The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1899, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    .).. .?!' -7!it
'Lend a Hand" Was His Thome, and
tho Toxt Was from Acts ill, 7-8.
Tolntod Out How a Helping Hand
Would Aid In tho Church Upbuild
ing Ivorlto Delegation Returns.
Select Councilmnn It. H. Williams
Is Honored Funeral of Mrs, Gaul.
Other Tunerals Coming Events.
PorEounl and Otherwise.
Rev. James Honnlnger, of the Hamp
ton Street Methodist EpiFCopal church,
preached nn excellent sermon yester
day morning on thu subject "Lend n
Hand," taking hlq text from Acts ill,
7-8: "And He took him by the right
hand and lifted him uj."
He said It 1m quite possible that thlf
lame man could have arisen without
the assistance of I'eter, as the Lord
JeUH would have been Btilllclent for
him. It has been suggested that the
upostlo gave him his hand because
he could not help It, and It is our
duty to lend a hand whenever wo can,
for Clod lifts us Into the dignity of
helng co-workers together with Him.
In the Held of Christian uctlvlty there
Is much lamenebs, Idleness and many
crippled. These must bo dealt with.
A helping hand should also bo given
to the regular sen Ices of the church
b hearty and loyal support. Inter
mittent attendance at church hinders
its growth. Success depends not half
so much on the minister as upon the
membets. Theio Is absolutely no sub
stitute for the human hand. There Is
sjmpathy in tho delicate and kindly
grasp of the hand, there Is magic,
tnusio and power In It. Kstlmate tho
value of a piaer meeting ana you
could not be without it.
Kncrgy creates action, action keeps
the wheels moving, and we need tho
constant, perpetual Inbreathing of the
Holy Spirit. A helping hand should
also be extended to tho Sunday school.
Tf the boy of today is the man of to
morrow the Sunday school of today Is
the church of totnonow. It Is designed
to Ingraft into the young heart "the
lnronuptiblp seed" of the Word of God.
Lend a hand to this vitalizing and re
generating power, and we shall be
amply repaid for all the time and toll
Lend a hand to the Epworth league
ii No. It has more than met tho pt
pictntlon of lis founders, but we can
not expect it to piosper and give It no
attention. If all lend n helping hand
the church will tilumph, walking and
Jeaping and praising God.
After short services weie held at tho
home of the late Mrs. Catherine Gaul,
at 210 Tenth street, at 2.20 o'clock yes-
Yes we have It.
Atlantic Lend, Pure Linseed OH,
jnd Ready nixed Paint, Varnish,
Putty, etc.
oi S.Mnln Avenue.
An Early Summer Sale
Words are unnecessary to impress
on our readers the importance oi this
sale. It comes at the right time and
offers a money saving opportunity to our
friends at the moment it will do them
most good.
25 pieces 40-inch fancy mixtures,
cheviot, checks, covert cloths, silk and
wovo weaves, etc A great cleaning up
lot comprising goods that sold at S7c,
45c. and up to C5c. a yard.
Cleaning up price, 25c
15 pieces 40-Inch all-wool vlgoreau,
suitings, light weight and very fine.
All tho best shades. Our leading 50c.
Cleaning up price, 37c
10 pieces 45-inch cheviot mixtures. A
strictly high grade suiting. All the
Lest shadings, with lots of quiet style
in it. Last week's price was 89c.
Cleaning up price, 49c
10 pieces DO-lnch all-wool Fiench
rtorm Eerges, black and navy only. A
icenulne 7Ct. cloth. Wo'vo too many
on hand though; therefore the
Cleaning up price, 59c
All the novelties of the season now open,
awoiting your Inspection.
Naturc makes the cures
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and needs
helping out.
Things get started in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start the
system in the right direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with hypophos
phites can do just this.
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds famished tissues, and
makes rich blood.
5oc. i Ml drnggliti
SCOTT & BOWNE. tbtmliu, NewYotk.
terday afternoon, the remains were
borne to tho German Presbyterian
church on Chestnut street, where many
life-long friends had assembled to pay
their respects.
