1 8 'f ' ?' srf " qj.yv THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAY 15, 1899. '4 tW"TVlPV'v' s t$t cranfon rt6une Published tlljr. F.xcspl mindnr. br tho Tribune t'liblliMnj Company, at I'lftyOenu Month. New VorkOIIloo: ifcON"nflU as. VRKKI.A.NU Pole Aj-ent for rortlgn Advertising tTKRBD AT TUB TOVCOVttCr. AT fWltATJTO.f, PA., AS fcECOND-Cl.AS3 MAIL MATTER. SCRANTON, MAY 15, 189D. The candidacy of Hon. II. W. Arch bald for the Supreme bench, It Is nleas Inrr to note, Is meeting; with very gen eral favor throughout the state. The Indications appear prophetic ot Its suc cess. Tonight's Moss Meeting. Thu advertisement, elsewhere In this issue, by Mr. Charles 11. Seott, of a horse and carriage for sale, "on ac count of the deplorable condition of the would-be asphalt streets, tt belnff Mr. Scott's desire to get rid of his outfit bofore It "becomes a perfect wreck," tells Its own story. Only a few days nco .mother well known business man announced the sale of u valuable trot ter for the same ic.ion. Ho would not llsk the animal h life by drlvlns It on the asphalt stieets in their pre sent condition, and as ho cor,M not filve the hoise proper "X'-icIfp, ho sold It. One ol tlif I'lisest employers of teams In the city l'ist week gave It as his cHtlmnto that the drivers of vehicle In thl rlty aio sustaining a loss in cm-csp of $."n,000 a y-cr on account of the abominable condition of tho snoots. lie said It co.-U them fully thl sum. If not inoir, for the remits needed on oairl.iKes and wagons, the etra tiJln on drmtpht horses and the InrreaM'd number of teams and drivers lenulied to .rinspoit good''. If vo count In tin' c'liount of business which these pot lml v streets piiuent from comlns to th" cltl . the new indus nlos which they dlscour.iC" mil the damavc which (hoy Indict upon the cl'.vN tcptitaiioit, nut to spc.iic of the dimagu suits in which the city is bound Miowr or later to appear as il'-lomlanl. It is probable that this eitl nntc could fairly be multiplied by two. The ctupstlou whether the l?arbr con li act was or waa not a wls and prtl d"tit fontjiict was seasonable at tho time the conti.Kt was under consider ation. Tim matter then was open to i tnpptltii.il and if ilm Impecunious bidders had been suc-ful in coaxing the Harbor people to make a deal with them, the low bid of the Barber com pany would not hae been attacked. Today the city stands in the position of having made a contract with tho lowest responsible blddi r and afterward ot trying, as a result of Intrigue, to etavl out. This crawfishing tendency Is directly and solely responsible for the lad; of asphalt repairs. Had it not been illxpluyed, the work of re pairing wai Id have been In progress months a , It is it- th business men of Scran ton, the drlers and employers ot vehi cles, to sav tonight at the board of trade mas-.-ir.octlns what they think of this kind of municipal government. After investing over half a million dollars In asphalt pavement no sensible business man would let that Invest ment go to waste for lack of a three per cent, outlay on repairs. The Trouble at Havana. Although there have been qualified olilelal denials of friction between Gen erals Urooke and Wood growing out ot their work In Cuba it is clearly evident that friction has existed and still exifcts. Only the other day the i able told us how General Ilrooke was annoyed to learn that Wood at San tiago had issued on his own initiative a decice coveting that province and aiming to legalize civil marriages; and how Ilrooke was going to notify Wood that Mich inattets had first to lecetve the appioval of himself and be pro mulgated In general orders applicable t'i the entire Island; and clashes of tills character have occurred frequent ly, They are. Inevitable under the con dition". I.etteis from ohscivatu Americans w ho have been in Cuba long enough in get at tho bottom of things supply the explanation. Hrooku Is Just as - ttisclenttous as AVood and just as mxlous to make a success of Amerl an Intel vention. Hut unlike Wood, w ho has to all intents and purposes 1 een all his life a civilian, Urooke is an Ingrained bOldicr, habituated to mll n.uy routine, accustomed to red tape, an Instiiii'the martinet In matters if fonu and ceietnony and lack ing In those diplomatic and read ily adaptive qualities which develop hes-t in civil life With Wood, tho nppeunost thought Is how to sup ply the needs of Cuba; how to do as quickly as possible what common sense leaches