis, shortstop; Griffiths,
left field; Stone, center field; Nichols,
right field.
Mrs. John Watkins, of West Scran
ton, visited relatives In town yester
day. Mrs. Samuel Sheldon, of North Main
street, has returned home from Pitts
ton. Contractor- Herbert has commenced
work in erecting tho foundation wall
of I). J. Edwards' new block.
Notwithstanding tho threatening
weather, the auditorium of tho Cal
vary Baptist church was crowded last
evening. Tho Welsh prize singers were
the attraction. They are all that they
credited of and those present last even
ing enjoyed tho event Immensely.
Prof. Thomas Butland will preach nt
the First ConRrcgatlonal church of
Feltsvllle on Sunday.
The "Ye Old Folks' Concert" at Web
er's rink on Tuesday evening was a
treat to those who were In attendance.
The members of Taylor camp, No.
492, P. O. S. of A., met In Van Horn's
hall on Tuesday evening for the pur
pose of organizing a ladles' branch.
A large number of lady members were
enrolled. They have decided to hold
their meeting In the above hall every
Mrs. Daniel Price has returned to
her home In Clark's Summit.
Lackawanna Valley council, No. 81,
Junior Order United American Me
chanics, will meet this evening. The
1S99 committee will also meet at tho
evening session.
Rev. M. J. Watkins returned to his
homo In Factoryvlllo Tuesday, after
visiting his mother, Mrs. W. W. Wat
kins, of this place.
The foundation wall of tho new store
of John Shea Is nearlng completion.
Taylor castle, No. 227, K. of . K.,
will meet this evening. Representa
tive D. W. Williams, who has Just
returned from the grand lodge session,
will give an address.
Mr. GeorRC Prcndergrast, of Depot
street, has accepted a position ns clerk
in the Paris store at Scranton.
Mioses Pearl Gaul and Maggie Slpplo,
of the Archbald, were the guests of
friends In this place on Tuesday even
ing. Mrs. Randolph Jones, of Scranton,
visited friends In this town recently.
Mies Nettie Reese, of North Scran
ton, is visiting relatives at this place.
Misses Marlam Patterson and Bessie
Jones have returned to their homes In
Glen Falls, after visiting' relatives
Tickets are selling rapidly for the ball
of the Junior Order United American
Mechanics, to bo held at Weber's rink,
Decoration day eve. May 29.
The borough schools will close next
month. The different rooms are pre
paring closing exercises.
Harry Van Kiceck, who went to Phil
adelphia on Monday for the purpose
of undergoing an operation for cntar
act of the eyes returned home last
evening, having, by advice of tho hos
pital physicians, decided to postpone
tho operation for a time.
Tho men who aro driving the rock
piano from tho lower to the top vein
of conl in the Delaware and Hudson
colliery, struck another small vein yes
terday, being tho third they have mot
with since commencing tho plane.
It will bo of Interest to tho many
friends of AV. E. Davis, the well known
Mayfleld young man who entered the
Howard university at Washington, D.
C last fall, that on Tuesday ho won
over many competitors the first prize
at rhctorlcles at tho Institution. Ho
expects to bo nt homo about the end of
the month for tho summer vocation.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waters and
Mrs. James Harris, of West Mayfleld,
attended Rev. William Bentley's church
at Blakely, last Sunday.
Isaac Avery and James Harris, two
local expert anglers, returned from
Beaver Falls with over 100 pounds of
excellent fish. The enormous catches
In that neighborhood are attracting all
the local fishermen. Mathow Leslie
and Albert Moon were there yesterday
and Burgess Willman is talking of go
ing up today to try his luck.
Among the local people who were In
Scranton yesterday were Mrs. A. F. A.
Battenbcrg, Editor KlRor, of the Press;
L. A. Green mid Richard Bitnt.
Ben Davis, of II street, was a For
est City visitor on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Penny, or
Fourth street, are having somo im
provements made to their property. ,
The borough council will meet in
special session on Friday evening for
tho purpose of taking action on tho
exoneration list.
Harry Arthurs, of Fourth street, has
given up mining and yesterday moved
his family and household effects to a
farm he has recently rented In Blakely.
Mrs. Jenkins, of Main street, who
was so seriously 111 on Tuesday, had
considerably Improved yesterday.
Tho Delaware and Hudson colliery
only worked a quarter of a day yester
day through want of big cars.
Mrs. Jonathan Jenkins, of West
Plttston, was a visitor here yesterday.
Tom Rotelll, tho Edgerton Italian
who was so seriously injured Tuesday
by a fall of coal, was taken to tho
Emergency hospital, Carbondalo, yes
terday. Miss Ohio Blakcsleo has returned
homo from New York.
Miss Rachel Jenkins, of West Pitts
ton, is visiting friends In this borough.
overcome by Hood's Sarsarparilla
w.ilch purifies tho blood, tones tho
stomach, strengthens tho nerves, and
makes the whole system vigorous and
A vegetable cathartic that can be
relied upon to do Its work thoroughly
Hood's Pills.
