The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Notico to tho nowsnaper ami peri
odical patrona of II. 31. Boidloman:
Mr. B. Imvinfr gone out of
business ami transferred to us
his list of papers and magazines
May 8, wo will continue to sup
ply the names on his list until
wo roceivo orders from thorn to the
contrary. Persons who havo paid
him in advanco will please report
same to us for adjustment. Wo will
be pleased to vocoivo tho ordors of his
recent patrons, which will havo our
best attontion for anything in our
line. Very respectfully,
322 Lackawanna Avenue.
. iflmrtmflmiiil0"fii
These Are
Kodak Days
We can sell you any
thing in the Camera line
and teach you how to use
209 Wjomlng Avenue.
Ice Cream.
r Per
jjyc Quart.
Telephone Ordors 1'roinptly Dell verod
32 y 327 Adams Avenue.
Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women
Omco Hours lltoI'Jn. m
J to 4 p. m
At Itcsidence 7 to 8 p. iu
OIllco 1210 Council Hulldliig. IleMdenco
210 South Main Avenue.
Chas. McMtillen & Co.
Havo opened a General Insur
ance Ofllco In the
Traders' NaUonalHank Building
Best Stock Companies represented,
Largo lines especially solicited. Tele
phone 1S63.
Tor Liquor, Druiranrt Tobacco Disease.
?nncl Tobacco Disease.
amplilet free, TMU KBGLUY INS1IT
SisMaJIson Ave., SCRAN TON. PA.
Scranton Transfer Co.,
MUail J. KEUNAN, Manager.
Cliecki Ilnssnso direct from resWlonce to
nny purt of tbo United States.
Office 109 Lacka. Ave. I'lionc 525
We Do All Kinds
Of Starch Work ....
co,ual to new. Collars, cuffs
and bhlrts are Riven cither
rIoss or domebtic finish,
nnd tho edees of your collars
nnd cuffs nro finished so they
will not fccratch,
jo8 Penn Avenue. A. IS. WARflAN.
Attorney A. J, Colbcrn was In Wilkes
Barra yesterday.
IJ. P. Kingsbury is spending a week at
Saranao Inn, N. Y.
Chralcs P. Osborne, of Nicholson, was
registered at tho Jcrmyn yesterday.
Jit. N. Kramer, of New York, Is In
tty. Ho sails on tho Campania for
Topo Saturday.
ttston and Wilkes-Barre Men
Secure a Hazleton Company.
H. J. Boss, Joseph 11. Qlcnnon, B.
M. Hughes, Joseph Langford, William
Drury and A. B. Brown, of PIttston;
G. B, Beyonlds, A. A. Sterling, T. P.
Byman, John B. Yeager, Thomas H.
Atherton, W. A. Lathrop, J. M. Crane
und A. J. Davis, of Wllkes-Barre, have
purchased the controlling interest In
tho Edison Electric company, of Hazle
ton, the West End, Electric Light and
Power company, of Hazleton and the
Preeland Electrlo Light company.
Tho new concern will be known us
the Hazleton Electric Light and Power
company, and It will havo a capital
dtock of 1250,000. It is expected that
Mr. Boss will ba president of the com
WaB Supervising the Clearing Up of
n Wreck at the Time.
While Superintendent O. O. Ksser,
of tho Northern division of the hehl&h
Valley road, was superintending tho
clearing up of a wreck Wednesday nlsht
he had bis legs badly Injured nnd had
to bo taken to Ills home In Buyie.
The wreck was cauBed by tho break
ing ot a truck under ono of the uia
of a fast frolght running from Buffalo
to Jersey City. The wreck delayed
travel for about four hours.
A Card.
We, Iho undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a M-cent battle
of arcenes Warranted Hyrup of Tar if it
falls to cure your cough or cold. We also
guarantee a SG-ccnt bottle to provo satis.
factory or money lef untied, J. U. Uona &
Bon, Dunmore, l'a.; John X'. Donahue,
tJcranton, l'a.
Uolaskl Bled at the Lacka
wanna Hospital.