has to be done there. All minor consldeiutlonh and paitlcularly mere matters of formullty between in dividual Americans, he subordinates to the big duty confronting him of re constructing and developing Cuba. Hence when thete Is a thing to do in Santiago province he does It and does It well; and if Brooke were more of a civilian, that is to say, If he had moie horse sense and less military self consciousness, he would gladly let Wood alone In little details so long as Wood continued to show up strongly with great results. Urooke. thinks he Is doing his duty In paying the greater share of his at tention to questions of military dis cipline or precedence; whereas, now that actual lighting Is over, the em phasis clearly should be placed on the civil aspects of the problem. Wood had not been In command of Santiago province three months when he Issued a general order doing uway with the underlying evils of Spanish civil ad ministration. That order declared the right of the people peaceably to assem ble for their common good and to apply to those In power, by petition or re monstrance, for redress of grievances; proclaimed the doctrine of freedom of worship and liberty of conscience; said the courts should be open to every pet son, and Just remedy given for every Injury to person or property; asserted the right of tho accused In criminal cases to be heard by himself nnd counsel, to demand the nattito and cause of the accusation against him, to have compulsory processes for wit nesses In his favor, to have right of bair save In exceptional cases, and to be exempt utter acquittal from ft sec ond trial for one offence; proclaimed the security of the people In their l-uslness, persons, papers, houses nnU eifects against unteasonuble searches and seizures; announced the freedom of speech and of the press and, In short, substituted the broad founda tions of Anglo-Saxon civilization for tho medlaevul narrowness and oppres sion ot Spanish rule. It Is sufllclently Illustrative of the chatacter nnd meth ods of General Urooke to say that al though this revolutionary programme had by Jan. 1, the date of Brooke's entrance, become fully and success fully established In Santiago province, giving Immense popularity and effec tiveness to General Wood'n adminis tration, in nil other parts of Cuba the barbaiitles of the Spanish codo still prevail and American military admin istration Is yet using the discredited Instruments, to rescue cuuii irom which tho American people went to war with Spain. A good man wrongly placed often works harm without intending so to do. General Brooke is admittedly an accomplished soldier; but the work needed at Havana these iluya calls primarily for constructive statesman ship far removed In most things irom the qualities of the purely military mind. The people demand street repairs and their demand will soon become per emptory. How to Reward Dewey. A solution has been proposed by tho New Totk Times of the problem in volved in Admiral Dewey's home-coming, and it Is a good one. The Times, In common with other papers, points out the physical impossibility of the acceptance by IJowey of the thousands of invitations pouring in upon him and calls attention to the fact that Ills acceptance of only a few of the moro representative invitations would still leave many millions of fellow coun trymen In the lurch In their anxiety to greet him and do conspicuous honor to his epoch-marking achievements. Consequently our New York contem porary proposes to collect a fund for the admiral's benefit through the med ium of United States periodicals. Pro vided that one-fourth of the papeis should pledge themselves, relying on readers' subscriptions, to the sum of $300 each, says Tho Times, the aggre gate would amount to $230,000. Half of this, It Is proposed, should be de voted to building a house for the ad miral where he might prefer, and the other half to his personal use. Con gress, says The Times, according to precedents, has done all that it can do, "but there is a persistent and prevail ing feeling that wo ought to do more; that the Ametlcan nation In some un olllcial and spontaneous way should recognize the services of Dewey as the British nation offlclally recognized the services of Wellington, when It pre sented him the estate of Strathtlelds- say, at the cost $1,315,000." A popular offering of only five cents by each American voter would pro vide for Admiral Dewey a fund with which to purchase, furnish and