T yHf ?. f V - I- n. . f A-t, H. t 8 THE SCRANTON TR1BUJSE-THU1?SDAV, MAY 18, 1899. . tt tS T" i EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON FRANKLIN'S ENGINE AGAIN IN LINE SOB, THE SCRAP HEAP. Its Qrnto Is Now Destroyed and tho Questi -vof Repairs Arisen Mean whllo Nc Steamer Is Available in Caso of Necessity on. This Side. Residents of Lincoln Heights Will Uok for Some Privileges Council man Fellows' Residence on File. Social and Other Diversions. Veat .Sernnton is again deprived of Hie etivlco of tho Frnnklln FIro com pany'fl engine, which I now totally tintlt lor use. For some tlmo tho bticct coii'mlpsloncr has been using the on Klnc to pump the water out of the llMle Park avenue sewer excavations, anil Hip firato was burned out It l understood that bids are being linllfd or the repair of the engine, but that la not whut Is wanted. A new engine It needed, "as the "old rooster" bun done service since 1S76 and Is be yond rt'iialr. A iiW"Uon hat been made that In the etent of the city rejecting the Bar ber asphalt contiact and establishing a municipal asphalt plant, the money thus p.ivrd might be utilized In bot toiitig the llio dcpaitniLnt by tho pnr t hnsse if ii new engine and now hose lui tl Franklins and other neces sities foi the department. It Is to be hoped that the West Scran ton councilman will kIvc this matter their immediate attention and provide n new engine foi the Fiankllns without delay. i.ixcoLX unianTS' wants. The it-sldents of Lincoln heights, tlt.it pin lion of land situated just be jond the Hound Wooil, are working In the Intotest of having the traction ioinpun icdtice the fare to th.it point lo the cents. A movement 1 also being made to hccuie a mall delivery twici a dm . Lincoln heights is one of the finest Milmilis of the cllv and will eventual! become annexed to the eltv and new liiilldlngs nte being erected i.tpldlv i'lans are being ptepated for several now icsldem.es during the summer. T'AP. i:VKLL PAilTY. Miss Sadie Sweetzcp was fndoicd a faiev.ell party Tuesday evening at the honio if her cousin. Mis. L, S. fjhipimm IGJO Jackson street, prior to her dcpnituic lor llarfoid, Subiiue lianna (i tint, vvhi'ie she will be united in muirlago on May SO to PMward Mac Connell. of New Jeitiiv. Miss Svu etzei Is a graduate of the Bcranton business college und was In the employ of V. II Gerlock & Com pany. Mr.s. Slilpmin was assisted in receiving by Mis. Klolso Smith. The rr PAINT! Yes we have It. Atlantic Leal, Pure Linseed Oil, onJ Ready riied Paint, Varnish, Putty, etc. GKOIU.r. W. jr.NKINS', 1 01 S .M1I11 Avenue Suitable for Waiting is not in our line. We prefer to take time by the forelock and do that which is to be done quickly. Proof for this statement follows : The season is still young, but we've determined to clean up every wool fabric suit in the place, also the remainder of Spring Jackets. Ladies who intend go ing to the.lakes, mountains or seashore next month, will find a magnificent investment in the special offer ings now brought tiuder VW WvNiVxW-W. I rvf i Ladies' Stylish rV & serviceable serges, Venetians, etc. class tailoring, correct fashion models, very best shades. Value $10.00 to $12.00 each. " A f Your Choice This Week. Ladies' Smart Spring Suits, with tight "" fitting iackets, fly front iackets. etc. All the charm that skill, art and irreproachable fashiou cau lend to tliese costumes has been given them, while the materials and colors are the very newest. Suits that sold from $15.00 to $18.00. -j A ( Your Choice This Week AfrV f -.- 'J Ladies' Summer Costumes, made from the 1UL -"" very choicest of choice new weaves aud nob biest shades. Exquisite tailoriug, highest grade all silk linings, with elaborate pipings, braidings, etc. Suits that sold a week ago for froni $18. 