John Uolaskl, who foil down a flight
of stairs at his home In Oreen's place,
Sunday night, and struck his head in
such a manner as to cause serious In
Jury, died yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock at tho Lackawanna hospital as
a result of the Injury. He never be
came conscious enough to make a state
ment. Coroner llouerts was notified, and
conducted an autopsy. Tt was found
that, as forecast In Tho Tribune,
there was n deep-seated fracture at
tho haso of the skull. It was one of
thnso fractures which render operations
fill lie, and the wonder Is that the man
survived ns lonK ns ho did. A coro
ner's Jury, cnniprlslnR Illchnrd Dough
eitj, D. J. Thomas, Joseph KoIjIImk, II.
V. Frrhor, Stephen Mclvenna and John
W. Horse, was empanelled. They will
moi't this evening In the arbitration
room ut tho court house to hear testi
mony In reference to the circumstances
in connection with tho man's fatal fall.
Uolaskl was 34 years of ago, nnd a
strong, able-bodied man A wife and
several children survive htm. A brother,
Michael Uolaskl, also survives him.
There seems to be no evidence of foul
play In tho case, as one of tho children
saw Uolaskl fall and strike his head.
One Day's Work Secures $600 Out of
the 53,000 Needed Contractor
Burley Will Have a Chance
ta Make Good His Offer.
As foretold In The Tribune yester
day, the sewer soliciting committee be
gan the work of securing- the $3,000
bonus which Contractor Hurley asks
over tho bid of Dunn Bros, toward
building tho sowor In South Scronton,
and the results were most gratifying.
The committee was divided Into three
sub-committees. Jacob Gelger, Jr.,
Harry Klaumlnzcr and Adam Breler,
who comprised one of the committees,
collected between Hickory and Willow
streets, a distance of three blocks, over
$300. This statement was mado to The
Tribune man last night by Mr. Klau
mlnzcr. Another committee, of which Hon.
John J. Scheuor Is a member, wont out
last night and the tltst four persons
approached gave $100.
Pomp and Circumstance of War, In
cluding Charge at San Juan Hill.
Headed by the sreat Fcout (Buf
falo Bill) there will appear in this city
Monday next, one of the Greatest as
semblages of horsemen and soldiers
that has ever been seen her. It Is the
annual tour of Buffalo Bill's Wild West
and Congress of Bough Blders of tho
world, and two shows dally will be
given. This organization needs no In
troduction, as it stands on its past rec
ord. Everything that Is given In the
spacious arena is real. There aie six
hundred persons who represent the dif
ferent nations and introduce the cus
toms of their respective countiles.
Biding of every description Is In
dulged In and some of the feats per
formed aie of a very startling nature.
Tho new additions to be added are rep
resentatives from tho Philippines and
a group of Hawalians. Thero will also
be shown a vivid representation of that
heroic battle, the Charge on San Juan
Hill. There will bo a detachment from
Boosevelt's Bough Blders who were In
tho midst of this memorial charge and
who are all more or less wounded.
Among them being Tom Isbol, who Is
mentioned In tho different accounts of
tho battle as having fired the llrst shot
nnd received in return lght bullets,
two of which he now cairles. William
McGlnty and others who wcro prom
inent in the affray.
Was Prying Some Coal Down When
the Mass Fell Upon Him.
John Wright, of Jessup, employed
as a miner in the Grassy Island mine,
at Peckvllle, was painfully bruised and
had a narrow escape from fatal in
juries yesterday morning. He was
attempting to pry a large block of coal
out of the "face" of his chamber when
the whole mass toppled out and upon
tho unfortunate man.
He was held securely beneath the
crushing weight. Fellow workmen
rescued him, and after being given
temporary medical attention, he was
brought to the Lackawanna hospital.
His back, left side, neck nnd right
side of his face are contused and
lacerated and his right leg Is frac
tured (compound) Just below tho knee.
Judge Archbald Strongly Favored
by the Butler Eagle.
The Butler Eagle, published In tho
western part of tho state, hna this to
say about Judge B. W. Archbald:
"Hon Robert W. Archbald, president
Judge of Lackawanna county, is men
tioned favorably as the probable Re
publican nominee for supreme Judge
this fall. Judge Archbald is a man of
splendid physique, of strong Intellect
ual Qualities and fine legal attain
ments. He is in the prime of lifo nnd
would go upon tho supremo bench
with every prospect of many years of
useful services before him."
Mayor Will Not Say That He Will
Be Qulded by It.