One- Person in Every Pour Suiters
from Piles.
About ono person In every four suf
fers from somo form of rectal disease.
The most common nnd annoying Is
itching plies, indicated by warmth,
slight moisture and Intense, uncontroll
able Itching In the parts affected.
The usual treatment has been some
simple ointment or salvo which some
times give temporary relief, but noth
ing like a permanent euro can be ex
pected from such superficial treatment.
Tho only permanent cure for Itching
piles yet discovered Is tho Pyramid Pllo
Cure, not only for Itching piles, but for
every other form of piles, blind, bleed
ing or protruding. Tho first applica
tion gives instant relief and tho con
tinued use for a short time causes a
permanent removal of tho tumors or
the small parasites which cause the
Intenso Itching and discomfort of Itch
ing piles.
Many physicians for a long time sup
posed that the remarkable relief afford
ed by the Pyramid Pllo Cure was be
cause It was supposed to contain co
caine, opium, or similar drugs, but such
Is not the case. A recent careful ana
lysis of tho remedy showed It to bo ab
solutely free from any cocaine, opium,
or in fact any poisonous, Injurious
drug. whatever. Sold by druggists at
CO cents per package.
Valuableiteal Estate
FHIDAY, MAY 2(3. 1899.
f, jxrt.fujtxuxxnxiy-1 Jur jli u wu'iut in.nri.n l ""' i " "
The entertainment for tho benefit of
tho AVllson Fire company to bo given
next Saturday, night under the man
agement of Miss Jessie Stearns, will
bo a rare treat to those who attend.
The cause Is a worthyi ono and Fire
men's hall should bo crowded to the
doors. Among those from out of town
who will take part In tho programmo
nro Mr. W. F. Burke, n talented com
poser and dramatlo singer; Mr. Jen
nings, an lnlmltablo humorist.whlle tho
singing of Miss Brown is not surpassed
In the valley. The programme is ns
follows: Part first Mandolin solo, se
lected, Mr. W. G. Hawley, accompan
ied by Mr. F. R. Benjamin? recita
tion, "When the Preacher Comes," Ola
Rogers; "The Now Baby," May Jen
kins; recitation, "A Troublesome Call,"
Sarah Mendleson; solo, selected, Miss
Brown; characterization, Mr. Jennings;
recitation, "A Little Quaker Sinner;"
Grace Day: recitation, "Seeln' Things,"
Lay ton Jenkins; soio, selected, Mr.
Burke: wnnd drill, Misses Besslo
Thompson, Edna Arnold, Besslo Purdy,
Grace Oliver, Elsie Stearns, Florenco
White, Mable Ketrhum, Frceda Brlggs,
Reberta Bartolett, Ethel Whitman,
Grace Hughes, Edith Rook, Tilly Wls
cnburg, Mable Oliver, Cora Hendricks;
recitation, "Tho Dear Doll," Helen
Thomas; cake walk, Sarah Mendleson,
Layton Jenkins, Ola Rogers, Archie
Tlnklepaugh, Grace Day, Willie Mor
gan, Anna McKllry, John Jenkins, May
Jenkins, Homer Taylor, Beatrice Tln
klepaugh, Claude Jopeling; mandolin
solOj selected, Mr. Hawley and Mr.
Benjamin; humorous recitation, Mr.
Jennings. Misses Slekler and Frazler,
Mrs. Willis Krug. of Philadelphia, la
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Dt Peck.
Chicken thieves depleted the hennery
of S. D. Klngsley Monday night.
Tho Peckvlllo Gun club will hold Its
regular meeting Friday evening, May
IP. All members are requested to bo
Mrs. Herbert McCormlc and daugh
ter, Beatrice, wcro Scranton visitors
Some fifty of Pockville's citizens
were called to Scranton yesterday ns
witnesses on tho Langstaff-Kelly con
test. The Wilson Fire company have pur
chased a new drop curtain for their
hall stage.
Mrs. Frank Barnes, of Main street,
Is 111.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will meet at the homo of Mrs.