50 A AQ to $22.50 each, Your Choice This Week I tt" V I rvtf" A. acHes' Spring Jackets, in fiue Euglish Co JLAsL "--'vertS) clegautlv lined, finest tailor ing, choice of styles. Your Choice This 3 Aft Week O. VO 1 fYt acs' Tackets iu fine English Clays, Wool L.UL O Cheviots aud English Coverts, in black and various shades of tan; swell linings and very elaborate finishing. Were $7.98 aud tio.oo each. C ( Vniif Chnlri This Week ' . -- E3Eiro39 Globe Warehouse A GOOD mnny iV. rilsenitos to which doctor Clvolongnauiai Should bo Called Indigestion. Wltli a perfect digest Ion. no dlGH90 1m nossl bio. If the ill Koutloh Is wroni; try Hoitetter'u Htomiich lilt' ters. It trllteti lit the root of all dlscnncs ft weak n to ma 0)1 iiml tlmt It whv It cures. Give itu trial. $1 CELEBRATEO B c & event was very cnjoyablo and well spent. Finn causes no damage. Tho alarm of fire, sounded from box 322, at 0:25 yesterday morning, was caused by a burning clothes press in the residence of Horatio Fellows on Lillet no street. The file Is supposed to have staited fiom children playing with matches. The clothe3 pi ess was situated in a front room, up stairs. The interior of tho room was badly damaged. The loss is estimated to leach at least $200. The rompanlcs all responded qulchly. Had It not been for the quick response of the Columbia's chemical engine and tho hasty work of the firemen, the loss would have been much greater. INITIAL SUPPER TONIGHT An Initial supper will be setved this evening between the hours of b and 9 o'clock by the ladles of the 1'! mouth Congiegatlonul chinch whose names begin with the letters E, F, G and II. An txcellent menu will be provided. Tito tables will be set in the Sunday school looms of the chuich and the public is cindlally Invited. This is the second event of this kind at Plymouth (hutch and promises to be as success ful as the former supper. The menu will consist of stewed coin, scalloped potatoes, pies&ed veal, salad, btead and butter, tea and coffee, cake and Ice cieain. Supper 13 cents. FUNERAL OF MRS. GROSE. Rev A 1. Ramer, Ph. D , of St. Mink's Laitheian church, conducted the st i vices over the lemains of tho late Mis Carrie Grose esterday af tei noon at the family residence, at the coiner of Washburn street and Lincoln avenue. Much sjmpathv was expressed for the sl children of the deceased, who ore now parcntless The remains weto borne to Potest Hill ccmetety, where Interment was privately made. KLONDIKE SOCIAL. The I W II. ciicle of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church will conduct a Klondike social this even ing at the homo of Miss Bessie Slote, on Evnon street, and the uifair will undoubtedly be enable as well as novel. The Idea is to sell claims to the high est bidders and the prospectors will dig for nldden treasures In the mlna tuto claims and thus furnish amuse ment and pleasure for the assemblage. DANCE THIS EVENING. A select dance will he Given In Meara hall this evening by the Saturday af ternoon class under the direction of Miss Edith Blair, daughtei of Mr. and Wear Now0 their notice. Jacket Suits i in fiue coverts, Highest M ft J? out IS Mrs. M. I. Blair, of South Main ave nue. The event promise to bo one of tho most cnjoyablo functions of tho social season. Music will be furnished by Bauer's orchestra. A large assem blage is anticipated. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Chris Williams, who gave his resi dence us Brooklyn, N. T was arrested at an early hour yesterday morning by Patiolmnn Lowry for starting a flro on the Dt law arc, Lackawanna and Western rallioad, nlongsldo of Hunt & Council's warehouse. Ho wns com mitted to tho county Jail for thirty davs. William Slugg, of North Rebecca avenue, an employe of tho Cliff works, had his right foot injured on Tuesday by an engine frame falling on It. Ho was removed to his home and tho in jury attended to. Quartermaster William L. Nash, of Camp 8, Sons of Veterans, will visit tho Stroudsburg camp tomorrow even ing. The Sunday school classes, Nos. 21 and 22, of the Pl mouth Congregational church, taught by Mrs. A. 13. Eynon and Miss Jennie Lewis respectively, will give a grand concert on Wednes day evening, Juno 14, In the lecture room of the church. An excellent pro gramme Is being ai ranged and the public is assured of a