At Monday night's meeting of tho
board of trade, Mr. Chittenden, speak
ing with seeming authority, nald that
at tonight's se&3lon ot select council
an aye and nay vote would be called
on tho Sanderson ordlnapco ro-appro-prlatlng
tho $17,620 Item for asphalt
repnlrs, and that if It received a two
third vote, the mayor would sign tho
Barber contract.
Yesterday, when Mayor Molr was
questioned concerning this ho spoke as
if disposed to reconsider any former
vlewd he might havo held on account
of tho "strong opposition" to the con
tract which he says has been mani
fested during the past few days.
There was a well grounded story
afloat in city hall yesterday that the
revised contract alleged to havo been
executed by Mayor Bailey has been
found, and will put in nn appearance
Finest wines and cigars at Lane's,
320 Spruce street.
Smoko the Popular Punch Clear, 160.
Rev. llogors Israel Succeeded In
Getting Matter Placed in Hands
of a Now Committee for Consid
eration Scranton Secures Next
Convention Rv. I. N. W. Irvine,
of nuntlngton, Secured an Injunc
tion to Restrain the Bishop from
Dissolving His Pastoral Relations.
At the Episcopal convention In
Wllkes-Barre yesterday tho proposition
to dlvido tho dloceso was overwhelm
ingly defeated. On tho evening pre
vious, when Bishop Talbot In his an
nual address strongly endorsed tho
contemplated division tho sfntltnent
seemed to be With his Idea. Yester
day, however, when the committee's
discouraging repot t was presented, the
trend of general sentiment set In tho
other way and despite the eloquent ar
guments of tbo pro-division delegates,
led by the Scranton Ions, tho proposi
tion wns defeated.
By the llrst decision of the conven
tion, action on the question was Inde
finitely postponed with a motion to
table, but later on Bev. Bogers Israel
succeeded in having the matter taken
from tho table and 'referred to a new
committee with instructions to report
at the next convention, transmitting
with the report at least two lines of
In contending for the resuscitation of
tho question, Bev. Mr. Israel expressed
keen disappointment at the refusal of
the convention to adopt the bishop's
huggestlon of a divided dlocesp. If
theio is no division the bishop must
be supplied with helpets and these
will bo quite as expensive as u new
diocese and a new diocesan.
Bev. P. S. Ballentlne seconded Bev.
Mr. Israel's views and In doing so
mado the statement that ho personally
knew Bishop Bullion had been killed
by overwork.
Bishop Talbot said he felt that tbp
convention was not opposed to the di
vision, but simply believed that at this
time the endowment wns not sufficient
to warrant tho Increased expenditure.
Tho committee to which tho matter
was recommitted Is made up as fol
lows: Bev. J. P. Powers, Bev. II. L.
Jones, T. D., Bev. C. J. Wood. Bev.
E. II. Eckel, B. A. Mercur, W. B. But
ler, Everett Warren and S. L. Brown.
At the morning session Bishop Tal
bot ordained to the priesthood Bev. J.
Erwin Broadhead, of Porest City, and
Bev. Edward J. Burllngham, of
Bev. Br. Poweis, of Pottsville; Bev.
Lewis Nichols, of Lock Haven, and
Bev. O. I. Brown, of Bellefonte, as
sisted the bishop In the ordinations.
The candidates were presented by Rev.
Dr. Jones and Bev. P. S. Ballentlne.
Following the ordinations the sacra
ment of holy communion was cele
brated by Bishop Talbot, assisted by
Bev. Dr. Jone, Bev. P. S. Ballentlne
and Bev. Dr. Poweis.
The report of the board nf missions
was presented by W. It. Butler. It
showed total receipts of $8,140.03 for the
llscal year ending May 10, 1S99; total
payments, J9.450.23; deficit on May 10,
1899, $1,125.48. Twenty-two churches
nnd sixteen stations havo not contri
buted during the year. The total pay
ments of tho year were made from tho
following districts, ns given below:
Archdeaconry of Beading, $2,612.50;
archdeaconry of Hariisburg, $2,209.69;
archdeaconry of Wllllninsport, $1,331.21;
archdeaconry of Scranton, $2,5S3.21;
from other sources, '$727.59.
Mr. Butler's encouraging words and
tho report of tho work accomplished
had the effect of arousing a general
enthusiasm among tho delegates and
in five minutes time, on the floor of the
convention, over $5,330, was subscribed
to the diocesan mission fund, being an
Increase of nearly $500 over last year.
while twenty-four parishes are yet to
be heard from,
Resolutions of condolence were
adopted en the death of Captain Oeorge
M. Franklin, of Lancaster. An appeal
In behalf of the deaf mutes by Bev.