Stearns, this afternoon. All members
of the union niv requested to be present.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cia?, Levari Facias and Venditioni Ex
ponas, Usucd out of the court of common
pleas of Lackawanna county, to me di
rected, I will cxposo to public sale by
vendue or outcry, to tho highest and best
bidder, lor cash, at tho court house, In
the city of Scranton, Lacltawunna coun
ty, on I.'rlilnv. h TWMNTY.HlXTll
DAY OF MAY, A, D.. 1S99, at 10 o'clock
in tho forenoon of sold day, all tho right,
tltli and Interest of tho defendants In
and to tho following described lots,
pteecb or parcels of land, vis;
No. 1. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho dofendant, Michael Murray, in and
to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land eltuato in tho Fourth ward of tho
city of Carbondnle, county of LncUu
wanna, Pennsylvania, and being Lot No,
410, aa designated on u map of out lets
"i me uciawaro ana uuufoii ijanai com
pany, on a tract of land In tho warantco
namo of George Lee. and being bounded
and described as follows: Hegtnntne at
tho southeast corner of Out Lot No. 4"9,
on saia tract, owned by Michael Loftus,
a corner also In tho westerly line of the
polawaro and Hudson Canal company's
locomotive railroad track; thonco In n
northwesterly direction nlong Out Lots
Nos. 439 nnd 411, late tho property of
James Wilson, deceased. Its several
courses and distances about 300 feet to
tho northeast corner of Out Lot No. 413,
owned by Domlnlck Hope: thenco In a
southwesterly direction along said Out
Lot No. 441. Its several courses and dis
tances about 191 foot to the southeast
erly corner of said Out Lot No. 443;
thence a northwesterly direction still
along said Out Lot No. 11,1, Its several
courses and distances about 19S feet to a
point on an alley about thirty feet dls
tnnt from tho southeasterly sldo of Plko
Btrcot. near thn Whltn Ttrl1m! ihenen In
a southerly direction along an alley run
ning nlong the bank ot tho raco way Its
several courses and distances about 255
feet to a corner on another irregular
alley running from said raco way in an
easterly direction to land of John Relley;
thenco In a southeasterly direction along
last mentioned alley, Its several courses
and distances, about 230 feet to a corner
In line of land of said John Relley;
thenco a northeasterly direction along
said Relley's land about 40 feet to a cor
ner; thenco a southeasterly direction still
along said Relley's land about 10G feet
to tho westerly lino of said Delaware and
Hudson Canal company's locomotive rail
road tracks, and thence along said rail
road track In a northeasterly direction
about 150 feet to tho plnce of beginning.
All Improved with a one-story and a half
framo building, formerly used as a dwell
ing house.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of P. F. Hughes vs. Michael Mur
ray. Debt. $100. Judgment No. 774,
September Term, 1S93. FI. fa. to May
Term, 1699. BTJTLElt, Atfy.
Word has been received from Eng
land of the death of Mr. Isaac Addl
son, a former resident of this place,
but who returned to his native country
about two years ago.
Mr. Robert Ward, of Scranton, spent
Sunday at the home of his parents.
The Ladles' Homo Missionary socl-
MMVM nn..
Want Ads.
One Cent a Word
In Advance.
Many old soldiers now feel the effects
of tho hard service they endured dur
ing tho war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of
Rossvllle, York county. I'enn., who saw
the hardest kind of service at tho front.
Is now frequently troubled with rheu
matism. "I had a severe uttack Ir.te
ly," he says, "and procured a bottle of
Clmmberlaln'B Taln Balm. It did so
much good that I would like to know
what you would charge mo for ono
dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted
It both for his own use and to supply
It to his friends and neighbors, as every
family should have a bottlp of it In
their home, not onlv for rheumatism,
but lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts,
bruises and bums, for which it is un
equalled. For salo by all druggists.
Matthew Bros., wholesale and retull
An adjourned meeting of the borough
council was held on Tuesday evening
for the purpose of taking up some mat
ters which had gone over from their
regular meeting of the week before. A
representative of tho Central Telephone
company was before the council for tho
purpose of obtaining tho right to place
poles and string wires through the bor
ough streets and establish a station
here. An ordinance was read and
adopted to that effect. An ordinance
to prohibit tho riding of bicycles, etc.,
on the sidewalks ot the borough was
also presented and allowed to go over
til next meeting. Hon. A. H. Squler
submitted a proposition In regard to
lighting tho borough and proposed, if
the borough would give him the con
tract, to furnish 2,000-candlo power
lights for street lighting, to put In a
plant which Is to be flmt-class In every
respect and have It In operation In five
months. There ts much dissatisfaction
with the presont company in regard to
tho quality of light furnished. The
matter was referred to a committee to
The school directors have called a
public meeting -this evening for tho
purpose of having persons who deBlre
to bo exonerated from school taxes.
It Is hoped that the directors will care
fully Investigate the reasons given by
all who attend and wish to be put on
the list. There has been a great
deal of dissatisfaction caused on ac
count of unequal taxation in tho way
of low assessment, non-assessment,
exonerations, etc. The maximum
levy (20 mills) has been enforced for
several years, yet this does not meet
the expenditures. By tho action of
the governor in cutting tho state ap
propriations this borough suffers tha
loss of about $223. This deficit can
not be overcome unless tho people re
spond to tho levies enforced.
Prof. C. F. Hoban, J. J. McLoughlln,
Dr. Burge, Attorney Dixon, W. B. Cur
ran and A. J. Barrett attended tho
Knights of Columbus ceremonies at
Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. C. Druffner have re
turned home, after attending the fun
eral of tho former's father nt W1I
llamsport. Mrs. Lynott has returned to her homo
in Jermyn, after several weeks' visit
at the Kearney residence.
Tho graduating exercises of tho high
school will bo held on June 0. Tho
pupils will give an Interesting enter
tainment to the public on thnt evening.
The remains of William Llewellyn,
who died ut tho Stato Industrial school
a few days ago, will not be taken hero
for Interment. It was tho wish of
the deceased that ho be burled in tho
prlvato burial ground of the Institu
tion. The parents havo compiled with
these wishes and left yesterday morn
ing to bo present at the obsequies.