treat. Electilc City castle, No. S'C, Knights of the Golden Eagle, will serve a sup per at the home of J. O. Tlcc this evening. Tho Ladles' Aid soilety of tho Ply mouth Congregational church held their usual meeting vestcrdny and ac complished much work. Tho prayer meeting was held last evening, in stead of tonight, owing to tho Initial supper. A fi o'clock tea was tendered a num ber of friends of Miss Murg.uct Ii. F.idden, of Hump to 11 street, Tuesday evening. Thomas Walsh, of Jackson street, was 1 11 Jilted in an accident ut Yates vllle station at noon yesterday. He suffered the loss of both legs by being run over by a train. Patrick Hannon, who got Into trouble in a West Lackawanna avenue saloon last Tuesday night, was lined $3 by Mayor Molr yesterday for dis orderly conduct. Thomas AVllby, a miner In tho Arch bald, was Injured about the head while at woik Tuesday by a fall of coal. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holtham and children, of West Lackawanna ave nue, are visiting Mrs. Holtham's par ents, In Wayne county. Thomas D. Williams, of Wllkcs Haire, a well known singer, has le moved to this city and will reside on Washburn sheet. Edward Mullen, of North Main ave nue, has accepted a position in Buf falo, N. Y. Mt. and Mr.s. John H. Fellows and children, of Tenth street, icturned yes terday fiom a pleasant visit In Tunk hannock. Mrs. Joseph Holt, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Miss Agnes Kennedy, at the West Side hospital. Miss Sara Smith, matron of the West Side hospital, is spending a two weeks' vacation with lelatives In Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. John Bevan, of Hamp ton street, are entertaining the Rev. and Mrs. Jones, of Mavfleld. Miss Lizzie Jenkins, of Jackson streit, is visiting fi lends In Plymouth. Miss OUIe Wllkiris, of Tripp park, Is th3 guest of 1 datives. In Dalton. Mrs. John Rogers, of Danville, has returned homo from a pleasant visit with friends here Mr. and Mis. P. J. O'Bojle, of North Filmore avenue, have returned from a few days' visit with fi lends in Wllkes-Ba. re. Matthew Curley, of Price street and Grant avenue, has gone to the Wells' hospital, Philadelphia, for treatment. Mis. John Hughes, of Washburn street, Is seriously ill at hpr home. Richard Thomas, tho singer. Is in disposed at his homo on Swetland street. Thomas H. Reese, the West Side cor respondent of the Truth, has accepted a position with the New York Woild. Fea Coal Delivered, $1.25, to South Side, central city and central Hyde Park. Addtess orders to C. B. Sharkey, 1911 Cedar ave. 'Phone 6CS3. SOUTH SCRANTON. Conrad Plel, the wagon maker and Blacksmith, sustained a paintul In Jury, Tuesdav, and narrowly escaped being killed. He had shod a team of the M. Robinson btewery horses at his shop, and was taking the horses back to the Robinson barn when the accident occulted. As he was coming down Alder slieet a oung lad came out of Kirst court at a. lively pace and the animals became fiightend and made an effort to get away. Mr. Plel, who was sitting astride one of the hoises, lost his balance and was thrown to the ground Upon examination it was found that his arm was dislocated and Inulscd. Patiolman George Jones, the day roundsman on this side this week, found a purse yestetday 011 Plttston avenue, containing a sum of muncy. The owner can have the same by Iden tlfjlng It. Miss Annlf Ncureltet, of River stret, and Valentine Schelle, of Alder street, will lu married this morning at i o'clock at Si Mary's church. A nuptial mass will precede the cere mony A double stoty tenement house of John Convey, on Birch street, was struck by a bolt of lightning during tho terrific stoim of Tuesday evening. Small damage was done. Miss Mary Rader. of Mauch Chunk, leturned to her home jesteiday, after a visit with her father, William Rader of Blich sticet, the Lackawanna ave nue hotelman. Misses Margaret and Mary Rader, of the same town, eous- cvjeNjtocNjrNvjcvjrsj I Does Coffee s Agree with k You ? V 2 2 2 2 2 If uot.dtiuk Giuin.O made from 2 I 2 2 puro