J. M. ICoehler, of Beading, was an
swered with the adoption of a resolu
tion llxlng the twelfth Sunday after
Trinity as a day for taking, up a col
lection In all the churches for the deaf
mute missions.
The following standing committee
was elected: M. A. Tolman, W. P.
C'rrlck, H. L. Jones, Charles Morison,
T. B Angel, clergy; a. E. Farquhar,
II. M. North, A D. Holland, A. N.
Cleaver, H. B. Meredith, laymen.
Bov. William Beakes was elected
delegate to the Missionary council.
Other ofricers chosen were:
Committee on canons Bev. Messrs.
Tolman, Orrlck and Baker, and Messrs.
McMullen, B. A. Mercur and Uuy 1!.
Committee on Christian education
Bev. Messrs. Page, Harrington and
IHughton, and Messrs. Jones, Howard
and It. P. Llnderman.
Trensurer of the diocesan fund, P. It.
Stetson; treasurer of the Christmas
fund, Charle3 M. Dodson1 trensurer of
the enrollment fund, W. II. Sayre:
registrar, Mr W. II Chandler, Ph. D.;
chnncellor, Mr. John G. Freeze
Flnanco committee, George B. Eck
ert, Bodney A. Mercur. Samuel II. Rey
nolds and William Howard, with tho
,000 Cigar
From $10 to $250 Per 1,000,
El Hodelo," Key West
Cigars, full line fresh
Bumble Bee" Cigars,
full Havana, $35 per 1,000,
3,000 for $100; $2 per
box: 5c each, 6 for 25c.
Very mild smoke.
Reina Del Egypts,"
Rothschilds. $2.50 per
box, 5c each.
Qran Qoza, $1.50 per
box. Simple Justice, $1.25
per box. Trade supplied.
E. Q. Cottrsen
secretary, treasurer nnd chancellor.
Trustees of tho church building fund
L. II. Airier, C. M. Dodson, P. N.
Pago and David McMullen.
Commltteo on adjustment of difficul
ties Bev. Gilbert II. Sterling, D. D.,
Guy E. Farquhar, with tho chancellor.
Trustees of tho Chrlstmno fund W.
II. Sayre and O. N. Boynolds.
St. Luke's church, Scranton, was
chosen ns the place for tho next con
Bishop Potter, of Now York, who Is
to conduct tho services in connection
with tho dedication of St. Stephen's
church, wns tendered a reception at tho
parish building Inst evening.
Somewhat of a stir wns created dur
ing tho foienoon by the nppearance of
a deputy sheriff with on Injunction
directed to Bishop Talbot restraining
him from severing tho pastoral rela
tions of Bev. I. N. W. Irvine, of Hunt
ingdon, Pa., rector of St. John's church.
The bishop had served notice upon
Bev. Mr. Irvine that his. pastoral re
lations were to be hovered. Bov. Mr.
lrvlno claimed that this contemplated
action on tho bishop's part Is contrary
to the canons, no lequest for a sever
ance of his pastoral relations having
been transmitted fiom the vestry of his
Evidenco That Ono Has Been Effect
ed Between the Two New Com
panies An Understanding
Paitlally Admitted.
An understanding has been arrived
at between the two new telephono com
panies by which the Lackawanna Is
to hold off until such time as the
Scranton has had Its inning In coun
cils. If the Scianton company Is success
ful In securing a franchise the Lacka
wanna, which is adlllated with tho Peo
ple's compnny of Wllkes-Barre, will
Join with the Scranton In perfecting
a service between the two cities.
Should the Scranton fall to secure a
franchise, the Lackawanna will make
another effort to run the gauntlet of
When seen yesterday, S. E. Wayland,
manager of the Lackawanna, while
not directly admitting that there was
any specific understanding between the
ilval new companies, veiilled the re
port that his company would not go
into councils while tho Scranton com
pany's ordinance was under way and
further stated that his company would
hold entirely aloof from tho light that
will be precipitated with the Central
Pennsylvania company by the intio
duction of tho Scranton ordinance.