Mrs. William Mooney, of Mooslc,
spent yesterday with her sister, Mrs.
Mucklow, of Lincoln hill.
The annual examination for mi no
foremen and assistants will bo held In
Butler hill school house on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, May 23, 21
and 25. Foremen will report on Tues
day and Wednesday and assistants on
John Orler. un aged resident of Moo
slc, has received the sad Intelllgenco
of tho death of his son, Samuel Grler,
which took place a few days ago at
Newburg, near Wilmington. Deceased
was engaged as an engineer on tho
P and R. railroad. While rounding
n curve his engine left tho track and
plunged into a coal train. Mr. Grler
was killed outright nnd his fireman so
badly Injured that he died a few hours
after. Deceased had been a resident
of Mooslc until he was about 20 years
of age. He Is survived by a wife and
seven children.
P, W. Reap, ot Lincoln hill, Is a can-
I dldate for delegate to tho convention
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is
tho senior partner ot tho firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In tho City
if Toledo. County and State aforesaid.
and that said firm will pay tho sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
bo curcu uy mo uso cu nans jatarrn
Sworn to beforo me nnd subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. P., 1SSG.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken internally
nnd acts directly on tho blood and
mucous surface of tho system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY, ifc CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 73c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho beat.
The Young People's society of Grace
Episcopal church will hold a social in
tho church parlors on Thursday evening,
May 2;th.
Rev. William II. Swift attended a enm
mltteo meeting In Wllkes-Rarre on Mon
day. Dr. Edward Clark, of Couiiellsvlllo, Pa.,
Is spending u week hero at the homo ot
his parents.
Rev. James 1'. Ware Is attending tho
Episcopal convention ot Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. Horace Collum has accented u
situation in the Globe dry goods liouso at
Last Saturday evening Wayna Robecca
lodge, No. 140, was Instituted hi Odd Fel
lows' hall by Miss Edith Wllmarth, G.
M. D., of Aldcnvllle.
Mrs. Jennie Sedey, who has been vis
iting Honcsdale friends, sturted today
for Fleotville, Pa., wlu-ro eho will spend
some time with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Tiffany, beforo going to her
home, In Denver, Col.
Tho entertainment given under tho di
rection of Mr. und Mrs. Dlxlo netted
$175 to tho Ladles' Improvement associa
On account of the rain on Tuesday ev
ening tho concort that was to bo given
by Sawyer's band from the now band
stand on Russell park was postponed for
one week.
The Delaware and Hudson company
has workmen engaged removing the
pockets used for loading coal Into canal
boats, putting in ntw wide-gauge switch
es, nnd other Improvements needed to
lmndlo tho summer excursionists.
Sirs. Henry 55. Russell returned Tues
day evening from a visit of several
weeks In the far west.
Author and Critic.
"Stiibbs. your new novel Is splendid. Tt
Is written In a crisp stylo and Is Inter
lurded with flashes of wit."
"Great Scott! That sounds as If you
hud been brought up In a bakery and
wcro describing piecrust." Chicago Re
cord. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothlnrr Byrup.
Has been used for over FIFTY YEAR'S
by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for tlicfi?
Is tho best remedy for DIARRHOEA.
Bold by DruEiilsts In every part of tha
world. Bo sure and nsk for "Mra. Wins
low's Soothing Syrup." and take no other
kind. Twenty. Ilvo cents a bottlo.
No. 2.-A11 the right, title and Interest
of Elizabeth Colvln, ono of tho defend
ants within named. In nnd to all that cer
tain piece, parcel and lot of land, situate,
lying and being in the borough of Dal
ton, county of Lackawanna and stato of
Pennsylvania, bounded and dcocribed as
follows: lieglnnlng at a. post; thenco
south twenty nine and one-halt i29',i) de
grees west nine (9) perches to a corner,
lato of Lyman Dlxons; thence along said
lino north sixty-llvo and one-half fiZi)
degrees west four and five-tenths (4.5)
porches to a post and stones; thenco north
twenty-nine and one-half (29V4) degrees
cast nine and three-tenths 19.3) perches
to a corner; thenco south sixty and one
half (60H) degrees east four and one-half
(I'.a) perches to tho place of beginning;
containing rorty (40) perches or one
fourth C,i) of nn aero of land, bo tho
samo moro or less, all Improved with a
ono and one-half story framo dwelling
house and other outbuildings thereon,
and being the same land conveyed by
Peter Ten Eyck and Eliza, his wife, to
Otis Colvln by deed dated April 12th, 1E61,
recorded in Deed Hook 9.". page S60, etc.,
In tho oillco of the recorder of deeds, etc.,
in anu tor i.uzcrno county.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Charles 13. Leo vs. Elizabeth Col
vln, Jesslo E. Austin and William Aus
tin. Debt, $735.50. Judgment No. 901, Jan
uary Term, JS9S. Alias fl. fa. to May
Term, 1699. HOLGATE, Atfy.