grains. A lady writes: "Tho litbt timo Imudo (iroin-O I did not like it but atter using it for ono week nothing would induce mo to go tuck to coffee." It nourishes nnd feeds tho B) stom. The children can drink it freely with great bene fit. It is tho strengthening sub. ig sup. h a pack- .follow fe Blanco of puro arums, (let tirtn irAav f , ntrl .,.., timnnr the directions in mnMii,; it and you y will have a delicious aud healthful U tablo beverage for old and young. J ISo. nud 25c. IiuUt tint your grocer git os jou CIU.UN-O Accept uo Imltatiuu. a c CNjcvacorocNJcvacNjtvj BARRELS OF SAMPLES. Over Two Bundled Thousand Trial Bottles Sent Fico by Mall. By special arrangement with tin manufacturers of that Justly fanmus kidney medicine, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, the readers of The Tribune are enabled to obtain 11 trial bottle nnd pamphlet of valuable med ical advice absolutely free, by simply sending their fult itamo and post of hce address to the DR. DAVID KEN NEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y and mentioning this paper. Of course this involves enormous ex pense to the manufacturers, but they have received so many grateful letters from those who have been benefitted and cured of the various disease, of tho Kidney, Liver, Bladder nnd Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation, nnd all weaknesses pecu liar to women that they will willingly send trial bottles to nil suffcicrs. Upon investigation It was found that 91 per cent, of those who have used tho trial bottle had received such benefit from It that they pur chased lurge sized bottles of their drug gists. It matters not how sick you ate or how many physicians have failed to help you, send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it costs you but a postal card, and benefit and cure will most certainly bo the result. Put some urine In n glass tumbler and let it stand 21 hours; If it has a sediment op If pale or discolored, milky or cloudy, stringy or lopy, your Kidneys or bladder are In bad condi tion. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy speedily cures such dangerous symptoms as pain in the back, In ability to hold urine, a burning, scald ing pain in passing it, frequent deslio to urinate, especially at night, the staining of linen by your urine and all the unpleasant and dangerous effects on the system pioduced by tho use of whiskey, wine or beer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is sold at all drug stoics for $1.00 for a large bottle; six bottles for $5 00. ins to Mr. Rader, returned yesterday also. The regular meeting of the Loyalty club will be held tonight. A programme of tableaux and music has been planned and a good time Is expected. NORTH SCRANTON Last Appearance of tho Famous Welsh Prize Singers Social nt tho Congregational Church. Lecture by Rev. Clymer. The music-loving people of this end will be afforded a i.ire treat on next Friday evening at tho conceit to bo given in the Auditorium by the Welsh Prize Slngcis. The conceit will bo given under the auspices of the mem bers of the Anthtaclte "Wheelmen's club nnd will positively be the last ap pearance here of the singers. The party Includes Madame Mlles Beynon, Miss Beatrice Rvans.sopranos; Misses Dot Prosser and Mary Richards, contraltos; Messrs. David Lloyd and Griff Davis, tenots; Messrs. Armon Jones nnd John Beynon, bassos; Miss Jenny Parry, hatplst, and Mr. D. T. Davis, pianist. Mr. Griff Davis Is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music, London. Miss Piosser has sung before Queen Victoria and other royal per sonages. ASSIGNED TO WILKES-BARRE. Rev. P. V. Lynott, assistant priest to the Rev. N. J. McManus. of the Holy Rosary church, was transferred to St. Mary's chuich at Wllkes-Barre, Tues day. Rev. J. V. Moylan, a former cui ate at Holy Rosary church, succeeds rather Lynott. Father Lynott was hoin in North Scranton and resided there until he en tered school to prepaio himself for the priesthood. He was ordained at tho Holy Ropai y church two j ears