Rev. Jacob Schoettle, tho pastor, and
the Rev. Jnmes Bennlnger. of tho
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
church, officiated. The Interment was
made In the Wnshburn street oeine
ter. ' Till: PRISONER OF 5SENDA."
IMgar Judson Ebbels, tho well-known
di.imatlc lendct, will give a condensed
loading of "The Prisoner of Zendn" nt
the auditorium of tho Elcctrie City
Wheelmen, 1126 Jackson street, tomor
row evening Miss Anna B. Williams,
pianist, and Philip IT. Warren, soloist,
will nslst in the programme.
In I he reading Mr. Ebbels. gives pt cr
emations of the famous chnractots In
the piny, and his Interpretation Is said
to be exceptionally clever. This will
be the first event In the new club house,
and It promises to bo a. memorable one.
Rev. J. P. Moffat, of tho Washburn
Stieet Piesbyterlan church, conducted
the funeral set vices over tho remains
of the late Fred. Kuhlmnn yesterday
afternoon. The obsequies weio held at
tho family residence, 22C North Itrom
ley avenue.
The pall-bearers were Henrv Web
bei, Michael Webber, Thomas P. Dan
iels, Geotge Dlddletnan, Robeit Arm
stiong and George Kern. The icmalns
were borne to the Washbuin stieet
ccmeteiy for interment.
At the sessions of the Grand Lodge
of Ivoiltes, held In New York city last
week, Richard H. Williams, of Dewl
Sant lodge, was elected worthj presi
dent; Humphiey Owens, of Fair Haven,
Vt., worthy vice-piesldent. John .1.
Evans, of North Seranton, worthy sec
retary; Roger Evans, of Robert Morris
lodge, worthy tieasmer.
The next annual session will be held
In Poultney, Vt. After the Installation
the offlcei s ami delegates held a ban
quet in tho St. Dennis hotel.
The fimeial services over tho remains
of the late Robert 15od.veomb weio con-
10 pieces 45 Inches whip cords, new
two tone effects. Extia weight for
tailored jacket suits. All the good
shades of the season. This line was
Cleaning up price. 98c
10 pieces 4(i Inches, all-wool Jacquard
Suitings, solid colors with satin polka
dot effects. This weave ranks as one
of the high novelties of thu beason.
Best former prlcu Jl.OO.
Cleaning up price, 89c
Special lot of Fancy Novelty Suit
ings. Late arrivals that must bo
slaughteied because of their taidlness
in coming to hand. A great half-dollar
Cleaning up price. WM
A complete line of 43-Inch all-wool
whip coids in solid colors, liif hiding
new blues, qrieens, greys, tnns, browns,
garnet, etc, A rato bat sain at the
Cleaning up price, U!lc
15 pieces 43-lneh .Mohair P.rilllnntluor.
In small broended eiferts, and fine
make, silk finish. Shades navy and
grey only. A J1.00 eloth.
Cleaning up price, C9c
ducted by Rev. II. II. Harris, of Tay
lor, at tho family homo, 1223 Hampton
street, Saturday afternoon. Hyde Par);
lodge, Knights of Pythias, of which
deceased was a member, attended In a
Tho pall-bearers were David Reese,
William J. Morgan, John rc-vnns, David
Udwnrds, Daniel Colon and Joseph Oli
ver. Tho remains werp Interred In tho
Washburn stieot comi tery.
The I. W. II. cliclo of the Hampton
Street Methodist Eplicopal church will
conduct a "Klondike" social nt the
homo of Miss Bessie Slotc, on Eynon
street, next Thtirsday evening, when
valuable claims will be sold to the high
est bidders.
Miss Edith Blair, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Blair, will glvo an Informal
dnnce at Mears' hall Thursday evening.
Music will be furnished by Bauer.