No. 3. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant, Evan T. Tucker, in
and to nil that lot of land In Carbondale
City, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania,
being thirty-seven nnd one-half (3714) fpet
wldo on tho easterly side of South Wy
oming street and eighty-four (81) feet
deep from tho street line, bounded ns
follows: Northerly by land of John
Bono; easterly and southerly by land of
Evan T. Tucker and John Thomas, nnd
westerly by South Wyoming street. Con
taining thirty-one hundred and fifty
(3,130) sauare feet, moro or less. Im
proved with a frame dwelling and out
buildings thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of James Carson vs. Evnn T. Tuck
er. Debt, $500. Judgment No. 639, May
Term. 1S99. Fl. fa. to May Term. 1S99.
No. 4.-AI1 the right, title and Interest
of tho defendants, Curtis E. Ilelmes nnd
Emma G. Ilelmes, In nnd to all that cer
tain piece, parcel or tract of land, with
tho improvements thereon, situate In tho
borough of Jermyn. county of Lacka
wanna and stato ot Pennsylvania, and
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Containing a front of fifty-one (51) feet
northwestward on Second street, and
fifty-one (51) feet in rear, and one hun
dred and twenty (120) feet deep, bounded
westward by Second street; northerly
by O street: easterly bv an alley, and
southerly by Lot No. 27, being Lot 28,
In Section 27, as designated on map ot
lots of tho Northern Coal and Iron com
pany in said borough of Jermyn, for
merly Glbsonburg, Improved with a
two-story frame building, used as a store
nnd dwelling, and one other two-story
framo dwelling, with outbuildings there
on. Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of County Savings Bank and Trust
company vs. Curtis E. Ilelmes and Emma
(5. Helmes. Debt, $2,200. Judgment No.
202, January Term, ISD9. Lev. fa. to May
Term. 1S99.
No. 5 All the right, title and Interest
of the defendants, Nathan English and
atoreia Kncusn, in anu to nil that cer
tain piece or lot ot land situate In tho
city of Carbondale. county of Lacka
wanna, and stato ot Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit.: Beginning at tho southeasterly
corner of land conveyed to John n. Mat.
thews In nnd by deed recorded nt Scran
ton In said county In D. B. No. K, pago
616, and running In a westerly direction
along land of T. C. Robinson to a street
ono hundred nnd fctxty-three feet thencfi
In a northerly direction along said street
now called Washington, ono hundred
feet thenco In on easterly direction par
allel with first mentioned line to bound
ary lino of said tract, thenco In a south
erly direction along said boundary lino
one hundred feet to place of beginning,
All Improved with frame dwelling, fruit
trees and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of assigned to Robert S. Whitfield
vs. Nathan English nnd Morcla II. Eng
Hah. Debt, $1400. Judgment No. 443, May
term, 1S99, fl. fa, to Mny term, 1899.
No. 6. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Mary Mullln, in and to
all thoso certain lota or parcels ot land
situate In the township of Lackawanna,
in tho county of Lackawanna, bounded
and described ns follows, to wit.: Up
ginning at a stake set for a corner of
Corny street and Dowd avenue and run
ning thenco along said avenue north 40
degrees, 4S minutes east 100 feet to a cor
ner: thenco south 40 degrees, 43 minutes
west 100 feet to tho easterly lino of
Coray street, and thence north 43 de
grees, 12 minutes west 150 feet to the
placo of beginning; containing 15,000
snuare feet of land moro or less, belne
I known as lots Nos. 9 and 10 In block No.
8 on trusters' map of Greenwood, lots
ns laid out by C. W. Thompson, Jr. All
Improved with a two story framo dwell
ing house and outbuildings thereon.
Scljed and taken In execution at tho
suit of Taylorvlllo Building and Loan
Association vs. Mary Mullen.. Debt,
$1200. Judgment No. 291, September term.
1897. Fl. fa, to May term, 1899,
No. 7.-A1I tho right, tltlo and Interest
ot tho defendant, John Uartosh, Charles
llnrtosh, Mary Bartosh and Annlo Bar
tosh, In nnd to tho following described
plcco or parcel of land, situate In tne
township of Ransom, county of Lacka
wanna, and state nt Pennsylvania,
bounded and described ns rollows, to
wit.: Rcglnnlng nt a point In a creek
known ns Continental creek, and being
tho center of said creek: thenco by
land of John Moran north forty-two (42)
degrees east four hundred nnn iori
three (413) feet to a corner: thenco by
land of tho party of tho first part north
forty-eight (18) degrees west nine hun
dred nnd thirteen (913) feet to a corner In
lino of land of Charles Mayer; thence by
said Mayer's land south forty-two (12)
degrees west two hundred nnd forty
three (213) feet to tho centre of tho Con
tinental creek aforesaid; thonco along
said creek, Its vnrlous courses and dis
tances to the nlace ot beginning. Con
taining ten (10) acres of land, bo the
snmo moro or less, and being pnrt of a
tract of land conveyed to tho party of tho
first pnrt by Manama uinri. aominisua
trlx of tho estate of Fred Ulcrl, by deed
dated 10th of May, ono thousnnd eight
hune'red nnd ninety. Recorded In the re
corders ntllco of Lackawanna county ..d
of August, 1S90, In Deed Book TO, page
464. Coal nnd minerals reserved. Im
proved with two (2) two-story frame
dwelling houses nnd outbuildings there
on. Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
Butt of Harry Smulovlcs Vs. John Bar
tosh, et al. Debt, $13.00. Judgment No.