ago. Ho resided heie for awhile and then was assigned as assistant to the Rev. M. E. Lynott at Jermjn. Several months afterwards he was re-transferred to Holy Rosary church. Ho remained there until the present assignment to Wllkes-Barre. TO CREATE SOCIABILITY. This evening the members of the West Maikct Street Puritan Congre gational church will hold an entertain ment and social. Tho affair Is given for the express purpose of cicatlng a more social feel ing among the membars of the con giegatlon. A progt amine of a musical and literary selection will be given. ADDRESS RY REV. R. AV, CI.YMER. Rev. R W. Clymer, pastor of the First Christian chuich on Xoith Main avenue, delivered a vety Interesting lecture last evening before a very larse audience, ltev. air. uiymer was ai xne niitlnHnn pnnfpinnp.e held at Philadel phia and at the Sunday school conven tion held at TecKvnie recently. He told of the business transacted at imtvi Knnvnntlnnn and offeied many original and practical ideas on the sub ject of Christian chuich work. MENTION OP PEOPLE. Cluistopher Harrison, of Augusta, Maine, is the guest of friends on Noith Main avenue. Miss Bessie Williams, of Brick ave nue, is the guest of friends at Oly plinnt, Gallap Williams, of Spring stiopt. loft heie for WIlKcs.Uaire ycsteiday to re side. Thomas Alexander, of Reese street, a member of Company U Eleventh United States Infantiy, Is expected home, today from Poi to Rico Mrs. J. T Jones, of Noith Main ave nue, is visiting lelatives In Montrose. MINOR NEWS NOTES The stieet commissioner Is making needed improvements on the West Market street bridge. E. M Casterllne, of West Maiket stieet, is remodelling his meat market. Tho Wnlla-Wah Dancing class will hold their weekly social in St. Mary's hall this evening. Wonderful Speed. Some railroads endeavor to cieate a sensation by running one special train at an enormous lato of speed, but none has been legulatly able to equal the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway in high rate of speed, for which it was recently awarded n 13,000,000 mall carrying contiact by the United States government. Uncle Sam Is pretty shrewd and the traveler of today would do well to follow his example when making a tilp between Buffalo and western cities. DAY'S DOINGS IN DUNMQRE BOROUGH RE-OPENINO Or ODD FELLOWS' HALL WAS A SUCCESS. Excellent Entertainment, Enjoyable Refreshments and Good Music for Dancing Were Features of tho the Affair Those Who Made It What It Wao Concert to Re Given at the Methodist Church Nuptials of Miss Maigaret Keen and Wil liam Ocksenreador Other Notes. Tho reopening of the hall of Dun more lodge, No. SIC, Independent Order of Odd Fellow sshlp, was celebrated In an elaborate manner last evening. When it was announced hi this column several weeks ago tluit tho members had started to make piepaiatlons for the occasion, their friends offered to assist In making nn event long to be remembered. The result was ample rewaid, for tho attendance was very large. The entertainment was a success in every feature; the supper was all that coutu do enjoyed and those who en Joyed dancing were remombetcd. Tho various committees are to be congiatulated fop the excellent manner In which they made the pieparatlons and tho manner of tarrying it out. The general committee Is composed of Messrs Edwar Angwln, F. N. Nickct son, Seldon Brady, Harry E. Spencer, Ft ank K. Spencer, George M. Okcll, Albert Van Ilouten, J. E. Dainty, John Warden, Walter Wardcll. On tho sub committees were: Hall, Walter War dcll, Seldon Brady, John Wardcll: J. E. Dainty, George M. Okell. Enter tainment committee, George M. Okell, Eduiud Angwin, J. E. Dainty. Print ing committee, John Wardcll, Seldon Brady, J 13. Dainty. Hairv E. Sneneer. Committee on contest, Edward An gwln, Pied Nicket son and J. E. Dainty The ladles who assisted wete: At table No. 1, Mr.s. Earl Bishop, overseer; Mis. Peter Selgle, Mis. Chris Keller, Mis. James Ellis, Mis. E. D. Bovard, Mrs. Tred NIckerMin, Mrs. J. E. Dain ty, Miss Septa May Thornton. At table