It is very reasonable to give credence
to tho report that the two new com
panies have a very explicit "under
standing," that, In fact, amounts to a
combination. The Lackawanna com
pany has been twice defeated in its
efforts to secure a franchise and there
Is no good reason to suppose to put
It diplomatically that, when tho last
defeat was effected, the cause to that
effect was caused with the idea of
permanent, effect.
This being tho case, their only hope
of securing connections In this city Is
through tho Scranton company. It
Is necessary to the perpetuation of
their Wllkes-Barre company that they
secure Scranton connections. That they
will not stand In tho way of the next
best thing to securing a franchise for
themselves Is a safe conjecture, to say
the least.
Will Have a Convention Tomorrow
Night in Elm Park Church.
Tho City union, of the Epworth
League, will celebrate tho anniversary
of its organization tomorrow night in
Elm Park church, when a fine pro
gramme will be given. J. S. York, the
chairman of tho union, will preside.
Tho nddrpsa of tho evening will be
given by Bev. W. G. Simpson, of As
liury church.
Miss Margaret Hughes will read a
paper on the Junior Work. Mrs.
Charles Gcnter will render a vocal solo
and Misses Leorn Edwards and Ger
trude Degraw will play n piano duot.
Included In tho programme will be
readings by Mr. L. W. Bower and Mr.
At its conclusion light refreshments
will bo served by Elm Park Chapter,
of which J. G. Shepherd Is chairman.
Death of the Mother Makes the
Fouith Within Three Years.
Mrs. Mary Gaynor, ot C15 North Lin
coln avenue, died very suddenly at 8
o'clock last evening. She had been suf
fering for some time from diabetes, but
her complaint was not considered seri
ous. The family has been sorely nf
fllcted within the past two years, threo
daughters, Mary, Agnes and Genevieve,
having passed away.
The surviving children are John, ot
Klmlra, N. Y.; James, Joseph, Thomas,
Wlnified, Margarot, Nellie and Will
Iain. Tho funeral arrangements have
not been mode yet, and will bo an
nounced tomorrow.
Low Fore Excursions via tho Lehigh
Valley Itallroad.
Grand regatta on Cayuga lake, Itha
ca, N. v., May 30, laau. uoai races:
Cornell vs. Pennsylvania, Cascadllla
vs. N. Y. Military academy: also a
single scull taco for tho Charles S.
Francis gold medal; fencing contest,
Cornell vs. Syracuse.
Tickets will be sold and good going
May 29 and 30, limited for return to and
including May 31. To cnablo the hold
ers of these excursion tickets to seo
tho entire raco from start to finish,
will bo run along the bank of the lake,
keeping even with tho boats to tho
finish. Tickets will be sold for scats In
these observation trains at $1.00 each:
and no greater number of tickets will
bo sold than thero are scats In tho
trains. Tho faro from Scranton for the
round trip will bo $'..70. Inquire of
Lehigh Valley ticket agents for fur
ther particulars.
Another Case of Rheumatism Cured
by Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
My son was aflltcted with iheuma
tlsm which contracted his ilnht limb
until he was unuble to walk. After
using one and a half bottles ot Cham
berlain's Pain Balm he was ablo to bo
about again. I can heartily recom
mend It to persons suffering from rheu
matism. John Snider, Freed, Calhoun
Co.. W. Vo. For sale by all druggists.
Matthew nros., wholesale and retail
, agents.
Mr. West Sots Forth Under Oath
That on the Afternoon of May 3,
1800, While the Contract Between
the Asphalt Company and the City
Was Under Consideration, Mr. Hat
ton Called on Him and Advanced
tho Proposition to Which Refer
ence Hns Heretofore Been Made.
In a letter which Henry U. Ilntton,
Mayor Molr's privato secretary, sent
to tho newspapers yesterday ho denies
having paid a visit to J. M. West, of
the Barber ABphalt company, with a
proposition from Mayor Molr. Hat
ton's letter follows:
Scranton, Pa.. May 17, 1899.
Hon. William Conncll, Scranton, Pa.
Dear Sir: In your letter In reply to
ono addressed to you by the mayor,
you say that "information from more
than ono source camo to mo unsolicited
that the mayor's privato secretary, Mr.
11. C. Hatton, recently waited on Mr.
J. II. West, local agent for tho Barber
Asphalt company, with a proposition
from tho mayor that the latter would
sign tho now street repair contract upon
condition that tho Uatber people snouio
uso their Influence to secure the con
firmation of tho mayor's appointee for
chief of the flro department, Mr. John
H. Walker. Tho accuracy of this in
formation is confirmed by Mr. West."