An orchestra composed of James
King, bass violin; John King, first cot
net; Arthur King, second cornet, and
George Stephens, llute, lias boon or
ganized at the Hampton Street Metho
dist Episcopal church, nnd played for
the first time at tho services yesterday.
Stennei's band gave an open-air con
cert Saturday evening in front of Enoch
Evans hotel on Jackton street.
The members of Ripple division, No.
45, Sons of Tempcinnce, enjojed a
musical nnd literary programmo after
the regular meeting on Saturday oven-
Esther assembly, No. 10, will hold a
regular meeting tomonow evening nnd
a social will follow the business session.
The afternoon gospel meeting at tho
Voung Women's Christian association
rooms yesterday afternoon was well nt-
tpnded. Misses Rachel Jones, Marlon
Hutchinson, Vie Jones and Mrs. Ran
dolph Jones were In charge of the exer
cises. Tho site selected for tho proposed silk
mill to be elected on this side by W.
H Davis, superintendent of the Sau
qtiolt mills, Is announced to be on the
Falrvlew tiaet, comprising twenty lot",
neur the Bellevue bleaker. This will
enable tho building of a switch from
the Bloomsburg division to the mill.
Mr and Mrs Walter Beck and son,
of Towanda, who have been -visiting
relatives here, will icturn home today.
'Patrolman Thomas Jones underwent
an oneiatlon at his home on Saturday.
Patrolman John Thomn3 Is suffering
from an abscess which has lormed
about the blab wounds ho lccelvcd
frome time ago.
Miss Biidget Culkin. of South Van
Buren avenue, is entertaining her
cousin, Miss Maria Burke, of Carbon
dale John IT. Phillips, Dr. B. G. Beddne.
E V. Robathan, Roger Evans and
Richard H. Williams have returned
fiom New York.
William Murray, of Wllkes-Bane. Is
visiting lends and relatives on Lu
zerne street.
Miss Margaret Johnson, of Fifth ave
nue, has gone to England for a three
months' visit.
Mis-s Leah T.sdel, of Ithaca, N. Y.,
spent a few days last week with friends
on Notth Main avenue.
Michael Loftus. of Sugar Notch, Is
visiting fi lends on Keyser avenue.
Mis. Reese D. Jones, of Rock street,
is lslt!iiff friends In Utlia, N. Y.
John Harding, of Elmlra, N. Y Is
the guebt of fi lends on Jackson stieet.
James It Meats, of North Main ave
nue, and S. J. MeKeever, of Jackson
stieot, will leave this evening1 for
Chicago, ill., and Kansas City, Mo.
John It. Edwards, of South Main ave
nue, spent Sunday In New Yoik.
Mi. and Mrs John II, Fellows, four
children, and muse. Miss Francis Cook,
of Tenth stieet, are visiting at Indian
Hill, Biadford county.
Mrs. John Pelham, of Tenth street,
Is entertaining her paivnts. Ml. and
Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, of Waverly.
Mr and Mrs. J. II. Burrus and chil
dren, of Lincoln nvenuo, spent Sunday
In Claik's Gieen.
Mis. Chailes Monnlnger, of North
Garfield avenue, attended the funeral
of her grandfathei In White Haven yes
terday, Mrs. Martha C.ney, of Ninth street,
is the guest of her In other In Buffalo,
N. Y.
Miss Chilstlna Martin, of Pittston,
leturncd home jesterday from a shoit among fi lends heio
Charles Wrlgloy, of Twelfth street,
has accepted a position with a gtaphlte
company in Ohio, and left Saturday to
assume his new duties.
Joseph Hlgglns, a driver In Storrs
mine, No. 1, was seilously injured Sat
urday morning at this pine in an at
tempt to make a "dying" coupling. His
leg was caught between the bumpeis
and ciushed. The Injuied lad was re
moved to his home on Bivaker street,
where he received medical attention.
It i feared his leg will have to be
The funeral of the late Cora Relph
took place yesterday from her home
on Ferdinand street. Sun Ices were
conducted at the house by the Rev.