743. March Term, 1S99. Fl. fn. to May
term, 1699. OEELL, Atfy.
No. S.-AI1 tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Patrick Ansbury. In
nnd to nil that certain lot, )lcce, or par
cel of land situate In tho city of Car
bondale. countv of Lackawanna., stato
of Pennsylvania. Being part of lot num
ber thrco hundred and three (303) on n
map of out lots ot tho Delaware and
Iludon Canal company on n tract of land
m mo warranteo namo or ainry uoycr.
Said lot containing twenty-seven thous
and two hundred and fifty (27,2:0) sauare
feet of land or thereabout, nnd being
bounded nnd described as follows, to
wit.: Beginning in tho southwesterly
lino of nn alley nt tho easterly corner of
out lot numbered 299 In said tract hereto
fore conveyed to Mary Haley; thenco by
said out lot numbered 299 north 55U de
grees west ono hundred and thirty 4.130)
feet to a corner; thence by sold out lot
No. 299 nnd by other land of said com
pany north 32 degrees cast 110.8 feet to a
corner; thenco by other land ot said
company south C7 degrees cost 113.C
feet to a corner; thenco by other land of
said company south 44U degrees west
65.1 feet to a corner; thonco by other
land of snld company south 51 degrees
east 203.9 feet to a corner, and thenco by
Irregular lanes south 40U degrees west
45.1 feet nnd north OG',4 degrees west 201.7
feet to the placo of beginning. .Except
ing nnd reserving as excepted and re
served from Mary Ansbury to Patrick
Ansbury, dated August 18, 1892. Record
ed in Lackawanna county In Deed Rook
No. 91, pago 138, &c. Improved with a
two-story fiamo dwelling and outbuild
ings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Now York Mutual Savings and
Loan Association vs. Patrick Ansbury.
Debt. $135.13. Judgment No. 22, January
term, 1899. Lov. fa. to May term, 1899.
suit ot uso of O. . Pnrtrldgo vs. Er.test
Illackschmldl, Debt, $12. Judgment No.
Hf. September term, 1894. Fl, fa. to May
term, 1899. PARTRIDGE, Att'y.
No. 12. All tho right, title, and Interest
of tho defendant in und to the following
described piece, parcel nnd tract of land,
viz: All that certain lot or parcel of
land, situate, lying, and being In tho
Nineteenth ward of tho city ot Scranton,
county ot Lackawanna, nnd stato ot
Pennsylvania: being the front of lot num
ber twenty-elRht (28) in block number
ninety (90) nnd fronting on Btono avenuo
on tho Lackawanna Iron and Coal com
pany's plot of tho city of Scranton, snld
lot containing In front or breadth on said
Ht&ie uvcnuu forty (40) feet and extend
rg In length or depth seventy (70) feet,
flu, tnrmalirfimntit nf thn Hetllh of Said
lot commencing llvo (5) feet In front of
tho front lino of enld lot, with tho privi
lege of using five (5) feet In front ot tho
front lino of sold lot for yard, vault,
piazza, ccflarway nnd bay window, but
for no other purpose. Coal and minerals
excepted and reserved unto tho Lncku
wanna Iron nnd Coal company; being a
part of tho snnio premises which Wash
ington Frnhlo and wife, by deed dated
July 2nd, 1SSS, recorded Juno 1st. 1S9.I. in
tho recorder of deed's otllco of Lacka
wanna county, In Deed Rook No. 139 nt
pago 217, &o.. granted nnd convoyed unto
the snld Thomas P. Brown In fee. Im
proved wltli a two-story frame dwelling
house Uth outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of tho Republic Savings nnd Loan
Association vs. Thomas P. Brown. Debt,
$1401. Judgment No. r.22, March term.
1899. Fl. fa. to May term, 1699.
No. 13. All tho right, tltlo nnd interest
ot tho dofendnnts, Muggle O'Horo nml
Michael J. O'Horo, In nnd to nil thnt
certain lot, piece, or parcel ot land, with
tho messuage and Improvements there
on erected, situate, lying, and being on
tho northeasterly sldo of Now street, be
tween Washington and Wyoming ave
nues, In the City of Scranton, county ot
Lnckawnnnn. und Stato of Pcnnsyl
vntiln. iKiiiiulntl nnd desrrlbed ns follows.