Tho "more than one source" from
which you allege you received this In
formation must be the same as that
received from two of tho three parties
on whom you Implicitly rely, referred
to in your famous (?) board of trade
speech; Mr. J. M. West being the third.
If your "more than ono source" of in
formants are on a plane with Mr. J.
H. AVest your statements would not
merit a reply, but seeing that these
parties have been vouched for by you
as "parties on whom you Implicitly
rely," which gives them an air of re
spectability, 1 will depart from my cus
tom and reply.
Let mo say. tho above statement Is
false In every particular. I never
waited on Mr. J. M. West, local agent
for tho Barber people, with a proposi
tion from tho mayor of any kind, nnd
the matter of the mayor's signing the
repair contract has never been men
tioned between us, I would hesltnte
long before casting such a reflection
upon a gentleman of the select council,
as your statements imply. If you have
any authority "upon whom you implic
itly rely," will you not bo kind enough
to let the public know these worthy
informants, for the sake of your repu
tation for veracity, and not try to dam
age the reputations of those who value
theirs, by parading tho statements of
a paid hireling of a corporation which
is well known to havo repeatedly at
tempted to debauch our public ser
vants I wish the people of Scranton to dis
tinctly understand that this charge
which Is mado against me Is a delib
erate falsehood and I brand Its author
or authors as wilful liars.
Very truly yours,
H. C. Hatton.
To a Tribune reporter, yesterday, Mr.
Hatton admitted that ho waited on Mr.
West In the Interests of the mayor's
nppolntee, Mr. Walker, but that it was
not at the instigation of the mayor,
nor with his honor's knowledge or con
sent. It was prompted solely by his
personal Interest In Mr. Walker, he
Congressman William Council, when
seen yesterday by a Tribune represen
tative, said with referenco to Mr. Hat
ton's statement:
"I ha'o no controverby with Mr. Hat
ton; I don't know him. 1 have here
Mr. West's affidavit, which confirms
what was stated in my letter yester
day. Tho matter is now between tho
mayor and tho public. It Is the mayor's
business, not mine, to deal with Mr.
Mr. West's aflldavlt is as follows:
Lackawanna county, s.s.:
J. M. West, being duly sworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says: I am
cashier of the Barber Asphalt Paving
company and havo had charge of their
business in tho city of Scranton for
some tlmo past. The afternoon of May
3, 1899, while the contract between the
Asphalt company and tho city of Scran
ton for repairing and maintaining the
asphalt pavements was under consider
ation, Mr. H. C. Hatton, the mayor's
private secretary, came to my ofllco In
the Mcars building and stated to me In
substance, as follows:
That he had been sent to mo by Mayor
Molr to say that If I would uso the In
fluence of the company witn mo coun
cils to secure enough votes In select
council, so that tho mayor's appointee
for chief of the fire department, Mr.
Walker, should secure fourteen votes,
tho mayor would promptly sign the said
contract and "everything would run as
smooth ns grease." Tho ofllco boy and
two other persons were present in tho
room during Mr. Hatton's visit, but did
not hear the conversation.
J. M. West.
Sworn and subscribed before me this
17th day of Mny. 1899.
James II. Torrey, Notary iPubllc.
Mr. West, when seen by a Tribune
reporter yesterday, said ho had no de
sire to becomo Involved In a personal
controversy; his aflldavlt was simply
in self-defence after the mavor's pri
vato secretary had publicly challenged
his veracity.
Editor of Tho Tribune.
Sir1 In referenco to tho answer of
tho Hon. William Connell to a com
munication T sent you. permit me a
few words. The authority, who volun
tarily furnished the honoiablo gentle
man in his assertions with information,
as to tho supposed deal, Is entirely
wrong; In fact, it is unqualifiedly false,
as far as I am concerned. I never
authorized Mr, Hatton, or anyone else,
to negotlato a trade. Tho idea never
entered my mind, and the gentleman
named, Mr, West, would be the last
ally I would seek to enlist In the cause.
Tho Idea was so ridiculous, that I
thought It was hardly woith refuting,
and I would not havo sought to Intrude
on your spaco had I not been anxious
to know wherein I had sinned, not
being conscious of tho same. As to my
appointees, I am not troubling about
their confirmations. I send them In on
their merits, and fitness for their vuil
ous positions, ns I understand it. and
will leave tho rest to tho select council.