V. S. Ballentlne, of Green Ridge. In
tel mtnt was made at Waverly.
"Ptof." Roes Watklns of F.dna ave
nue, Is home from Harrlsburg.
Joseph McDermott, of Philadelphia,
Is the guest of his sister, Mrs. James
Bennur, of Brick nvenue.
Pi of. P. J. Dennehy and Miss Flor
ence Hanff, of Pittston, aie the guests
of Mr. and Mis. P. J. Mahon, of Wil
liam stieet.
Mls Eliza Kt-arney, of Sullivan coun
ty. N. Y us visiting Mr. and Mrs.
John Regan, of Thick ivnuo,
1. Sherman spi nt Saturday at Forest
Thonuis Lewis, of Plymouth, spent
yesterday i.lth Isaac Jones of Hill
Mr and Mrs. Hany Roderick re
turned to i'lttsbuig Saturday fiom
a tnw months' lsit with friends hero.
G. C. Joel, of Patkcr street, visited
friends In Pittston yesterday.
T. R. James, of Wayne nvomi ft
member of Lincoln lodge, will leave
today as a delegate to the convention
of Odd Fellows to be held In Bins
hnmton. Mrs. Mary Gallagher, of McDonough
nvenue, is tho guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Joseph Tony, of New York city.
Mrs. J. B. Fish, of North Main ave
nue, is In New York cltj.
William Walsh, of 1 'icon street, is
visiting friends In Cu bondale.
Royal Nicholas cj ' . t yesterday in
to tho coffee, drinker Corfee drinking Is
a hulilt that H universally InJiilfced In
and almost a universally Injurious mva
1011 tried Oruln-O; Jt Is almost like cof
fee but the effects tue Just the uppuelto.
Coffee upsets the stomach, ruins tho ill
KCHttou. affects tho hi art ami dUturba
tho whole neivous system. Uruln.t)
tones up the stomach. aldB ingestion and
st lengthens thu nerves, Thvin Is noth
ing but iiiiuilHlimuiit in Oialn-O. It can't
be uthcrwlxi. IS and 5c. per p.ivkugj.
Colds, Coughs,
it ,. ri r,
iiayrcvcr, uiuu-
chitis, Asthma
and all Diseases
of the Throat and
Clouds of UiMllcttcd Vnpor urn Intuited
tbroufb the mouth and emitted from tho noi
ttlto, cleatiilnr ot Tipotlrlnr all tho Inflamed
nri dlsfdicil patts wMch cannot be reached by
atdlclne taken Into th atomacb.
It rendici thr nre tpohlt hrali the raw
)ilacctItqoctothceitofiti3eacIl acta at
a balm nnd tonic to the whnU tuitemfl.OOat
ariiffpiiti orient bjmalt. HOI Arch St., 1'Mla.
Result of the First Election in the
New Borough of Old Forge Re
publicans Control School Board
nnd Democrats the Councils.
The electois of tho throe districts
compilslng Lackawanna, Rendhum
and Sibley, which Join the new borough
of Old Forge, elected n burgess, coun
ellmen and school directors Saturday.
They wete chosen to hold olllco until
February next, when a general elec
tion will be held.
There were four tickets In the field,
the Republicans, Independent Repub
licans, Democrats and People's, An
drew Kennedy, the Republican nomi
nee, defeated Wesley Johnson, the In
dependent Republican candidate, by
forty-seven otes Jnmes Kllllan, tho
cholre of the Democrats, withdrew
trom the contest Friday last The
People's party did not place a candi
date for the olllco.
The Republicans hae a majority in
the school board and the Democrats
elected four of the seven councllmen.