endow a hnndsomo residence at the national capital, befitting the highest oiilcer In the American navy and the hero of the most remarkable naval cam paign in the history of warfare on the sea. Its advantages to Dewey would bo obvious; but it would also serve as a continual incentive to other ofllcers of tho navy, who are clearly destined to play an Increasing part In the national activities of the future. They would see in it more than a tribute to one particular man. It would be to them a vote of popular confidence In the American navy as an institution and a public testimonial that republics are not necessarily un grateful. A homo for Dewey by all means; It is vastly more sensible than feeding him to death at unhealthful banquets. for their prosperity they will either be very careful and considerate or else very short-lived. Let the agitation continue. Out ot It good will come. The explanation oftoied by the Churchman In behalf ot yesterday's otdlnatlon of Dr. IJrigga as a priest of the l'rotestant Episcopal church Is that In respect to thu disputed teachings of that theologian there has been done to him the injustice of false quotation, 1'osslbly; but It Is not unjust to Dr. Brlggs to say that the logic of his teachings leads to the overthrow of faith; and such a teacher Is out ot place In a pulpit of the Christian church. The decision of the postmaster gen eral that postmasters of the presiden tial class must personally attend to the business of their olllco and not absent themselves for longer than two or three days without leave of ubsenco from the department at Washington will bo applauded by the general pub lic as a business-like step In real civil service reform. It may bo only a coincidence, but the acquittal of Mrs. George for the mur der of her betrayer, Saxton, has been followed by an unusual number of simi lar homicides prompted by Jealousy or revenge glowing out of Illicit social re lations. Individually the betrayer ot womanhood may merit cold lead, but Indiscriminate murders are not a healthful sign. lleports to tho effect that Governor Roosevelt is weakening on the fran chise tax can safely be set nslde. Roosevelt is not of the weakening kind. He can be out-argued, but he cannot be bluffed. Anti-expansion has long been a dead issue, but a few of Its advocates will continue to squirm until the next presi dential election. Not the least welcome feature of Dewey's return Is that It will tempor arily deprive Bryan of the center of the stage. Admiral Dewey's health is probably not so bad as it would be If he weto to accept all the attentions pressed upon him. Harvard has at last defeated Vale in a prize debate, which ought to atone for a good many reverses In athletics. By Its virulent and unprovoked abuse the New York Sun is rapidly Increasing General Miles' popularity. moro to adopt tho policy ot terrifying tho negroes by lynching und other sav age outrages against them. Tho Savan nah paper talks about weeding out tho "lawless clement" umoiig them In order to prevent trouble. That element Is not confined to the negroes. It exists among the whites also, nnd is present every whero In civilization. Tho pilmo object of tho law of civilized states Is Its con trol and subjection by means of pnlns and penalties, Such law prevails In the statutes of tho south, und It affords mif llclent means for the protection of Its society against the lawless, whether black or white. When, .therefore, tho south proceeds to defy tho law It becomes Itself lawless. Tho whites tesort to mur der and assassination to terrify the "law less element" among tho negroes and thus confess that tho south Is outside of civilization, that Its society is worso in its disregard of law than even tho savage tribes, for thoso have an orderly and or ganized system of dlsxlpllno for their protection. o ' It is proved abundantly that only a pait of tho southern lynching are against the "lawless element." Tuke the caso of tho respectable nnd orderly negro postmaster who was murdcicd by tho whites in n South Carolina town for the solo reason that he held that office. It wus only a blngle cxamplo ot many lynching, for which there was not oven tho pretext of lawlessness. They took place, although tho certainty that their victims would bo brought to punishment If found guilty In legal proceedings, evon on scanty evidence, was everywhere ab toltite. Accordingly, thoy expressed simple vlndlctivenoss of tho most tav ago sort; and they Bre Increasing