No. 2, Mrs. Daniel Powell, over seer, Mr.s. II. Saundeis, Mis. B. Cronk, Mr.s. George Harper, Mrs. Eber Btan- ntng, iiis Joseph Heal, Mis., Warden, Mrs. T. P. Letchworth, Miss Besslo Kioeger. Table No. 3, Mis. II. E Spencer, overseer: Mrs Edwaul Alte mose, Mrs. Edwaul Angwln, Mrs. Alex McKay, Miss Christiana Pletchet, Tdrs. Hurley, Mrs. E. Powell. Table No 4, Mis. John Cordy, overseer; Mrs. Mil ler, Miss Kate Secor, Miss Ella Jack son, P. Donley, Mrs. Albert Van Hotiten, Mrs. Harry Edwards. Table No. fi, Mrs. R. Mowery, overseer; Miss Lllllo Wardell, Miss Bessie Bone, Miss Marie Webber, Miss Emma Bono, Miss Belle Webber, Mis. T. Keller and Mrs. Joseph Vlckers. The exercises were as follows: Ad dtess of welcome. Superintendent E. D. Bovatd; piano solo, "Idyll Lone Poem" (MacDowell), Ernest Bovard. selection, "The Bugle Call," by Glee club, composed of Messrs. Andrew and William Coulter. Hairy B. Cole, Ed ward J. Mllner, Joseph Selgle, Thomas Kerr and William Austin; drill with clubs, J. Armstrong and company; solo, "Banner of tho Sea," Mr. Thomas Rogers; recitation, Iicne Burns; duet, "In the Starlight," Miss Blanche Marks, Mr. William S. Jones, accom panied by Miss Ruby Yost on the piano; "We Two Coloted People," recitation, Garfield Angwln;; Banlleld family: tricks, George Robinson: solo, William S. Jones; "We Two Colored iPeople," two lady friends; Banfleld family; se lection. "The Boys Como Marching Home," Glee club. Music for social by Miss Kate Real don, ptompter, Mr. M. J. Mulrane. CHUROH 'ENTERTAINMENT. An entertainment will be given in the audltotlum of the Methodist Epis copal church this evening, under the auspices of the church choir, assisted by the following soloists: Pi of. George Walkcnshavv, violinist; Miss Phoebe Smith, soprano; Joshua Johns, tenor, J. P. Broadbent, baritone. The programme arranged for the evening Is as follows: Piano solo (se lected), Miss Ruby Yost; chorus, "Let the Hills and Vales Resound" (Rich aids), full chorus of forty voices; vio lin solo (selected), Ptof. George Wal kenshaw; .soprano solo, "fear Ye Not, O Israel" (Buck), MUs Phoebe Smith, tenor solo, "Holy City" (Adams), Joshua Jones; selection, "Volco of tho Woods" (Rubensteln), female quar tette, composed of Misses Louise Lutz, Elsie Powell, M. Kinney and Mrs Alto Swaitz, bailtone solo, 'The Village Blacksmith" (Weiss), J. P. Bioadbent; chorus, "Good Night" (Plnsutl). full chorus: tenor solo, "Tho Children's Home," Joshua Jones; violin solo (se lected), Prof. Geoige Walkenbhaw; duet. "With Cheerful Notes." Miss Phoebe Smith and Joshua Jones; chotus, "Gloria" (Mozait), full chorus. Oiganist. Miss Ruby Yost; choilster, 'Prof. William Linney. EARLY MORNINO WEDDING. Mi William Ock-enreader, of East Drlnkei stieet, and Miss Margaret Keer, of New street, Sctanton, were united in mairlage yesterday morning at C.30 o'clock. Tho cei-emony was rclebiated In the Presbytetlan manse on Elm street by the Rev. W. r Gib bons. The young couple weto unat tended. Mr. Ocksenreader Is a fit email on the Erie and Wyoming Vallej railroad. Miss Keer is a populai joung ladv. Mr. and Mis. Ocksenieader i( enjoy ing their wedding tour in the East. They will reside on East Di Inker Btreet TOLD IN' A TEW LINES All membeis of the Epwoith League of the Methodist Episcopal chuich, who expict to attend tho union meet ing at the Elm Path church, cianton, Kilday evening next, are lequeaed to meet in the church patlois ut 713 p m sharp. Tho Ladles' Torelgn Mission socletj of the Presbyterian chuich will meet at the home of Mrs. John Reese, on Nutlet stieet, this afternoon at i o'clock, and a lull attendance Is de sired. The funeial of Mis George Kleriof Giove street, will take place this af ternoon nt - o'cloek Mr. and Mrs R Y. Mitchell, of Find lay, O , are being entertained at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Woodward of Tripp nvenue. Mrs John Av'ebbcr, of Harper street, is qulto 111. -m- i Her Chance. Miss I'dfhe "They suy murrlagea are made In heaven." Miss Pert "Ah, then ou have ono .mora chance." Syiueuso