Geoige Fletcher, James Rimmcr,
John Cosgrove and Robert Johnson,
Republicans; John Corcoian nnd John
Cook, Democrats, compilso the schoot
directors. The council is mado up of
Robert Monioe, Patrick Coyne, John
anllagher and Thomas KUcoyne, Dem
ocrats, and Uobeit Stoff, Anthony Ban
caidl and Thomas Stephens, Republi
cans. It was stated yesterday In the new
borough that tho fieeholders who op
posed a change In the stylo of govern
ment as cre.tted by Judge Archbald,
will appeal to tho supreme court They
allege that Judge Archbald eired in
his cutting from the borough 440 acres,
the propel ty of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna nnd Western railroad
The land refeired to lies between
Schnltz's lane and Sibley. Faim land,
the Judge stated, cannot be a part of
a borough. The anti-borough peoplo
question tho legality of thl point.
As a Result John Bolaski May Be
Seriously Injured.
John Bolaski, who boards with his
brother. Michael Bolaski. in Green's
place, Is at the Lackawanna hospital,
suffering from the effects of a fall down
a flight of stairs about U.30 o'clock last
In falling he stiuck his head Just be
hind tho lott (.ir and a contusion in
sulted. Blood llowed fiom tho ear and
the Injured man was unconscious when
friends picked him up.
He was removed to the Lackawanna
hospital, where a cursory examination
was made. There does not seem to be
any fracture, but his condition was
Mich as to pi event a careful diagnosis.
Friends had been enteitaincd at the
Bolaski home during the evening and
drinks were served. This latter fact
enteied Into the complication of the
Injured man's condition.
Seranton Men A10 Tiguring on Es
tablishing Ono Hoie.
Hon. M. E. McDonald and J. J. Mur
lay, of Dunmore, left on Satuiday for
I Raton, New Mexico, to arrange for the
development of a largo graphlto nnd
I copper property which they, County
Treasurer M, J, Kelly and several
' others from this region have secured
I contiol of. Tho tract compilses S,000
I If practicable, and they believe It Is.
1 tho raw product will be bi ought hero
! for manufacture. Ninety per cent, of
the digging Is puie graphite and the
1 other ten per cent. Is composed of mar
ketable material. As the market will
be principally in the east It Is figured
that It would be economical to bring
the law material here, where manu
factuilng can be conducted cheaper.
"Peail of Savoy" Will Be Piesented
at St, John's Hall.
"The Pearl of Savoy," a five-act com
edy, will be given by a cast of local
young people at St. John's hall, on
1 Capouse avenue, tomotrow night.
The characters of the piece will bo
portrayed by Thomas Roche, Joseph F.
Weir, Michael Campbell, Harry
i tan, Patrick Blewltt, Harry Clark, Mirs
Maiy McLean, Geitiudo Blertltt, Eliza
beth Kelly, Delia Noone, Cathulno
1 Coughlln, Angela Blewltt, Kaiherlii"
Miss Lydla Smith, of Moscow, spent
Sunday with Miss Maria Nallln, of
Main stieet.
M. J. Eagan, of Jermyn, visited his
patents on Davis street yesteiday.
The Maroons defeated the Dunmoie
team at Dunmore yesterday in a loose
ly played gamo by the score of 17 to 11.
The Mlnooka band Is mnklng arrange
ments for a picnic to bo held nt Green
wood prove on June 19,
The Mlnooka base ball club Journeyed
1 to Pittston yesterday and administered
a crushing defeat to the Pittston club,
Davin, who did the twirling tor Mln
ooka, was a complete enigma to tho
Reds. Tho feature of the game was
Calleiy'n woik with the stick. Score:
20 to 7.
Mis. Maiaret Storm, of South Ulnkely
street, Dunmore, and 07 jenrs of age,
died Saturdny from apoplexy. The re.
mains will be taken to South Canaan this
afternoon via tho Erio and Wyoming
Valley railroad by Punoral Director
I.etchwoith. Servlcis will bo held at tho
church there by tho Rev. Oeorge Eaklns
Interment will be mado at tho South
Canaan cemetery.
Emery Harding, ujred C2 jears, died
Boturdny nt tho residence of John IJ
Knlplit, 1KB Jackson Htreet. The funeral
services will be held tills ovinlng at 8
o clock at tho residence. Interment will
bo miulu at Clifford cometeiy tomorrow.