This will close tho discussion, oo far as
I am concerned.
Respectfully yours,
James Molr, Mayor.
Scranton, May 17.
A valunblo property at a bargain,
419 Penn ave. See Real Estate column.
Tleecham's Pills will dispel the "blues."
SmoUe Tho Popular Punch Clear, lOo,
Spoko at Blakoly.
Last night Will J. McConnell ad
drcsBcd a largo audlcnco In tho Blakely
Baptist church. He will bo thero again
tonight. Tho doors open at 7.30. Songs
at 7.45; address at 8. An effort will bo
mado to havo Mr. MoConncll deliver
two addresses there next Sunday.
Jonns Long's Sons commence on
Monday a sale of tho Book and Sta
tionery stock of Boldfcman, tho Book
man. Every article will bo sold re
gardless of cost.
Smoko Tho Pocono Cigar, Be.
Wo arc going to give
away to our custo
mers, absolutely free,
one ol' those magniii
cent $400 Emerson
Pianos on Wednesday,
May 24. and wc will
also give another
Piauo on Wednesday,
June 28th.
The Traders
Letters ot Credit for
Travelers, available all
over Eiirope.
Vve solicit accounts from firms, In
dividuals and corporations.
F L. PHILLIPS, Cashier.
' nan,...
Artificial Teeth for which other
dentists charge $15, $12, $8 and $5.
Our price, $8, $7, 5 and $2.75.
Gold Crown and Bridge Work for
which others charge $10, $s and $3.
Our price, $5, $4 and $1.50.
Gold and other Fillings, 25c up.
We extract teeth, fill teeth and
insert Gold Crowns and Bridge
Work without pain.
Dr. Barrett,
316 Spruce St., n
- --
t Razor
Concaving :
lit) Penn Avenue.
S. Cutlery we sell is sharp.
-f-M--r--f-M-t-r--t---f -t- -f-f
Hotel Jcrm.
P tan? RroQ
Iflflrll ilfcBn Mil Ilnlk
141 to 149 Meridian Strait, Scmlm, Pi
PAINT DEPARTriENT.Pure Whitehead, Colors
and Varnishes.
. Issssk X
.1 IlkHHk
nn tho Insldo or outside walls of your means rest und pleuBUto for tho
tf ynu havo decided on the shade you
need for exterior or Interior decoration,
penult us to fill your order. Wo huvo
ready mixed nnd nlso Dry Colors, OIK
etc. to makn any desired tone. , Tho
quality Ii excellent, tho colors being per
manent and tho oils ensuring great dura
bility. Our prices on thr-so goods, nnd Brushes
or every description, U rrodcratc.
Hand & Payne
5 -
j We Are Hliowtni; n Special 2
I.ltio of 3
In Iloio. "Ible Kour-ln-IInud
nnd l'ulft.
j soj Wnslilnjton A"e. 5
xruyj j
Tc- "
A Record-Breaker.
When it comes to a movable
capitol the Philippine capitol is
certainly a record-breaker.
When it comes to selling hats
our prices arc also record
breakers. CONRAD, Hatter
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
All New and Modern Fixtures.
Perfect sanitary plumbing. Goods
not exposed to dust and dirt from
the street.
Everything a market should
have you can find here. Compet
ent salesmen. Prompt service.
110-112-114 PENN AVENUE.
-r -r-r f -t-
The new oang mother spends time
trying to make her baby talk. Later
on she spends time trying to Iteep the
dear ono quiet. All youiiK mothers
want to spend some time looking at
these new HABY CARRIAGES and GO
CARTS. They are the leaders as to
style and low prices.
Ask to see our Beauty
Go Carl for $6.50
Don't pay S3 and Sa for jour win
dow Awnings we can supply you
with the BUST AWNING made, the
"CLI.WAX," at from to Sj.oo.
Hasy to put up, ready made, no dis
appointments. Other Seasonable Thiugs
Are here In quantity as well as
TEES. ROCKERS of every descrip
tion. Everything yours for a prom
ise to pay.
. UUW --. ..J j .
Catalopuo tor out-of-town huycrs.
"Send your addro&s
. J
v. Jiiia,V-c -LCI
OMA1).! Wvfim ri Ava.