to wit: lieglnnlng on tho northeasterly
sldo of New street at tho corner of lot
formerly contracted to John Nonlon;
thenco nlong paid New street north fifty
two (52) degrees west forty-eight (48)
feet to a corner; thonco along Pocken's
lanU north thirty-eight degrees cast ono
hundred nnd seventeen (117) feet to a
corner; thenco south llfty-two (52) de
grees east forty-eight (48) feet to a cor
ner ot said Nealon's lot; thenco along
said Nealon's lot south thlrty-clght (28)
degrees west ono hundred and seventeen
(Hi) feet to tho placo of beginning. Con
taining five thouand six hundred nnd
sixteen (5516) squaro feet of land, bo tho
Bamo moro or less. Reing tho samo
premises which Robert M. Evans grant
ed and conveyed to Mngglo O'Horo, ono
of the dcrendnnts nbovo named, by deed
dated April 5th, 1SD7, nnd recorded In tho
recorder's olllce of Lackawanna county,
In Deed Book No. 150, page 491, etc. Coal
nnd minerals excepted and reserved
with the right to mine nnd remove tho
some. All improved with a two-story
double frame dwelling house, with storo
front nnd other outbuildings.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of Mutual Guaranteo Building nnd
Loan Association vs. Magglo O'Horo nnd
Iulchael J. O'Horo. Debt, $2321.9. Judg
ment No. 370, May term, 1839. Fl. fn. to
May term. 1S99. ... .,
No. 9. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of Jabez Cadwgan, defendant, In and to
all that certain lot, piece, or parcel ot
land Rltuate, lying, and being In the Fif
teenth ward of tho city ot Scranton, In
the county ot Lackawanna, and state of
Pennsylvania, nnd Is described ns fol
lows, to wit.: Beginning nt tho easterly
corner on Kynon street ot land of Wil
liam Cadwgan; thenco soi'theasterly
nlonir Evnon street nforesald "hi sov-
cnty-two and one-half (72Vs) f vnt-
crly lino of land ot William . rnu:
thence northeasterly along the nald
westerly line of land of William Moran
ono hundred nnd thlrty-threo feet to un
nlley called Hand's alley; thence north
westerly along sold alley about seventy
two and one-half (7214) feet to tho east
erly lino of land of said William Cadw
gan; thenco southwesterly along said
last mentioned lino ono hundred nnd
thlrty-threo (133) feet to the placo of be
ginning. Being parts of lots number
ono hundred and eighteen (118) and ono
hundred nnd nineteen (119) of Alfred
Hnnd's addition to the borough ot Hydo
Park, now city of Scranton, and being
the samo piemlses conveyed to tho said
Jabez Cadwgan by John D. Griffiths, ct
ux. by deed dated June 2, 1693, and re
corded In the oillco for recording deeds
in and for said county In Deed Book
No. 120, page 3M). Coal nnd minerals ex
cepted and reserved. All Improved with
a two-story frame dwelling, single dwell
ing house, with basement and outhouses
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of John D. Griffiths vs. Jnbez
Cadwgan et, nl. Debt. $2300. Judgment
No. 12, September term, 1551. Fl. fa. to
May term, 1899.
TAYLOR & LEWI3, Atfyr.
No. 10. All the right, title and Interest
of tho defendants, Ellen McArthur nnd
Thomas McArthur, In nnd to all tho sur
face or right of soil of all that certain
lot of land, situate. lying, and being in
tho borough of Dickson City, county of
Lackawanna, and state ot Pennsylvania,
bounded and described ns follows: Be
ing lot number forty-eight (43) of plot
ot lota at Priceburg. Said lot la fifty (50)
feet in front on Stcrrs avenue, eight
three nnd thlrtv-ono one-hundredth
(82 31-100) feet In depth on tho sldo next
to lot No. 47, fifty-four and eighty-two
ono-hundredths (51 82-100) feet In width
on the boulevard nnd one hundred and
nine nnd thirty-two one-hmidrcdths (109
32-100) feet in depth on the sldo next to
lot No. 49, as shown on said plot, which
said plot Is Intended to be duly regis
tered nnd recorded. Being tho mme lot
of land conveyed by tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Railroad
company to Ellen McA:.hur ly (ieed
dated 4th October, 18SS, and recorded In
Lackawanna county, Deed Book No. 55,
page 532, &c. All coal ami minerals ex
cepted and reserved In deed to Ellen Mo
Arthur, nbovo recited. Improved with a
two-story double framo building used
for store and dwelling purposes, framo
barn and outbuilding.
Seized nnd taken In execution at the
fruit of Mary A. Cannon vs. Ellen McAr
thur and Thomas McArthur. Debt,
$1720.70. Judgment No. 320, January
term, 1899. Lev. fa. to May term, 1899.
No. 11. All the right, title, and Interest
of tho defendant, Earnest Hlackschmtdt.