Two Young Men from tho West Sldo
Meet with nn Accident While Driv
ing on Cedar Avenue Little Girl
Tails Over an Embankment Whllo
Returning from a Stroll in tho
Woods Conflimntlon nt tho Hick
ory Street Presbyterian Church.
Other Notes.
John Neuinan nnd Edward Schaffer,
oung melt whoso homes arc at West
Seranton, had n narrow escape from
n severe Injury, or death, yesterday
They wero passing nlong Cedar ave
nue In a carriage and at tho intersec
tion of F.lich street and the uvenuo
the wheels of the vehicle became
caught In the tincks and tho young
nipn were tluown from their seats
and landed with groat foice on the
sidewalk In front of Dr. D. A. Webb's
olhce at 327 Cedar nvenue.
For several minutes tho Injured men
lay prostrate In nn unconscious con
dition. When raised up, their heads
nnd faces weio covered with cuts and
blood. They vvtio carried into Dr.
Webb's olHce but as Dr. Webb was
not at home, Dr. Kolb was called and
attended tho mim. Thiee stitches wero
Inserted In Schaffer's head to close a
gash Neuman escaped with several
slighter cuts and biulscs. After a rest
of an hour the Injured men left for
their homes.
Miss Laura Guy, tho young daughter
of William Guy, of 640 River street,
bustalued a painful accident yester
day. With a number of companions she
virlted tho No. G woods. Returning
home the party came by the way of the
steep cinder dump of the Lackawanna
lion and Steel company In "Dutch Hol
low." Little Laura got too near tho
edge of tho embankment and fell over.
When picked up nt the bottom sho was
found to be severely cut and biulsed.
Sho was taken to her home, where Dr.
llaggerty attended her.
There Is not a marked occasion of the
year more fittingly and solemnly ob
served by the congregation of the
Hickory Street Presbyterian church
than the annual confirmation of youns;
children, which event took place jes
terday afternoon. The." services wero
commenced at 2.20 o'clock, Rev. W.
A. Noidt, pastor of the church, officiat
ing. The many center pews of tho
church held the laige class of gills
and bojs. Every other available lilt
of space of the edifice was occupied by
the patents and friends of the happy
child! en. The complete church choir
assisted at the ceremony. Rev. Mr.
Nordt, nt tho conclusion of tho ccie
mony, pleached a foiclblo sermon to
the chlldien.
Last night the class was formally
admitted to the memboiship of tho
chut eh, when every one partook of the
Lord's supper. At the homes of the
many children receptions weio held
yesteiday and last night.
No happier father than Aldeimnn
John Lentes enteitaincd In honor of
tho event. His first and piomlslng
son, Tied Lentes, was a member of
the class continued. The aldeimnn en
tertained In a royal manner bis friends,
and his guests weio membeis of eveiy
sect. The occasion will nlwayst be re
gal ded as a memorable one,
Ex-Recoider of Deeds nnd Mis
Chailes Huestcr gave a reception also
yesterday at their cozy home on Cedai
avenue. Their third son, Peter Hues
ter, wns confirmed. The hours were
passed In the pleasantest manner.
The funernl of the late Ernest Knoll,
who died Friday fiom appendicitis,
was held yesteiday fiom his parents'
home on Cedar avenue. Services weio
held at the Christ Lutheran church.
Rev. A. Witke, the pastor, onicluted.
Intei ment was made In the nttston
avenue cemetery.
Conrad Plel, the whuelright, spint
yesteiday at Honesdale.
St. Irene's Ladles' T. A. B. society
wjll give a May pole dance at Phar
macy hall tonight.
Miss Gertiudo Magee, of the Strouds
hurg Noimul school, Is visiting her
home on Cedar avenue
At a meeting of the executive eom
mittop of the William Connell Hoo
company of the citv fire dopn tment,
held yesterday afternoon. It was de
cided to run the company's annual ok
curlon to Lake Ariel. August in Pre
parations will be made forthwith.