Herald. "At last I tried Warner's Safe Cure. From that time I improved every day. Now my appetite and digestion are good and every function of life seems to be rightly performed. My cure is a wonder to myself, my neighbors and my friends." This is the story in a nutshell of countless of thousands who have used and been benefitted by Warner's Safe Cure. cKii?nKos)jKj:KKSKaUK Kir J TMS l-'JJh'UUAH HOUSE p Refrigerators ;i At Half Price. J It you cm get a refrigeiator 5 that is twice as good as the 5 cheap kinds at the same price, ft is not that equivalent to buy- mg them at half price ? You )JC can get this bargain if you buy the LE(LNAKl) ULEAHAUI.K. Its eight walls and air tight locks will keep ice and food twice as long as the cheap kinds. FOOTE & FULLER CO., 0 Hears Building, 110-112 GREEN RIDGE. Mis. William Tilpp, of Fordham street, was admitted to the Hahne mann hospital yesterday to undergo a dltllcult operation. Mr. and Mrs. W. jr. Bunnell, of Sunset avenue, are entertaining friends from Rhode Island. Only Williams' ice cream used with soda water drawn at Manner's drug store. Frank Martin, of Factoryville, who was vlslUng heie, has returned home. The Ladies' Aid society, of Asbury church recently elected the following officers for the ensuing year. Miss Jennie Reynolds, president: Mrs. L. W. Peck, secretary; Mrs. E. S. Pratt, as sistant secretary; Mrs. T. J. Snow den, treasurer. T. J. Flltcroft and family are spend ing the summer at Paterson, N. J. Tho ladies of Asbury Methodist Epis copal church will hold an npron social at the home of Mrs. E. E. Teal, on Friday afternoon nnd evening. Nothing but the purest of fruit Juices and rock candy syrup used In soda flavors at Manner's pharmacy, 920 Gieen Ridge street. TO FIND PRIME BEEF CUTS. Piactical Information on the Value of Various Farts. From tho Omalio World-Uei ild. The prime steer used for beef pur poses weighs about 900 pounds Of this amount there Is In the carcass two sets of flist quality ribs, consist ing of seven ribs In each set and weigh ing about forty pounds pei set. Thetc are also two loins weighing about for ty pounds each. Theie Is, on an aver age, 173 pounds of choice beef In each well legulated steer, but some butch el s have been known to sell potter house fiom a caieass aftet eveiythlttg was gone but the horns. The iemaln- dcr of the beef, after the choicest has been cut away. Is called the "misno mer," from the fact that it sells at a lower price. A large pencentage of tho most nutritious meat Is found In the coatser cuts, but neatly eveiy one demands a pait of the 175 pounds, which is a falsu idea of domestic econ omy as well as Judsment. Piactical experience has shown that the utilization of the chucks, the best part of the lottnd, the lump, flank, the peite and bilskct gives the best re sults nnd Is conductive of better health than the hlghei -priced meats Such paits need moie attention while cook ing, however, et tho many tempting dl die-s that may bo made from them moie than lepays for all extra trouble Tho average housewife may not know It, but nevettheless It Is. a fact that butchers who ate daily and hourly handling all kinds of cuts of beef al most Invariably choose for their own consumption hank steak They say It Is moie savory and Just as. tender us telidetloin, which cut the bulchei heldom eats. The flank steak Is situ ated between tho inside and outside layeis of ct.amy colored fat in tho flank, and when taken fiom well fed stotk, Is excellent It costs at tho maiket but half as much as porter house or sltlolu. An old butcher once told me that tho best pieces of meat In the bulluck fur making a dish of boiled beef ! the close gi allied piece over the shoulder blade Mat adhetlng to the libs makes much moie- catlsfactoiy steak than the so-called ilrloln nnd costs but lit tle The piece ma) be lurded and seivvd as In lllet de beef It is also quite acceptable ns Mlgnoti steak. MADE m E A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CHIU3 ozj, lmotnc7 HImi1obu, to . custi bf Abuse or otLdr