In and to all that certain lot, piece, or
parcel of land sltuato in tho city of
Hcranton, In tho county of Lackawanna,
and state of Pennsylvania, being part of
lot number eloven (11) on Mooslc avenuo
In the Nineteenth ward of said city, and
U bounded and described ns follows, to
wit.: Beginning at tho southerly corner
of Gus Fredericks land, thenco south for
tv do) degrees west llvo hundred (500)
feet to a corner on the Remington tract;
thenco along tho line of tho Remington
tract south fifty (50) degrees cast eighty
seven (87) feet to a corner of George
Redulatfs land, now or latn Phillip
Holm's land; thonco along said Philip
Hohn's hind north fort (40) degrees cast
five hundred (.500) feet to tho corner of
Mooslo avenue, and thenco along aid
Mooslc avenuo north fifty (60) degrees
west elghty-sovcn (87) feet to the placo
of beginning. Containing ono aero of
land, bo tho same moro or less. All Im
proved with ono one-story frame dwell
ing liouso, barn, shed, nnd other out
buildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
No. it. All tho right, title nnd interest
ot the defendant. Mary Dolaney, In and
to nil that cortaln lot, plcco or parcel ot
land sltuato in tho city of Scranton.
county of Lackawanna, and stato ot
Pennsylvania, known and distinguished
on J. Herman's map of South Hydo
Park as lot number twclvo (12) In block
number forty-ono (41), being 69 2-10 feet
In front on Fourth street, C3 4-10 feet In
width In rear along lino of lot No. 4 in
said block No. 41, and 125 7-10 feet In
depth on the northeasterly line and
nlnety-nlno (99) feet In depth on tho
southeasterly line, bo the samo moro or
less. Coal and minerals reserved, being
the samo property conveyed to Mary
Dolaney by Qulney W. Wellington by
deed dated August 1, 1S91, and recorded
in Deed Rook No. 87, pago 370, &c.
Seized and taken In execution nt tho
suit of Kcystono Brewing company vs.
Mary Delaney. Debt, $75.6. Judgment
No. 947, September term, 1S93. Vend. ex.
to May term, 1899.
T. P. DUFFY, Atfy.
No. 15. All the right, title and Interest
of the defendants, John Bllten and An
nlo Hlllen, In and to nil tho two follow
ing described lots, pieces or parcels of
land sltuato In tho borough of Wlnton,
county of Lackawanna, and state of
Pennsylvania, tho first thereof bounded
nnd described as follows, to wit: Com
mencing at a corner of Meylert street
and a public alley, thenco southerly
along said Meylert street fifty (50) feet
to a corner; thenco easterly fifty (50)
feet to a corner: thence nt right angles
In a northerly direction fifty (50) feet to
tho aforesaid alley; thence along said
alley In a westerly direction fifty (50)
feet to the placo of beginning, said lot
being fifty (50) feet In front and rear and
fifty (50) feet In depth and bounded on
tho westerly sldo by said Meylert ave
nue, southerly and easterly by lands of
Bernard Eagan nnd northerly by public
nllev. Coal and minerals excepted and re
served. Being tho same premises con
veyed to John Blllen by deed from
Georgo Nlltz dated 7th July. 1S90, and re
corded In I.ackawanna county on tho
11th September, 1895. Improved with a
one-story framo dwelling house, out
buildings and other Improvements there
on. Second All that certain lot, piece or
parcel of land sltuato In tho borough ot
Wlnton, rcmiitv of Lackawanna and
state of Peiinsvlvnnl nn what is known
as the Ellzabi I tough' 'met described
as follows: Beginning mi iu- northerly
side of the straight load leading from
the Decker Iron bridge to tho Dolph nnd
Wlnton collieries (now called Hill street)
nt a point three hundred and ninety (JM)
feet from the center of the so-called
Grassy lland railroad In a westerly di
leetiuu from said railroad; thence along
sild road In. a westerly direction fifty
(501 feel: tho same in rear nnd ono hun
dred and fifty (150) f-et deep. Said lot
lining rootnngular and containing 7500
square feet of land. Coal nnd minerals)
excepted and tesorved. Being the samo
premises conveyed to John Rillen bv
deed from tho Dolph and Winton Coal
companies. Limited, dated Sth May, 1891.
nnd recorded In Lackawanna, county in
Deed Bonk 114, pago 145. etc. Improved
with a barn and outbuildings only, tho
hotel building formerly on said premises
having recently been destroyed by fire.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Co-operatlvo Building Bank vs.
John Blllen nnd Annlo Rillen. Debt,
$21M. Judgment No. 677, March term,
1899. Lev. fa. to May term, 1899.
OLVER, Atfy.
Shcilff's office. Scranton, Pa., May 5th,
JQsmj&S ftIS uirff"
They have Itood lb test of yf n.
ailj hive cured lhtuiand of
cases of Netvoui Diieatei, luch
at Debility, Diuincti.SlcepIcif
oeis and Varicocele, Atropby.Sc.
They clear the brain, strengthen
me circulation, maito uiciiua
ntrfeet. and Imnart a bealthr
vlcor to the whole belae, All drains and losses are checked firmanintly. Unless pallenii
aro properly cured, I heir condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death,
M.iU.l cealed. Price li cerbon 6 boict. with Iron-clad leeal f uarantee tocure or refund tnts
money, tjw. Seed lor free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland,"..
For Bale by JOHN II. PHULl'S, IMinrmaclst, cor Wyoming avenuo
uinl Spruce street