steadi ly, Instead of diminishing. Tho Savan nah paper wants to keep tho negroes as furnishing labor essential to tho devel opment of the south; but Is that the wav to do It? Is there any laboring pop ulation which would stand that sort of treatment without dangerous resent ment? Will not the negroes either wreak a bloody revenge or depart from a region whero they suffer from outrnges so un exampled in history for their brutality, and so unnecessary for the protection of society, as they well know? o When a movement for tho emigration of tho negroes to Kansas was started a few years ago, even violent measures to prevent its continuance were taken In North Carolina and South Carolina, on tho ground that it was depleting danger ously the labor supply In tho neighbor hoods to which It reached. Now, how over, propositions to drive out all tho negroes are dltcussed seriously, through out tho soutli thn lynching of negroes for various reasons, and on various pre texts, Is going on with Increasing fio quency, and political disabilities are im posed upon them. Thus every posslblo pressuro Is brought to force the negroes out. If tho whites of tho f-outh sympa thize with this Savannah paper in its de slro to keep tho negroes us a laboring population, which Is essential to Its pros perity, they will need to prove their faith by their works. They will need to refrain from political discrimination nnd inhu man outrages which make life In tho southern states intolerable for tho negroes. THE MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY. shut to him, nothing between htm and annihilation but tho thin sheathing of his ships, his cannon and hi devoted of ficers and men, ho moved upon tho ene my's batteries on shore and on sea with that unflinching faith and nerve which sometimes fall other men oven ot cour age nnd spirit and, beforo tho sun was half way up the heavens, nad tllcnced tho guns of the foe, sunk tho hostile fleet, demonstrated tho supremacy of tho American sen power und transferred from Spain to tho United States an em pile of tho Islands of tho r.tclllc." WOULD LEND STRENGTH. rrom tho PIko County Press. Hon. 11. W. Archlmtd, of Scranton, president Judge of tho Korty-flfth Judlclil district, Is mentioned ns n leading canll dato for tho Supremo court bench. Ho Is one of tho ablest Jurists in tho state nnd has wido experience In an especial class of cases which nrlso In tho mining regions and his addition to tho court of last resort would lend additional strength not only In that particular direction but also In other respects. Scranton, May 15. Every piece of goods that goes out of this store must be satisfac tory. Take your purchase home. Look it over. Think it over Don't you like it ? Can you do better ? Then, march it right back. You'll find us ready to hand back your money. No scowling, either. Closing out 100 pieces sterling silver little things, nice for prizes or presents. 50c ones, 20c. JS1.00 ones, 50c. THB REXFORD CO., 132 Wyoming Ave. A pavement worth repairing at all la worth lepalring well. Tho time for makeshifts has passed. Tho latest is a chewing gum trust. Mote power to it. TOLD BY THE SPARS. Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus, Tho Tribune Astrologor. Astrolabe Cast: 4. IS a. m. for Monday, May 13, 168'J. M Ail A child bom on this day will be of tho opinion that tho asphalt pavo repair ob structionists aro trying to causo a slump In tho horhc and buggy market. The fact that Wllkcs-Barre has not filed mi Invitation to Dewey may Indi cate that the city expects to depend en tirely on tho b.vso ball club as a drawing catd this bcason. When tho freckles upon tho nose ot one's sweetheart br-comc vlslblo it is some evidence that tho awakening from love's dream is at hand. Many an originally honest man has been labelled rogue for endeavoring to fly high la localities where tho Hying was not good. Ajacchus' Advice. If we. cannot entertain Dewey as a guest, let us at least have Ohcar l- Williams. Where the Soiifh Is Shorf-Sigbfed. In his letter to the "insurgents," lead at tho Kllnn dinner, Mr. Wana maker went out ot his way to hurl a Job lot of characteristic abuse ut Gov ernor Stone. The meditations of the saintly merchant these Joyous spring time days seem to be surcharged with bittetness. Mulcting? the Trusts. By a vote of 101 to 4 the house of rep resentatives of Texas has passed a bill providing that "If any person, persons, company, partnership, association, corporation