Pen Coal Delivered, S1.25,
to South Side, cential city and central
Hyde Park. Address orders to C. B.
Sharkey, 1014 Cedar ave. 'Phone CGSX
Mrs. II. Blsby, of Capouse avenue,
Is visiting iclntlves In Llbeity, N. Y.
Mrs. Suell, of PI) mouth, Is the guest
of Mr. nnd Mis. V. J. Hedilek, of
Woodlawn Paik
W. M Dunn of Delawaie street,
spent yc terday In Elinhuist
Miss Mary Smith, of Caibondale, Is
visiting friends on Von Stor h avenue.
for beintr black. It isn't
its fault if the lamp is al
ways smoking and flicker
ing. It's the oil. Stop using
inferior oil and use our
Water White
if you wish to leap what real
lamn comtort is. vvou'i
suiokc or smeii. civcs
greatest light at smaller
con man any ouict
oil. Your dealer
has it.
I' l' nrTninTnigiiiiMiili m ftw iw w
03'Send for boolc of endorsements nmlportmlta of Kmparora, Kmproa,'rliic a.Carillnalr
ArclimHiioiiiiiindothsrdlittingiilHhedptraonxoi. It H fro to all who wrllo for It
r i-m wr uuwrr nuuoc
p Refrigerators
:! At Halt Price,
'$2 It you can get a refrigerator
53 that is twice as good as the
K cheap kinds at the same price,
ej is not that equivalent to buy-
intr them at half price ? You
can get this bargain if you buy
vuj Its eight walls and air tight
S)r locks will keep ice and food
twief! .is lorifT at the. r.liprin
2 Mcars J!ulltl I nir, 110-112
Wednesday and Thursday, May 17 and 18.
100 People Participating. Bauer's Full Band. 25 Eud
Men. "The Elks' Sextette" Fred. C. Hand, J.
Evans, John Jones, Phil. Warren, Dave Ste
vens, W. J. AUes! Magnificent Song Re
citals by Fred. C. Hand, W. J. Alles
and the Great Lyric Tenor,
Mr. John T. Evans.
The Great Elks' Cake Walk
Mr. Charles Hartley, the Womlcrrnl Ventriloquist.
Al. Kccves, the World rained Ilanjolst and Comedian.
The Darktown Swells' Initiation.
A Satire on Lodge Initiation.
The entire pe formance positively the most sumptuous
production of a like nature ever attempted in Seranton by
amateurs. Note Reservation of Saats begins Monday
morning at 9 o'clock Bauer's Band and Elks' Parade
Tii2sda3 Hay 17, at noon.
Mips Sarah Courtney, of Fieeland, Is
visiting friends here.
Only 'Williams' ice cream used with
soda water diavvn at Manner's drug
Sidney BlKss has recovered the use
of his foot, which he hurt a short time
The teachers of No. S school will
hold their icgular weekly meeting this
aftetToon nt which time papetb will
be read on Interesting topic".
II. L. Snyder has twen appointed a
rpeclal olllcer and patrols the block on
Adams avenue, between Million and
Gieen nidge streets. This locality has
been the scene of many tmall robberies
and finally became a place to be dread
ed for those who had to pass that
William Tripp, of Fordham street,
has returned trom Susuuehunna.
Mrs. William Tieverton, of Hunes
dale street, has gone to Allentown to
attend the state convention of tho Re
becca lodge.
W. H. Keene has accepted a position
as wutchman at No. 1 breaker for the
Pennsylvania Coal company.
Nothing but tho purest of fruit Juices
nnd lock candy sjrup used in soda
fluvniH at Manner's pharmacy, 9J0
Gteen Itldge street.
A spirited team of hor.sos owned and
driven by John Turner, of Nay Aug,
I'fcanio unmanageable on llnrper
htreet last nlsht by n line breaking
nnd tan away The Urlvtr was froon
thrown out nnd the team narrowly
escaped tunning over several pedes
tllans As it was, they toi off a lear
whel of a buggy owned by Udward
fcwnitz, of Chinch street, who was
dilvlng along Hat per street, dashed
and broke loose from the buggy they
vvric attached to. They were caught
hv Anthony Flslnr.of Apple street. Mrs.