jVjxeawofl nod Jndlt crotloni, XAot muUKlu "" turtltr re i tort LottVluUtr U oMor joatur tii Pievant Inunltv nv Coat am Mian it Intra m nine. Ih6irc tiiow IrtmeJUtt improje meat and AtTucU a LUKE where all other fall In lit upon Laving tha (tnuin AJax Tabletf. Thai haia carodthauianiis and feiUcureyon V aire ape tWa written inmranUo to effect a euro fin RTC " cachcaaor refund tha uionaj. rrleaUUU I Jifr racbrr; or sis pkgts (full traatmentl for fZXO. If mall, la pUIn wrapper, upon rclpt of price C Ircnlct '"AJAX REMEDY CO., Hftv,V.".fc For e&Is In Bcranton, Pa., by Matthews Bros, ana II. C. Sandertcn, diuggists, K AjXf j FURNISHING! STOHE. Washington Avenue. w x AMUSEMENTS. A CADEMY OF MUSIC, "- BUROUNDUR & RMS, Lcsstel. M. R. LONO. Manager. ONE WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY, HAY 15 America's Greatest Kepertolra Organization, (GDNA) (CUCIL) r And Their 111; Comedy und Specialty Compiny. Continuous I'ertorm- ances. No Waits Between the .Acts. TONIGHT THE GIRL FROM TEXAS Dime vrntlnres Dally roraiiionltig Tuesday Kenlu.' Price 1 oc, QOo and 30c. Ladles'' 15c tickets Monday nlslit. aLy'tvvv' K S A A yf . "Not onJy iPOUNDuyfCT Relieves IT ? CURES." Rheumatism Positively Eradicated by CORONA RHEUMATISM CURE. A Sure Specific (or Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, and all Rheumatic Af fections. Givii lastant Relief. This rcmedr is bated uon tho latest discovery of medical eclentiits that Rheumatism is cauitU ov a mic robe n the blood, and not by metis of uric or lactic acid. Tho Colon i Itheumatlsru Curo destroys the microbes, und thus eradicates the csusoof tho disease. It lias nover fulled. In tastnluRS talilnta. pnnvpfiirnt tnmrrv Nonius. eatltifor polsonousdruga Onotablst gives relief, anda permanent curequicUy follows 'A rial TreiunvDti a unius, posipmu. 0 ran id uj' irnutnuTii, si.uu. At vour Ihuiiiet's. or vnt oottoatd vvd rcctpt of price by tolt manujiiclurera, P cnRnN&rjaMPrjiiuniNnco..cineB. NiJ evtvet. J ....-.... ......, . . LLAVITA Arsenic Beaur Tablets and Plllsfl This Complexion Treatment is a guaranteed specific, per fectly safo and sure in its ac- tion, for the removal of var ious disorders ot tlic sLm.viz; Dlmnfoc nintrhpa pr,.rLfK ...ur.-e, wiw.vuvu, a.-vn.V0, MiDDurn, uiscoiorations, tae nia, lUaclheails, RoujbacsE, Redness, and re stores tbe Bloom of Youth to faded faces. Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 50c: 30 das' treatment, $1.00; six boxes $5.00 with positive written guarantee lo produce lbs abovs results or cheerfully refund ti oo paid Sut by mail on receipt ot price Send lor circular. Nenlta Medical Co., cilaloa & Jsctioo sti. Sold by all Druggists Cblcafo, Illinois. holil bi Mtanrruli & Thomas, Drus pl.sls Ii9 Lackawanna uve , Sci tnton, I'h MAKE PERFECT MEN 11 iii V III" Mr m -I-."-"L "T U I'H I II II I UOMUI! Thv Joy, an4 atjbiuoi rtortd la u Th, i ft cn b r erLfnien ai sr wont rftt.r of Ni toui llethlllfv air r I tbfjl-illv mii-ril by lLttri.01U LI AlIaLjf.l H.UIv prompt rvhfr Lain I (omnia rninf mfmor? nd tl t watt ' ana Ural of vital por. meat i e4 by lrKlitcretloaa eraxceMOtoftailr Imaart vitror and Dotunoy toairrv func tion Orar vpihaavttr.i) (lv fj& bloom lo tba rrierstiant) luitrt to th tf ot 7yount nr old OnvMc boi ronrwavltal utrgy PAzJo baica at ?t MacaaipUuruarantaaclfuraxniIr r 0Bt7 re undect Ian La cirri td in ! ' pockt 8 oil rjwhtra or in alia J to plain wrappf r on racttptif' erlr tv tub raaikiTT v,t uim .. (tWai, Sold in Scranton Pa., by Matthews Bros and McGurrah &- Thomas, druggists. I ChlehMtfVn KaxUah lHonead UraaA. tNNYROYAl PILLS Urlfflnaland Onir Grantae. Bolac. JL. otta aik u TatoVf i aiwaji rriiaBi van Uragilit for Cki'httr AWi MnJJfranJln Itsd and UU Hltsj ittlca wUafalaaritaaa. other. Mtfuia Jandrtsl t.IUu vm aJ imnttiint itDriniiu rtrala la atampa fur partita Urg, ttaLinoatals "luiur Tor lsdl."iwicrur r fftar . , "rClhMrcitilMlC,Mlwqrj, IsMttUtaumwbu. , I 11 iiIad ,!.; iialL lO.OOO rtailmoDtaU JTaotJ t pre t ummsmt lVrtL ms. 7& mtazm SWIII i an -JKSSi LA.VitiP V'rTr'N m Wj V o