or agent engaged in the manufacture or sale of nny article of commerce or consumption produced, manufactured or mined In this state or elsewhere shall, with the Intent or purpose of driving out competition or for the purpose of financially injuilng competition, sell within the state at less than cost of manufacture or pro duction, or sell or give uway within this state their products for the pur pose of driving out competition or tlnanclally injuring competitors en gaged in a similar business, said per son, persons, company, partueishlp, as sociation, corporation or agent resort ing to this method of securing a mon opoly within this state with such busi ness shall bft deemed guilty of a con spiracy to favor or secure a trust or monoply In restraint of trade and on conviction thereof shall be subject to the penalties ot this act." Among tho penalties Is a provision denying to such conspiratorn the right of suit to on foice the collection of accounts. Originating In Missouri, this mulct principle In the war against monopoly is evidently destined to so the rounds until superceded by something pre sumably moro effective. A strict con struction of the Texas net would sus pend all business In that common wealth, since whenever theie is a sale of goods by one dealer there is, tho possibility of its Inuring to the Unan clal Injury of his competitor. The act, therefore, Is valuable only so far as U can be Intelligently applied nnd If Jurors nre to bo tho Judges of evi dence a. new element ot uncertainty Is bound to be Introduced Into all busi ness operations whllo the Texas law remains In force. Yet Jurors, upon the whole, represent qulto fairly tho general drift of public sentiment und If trusts have to depend upon that From tho New York Sun. r SOUTIIHUN newspaper, the Press, A of Savannah, asks the question, lit "Will tho negro go?" and comes n to tho conclusion that the de portation to Liberia of tho eight millions or moro of negroes In tho southern states is Impracticable. H sug gests as more feasible their emigration to Cuba and Porto Hico, whero their la bor would bo desirable, but is doubtful about their going of their own free will. "To bo candid," however, it acknowl edges, it does not want them to go away at all. They furnish, it says, "the best labor tho southern people ran have, and If the lawless element could be weed ed out there would never bo any trouble In the south. " o Of course, tho deportation or emigra tion of thu negroes trom tho south would bo a great calamity to It. The conse quence would be fo far disastrous that, If the negroes should organizes any ex tensive movement to leave tho t-outli, there would arba forthwith a general cry of alarm, and tho whites would or ganize on their part to prevent the exe cution of the project, even to the extent of using violent measures. Southern negro labor is cheap labor. It Is pecu llai ly adapted to the conditions at tho south, and could not possibly bo re placed by any other which would be sat isfactory. It is not dlstui bed by the trudes-unlont3in which affects labor else where. It Is generally orderly, submis sive, easily contented, Industrious, and meets fully tho requirements of the agri culture In which it Is engaged chiefly. Without it. the fcouth could not hold Its own in tho competition with other le gions, for its whole Industilal system would be disorganized. a , The South, however. Is doing Its best to kill the goose that lays tho golden egg. It Is doing nil It can to destroy Us industrial odvantngo. In the llrst place, tho states whero tho negro population, or tho industrial population, Is largo, have already practically dlsfiunchlscd the negroes or uro proceeding to do it. That Is, in gross violation of our American principles of government, It is discrim inating against them politically, nnd con sequently comolldattng them In opposi tion to Its policy as u distinctive class. It Is a dangerous policy for the south In its relations with bo great u part of Its population and because of Its political relutlons to tho rest of t'io Union. It gives to tho southern votoi ra dispropor tionate a power in determining tho na tional policy, In tho election of a presi dent and In the houso of representatives, that it Is bound to b resisted and de stroyed, without regard to partisan dif ferences in tho iest of tho states. Tho Interests Involved aio too tremendous In this great nation for so flagrant a dis turbance of tho political equilibrium to