Sw aits', who was with her husband,
was frightened, Mi. Tumor was shaken
by being thrown out and much ex
citement ensiK-d.
Mhs Nellie Thomas and William
Foigle. both of AVIlkcs-Rano. wero
united in niairiago at the patsonago
of thu Methodist e'hurch Saturday
night. The were unattended and tho
Jtov A J. Van Cleft performed tho
ceremony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Selglc ic
turned to Wllkes-.H.trio.
The marl la go of Mrs. Kmma Klch
atdsou, of Thioop, and Thomas Mar
low, ot Bloom street, occurred Satur
day evening nt the St. Maik's LJpls
copal chut oh In tho presence of many
friends. The lector, new E. .1. Haugh
ton, olllclated and the couplo were un
attended. A reception was held at tho
residence of the bride's patents. Mr.
and Mis. Marlow will enjoy a West
ern trip, nnd upon their letuin will
reside In Throop.
Tho tenth anniversary of tho Up
worth league chapter of the Methodist
Uplscopal church was celebiated last
evening In a fitting manner. The pro
gi amine as ptlnted In Suturduy's Trlb
uno was given.
The funeral of the lato Cypilnn Von
Oorden, who died on Appl hvoihw
Filday, will take place this moir
ruT)wionvu oi ufrtii
Washington Avenue.
BURUUNDHK & KlilS. LejJsei
II. k. LJ.MU. Manmer.
AinerlcV Gu'Msst Ilopcrtoire
The Spooners
And Tticlr lilt Comedy ami SpeoUUty
Company. Cinllmioui I'crlorm-
a ices. No Walts Uetweon
the Acta
Alonday Night "INEZ "
A Mexican Nominee,
D'mo viatlneos Dallr rommenln? Tneilay
Ksenliu l'rlce, I lie, "Jllo and iJOo. LartleV
l.jotlolieu viuudvy nljht
Arsenic Beauty
Tablets and Pills
This Complexion Treatment
is a guaranteed specific, per
fectly safe and sure in its ac-
I tiou, lor the removal of var-
i inns rlisortlnrs nf thfl skin vivf
ti'iPlmnlcs. Blotches. Freckles.
vJFfn '" Sunburn, Discoloration, Ecic
ma, Ltlacklicads, Routbnesg, Redness, and re
stores the lllootn of Youtb to faded faces.
. Boxes containing 10 dajb' treatment 60c;
30 days' treatment, $1.00; six bocs $5.00
with positive written Ruarantee to produce tha
I above results or cheerfully refund 5.oo paid Sect
by mall on receipt of price, bend for circular.
Ncrtim medical bo., Cltitoa& Jackson Sti.
Sold by all Druggists Chlc!(o, Illinois,
Sold by Miliauah Thomas, Drug
gists,. WJ LuLkdwamiu avc , Seranton, Pa.
lug nt S o'clock fiom the homo of hH
dmiRhter. Mis. Gonige AVeber, ot East
Drinker street. The remains will bo
tfckon to Hnlllsteiville by Funeral Dl
leetor f.etihwoith, where interment
w 111 bo mude.
Tho members of tho executive com
mittee of tho Twentieth Century Danc
ing das nto requested to meet at tha
homo of William IJiower, on West
Dt Inker ttrcet, this evening at 7 45
o'clm k.
The funernl of the late Reuben Carr
was held yesterday afternoon from the
mldonee on Kast Drinker stieet and
manj f i lends attended, new W. P.
Gibbons, pastor of the Pie.sbytotlan
rhuieli olllclated. Interment was made
In tho Dunmore cemeterj. The pall
beat cm were Jacob Fletcher Georga
II Jackson, James McCarty and J. F.
Good ilch.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
ilnuuturo of