bo allowed to continue. o From Lcsllo's Weekly. Tho packing and preservation of meat food products as a business was carried on In a small way In the United States up to 1S60, bliico which time it has assumed large proportions, making its great growth in compan with the development of the central west and its railroads, .c ceiving a great forward Impetus by tho perfection of tho refrigerator car and tho aitillcial ico machine. Tho building of tho railroad systems, furnishing ciuick transportation for live stock and rapid distribution of product, mado conditions favorable for tho establishment of broad Uvo stock markets at tho larger railroad centers, where eastern buyers could pro cure stock for shipment on tho hoof to their abattoirs. At these primary mar kets wcro quickly established slaughter ing houses for tho packing of staple pork products, the so-called offul being thrown away as ot no value. This was tho con jdltlon of affairs in lSwi in Chicago, Milwaukee, Uuffalo and Cincinnati, then and for somo years afterward llio main hog-packlng centers. But little was being dono in a largo way in tho ship ping of fresh beef products any great distance, dried and corned beef being about tho only articles trom beeves suf ficiently preserved to safely sdilp. o Lato in 1S60 men of economic tendencies began tho manufacture of glues, oils, etc., from somo of the waste, and eaily in tho 'boventles tho blood and other portions of llvo stock not used tor food, glue, soap, or leather, were manufac tured into fertilizer ingredients. These savings enabled the progressive slaught erers to not only pay moro for their live stock, but to undersell their competitors who did not utlllzo tho waste. During tho early seventies tho preservation of meats in tins was successfully intro duced. With the perfection of tho refrig erator, so that fresh meats could bo kept for a reasonable timo, camo the develop ment ot tho refrigerator car, enabling fiesh meat to bo transported from tho ice box of tho west to the ice box of the cast In the ico box car, A man with a sharp pencil soon figured it out that it was a saving of money to kill beeves in Chicago and ship tho edlblo parts cast rather than to ship the cattle alive to tho east, with a largo shrinkage, risk and freight on tho portions not good for food. A moro complete utilization of tho formerly wasted portions was then perfected, Tho world was tho market of distribution. Tho product could bo sold by energetic merchandising. The pack ers bought all the llvo stock shipped to theso central markets, and asked for moro. Llvo stoclc growing was oemg rapidly put on a sound basis. Instead of having to tako his chances on finding a prompt niaiket for his stock, and often having to wait a week or so at heavy ex penso and shrinkage before disposing of his herd, tho Uvo stock grower found that he could market any grade of stock any business day of tho year for cash und without delay. o The Mississippi Valley corn fields were overflowing with corn, tho prairies of tho west were carpeted with nutritious grasses. It was a safe business venture to feed cattle In largo numbets, for they could bo sold stability had been given to markets. In 18":'. 20:,910 cattlo and C,019,SH hogs wero slaughtered at four packing centers. In 169S. 3,800,000 cattlo and 23 200 000 hogs wcro packed. Tho valuo of tho product in 1S9S was estimated nt $150,000,000, employing directly nearly 100,000 laborers, and Indirectly half as many more, In addition to tho largo nam her employed on tho farms and ranges. One houso In Chicago alone annually pays out 13,000,000 in wages. Lines of re frigerator cars are run. Ice house nnd icing stations aro maintained. In an ex port way SM.235,000 pounds of bacon nnd hams, 100,217,000 pounds of pork, and 703, 311,000 pounds of lard were exported from tho United States during tho year ending July 1, 1K8. A PINE TBIDUTB TO DEWEY. We are Shown ng This week a great variety of elegaut goods in Spriitg Serges, Clecks aM Piatals You will find the prices like the goods right. W. J. DAVIS, 213 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Tic Hew Electric Clock. NO WINDING. NO WEIGHTS. NO S1MII x GS. .NO IlUI'AIItS. NO TltOUllI.i: OP ANY KIND. And PERFECT time at small cost. Send postal card and our agent will call with samples. MIEECEEEAU k OlMEiLi SOLE AGENTS, 130 Wyoming Avenue. Lewis RALLY y DAViesV HAMD-seweD SHoes I FOR LADieS FINLEY We invite inspection of our elegant new Hine of Fine Pipes, Btmlties, MUd aM Fancy Swiss, SyIss Grenadines, 114 a H6 Wyomimg Ave. J OrpMles, Wasfi CMffons. Etc, All of which we. are show ing in an unlimited as sortment of the newest patterns and designs: New line of Mack Satin, China Silk, ash W The Deadly Sewer Gas from a. leaky drain may slvo the doctor a caso of typhoid fevui to work with un Ipfs you petmlt the plumber to get in IiIh work on tln drain first. Do not hcsltiite about having tho plumb ins In your houso examined by an expert It you think thcro la th slightest detect. A thorough overhauling now will savo many a dollar later. The ,smoko test win convince you whether there is sewer gas or not. GUNSTEIR ii FORSYTH, 323-C27 PENN AVENUE. to tao Come M aucl ask to see our Wedgewood Blue, Oriental Rose, The most beautiful shades ever display ed in stationery. All Sizes in Stock till ft Waist Choice line of new Belt Buckles and Collarette Clasps In sterling silver and jeweled, in the most ar tistic designs. Jeitd audi Steel Belts, Black Satin Sasl Belts 5hirt Waist Sets, in sterling silver, Roman and gold enamel, pearl, etc., an unusally large and at tractive assortment. 510and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE THE MODEltN IIAKOWAHr: .STORE. Hartmae's tee EIMU1 is. We have the usual complete Hue of Ice Sillies, ReyeoldsBro STATIONERS ami KXGRAVERS Hotel Jermyn Building. SB From Secretary Uong's Speech nt Bos ton on :Dowcy Day. "In behalf of tha navy I thank the Es. ex club for celebratlnc tills day, which is one of tho most conspicuous in naval annals, and In paylnt' Us trlbuto of c epoct nnd admiration to thu moat con. gnicuous naval hero of lecent times. I can not claim, however that your pl.iud. its aro solely on account of this nuval distinction. Hy his display of large pov era of administration, by his poise and prvdenco and by hla great discretion, not only In net. but also in word, which is almost moro important, he has proved himself a great tepiouentatlve iltlzen ai well as a, great naval hero. In tho clus ter of military celebrities of tho recent war Dewey easily stands at the front. No captain ever faced a more crucial test than, when,' a ypar ago this mornlnjr, thousands of miles away from hum, Next, the bouth Is proceeding more and 1 with every foreign port lit the v.orld - Jllilfl WW- Cost only $1.00 and Si. 15 and will protect your trees from injury. They are neai in appearance and easily adjusted. FOOTE & SWEkt CO., 119 Washington Avenue. The Huot & Coimel! Co. There is at present living in the northern part of the State of New Hampshire a well-preserved man who wjs a soldier of the War of the Rebellion. He is sixty-one years of ae, and likes to take life easy now ; but has ailments, peihaps inseparable from the decline of life, and has found much relief from the use of Ripans Tabules. He was long troubled with frequent he ulaches ; there was an enlarge ment of the liver ; he was annoyed moi'e or less now and then with piles, and occasionally there was a rheumatic affection in his shoulder; another difficulty was a shortness ot' breath, or what seemed to be an inability to fill his lungs ; this he attributed to a stomach trouble, although he was told it was dropsy ot the heart. He found that Ripans Tabules, if taken at the time' of the approach of any of these troubles, would always stave it off, and brim; almost instant lelief. He noticed also that they brought about a condition of things that, were he a married man, would be u source of infinite pleasure, but, being single, has at times made him, as he expresses it, ' 'very uneasy." a A new ityle pa"l:t rentalnin? tri uirAHi Ti'W.T bs In a apor uuton twita imtr.iuui unow for Nils at cot Jnitr Ktortbuu vitk csNTS 1 nl low-i,rlwl hot I ltlDf4uied for tho poor AnitUocRHjiiomlaai. uneilozoa of tuonte-caWiLrcoua020i'ibiiltei)rAn b haj by mall brwurtinflr furtj-tfht wnutoUio layAliaOHimc.il. Com-isr.fio, 10 epruoo Strool, Njy Yot urakW luunua nuu.tr,) will twaeut far nit ucou. Heating, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Electric Light Wiring, Gas an Electric Fixtures, Builders Hardware. 04 Lackawanna Avenne HENRY BEL1N, JR., tieuuiu. Axent for tha VVyoiulnj Umlrlotu- iypiiT'1 FI1IEB. Uiulng, H.iisUnp;, Hporthu, HmoUaUM und itij ltepauno Cueuila.il Company' mm explosives. fcufety I'u'c rap nnd llxplodafi. itooui 101 Co tin oil muuiu;. bcraiiua. AUKNOIli-J 1HOS FOUlS JOIlNll-HMITHAiON W.K, MULLIUA.N, rittlto I'lyinouti Wlikon-Uarrj x.i i ( .. i HHHHMMIWI